Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government Manly Lagoon Dredging Project - Manly Council - NSW Government
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Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah CouncilsA secondary site access route will be via Riverview Parade, to the end of Riverview Parade.Vehicles and plant accessing the site from this location will be limited to standard vehiclesonly (passenger and utility vehicles) and no deliveries or plant will be permitted in thislocation without approval from the site Superintendent (Appendix K).It is anticipated that heavy vehicle movements due to the dredging works will be largelyconfined to the project start-up stage and during decommissioning of the works. This willresult in a short-term impact on traffic volumes on local roads, but will be diluted on majorroads, such as Metroad 10.During the sediment relocation operations, there is likely to be a small increase in thevolume of heavy vehicles travelling along both local roads and major roads (i.e. Metroad 10)in order to gain site access and remove the treated dredge spoil from the site.The increase in heavy vehicles on smaller local roads will be the more perceptible impact forlocal residences. Although these impacts will only be temporary and will have no long-termeffects, traffic and access should be managed appropriately via a Construction TrafficManagement Plan.Given that a 10 tonne tipper truck is able to carry approximately 6m 3 of sand per trip (basedon similar clearance dredging operations at Narrabeen Lagoon in 2002), a total of 1067 truckmovements would be required to relocate the assumed 6,400m 3 of treated dredge spoil.Therefore a maximum of 22 laden truck movements would be required per day (excludingSundays) over an eight week period to remove the treated dredge spoil from the site (thistranslates to approximately one movement every thirty minutes during a ten hour workingday).There is the potential for erosion to occur within Nolan Reserve due to movement of plant,equipment and operations during the proposed works. Truck movements along a temporaryhaulage route through Nolan Reserve could also lead to erosion issues, and the removal ofsoil or sediment from the site via vehicle tyres.Mitigation MeasuresThe principal mitigation measure to be employed is the dewatering of the dredged materialremoved from the lagoon. Dewatering the material means that fewer vehicle movements willbe required since the volume of water which would otherwise be removed from site by roadwill be reduced.A Construction Traffic Management Plan should be prepared by the contractor as part of theCEMP to ensure impacts are minimised and that motorists are aware of any changed trafficconditions and the provision of appropriate alternative access routes if necessary. Signsshould be erected along any roads in the immediate area, warning motorists to be cautiousof construction traffic entering and leaving the works site, and alerting them to any changedtraffic conditions.All equipment and machinery at the works site will need to be contained by site fencing (inaccordance with the Technical Specification in Appendix K). If necessary the temporary2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 106H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

Manly Lagoon Dredging Project – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for Manly and Warringah Councilshaulage route through Nolan Reserve, should be fenced for safety reasons. Erosion controlmeasures, such as rumble grids, must also be implemented at site access points (i.e. theexits to the works site) to dislodge mud and soil from the tyres of heavy vehicles andequipment (in accordance with the Technical Specification in Appendix K).Pedestrian and cyclist movements adjacent to work areas (i.e. Nolan Reserve) and Lagoonbank accesses should also be considered in the Construction Traffic Management Plan.Adequate signage will need to be placed on access routes through Nolan Reserve, advisingpedestrians and cyclists of the dredging works. Consideration should also be given to Manlyand Warringah Golf Courses, given their proximity to the works, taking into account anyimpacts to patrons of these Clubs.The access points described above are used extensively by members of the public. If thecontractor proposes to undertake works that involve the movement of other than standardvehicles to these areas, then the contractor shall provide a suitably qualified traffic controller,to control the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles during the passage of eachtruck/plant movement.All vehicular barriers or gates that currently exist at the access points to the site or in thesurrounding Reserves shall be replaced and/or locked into position at the end of eachworking day.All roads and temporary access routes must be left clean at the end of every working day.Roads shall, where necessary, be swept with a vacuum sweeper to keep the roads safe andtrafficable. At the completion of works any temporary haulage roads must be removed andthe surface reinstated to its pre-existing condition.2 July 2010 Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd 107H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

<strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Lagoon</strong> <strong>Dredging</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – Review of Environmental FactorsPrepared for <strong>Manly</strong> and Warringah <strong>Council</strong>shaulage route through Nolan Reserve, should be fenced for safety reasons. Erosion controlmeasures, such as rumble grids, must also be implemented at site access points (i.e. theexits to the works site) to dislodge mud and soil from the tyres of heavy vehicles andequipment (in accordance with the Technical Specification in Appendix K).Pedestrian and cyclist movements adjacent to work areas (i.e. Nolan Reserve) and <strong>Lagoon</strong>bank accesses should also be considered in the Construction Traffic Management Plan.Adequate signage will need to be placed on access routes through Nolan Reserve, advisingpedestrians and cyclists of the dredging works. Consideration should also be given to <strong>Manly</strong>and Warringah Golf Courses, given their proximity to the works, taking into account anyimpacts to patrons of these Clubs.The access points described above are used extensively by members of the public. If thecontractor proposes to undertake works that involve the movement of other than standardvehicles to these areas, then the contractor shall provide a suitably qualified traffic controller,to control the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles during the passage of eachtruck/plant movement.All vehicular barriers or gates that currently exist at the access points to the site or in thesurrounding Reserves shall be replaced and/or locked into position at the end of eachworking day.All roads and temporary access routes must be left clean at the end of every working day.Roads shall, where necessary, be swept with a vacuum sweeper to keep the roads safe andtrafficable. At the completion of works any temporary haulage roads must be removed andthe surface reinstated to its pre-existing condition.2 July 2010 Cardno (<strong>NSW</strong>/ACT) Pty Ltd 107H:\Doc\2010\Reports.2010\Rep2580v4.doc

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