Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government
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Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah CouncilsParameter(s)Biodiversity (Floraand Fauna)Mitigation Measuresor sediment with an unexpected composition will be encountered;› Geobags and other structures must be securely anchored at all times. Inaddition, the contractor will monitor weather forecasts, and in the event ofheavy rainfall or flood warnings shall implement plans to ensure the site issecured and work ceases;› To provide a high level of protection to biota, the maximum concentration ofthe polymer ULTIMER 7757 which will be used is 100ppm (Section 5.3).› Erosion and sediment control measures such as silt curtains will assist inprotecting aquatic flora and fauna in the vicinity of the site. Silt curtains mustbe regularly inspected, and will be removed as soon as practicable afterdredging is completed, once levels of TSS fall below 50mg/L, to allow freefish passage within Manly Lagoon;› During installation of the silt curtains, efforts should be made (as far aspractical) to drive fish out of the area to be isolated;› If, despite efforts to remove them, distressed fish are observed within thework area the on-site environmental officer will make attempts to removethem and relocate them downstream from the dredging activity. This activitywould be recorded, including date and time of incident, number and speciesof fish involved. Should ten or more distressed fish be observed in a tenminute period, work will be stopped until the situation has been fullyevaluated, Council and I&I NSW have been notified, and mitigationmeasures and work method statements have been appropriately amended.In the event that any fish are found dead within the lagoon area, these willbe promptly removed and held on ice. Offsite, any dead fish would beidentified, counted and measured, with copies of records supplied to Manlyand Warringah Councils and I& I NSW.› If protected bird breeding activity is apparent at the commencement ofdredging activities nesting sites will be avoided as far as practical to avoidaggravation of these birds and disruption to their breeding/nesting activitiesuntil such activity has ceased (Section 5.4.2);› Identified active nests located around Manly Lagoon will be monitoredduring dredging works to determine breeding/nesting activities i.e. thepresence or absence of eggs or chicks in any of the nests. If breedingactivity is still apparent then dredging works should be scheduled to avoid orminimise disturbance of the sites as far as possible;› If Caulerpa taxifolia is encountered during the proposed works I&I NSW(Fisheries) would need to be notified either by calling 4916 3877 and / oremail by email to› Dredging machinery, silt curtains and other objects that may facilitate thespread of Caulerpa taxifolia will be washed down with fresh water andinspected for Caulerpa taxifolia fragments before entering and leaving thesite. Any fragments should be disposed of by placing in a plastic bag in abin to prevent contamination of other waterways or other areas of ManlyLagoon. Further washing down and inspection of machinery will be requiredagain before it is used for work within a different estuary. All contractors willbe made aware of these protocols and they will be recorded in the CEMP.› Areas of known seagrass on the lagoon bed will not be removed bydredging operations. A post-dredging seagrass survey has beenrecommended for July 2010 to assess the impacts of dredging ondownstream seagrass;› A post-dredging benthic fauna survey is scheduled for July 2010 to assessthe impacts of dredging on benthic fauna;2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 118H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah CouncilsParameter(s)Heritage(AboriginalHeritage and Non-AboriginalHeritage)Noise and VibrationMitigation Measures› A Flora and Fauna Management Plan should be established to ensuremitigation measures to protect existing vegetation are adhered to, and aid inthe revegetation of disturbed areas on site at the cessation of works. Weedsmay also have to be monitored post re-vegetation in disturbed areas untilplants are established;› Access to the lagoon banks for plant and equipment will be established inbetween existing shoreline vegetation to avoid the need for bank vegetationremoval;› Any existing sensitive vegetation located near machinery access routesshould be protected using temporary fencing;› If submerged rocks, logs or woody snags are to be removed, I&I NSW(Fisheries) must be notified prior to their removal;› If any animals are accidentally injured during the dredging or sedimentrelocation operations, the local Wildlife Rescue Service (WIRES) should becontacted. DECCW should be contacted if any abandoned chicks areidentified;› Adequate protection for the EEC in the vicinity in the proposed sitecompound (see Site Plan in Appendix M) should be erected to avoidaccidental damage to the EEC; and› All contractors must be made aware of the presence and importance of theEEC, and where works are occurring in close proximity, fencing must beprovided to segregate and protect the EEC.› Sediment removal is limited to sediments deposited since 1992 therebygreatly reducing the likelihood that heritage items will be disturbed;› All staff working on-site should be made aware of their responsibilities underthe Heritage Act 1997, or in the event that any Aboriginal objects areidentified;› If any Aboriginal objects and/or places are located during the proposedactivities, all works should cease in the vicinity of the find. Manly andWarringah Councils and DECCW are to be contacted immediately. Ifskeletal material is identified then NSW Police would also need to becontacted;› If Aboriginal objects are uncovered, a Section 87 Preliminary ResearchPermit would need to be obtained from DECCW to determine the presenceor absence of Aboriginal objects and subsequently a Section 90 Consent toDestroy may need to be obtained from DECCW if there is no alternativestrategy available for the identified objects;› In the event that a non-Aboriginal object is uncovered, works are to cease inthe vicinity of the find and the NSW Heritage Office should be contactedimmediately;› MLALC should be kept informed of the dates of dredging to give theirrepresentative the opportunity to attend the site during dredging works; and› The heritage listed Street Trees on Riverview Parade will be identified to allstaff working on-site and if required protective fencing should be erectedaround the tress to avoid any damage during proposed works.› A Noise and Vibration Management Plan should be prepared, outliningrequired mitigation measures;› The contractor should endeavour to utilise the quietest available workmethods and schedule noise-generating activities to coincide with times of2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 119H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

<strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong> <strong>Dredging</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for <strong>Manly</strong> and Warringah <strong>Council</strong>sParameter(s)Heritage(AboriginalHeritage and Non-AboriginalHeritage)Noise and VibrationMitigation Measures› A Flora and Fauna Management Plan should be established to ensuremitigation measures to protect existing vegetation are adhered to, and aid inthe revegetation of disturbed areas on site at the cessation of works. Weedsmay also have to be monitored post re-vegetation in disturbed areas untilplants are established;› Access to the lagoon banks for plant and equipment will be established inbetween existing shoreline vegetation to avoid the need for bank vegetationremoval;› Any existing sensitive vegetation located near machinery access routesshould be protected using temporary fencing;› If submerged rocks, logs or woody snags are to be removed, I&I <strong>NSW</strong>(Fisheries) must be notified prior to their removal;› If any animals are accidentally injured during the dredging or sedimentrelocation operations, the local Wildlife Rescue Service (WIRES) should becontacted. DECCW should be contacted if any abandoned chicks areidentified;› Adequate protection for the EEC in the vicinity in the proposed sitecompound (see Site Plan in Appendix M) should be erected to avoidaccidental damage to the EEC; and› All contractors must be made aware of the presence and importance of theEEC, and where works are occurring in close proximity, fencing must beprovided to segregate and protect the EEC.› Sediment removal is limited to sediments deposited since 1992 therebygreatly reducing the likelihood that heritage items will be disturbed;› All staff working on-site should be made aware of their responsibilities underthe Heritage Act 1997, or in the event that any Aboriginal objects areidentified;› If any Aboriginal objects and/or places are located during the proposedactivities, all works should cease in the vicinity of the find. <strong>Manly</strong> andWarringah <strong>Council</strong>s and DECCW are to be contacted immediately. Ifskeletal material is identified then <strong>NSW</strong> Police would also need to becontacted;› If Aboriginal objects are uncovered, a Section 87 Preliminary ResearchPermit would need to be obtained from DECCW to determine the presenceor absence of Aboriginal objects and subsequently a Section 90 Consent toDestroy may need to be obtained from DECCW if there is no alternativestrategy available for the identified objects;› In the event that a non-Aboriginal object is uncovered, works are to cease inthe vicinity of the find and the <strong>NSW</strong> Heritage Office should be contactedimmediately;› MLALC should be kept informed of the dates of dredging to give theirrepresentative the opportunity to attend the site during dredging works; and› The heritage listed Street Trees on Riverview Parade will be identified to allstaff working on-site and if required protective fencing should be erectedaround the tress to avoid any damage during proposed works.› A Noise and Vibration Management Plan should be prepared, outliningrequired mitigation measures;› The contractor should endeavour to utilise the quietest available workmethods and schedule noise-generating activities to coincide with times of2 July 2010 Cardno (<strong>NSW</strong>/ACT) Pty Ltd 119H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

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