Agenda Item 1 CX/PR 10/42/1 December 2009 JOINT FAO ... - codex

Agenda Item 1 CX/PR 10/42/1 December 2009 JOINT FAO ... - codex Agenda Item 1 CX/PR 10/42/1 December 2009 JOINT FAO ... - codex


Agenda Item 1 CX/PR 10/42/1December 2009JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMMECODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES42 nd SessionXian, China, 19 - 24 April 2010PROVISIONAL AGENDATo be held in the Renmin Square Hotels, Xian, 319 Dong Xin Street, 710004 Xian, People’s Republic of Chinafrom Monday 19 April, at 9.00 hours, through Saturday 24 April 2010.AgendaItemSubject MatterDoc. Ref. No.1 Adoption of the Agenda CX/PR 10/42/12 Appointment of Rapporteurs3456Matters referred to the Committee by the Codex AlimentariusCommission and/or its Subsidiary BodiesMatters of interest to the Committee arising from the JointFAO/WHO Meetings on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)(a) Report on Items of General Consideration by the 2009 JMPR(b) Report on 2009 JMPR responses to specific concerns raised byCCPRConsideration of Maximum Residue Limits for PesticidesDraft and Proposed Draft Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticidesin Foods and Feeds at Steps 7 and 4CX/PR 10/42/2Section 2 of the2009 JMPR ReportSection 3 of the2009 JMPR ReportCL 2009/33-PRCX/PR 10/42/3- Comments at Steps 6 and 3 CX/PR 10/42/3-Add.1Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds(a) Draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and AnimalFeeds at Step 7: Bulb Vegetables; Fruiting Vegetables, otherthan Cucurbits; Berries and Other Small Fruits; Edible Fungi;Citrus Fruits; Pome Fruits; Stone Fruits; and OilseedsCL 2009/24-PRALINORM 09/32/24, App. IX- Comments at Step 6 CX/PR 10/42/4(b) Draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and AnimalFeeds at Step 7: Unresolved issues in commodity groups ofFruiting Vegetables, other than Cucurbits; Pome Fruits; andOilseedsCX/PR 10/42/5

<strong>Agenda</strong> <strong>Item</strong> 1 <strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/1<strong>December</strong> <strong>2009</strong><strong>JOINT</strong> <strong>FAO</strong>/WHO FOOD STANDARDS <strong>PR</strong>OGRAMMECODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES<strong>42</strong> nd SessionXian, China, 19 - 24 April 20<strong>10</strong><strong>PR</strong>OVISIONAL AGENDATo be held in the Renmin Square Hotels, Xian, 319 Dong Xin Street, 7<strong>10</strong>004 Xian, People’s Republic of Chinafrom Monday 19 April, at 9.00 hours, through Saturday 24 April 20<strong>10</strong>.<strong>Agenda</strong><strong>Item</strong>Subject MatterDoc. Ref. No.1 Adoption of the <strong>Agenda</strong> <strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/12 Appointment of Rapporteurs3456Matters referred to the Committee by the Codex AlimentariusCommission and/or its Subsidiary BodiesMatters of interest to the Committee arising from the Joint<strong>FAO</strong>/WHO Meetings on Pesticide Residues (JM<strong>PR</strong>)(a) Report on <strong>Item</strong>s of General Consideration by the <strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong>(b) Report on <strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong> responses to specific concerns raised byCC<strong>PR</strong>Consideration of Maximum Residue Limits for PesticidesDraft and Proposed Draft Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticidesin Foods and Feeds at Steps 7 and 4<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/2Section 2 of the<strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong> ReportSection 3 of the<strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong> ReportCL <strong>2009</strong>/33-<strong>PR</strong><strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/3- Comments at Steps 6 and 3 <strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/3-Add.1Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds(a) Draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and AnimalFeeds at Step 7: Bulb Vegetables; Fruiting Vegetables, otherthan Cucurbits; Berries and Other Small Fruits; Edible Fungi;Citrus Fruits; Pome Fruits; Stone Fruits; and OilseedsCL <strong>2009</strong>/24-<strong>PR</strong>ALINORM 09/32/24, App. IX- Comments at Step 6 <strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/4(b) Draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and AnimalFeeds at Step 7: Unresolved issues in commodity groups ofFruiting Vegetables, other than Cucurbits; Pome Fruits; andOilseeds<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/5

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/1 page 3NOTES ON THE <strong>PR</strong>OVISIONAL AGENDA<strong>Item</strong> 1<strong>Item</strong> 2<strong>Item</strong> 3<strong>Item</strong> 4<strong>Item</strong> 5<strong>Item</strong> 6<strong>Item</strong> 7<strong>Item</strong> 8<strong>Item</strong> 9Adoption of the <strong>Agenda</strong>: In accordance with the Rule VII.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the CodexAlimentarius Commission, the Committee shall adopt the Provisional <strong>Agenda</strong> as its <strong>Agenda</strong> for thesession.Appointment of Rapporteurs: In accordance with the Guidelines for Codex Committees and Ad HocIntergovernmental Task Forces and established practice, the Committee will nominate rapporteurs asnecessary.Matters referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and/or itsSubsidiary Bodies: The Committee will consider matters referred to it by the Commission and/or itssubsidiary bodies that met since the last Session of the CC<strong>PR</strong>.(a) Report on <strong>Item</strong>s of General Consideration by the <strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong>: The Committee will considerSection 2 of the above report which may have implications for the work of CC<strong>PR</strong>.(b) Report on <strong>2009</strong> JM<strong>PR</strong> responses to specific concerns raised by CC<strong>PR</strong>: The Committee willbe invited to consider responses to specific concerns raised by CC<strong>PR</strong>, as presented in Section 3of the above report.Draft and proposed draft MRLs for Pesticides in Foods and Feeds: The Committee will considerproposed draft and draft MRLs for advancement, return, retention and/or discontinuation in/from theCodex Step Procedure; revocation of existing MRLs from the Codex Alimentarius; combined lists ofMRLs certain sets of related pesticides; amongst others.Draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds:(a) Bulb Vegetables; Fruiting Vegetables, other than Cucurbits; Berries and Other Small Fruits;Edible Fungi; Citrus Fruits; Pome Fruits; Stone Fruits and Oilseeds(b) Unresolved issues in commodity groups of Fruiting Vegetables, other than Cucurbits; PomeFruits and OilseedsThe Committee will consider the above commodity groups, including certain unresolved issues in afew of them, for completion with a view to their final adoption by the Commission.(c) Proposed draft Revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds - OtherCommodity Groups: The Committee will consider additional commodity groups within theframework of the overall revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds.(d) Proposed draft Principles and Guidelines for the Selection of Representative Commoditiesfor the Extrapolation of MRLs for Pesticides for Commodity Groups: The Committee willconsider a document complementary to the revision of the Codex Classification of Foods andAnimal Feeds proposing criteria for the selection of representative commodities, examples ofsuch commodities and justification for their selection.(a) Proposed draft revision of the Guidelines on the Estimation of Uncertainty of Results forthe Determination of Pesticide Residues: The Committee will consider a guidance documenton the estimation of measurement of uncertainty containing recommendations, includingexamples on the estimation of measurement of uncertainty and the application of the concept forpesticide residue laboratories, in order to facilitate better understanding of this matter by residuetesting laboratories. The document will be supplemental to the Guidelines on the Estimation ofUncertainty of Results for the Determination of Pesticide Residues.(b) Use of the Kow coefficient for the Estimation of Processing Factors in Primary ProcessedFoods: The Committee will consider a paper on the distribution of pesticide residues afterprimary processing by applying the Kow coefficient to estimate processing factors in primaryprocessed foods.Discussion Paper on the Extraneous Maximum Residue Limits for Persistent OrganicPollutants (POPs) falling within the Stockholm Convention and the Terms of Reference of theCodex Committee on Pesticides Residues: The Committee will consider a paper containingproposals on how to deal with EMRLs for certain POPs based on information on monitoring data fora number of POPs, including sampling, methods of analysis, and other related information.Discussion Paper on the Calculation Method for the Estimation of MRLs for Pesticides by the

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>10</strong>/<strong>42</strong>/1 page 4<strong>Item</strong> <strong>10</strong><strong>Item</strong> 11<strong>Item</strong> 12<strong>Item</strong> 13<strong>Item</strong> 14<strong>Item</strong> 15OECD: The Committee will consider a paper analyzing information concerning policy issues on theMRL calculation method being developed by the OECD for the estimation of MRLs for pesticides inrelation to current methods used by JM<strong>PR</strong> for derivation of MRLs.Revision of the Risk Analysis Principles applied by CC<strong>PR</strong>: The Committee will consider a revisedpaper based on the discussion and comments submitted at its last session with a view to itsfinalization in order to present a consolidated document for consideration by the Committee onGeneral Principles.Discussion Paper on the Guidance to facilitate the establishment of MRLs for Pesticides forMinor Use and Specialty Crops: The Committee will consider a revised document addressingissues relating to minor uses and specialty crops in particular further elaboration of the definitionsand identification of priority minor uses and specialty crops for inclusion in the Priority List for MRLsetting.Establishment of Codex Priority Lists of Pesticides: The elaboration of the Priority Listcorresponds to Step 1 of the Codex MRLs Elaboration Procedure. The Committee will consider adocument based on proposals received in reply to a circular letter requesting comments for evaluationand periodic re-evaluations of compounds among others related matters.Other Business and Future Work: In accordance with Rule VII.5 of the Rules of Procedure of theCodex Alimentarius Commission, any Member of the Commission after dispatch of the Provisional<strong>Agenda</strong> may propose the inclusion of specific items in the <strong>Agenda</strong> with respect to matters of an urgentnature. The Committee may propose to undertake new work, which shall be in compliance with theStrategic Plan of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for 2008-2013 and subject to the approval by theCommission.Analysis of the References to Pesticide Residues in CODEX STAN 229-1993 and varioussections of Volume 2 of the Codex Alimentarius: The Committee will consider a paper containingan analysis of the discrepancies concerning references in the above-mentioned texts in order todetermine the best way to deal with this matter in Codex texts relating to pesticide residues.Date and Place of Next Session: The Committee will be advised of the venue and the tentative datesof the next meeting.Adoption of the Report: In accordance with Rule X.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the CodexAlimentarius Commission, the Committee shall adopt the report of its <strong>42</strong> nd Session, based on a draftprovided by the Codex Secretariat.

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