Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government
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Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah CouncilsConsequently, a Section 205 Permit from I&I NSW (Fisheries) will not be required as noareas of seagrass are to be removed during dredging operations.The proposed works will involve employment of silt curtains across or within Manly lagoon;however a Section 219 Permit will not be required. Correspondence with DPI (Fisheries)(now I&I NSW) confirmed that, as LPMA is the approval body for the Manly Lagoon dredgingworks, a Section 219 Permit to obstruct the free passage of fish will not be required.However, I&I NSW (Fisheries) confirmed that LPMA will be required to consult with I&I NSW(Fisheries) and obtain the concurrence of I&I NSW (Fisheries) (Section 3.2).It is considered that a Section 220ZW licence to harm threatened species will not berequired for the works, as the fish surveys described in Section 5.4.2 have not recorded anythreatened fish species in Manly Lagoon.4.5 Water LegislationThe Water Management Act 2000 replaces the repealed Rivers and ForeshoresImprovement Act 1948, and regulates construction activities in close proximity to waterways.Principles set out in the Act generally aim to preserve and/or restore water sources,floodplains, and water dependant ecosystems (including groundwater and wetlands). TheAct also encompasses the protection of habitats, animals and plants which benefit fromwater or are potentially affected by managed activities.A Controlled Activity Approval is commonly required from the Office of Water within theDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) for any controlledactivities (including the removal of material by way of extraction) being carried out in, on orunder waterfront land (which includes land up to 40m inland from the mean high water markof the estuary). The proposed dredging operations are to be carried out on waterfront landwithin Manly Lagoon. However, Clause 39A (1) of the Water Management (General)Regulation 2004 provides for all public authorities (other than Landcom) and local councils tobe exempt from Section 91E (1) of the Water Management Act 2000. Therefore, as theworks will be authorised by the LPMA, a public authority, and undertaken by two localcouncils (Manly and Warringah Councils) a Controlled Activity Approval under this Act is notrequired.4.6 Heritage LegislationHeritage within NSW can be generally described under two categories: Aboriginal heritageand non-Aboriginal heritage. The Heritage Act 1977 applies to deposits, objects or materialevidence within NSW which is 50 years old or more and relates to non-Aboriginal settlement.Under the Heritage Act 1977, it is an offence to harm relics protected by Interim HeritageOrders, the State Heritage Register or environmental planning instruments. Furthermore, theremoval of a relic requires an excavation permit from the NSW Heritage Council.The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act), administered by DECCW, is theprimary legislation for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW. Part 6 of theNPW Act provides specific protection for Aboriginal objects and places. A Section 87 Permitand subsequently a Section 90 Consent to Destroy under the NPW Act issued by the2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 34H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah CouncilsDirector General of DECCW should be obtained if impacts on Aboriginal objects and placesare anticipated.It is the proponent’s duty to examine relevant heritage registers for the sites in the releasearea for potential European or Aboriginal heritage values. This REF includes suchexamination of registers, which is further discussed in Section Geology and Soil LegislationThe Soil Conservation Act 1938 is associated with the preservation of soils and prevention oferosion within a parcel of land. The appointment of a conservation commissioner is primarilyto control and protect proclaimed works, notified catchment areas, rivers, lakes, dams,creeks, lagoons and marshes from the effects of soil erosion, land degradation, siltation andsedimentation. Notice may be issued if the commissioner is of the opinion that the landholder has done or is likely to do something that will ultimately lead to land degradation.The Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 outlines the assessment criteria andmanagement of contaminated land which poses significant risk to human health or theenvironment. Under the Act, a person or persons (or a public authority) will be heldresponsible as an outcome of land contamination. DECCW is responsible for declaring theland as ‘Contaminated’ and will give notice to end the declaration, once satisfied that theland poses no further risk.As discussed in Section 5.1, a search of DECCWs Contaminated Land Record on 15 July2009 for Manly and Warringah LGAs identified the following contaminated site relevant tothe proposed works, within Manly LGA:Addiscombe Road, Manly Vale – Former Landfill.As this contaminated site is located on the foreshore, immediately adjacent to a section ofManly Lagoon that is to be dredged, the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 isrelevant to the proposed works.4.8 Waste and Hazards LegislationThe Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 (WARR Act) repeals and replacesthe Waste Minimisation and Management Act 1995. The responsibilities of land occupiersare clearly defined with regards to waste production, waste management and naturalresource usage. The Act makes reference to ‘waste strategies’ including minimisation anddisposal along with efficient use and disposal of natural resources.In accordance with the WARR Act, resource management options regarding the dredgedmaterial from Manly Lagoon have been considered against the Resource ManagementHierarchy. As a result, resource recovery (including reuse via land application of the dredgespoil) is proposed depending on the suitability of the resultant dredge spoil, as it is a higherorder option than disposal of waste to landfill. In order to beneficially reuse the treateddredge spoil a Resource Recovery Exemption (Land Application) must be obtained from2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 35H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

<strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong> <strong>Dredging</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for <strong>Manly</strong> and Warringah <strong>Council</strong>sConsequently, a Section 205 Permit from I&I <strong>NSW</strong> (Fisheries) will not be required as noareas of seagrass are to be removed during dredging operations.The proposed works will involve employment of silt curtains across or within <strong>Manly</strong> lagoon;however a Section 219 Permit will not be required. Correspondence with DPI (Fisheries)(now I&I <strong>NSW</strong>) confirmed that, as LPMA is the approval body for the <strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong> dredgingworks, a Section 219 Permit to obstruct the free passage of fish will not be required.However, I&I <strong>NSW</strong> (Fisheries) confirmed that LPMA will be required to consult with I&I <strong>NSW</strong>(Fisheries) and obtain the concurrence of I&I <strong>NSW</strong> (Fisheries) (Section 3.2).It is considered that a Section 220ZW licence to harm threatened species will not berequired for the works, as the fish surveys described in Section 5.4.2 have not recorded anythreatened fish species in <strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong>.4.5 Water LegislationThe Water Management Act 2000 replaces the repealed Rivers and ForeshoresImprovement Act 1948, and regulates construction activities in close proximity to waterways.Principles set out in the Act generally aim to preserve and/or restore water sources,floodplains, and water dependant ecosystems (including groundwater and wetlands). TheAct also encompasses the protection of habitats, animals and plants which benefit fromwater or are potentially affected by managed activities.A Controlled Activity Approval is commonly required from the Office of Water within theDepartment of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) for any controlledactivities (including the removal of material by way of extraction) being carried out in, on orunder waterfront land (which includes land up to 40m inland from the mean high water markof the estuary). The proposed dredging operations are to be carried out on waterfront landwithin <strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong>. However, Clause 39A (1) of the Water Management (General)Regulation 2004 provides for all public authorities (other than Landcom) and local councils tobe exempt from Section 91E (1) of the Water Management Act 2000. Therefore, as theworks will be authorised by the LPMA, a public authority, and undertaken by two localcouncils (<strong>Manly</strong> and Warringah <strong>Council</strong>s) a Controlled Activity Approval under this Act is notrequired.4.6 Heritage LegislationHeritage within <strong>NSW</strong> can be generally described under two categories: Aboriginal heritageand non-Aboriginal heritage. The Heritage Act 1977 applies to deposits, objects or materialevidence within <strong>NSW</strong> which is 50 years old or more and relates to non-Aboriginal settlement.Under the Heritage Act 1977, it is an offence to harm relics protected by Interim HeritageOrders, the State Heritage Register or environmental planning instruments. Furthermore, theremoval of a relic requires an excavation permit from the <strong>NSW</strong> Heritage <strong>Council</strong>.The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act), administered by DECCW, is theprimary legislation for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage in <strong>NSW</strong>. Part 6 of theNPW Act provides specific protection for Aboriginal objects and places. A Section 87 Permitand subsequently a Section 90 Consent to Destroy under the NPW Act issued by the2 July 2010 Cardno (<strong>NSW</strong>/ACT) Pty Ltd 34H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

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