Microbiology of Olkiluoto Groundwater, 2004-2006 (pdf) - Posiva

Microbiology of Olkiluoto Groundwater, 2004-2006 (pdf) - Posiva

Microbiology of Olkiluoto Groundwater, 2004-2006 (pdf) - Posiva


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POSIVA 2008-02<strong>Microbiology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> <strong>Groundwater</strong><strong>2004</strong> – <strong>2006</strong>Karsten PedersenFebruary 2008POSIVA OY<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>FIN-27160 EURAJOKI, FINLANDPhone (02) 8372 31 (nat.), (+358-2-) 8372 31 (int.)Fax (02) 8372 3709 (nat.), (+358-2-) 8372 3709 (int.)

POSIVA 2008-02<strong>Microbiology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> <strong>Groundwater</strong><strong>2004</strong> – <strong>2006</strong>Karsten PedersenMicrobial Analytics Sweden ABFebruary 2008Base maps: ©National Land Survey, permission 41/MYY/08POSIVA OY<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>FI-27160 EURAJOKI, FINLANDPhone (02) 8372 31 (nat.), (+358-2-) 8372 31 (int.)Fax (02) 8372 3709 (nat.), (+358-2-) 8372 3709 (int.)

ISBN 978-951-652-161-2ISSN 1239-3096The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report arethose <strong>of</strong> author(s) and do not necessarily coincidewith those <strong>of</strong> <strong>Posiva</strong>.

<strong>Posiva</strong>-raportti – <strong>Posiva</strong> Report<strong>Posiva</strong> Oy<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>FI-27160 EURAJOKI, FINLANDPuh. 02-8372 (31) – Int. Tel. +358 2 8372 (31)Raportin tunnus – Report codePOSIVA 2008-02Julkaisuaika – DateFebruary 2008Tekijä(t) – Author(s)Karsten Pedersen,Microbial Analytics Sweden ABToimeksiantaja(t) – Commissioned by<strong>Posiva</strong> OyNimeke – TitleMICROBIOLOGY OF OLKILUOTO GROUNDWATER, <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>2006</strong>Tiivistelmä – AbstractThe microbiology <strong>of</strong> shallow and deep groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, Finland, was analysed for almost threeyears from <strong>2004</strong> to <strong>2006</strong>. The extensive sampling and analysis programme produced a substantial database,including 60 analytical datasets on the microbiology <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater, which is described andinterpreted here. One part <strong>of</strong> this database comprises 39 complete analytical datasets on microbiology,chemistry, and dissolved gas composition assembled on four sampling campaigns from measurements from16 shallow observation tubes and boreholes ranging in depth from 3.5 to 24.5 m. The second part <strong>of</strong> thedatabase contains 21 datasets on microbiology and chemistry covering 13 deep boreholes ranging in depthfrom 35 to 450 m. In addition, the database contains 33 completed analyses <strong>of</strong> gas covering 14 deepboreholes ranging in depth from 40 to 742 m. Most <strong>of</strong> these analyses were completed before the onset <strong>of</strong>ONKALO construction, and the remaining samples were collected before ONKALO construction hadextended below a depth <strong>of</strong> 100 m; therefore, this dataset captures the undisturbed conditions before thebuilding <strong>of</strong> ONKALO.Shallow groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> contained dissolved oxygen at approximately 10% or less <strong>of</strong> saturation.The presence <strong>of</strong> aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, including methane-oxidizing bacteria, has beendocumented. The data confirm earlier suggested processes <strong>of</strong> oxygen reduction in the shallow part <strong>of</strong> thebedrock. These microbial processes reduce intruding oxygen in the shallow groundwater using dissolvedorganic carbon and methane as the main electron donors. Microbiological and geochemical data stronglysuggest that the anaerobic microbial oxidation <strong>of</strong> methane (ANME) is active at a depth down toapproximately 300 m in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, as has been suggested previously, based on interpretations <strong>of</strong>geochemical data. However, pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the presence and activity <strong>of</strong> ANME microorganisms is needed beforethe existence <strong>of</strong> active ANME processes in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater can be accepted. It appears as thoughANME is limited to the 0–300 m depth interval due to a lack <strong>of</strong> sulphate at depths below 300 m. Thisimplies that the rate <strong>of</strong> sulphide production by ANME processes at depths <strong>of</strong> 300 m and above is limited bythe rate <strong>of</strong> methane transport from deeper layers.The construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO will probably influence the ANME processes. These processes may,therefore, need detailed modelling when there are applicable data regarding how the ANME processesreact to the construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO. Future sampling and analysis will reveal whether ONKALOconstruction has influenced biogeochemical conditions in the surrounding groundwater. If such aninfluence is found, it will, hopefully, be possible to model the underlying reasons for this influence and topredict its continuation, based on the obtained data.Avainsanat - KeywordsATP, bacteria, dissolved gas, methanogens, microorganisms, oxygen, shallow groundwater, sulphatereducingbacteriaISBNISBN 978-951-652-161-2Sivumäärä – Number <strong>of</strong> pages156ISSNKieli – LanguageISSN 1239-3096English

<strong>Posiva</strong>-raportti – <strong>Posiva</strong> Report<strong>Posiva</strong> Oy<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>FI-27160 EURAJOKI, FINLANDPuh. 02-8372 (31) – Int. Tel. +358 2 8372 (31)Raportin tunnus – Report codePOSIVA 2008-02Julkaisuaika – DateHelmikuu 2008Tekijä(t) – Author(s)Karsten Pedersen,Microbial Analytics Sweden ABToimeksiantaja(t) – Commissioned by<strong>Posiva</strong> OyNimeke – TitleOLKILUODON POHJAVEDEN MIKROBIOLOGIA, <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>2006</strong>Tiivistelmä – AbstractOlkiluodossa on tutkittu jo vuodesta <strong>2004</strong> alkaen matalien ja syvien pohjavesien mikrobiologiaa. Vuosien<strong>2004</strong>-<strong>2006</strong> laaja näytteenotto- ja analyysiohjelma on tuottanut huomattavan määrän tuloksia, joitakäsitellään ja tulkitaan tässä raportissa. Ensimmäinen osa pitää sisällään 39 perinpohjaista mikrobiologista,kemiallista ja kaasuanalyysia, jotka ovat peräisin neljästä eri matalien kallioreikien japohjavesiputkien näytteenottokampanjasta. Kampanjat toteutettiin yhteensä 16:sta matalasta kallioreiästäsekä pohjavesiputkesta, joiden syvyydet vaihtelivat 3,5 - 24,5 m välillä. Toinen osa pitää sisällään 21mikrobiologista ja kemiallista näytettä, 13:sta eri syvyisestä kairanreiästä, syvyysväliltä 35-450 m. Lisäksikuvaillaan ja käsitellään 33 kaasuanalyysia, jotka on otettu 14:sta kairanreiästä syvyysväliltä 40-742 m.Suurin osa analyyseistä tehtiin ennen kuin ONKALOn rakentaminen alkoi ja loput ennen kuin ONKALOsaavutti 100 m syvyyden, minkä johdosta tulokset edustavat Olkiluodon mikrobiologista luonnontilaa.Matala pohjavesi Olkiluodossa sisältää liuennutta happea noin 10 %:a tai vähemmän. Lisäksi aerobisia jaanaerobisia mikro-organismeja (ml. metaania hapettavat bakteerit) on havaittu. Tämän tutkimuksentulokset tukevat aiempaa käsitystä hapen kulumisesta aivan kallion yläosassa ja maaperässä. Raportissakäsitellyt mikrobiologiset prosessit pelkistävät happea käyttämällä liuennutta orgaanista hiiltä ja metaaniapääasiallisena elektronien luovuttajina. Mikrobiologinen ja hydrogeokemiallinen data viittaa siihen, ettämetaanin anaerobinen mikrobinen hapettuminen (ANME) Olkiluodossa on aktiivista noin 300 msyvyyteen saakka. Tähän on viitattu myös aiemmin perustuen hydrogeokemiallisen datan tulkintaan.Ennen kuin ANME prosessien esiintyminen Olkiluodossa voidaan hyväksyä, tarvitaan todisteita ANMEmikro-organismien olemassaolosta ja aktiivisuudesta. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, ettäANME prosessit ovat rajoittuneet 0-300 m syvyysvälille, koska sulfaattia ei esiinny tarpeeksi -300 malapuolella. Tämä viittaa siihen, että sulfidin tuottoa rajoittaa syvemmältä kallioperästä kulkeutuvametaanin määrä.ONKALOn rakentaminen tulee todennäköisesti vaikuttamaan ANME prosesseihin. Nämä prosessit voivattarvita yksityiskohtaista mallintamista. Tulevaisuuden näytteenotot ja analyysit selventävät, onkoONKALOn rakentaminen vaikuttanut ympäröivien pohjavesien biogeokemiallisiin olosuhteisiin. Josmuutoksia prosesseissa havaitaan, niiden syyt pyritään mallintamaan ja mahdollinen jatkuvuusennustamaan olemassa olevan datan perusteella.Avainsanat - KeywordsATP, bakteerit, liuenneet kaasut, metanogeenit, mikro-organismit, happi, matala pohjavesi, sulfaattiapelkistävä bakteeriISBNISBN 978-951-652-161-2Sivumäärä – Number <strong>of</strong> pages156ISSNKieli – LanguageISSN 1239-3096Englanti

1TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTTIIVISTELMÄPREFACE ................................................................................................................ 51 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 71.1 Research, development, and technical design programme: TKS-2003.......... 71.1.1 TKS-2003 Geogases and microbes present at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> .......................... 71.1.2 TKS-<strong>2006</strong> Hydrogeochemistry ............................................................... 91.2 This work......................................................................................................... 91.3 Microbes – what are they?............................................................................ 101.3.1 Bacteria................................................................................................... 111.3.2 Archaea................................................................................................... 121.3.3 Unicellular fungi....................................................................................... 131.3.4 Unicellular animals .................................................................................. 141.3.5 Unicellular photosynthetic organisms...................................................... 141.3.6 Viruses .................................................................................................... 181.4 Microbial processes ...................................................................................... 201.4.1 Closed systems....................................................................................... 211.4.2 Open systems ......................................................................................... 221.4.3 Microbial oxidation–reduction processes – “behind the scenes”............. 241.5 The microbe’s dilemma – death or survival .................................................. 262 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................ 272.1 Sampling groundwater from shallow observation tubes and boreholes........ 272.1.1 Sampling point descriptions .................................................................... 272.1.2 Packer control tests with nitrogen ........................................................... 272.1.3 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumps............................................................... 282.1.4 Test for reproducibility <strong>of</strong> groundwater chemistry and microbiology overtime ......................................................................................................... 292.1.5 Sample collection for microbiological analyses....................................... 292.2 Sampling groundwater from deep boreholes ................................................ 292.2.1 Packer-equipped deep boreholes sampled for microbiology .................. 302.2.2 Sampling, transport, and extraction <strong>of</strong> deep groundwater samples ........ 302.3 Physical parameters, chemistry, and gas content <strong>of</strong> the sampledgroundwater .................................................................................................. 322.3.1 Field measurements <strong>of</strong> physical parameters in shallow boreholes andgroundwater observation tubes............................................................... 322.3.2 Analysis <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwater using Winklertitration .................................................................................................... 332.3.3 Chemical analyses <strong>of</strong> shallow and deep groundwater ............................ 332.3.4 Sampling and analysis <strong>of</strong> dissolved gas ................................................. 342.4 Microbiological analyses ............................................................................... 362.4.1 Determining total number <strong>of</strong> cells............................................................ 362.4.2 ATP analysis ........................................................................................... 362.4.3 Determining cultivable aerobic bacteria .................................................. 372.4.4 Preparing media for most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> cultivable anaerobicmicroorganisms....................................................................................... 38

22.4.5 Inoculations and analysis for anaerobic microorganisms........................ 382.4.6 Inoculations and analysis for aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria .......... 392.4.7 Quality controls for the most probable number analysis ......................... 423 RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 433.1 Analysis <strong>of</strong> physical and chemical parameters ............................................. 433.1.1 Field measurements <strong>of</strong> physical parameters .......................................... 433.1.2 Chemical analyses <strong>of</strong> groundwater ......................................................... 443.2 Sampling, extraction, and analysis <strong>of</strong> gas..................................................... 493.2.1 Dissolved gas in shallow groundwater – comments on the methods...... 493.2.2 Dissolved gas in deep groundwater – comments on the methods.......... 493.2.3 Distribution <strong>of</strong> gases in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater........................................ 513.3 Analysis <strong>of</strong> biological parameters ................................................................. 603.3.1 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumps............................................................... 603.3.2 Comparison <strong>of</strong> sampling using the SOLINST sampler and using theborehole pump ........................................................................................ 613.3.3 Test for reproducibility <strong>of</strong> groundwater microbiology over time............... 613.3.4 Tests for reproducibility <strong>of</strong> the pressure vessel method.......................... 613.3.5 Biomass determinations.......................................................................... 623.3.6 Cultivable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria................................................ 633.3.7 Most probable number <strong>of</strong> metabolic groups <strong>of</strong> bacteria .......................... 644 DISCUSSION...................................................................................................... 754.1 Sampling procedures for shallow groundwater............................................. 754.1.1 Selection <strong>of</strong> sampled shallow groundwater boreholes ............................ 754.1.2 Sampling <strong>of</strong> shallow groundwater ........................................................... 764.1.3 The oxygen blockage packer test ........................................................... 774.1.4 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumps............................................................... 774.1.5 Comparison <strong>of</strong> sampling using the SOLINST sampler and using theborehole pump ........................................................................................ 774.2 Sampling procedures for deep groundwater microbiology............................ 784.3 Evaluating the analysis methods .................................................................. 794.3.1 Analysis <strong>of</strong> physical parameters.............................................................. 804.3.2 Chemical parameters .............................................................................. 804.3.3 Microbiological parameters ..................................................................... 814.4 Geochemical conditions <strong>of</strong> the investigated aquifers.................................... 864.4.1 Physical parameters................................................................................ 874.4.2 Chemistry dissolved solids................................................................... 884.4.3 Origins and amounts <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater......... 924.5 Specialists, generalists, opportunists, and antagonists in the world <strong>of</strong>microbes ....................................................................................................... 954.6 Microbial processes in shallow groundwater ................................................ 964.6.1 Aerobic processes................................................................................... 974.6.2 Anaerobic processes............................................................................... 984.7 Microbial processes in deep groundwater .................................................... 984.7.1 Aerobic processes................................................................................... 984.7.2 Anaerobic processes............................................................................. 1004.8 Relevance <strong>of</strong> microbiological processes to ONKALO................................. 1044.8.1 Oxygen reduction and maintenance <strong>of</strong> anoxic and reduced conditions 1044.8.2 Bio-corrosion <strong>of</strong> construction materials ................................................. 1054.8.3 Bio-mobilization and bio-immobilization <strong>of</strong> radionuclides, and the effects<strong>of</strong> microbial metabolism on radionuclide mobility.................................. 106

3REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 107A. APPENDIX........................................................................................................ 115

71 INTRODUCTIONThe subsurface biosphere <strong>of</strong> Earth appears to be far more extensive and metabolicallyand phylogenetically complex than previously thought (Amend and Teske 2005). Adiverse suite <strong>of</strong> subsurface environments has been reported to support microbialecosystems, extending from a few meters below the surface to thousands <strong>of</strong> metersunderground (Pedersen 2000a, 2001). The discovery <strong>of</strong> a deep biosphere (Pedersen1993) will have several important implications for underground repositories for spentradioactive wastes (Pedersen 2002). The main effects <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in the context<strong>of</strong> a KBS-3 type repository (Anonymous 1983) for radioactive waste in the bedrock <strong>of</strong><strong>Olkiluoto</strong> are:Oxygen reduction and maintenance <strong>of</strong> anoxic and reduced conditionsBio-corrosion <strong>of</strong> construction materialsBio-mobilization and bio-immobilization <strong>of</strong> radionuclides, and the effects <strong>of</strong>microbial metabolism on radionuclide mobility1.1 Research, development, and technical design programme: TKS-2003Because <strong>of</strong> the potentially important effects <strong>of</strong> microorganisms, as listed above,microbiology research initiatives form part <strong>of</strong> both the Finnish and Swedish radioactivewaste disposal programmes. The first comprehensive Swedish state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art report onmicrobiology in radioactive waste disposal was published in 1995 (Pedersen andKarlsson 1995). Sweden, unlike Finland, has not yet selected a disposal site, so theSwedish programme has mainly attempted to build our understanding <strong>of</strong> microbialprocesses in general. Relevant microbiology research in Finland, on the other hand, cannow be more site related, because the disposal site, <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, has been selected. TheFinnish programme started extensive microbiological site-related investigations in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> in <strong>2004</strong>, with the aims set forth in the research (tutkimus), development(kehitys), and technical design (suunnittelu) (TKS) programme (<strong>Posiva</strong> Oy 2003). Thisprogramme summarized previous work and presented the current (as <strong>of</strong> 2003) model <strong>of</strong>microbiology and geogases in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. The TKS-2003 section <strong>of</strong> theprogramme, dealing with microbes and geogas, is briefly summarized below; thissection initiated the microbiological investigations that are covered in the present report.1.1.1 TKS-2003 Geogases and microbes present at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>TKS-2003 supplied the following background to the microbiological programme in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>: Microbes were found in all groundwater studied in the Finnish site selectioninvestigations performed from 1996 to 2000 at depths <strong>of</strong> between 60 and 900 m(Haveman et al. 1998, 2000). Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were the most abundantspecies found in the <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater (at depths <strong>of</strong> 200 m and below), and tendedto be associated with groundwater at an intermediate depth range <strong>of</strong> approximately 250–330 m (Table 1-1). The deeper, saline groundwater (below 400 m) contained very small

8Table 1-1. Total number <strong>of</strong> cells (TNC) and the most probable number <strong>of</strong> metabolicgroups <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater sampled from 1996 to 2000. IRB =iron-reducing bacteria, SRB = sulphate-reducing bacteria, AA = autotrophicacetogens, HA = heterotrophic acetogens, AM = autotrophic methanogens, and HM =heterotrophic methanogens.BoreholeDepth(m)cells mL 1TNC IRB SRB AA HA AM HMOL-KR3 243–253 510000 1500 >16000 7.8 330 - a -OL-KR8 302–310 280000 NT b 16000 - - - -OL-KR10 324–332 650000 7 >16000 22 9200 0.45 0.45OL-KR3 438–443 700000 460 420 - 930 - -OL-KR9 470–475 150000 33 92 - 110 - -OL-KR9 563–571 620000 NT 1.7 - - - -OL-KR4 861–866 170000 - - - 4.9 - -a Below detection limit (0.2 cells mL 1 ).b Not tested.amounts <strong>of</strong> SRB and iron-reducing bacteria (IRB). The populations <strong>of</strong> SRB and IRBseemed to be high, particularly in the transition zone between sulphate-rich andsulphate-poor groundwater, in which E h conditions changed from sulphidic to methanic.Results <strong>of</strong> the earlier preliminary investigation phases at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> indicated that thesaline groundwater contained massive amounts <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases (despite the fact thatthe sampling techniques were not very representative). The amounts <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases,such as methane and hydrogen, were high, especially in the deep saline groundwater,and some <strong>of</strong> the saline groundwater samples contained methane close to the saturationlimit (Gascoyne 2000). The total content <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases displayed a fairly coherentincreasing trend with depth, indicating that the current gas sampling system wasrelatively reliable (Pitkänen et al. 2003). Large variations were also observable in singlesamples, for example, in the results for the deep samples from borehole KR4 at a depth<strong>of</strong> 860 m (900 and 1900 mL L 1 ), reflecting uncertainty in the quantitative results. Themain reason for uncertainty was considered to be the variable amount <strong>of</strong> waterrecovered during sampling (Gascoyne 2000). Isotopic and chemical data suggested thatbacterial, thermogenic, and abiogenic formation were all potential mechanisms forhydrocarbon (HC) formation (Pitkänen et al. 2003). Microbial analysis by Haveman etal. (1998, 2000) also suggested ongoing methanogenesis occurring below the sulphaterichzone, as indicated by a few low 13 CH4 values. Methane concentrations were severalhundreds <strong>of</strong> mL L 1 in deep saline groundwater at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. Bacterial methaneformation was evident deep in the bedrock, but insufficient isotopic data on dissolved

9inorganic carbon (DIC) and hydrocarbons impede detailed evaluation <strong>of</strong> the magnitude<strong>of</strong> methanogenesis and its effect on the carbonate system. The calculations suggested alevel <strong>of</strong> few mL L 1 for bacterial methane production (Pitkänen et al. 2003). Thehydrocarbon data indicated that the principal sources <strong>of</strong> methane and otherhydrocarbons were thermal processes. However, it was unclear whether thesehydrocarbons were formed by the thermal decomposition <strong>of</strong> organic matter or byhydrothermal reactions between carbonate or graphite and hydrogen.1.1.2 TKS-<strong>2006</strong> HydrogeochemistryThe TKS report, TKS-<strong>2006</strong> (<strong>Posiva</strong> Oy <strong>2006</strong>), described the plans for continuedmicrobiology research, and some <strong>of</strong> the findings <strong>of</strong> this work are reported here.Microbial processes play important roles in aerobic respiration, methane formation, andsulphate reduction in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater (Andersson et al. 2007b). The results <strong>of</strong> themicrobiological studies carried out between <strong>2004</strong> and <strong>2006</strong> are presented in the presentreport. Microbiological analysis will continue as part <strong>of</strong> the sampling campaigns inselected deep boreholes, i.e., as part <strong>of</strong> the gas investigations. Samples will also betaken from shallow boreholes and groundwater observation tubes every second yearstarting in 2008, to check whether construction has caused any changes in microbeconcentrations. One important aim <strong>of</strong> the research is to investigate whether constructionat the ONKALO site has influenced the microbiological populations and their activity atdepth. From the point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> long-term safety, sulphate reduction could harmcopper canisters, and it is particularly important to obtain information on the activity <strong>of</strong>sulphate reducers in groundwater close to the disposal depth.The gas data have been further evaluated (Pitkänen and Partamies 2007), and the resultssuggest a need to obtain additional data using improved sampling techniques andanalysis methods, especially from the repository depths and below. In particular,methane formation is an issue that must be evaluated. Gas will continue to be sampledas part <strong>of</strong> the ongoing monitoring programme and from new boreholes. Special attentionwill be paid to the quality <strong>of</strong> the gas analyses (e.g., by preventing contamination <strong>of</strong> thesamples with air) and to the possibility <strong>of</strong> obtaining additional isotope data (e.g.,regarding helium and hydrogen isotopes) from the gases.1.2 This workAt <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, investigations to establish the baselines for subsurface geochemical(Pitkänen et al. 2007) and microbial conditions were performed during the 1996–2000site investigation period (Haveman et al. 1998, 1999, 2000; Haveman and Pedersen2002a). Since then, a new series <strong>of</strong> deep groundwater samples has been collected from21 sections distributed among 13 deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> boreholes, using the PAVE pressuresampling vessel according to the method <strong>of</strong> Haveman et al. (1999), and analysed. Thesenew deep groundwater samples were collected over the two years from 10 October <strong>2004</strong>to 28 November <strong>2006</strong> from depths <strong>of</strong> 34 to 900 m. To fill gaps in our knowledge <strong>of</strong> theshallow groundwater environment, a series <strong>of</strong> investigations <strong>of</strong> shallow boreholes in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> was performed concurrently with the new <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> deep groundwater

10investigations. Samples were collected on four different occasions from 16 shallowboreholes ranging in depth from 4 to 24.5 m. The sampling periods were 36 May <strong>2004</strong>,1014 October 2005, 2428 April <strong>2006</strong>, and 9–13 October <strong>2006</strong>. The results <strong>of</strong> the firsttwo investigations were reported in <strong>Posiva</strong> working reports (Pedersen <strong>2006</strong>, 2007). Allthe results obtained from the deep and shallow groundwater investigations from <strong>2004</strong> to<strong>2006</strong> have now been merged and interpreted, and the outcome is reported here.As a guide for readers not so familiar with the science <strong>of</strong> microbiology, I will firstbriefly introduce the microbial world. The general textbook on microbiology, BrockBiology <strong>of</strong> Microorganisms (Madigan et al. <strong>2006</strong>), is recommended for those who wishto deepen their knowledge <strong>of</strong> microorganisms.1.3 Microbes – what are they?A microbe is a living entity that contains all functions needed to perform a life cycle,such as feeding, growth, and reproduction, in a single cell. Microbe size variessignificantly, ranging from approximately 0.2 m in diameter in the smallest bacteriumto 1 mm or more in some unicellular animals and plants. The largest known bacterium isthe sulphur-oxidizing microbe Thiomargarita namibiensis, which reaches a maximumdiameter <strong>of</strong> 0.75 mm (Schulz et al. 1999).The tree <strong>of</strong> life, based on analysis <strong>of</strong> the gene 16/18S rRNA, is depicted in Figure 1-1; itdisplays the phylogenetic relationships between the main known and characterizedorganism groups found on Earth. The organisms cluster in three major domains, viz.Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. All organisms in the domains Bacteria and Archaeaare microbes, and most branches <strong>of</strong> the domain Eukarya are microbial as well. In fact,multicellular organisms are only represented in the three branches comprising animals,plants, and fungi. Microbes can be found virtually everywhere in the tree <strong>of</strong> life,accounting for most <strong>of</strong> the diversity <strong>of</strong> life on our planet. Much microbial diversity isbiochemical, unlike multicellular life in which the diversity is largely morphological.The enormous biochemical diversity among the microbes explains their hugeadaptability to almost any environment on the planet where temperature allows life.Microbes are usually divided into five different groups, based mainly on a mix <strong>of</strong>morphological, biochemical, and molecular criteria. The most important criteria foreach <strong>of</strong> the five groups, and their relevance to a high-level radioactive waste (HLW)repository, are given below. Viruses constitute a sixth group <strong>of</strong> microbes that differfrom the other five in their total dependence on a host for reproduction. They cannot befitted into the molecular tree <strong>of</strong> life shown in Figure 1-1. Viruses display no signs <strong>of</strong> lifeoutside their host cells.

11Figure 1-1. The phylogenetic relationships between all main organism groups on theplanet can be revealed by comparing their 16S rDNA and 18S rDNA genes, coding forthe ribosomes, which are the protein factories <strong>of</strong> the cell (Woese et al. 1990). Redrepresents microbes adapted to high temperatures (60–113C), many <strong>of</strong> which utilizehydrogen as a source <strong>of</strong> energy. Yellow represents microbes that can live in saturatedsalt solutions (25–30% NaCl). Green represents the proteobacteria, the group thatincludes many microbes found in the Fennoscandian Shield aquifers. Methanogensliving at low or intermediate temperatures (0–60C) appear in light blue; theseconstitute an important group in most underground environments. The bulk <strong>of</strong> thedomain Bacteria is indicated in blue while the domain Eukarya is indicated in lightbrown.1.3.1 BacteriaA typical bacterium is a very robust organism that generally survives extremely well inthe niche for which it is adapted. It is isolated from its surrounding environment by acell membrane (Figure 1-2) and a cell wall. The sack-like cell membrane containsvarious structures and chemicals that allow the bacterium to function. Key structures arethe nucleotides and the genetic code (DNA), which store information needed for cellfunction, and the cytoplasm, which contains the machinery <strong>of</strong> cell growth and function.Bacteria are adapted to various conditions and, as a group, the bacteria can handle allpossible combinations <strong>of</strong> environmental conditions. This is reflected in the speciesdiversity <strong>of</strong> the domain Bacteria (Figure 1-1), which comprises many millions <strong>of</strong>

12species, as reflected by environmental ribosomal rDNA sequencing (Pace 1997).Approximately 10,000–15,000 <strong>of</strong> these microbes have been characterized (Dworkin etal. 2007); the rest remain molecular imprints on the environment <strong>of</strong> organisms, imprintsthat await exploration and characterization. This vast diversity <strong>of</strong> unknown speciesrepresents uncertainty with respect to unknown microbial processes that might beimportant for nuclear waste disposal. One obviously undesired species, for example,would be one that would, under repository conditions, produce large quantities <strong>of</strong>radionuclide-chelating agents. In contrast, anaerobic methane oxidisers would be verybeneficial, as they would help keep the groundwater redox potential (E h ) at a low andnegative value.There appear to be several overriding characteristics that unify many <strong>of</strong> the mainbranches <strong>of</strong> the domain Bacteria (Figure 1-1). The ability to photosynthesize is a typicalcharacteristic <strong>of</strong> green bacteria (cyanobacteria) and some proteobacteria; because <strong>of</strong>their need for light, these groups are not naturally represented in groundwater. Someother groups are also naturally absent, such as the pathogenic microbes (e.g.,Chlamydia) and all obligate parasitic microbes (mostly among the proteobacteria) thatgenerally require a multicellular host. Representatives <strong>of</strong> the remaining branches havebeen reported in various underground environments (e.g., Amend and Teske 2005).Fennoscandian Shield rocks are generally cold to moderately warm for the first 2 km <strong>of</strong>depth. The rock temperature at repository depths is some 15–20C, so thermophilic (i.e.,heat-loving) organisms will not be common there before waste disposal. It is uncertainto what extent thermophilic Bacteria and Archaea will invade and/or multiply in arepository area in which the temperature will fall from 80C to 50C over the first 3000years. They certainly can be found active in all naturally occurring high-temperaturegroundwater. The consensus today is that thermophiles will appear in significantnumbers in a warm repository.1.3.2 ArchaeaMicroorganisms in the domain Archaea (Figure 1-1) were regarded as bacteria untilmolecular data revealed that they belong to a domain that differs completely from those<strong>of</strong> all bacteria and all plants, animals, and fungi. A unifying characteristic <strong>of</strong> organismsin this domain is their ability to adapt to what are called “extreme conditions”. Differentspecies <strong>of</strong> Archaea are active under different conditions. Some Archaea like very hotconditions (Stetter 1996). For example, the optimum temperature for the growth <strong>of</strong> thegenus Pyrolobus is 105C and it survives in temperatures <strong>of</strong> up to 113C. Remarkably,this species “freezes” to death when the temperature goes below below 90C. Manyother genera <strong>of</strong> Archaea grow best at approximately 100C. The temperature <strong>of</strong> theHLW repository will consequently not exceed the temperature range within which lifecan exist. Some genera <strong>of</strong> Archaea are adapted to extreme pH levels, as low as 1 or upto 12, and some may even survive at more extreme pH levels (Pedersen et al. <strong>2004</strong>). Agroup that is important for an HLW repository is the methanogens (Figure 1-3, Figure1-4); these produce methane gas from hydrogen and carbon dioxide, or from short-chainorganic carbon compounds, such as formate, methanol, or acetate.

13Figure 1-2. A cross-section <strong>of</strong> the bacterium Gallionella ferruginea (Hallbeck andPedersen 2005) produced using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Thismicrobe is very common in groundwater seeps on the walls and floors and in ponds inthe Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) tunnel in Sweden (Anderson and Pedersen2003). The cell wall gives the microbe its form and rigidity, while the cell membranecontrols the transport <strong>of</strong> nutrients into and wastes out <strong>of</strong> the cell. The nucleic acid DNAconstitutes much <strong>of</strong> the interior <strong>of</strong> the cell and carries information necessary for cellfunction and reproduction. This organism is a chemolithotroph that uses ferrous iron(Fe 2+ ) as a source <strong>of</strong> energy. This energy is used to reduce carbon dioxide to cellcarbon constituents, just as photosynthetic plants do, but using iron energy instead <strong>of</strong>solar energy. The visible structures in this cell do not look very different from those <strong>of</strong> abacterium that uses organic carbon as a source <strong>of</strong> energy and for building cellconstituents. The differences are almost completely on the molecular, biochemicalscale, a scale that is not resolved by the TEM. The diameter <strong>of</strong> this cell is approximately1 m (photograph: Lena Bågenholm and Lotta Hallbeck).1.3.3 Unicellular fungiThe fungi belong to the domain Eukarya (Figure 1-1) and represent great morphologicaland biochemical diversity. There are data in the scientific literature that demonstratefungi to be natural inhabitants <strong>of</strong> intra-terrestrial environments (Reitner et al. 2005). Theunicellular fungi include yeast, which can commonly ferment many different organiccompounds to form carbon dioxide, organic acids, alcohols, and hydrogen. Some <strong>of</strong>

14these organic acids, for example, citric acid, are excellent chelating agents and aretherefore undesired in a repository in the case <strong>of</strong> a canister failure. Mould is anothergroup <strong>of</strong> fungi regarded as unicellular, despite their ability to form multicellular mycelia(i.e., networks <strong>of</strong> threads); each cell in a mycelium is capable <strong>of</strong> a complete life cycleand therefore falls into the microbe category. Some yeasts are capable <strong>of</strong> performinganaerobic metabolism (i.e., <strong>of</strong> living without oxygen) and are small, typically no biggerthan a few m or more, which makes them suitable for life in the narrow aquifers <strong>of</strong>hard rock. Recent investigations <strong>of</strong> groundwater from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory(HRL) in Sweden (Ekendahl et al. 2003) identify yeast as a natural part <strong>of</strong> thesubterranean biosphere in Fennoscandian Shield igneous rock aquifers (Figure 1-5).This finding introduces uncertainty regarding repository performance with respect t<strong>of</strong>ungal chelating agents and their influence on radionuclide migration.1.3.4 Unicellular animalsUnicellular animals belong to the domain Eukarya. They are found in all taxonomicbranches except the fungi and plant branches (Figure 1-1). Their natural presence indeep groundwater remains to be established. Some unicellular animals, particularly theflagellates, are so small (a few m) that they are difficult to distinguish from largebacteria and yeasts. Their obvious function in deep groundwater ecosystems would beas grazers <strong>of</strong> other microbes (Figure 1-6). Many unicellular animals feed on organisms<strong>of</strong> the domains Bacteria and Archaea.1.3.5 Unicellular photosynthetic organismsUnicellular photosynthetic microbes are found in several branches <strong>of</strong> the domainBacteria and also in the plant branch <strong>of</strong> the domain Eukarya (Figure 1-1). The domainArchaea does not contain any known true photosynthetic organisms. The process <strong>of</strong>photosynthesis requires light (Figure 1-6), which is not available underground, except inartificially illuminated vaults and tunnels. Mosses, cyanobacteria, and some otherphotosynthetic organisms have been observed in the Äspö HRL tunnel and willcertainly occur where there is light in a repository during the open phase. Theseorganisms fix carbon dioxide as organic carbon and therefore add some organicsubstances to the repository environment. Their activity in open deposition tunnels,however, is not foreseen to interfere with the long-term performance <strong>of</strong> the HLWrepository.

15Growth rate (h -1 ) rate (h -1 ) 10 20 30 40 50 60Incubation temperature (°C)Figure 1-3. Methanobacteriumsubterraneum is a genus <strong>of</strong> Archaeaisolated from the Äspö HRL aquifersand characterized (Kotelnikova et al.1998). Its temperature (A), pH (B), andsalt (C) requirements include values <strong>of</strong>these parameters typical in therepository. This species is thus likely tobe an important inhabitant <strong>of</strong> therepository when the temperature isbelow 50C.Growth rate (h -1 )00.500.400.300.200.1000 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.5NaCl (M)_B6 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10pHFigure 1-4. Aut<strong>of</strong>luorescent image <strong>of</strong> Methanobacterium subterraneum. Methanogenscontain a unique molecule, coenzyme F 420 , that takes part in methane formation. Themore active the methanogenesis <strong>of</strong> the cells, the more F 420 is present. This moleculefluoresces turquoise when irradiated with ultraviolet light. The methanogens on theimage were consequently very active in the pure culture from which this specimen came.

16Figure 1-5. Scanning electron micrographs <strong>of</strong> yeast strains isolated from Äspö HRL(Ekendahl et al. 2003). Using sterile syringes and needles, groundwater was sampleddirectly from fractures and boreholes and placed in appropriate culturing media.Growth <strong>of</strong> yeast and fungi occurred frequently. The isolated yeasts depicted wereunique, representing new species having growth demands that correlated with theenvironmental conditions in groundwater at the repository depth <strong>of</strong> 500 m. The strainsshown are: a) strain J1 (enlargement 8000, bar = 2 m), b) strain J2 (9000, bar = 2m), c) J3 (enlargement 8000, bar = 2 m), d) strain C (9000, bar = 1 m, arrowshows typical bud scar), and e) strain 5e (6750, bar = 2 m; the arrow indicatesexopolymeric material). Images are reproduced from Ekendahl et al. (2003).

17Figure 1-6. Unicellular plants and animals are also microbes. All functions they needin order to live are contained in a single cell. The yellow-brown diatom in the imagemakes dextrose out <strong>of</strong> light, water, and carbon dioxide. The cell is not entirelywatertight, and some <strong>of</strong> the sugar leaks out between the shell halves. Bacteria sense thisand gather around the diatom to consume the crumbs from the algal “dining table”.The little round object in the top left corner is a small, unicellular animal with tw<strong>of</strong>lagella with which it swims. It swims fast and hunts bacteria to eat them. The big blobin the bottom left is an amoeba. An amoeba is an unicellular animal with a cellmembrane but no definite shape. It flows over surfaces as would a sack <strong>of</strong> potatoes; the“potatoes” push in the direction the amoeba wants to move, thereby rolling the wholesack in the desired direction. It typically engulfs bacteria, which it ingests (From:Pedersen <strong>2004</strong>).

181.3.6 VirusesA virus is a non-cellular genetic element that uses living cells for its own reproduction.Viruses can be found in one <strong>of</strong> several different states. Outside cells, a virus is asubmicroscopic particle that contains a nucleic acid surrounded by a shell <strong>of</strong> proteinscalled a capsid. In this state, the virus is lifeless and does not carry out any biochemicalreactions. The main function <strong>of</strong> the capsid is to carry the genetic material, the nucleicacids, from one host cell to another. When the genetic material enters a new host cell,viral reproduction occurs. The genetic material <strong>of</strong> the virus takes over the cellmachinery and produces many new copies <strong>of</strong> the virus. When a virus enters and infectsa bacterium the result is usually disastrous for the bacterium. When the virus hasmultiplied, what is left <strong>of</strong> the cell lyses and breaks up and many new viruses are readyto search for a new host to infect and kill. This is called a lytic infection. Sometimes, thegenetic material <strong>of</strong> the virus can be incorporated into the genetic material <strong>of</strong> the hostcell. When the host cell multiplies, so does the genetic material <strong>of</strong> the virus. Thisprocess is called a lysogenic infection.Viruses that infect microorganisms have been found around the world, including insome <strong>of</strong> the most extreme environments on Earth, such as hot spring water (Rachel et al.2002), Antarctic lakes (Lisle and Priscu <strong>2004</strong>), and deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems(Ortmann and Suttle 2005). The presence <strong>of</strong> prokaryotes in deep intra-terrestrial andsub-seafloor environments to a depth <strong>of</strong> at least 3.3 km has been established (Amendand Teske 2005; Lin et al. <strong>2006</strong>), but viruses have so far not been reported. Previousstudies (Pedersen 2001) <strong>of</strong> groundwater from deep granitic aquifers revealedmicroorganisms in numbers <strong>of</strong> 10 4 to 10 6 cells mL –1 , which is at or above the lowerlimit for the replication <strong>of</strong> prokaryotic viruses (Wiggins and Alexander 1985). Anabundant diversity <strong>of</strong> viruses has recently been discovered in granitic groundwater fromdepths <strong>of</strong> 69 to 455 m in the Äspö HRL, Sweden. Fluorescent microscopy counts werein the range <strong>of</strong> 10 8 to 10 10 virus-like particles L –1 groundwater; these counts generallyexceeded the microbial counts by a factor <strong>of</strong> 10, which is a ratio typical <strong>of</strong> ecosystemscontaining active viruses and microorganisms in surface environments (Maranger andBird 1996; Suttle 2005). At concentrations <strong>of</strong> 10 10 virus-like particles L –1 groundwater,viruses contribute significantly to the pool <strong>of</strong> colloids. This effect has previously beenoverlooked, because <strong>of</strong> our ignorance <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> viruses in deep groundwater.Using transmission electron microscopy, four distinct main viral morphologies werefound in Äspö HRL groundwater encompassing polyhedral, tailed, filamentous, andpleomorphic forms that could be further divided into 12 distinct morphological subgroups,in accordance with recent assessments <strong>of</strong> prokaryotic virus diversity(Ackermann 2007). In addition, a tailed virus that infects the indigenous sulphatereducingbacterium Desulfovibrio aespoeensis (Motamedi and Pedersen 1998) wasisolated and subsequently detected in significant numbers in some groundwater samples(Figure 1-7). The presence <strong>of</strong> active lytic viruses in deep groundwater is a directindicator <strong>of</strong> virus–microbe, predator–prey interactions in intra-terrestrial ecosystems.The infection <strong>of</strong> microorganisms by viruses may contribute to the transfer <strong>of</strong> DNAbetween host cells, implying that viral transduction is important for the diversification<strong>of</strong> intra-terrestrial microorganisms.

19Figure 1-7. The morphologies <strong>of</strong> viruses, isolated from deep groundwater, that werelytic for Desulfovibrio aespoeensis (Motamedi and Pedersen 1998) growing in amedium for sulphate-reducing bacteria, shown in transmission electron micrographs aand b. Images c and d show viruses (indicated by arrows) at the surface <strong>of</strong> a bacterium.Images were taken using 70,000 magnification in ac and 45,000 magnification in d.Images a and b are <strong>of</strong> a virus isolate denoted E, c <strong>of</strong> isolate D, and d <strong>of</strong> isolate B. Thescale bar represents 100 nm in ac and 500 nm in d. (Photograph: Hallgerd Eydal).The lack <strong>of</strong> large microbial biomass in intra-terrestrial environments has usually beentaken as evidence that any microorganisms present there are inactive or metabolizingextremely slowly (Kerr 2002). The new results regarding virus presence at the ÄspöHRL <strong>of</strong>fer an alternative explanation <strong>of</strong> what viruses control active microbialpopulations in deep intra-terrestrial environments. Viruses encounter the cell walls <strong>of</strong>their hosts by chance, and attach to them before infection. The infection rate thusdepends on the numbers <strong>of</strong> both viruses and available hosts. As the number <strong>of</strong> hostsdecreases in response to lysis, the number <strong>of</strong> potential host cells also decreases, as willvirus replication and abundance. If the rate <strong>of</strong> microorganism growth equals the rate <strong>of</strong>infection and lysis, the overall number <strong>of</strong> microorganisms will remain within a rangedefined by the infectivity <strong>of</strong> the viruses.Viruses are completely dependent on active and growing host microorganisms for theirreproduction. The number <strong>of</strong> viruses has been demonstrated to be significantly relatedto bacterial turnover in samples from deep Mediterranean sediments (Danovaro et al.2002), to bacterial activity in sediments from Nivå Bay in Denmark (Middelboe et al.2003), and to the number <strong>of</strong> host cells in the Adriatic Sea aquatic system (Corinaldesi etal. 2003). High ratios <strong>of</strong> viral to bacterial numbers have been observed at the Äspö HRLand are indicative <strong>of</strong> viruses actively infecting microorganisms that must bemetabolically active. It confirms previously obtained energy source assimilation data(Pedersen and Ekendahl 1992a) and recent ATP analysis data (Eydal and Pedersen

202007), both <strong>of</strong> which suggested that the investigated microorganisms were in a state <strong>of</strong>active growth. Predator–prey relationships may be present in deep groundwatercontaining active and growing microorganisms, just as they are in many surfaceenvironments. However, as many intra-terrestrial environments are stagnant with low orno advective flow <strong>of</strong> water, intra-terrestrial microorganisms may be growth limited dueto low access to energy over time. The observed metabolic rates may thus be muchslower than in surface water, but the low numbers could be a result <strong>of</strong> predation ratherthan <strong>of</strong> starvation.1.4 Microbial processesMicrobiological decomposition and the production <strong>of</strong> organic material depend on theenergy sources and electron acceptors present (Madigan and Martinko <strong>2006</strong>). Organiccarbon and methane and reduced inorganic molecules, including hydrogen, are possibleenergy sources in the repository environment. During the microbial oxidation <strong>of</strong> theseenergy sources, microbes preferentially use electron acceptors in a particular order (asdepicted in Figure 1-8): first oxygen, and thereafter nitrate, manganese, iron, sulphate,sulphur, and carbon dioxide are utilized. Simultaneously, fermentative processes supplythe metabolizing microorganisms with, for example, hydrogen and short-chain organicacids. As the solubility <strong>of</strong> oxygen in water is low, and because oxygen is the preferredelectron acceptor <strong>of</strong> many bacteria that utilize organic compounds in shallowgroundwater, anaerobic environments and processes usually dominate at depth in thesubterranean environment.The reduction <strong>of</strong> microbial electron acceptors may significantly alter the chemistry <strong>of</strong>groundwater. Dissolved nitrate is reduced to gaseous nitrogen, solid manganese and ironoxides are reduced to dissolved species, and the sulphur in sulphate is reduced tosulphide (Figure 1-8). In addition, the metabolic processes <strong>of</strong> some microorganismsproduce organic carbon, such as acetate, from the inorganic gases carbon dioxide andhydrogen, while other microorganisms produce methane from these gases; all theseprocesses generally lower the redox potential, E h . Most <strong>of</strong> these microbiologicallymediated reactions will not occur in a lifeless groundwater environment lacking thecascade <strong>of</strong> biochemical reactions going on inside the cell membranes (Figure 1-2) <strong>of</strong>microorganisms. The mere presence <strong>of</strong> sulphide in a low-temperature graniticgroundwater provides indisputable evidence <strong>of</strong> microbiological sulphate reduction.However, concentrations <strong>of</strong> reduced electron acceptors alone will not reveal when,where, and at what rate the individual microbial processes take place. Hence, robust,sound, and reproducible methods for estimating the rate at which microbial processesoccur have had to be applied. Methods for analysing microbial process rates have beendeveloped and tested under open and closed in situ conditions in the Äspö HRL situated450 m underground. <strong>Groundwater</strong> that contained microorganisms, coming from afracture adjacent to the laboratory, was circulated under in situ pressure and chemistryvia flow cells that mimicked the conditions <strong>of</strong> fractured rock. The focus wasdetermining the rate <strong>of</strong> the reduction <strong>of</strong> sulphate to sulphide and the rate <strong>of</strong> theproduction <strong>of</strong> acetate from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Changing from an open to aclosed system resulted in significant changes in the biogeochemistry (Hallbeck andPedersen 2008). The conceptual difference between closed and open systems, whichexplains this change, is presented next.

21HydrolysisO 2H 2 OOrganic polymersMonomersAerobic bacteriaCO 2NO 3 N 2HydrolysisOrganic acids,alcoholsOligo- andmonomersFermentativebacteriaAcetateH 2 + CO22DenitrifyingbacteriaManganesereducingbacteriaIron-reducingbacteriaSulphate-reducingbacteriaSulphur-reducingbacteriaMn 4+ Mn 2+Fe 3+ Fe 2+SO24 S 2S 0 S 2CO 2CO 2CO 2CO 2CO 2MethanogensCH 4Syntrophic bacteriaAcetogenic bacteriaH 2 + CO 2AcetateFigure 1-8. Possible pathways for the flow <strong>of</strong> carbon in the subterranean environment.Organic carbon is respired with oxygen, if present, or else fermentation and anaerobicrespiration occur with an array <strong>of</strong> different electron acceptors.1.4.1 Closed systemsThe usual way to culture microorganisms in the laboratory is by using batch cultures. Aculture vessel is supplied with all constituents necessary for growth, and is inoculatedwith the microbe <strong>of</strong> interest. A typical batch growth curve can be registered (Figure1-9). First, there is an adaptation phase during which the cells adjust to the conditions inthe culture vessel. Then the cells start to divide and grow exponentially to high counts,doubling their number over constant time intervals. Finally, growth is arrested whensome limiting component is used up, or when a toxic component is formed andaccumulates to too high a concentration (e.g., alcohol, in fermentation cultures). Figure1-9 indicates that the cells are basically active only during the exponential growthphase. The batch culture represents a closed system with no input or output <strong>of</strong>components. It is a superb tool for many research purposes in the laboratory, but it doesnot mimic the life <strong>of</strong> microbes in natural environments. The environment generallyconsists <strong>of</strong> a huge number <strong>of</strong> open systems with continuous input and output <strong>of</strong> matterbetween them. Models <strong>of</strong> microbial processes in the repository should therefore bebased on continuous culture conditions, as described below, rather than on batch cultureconditions.

2210 000 000Living cellsper ml1 000 000Stationary phaseDeclination phase100 00010 000Log phaseRelative activityper cell1 00010011001TimeFigure 1-9. A schematic representation <strong>of</strong> microbial growth in a closed batch culture.The microbes are basically active only during the exponential growth phase, when theydouble in number within specific time periods. The doubling time can be as short as 15min for some easily cultivated microbes or may be many hours for more recalcitrantmicrobes.1.4.2 Open systemsHard rock aquifers can be considered open systems. A particular fracture will containwater <strong>of</strong> a composition that reflects the origin <strong>of</strong> the water and the various reactionsbetween the solid and liquid phases occurring along the flow path. A new compositionmay be the result <strong>of</strong> two fractures meeting and their waters mixing. Though theseprocesses may be slow, there is a continuum <strong>of</strong> varying geochemical conditions in hardrock aquifers at repository depth, and the repository, with all the alien substances addedby construction, will add variance to these conditions. Microbes are experts at utilizingany energy in the environment that becomes thermodynamically available forbiochemical reactions. A slow but steady flow <strong>of</strong> organic carbon from the surface or aflow <strong>of</strong> reduced gases, such as hydrogen and methane from the interior <strong>of</strong> the planet orhydrogen from iron corrosion processes, will ultimately be the driving forces <strong>of</strong> theactive life <strong>of</strong> deep aquifer microbes in and around an HLW repository.

2310 000 000Living cellsper mlEnergy availabilityover time decreases1 000 000Energy availabilityover time increases100 00010 000Relative activityper cell1 00011001001TimeFigure 1-10. The graph is a schematic representation <strong>of</strong> microbial growth in an open,continuous culture system. The microbes are continuously active at a constant level,except for periods when there is a decrease in energy availability over time. Thedoubling time <strong>of</strong> the population can be very long and, if growth is counteracted by viralpredation, the numbers observed will remain relatively constant.The continuous growth <strong>of</strong> microbes can be studied in the laboratory using a chemostat,in which the culture vessel is continuously supplied with energy via a slow inflow <strong>of</strong>nutrients. The inflow is balanced by an outflow that removes waste products and somecells. Though the number <strong>of</strong> microbe cells will therefore remain constant in thechemostat, the microbes that remain will be active (Figure 1-10). Unlike a batch system,a chemostat system is open, as it incorporates both an influx and outflow <strong>of</strong> matter. Thecontinuous culture conditions <strong>of</strong> the chemostat are applicable to any hard rock aquiferexperiencing a flux <strong>of</strong> matter through the continuous mixing <strong>of</strong> groundwater <strong>of</strong> varyingcompositions. Though the flows may be very slow in such aquifers, they will besignificant over geological time scales.The open, continuous culture system concept can be used when interpretingmicrobiology data for groundwater, such as the number <strong>of</strong> cells in a chosen groundwatermeasured at various times. If we apply the batch concept (Figure 1-9), we wouldconclude that the microbes are not growing and are inactive because we do not registerany increase in cell numbers over time. In contrast, with the continuous culture concept(Figure 1-10), it can be predicted that the microbes will be active and growing slowlyunder constant environmental conditions over the time period studied. This predictionrequires the existence <strong>of</strong> processes that counteract an increase in cell numbers due to

24growth. Viruses that attack and infect microbes (1.3.6) may neutralize cell growth. Theiractivity results in the lysis <strong>of</strong> infected cells and in the production <strong>of</strong> new viruses. Thisprocess, which occurs in most surface environments, has recently been found in thedeep aquifers <strong>of</strong> the Äspö HRL (1.3.6).A special case is the possible occurrence <strong>of</strong> microbes that grow attached to aquifersurfaces, a phenomenon repeatedly observed in groundwater from deep hard rockaquifers (Ekendahl and Pedersen 1994). Such bi<strong>of</strong>ilms will increase their cell numbersuntil they reach steady state, as previously described for the continuous growth <strong>of</strong>unattached microbes. A comparison <strong>of</strong> the hypothetical cell numbers and activities <strong>of</strong>attached versus unattached bacteria in a 0.1-mm wide fracture was previously done (seeTable 4.5 in Pedersen 2001). It demonstrated the potential importance <strong>of</strong> attached versusunattached microorganisms in underground environments. The studied microorganismsattached to artificial surfaces generally exhibited greater activity per cell than did theunattached microorganisms. Taken together with the cell numbers, there were up to fiveorders <strong>of</strong> magnitude more activity on the surfaces than in the groundwater. It is still anopen question whether attached bacteria are common and active on aquifer rocksurfaces under pristine conditions.1.4.3 Microbial oxidation–reduction processes – “behind the scenes”The biological oxidation–reduction processes presented in Figure 1-8 are commonlyrepresented by general stoichiometric summary reactions. However, the actualbiochemical reaction pathways are always much more complicated, <strong>of</strong>ten including acascade <strong>of</strong> biochemical enzyme-catalysed reactions inside the living cells that arestrictly controlled by the genetic code (i.e., DNA) <strong>of</strong> the individual cells. In addition,feedback and substrate-level control mechanisms may also be active. It is important tounderstand the biochemistry underlying summary reactions, otherwise the output <strong>of</strong>biological process models may be wrong. The reduction <strong>of</strong> the sulphur in sulphate tosulphide is used below to demonstrate the difference between a summary reaction andthe full biochemical process.Consider the summary equation for sulphate reduction with lactate as the electrondonor:2CH 3 CHOHCOO + SO 4 2 2CH 3 COO + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 O + S 2 (Eq. 1-1)The reaction would seem to indicate that lactate reacts directly with sulphate resulting inthe formation <strong>of</strong> acetate, carbon dioxide, and sulphide. This, however, is very far fromwhat actually happens. In fact, lactate and sulphate never make contact, but rather aredealt with by the bacterium in two separate biochemical pathways inside the cell (Figure1-11). Lactate is split into acetate and formate via pyruvate, and the formate is thenoxidized to carbon dioxide. This process involves three enzymes (i.e., lactatedehydrogenase, pyruvate formate lyase, and formate hydrogenolyase) and an oxidizedproton–electron transport molecule denoted nicotinamid adenine nucleotide (NAD + ).The electrons released are used as electron donors in reducing sulphate via a membraneboundrespiration chain. Consequently, the oxidation <strong>of</strong> the organic carbon is not

25Cell membraneLactateX4H 28H +Sulphate-reducingbacteriumoutside8eH 2-aseDNAinsideLactateLDHPyruvateGenetic controlAcetate + FormateCO 2+ H 2SO 42XH 2 SH +Cyt c 3Hmce FeSproteinATP2e SO 42ATP-sulfurylaseSO23ATP6e SulphitereductaseADPAPSH 2S(excreted)Figure 1-11. Electron transport and energy conservation in sulphate-reducing bacteria.In addition to external hydrogen (H 2 ), H 2 originating from the catabolism <strong>of</strong> organiccompounds such as lactate and pyruvate can fuel hydrogenase with electrons viaenzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). The protons released by thehydrogenase feed the proton gradient across the cell membrane, and this gradientchanges ADP to ATP via ATP-ase. The enzymes hydrogenase (H 2 -ase), cytochrome c 3(cyt c 3 ), and a cytochrome complex (Hmc) are periplasmic proteins located between theouter and inner membranes <strong>of</strong> the cell. A separate protein functions to shuttle electronsacross the cytoplasmic cell membrane to a cytoplasmic iron-sulphur protein (FeS) thatsupplies the adenosine 5´-phosphosulphate (APS) reductase (forming SO 3 2 ) andsulphite reductase (forming H 2 S). The process <strong>of</strong> sulphate reduction is controlled by thegenetic code (i.e., DNA) <strong>of</strong> the bacterium. Environmental conditions are scanned bybacterial sensors that send messages to the DNA, which turns the sulphate reduction onand <strong>of</strong>f under favourable and unfavourable conditions, respectively.directly connected to the reduction <strong>of</strong> the sulphate. This is an important point valid forall processes depicted in Figure 1-8. Sulphate reduction will occur only when the cellneeds to get rid <strong>of</strong> electrons that have generated a proton gradient across the cellmembrane. From this, it should be clear that the rate <strong>of</strong> sulphate reduction cannot bedetermined solely from concentrations <strong>of</strong> sulphate and lactate. Rather, the needs <strong>of</strong> thecell are what determines whether sulphate reduction will occur and at what rate. If, forexample, the cell lacks a crucial element needed to synthesize an enzyme involved insulphate reduction, the process will not proceed at all, even if there is plentiful lactateand sulphate in the environment around the cell.

26Turning to other processes, such as iron, manganese, and nitrate reduction, acetateformation, and methanogenesis, will reveal other biochemical pathways, each <strong>of</strong> whichis unique to the respective process. An endless array <strong>of</strong> more or less intricately linkedprocesses can be found by anyone looking into a microbiology textbook, such as BrockBiology <strong>of</strong> Microorganisms (Madigan and Martinko. <strong>2006</strong>). A full understanding <strong>of</strong>microbial oxidation–reduction processes is thus very complex. It becomes necessary todevelop model approximations and simplifications that do not violate the rules <strong>of</strong>microbial biochemistry, otherwise the model output may be wrong. Later in the presentreport (4.7), the problems <strong>of</strong> understanding microbial biochemistry in groundwater willbe brought up in relation to the obtained results.1.5 The microbe’s dilemma – death or survivalIn periods <strong>of</strong> inactivity due to lack <strong>of</strong> energy and necessary nutrients, or due to otherenvironmental constraints, such as desiccation or slowly decreasing water activity,microbes can do one <strong>of</strong> two things: die or enter one <strong>of</strong> many possible dormancy states.Different species have different ways <strong>of</strong> addressing the problem <strong>of</strong> unfavourableconditions for active life. The most resistant form <strong>of</strong> survival is the endospore formedby certain gram-positive and sulphate-reducing bacteria. An endospore displays nomeasurable signs <strong>of</strong> life yet, after many years <strong>of</strong> inactivity, it can germinate into anactively growing cell within hours. It resists desiccation, radiation, heat, and aggressivechemicals far better than does the living cell.The endospore is the most resistant survival states <strong>of</strong> any known life form, but there aremany other survival strategies among the microbes, strategies more or less resistant toenvironmental constraints. Transforming into morphologically specific survival states isan advantage when the environment changes. However, in response to mere nutrient andenergy deficiency, many microbes simply shut down their metabolism to an absoluteminimum level at which they may survive for many years. Most such responses result inthe shrinkage <strong>of</strong> the cell to a fraction <strong>of</strong> its volume under optimal growth conditions.What all these survival strategies share is that the cell is active at an absolutely minimallevel – or displays no activity at all. It is thus possible that certain microbes may surviveinitially harsh conditions in a repository, including radiation, desiccation, heat, and highpH, until conditions for growth again become favourable. However, if the conditions areso difficult that all survival forms die <strong>of</strong>f, and if the pore size <strong>of</strong> the environment doesnot allow for transport <strong>of</strong> microbes, as in highly compacted bentonite, then it is possiblethat specific environments in the repository may remain free <strong>of</strong> microbes once theoriginal microbe population has disappeared. It is at present uncertain whether this willindeed be the case.

272 MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1 Sampling groundwater from shallow observation tubes andboreholesSamples were collected on four different occasions from 16 shallow boreholes rangingin depth from 4 to 24.5 m (Table A-1). The sampling periods were 36 May <strong>2004</strong>,1014 October 2005, 2428 April <strong>2006</strong>, and 9–13 October <strong>2006</strong>. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> thefirst two rounds <strong>of</strong> sampling and associated investigations have been published as<strong>Posiva</strong> working reports (Pedersen <strong>2006</strong>, 2007). All sampling sites were pumped outusing an immersed borehole pump for at least 1.5 h prior to any field measurements orsample retrieval (Table A-1). The pump and tubing assembly was sterilized forapproximately 2 h in an 11-ppm chlorine dioxide solution (FreeBact 20; XINIX, Märsta,Sweden) in a 100-L plastic barrel. The pumps were soaked in the chlorine dioxidesolution and the solution was also pumped through the tubing.2.1.1 Sampling point descriptionsThe sites sampled at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> (PVP1, PVP3A, PVP3B, PVP4A, PVP4B, PVP13,PVP14, PVP20, PR1, PP2, PP3, PP7, PP8, PP9, PP36, and PP39) penetratedgroundwater, which was present in either the overburden (PVP) or water-conductingfractures in the bedrock (PR, PP) (Figure 2-1, Table A-1). Several <strong>of</strong> the boreholes andtubes selected for the <strong>2004</strong> sampling campaign turned out to be problematic due to badpackers, collapsing rock, similar or little water (PVP3A, PVP3B, PVP4B, PP3, PP7, andPP8). These were abandoned and new sampling points were selected for the threesubsequent field campaigns. Overburden extended down to a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 13m and is composed <strong>of</strong> sand and silt with an organic soil layer approximately 0.8 mthick. Bedrock groundwater samples extended to a depth <strong>of</strong> 24.5 m. The local bedrockat <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> is Precambrian, composed <strong>of</strong> metamorphic rocks (predominantlymigmatitic mica gneisses) and intruded by igneous rocks (granodiorites, coarse-grainedgranites, and granitic pegmatites). Local land use above the aquifers ranges fromundisturbed forest to open areas cleared for repository construction. Further details canbe found in the <strong>Posiva</strong> <strong>2006</strong> site description report (Andersson et al. 2007a).2.1.2 Packer control tests with nitrogenIn the spring <strong>2004</strong> field week (Pedersen <strong>2006</strong>), oxygen was detected in all boreholes. Itwas impossible to determine whether the sampling procedure had introduced thisoxygen, or whether it was actually present in the groundwater that entered theboreholes. Therefore, an inflatable packer that allowed passage <strong>of</strong> sampling tubes andthe wire for the pump was constructed and tested in the fall 2005 field week. Nitrogenwas flushed, starting before the pumping, through half the number <strong>of</strong> boreholes thatwere being sampled at a rate <strong>of</strong> approximately 1 L <strong>of</strong> nitrogen gas per minute. In thatway, the gas above the water level was replaced with nitrogen while the groundwater

28Figure 2-1. Map showing the sampling points for shallow boreholes. Boreholes markedwith blue squares were only sampled in <strong>2004</strong>. See text for details.level was being lowered due by the pumping (Table A-1). This prevented oxygen fromentering the sampled groundwater from the atmosphere in the borehole.2.1.3 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumpsThe procedure for sterilizing the pumps and tubing was tested by pumping sterile waterthrough the equipment after a completed sterilization. The pumps were first soaked in achlorine dioxide solution for 2 h as described above. The barrel was then washed with500 mL <strong>of</strong> analytical grade water (AGW) (MilliQ-unit in the ONKALO laboratory).The adapter used for microbiology sampling was installed on the orifice <strong>of</strong> the pumptube. Two L <strong>of</strong> AGW water was then pumped through the system. Thereafter, 10 L <strong>of</strong>AGW water was added to the barrel and pumped (1 L min 1 ) out through the samplingadapter. The adapter was removed after 2 min and the remaining 8 L <strong>of</strong> water werepumped out (8 L min 1 ). This procedure simulated the pumping out <strong>of</strong> a borehole beforestarting sampling (See Table A-1). The adapter was flushed with 1 L <strong>of</strong> sterile AGWwater and was then remounted. Finally, 5 L <strong>of</strong> sterile AGW water was pumped throughthe tubing, after which a full sampling for microbiology was performed according to theprocedures used in the field.

292.1.4 Test for reproducibility <strong>of</strong> groundwater chemistry and microbiology overtimePumping out a borehole results transports water from the surrounding aquifers outthrough the borehole. It was deemed important to test for sensitivity in the data obtainedfrom prolonged pumping. The borehole PVP4A had a yield <strong>of</strong> approximately 4 L min 1 ,and this borehole was selected for a reproducibility test in April <strong>2006</strong>. It was sampledtwice within a 6-h interval, which allowed 1440 L <strong>of</strong> groundwater to be pumped out <strong>of</strong>the borehole between the sampling occasions (Table A-1).2.1.5 Sample collection for microbiological analyses<strong>Groundwater</strong> was collected in the spring <strong>2004</strong> and fall 2005 field weeks using a SolinstModel 425 Discrete Interval Sampler (Solinst Ltd., Georgetown, ON, Canada)immediately after the pumping period was finished and the pump was hoisted out <strong>of</strong> theborehole (Figure 2-2). The sampling depth coincided with the depth <strong>of</strong> the boreholepump (Table A-1). Two different diameter samplers (26 mm and 51 mm) were used,depending on the diameter <strong>of</strong> the observation tube or borehole used. Prior to sampling,all exterior and interior fittings <strong>of</strong> the Solinst sampler were sterilized with a 20-ppmchlorine dioxide solution (FreeBact 20, XINIX) and then rinsed with sterile, autoclavedAGW water to prevent microbial contamination <strong>of</strong> the groundwater. To collect in situgroundwater from the required depth interval, the sampler was kept pressurized to 2bars with N 2 gas until it was at depth; then it was de-gassed (i.e., vented to the surface)allowing the ambient water in, and finally re-pressurized once the sampler was full priorto surface retrieval. Water from the sampler was then dispensed to the variouscontainers for the analyses described below. Pressurizing the sampler to a pressure atleast double that <strong>of</strong> the highest water pressure experienced by the sampler ensured that itremained closed until reaching the sampling depth.While taking samples from the overburden holes (PVP) in the fall 2005 field campaign,it was noted that the water sampled using the Solinst sampler was in some cases slightlymore turbid than that sampled using the borehole pump. This effect was not observed inthe bedrock holes (PR, PP). It was assumed that the hoisting <strong>of</strong> the pump and thelowering <strong>of</strong> the Solinst sampler may have caused some hydrodynamic disturbance thatincreased the concentration <strong>of</strong> suspended material in the borehole. Microorganismsattach to particles, which could create some uncontrolled variability in the data.Therefore, in fall 2005 a comparison was made in the PVP20 borehole in which waterwas sampled twice for microbiology, first using the with the borehole pump and thenthe Solinst sampler. The assumed effect was confirmed. Therefore, groundwater wastaken directly from the pump to sample tubes and bottles in the <strong>2006</strong> spring and fallsampling campaigns.2.2 Sampling groundwater from deep boreholesDeep groundwater was sampled for the analysis <strong>of</strong> chemistry, microbiology, and gas, asdescribed below, using the PAVE system.

302.2.1 Packer-equipped deep boreholes sampled for microbiologyA total <strong>of</strong> 21 samples for microbiological analysis were taken between October <strong>2004</strong>and November <strong>2006</strong> (Table 2-1) from 13 boreholes (Figure 2-3). The depth range <strong>of</strong> theboreholes was from 34.6 m down to 449.6 m.2.2.2 Sampling, transport, and extraction <strong>of</strong> deep groundwater samplesThe groundwater was sampled using the PAVE system. The procedures formicrobiological analysis using PAVE have been evaluated with the appropriate qualitycontrols (Haveman et al. 1999). Before sampling groundwater from a deep boreholeFigure 2-2. <strong>Groundwater</strong> from PP36 is transferred from the SOLINST sampler tovarious microbiology analysis tubes by the team from Microbial Analytics Sweden AB.section, the PAVE pressure vessel’s lower compartment was filled with argon ornitrogen and the movable piston was moved to the top <strong>of</strong> the pressure vessel. The gaspressure was set to approximately 5 bars. The borehole section to be sampled waspacked <strong>of</strong>f with inflatable rubber packers. The PAVE system, consisting <strong>of</strong> a membranepump and one or several sterile, evacuated, closed pressure vessels connected in aseries, was lowered into the borehole. <strong>Groundwater</strong> was pumped from the packed-<strong>of</strong>fzone, past the closed pressure vessels, and out <strong>of</strong> the borehole. <strong>Groundwater</strong> parameters(i.e., pH, E h , conductivity, O2, temperature, and the drill-water marker uranine) weremonitored on-line until they stabilized. The uranine tracer had to indicate that drillwatercontamination was below 2.5% before sampling could start. At that point,samples for field and laboratory analysis for hydrogeochemical characterization were

31collected (Table A-2) and analysed (Table A-3). After this phase, the pressure valve <strong>of</strong>the PAVE system was opened; groundwater pressure then pushed down the piston in thesampler to fill the sampler with groundwater. The valve was left open for several hoursto allow water to flow through the sampler, after which the pressure vessel was closedagain and raised out <strong>of</strong> the borehole. The pressure vessels were shipped cold and arrivedat the laboratory in Göteborg the morning after sampling (within 24 h <strong>of</strong> samplecollection). At the laboratory, the vessel was opened and the groundwater removed.Fifteen numbered, sealable, sterilized anaerobic glass tubes (no. 2048-00150; BellcoGlass, Vineland, NJ, USA), sealed with butyl rubber stoppers (no. 2048-117800) andsealed with aluminium crimp seals (no. 2048-11020, Bellco Glass), were each filledwith 1012 mL <strong>of</strong> sampled groundwater. Media inoculation started immediately afterremoving the groundwater from the sampler, and work with each sample was completewithin 2–4 h <strong>of</strong> removal <strong>of</strong> groundwater from the pressure vessel.Figure 2-3. Map showing the deep boreholes sampled. Red squares indicate thesampled boreholes listed in Table 2-1.

32Table 2-1. Identification information for the deep boreholes sampled for microbiologicalanalyses.Borehole <strong>Posiva</strong> no. Sampledsection(m)Mid elevation,z(m)SampledateOL-KR-2 KR2-329-1 328.5–330.5 306.2 <strong>2004</strong>-12-20OL-KR-6 KR6-98-8 98.5–100.5 73.7 <strong>2006</strong>-10-16OL-KR-6 KR6-125-6 125–130 94.1 <strong>2006</strong>-06-26OL-KR-6 KR6-135-8 135–137 101.8 <strong>2006</strong>-08-22OL-KR-6 KR6-422-5 422–425 328.4 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11OL-KR-7 KR7-275-1 275.5–289.5 249.4 2005-03-01OL-KR-8 KR8-77-1 77.0–84.0 57.3 2005-10-25OL-KR-8 KR8-302-2 302.0–310.0 260.7 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06OL-KR-10 KR10-326-2 326.0–328.0 316.0 <strong>2006</strong>-06-19OL-KR-10 KR10-115-1 115.5–118.5 106.0 2005-02-21OL-KR-13 KR13-362-2 362.0–365.0 294.0 <strong>2004</strong>-10-12OL-KR-13 KR13-362-3 362.0–365.0 294.0 <strong>2006</strong>-03-14OL-KR-19 KR19-526-1 525.5–539.5 449.6 <strong>2004</strong>-11-08OL-KR-27 KR27-247-1 247.0–264.0 193.5 <strong>2004</strong>-11-09OL-KR-27 KR27-503-1 503.0–506.0 391.7 2005-01-17OL-KR-31 KR31-143-1 143.0–146.0 122.4 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24OL-KR-32 KR32-50-1 50.0–52.0 34.6 <strong>2006</strong>-01-10OL-KR-33 KR33-95-1 95.0–107.0 70.6 <strong>2006</strong>-01-24OL-KR-37 KR37-166-1 166–176 111.6 <strong>2006</strong>-11-28OL-KR-39 KR39-108-1 108.0–110.0 88.2 <strong>2006</strong>-05-30OL-KR-39 KR39-403-1 403.0–406.0 344.8 <strong>2006</strong>-04-032.3 Physical parameters, chemistry, and gas content <strong>of</strong> the sampledgroundwater2.3.1 Field measurements <strong>of</strong> physical parameters in shallow boreholes andgroundwater observation tubesField measurements were made in a 1-L container at the surface while groundwater wasbeing pumped to the surface. The measurements and sampling for chemistry were doneat the end <strong>of</strong> the pumping period (Table A-1). The temperature <strong>of</strong> the groundwater was

33measured using a pIONeer 10 portable pH meter equipped with a pHC5977 cartrodecombined pH electrode (pH range 0–14, ± 0.5 at zero; temperature range –10 to 110°C,± 0.3°C) (Radiometer, Labora, Stockholm, Sweden). Redox was measured using thesame pH meter, but equipped with a MC3187Pt combined platinum electrode with anAg/AgCl reference system, range –2000 to 2000 mV (± 0.01% <strong>of</strong> reading)(Radiometer). The dissolved oxygen concentration was measured using two differentmeters and electrodes: 1) a pIONeer 20 portable oxygen meter equipped with aDOX20T-T oxygen probe with a concentration range <strong>of</strong> 1–20 mg/L (0–200% ± 1%)(Radiometer), and 2) an HQ10 Hach Portable LDO Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Cat No.51815-00 (Hach, Stockholm, Sweden). The probes were calibrated in situ per themanufacturer’s instructions. The dissolved oxygen was measured in a series <strong>of</strong> fivemeasurements made over one year to analyse for seasonal variations; the samplingmonths were October 2005 and April, May, July, and October <strong>2006</strong>.2.3.2 Analysis <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwater using WinklertitrationOxygen was analysed in the laboratory using a modified Winkler method as describedin detail in Carritt and Carpenter (1966). Briefly stated, three approximately 115-mL,glass-stoppered Winkler bottles (Figure 2-4) were flushed with at least three volumes <strong>of</strong>groundwater from the pump to remove all oxygen from atmospheric sources. Thenmanganese ions were precipitated directly in the field in an alkaline medium, formingmanganous hydroxide. This hydroxide was oxidized by present dissolved oxygen in thesample according to:2Mn(OH) 2 + O 2 2MnO(OH) 2 (Eq. 2-1)The manganese hydroxide was dissolved in the laboratory with acid and reduced byiodine ions (Figure 2-4), as follows:MnO(OH) 2 + 4H 3 O + + 3I Mn 2+ + I 3 + 7H 2 O (Eq. 2-2)Finally, the I 3 ions produced were determined by titration, with thiosulphate ions andsoluble starch used as the titration indicator, as follows:2S 2 O 3 2 + I 3 S 4 O 6 2 + 3I (Eq. 2-3)2.3.3 Chemical analyses <strong>of</strong> shallow and deep groundwaterWater samples were transferred from the investigation site to the Teollisuuden VoimaOy (TVO) laboratory directly after sampling. The chemical analyses were performed byTVO according to their protocols, or were subcontracted to external laboratories.<strong>Groundwater</strong> samples for laboratory analysis were collected during pumping beforestopping the pump (Table A-1) in a 5-L plastic canister (for testing for Br , Cl , F ,SO 4 2 , S tot , pH, and conductivity), 1-L glass bottles (for testing for alkalinity, acidity,

34Figure 2-4. Winkler bottles with acid-dissolved precipitations. The samples from PP39were free <strong>of</strong> oxygen. For comparison, oxygen-containing tap water is shown to theright.DIC/DOC), and 1-L nitric acid-washed glass bottles (for testing for metals).<strong>Groundwater</strong> samples for sulphide analysis were collected in three 100-mL Winklerbottles. All the water chemistry samples were partly filtered with a membrane filter(0.45 µm), bottled, and preserving chemicals were added to part <strong>of</strong> the samplesaccording to Table A-2. Analysis methods, detection limits, and uncertainties <strong>of</strong> themeasurements are presented in Table A- Sampling and analysis <strong>of</strong> dissolved gasShallow groundwater was sampled in triplicate in nitrogen-flushed 120-mL glass bottlesequipped with butyl rubber stoppers (no. 2048-117800; Bellco Glass) and sealed withaluminium crimp seals (no. 2048-11020). The vacuum pressure in the bottles was set to10 2 mBar 2–4 h before sampling. Water from the pump was led via poly-ether-etherketon(PEEK) tubing through a syringe into the bottles, which were filled withapproximately 100 mL <strong>of</strong> groundwater. In the laboratory, the bottles were attached tothe extraction unit (Figure A-1) and the samples were transferred to the extraction unitcylinder. The transfer time was approximately 20–30 min. Thereafter analysis was

35Table 2-2. List <strong>of</strong> deep packer-equipped boreholes sampled for analysis <strong>of</strong> dissolvedgas; -N 2 and -Ar appearing after the borehole code indicate the gas used in the pressurecompartment.BoreholeSampledsection(m)Mid elevation,z(m)SamplingdateAnalysisdateOL-KR-2-N 2 596.5–609.5 560 <strong>2006</strong>-02-28 <strong>2006</strong>-03-07OL-KR-6-N 2 422–425 328 2005-08-02 2005-08-24OL-KR-6-N 2 135–137 116 <strong>2006</strong>-08-22 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28OL-KR-6-N 2 135–137 102 2005-09-27 2005-09-27OL-KR-6-N 2 125–130 94 <strong>2006</strong>-06-26 <strong>2006</strong>-07-02OL-KR-6-N 2 120–125 90 2005-11-02 2005-12-12OL-KR-6-N 2 98.5–100.5 74 <strong>2006</strong>-10-16 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24OL-KR-6-N 2 98.5–100.5 73 2005-12-27 <strong>2006</strong>-01-13OL-KR-7-N 2 284–288 257 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11OL-KR-7-Ar 220–230 197 2005-04-25 2005-08-22OL-KR-7-N 2 220–230 197 2005-04-25 2005-08-23OL-KR-8-N 2 302–310 261 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06 <strong>2006</strong>-06-09OL-KR-8-N 2 77–84 57 2005-10-25 2005-12-12OL-KR-8-N 2 77–84 57 <strong>2006</strong>-08-15 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28OL-KR-8-N 2 556.5–561 490 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11OL-KR-10-N 2 326–328 316 <strong>2006</strong>-06-19 <strong>2006</strong>-06-21OL-KR-10-N 2 259–262 249 2005-04-04 2005-06-26OL-KR-10-Ar 326.5–328.5 316 2005-04-04 2005-08-23OL-KR-10-N 2 326.5–328.5 316 2005-04-04 2005-08-23OL-KR-13-N 2 362–365 294 <strong>2006</strong>-03-14 <strong>2006</strong>-03-27OL-KR-19-N 2 110–131 101 2005-09-05 2005-10-05OL-KR-19-N 2 455–468 433 2005-10-31 2005-12-12OL-KR-22-N 2 390–394 320 <strong>2006</strong>-03-01 <strong>2006</strong>-03-07OL-KR-22-N 2 147–152 116 2005-12-13 <strong>2006</strong>-01-13OL-KR-22-N 2 147–152 102 <strong>2006</strong>-08-17 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28OL-KR-29-N 2 320–340 293 2005-06-06 2005-08-23OL-KR-29-N 2 800–800 742 2005-04-16 2005-08-23OL-KR-30-N 2 50–54 40 2005-08-04 2005-08-24OL-KR-31-N 2 143–146 122 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24 <strong>2006</strong>-10-26OL-KR-33-N 2 95–107 71 <strong>2006</strong>-01-24 <strong>2006</strong>-01-26OL-KR-37-N 2 166–176 112 <strong>2006</strong>-11-28 <strong>2006</strong>-11-30OL-KR-39-N 2 403–406 345 <strong>2006</strong>-04-03 <strong>2006</strong>-04-06OL-KR-39-N 2 108–110 88 <strong>2006</strong>-05-30 <strong>2006</strong>-06-09

36performed as described in the Appendix (page 149). Water samples from all boreholesand observation tubes sampled in spring and fall <strong>2006</strong> were analysed for dissolved gas(Table A-1).Deep groundwater (Table 2-2) was sampled using the PAVE sample vessel, which wasattached to the extraction unit in the lab. <strong>Groundwater</strong> transfer typically took 5 min.Thereafter analysis was performed as described in the Appendix (page 149).2.4 Microbiological analyses2.4.1 Determining total number <strong>of</strong> cellsThe total number <strong>of</strong> cells (TNC) was determined using the acridine orange direct count(AODC) method as devised by Hobbie et al. (1977) and modified by Pedersen andEkendahl (1990). All solutions used were filtered through sterilized 32-mm-diameter,0.2-µm-pore-size Minisart CA syringe filters (Sartorius, GTF, Göteborg, Sweden).Stainless steel analytical filter holders, 13 mm in diameter (no. XX3001240; Millipore,Billerica, MA, USA), were rinsed with sterile, filtered, AGW (Millipore Elix 3;Millipore, Solna, Sweden). Samples <strong>of</strong> 1 mL were suction filtered (20 kPa) onto 0.22-µm-pore-size Sudan black-stained polycarbonate isopore filters, 13 mm in diameter(GTBP011300, Millipore, Solna, Sweden). The filtered cells were stained for 5 minwith 200 µL <strong>of</strong> an acridine orange (AO) solution (SigmaAldrich, Stockholm, Sweden).The AO solution was prepared by dissolving 10 mg <strong>of</strong> AO in 1 L <strong>of</strong> a 6.6 mM sodiumpotassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7 (Pedersen and Ekendahl 1990). The filters weremounted between microscope slides and cover slips using fluorescence-free immersionoil (Olympus, Göteborg, Sweden). The number <strong>of</strong> cells was counted under blue light(390–490 nm) and using a band-pass filter for orange light (530 nm), in anepifluorescence microscope (Nikon DIPHOT 300; Tekno-Optik, Göteborg, Sweden).Between 400 and 600 cells, or a minimum <strong>of</strong> 30 microscopic fields (1 field = 0.01mm 2 ), were counted on each filter.2.4.2 ATP analysisThe ATP Biomass Kit HS for determining total ATP in living cells was used (no. 266-311; BioThema, Handen, Sweden). This analysis kit was developed based on the results<strong>of</strong> Lundin et al. (1986) and Lundin (2000). Sterile and “PCR clean” epTIPS with filters(GTF, Göteborg, Sweden) were used in transferring all solutions and samples to preventATP contamination <strong>of</strong> pipettes and solutions. Light may cause delayed fluorescence <strong>of</strong>materials and solutions, so all procedures described below were performed in a darkroom and all plastic material, solutions, and pipettes were stored in the dark. A new 4.0-mL, 12-mm-diameter polypropylene tube (no. 68.752; Sarstedt, Landskrona, Sweden)was filled with 400 µL <strong>of</strong> the ATP kit reagent HS (BioThema, Handen, Sweden) andinserted into an FB12 tube luminometer (Sirius Berthold, Pforzheim, Germany). Thequick measurement FB12/Sirius s<strong>of</strong>tware, version 1.4 (Berthold Detection Systems,Pforzheim, Germany), was used to calculate light emission as relative light units per

37second (RLU s 1 ). Light emission was measured for three 5-s intervals with a 5-s delaybefore each interval, and the average <strong>of</strong> three readings was registered as a singlemeasurement. The background light emission (I bkg ) from the reagent HS and the tubewas monitored and allowed to decrease to a value below 50 RLU s 1 prior to registeringa measurement. ATP was extracted from 100-µL aliquots <strong>of</strong> sample within 1 h <strong>of</strong>collection, by mixing for 5 s with 100 µL <strong>of</strong> B/S extractant from the ATP kit in aseparate 4.0-mL polypropylene tube. Immediately after mixing, 100 µL <strong>of</strong> the obtainedATP extract mixture was added to the reagent HS tube in the FB12 tube luminometer,and the sample light emission (I smp ) was measured. Subsequently, 10 µL <strong>of</strong> an internalATP standard was added to the reactant tube, and the standard light emission (I std ) wasmeasured. The concentration <strong>of</strong> the ATP standard was to 10 7 M. Samples with ATPconcentrations close to or higher than that <strong>of</strong> the ATP standard were diluted with B/Sextractant to a concentration <strong>of</strong> approximately 1/10 that <strong>of</strong> the ATP standard. Mixtures<strong>of</strong> reagent HS and B/S extractant were measured at regular intervals to control forpossible ATP contamination. Values <strong>of</strong> 1600 ± 500 amol ATP mL 1 (n = 10) wereobtained with clean solutions, while solutions displaying values above 1600 amol ATPmL 1 were disposed <strong>of</strong>.The ATP concentration <strong>of</strong> the analysed samples was calculated as follows:amol ATP mL 1 = (I smp I bkg ) / ((I smp + std I bkg ) – (I smp – I bkg)) 10 9 / sample volumewhere I represents the light intensity measured as RLU s 1 , smp represents sample, bkgrepresents the background value <strong>of</strong> the reagent HS, and std represents the standard(referring to a 10 7 M ATP standard).This ATP biomass method has been evaluated for use with Fennoscandian groundwater,including <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater, and the results were recently published (Eydal andPedersen 2007).2.4.3 Determining cultivable aerobic bacteriaPetri dishes containing agar with nutrients were prepared for determining the numbers<strong>of</strong> cultivable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (CHAB) in groundwater samples. This agarcontained 0.5 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> peptone (Merck), 0.5 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> yeast extract (Merck), 0.25 g L 1 <strong>of</strong>sodium acetate (Merck), 0.25 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> soluble starch (Merck), 0.1 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> K 2 HPO 4 , 0.2g L 1 <strong>of</strong> CaCl 2 (Merck), 10 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> NaCl (Merck), 1 mL L –1 <strong>of</strong> trace element solution(see Table 2-3 D), and 15 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> agar (Merck) (Pedersen and Ekendahl 1990). Themedium was sterilized in 1-L batches by autoclaving at 121°C for 20 min, cooled toapproximately 50C in a water bath, and finally distributed in 15-mL portions in 9-cmdiameterplastic Petri dishes (GTF, Göteborg, Sweden). Ten-times dilution series <strong>of</strong>culture samples were made in sterile analytical grade water (AGW) with 0.9 g L 1 <strong>of</strong>NaCl; 0.1-mL portions <strong>of</strong> each dilution were spread with a sterile glass rod on the platesin triplicate. The plates were incubated for between 7 and 9 d at 20°C, after which thenumber <strong>of</strong> colony forming units (CFU) was counted; plates with between 10 and 300colonies were counted.

382.4.4 Preparing media for most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> cultivable anaerobicmicroorganismsMedia for determining the most probable number <strong>of</strong> microorganisms (MPN) ingroundwater were formulated based on previously measured chemical data from<strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. This allowed the formulation <strong>of</strong> artificial media that most closely mimickedin situ groundwater chemistry for optimal microbial cultivation (Haveman and Pedersen2002a). Media for the nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB), iron-reducing bacteria (IRB),manganese-reducing bacteria (MRB), sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), autotrophicacetogen (AA), heterotrophic acetogen (HA), autotrophic methanogen (AM), andheterotrophic methanogen (HM) metabolic groups were autoclaved and anaerobicallydispensed, according to the formulations outlined in Table 2-3, into 27-mL, sealableanaerobic glass tubes (no. 2048-00150; Bellco Glass), sealed with butyl rubber stoppers(no. 2048-117800), and sealed with aluminium crimp seals (no. 2048-11020).All culture tubes were flushed with 80/20% N 2 /CO 2 gas and then filled with 9 mL <strong>of</strong> theappropriate media. For IRB, 1 mL <strong>of</strong> hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), prepared from FeCl 3 ,was added to each culture tube. The final concentration <strong>of</strong> the iron solution was 0.44 M.For MRB, 2 mL <strong>of</strong> 135 mM MnO 2 solution (Lovley and Phillips 1988) was added. TheHM media also contained 20 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> 100 g L 1 NaCOO, 3 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> 6470 mMtrimethylamine, 4 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> methanol, and 20 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> a 20 g L 1 solution <strong>of</strong>NaCH 3 COO. The HA medium also contained 20 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> 100 g/L NaCOO, 3 mL L 1<strong>of</strong> 6470 mM trimethylamine, and 4 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> methanol. The final pH was adjusted tobetween 6.5 and 7.5 with 1 M HCl or 1 M NaOH.2.4.5 Inoculations and analysis for anaerobic microorganismsInoculations for NRB, IRB, MRB, SRB, AA, HA, AM, and HM were performed in thelaboratory less than 2 h after sampling for shallow groundwater and the next morningfor deep groundwater samples. After inoculating, the headspaces <strong>of</strong> only the AA andAM cultures were filled with H 2 to an overpressure <strong>of</strong> 2 bars; all MPN tubes wereincubated in the dark at 20°C for 813 weeks. After incubation, the MPN tubes wereanalysed by testing for metabolic products or substrate consumption. Nitrateconsumption was determined using a DR/2500 spectrophotometer (HACH, Loveland,CO, USA) with the chromotropic acid method (HACH method no. 10020) for water andwastewater (0.2–30 mg/L NO 3 -N). The production <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron by IRB wasdetermined using the 1,10 phenanthroline method (HACH, method no. 8146). HACHmethod no. 8034, based on periodate oxidation, was used in a similar way to determineMn 2+ concentrations in MPN tubes for MRB. SRB were detected by measuring sulphideproduction using the CuSO 4 method according to Widdel and Bak (1992) on a UVvisible spectrophotometer (Genesys10UV, VWR, Stockholm, Sweden). Methanogenswere detected by measuring the production <strong>of</strong> methane in the culture tube headspace.The methane was analysed using a Star 3400CX gas chromatograph (Varian,Stockholm, Sweden) using a flame ionization detector (FID) at an oven temperature <strong>of</strong>65°C and a detector temperature <strong>of</strong> 200°C. The methane gas was separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter; Agilent Technologies, Varian, Stockholm,Sweden) and analysed on the FID with nitrogen as the carrier gas (confer Appendix,

39page 149). Acetogens were detected by means <strong>of</strong> acetate production using an enzymaticUV method (Enzymatic Bioanalysis Kit no. 10 139 084 035; Boehringer Mannheim/R-Biopharm, Food Diagnostics, Göteborg, Sweden) with a UV visible spectrophotometer(per SRB detection). Product formation at a concentration twice or above that <strong>of</strong> theuninoculated control tubes was taken as positive for all MPN analyses except nitrate, forwhich a 50% reduction in nitrate concentration, compared with that <strong>of</strong> uninoculatedcontrols, was taken as a positive result.The MPN procedures resulted in protocols with tubes that scored positive or negativefor growth. The results <strong>of</strong> the analyses were rated positive or negative compared withcontrol levels. Three dilutions with five parallel tubes were used to calculate the MPN<strong>of</strong> each group, according to the calculations found in Greenberg et al. (1992).2.4.6 Inoculations and analysis for aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteriaSets <strong>of</strong> MPN tubes were prepared for samples using a nitrate mineral salts (NMS)medium (Whittenbury et al. 1970) prepared as follows: 1.0 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> KNO 3 , 1 g L 1 <strong>of</strong>MgSO 4 7 H 2 O, 0.2 g L 1 <strong>of</strong> CaCl 2 2 H 2 O, 1 mg L 1 <strong>of</strong> CuCl 2 2H 2 O, 7 g L 1 <strong>of</strong>NaCl, 1 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> an iron solution made <strong>of</strong> 0.5 g <strong>of</strong> ferric (III) chloride in 1000 mL <strong>of</strong>AGW, 1 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> a trace element solution according to Table 2-3D and 2 mL L 1 <strong>of</strong> aphosphate buffer solution made <strong>of</strong> 3.6 g Na 2 HPO 4 , and 1.4 g NaH 2 PO 4 in 100 mL <strong>of</strong>AGW. The pH was adjusted to 6.8–7.0. Cultural conditions were optimized to supportthe growth <strong>of</strong> both types I and II methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) by adding 1 mg L 1<strong>of</strong> copper chloride dihydrate. This is because the soluble and particulate methanemonooxygenase (s/pMMO) common to all known MOB is controlled by a copperinducibleregulatory pathway.MPN inoculations were completed at the ONKALO laboratory within 2 h <strong>of</strong> samplecollection for all shallow borehole samples. Five parallel dilution tubes were used foreach dilution. All transfers were performed aseptically using new sterile syringes andneedles. After each transfer, the tubes were vortexed to achieve homogeneity. Controltubes contained nitrate minimal salt medium and 1 mL <strong>of</strong> filtered groundwater. Afterinoculation, filter-sterilized (using 0.2-µm Millipore filters) methane was injected intothe headspace <strong>of</strong> each tube to 1 Bar overpressure. The tubes were then incubatedhorizontally in the dark at 20C. Growth <strong>of</strong> cells was detected after between 2 and 4weeks, as judged by turbidity compared with that <strong>of</strong> negative controls and theconcomitant production <strong>of</strong> CO 2 via methane oxidation in turbid tubes. MPNcalculations were made using a combination <strong>of</strong> positive tubes in a 3-tube dilution series(i.e., 15 tubes) according to Greenberg et al. (1992). The detection limit was

40Table 2-3. A-G. Compositions <strong>of</strong> anaerobic media used for MPN cultivation <strong>of</strong> differentmetabolic groups <strong>of</strong> anaerobic microorganisms. All components were anoxic.A) Ready medium Metabolic group aComponent (mL/L) NRB IRB & MRB SRB AA & HA AM & HMBasal medium (Table B) 925 940 860 860 890Trace elements (Table C) - - 10 10 10Trace elements (Table D) 1.0 1.0 - - -Vitamins (Table E) 1.0 1.0 - - -Vitamins (Table F) - - 10 10 10Thiamine stock (Table G) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Vitamin B 12 stock (Table G) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Fe stock (Table G) - - 5.0 5.0 5.0Resazurin (Table G) - - 2.0 2.0 2.0Cysteine hydrochloride (Table G) - - 10 10 10NaHCO 3 (Table G) 30 30 60 60 60Yeast extract (Table G) 1.0 1.0 10 10 10NaCH 3 COO (Table G) 25 25 - - -Lactate (Table G) 5.0 - 5.0 - -KNO 3 (G) 10 - - - -Sodium sulphide (0.2 M) - - 7.5 10 10a NRB = nitrate-reducing bacteria, IRB = iron-reducing bacteria, MRB = manganese-reducing bacteria,AA = autotrophic acetogens, HA = heterotrophic acetogens, AM = autotrophic methanogens, HM =heterotrophic methanogensB) Basal medium Metabolic group aComponent (g) NRB, IRB, & MRB SRB AA & HA AM & HMAGW 1000 1000 1000 1000NaCl 7 7 7 7CaCl 2 *2H 2 O 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.28KCl 0.1 0.67 0.67 0.67NH 4 Cl 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0KH 2 PO 4 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.15MgCl 2 *6H 2 O 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5MgSO 4 *7H 2 O 0.1 3.0 - -MnCl 2 *4H 2 O 0.005 - - -Na 2 MoO 4 *2H 2 O 0.001 - - -a NRB = nitrate-reducing bacteria, IRB = iron-reducing bacteria, MRB = manganese-reducing bacteria,AA = autotrophic acetogens, HA = heterotrophic acetogens, AM = autotrophic methanogens, HM =heterotrophic methanogens

41Table 2-3. Continued.C) Trace element solutionComponentAGWNitrilotriacetic acidFe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 *6H 2 ONa 2 SeO 3CoCl 2 *6H 2 OMnCl 2 *4H 2 ONa 2 MoO 4 *2H 2 ONa 2 WO 4 *2H 2 OZnSO 4 *7H 2 OAlCl 3NiCl 2 *6H 2 OH 3 BO 3CuCl 2 *2H 2 OAmount1000 mL1500 mg200 mg200 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg100 mg40 mg25 mg10 mg10 mgF) Vitamin mixture for SRB, AA, HA, AM, andHMComponentAmountSodium phosphate buffer 10 1000 mLmMpH 7.1p-Aminobenzoic acid10 mgNicotinic acid10 mgCalcium D(+) pantothenatePyridoxine dihydrochlorideRib<strong>of</strong>lavinD(+)-biotinFolic acidDL-6-8-thiotic acid10 mg10 mg10 mg5 mg5 mg5 mgD) Non-chelated trace elementsComponentAmountAGW987 mLHCl (25% = 7.7 M)12.5 mLFeSO 4 *7H 2 O2.1 gH 3 BO 330 mgMnCl 2 *4H 2 O100 mgCoCl 2 *6H 2 O190 mgNiCl 2 *6H 2 O24 mgCuCl 2 *2H 2 O2 mgZnSO 4 *7H 2 O144 mgNa 2 MoO 4 *2H 2 O36 mgE) Vitamin mixture for NRB, IRB, and MRBComponentAmountSodium phosphate buffer 10 mM 100 mLpH 7.14-Aminobenzoic acid4 mgD(+)-biotin1 mgNicotinic acid10 mgPyridoxine dihydrochloride15 mgCalcium D(+) pantothenate5 mgG) Stock solutionsComponentNaHCO 3Thiamine chloridedihydrochloride in a 25 mMsodium phosphate buffer, pH3.4Cyanocobalamin (B 12 )KNO 3NaCH 3 COOYeast extractFe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 *6H 2 O,initially dissolved in 0.1 mL<strong>of</strong> concentrated HClAmount84 g L 1100 mg L 150 mg L 1100 g L 1100g L 150 g L 12 g L 1Resazurin500 mg L 1Cysteine-HCl50 g L 1Sodium lactate solution 50%

422.4.7 Quality controls for the most probable number analysisThe reproducibility <strong>of</strong> the sampling and analysis procedures was tested using theSwedish PAVE analogue, the PVB pressure vessel. The 353.5–360.0-m section <strong>of</strong> theForsmark site investigation borehole KFM06A was sampled on 14 March 2005 usingtwo PVB samplers installed at the same time. It was also deemed important to testreproducibility over time in borehole sections that were expected to harbour stable andreproducible populations. This was done in two boreholes at the MICROBE site(Pedersen 2005a) in the Äspö HRL tunnel, denoted KJ0052F01 and KJ0052F03.<strong>Groundwater</strong> from the borehole sections was sampled using PVB samplers on twooccasions, 26 October <strong>2004</strong> and 9 February 2005. The PVB samplers were attached tothe flows from each borehole section, and groundwater was circulated overnight underin situ pressure, temperature, and chemistry conditions. Early in the morning, thesamplers were closed, detached, and transported to the laboratory in Göteborg; analysisstarted the same afternoon, before 14.00. All parts <strong>of</strong> this procedure resembled thesampling <strong>of</strong> sections in the <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> deep boreholes, except that in this case thesamplers were not operated remotely from the ground surface; instead, personnelstanding next to the PVB samplers in the tunnel manually operated the samplers usingadjustable spanners.

433 RESULTS3.1 Analysis <strong>of</strong> physical and chemical parametersThe results <strong>of</strong> all field and laboratory measurements <strong>of</strong> physical and chemicalparameters are presented in Appendix A, Table A-4. All references to specific physicaland chemical data in this results section refer to this table. For some parameters, such asthe analysis <strong>of</strong> oxygen and E h using the HACH field instruments, results were onlyobtained for the shallow groundwater samples. The shift from sampling shallowgroundwater using the SOLINST sampler and the pump to sampling deep groundwaterusing the PAVE system partly meant applying different sampling methods. Forexample, shallow groundwater gas was analysed from samples in glass bottles while thedeep groundwater was analysed in samples from the PAVE pressure vessel. However,the differences between sampling procedures do not imply biased data, and shallow anddeep groundwater data are presented and interpreted together. All available data foreach analysed parameter in both shallow and deep groundwater are presented in thefollowing figures.3.1.1 Field measurements <strong>of</strong> physical parametersThe pH ranged from 4.8 to 8.2. All values below pH 6 were found in groundwater froma depth <strong>of</strong> less than 10 m (Figure 3-1), except for samples from borehole PP36 (12.1 m),which had a stable pH <strong>of</strong> 5.8 over all sampling periods. Most <strong>of</strong> the shallowgroundwater samples had pH values from 6.5 to 7.5, while the deep groundwater hadpH values from 7 to 8.2.The conductivity ranged from 10 to 10000 mS m 1 (Figure 3-2), with the exception <strong>of</strong>groundwater from boreholes PR1 (sampled <strong>2006</strong>-10-11) and PP39 (sampled <strong>2006</strong>-04-24), which were diluted to below and at the detection limit, respectively. Theconductivity increased exponentially with depth within a range <strong>of</strong> approximately plus–minus five times the observed average value for each depth.Oxygen was found in several shallow groundwater samples (Figure 3-3) but was absentfrom deep groundwater (see section 3.2). Two different methods were used to analyseoxygen in shallow groundwater, one electrochemical and one wet chemistry method.The HQ10 HACH Portable LDO dissolved oxygen meter was used in the field startingin fall 2005. The data from spring <strong>2004</strong> were obtained using a membrane electrode thatis more difficult to operate than the LDO electrode is. The membrane electrode needsfrequent calibrations that can be difficult to perform in the field, while the LDOelectrode is calibrated once per year and is very stable. On-line electrodes were used toanalyse oxygen in deep groundwater (data not presented). The oxygen values obtainedin shallow groundwater in spring <strong>2004</strong> were generally higher than those obtained in theremaining three field campaigns. Although the membrane electrode was carefullycalibrated, some caution should be used when comparing <strong>2004</strong> oxygen data withoxygen data from 2005 and onwards, as the different types <strong>of</strong> electrodes used may haveintroduced a bias. Titrating oxygen using the Winkler method was introduced in spring<strong>2006</strong>. The LDO electrode results correlated well with the Winkler data (Figure 3-4).

44The LDO electrode results were very well correlated with the Winkler results at highoxygen concentrations. The exception was for borehole PP9 (sampled <strong>2006</strong>-04-27), buton this occasion there was an unusual gap <strong>of</strong> approximately 4 h in sampling timebetween the LDO electrode measurement (1 st ) and the Winkler sample (2 nd ), due toproblems with heavy turbidity from a dissolving bentonite packer; this delay may haveintroduced more oxygen. Therefore, the Winkler data (4.24 mg O 2 L 1 ) were muchhigher than the LDO data (2.35 mg O 2 L 1 ) on this occasion. Otherwise, all LDO datawere similar to or somewhat higher than the Winkler data. The LDO electrode is lessprecise at values below 0.5 mg O 2 mL 1 , and those data should be taken asapproximations. The Winkler analysis is reliable over a large range, extending from thedetection limit <strong>of</strong> 0.05 mg <strong>of</strong> O 2 mL 1 to oversaturated samples. In conclusion, both theelectrode and the Winkler analyses revealed rapidly decreasing oxygen values withincreasing depth. Small amounts <strong>of</strong> oxygen remained in the groundwater below 10 m(Figure 3-3), except for the problematic PP9 sample mentioned above.The measurement <strong>of</strong> E h in shallow groundwater should be regarded as a relativeanalysis and the E h values obtained should not be directly compared with E h valuesobtained in deep groundwater as other electrodes and measurement conditions werevalid there. The E h values over depth in shallow groundwater were very scattered,displaying only a very weak decreasing trend with increasing depth (Figure 3-5).The four field campaigns were performed in April and October. The concentration <strong>of</strong>dissolved oxygen was expected to vary seasonally, and when dissolved oxygen wasrepeatedly analysed in summer <strong>2006</strong> this could be confirmed (Figure 3-6). Theconcentration <strong>of</strong> oxygen decreased in summer and increased in fall and spring.3.1.2 Chemical analyses <strong>of</strong> groundwaterThe general trend was for dissolved solids to increase with depth (Table A-4), asreflected by the conductivity measurements (Figure 3-2). The concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC) is <strong>of</strong> special interest for microbiological interpretations, as DOCcan be expected to relate to microbiology. When analysed, no correlation was foundbetween DOC and depth (Figure 3-7). Instead, the DOC values were scattered frombelow the detection limit <strong>of</strong> 1.8 mg DOC mL 1 up to 39 mg DOC mL 1 . One sampledisplayed an exceptionally high DOC value <strong>of</strong> 196 mg DOC mL 1 . This was from theshallow PVP1 observation tube that was completely flooded by snow meltwater untilthe day before sampling (<strong>2006</strong>-04-27). This was not persistent contamination, as theDOC value was less than a tenth <strong>of</strong> that six months later (<strong>2006</strong>-10-12). Theconcentrations <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron and sulphide displayed inversely related trends, withdecreasing ferrous iron and increasing sulphide values with depth (Figure 3-8). Theferrous iron concentration was up to ten times higher in shallow than in deepgroundwater. The dissolved sulphide concentration was at or below the detection limitdown to a depth <strong>of</strong> 70 m and peaked at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m.

45110Depth (m)10010004.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5pHFigure 3-1. The pH in groundwater samples from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> against depth.110Depth (m)10010000.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0Conductivity (mS m -1 )Figure 3-2. The electrical conductivity in groundwater samples from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> overdepth.

4605Depth (m)1015200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7O 2 (mg L 1 )O 2 HACHO 2 WinklerFigure 3-3. The concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwater analysedusing the HQ10 HACH Portable LDO dissolved oxygen meter and by means <strong>of</strong>Winkler titration in the laboratory (the average values <strong>of</strong> three titrations are shown).10.0O 2 Winkler (mg L 1 ) 0.1 1.0 10.0O 2 LDO electrode (mg L 1 )Figure 3-4. The correlation between oxygen as measured using the DOX20T-Tmembrane electrode (<strong>2004</strong>) or the HQ10 HACH Portable LDO dissolved oxygenmeter and by means <strong>of</strong> Winkler titration in the laboratory (the average values <strong>of</strong> threetitrations are shown). The line denotes identical values.

470246Depth (m)81012141618-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500E h HACH-electrode (mV)Figure 3-5. The relationship between E h , as analysed using the pIONeer 10 portablepH-E h , meter and depth.65O 2 (mg L 1 )4321010 - 14 thOctober 200524 - 28 thApril <strong>2006</strong>18 - 23 rdMay <strong>2006</strong>7 - 12 thJuly <strong>2006</strong>9 - 13 thOctober <strong>2006</strong>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Time (months)PR1PP2PP9PP36PP39PVP1PVP4APVP13PVP14PVP20Figure 3-6. The seasonal variation <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen in shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater analysed using the HQ10 HACH Portable LDO dissolved oxygen meter.

48110Depth (m)10010001 10 100DOC (mg L 1 )Figure 3-7. The concentrations <strong>of</strong> dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwatersamples from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> over depth.110Depth (m)10010000.01 0.10 1.00 10.00(mg L 1 )S 2Fe 2Figure 3-8. The concentrations <strong>of</strong> dissolved ferrous iron and sulphide in groundwatersamples from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> over depth.

493.2 Sampling, extraction, and analysis <strong>of</strong> gasThe total amount <strong>of</strong> extractable gas per L <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater is shown in Figure3-9. This total gas is equal to the sum <strong>of</strong> the amounts <strong>of</strong> several gases analysedseparately. The amount <strong>of</strong> each analysed gas extracted per L <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwateris produced by dividing the total extracted gas per L by the ppm values shown in TableA-5 and Table A-6, resulting in µL <strong>of</strong> gas per L <strong>of</strong> groundwater. The ppm values inTable A-5 and Table A-6 thus indicate the proportions <strong>of</strong> each gas per L <strong>of</strong> extractedgas, while the scatter plots <strong>of</strong> gas versus depth (Figure 3-14 to Figure 3-20) indicate theamounts <strong>of</strong> each gas per L <strong>of</strong> groundwater. Please note this distinction, as it is veryimportant for understanding how the gas analysis results are reported and interpreted.3.2.1 Dissolved gas in shallow groundwater – comments on the methodsIn the sampling procedure, 120-mL glass bottles were used, typically to collectapproximately 100 mL <strong>of</strong> groundwater from which gas was extracted (Table A-5). Theamount <strong>of</strong> extractable gas ranged from 2.3 mL L 1 in borehole PVP4A-1 (<strong>2006</strong>-04-27)to 7.2 mL L 1 in borehole PP39 (<strong>2006</strong>-10-11), which is a relatively small amountcompared with what could be extracted from deeper groundwater using the PAVEpressure vessel (Table A-6). The precision <strong>of</strong> repeated extractions is reflected by thestandard deviations, which were in the 11–87% range. Although these standarddeviations are high, the results must still be regarded as good, given that the gasvolumes extracted were quite small. Using the PAVE vessel for deep gas samples,which contained more water and gas than did the shallow samples, increased theprecision to 10% as judged from the reproducibility tests made at the Äspö HRL (TableA-12).The oxygen present in shallow groundwater samples could have two different origins. Itcould be dissolved oxygen present in the groundwater at the time <strong>of</strong> sampling, or itcould be oxygen that entered the sample during the extraction procedure. The transfer <strong>of</strong>a 100-mL groundwater sample from the sample bottle to the gas extractor (Figure A-1)took 20–30 min, and during this time small amounts <strong>of</strong> oxygen may have entered thesample. If the oxygen results obtained using the gas extractor are compared with dataobtained using the very reliable Winkler method (Figure 3-10), it is clear that someoxygen did enter the samples during extraction. The oxygen values obtained using gaschromatography, presented in Table A-5, are thus artefacts that in most cases should notbe taken into consideration. Therefore, the values in Table A-4 should be used fordissolved oxygen.3.2.2 Dissolved gas in deep groundwater – comments on the methodsThe analysis <strong>of</strong> gas sampled using the PAVE pressure vessel and reported here is amethodology under continuous development at Microbial Analytics Sweden AB. Theequipment was technically improved and the sampling, extraction, and analysisprocedures were adjusted in 2005. The precision and reliability <strong>of</strong> the analyses werethus better in <strong>2006</strong> than in 2005. The analysis procedures must be further developed andsuch development may include constructing a new version <strong>of</strong> the PAVE pressure vessel.

50However, the data obtained so far are still very valuable if interpretations andconclusions take the following method comments into consideration.The PAVE pressure vessel has a piston that separates the groundwater sample from thelower compartment filled with argon or nitrogen gas. This gas will balance the pressure<strong>of</strong> the groundwater when sampled, which reduces large shifts in pressure in the samplethat would result in degassing. There have occasionally been some problems withleakage <strong>of</strong> pressure gas into the sample, which elevates the argon or nitrogenconcentration <strong>of</strong> the sample. This effect is difficult to track. The best way to judge asample result is to evaluate it in relation to several other results for samples from similardepths. A large discrepancy between a particular sample result and the average result forsamples from the same depth region indicates a sampling artefact. One obvious suchcase is that <strong>of</strong> the OL-KR22 sample from a depth <strong>of</strong> 320 m sampled on <strong>2006</strong>-03-01(Table A-6). This sample contains much more nitrogen than do all other samples frombelow a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m (Figure 3-11), and the amount <strong>of</strong> extracted gas exceeds that inall other samples from adjacent depths by 3 to 4 times. It is obvious that this sample washeavily contaminated with nitrogen from the lower compartment. As a result, all othergases in this sample were diluted, so the results underestimate the actual values <strong>of</strong> allother gases by approximately 3 to 4 times. The reproducibility <strong>of</strong> the PAVE samplingand analysis method was tested twice using two samples from boreholes OL-KR7(2005-04-25) and OL-KR10 (2005-04-04) (Table A-6). The reproducibility was notvery good for unknown reasons. It appears as though the PAVE samplers collectdifferent amounts <strong>of</strong> gas, possibly due to differences in the volumes <strong>of</strong> sample and theirpositions in the borehole sampling equipment. This problem is being studied on anongoing basis. As <strong>of</strong> summer 2007, however, there were still no satisfactoryexplanations <strong>of</strong> or solutions to this problem. More extensive discussion <strong>of</strong> the problemswith sampling and analysing gas using the PAVE system, and <strong>of</strong> the representativity <strong>of</strong>the gas results obtained with it, can be found elsewhere (Gascoyne 2000; Pitkänen andPartamies 2007).The time from sampling to extraction and analysis should preferably be as short aspossible. Technical problems in the laboratory made it impossible to extract samplesfrom April to August 2005. The current standard is to have the sample extracted withina week <strong>of</strong> the sampling day and this goal was, with some exceptions, achieved in <strong>2006</strong>.If samples are kept for long periods in the PAVE system, there is a risk that gasdiffusion processes may change the gas composition; moreover, microbial activityinside the sample may also have a significant effect on results by producing andconsuming hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide. To minimize microbial impact onthe samples, they are kept refrigerated until analysis, which reduces the rate <strong>of</strong>microbial processes. Finally, anaerobic corrosion <strong>of</strong> the stainless steel in the PAVEcontainer may generate hydrogen, which will <strong>of</strong> course distort the hydrogen values. Thismay explain the unexpectedly high hydrogen values in some <strong>of</strong> the samples fromboreholes OL-KR6 and OL-KR8 (Table A-6). Alternately, the anomalously highhydrogen data may be due to incomplete filling <strong>of</strong> the sample vessels, as suggested byPitkänen and Partamies (2007).During the extraction process, there were problems with air entering the sample, whichwas detected as the presence <strong>of</strong> oxygen. As deep groundwater generally contain ferrousiron and sometimes sulphide (Table A-4), oxygen should not be present, because these

51two ions are not stable in oxygenated water. Such air leakage was considerable in 2005,and most <strong>of</strong> the leakage was tracked to the unit used to connect the sampler to the gasextractor. A new type <strong>of</strong> connector unit was developed in late 2005, and the aircontamination was immediately reduced ten-fold from approximately 10% to 1% (TableA-6). The remaining 1% has been more difficult to handle. In 2007, approximately half<strong>of</strong> the samples analysed were free <strong>of</strong> detectable air, analysed as the presence <strong>of</strong> oxygen.All deep groundwater samples are back calculated to the gas concentrations the sampleshad before air contamination.The sum <strong>of</strong> all analysed gases in ppm should theoretically be 1,000,000 ppm,representing 100%. The results shown in Table A-6 indicate that this was achievedmostly within the 2% range. This indicates that the gases selected and analysed forwere actually the dominant gases. If a major gas had not been analysed for, the sum <strong>of</strong>all gases would be less than 100%. The sum <strong>of</strong> the analysed gases was compared withthe amount <strong>of</strong> extracted gas; these two values were also comparable, as reflected in thetotal percentage <strong>of</strong> gas.3.2.3 Distribution <strong>of</strong> gases in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwaterThe extracted gas was composed <strong>of</strong> five major and five minor gases. The distribution <strong>of</strong>the major gases nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, and helium is shown in Figure 3-11;argon concentrations were very scattered (Table A-6) and are omitted from thesefigures. There were three distinct gas composition pr<strong>of</strong>iles that could be related todifferent depth layers. The shallow gas down to a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 20 m wascomposed mainly <strong>of</strong> nitrogen and a smaller but still significant amount <strong>of</strong> carbondioxide. Intermediate-depth gas from depths <strong>of</strong> approximately 20 to 300 m wasdominated by nitrogen. At depths below 300 m, methane concentrations increasedsignificantly, making it the dominant gas in most deep samples. The results for a depth<strong>of</strong> 320 m in borehole OL-KR-22 were distorted by a leaking PAVE cylinder piston, andthe methane concentration was most likely higher in the groundwater than the resultssuggest. The proportions <strong>of</strong> the minor gases hydrogen and carbon monoxide were notparticularly correlated with depth; the exception was the minor gas carbon monoxide,the content <strong>of</strong> which was higher in the shallow and intermediate-depth groundwater thanin the deep groundwater below a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m (Figure 3-12). All two-carbonhydrocarbons were absent from the shallow groundwater, except for that from boreholesPVP1 and PVA1 (Table A5). The hydrocarbon gases analysed for appeared in theintermediate-depth groundwater and the proportion <strong>of</strong> ethane increased significantly inthe deep groundwater (Figure 3-13).The average total amount <strong>of</strong> dissolved gas increased exponentially with depth (Figure3-9). In the shallow groundwater, volumes <strong>of</strong> 25–70 mL <strong>of</strong> gas L 1 groundwater 1 werefound. The amounts then increased up to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 1380 mL <strong>of</strong> gas L 1groundwater 1 in the deepest groundwater sample from borehole OL-KR29, at a depth<strong>of</strong> 742 m.The concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolved nitrogen per L <strong>of</strong> groundwater increased with depth, butits concentration range was narrow compared with those <strong>of</strong> other gases. Nitrogenconcentration increased approximately 20-fold with depth, rising from 15 to 250 mL <strong>of</strong>

52nitrogen L 1 groundwater 1 (Figure 3-14). In comparison, the noble gas heliumincreased approximately 1000-fold over the depth range analysed, rising from 30 to20000 µL <strong>of</strong> gas L 1 groundwater 1 . The trend was for average helium concentrations toincrease exponentially over most <strong>of</strong> the depth range analysed, except in the deepestsample (Figure 3-15). Methane displayed a two-layer pr<strong>of</strong>ile with values between 1 and1000 µL <strong>of</strong> gas L 1 groundwater 1 down to a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m (Figure 3-16). At thisdepth, there was a distinct 100-fold increase in the methane concentration to 100,000 µL<strong>of</strong> gas L 1 groundwater 1 ; the methane concentration then increased ten-fold by a depth<strong>of</strong> 742 m, the depth <strong>of</strong> the deepest sample analysed. Overall, the concentrations <strong>of</strong>methane were distributed over a ten-million-times range. The concentration <strong>of</strong> the last<strong>of</strong> the major gases analysed, carbon dioxide, decreased approximately ten-fold from theshallow groundwater samples to a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 20 m (Figure 3-17).Thereafter, the average concentration decreased slightly, except in the deepest sample,which had a high concentration relative to the other deep (300–560 m) groundwatersamples. The average concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolved hydrogen per L <strong>of</strong> groundwaterdisplayed a weak increasing trend with depth, but the data points were very scattered(Figure 3-18). Carbon monoxide concentrations did not change with depth, but were, aswith hydrogen, scattered (Figure 3-19). However, average ethane concentrationsincreased exponentially with depth (Figure 3-20).

530100200Depth (m)30040050060070080010 100 1000 10000Gas (mL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-9. The total amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.1210GC O 2 (mL L 1 )864200 1 2 3 4 5Winkler O 2 (mg L 1 Figure 3-10. The relationship between oxygen concentrations in groundwater samplesas analysed using gas chromatography (GC) and using Winkler titration. The dottedbands denote 95% confidence intervals.

54Depth (m)PVP1 - 4PVP1 - 4PVP13 - 6PVP13 - 6PR1 - 6PR 1 - 6PVP14 - 9PVP14 - 9PVP4A - 10PVP4A - 10PVP4A - 10PP36 - 11PP36 - 11PVP20 - 13PP39 - 14PP39 - 14PP9 - 15PP9 - 15PP2 - 14PP2 - 14PVA1 - 20PVA1 - 20KR30 - 40KR8 - 57KR8 - 57KR33 - 71KR6 - 73KR6 - 74KR39 - 88KR6 - 90KR6 - 94KR19 - 101KR6 - 102KR22 - 102KR37 - 112KR22 - 116KR6 - 116KR31 - 122KR7 - 197KR7 - 197KR10 - 249KR7 - 257KR8 - 261KR29 - 293KR13 - 294KR10 - 316KR10 - 316KR10 - 316KR22 - 320KR6 - 328KR39 - 345KR19 - 433KR8 - 490KR2 - 560KR29 - 7420 200 400 600 800 1000Major gas components (mL L 1 gas 1 )MethaneCarbon dioxideHeliumNitrogenFigure 3-11. Stacked values <strong>of</strong> the major components <strong>of</strong> the extractable gas fromshallow and deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. Blue borehole designations indicate cases inwhich analysis was done twice, once with argon (1 st bar) and once with nitrogen (2 ndbar) in the pressure vessel.

55Depth (m)PVP1 - 4PVP1 - 4PVP13 - 6PVP13 - 6PR1 - 6PR 1 - 6PVP14 - 9PVP14 - 9PVP4A - 10PVP4A - 10PVP4A - 10PP36 - 11PP36 - 11PVP20 - 13PP39 - 14PP39 - 14PP9 - 15PP9 - 15PP2 - 14PP2 - 14PVA1 - 20PVA1 - 20KR30 - 40KR8 - 57KR8 - 57KR33 - 71KR6 - 73KR6 - 74KR39 - 88KR6 - 90KR6 - 94KR19 - 101KR6 - 102KR22 - 102KR37 - 112KR22 - 116KR6 - 116KR31 - 122KR7 - 197KR7 - 197KR10 - 249KR7 - 257KR8 - 261KR29 - 293KR13 - 294KR10 - 316KR10 - 316KR10 - 316KR22 - 320KR6 - 328KR39 - 345KR19 - 433KR8 - 490KR2 - 560KR29 - 7420 50 100 150 650 700Minor gas components (µL L 1 gas 1 )Carbon monoxideHydrogenFigure 3-12. Stacked values <strong>of</strong> the minor gas components carbon monoxide andhydrogen in the extractable gas from shallow and deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. Blueborehole designations indicate cases in which analysis was done twice, once with argon(1 st bar) and once with nitrogen (2 nd bar) in the pressure vessel.

570100200Depth (m)30040050060070080010 100 1000 10000Nitrogen (mL L groundwater )Figure 3-14. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved nitrogen gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100200Depth (m)30040050060070080010 100 1000 10000 100000Helium (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-15. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved helium gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

580100200Depth (m)3004005006007008001 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000CH 4 (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-16. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved methane gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100200Depth (m)3004005006007008001 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000CO 2 (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-17. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved carbon dioxide gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.

590100200Depth (m)3004005006007008000.1 1.0 10.0 100.0Hydrogen (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-18. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved hydrogen gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100200Depth (m)3004005006007008000.1 1.0 10.0 100.0CO (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-19. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved carbon monoxide gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.

600100200Depth (m)3004005006007008000.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00C 2 H 6 (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )Figure 3-20. The amount <strong>of</strong> extractable dissolved ethane gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.3.3 Analysis <strong>of</strong> biological parametersConsecutive tests were performed in the <strong>2004</strong>, 2005, and <strong>2006</strong> field seasons to developand test the quality <strong>of</strong> the sampling procedures. The procedures for sterilizing the pumpand samplers were analysed and the data obtained using the SOLINST tube sampler andusing the pump were compared. The influence <strong>of</strong> pumping time on the results was alsostudied.3.3.1 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumpsTesting the AGW water in the ONKALO laboratory revealed TNC counts that weresignificantly different from zero (Table 3-1). ATP readings confirmed that there wassome biomass in this water-producing unit, which was expected, as such systems are notsterile. However, by using proper cleaning procedures and a UV lamp in the water tank,the bacterial numbers in AGW systems can be kept very low. AGW water sterilized inan autoclave had TNC and CHAB readings that were not significantly different fromzero. An extremely small amount <strong>of</strong> ATP was detected but, at such a low concentrationlevel, the ATP analysis was very sensitive to even the smallest contamination. Thesterilized pump came directly from the field and had been in use for several years. Evenso, the sterilization testing produced very good results, with values just above zero,significantly lower than had been found in the ONKALO laboratory’s AGW system. Itcan thus be safely concluded that the sterilization procedures worked properly and thatthe sampling pump systems did not cross-contaminate the sampled boreholes orsamples.

61Table 3-1. Results <strong>of</strong> the sterilization tests <strong>of</strong> the borehole pump and the analysis <strong>of</strong> theAGW water.Measurement aAGW waterproduced in theOnkalo laboratorySterile AGW waterfor washing pumpsand samplersSterile AGW waterafter pumping andsamplingTNC (cells mL 1 ) 12000 (2200) b 110 (120) 7000 (3700)ATP (amol mL 1 ) 9725 (3209) 472 (214) 3351 (86)CHAB (cells mL 1 ) - d 3 (6) 43 (15)NRB (cells mL 1 ) - - 0.4 (0.1–1.7) cIRB (cells mL 1 ) - -

62respectively (Greenberg et al. 1992). There was a small bias towards higher numbers inthe PVB sampler denoted 1. The maximum discrepancy between the samples wasobserved for SRB and equalled a factor <strong>of</strong> two, well within the 95% confidenceintervals <strong>of</strong> the MPN analysis. The TNC determinations and ATP analysis alsodisplayed good reproducibility; this included the sampling procedure, transportationlogistics, and MPN inoculation, cultivation, and analysis for each physiological group<strong>of</strong> microorganisms, i.e., TNC, CHAB, and ATP. The second test explored thereproducibility <strong>of</strong> two different analytical rounds on groundwater from two differentborehole sections and <strong>of</strong> repeated sampling over time. This test also included the effects<strong>of</strong> different personnel involved and different preparations <strong>of</strong> chemicals and media. Ingeneral, groundwater from the two borehole sections had very different result pr<strong>of</strong>ilesthat reproduced well (Table 3-4). The MPNs <strong>of</strong> MRB, SRB and AM differed mostbetween the sampling times, while the MPNs <strong>of</strong> AA and HM were highly reproducible.Table 3-2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> groundwater from the shallow overburden borehole PVP20as sampled using the SOLINST borehole sampler (S) and directly from the pump (P).Measurement a PVP20-S PVP20-P PVP20S /PVP20PDepth (m) 12.80 12.80 -TNC 10 4 (cells L 1 ) 32 (4.3) b 15 (7.6)2.1ATP 10 4 (amol L 1 ) 10.6 (0.77) 7.61 (0.39)CHAB 10 4 (cells L 1 ) 0.22 (0.042) 0.20 (0.023)CHAB <strong>of</strong> TNC (%) 0.68 1.33 0.5NRB (cells mL 1 ) 130 (50–390) c 2 (0.9–8.6) 65.0IRB (cells mL 1 ) 2.2 (0.9–5.6) 0.4 (0.1–1.7) 5.5MRB (cells mL 1 ) 8.0 (3–25) 2.3 (0.9–8.6) 3.5SRB (cells mL 1 ) 5 (2–15) 3 (1–12) 1.7AA (cells mL 1 ) 1600 (600–5300) 170 (70–480) 9.4HA (cells mL 1 ) 30 (10–130) 30 (10–120) 1.0AM (cells mL 1 )

63450 m in groundwater from borehole OL-KR19 (Table A-10). The overall average TNCover depth in deep groundwater was 5.7 10 4 cells mL 1 , which was almost ten timeslower than the average TNC over depth in shallow groundwater. The average TNC overdepth in deep groundwater did not display any trend with depth.Table 3-3. The total numbers <strong>of</strong> cells, ATP, and most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> variousphysiological groups <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in groundwater sampled using two differentPVB samplers, taken simultaneously on 14 March 2005 at the same location inborehole KFM06A, section 353.5360.0 m.Analysis a andphysiological groupSampleKFM06A:1 KFM06A:2 KFM06A:1/KFM06A:2TNC 10 4 (cells mL 1 ) 7.2 (1.7) b 5.2 (1.7) 1.4ATP 10 4 (amol mL 1 ) 1.51 (0.07) 0,95 (0.05) 1.6IRB (cells mL 1 ) 30 (10–120) c 23 (9–86) 1.3MRB (cells mL 1 ) 13 (5–39) 30 (10–130) 0.44SRB (cells mL 1 ) 0.8 (0.3–2.4) 0.4 (0.1–1.7) 2.0AA (cells mL 1 ) 30 (10–130) 24 (10–94) 1.3HA (cells mL 1 ) 24 (10–94) 24 (10–94) 1.0AM (cells mL 1 )

643.3.7 Most probable number <strong>of</strong> metabolic groups <strong>of</strong> bacteriaThe stacked number pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> MPN values in shallow groundwater (Table A-8 andTable A-9) remained similar from season to season and were borehole specific in thecase <strong>of</strong> groundwater from several boreholes (Figure 3-25). The spring <strong>2004</strong> values areexcluded from the stacked MPN figures, as most <strong>of</strong> these values refer to boreholes thatwere not analysed again. <strong>Groundwater</strong> from boreholes PP2 and PP9 had low MPNvalues in all three seasons while samples from boreholes PR1 and PP39 had the higheststacked MPN values in all shallow groundwater samples. The spring <strong>2006</strong> value forborehole PVP1 groundwater was much higher than in the other two seasons, due to theabove-mentioned flooding event. There was no clear difference in the stacked MPNvalues between overburden (PVP) and shallow rock (PR, PP) boreholes.Table 3-4. The most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> various physiological groups <strong>of</strong>microorganisms in two different boreholes sampled on 14 October <strong>2004</strong> and 9February 2005.Physiological group a KJ0052F01:1 KJ0052F01:2 KJ0052F01:1/KJ0052F01:2IRB (cells mL 1 )

65at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 328 m (Figure 3-26). The NRB analysis was introduced intothe sampling programme in 2005, so values are missing from some <strong>of</strong> the stacked MPNbars for deep groundwater. This may partly explain why the stacked bars for boreholesKR2, KR7, KR10, KR19, and KR27 are shorter than the remaining bars, whichincorporate NRB data.The MPN <strong>of</strong> NRB over depth displayed a range over four orders <strong>of</strong> magnitude in theshallow groundwater samples. The highest NRB value was found at a depth <strong>of</strong> 328 m inborehole OL-KR6 (Table A-11). The MPN <strong>of</strong> IRB was low in most samples with a fewvalues above 10 cells mL 1 in the shallow groundwater. The deep groundwater samplesdisplayed a peak relative to the other MPN values <strong>of</strong> IRB, with four IRB valuessignificantly above the detection limit at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m. In the case <strong>of</strong>MRB, the situation was similar to that <strong>of</strong> IRB, but with several more values above 10and 100 cells mL 1 in shallow and intermediate–depth groundwater, respectively. As forIRB, four <strong>of</strong> the MRB values peaked at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m. The MPN <strong>of</strong>SRB followed the trends <strong>of</strong> IRB and MRB with scattered values in shallow groundwaterup to approximately 1000 cells mL 1 and four values above the detection limit at adepth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m.The MPN results for AA and HA displayed similar patterns. The data were scatteredover a range <strong>of</strong> four orders <strong>of</strong> magnitude in the shallow groundwater. At a depth <strong>of</strong>approximately 300 m, there was a peak in the MPN values as was also observed forNRB, IRB, MRB, and SRB. There were some detectable AM and HM in shallowgroundwater and there were very few detectable methanogens at depth. As in all otherMPN analyses, peak values were observed at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m.The MPN analysis <strong>of</strong> MOB was only performed on shallow groundwater. Thismetabolic group <strong>of</strong> microorganisms was present in most samples analysed, with a peakobserved in borehole PVB3B water in spring <strong>2004</strong>. This borehole was turbid as a result<strong>of</strong> dispersed bentonite from the packer <strong>of</strong> the casing, which may have influenced theresults.

660100Depth (m)2003004005003.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.010 Log(TNC) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-21. The distribution <strong>of</strong> total number <strong>of</strong> cells (TNC) versus depth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100Depth (m)2003004005003.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.010 Log(ATP) (amol mL 1 )Figure 3-22. The concentrations <strong>of</strong> ATP distributed over depth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.

67024Depth (m)68101214160.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.010 Log(CHAB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-23. The distribution <strong>of</strong> cultivable heterotrophic aerobic cells (CHAB) versusdepth in shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.0100Depth (m)2003004005000.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.010 Log(CHAB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-24. The distribution <strong>of</strong> cultivable heterotrophic aerobic cells (CHAB) versusdepth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

68PVP1, 3.9 m2005-10-11<strong>2006</strong>-04-27<strong>2006</strong>-10-12PVP13, 5.6 m2005-10-12<strong>2006</strong>-04-26<strong>2006</strong>-10-12PVP14, 9.0 m2005-10-13<strong>2006</strong>-04-26<strong>2006</strong>-10-10PVP4A, 10.2 m2005-10-12<strong>2006</strong>-04-27<strong>2006</strong>-04-27<strong>2006</strong>-10-10PVP20, 12.8 m2005-10-132005-10-13<strong>2006</strong>-10-10PR1, 6.0 m2005-10-10<strong>2006</strong>-04-25<strong>2006</strong>-10-11PP36, 12.1 m2005-10-10<strong>2006</strong>-04-25<strong>2006</strong>-10-09PP39, 14.1 m2005-10-11<strong>2006</strong>-04-24<strong>2006</strong>-10-11PP2, 14.7 m2005-10-12<strong>2006</strong>-04-24<strong>2006</strong>-10-11PP9, 14.7 m2005-10-13<strong>2006</strong>-04-27<strong>2006</strong>-10-090 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Stacked 10 log(MPN) (cells mL 1 )MOBHMAMHAAASRBMRBIRBNRBFigure 3-25. Stacked values <strong>of</strong> most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> various physiological groups<strong>of</strong> microorganisms in shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. NRB = nitrate-reducing bacteria,IRB = iron-reducing bacteria, MRB = manganese-reducing bacteria, SRB = sulphatereducingbacteria, AA = autotrophic acetogens, HA = heterotrophic acetogens, AM =autotrophic methanogens, HM = heterotrophic methanogens, and MOB = methaneoxidizingbacteria.

69Borehole, depth (m)KR32, 34.6KR8, 57.3KR33, 70.6KR6, 73.7KR39, 88.2KR6, 94.1KR6, 101.8KR10, 106.0KR37, 111.6KR31, 122.4KR27, 193.5KR7, 249.4KR8, 260.7KR13, 294.0KR13, 294.0KR2, 306.2KR10, 316.0KR6, 328.4KR39, 344.8KR27, 391.7KR19, 449.60 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Stacked 10 log(MPN) (cells mL 1 )HMAMHAAASRBMRBIRBNRBFigure 3-26. Stacked values <strong>of</strong> most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> various physiological groups<strong>of</strong> microorganisms in deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. NRB = nitrate-reducing bacteria,IRB = iron-reducing bacteria, MRB = manganese-reducing bacteria, SRB = sulphatereducingbacteria, AA = autotrophic acetogens, HA = heterotrophic acetogens, AM =autotrophic methanogens, and HM = heterotrophic methanogens.0100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(NRB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-27. The distribution <strong>of</strong> nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB) versus depth in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

700100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(IRB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-28. The distribution <strong>of</strong> iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) versus depth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(MRB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-29. The distribution <strong>of</strong> manganese-reducing bacteria (MRB) versus depth in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

710100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(SRB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-30. The distribution <strong>of</strong> sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) versus depth in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.0100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(AA) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-31. The distribution <strong>of</strong> autotrophic acetogens (AA) versus depth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.

720100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(HA) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-32. The distribution <strong>of</strong> heterotrophic acetogens (HA) versus depth in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater.0100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(AM) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-33. The distribution <strong>of</strong> autotrophic methanogens (AM) versus depth in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

730100Depth (m)2003004005000 1 2 3 4 510 Log(HM) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-34. The distribution <strong>of</strong> heterotrophic methanogens (HM) versus depth in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.024Depth (m)68101214160 1 2 3 4 510 Log(MOB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 3-35. The distribution <strong>of</strong> methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) versus depth inshallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

754 DISCUSSIONThe microbiology <strong>of</strong> shallow and deep groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> was analysed byMicrobial Analytics Sweden AB and Göteborg University for almost three years from<strong>2004</strong> to <strong>2006</strong>, and previously by Göteborg University between 1996 and 2000 (Table1-1). The extensive sampling and analysis programme from <strong>2004</strong> to <strong>2006</strong> has produceda very substantial database, including 60 analytical datasets on the microbiology <strong>of</strong><strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. This database comprises 39 complete analytical datasetsassembled on four sampling campaigns from measurements from 16 shallowobservation tubes and boreholes ranging in depth from 4 to 24.5 m. The database alsocontains 21 analytical datasets covering 13 deep boreholes ranging in depth from 35 to450 m. In addition, the database contains 33 completed analyses <strong>of</strong> gas covering 14deep boreholes ranging in depth from 40 to 742 m. Most <strong>of</strong> these analyses werecompleted before the onset <strong>of</strong> ONKALO construction, and the remaining samples werecollected before ONKALO construction had extended below a depth <strong>of</strong> 100 m;therefore, this dataset captures the undisturbed conditions before the building <strong>of</strong>ONKALO. Future sampling and analysis will reveal whether ONKALO constructionhas influenced biogeochemical conditions in the surrounding groundwater. If such aninfluence is found, it will, hopefully, be possible to model the underlying reasons forthis influence and to predict its continuation.The following discussion first deals with the selection <strong>of</strong> sampling points, procedures,and methods and the quality-control tests done. Then the research results will beevaluated and interpreted, after which a descriptive model <strong>of</strong> the microbiologicalprocesses deemed most important will be presented. Finally, the outcome <strong>of</strong> thereported research will be discussed with reference to ONKALO.4.1 Sampling procedures for shallow groundwaterFour microbiology and gas sampling campaigns have been performed in the shallowgroundwater <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>: the first was in May <strong>2004</strong>, the second was completed inOctober 2005, and the last two were completed in April and October <strong>2006</strong>, respectively.The methods and techniques used generally worked well. Several activities wereconducted specifically to test and possibly improve the methods. The sampling andanalysis procedures were adjusted as deemed necessary to improve the quality andreproducibility <strong>of</strong> results. The strategies underlying the selection <strong>of</strong> boreholes andmethods and the outcome <strong>of</strong> the method tests are discussed next.4.1.1 Selection <strong>of</strong> sampled shallow groundwater boreholesThe boreholes selected for the <strong>2004</strong> and the 2005–<strong>2006</strong> sampling campaigns differ.Four boreholes were used in both the <strong>2004</strong> and 2005–<strong>2006</strong> sampling campaigns(PVP1A, PVP4A, PR1, and PP2, but six boreholes were abandoned after <strong>2004</strong> andreplaced with new ones in fall 2005. The selection <strong>of</strong> boreholes was changed for severalreasons. First, one borehole sampled in <strong>2004</strong> collapsed (PP8) and two becamecontaminated with dispersed bentonite from the packer <strong>of</strong> the casing (PVP3A andPVP3B). Two were found to have closely related chemistry and microbiology pr<strong>of</strong>iles

76(PVP4A and PVP4B), so one <strong>of</strong> them was abandoned (PVP4B). Finally, two <strong>of</strong> the<strong>2004</strong> boreholes became inaccessible after <strong>2004</strong> (PP3 and PP7), due to the ongoingconstruction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO and new buildings. The new selection <strong>of</strong> boreholes made forthe 2005 field campaign was retained for the remaining three sampling campaigns. Fiveoverburden and five shallow rock boreholes were selected, to capture the largestpossible distribution <strong>of</strong> the content <strong>of</strong> dissolved solids. These particular boreholes werealso selected to ensure that the ONKALO construction would not interfere with repeatedsampling activities in the future (Figure 2-1). Such repeated field activities should beable to return datasets that represent a wide selection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> shallow groundwaterenvironments over time. It will be possible to continue monitoring these boreholes inthe future and evaluate whether the construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO has influenced theshallow groundwater microbiology and gas content.4.1.2 Sampling <strong>of</strong> shallow groundwaterSampling <strong>of</strong> shallow boreholes for microbiology differed in many respects from thesampling <strong>of</strong> deep boreholes. The most obvious difference is that specific fractures in thedeep boreholes were isolated with packers and pumped out for several weeks beforesampling. The shallow boreholes were not supplied with packers and could only bepumped out for a few hours; instead, they were open and in contact with the air. It is ageneral practice to pump out a borehole before sampling. This ensures that standinggroundwater containing dissolved air, precipitation, and dust from the ground surface isremoved before a sample is taken. Therefore, groundwater was sampled after 1.5 h ormore <strong>of</strong> pumping. The boreholes extended to various depths, usually several metres,beneath the surface <strong>of</strong> the groundwater table. The groundwater flowing into a specificborehole during pumping may therefore be <strong>of</strong> several different origins. For example,one component may originate from very shallow groundwater layers, while a secondone may originate from a deeper inflow location. All this is related to the preferentialflow paths <strong>of</strong> the aquifers in the sampled ground. For consistency, the total depth <strong>of</strong> ashallow borehole is used here when discussing relationships between measuredparameters and depth.The stability <strong>of</strong> the chemical conditions during prolonged pumping was tested inborehole PVP4A in spring <strong>2006</strong>. Samples were collected for physical, chemical, andmicrobiological analyses at times separated by 6 h <strong>of</strong> pumping. The volume <strong>of</strong> thegroundwater pumped out <strong>of</strong> the borehole between the sampling occasions wasapproximately 1440 L. When compared as ratios between the first and second samplingoccasions, the results indicated very small differences in most <strong>of</strong> the analysedparameters (indicated in blue in Table A-4). The only parameter that changedsignificantly was the ferrous iron content, which decreased from 3.05 mg L 1 to 1.64 mgL 1 . The groundwater chemistry conditions appeared to be very stable in this borehole.Although this test was only done once for one borehole, it can yet be concluded that thechemical conditions in the shallow boreholes were borehole specific and reproducibleover the seasons. A comparison <strong>of</strong> data from each borehole over the whole samplingperiod supports this conclusion. For example, comparing the amounts <strong>of</strong> total dissolvedsolids (TDS), which represents the sum <strong>of</strong> all dissolved species analysed for separatelyas well, indicates good reproducibility per borehole over time. It can be concluded that

77the applied pumping methodology rendered reproducible results with respect to mostphysical and chemical parameters.The deep boreholes were sampled using the PAVE system, which has up to three closedcontainers that collect pressurized samples. This procedure was initially used for theshallow boreholes, using the SOLINST borehole sampler (using a borehole sampler isoptional, as one can collect samples directly from the pump tubing). However, it had tobe demonstrated that the pumps could indeed be sterilized between pumping out thedifferent boreholes. It was also deemed important to test the difference between pumpedsamples and samples collected using the SOLINST sampler, as discussed below.4.1.3 The oxygen blockage packer testThe shallow boreholes were open and in contact with air. It was therefore deemedpossible that air might have mixed with the sampled water during pumping, as oxygenwas found in most samples in the May <strong>2004</strong> investigation. A packer system was testedin the October 2005 investigation to determine whether the pumping was enough tokeep air from contaminating the samples. The results indicated that oxygen did not mixwith the water, irrespective <strong>of</strong> whether or not the packer was used (Pedersen 2007). Itwas concluded that a packer is not needed to hinder oxygen in air from mixing with thesampled groundwater.4.1.4 Sterilization <strong>of</strong> borehole pumpsThe use <strong>of</strong> chlorine dioxide (FreeBact 20; XINIX) for pump sterilization worked verywell (Table 3-1). The MPN <strong>of</strong> microorganisms obtained after sterilization was belowthe detection limit <strong>of</strong> 0.2 cells mL 1 for all analyses except NRB, which produced anumber just above the detection limit. It can thus be concluded that the sampling pumpsystems did not cross-contaminate the sampled boreholes.4.1.5 Comparison <strong>of</strong> sampling using the SOLINST sampler and using theborehole pumpIn the case <strong>of</strong> borehole PVP20, the microbiology results obtained from samples madewith the borehole pump were generally equal to or lower than those obtained fromsamples made with the SOLINST sampler, except in the case <strong>of</strong> MOB (Table 3-2). Thelargest difference was found in the case <strong>of</strong> NRB and AA. When sampling with theSOLINST sampler, it was observed that the groundwater became slightly more turbidafter retrieving the borehole pump and lowering the SOLINST sampler. The increase inturbidity was only observed in overburden boreholes. This difference most likelyresulted from hydrodynamic disturbance caused by raising and lowering the pump andsampler in the boreholes. Sediment and colloids that became suspended in groundwaterdue to disturbance during sampling would certainly harbour attached microorganisms,which would subsequently increase the biomass estimates in turbid as compared withnon-turbid groundwater. The greater ATP biomass value in borehole PVP20S than inborehole PVP20P may be attributed to the fact that the ATP analysis method extractedATP from both planktonic and bi<strong>of</strong>ilm microorganisms on particles in the turbid water.In the case <strong>of</strong> total counts, the situation was similar, with higher numbers evident in the

78SOLINST sample than in the pump sample. <strong>Groundwater</strong> from borehole PVP20S wasalso associated with the detection <strong>of</strong> the greatest number <strong>of</strong> metabolic groups. Thiswould again be due to higher numbers <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in the SOLINST samplescaused by the presence <strong>of</strong> more sediment particles with attached microorganisms.In choosing whether to use the SOLINST or pump method for sampling, it can beargued that the SOLINST method gives higher microorganism numbers related toparticles in the groundwater. These are <strong>of</strong> course true results, in that these organismswere indeed present and possibly active in the sampled borehole. At the same time, theSOLINST method introduced uncertainty into the results, as it is impossible toreproducibly cause turbidity in the boreholes. For comparative purposes, it was deemedbetter to sample from the borehole pump in the field activities in <strong>2006</strong> and in the future.Otherwise, results from overburden borehole samples may overestimate the planktoniccell numbers compared with results from bedrock borehole samples that were free <strong>of</strong>turbidity caused by sampling activities in the borehole.It has been demonstrated that attached microorganisms in deep groundwaterenvironments significantly outnumber planktonic microorganisms (Pedersen andEkendahl 1992a, b; Pedersen 2001). However, it can be assumed that the planktonicnumbers and diversity reflect the numbers and diversity <strong>of</strong> attached microorganisms.High activity and growth <strong>of</strong> attached microorganisms will result in an increased number<strong>of</strong> microorganisms that slough <strong>of</strong>f due to hydrodynamic forces or that migrate fromgrowing colonies. The investigations <strong>of</strong> shallow groundwater were intended to build ourunderstanding <strong>of</strong> seasonal variation and <strong>of</strong> the future impact <strong>of</strong> ONKALO ongroundwater biogeochemistry. It was thus deemed more important to use reproduciblemethods than methods that may yield the highest possible numbers as a result <strong>of</strong>manipulating the particle content <strong>of</strong> the analysed groundwater. The two first fieldactivities reported here, those <strong>of</strong> May <strong>2004</strong> and October 2005, formed a solid methodand technology basis for the design <strong>of</strong> future field activities. The only major changemade in the <strong>2006</strong> investigations was that samples were taken directly from the pumpsfor microbiology analysis. The SOLINST sampler was used one more time, to obtainsamples for the analysis <strong>of</strong> groundwater gas content and composition, but only tocompare the results obtained using SOLINST with those using a glass bottle samplingmethod, as discussed below (4.4.3).4.2 Sampling procedures for deep groundwater microbiologyThe reproducibility test for groundwater samples taken simultaneously in boreholeKFM06A from the 353.5360.0-m depth section in Forsmark using the PVB samplingsystem indicated very good reproducibility (Table 3-3). The difference between the twosamples was generally represented by a difference <strong>of</strong> only a single tube in the MPNanalyses. The 95% confidence interval for MPN analyses using five parallel tubesequalled approximately 1/3 and 3 times the obtained value (Greenberg et al. 1992). Themaximum difference between the two samples was 1.6, so the two samples were notsignificantly different. In comparison, there were significant differences between thegroundwater samples analysed in the different Äspö HRL boreholes (Table 3-4).<strong>Groundwater</strong> from borehole KJ0052F01 yielded significantly higher values in allanalyses than did groundwater from borehole KJ0052F03. The results from the Äspö

79HRL had previously indicated the heterogeneity <strong>of</strong> microbial populations in fracturedrock. Boreholes KJ0052F01 and KJ0052F03 are only separated by a maximum <strong>of</strong> 50 m<strong>of</strong> rock (Pedersen 2000b); however, they intersect fractures with differenthydrogeochemistry characteristics, resulting in groundwaters with very differentmicrobiological pr<strong>of</strong>iles. In conclusion, the reproducibility test demonstrated theanalytical protocols for microbiological analyses to be reproducible between samples.The reproducibility <strong>of</strong> the sampling and analysis methods used for groundwater fromborehole sections over a 3.5-month interval was also tested. This test requiredgroundwater samples from borehole sections that did not change their microbiologypr<strong>of</strong>iles over time. The Äspö HRL MICROBE site was suitable for such a test, becausethere is a record <strong>of</strong> groundwater analysis results extending back to the May 1999drilling (Pedersen 2000b). For the reproducibility testing, six consecutive samplings formicrobiological analysis were performed over 20 months (Pedersen 2005b), includingthe two results presented here. It was found that the results per borehole section werereproducible over time, as shown in Table 3-4. With a few exceptions, the results didnot differ significantly between the sampling times. The two different groundwatersamples tested were, however, significantly different. Taking all these results intoconsideration, it must be concluded that testing over time indicated extremely goodreproducibility. The MPN procedures and the analyses appeared to be very robust andreproducible both between samples (as shown in Table 3-3) and over sampling timesand between boreholes as shown in Table 3-4.The stability <strong>of</strong> the microbiological analyses over prolonged pumping was tested inborehole PVP4A in spring <strong>2006</strong>, as was done for physical and chemical parameters asdescribed above (section 4.1.2). Samples were collected for microbiology analysis attimes separated by 6 h <strong>of</strong> pumping. The volume <strong>of</strong> the groundwater pumped out <strong>of</strong> theborehole between the sampling occasions was approximately 1440 L. When comparedas ratios between the first and the second sampling occasions, the results indicatedvarying differences in the analysed parameters (indicated in blue in Table A-7). TheCHAB results displayed the largest difference, decreasing 13.5-fold between the firstand second sampling occasion. The MPN <strong>of</strong> HA also decreased significantly, by afactor <strong>of</strong> ten. These differences may, however, be due to a change in the microbiologicalcomposition <strong>of</strong> the groundwater, rather than to any variability in the methods used. Thepumping may have had a filtering effect on the unattached cells, which would result indecreasing values, as was the case for all analysed parameters except AA. The ATPvalue also decreased, which suggests that the volume <strong>of</strong> active biomass actually wasreduced somewhat. Still, the variability <strong>of</strong> the PVP4A data appeared reasonablycoherent compared with the variability between boreholes (Figure 3-25).4.3 Evaluating the analysis methodsAn array <strong>of</strong> analytical methods was used in this research to explore the microbiology <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> site groundwater. Correctly interpreting the results <strong>of</strong> the performedanalyses depends on a basic understanding <strong>of</strong> the possible limitations <strong>of</strong> the methodsand <strong>of</strong> the overlaps and gaps in the dataset. Some methods, like those used to measuretemperature, produce reliable data with clear meaning in most situations, while

80interpreting and understanding the results <strong>of</strong> other methods, such as MPN analysis,require a thorough knowledge <strong>of</strong> the underlying rationale <strong>of</strong> the procedures and <strong>of</strong> theirlimitations, sensitivity, and precision. In the following sections, the methods used willbe evaluated in the context <strong>of</strong> the results obtained.4.3.1 Analysis <strong>of</strong> physical parametersThe temperature (Table A-1), pH (Figure 3-1), and conductivity (Figure 3-2) <strong>of</strong><strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater have long been analysed, and there should be few problems withthe results <strong>of</strong> these analyses. In contrast, dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwater hasnot been analysed on an ongoing basis, and the dataset presented here for oxygen is thusimportant for the <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> site. Three methods were used to measure dissolved oxygen:electrochemical analysis in the field with electrodes (Figure 3-3), chemical analysis inthe laboratory with titration (Figure 3-3), and gas chromatography in the laboratory(Figure 3-10). The results <strong>of</strong> the electrochemical analysis agreed well with those <strong>of</strong>titration (Figure 3-4). The titration method was more reliable at low oxygenconcentrations below approximately 0.5 mg O 2 mL 1 , because electrodes are difficult tocalibrate for concentrations close to zero. The gas chromatography method did not workwell, due to problems with air intrusion in the glass sample vessels during extraction.The electrochemical method has the advantage <strong>of</strong> being easy to perform by personnel inthe field, while Winkler titration requires a chemist in the laboratory to titrate thesamples. When large datasets are required for routine data collection, as is the case withseasonal variation in many boreholes (Figure 3-6), the electrochemical method is themost cost effective.4.3.2 Chemical parametersChemical analysis is routine work in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> and has recently been reviewed(Pitkänen et al. 2007), and so will not be evaluated again here. In general, Pitkänen et al.(2007) concludes that much work and experience have been gained over time regardinghow to obtain high-quality data. This experience was available and used when thehydrochemical data used in the present report were collected. The concentrations <strong>of</strong>DOC, ferrous iron, sulphide, and sulphate in groundwater are <strong>of</strong> special interest formicrobiological investigations, because these chemical species play significant roles inmicrobial processes (Figure 1-8).Several groundwater gases can be produced and consumed by microorganisms.Methanogens produce methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide and acetogens canproduce acetate from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Microbial metabolism <strong>of</strong> organiccarbon generates carbon dioxide and some microorganisms metabolize methane tocarbon dioxide. Consequently, research into microbial processes in groundwaternecessitates the development <strong>of</strong> analytical methods for detecting gases in environmentaland laboratory samples. Dissolved groundwater gases in deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwaterhave been sampled using the PAVE system and analysed since 1997. Previously, gashad been sampled using glass and aluminium vessels (Gascoyne 2005). Seventy-onedeep groundwater samples taken using PAVE between 1997 to 2005, together withassociated analyses, have been evaluated in detail elsewhere (Pitkänen and Partamies

812007), so that evaluation is not repeated here. Briefly stated, the authors report that theamount <strong>of</strong> gas is notable at depth and that the major gases are nitrogen and methane.The gas composition closely follows the stratification <strong>of</strong> redox conditions, a significantshift observable at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m. Furthermore, they conclude that gasformation is <strong>of</strong> substantial importance for repository safety and that is essential to obtainmore data regarding hydrogen, methane, hydrocarbons, dissolved inorganic carbon,fracture calcites, and microorganisms. Further studies should examine the interfacebetween the methanic and sulphidic systems below and above a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m,respectively. The work presented in the present report is a first step in the directionidentified by Pitkänen and Partamies (2007).In the present research, two methods have been used to collect gas in shallow and deepgroundwater for subsequent extraction and analysis, as described in the Appendix (seepage 149). Evacuated glass bottles were used for shallow groundwater analysis and thePAVE system was used for deep groundwater sampling and analysis. As a rule <strong>of</strong>thumb, the larger the water sample and the more the gas, the better the precision anddetection obtained. Samples <strong>of</strong> deep groundwater from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> have usuallycontained large volumes <strong>of</strong> gas, while shallow groundwater has contained less dissolvedgas (Figure 3-9). The glass bottle sampling method still worked well because theuncertainty <strong>of</strong> using single samples and extractions was compensated for by usingtriplicates <strong>of</strong> independent samples, extractions, and analyses. In future research, theglass bottle methods used for shallow groundwater can be improved by using largerbottles. An attempt to use the SOLINST sampler for gas did not turn out well, due tocontamination <strong>of</strong> the sample with the nitrogen used to open and close the sampler(2.1.5). A similar problem was occasionally encountered with the PAVE samplingequipment, where the gas in the pressure compartment, i.e., nitrogen or argon,contaminated the samples (3.2.2). Finally, there was a problem with the aircontamination <strong>of</strong> samples due to poor (i.e., not vacuum-tight) seals on the originaldevice used to connect the PAVE pressure vessel and the extraction equipment. Thisproblem was later solved by constructing a new device with vacuum-tight seals.4.3.3 Microbiological parametersThe microbial biomass in granitic rock aquifers <strong>of</strong> the Fennoscandian Shield has beenanalysed in terms <strong>of</strong> total and viable numbers for almost two decades (Pedersen 2001);total number estimates have ranged from 10 3 to 10 6 cells mL 1 , while viable numberestimates have ranged from 10 0 to 10 5 cells mL 1 . Between 0.00084 and 14.8% <strong>of</strong> thetotal numbers have been cultivated and detected using most probable number (MPN)methods (Haveman and Pedersen 2002a). Although low viable numbers have beendetected relative to the total numbers observed, in vitro radiographic and radiotracerestimates have suggested that the absolute majority <strong>of</strong> the total cells observed usingmicroscopy was viable (Pedersen and Ekendahl 1990, 1992a, b). Consequently, therewas a significant gap between estimates <strong>of</strong> potentially viable total numbers andevidently viable cultivable numbers. Hence, a method for estimating the total amount <strong>of</strong>viable biomass in groundwater was sought. A recent investigation found that analysingthe ATP concentration in shallow and deep Fennoscandian groundwater (including<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater) using a commercial assay supplied needed information about

82the metabolic state and biovolume <strong>of</strong> the bacteria present (Eydal and Pedersen 2007).The assay appeared robust and reliable and had a detection range that took in allsamples analysed. The analysed ATP concentrations were found to correlate both withthe microscopic counts and with the volume and metabolic status <strong>of</strong> the investigatedpure culture and groundwater cells. The results suggested that bacterial populations indeep groundwater vary significantly in size, and that metabolic activity is a function <strong>of</strong>prevailing environmental conditions.ATP was first analysed in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater in fall <strong>2004</strong>. When ATP was analysedconcomitantly with TNC, a good correlation was obtained (Figure 4-1). As ATP is anenergy transport compound present in all living cells (confer Figure 1-11), measuring itsconcentration indicates the biovolume and metabolic state <strong>of</strong> the biomass in any system.A groundwater containing many active cells should thus have a higher ATPconcentration than one containing few such cells. If the cells are large, this will increasethe content <strong>of</strong> ATP per cell. It has been demonstrated that the ATP/TNC ratio is a goodindicator <strong>of</strong> the metabolic activity <strong>of</strong> cells in groundwater (Eydal and Pedersen 2007).The average ATP/TNC ratio for 109 shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater determinations was1.02, and for 166 deep Fennoscandian shield groundwater determinations was 0.43. Anyratio higher than these two in shallow or deep groundwater, respectively, thus suggeststhat the microbial population analysed is more active than average, while a lower-thanaverageratio suggests that the population analysed is less active than average.The MPN methods for enumerating microorganisms in deep groundwater was first usedfor analysing methanogens and acetogens in Äspö HRL groundwater (Kotelnikova andPedersen 1998). Later, the methods was further developed, and it has been used toanalyse more types <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in deep groundwater from Finland (Haveman etal. 1999; Haveman and Pedersen 2002a), including from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> (Table 1-1), andfrom the natural nuclear reactors in Bangombé, Gabon, Africa (Haveman and Pedersen2002b). The methods have been modified and changed over time. As the numbers <strong>of</strong>samples and types <strong>of</strong> organisms analysed have increased, the manual preparation <strong>of</strong>single tubes, as used for analysing methanogens and acetogens in Äspö HRLgroundwater (Kotelnikova and Pedersen 1998), has had to give way to methods thatcould handle the approximately three thousand MPN tubes (2.4.4) needed during each<strong>of</strong> the Olkiluote field investigations <strong>of</strong> shallow groundwater.The expression “the great plate count anomaly” was coined by Staley and Konopka(1985) to describe the difference in orders <strong>of</strong> magnitude between the numbers <strong>of</strong> cellsfrom natural environments that form colonies on agar media (CHAB) and the numberscountable by means <strong>of</strong> microscopic examination (TNC). In general, only 0.01–0.1% <strong>of</strong>bacterial cells sampled from various environmental aquatic systems produce colonieswhen using standard plating techniques so, as expected from the relevant literatureresults, there were no correlations between TNC and CHAB data for <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater (Figure 4-2). The anaerobic cultivation methods presented here representthe culmination <strong>of</strong> almost 10 years <strong>of</strong> development, testing, and adaptation for deepgroundwater. The success and usefulness <strong>of</strong> these methods are reflected in themaximum MPN cultivability <strong>of</strong> 30% <strong>of</strong> the TNC in the sample from the borehole OL-KR6 422–425 m section and the 0.01–30.25% MPN cultivability range in allgroundwater samples (Table A-10). The use <strong>of</strong> multiple, liquid anaerobic media (Table2-3) has obviously overcome much <strong>of</strong> the discrepancy found between TNC and

83cultivations that use agar media only. However, it should be understood that there maystill be microorganisms in the groundwater not cultivable using the applied methods.One example is that <strong>of</strong> anaerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria (ANME), which as <strong>of</strong> thetime <strong>of</strong> writing have escaped successful cultivation by the world microbiologycommunity. ANME have been observed in environmental samples but their successfulcultivation in the laboratory has yet not been described in the literature.The CHAB and MOB were analysed under aerobic conditions, unlike all othercultivation methods, which were performed under anaerobic conditions. Many bacteriaare known to be facultative anaerobes, i.e., they can switch from aerobic respirationusing oxygen to anaerobic respiration using nitrate and <strong>of</strong>ten also ferric iron andmanganese(IV) as alternative electron acceptors (Madigan and Martinko <strong>2006</strong>).Microorganisms in groundwater must be adapted to anoxic conditions but, if oxygenshould appear, it is advantageous for the microbe to be able to switch to oxygenrespiration. Indigenous groundwater microorganisms should consequently be detectableas both CHAB and NRB, while contaminants from the surface should have a smallertendency to do so. Comparing the CHAB data to the NRB data indicates a reasonablygood correlation (Figure 4-3), suggesting that the microorganisms analysed as CHABwere generally indigenous.Some <strong>of</strong> the metabolic groups analysed using MPN may overlap in numbers. At theonset <strong>of</strong> this investigation it was unclear whether AA and HA would differ in numbers.The acetogens are known to be a diverse group <strong>of</strong> organisms that may switch betweendifferent metabolic states (Drake et al. 2002). Comparing the MPN numbers <strong>of</strong> AA andHA indicates that they correlated well, although there was a clear tendency for AA tooutnumber HA in several samples (Figure 4-4). Similarly, it is known that one organismcan have the abilities to reduce both iron and manganese (DiChristina and DeLong1993). Comparing the IRB with the MRB numbers indicates that MRB tended tooutnumber IRB in several samples (Figure 4-5). More research will be needed beforewe have a full understanding <strong>of</strong> the potential differences between AA and HA, andbetween IRB and MRB numbers.

847.06.510 Log(ATP) (amol mL-1 ) = 0.6309+0.7795*x; 0.95 Conf.Int. 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.010 Log(TNC) (cells mL -1 )Figure 4-1. The relationship between the total number <strong>of</strong> cells (TNC) and theconcentration <strong>of</strong> ATP in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. Dashed lines denote the 95%confidence interval.7610 Log(TNC) (cells mL1 )5432100.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.010 Log(CHAB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-2. The relationship between the total number <strong>of</strong> cells (TNC) and the numbers<strong>of</strong> cultivable aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (CHAB) in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

8554NRB = 0.8179*CHAB 0.180310 Log(NRB) (cells mL1 )32100.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.010 Log(CHAB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-3. The relationship between the numbers <strong>of</strong> cultivable aerobic heterotrophicbacteria (CHAB) and the most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB) in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. Dashed lines denote the 95% confidence interval.4.03.510 Log(HA) (cells mL1 ) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.010 Log(AA) (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-4. The relationship between AA and HA in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater samples.The line denotes a one-to-one relationship.

864.03.510 Log(IRB) (cells mL1 ) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.010 Log(MRB) (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-5. The relationship between IRB and MRB in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater samples.The line denotes a one-to-one relationship.4.4 Geochemical conditions <strong>of</strong> the investigated aquifersEstablishing baseline conditions in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> before the start <strong>of</strong> excavations forONKALO was deemed very important (Andersson et al. 2007b; Pitkänen et al. 2007).These baseline conditions now include the microbiological data from <strong>2004</strong> to <strong>2006</strong> citedin the present report as well as microbiological data from the earlier site investigations(Table 1-1). Seasonal variations may have an effect on microbial processes that will besignificant in shallow groundwater, but will rapidly diminish with increasing depth. Thepossible anomalous mixing <strong>of</strong> groundwater at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m due tothe long-term pumping <strong>of</strong> open boreholes has been established (Pitkänen et al. 2007). Itwas speculated that shallow groundwater may flow through open boreholes to thesubhorizontal hydrogeological zone HZ20, which would act as an outflow route forgroundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> (Figure 7-7, Andersson et al. 2007b). This type <strong>of</strong> mixing mayexpose microorganisms to anomalous conditions at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m.What geochemical parameters are then important for microbiology? Temperatureinfluences the reaction rates <strong>of</strong> most chemical processes. The rate <strong>of</strong> microbialprocesses thus increases with increasing temperature. The pH is less important formicroorganisms, as they generally have large ranges <strong>of</strong> several pH units within whichthey can be active. Conductivity reflects the amount <strong>of</strong> dissolved solids and, as with pH,microorganisms generally have a relatively large range <strong>of</strong> dissolved solidsconcentrations within which they can be active (see Figure 1-3 for an example <strong>of</strong> thetemperature, pH, and NaCl ranges for a deep groundwater microorganism). Thepresence and concentration <strong>of</strong> oxygen has a pr<strong>of</strong>ound influence on microbial diversity

87and activity. Many deep groundwater microorganisms are killed by oxygen, but thosethat can use oxygen as an electron acceptor in their metabolisms use it more efficientlythan the electron acceptors they utilize under anaerobic conditions (Figure 1-8). Thepresence and concentrations <strong>of</strong> oxidized and reduced electron acceptors and donors,presented in Figure 1-8, are important to understand. For example, DOC can be used asa source <strong>of</strong> energy and carbon by heterotrophic microorganisms, while autotrophicmicroorganisms produce DOC, for example, acetate production by AA. Finally, E h is animportant parameter. Microbial processes tend to lower the E h <strong>of</strong> any system in whichthey are active by consuming oxygen and producing reduced electron acceptors such asferrous iron and sulphide. Next, the conditions in the investigated groundwater, withrespect to the above parameters, are discussed.4.4.1 Physical parametersThe average shallow groundwater temperature was 7.1C in spring and 9.1C in fall(Figure 4-6). The difference in temperature between seasons was most pronounced atdepths <strong>of</strong> less than 10 m, where the water temperatures in shallow boreholes such asPVP1 and PR1 differed by up to 6C. The pH range was almost three units, 4.7–7.7, inthe shallow groundwater, and stabilized above 7 at depth (Figure 3-1). The effect <strong>of</strong> thedifferent pH values on microbial processes will be indirect, as pH influences manygeochemical parameters such as mineral dissolution and precipitation, carbon dioxidesolubility, and various solid–aqueous phase equilibria. Microbial processes producecarbon dioxide from the respiration <strong>of</strong> DOC. Less carbon dioxide will precipitate ascalcite at low pH in dilute shallow groundwater than in deep groundwater where the pHand dissolved solids concentration are higher. This is reflected in the carbon dioxideconcentrations, which were much higher in shallow than in deep groundwater. The input<strong>of</strong> biodegradable organic carbon from surface plant and animal ecosystems can beassumed to be higher in shallow than in deep groundwater; thus, the production rate <strong>of</strong>carbon dioxide by microorganisms will be higher in shallow than in deep groundwater.The concentration <strong>of</strong> oxygen decreased rapidly with depth in the shallow groundwater(Figure 3-3). Many microorganisms prefer oxygen for their metabolisms, so oxygen isthe first electron acceptor to disappear in groundwater. Thereafter, the microorganismsuse other electron acceptors that, when reduced, will force the E h towards more negativevalues. In shallow groundwater, the measured E h was lower at low oxygenconcentrations (Figure 4-7). This correlation supports the general model <strong>of</strong>microorganisms as important moderators <strong>of</strong> E h in groundwater, just as they are in manyother systems, for example, in aquatic sediments (Madigan and Martinko <strong>2006</strong>).The variation in temperature over the seasons should correlate with the input <strong>of</strong> organicmaterial to shallow groundwater. In winter and fall, the input will be low as will be thetemperature. This will decrease the rate <strong>of</strong> microbial processes with a concomitantreduction in the consumption <strong>of</strong> oxygen. In summer and early fall, the input <strong>of</strong> organicmaterial will increase as will the temperature. Microbial processes will speed up and theconsumption <strong>of</strong> oxygen should increase. Such seasonal variation in oxygen was alsonoted over a one-year cycle (Figure 3-6). In summer <strong>2006</strong>, only two <strong>of</strong> a total <strong>of</strong> 10boreholes had significant concentrations <strong>of</strong> oxygen. One <strong>of</strong> these was the shallowborehole PVP1, where the groundwater surface almost coincides with the sampling

88depth in summer, and oxygen easily dissolves. Oxygen has not been routinely measuredin the shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater programme lately, so the reproducibility over theyears is impossible to test. It is thus strongly recommended that oxygen be added to theshallow groundwater analysis protocols. The intrusion <strong>of</strong> oxygen into the ONKALO siteis undesired. If any such intrusion should occur, its extent would probably be seasonrelated. However, microbial processes will continue to reduce oxygen in thegroundwater and form a biological E h front that will possibly fluctuate up and downwith the season. The fluctuation range will probably be relatively narrow, as judgedfrom the results <strong>of</strong> previous experiments. Research conducted during the construction <strong>of</strong>the Äspö HRL tunnel could not confirm the intrusion <strong>of</strong> oxygen via a 70-m-long faultthat was intersected by the tunnel (Banwart et al. 1994, 1996). More than 15 years havepassed since that large-scale experiment was finished, and oxygen has still not reachedthe tunnel. The current explanation <strong>of</strong> this is that continuous microbial processes havereduced oxygen in the intruding groundwater, as explained above.4.4.2 Chemistry dissolved solidsThe concentrations and distribution <strong>of</strong> the electron acceptors oxygen, nitrate,manganese(IV), ferric iron, and sulphate are important to analyse, as these speciesdetermine what microbial processes are or are not possible with respect to availableelectron acceptors. Oxygen was discussed above, and ferric iron and manganese(IV) aresolids that cannot be analysed in groundwater. When reduced, water, carbon dioxide,nitrogen, ferrous iron, manganese(II), sulphide, methane, and acetate are formedaccording to the reactions in Figure 1-8. The chemical analyses can detect the presence<strong>of</strong> DOC, the oxidized electron acceptors nitrate and sulphate, and the reduced electronacceptors sulphide, ferrous iron and manganese(II).The distribution <strong>of</strong> DOC was scattered over the analysed depth (Figure 3-7), with noclear trends over depth. However, when compared with the concentration <strong>of</strong> ATP(Figure 4-8) a weak trend was evident, high concentrations <strong>of</strong> ATP being correlatedwith high concentrations <strong>of</strong> DOC (r = 0.98, p < 0.05, n = 24). This strongly suggests arelationship between microbial activity and DOC concentration in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater, which is perfectly in line with our understanding <strong>of</strong> microbial processes.Heterotrophic microorganisms consume DOC and autotrophic ones produce DOC andthey all contain ATP. It is, however, impossible to conclude from concentrations onlywhich <strong>of</strong> these two processes dominates.The concentration <strong>of</strong> nitrate was below the detection limit in most samples (Table A-4).This implies either that nitrate was not present in the analysed deep groundwater at all,or that it is consumed as soon as it appears from unknown sources. The general presence<strong>of</strong> high numbers <strong>of</strong> NRB (Figure 3-27) suggests that nitrate is turned over immediatelyif it appears. It is important to realize that knowing the concentrations <strong>of</strong> theconstituents <strong>of</strong> a microbial process is not in itself enough to predict the relevance <strong>of</strong> theprocess. Turnover rates are needed, as exemplified here by nitrate. Sulphate wasscattered over a large concentration range at depths down to 400 m, after which thesulphate concentration approached zero (Figure 4-9). Some <strong>of</strong> the shallowestgroundwater samples were very dilute and had low sulphate concentrations as well. Thispr<strong>of</strong>ile implies that microbial sulphate reduction is currently possible to a maximumdepth <strong>of</strong> 400 m at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>.

890246Depth (m)810121416182 4 6 8 10 12 14Temperature (C)SpringFallFigure 4-6. Temperature distribution over fall and spring in shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater. The dashed lines indicate the average spring (blue) and fall (red)temperatures.500400300E h (mV)2001000-100-2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7O 2 (mg L 1 )Figure 4-7. The relationship between E h and dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwateranalysed using the pIONeer 10 portable pH meter and the HQ10 HACH PortableLDO dissolved oxygen meter, respectively.

90The concentration <strong>of</strong> manganese(II) was scattered over depth, displaying somewhathigher values in shallow than in deep groundwater (Table A-4). Ferrous iron andsulphide displayed different pr<strong>of</strong>iles with depth (Figure 3-8). Ferrous iron displayed atendency to decrease exponentially with depth, while sulphide was low in all samplesanalysed in this work, except those from a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m. If allavailable ferrous iron data are plotted, it becomes clear that the concentration range inshallow groundwater is ten times the range in deep groundwater (Figure 4-10). There isno clear trend in ferrous iron concentration in the deep groundwater. The peak insulphide concentration at approximately 300 m is very obvious in the scatter plot <strong>of</strong> all<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> data (Figure 4-11). This peak is almost 100 times the background sulphideconcentrations at all other analysed depths. This pr<strong>of</strong>ile is indicative <strong>of</strong> intensivesulphate reduction at a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m but, before discussing this indication, data ongases are needed.1000000ATP (amol mL 1 )1000001000010001 10 100DOC (mg C L 1 )Figure 4-8. The relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ATP in<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.

910100200300Depth (m)4005006007008009000 100 200 300 400 500 600Sulphate (mg L 1 )Figure 4-9. The distribution <strong>of</strong> sulphate in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. All available<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> data between 1992 and <strong>2006</strong> have been included in the scatter plot.0100200300Depth (m)4005006007008009000.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00Fe 2+ (mg L 1 )Figure 4-10. The distribution <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. All available<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> data between 1992 and <strong>2006</strong> have been included in the scatter plot. The value<strong>of</strong> observations <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron below the detection limit was set to 0.005 in the scatterplot.

920100200300Depth (m)4005006007008009000.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00Sulphide (mg L 1 )Figure 4-11. The distribution <strong>of</strong> sulphide in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. All available<strong>Olkiluoto</strong> data between 1992 and <strong>2006</strong> have been included in the scatter plot. The value<strong>of</strong> observations <strong>of</strong> sulphide below the detection limit was set to 0.005 in the scatter plot.4.4.3 Origins and amounts <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwaterThe origins <strong>of</strong> the gases observed in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater depend on variousmechanisms, as discussed elsewhere (Gascoyne 2005; Pitkänen and Partamies 2007).These reports suggest that nitrogen mainly originates from the entrapment <strong>of</strong>atmospheric nitrogen during groundwater recharge. However, this process would notexplain the excess <strong>of</strong> nitrogen at depth. It is much more likely that the nitrogen ingroundwater originates from crustal degassing <strong>of</strong> the bedrock, as outlined below. Thehighest amount <strong>of</strong> nitrogen gas found in the present investigation was 247 mL nitrogenL 1 groundwater 1 in borehole OL-KR29 at a depth <strong>of</strong> 742 m (Figure 3-14), with a totalgas volume <strong>of</strong> 1380 mL L –1 groundwater 1 (Figure 3-9) at atmospheric pressure. Thiscorresponds to 10.6 mmol L –1 or 0.31 g nitrogen per L <strong>of</strong> groundwater. The solubility <strong>of</strong>nitrogen gas in water at atmospheric pressure at 10C is 0.024 g kg -1 (Aylward andFindley 2002), which corresponds to 0.9 mmol L –1 or 21 mL L –1 . The amount <strong>of</strong>nitrogen dissolved in the OL-KR29 groundwater sample was almost 12 times higherthan its solubility would permit at atmospheric pressure. In reality the amount <strong>of</strong>nitrogen is even higher, because other shallow groundwater gases, in particular carbondioxide and oxygen, will reduce the solubility <strong>of</strong> nitrogen during the entrapment <strong>of</strong>atmospheric nitrogen. The numbers used here are thus conservative. It is deemed veryunlikely that the observed excess <strong>of</strong> dissolved nitrogen in the deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater originates from atmospheric entrapment during groundwater recharge.Most dissolved nitrogen must instead originate from deep crustal sources. The increase

93in nitrogen concentration is exponential over depth (Figure 3-14), which suggests thatdiffusion is the major process transporting nitrogen from deep crustal sources. Actually,only a few <strong>of</strong> the shallowest groundwater samples have nitrogen concentrations at orbelow the solubility limit (21 mL L 1 ) at atmospheric pressure (Figure 3-14); theabsolute majority <strong>of</strong> the gas samples had nitrogen concentrations above this limit,supporting the suggested deep crustal origin.There are four helium reservoirs on Earth, namely, the air, crust, and upper and lowermantle (Apps and van de Kamp 1993). Since helium cannot be retained in theatmosphere by gravity, its concentration in air is very low (5.24 ppm by volume). Thehelium in air comes mainly from out-gassing <strong>of</strong> the continental crust and degassing <strong>of</strong>the mantle. Helium is present as a mixture <strong>of</strong> two stable isotopes, 3 He and 4 He, inabundances <strong>of</strong> 1.38 10 –4 % and 99.999862%, respectively. 3 He is mainly <strong>of</strong> primordialorigin but is also produced by beta decay <strong>of</strong> 3 H to 3 He, though this reaction is rare. 4 Heis produced by radioactive decay <strong>of</strong> the uranium- and thorium-series radionuclides.Helium is constantly produced in the crust and mantle by means <strong>of</strong> these reactions(Marshall and Fairbridge 1999). Consequently, the rate <strong>of</strong> diffusion <strong>of</strong> helium to theatmosphere is controlled by its production rate at depth, as inferred by the exponentialincrease with depth <strong>of</strong> helium in the analysed groundwater (Figure 3-15).The total amount <strong>of</strong> dissolved gas in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater increased exponentiallywith depth down to the deepest level examined in this work, which was 742 m (Figure3-9). This pr<strong>of</strong>ile suggests that most <strong>of</strong> the analysed gases, except carbon dioxide, aremigrating from deep underground towards the surface, as discussed above in the case <strong>of</strong>helium. The three major gases present were carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane(Figure 3-11). Carbon dioxide comprised 20–50% <strong>of</strong> the extracted gas in samples fromshallow groundwater. Thereafter, nitrogen dominated down to a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately300 m, at which point methane started to account for a significant part <strong>of</strong> the dissolvedgas, becoming the dominant gas in samples from 320 m and deeper. The concentrations<strong>of</strong> dissolved methane and ethane increased markedly by approximately 100 times inanalysed groundwater from depths below 300 m (Figure 3-16, Figure 3-20). Theseobservations are in line with previous results (Pitkänen and Partamies 2007).There are two possible hypotheses explaining <strong>of</strong> the sharp shift in methaneconcentration at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m. Hypothesis 1 (H1): If there is a flow<strong>of</strong> groundwater containing low concentrations <strong>of</strong> methane and ethane inhydrogeological zone HZ20 (Andersson et al. 2007b), it would replace high-methaneconcentrationgroundwater and a rapid drop in the concentrations would result, just as isobserved. Hypothesis 2 (H2): There is a process at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m thatconsumes methane and possibly also ethane. Methane and ethane are accompanied byother gases on its diffusion towards the surface from their respective origins. Helium isan inert gas and thus cannot be consumed or precipitated in any way. A dilution effect<strong>of</strong> flowing groundwater according to H1 should result in the equal dilution <strong>of</strong> bothhelium and methane, the ratio <strong>of</strong> which should not change. If H1 is valid, then themethane/helium ratio should be approximately the same over most <strong>of</strong> the analysed depthrange. Helium diffuses somewhat faster than methane does, so a slight increase in theratio can be assumed under H1. Inspecting this ratio over depth reveals that the ratiodecreases distinctly by approximately 1000-fold from 300 m up to 200 m (Figure 4-12).

94This effect is less pronounced for ethane/helium ratio. It seems clear that H2 is valid, atleast for methane. However, the methane/helium ratio can also drop if the concentration<strong>of</strong> helium should increase for some unexpected reason. Plotting nitrogen, which likehelium is also an inert gas, against helium results in a ratio that increases significantly atdepths <strong>of</strong> less than 300 m (Figure 4-13). This indicates that helium is decreasing inconcentration relative to nitrogen; it could also indicate that the nitrogen concentrationis increasing, except that such an increase was not observed at depths <strong>of</strong> less than 300m. If helium actually is decreasing in concentration due to its more rapid diffusion, thenthe methane/helium ratio in Figure 4-12 actually underestimates the methaneconsumption.0100200Depth (m)3004005006007008000.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000Gas ratioCH 4 / HeC 2 H 6 / HeFigure 4-12. The methane/helium and ethane/helium ratios for <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwatergas samples.

950100200Depth (m)3004005006007008001 10 100 1000 10000N 2 / HeFigure 4-13. The nitrogen/helium ratios for <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater gas samples.Some methane/helium ratios from a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 100 m are larger than somefrom depths <strong>of</strong> 200–300 m. This could be due to anaerobic methane production bymicroorganisms or may simply reflect the very heterogeneous character <strong>of</strong> the fracturedrock mass sampled, in which several different types <strong>of</strong> groundwater mix at the samedepth.4.5 Specialists, generalists, opportunists, and antagonists in the world<strong>of</strong> microbesThe evolution <strong>of</strong> the microbial world has been continuous for almost four billion years.Over this time, microbes have evolved and adapted to all the environments on ourplanet where life is possible. To exist, life needs energy, water, and a temperature rangebetween 20C and +113C. The phylogenetic tree depicted in Figure 1-1 reflects theenormous diversity <strong>of</strong> microbes. Over this evolutionary process, several importantstrategies have been developed. Some microorganisms have become specialized for lifein a very narrow range <strong>of</strong> conditions. One extreme example is the heat-loving microbesthat live in hot springs at temperatures close to 100C. Many actually “freeze” to deathwhen the temperature drops towards room temperature. Other microorganisms haveevolved to be very general in their required environmental conditions. They survive insoil and water and can tolerate relatively large ranges <strong>of</strong> pH, salinity, and temperature.The drawback <strong>of</strong> specialization is that specialists are restricted to a very narrow niche,but the advantage is little competition, as most other microorganisms will die if theyenter the specialist niche. The generalist, on the other hand, will encounter hardcompetition with many other microorganisms, which may require fine tuning <strong>of</strong> their

96characteristics, such as the ability to grow rapidly when conditions become favourable.If you can grow faster than other microbes, you have an advantage, <strong>of</strong> course. Manymicroorganisms are thus opportunistic: they wait for favourable conditions when theycan prosper and multiply. While waiting, they may enter various dormancy states, suchas spore formation or starvation, in which they can remain for many years. Finally,some microorganisms have developed ways to compete with other organisms byproducing substances that kill their antagonists. Some bacteria can initiate chemicalwarfare; the actinomycetes are specialists in this, as they produce many differentantibiotics, including streptomycin. Then we have the viruses, which do not strictlyspeaking constitute life, but can be very powerful microbe-killing agents. Takentogether, these different strategies create ecosystems <strong>of</strong> microbes that are in ecologicalbalance over the long term, although some species may occasionally take over anddominate when given a chance.The implications <strong>of</strong> the above microbial strategies for <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> and any otherunderground environment should be obvious. In a completely stagnant groundwatersystem, transport rates are limited to diffusion, which is a very slow process over longdistances (i.e., in the meter range or more) but very quick in the micrometer range.Microbial processes in such systems will be very slow. Opportunistic microbes instagnant systems can wait for many years for conditions to change. If hydrodynamicconditions change to a flow situation in which different groundwaters mix, it is verylikely that opportunists will respond with rapid growth and microbial processes willspeed up significantly for as long as the new flow conditions last. The same thing willhappen during the construction <strong>of</strong> a deep underground tunnel such as ONKALO, orwhen boreholes are drilled and pumped. Boreholes left without packers, and waterconducting fractures intersected by the tunnel, will “short circuit” various fractures andmobilize substances that microbes need.When opportunists are given good growth conditions, the ATP concentration willincrease together with the TNC and numbers <strong>of</strong> cultivable microbes. Highconcentrations <strong>of</strong> organic material should trigger growth <strong>of</strong> opportunists, as discussedabove. The relationship between ATP and DOC (Figure 4-8) suggests that this isoccurring in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater. By comparing the biomass and DOC data fromdifferent boreholes and depths in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, it is possible to identify “hot spots” wheremicrobial processes are occurring at a rate exceeding the average rates in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>.4.6 Microbial processes in shallow groundwaterThe shallow groundwater <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> is obviously in close contact with plant andanimal life on the surface. There is an input <strong>of</strong> rainwater to the ground that willtransport dissolved organic material from degradation processes in the surface soils intoshallow groundwater. Oxygen from the air will dissolve in the recharging rainwater andfollow it into the ground. Life processes in the topsoil and deeper in the overburden willactively degrade particulate and dissolved organic material, which will reduce theoxygen. This is a continuous biological process with a clear seasonal variation: freezingconditions in winter will slow down the processes significantly, though the rechargewill also stop when the ground freezes. In spring, meltwater will intrude and oxygen

97transport into the ground will peak, as was observed in <strong>2006</strong> (Figure 3-6). The shallowgroundwater environment can consequently alternate between aerobic and anaerobicconditions, which most microorganisms are able to handle. Generalist microbes such asNRB and many IRB and MRB can switch from using oxygen as an electron acceptorwhen available, to using nitrate, ferrous iron, or manganese(IV) when needed. Suchorganisms are denoted facultative anaerobes. Other microbes can initiate fermentativeprocesses when oxygen disappears.4.6.1 Aerobic processesThe degradation <strong>of</strong> organic material with oxygen is a rapid process that is moreenergetically favourable than is degradation with other electron acceptors (cf. Figure1-8). Therefore, oxygen-reducing aerobic processes will dominate as long as oxygen isavailable. This is reflected by the oxygen pr<strong>of</strong>iles in shallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.Except for a few boreholes, the oxygen concentration was 10% or less <strong>of</strong> saturation(Figure 3-3), which suggests that aerobic biological processes are consuming oxygen inshallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater.In addition to the organic material from the surface, methane migrating from biogenicand thermogenic methanogenesis in deeper layers plus methane produced in overburdenlayers such as wetlands can contribute to oxygen reduction by microorganisms. Theshallow groundwater investigations have documented the presence <strong>of</strong> MOB that oxidizemethane with oxygen (Figure 3-35). Active MOB populations are expected to reducethe oxygen concentration. Inspecting the relationship between the MPN <strong>of</strong> MOB andthe concentrations <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen in shallow groundwater revealed a clearrelationship (Figure 4-14). There was more MOB in groundwater with lowconcentrations <strong>of</strong> oxygen than in groundwater with high oxygen concentrations. Sixsamples contained no detectable oxygen and had a range <strong>of</strong> different MOB numbers.Comparing MOB with the amount <strong>of</strong> dissolved methane also revealed a relationship inthe case <strong>of</strong> most samples (Figure 4-15). If the three outliers in parentheses in the figureare excluded, the numbers <strong>of</strong> MOB would appear to be higher in samples low inmethane and vice versa. The interpretation <strong>of</strong> these observations is complex, becausethey represent snapshots <strong>of</strong> ongoing processes. It is clear, however, that low methaneand oxygen concentrations coincided with high numbers <strong>of</strong> MOB in several samples.This suggests that aerobic methane oxidation is an important process in removingoxygen from intruding oxygenated recharge water. Some water samples were anaerobic,containing various numbers <strong>of</strong> MOB. It must be noted that MOB are obligate aerobes,unlike ANME consortia, which are strictly anaerobic in their nature (Boetius et al.2000). It can be hypothesized that these groundwaters may have contained oxygenbefore the sampling occasion, and that the oxygen was reduced before sampling. Whatwas observed were remaining MOB populations in various stages <strong>of</strong> adjustment tooxygen-free conditions. These opportunistic MOB were possibly in various states <strong>of</strong>reducing their populations into dormancy until the next time oxygen appeared. Thishypothesis can be tested if time series are performed over seasons, as was done withoxygen in <strong>2006</strong> (Figure 3-6).

984.6.2 Anaerobic processesThe MPN analyses demonstrated the presence <strong>of</strong> most <strong>of</strong> the anaerobic microorganismstested for, but the variability in numbers and diversity was large. Samples fromboreholes PP2 and PP9 and two samples from PVP14 contained very low numbers, asdepicted in Figure 3-25. In contrast, samples from borehole PP39 and two samples fromPR1 had among the highest stacked MPN values observed. The reasons for thesedifferences are difficult to define in detail. It is obvious, however, that theenvironmental conditions in different boreholes were reflected by the presence andprobably also the activity <strong>of</strong> various microorganisms. Borehole PVP1 had a very highstacked value in spring <strong>2006</strong>, the reason being a flooding event that lifted the DOCvalue ten times or more (196 mg L 1 ) above the values in most other boreholes analysed(Table A-4). Consequently, an extreme event preceding sampling <strong>of</strong> this borehole inspring <strong>2006</strong> was clearly reflected in the microbiological analyses. This is good example<strong>of</strong> an opportunistic outburst <strong>of</strong> microbial activity and multiplication. Borehole PP39groundwater had the second highest concentration <strong>of</strong> DOC found in the shallowgroundwater, which may explain why it also had among the highest stacked MPNvalues. As discussed before in relation to Figure 4-8, a clear positive correlation existedbetween ATP and DOC concentrations. High concentrations <strong>of</strong> ATP reflect many andactive microorganisms (Eydal and Pedersen 2007). A high DOC input to shallowgroundwater will rapidly increase the reduction rate <strong>of</strong> oxygen, and the microbialecosystem will switch to anaerobic processes as soon as oxygen has disappeared.4.7 Microbial processes in deep groundwater4.7.1 Aerobic processesOxygen will not reach very deep in groundwater due to the reducing activity <strong>of</strong> shallowgroundwater microorganisms discussed above. However, if oxygen should penetratedue to some extreme event, the processes described for shallow groundwater willoperate in deeper groundwater, and the intruding oxygen will soon be reduced to waterby groundwater organisms.

9910,001,00O 2 (mg L 1 )0,100,010,000 1 10 100 1000 10000MOB (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-14. The relationship between the numbers <strong>of</strong> methane-oxidizing bacteria(MOB) and the concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolved oxygen analysed with the Winkler titrationmethod.1000CH 4 (µL L 1 groundwater 1 )10010( )( )1( )0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0MOB (cells mL 1 )Figure 4-15. The relationship between the numbers <strong>of</strong> methane-oxidizing bacteria(MOB) and the concentration <strong>of</strong> dissolved methane.

1004.7.2 Anaerobic processesThe MPN analysis results indicated the presence <strong>of</strong> NRB, AA, and HA in all samplesanalysed for these metabolic groups (Table A-11). IRB, MRB, and SRB were foundpredominately in samples from the first 100 m and at the 300-m level (Figure 3-28,Figure 3-29, Figure 3-30). Methanogens were found sparsely distributed throughout thedepth range (Figure 3-33, Figure 3-34). The production <strong>of</strong> sulphide by SRB in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>groundwater is important, because sulphide would have the potential to corrode thecopper canisters used to store spent nuclear fuel. The production <strong>of</strong> acetate by AA isalso important, because acetate can be utilized by SRB, thereby contributing to theamount <strong>of</strong> produced sulphide. The safety analysis <strong>of</strong> any future repository requiresdetailed information regarding how much sulphide can be formed under variouscircumstances in the deep aquifers surrounding a repository and in the near field <strong>of</strong> sucha repository. The microbial and inorganic processes involved in sulphur transformationscan be summarized in the following conceptual model <strong>of</strong> the coupled reactions that leadto sulphide production.Microbial processesAA: H 2 + CO 2 acetate (Eq. 4-1)IRB: acetate + Fe 3+ Fe 2+ + CO 2 (Eq. 4-2)SRB: acetate + SO 4 2– (+ H 2 ) H 2 S + CO 2 (Eq. 4-3)SRB: DOC + SO 4 2– H 2 S + CO 2 (Eq. 4-4)AM + SRB: CH 4 + SO 4 2– H 2 + CO 2 + SO 4 2– H 2 S + CH 2 O (Eq. 4-5)Inorganic processes (pH > 6.5)H 2 S + 2FeOOH S 0 + 2Fe 2+ + 4OH (Eq. 4-6)H 2 S + Fe 2+ FeS + 2H + (Eq. 4-7)3FeS + 3S 0 Fe 3 S 4 + 2S 0 3FeS 2 (Eq. 4-8)In a hypothetical aquifer in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> rock, the model suggests that AA can produceacetate from hydrogen and carbon dioxide at a rate determined by the inflow <strong>of</strong>hydrogen (Eq. 4-1). The acetate produced can be utilized by IRB as a source <strong>of</strong> carbonand energy; as a result, ferrous iron and carbon dioxide are formed from ferric ironminerals and acetate, respectively (Eq. 4-2). Sulphate-reducing bacteria oxidize theacetate produced by AA to carbon dioxide, while sulphate is reduced to sulphide (Eq. 4-3). Several genera <strong>of</strong> SRB can oxidize acetate, but Desulfovibrio species need hydrogento be able to utilize acetate. If degradable organic carbon (i.e., DOC and TOC) isavailable, SRB will produce sulphide and carbon dioxide from this energy and carbonsource (Eq. 4-4). A special type <strong>of</strong> sulphate reduction is coupled to anaerobic methaneoxidation (Eq. 4-5). This reaction is common in many marine sedimentary environments(Boetius et al. 2000), but has not yet been demonstrated in deep groundwater. If present,it would have a significant impact on any sulphide production model, because the

101analysed concentration <strong>of</strong> methane in deep <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater is generally muchhigher than the analysed hydrogen concentration. This possibility has been discussed byPitkänen and Partamies (2007). The above microbial reactions result in the production<strong>of</strong> sulphide, ferrous iron, acetate, and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen sulphide produced viaequations 4-3 to 4-5 may reduce iron in minerals such as goethite, resulting in theformation <strong>of</strong> elemental sulphur and ferrous iron (Eq. 4-6). Together with hydrogensulphide, the ferrous iron produced via equations 4-2 and 4-6 can form iron sulphide(Eq. 4-7). This is a solid compound, and the dissolved sulphide that reacts with ferrousiron in equation 4-7 will precipitate from the groundwater. Finally, pyrite may form (Eq.4-8) when oversaturation occurs. Pyrite formation has been found to occur rapidly insurface sediments following seasonal variations in sulphide concentrations (Howarth1979). It was concluded that the rate <strong>of</strong> sulphate reduction may be grosslyunderestimated if pyrite formation is ignored. Equations 4-1 to 4-8 may explain theobservations reported here. However, the bedrock at <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> provides a very reducingenvironment, and iron oxyhydroxides have only been observed at very shallow depths,despite the scattered observations <strong>of</strong> dissolved ferrous iron at depth (Figure 4-10) whichsuggest the ongoing reduction <strong>of</strong> iron oxyhydroxides. The assumed limited availability<strong>of</strong> iron oxyhydroxides at depth may explain why very high sulphide concentrations areobserved at a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m (Andersson et al. 2007b). The rate <strong>of</strong> sulphate reductionwill then significantly over-ride the rate <strong>of</strong> ferric iron reduction.It was previously concluded in this report that merely knowing the concentrations <strong>of</strong>chemical markers provides insufficient information with which to judge whether or nota microbial process is taking place. As exemplified by Figure 1-11, the rationale behindand regulation <strong>of</strong> rates <strong>of</strong> microbial processes are complicated. Above all, if thereactions are occurring at similar rates, the result will be steady-state concentrations <strong>of</strong>dissolved ferrous iron and sulphide within a fairly narrow range <strong>of</strong> values. Inspectingthe concentration pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron (Figure 4-10) and sulphide (Figure 4-11)reveals a clear peak in the sulphide concentration at approximately 300 m, but it isimpossible to resolve any peak <strong>of</strong> iron. If the model above is correct, ferrous ironconcentrations should approach zero, according to Eq. 4-7, when sulphideconcentrations increase. If the ferrous iron/sulphide ratio is plotted against sulphide, aclear relationship is evident (Figure 4-16). The figure indicates that the ferrous ironconcentration decreases relative to the increase in sulphide concentration. The ironconcentration decreases almost ten times faster than the sulphide concentrationincreases. This must be due to the effect <strong>of</strong> equation 4-7 and because the rate <strong>of</strong>sulphide production (Eq. 4-3 to 4-5) is faster than that <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron (Eq. 4-2 and 4-6).Small ferrous iron/sulphide ratios thus indicate samples and sites in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> where themicrobial production rate <strong>of</strong> sulphide is much faster than that <strong>of</strong> ferrous iron. Ferrousiron can be produced both by microbial processes and via equation 4-6. Plotting theferrous iron/sulphide ratio versus depth enables the identification <strong>of</strong> sampling pointswith a high sulphide concentration relative to iron. These points are all located at the300-m level and have 100 times or more dissolved sulphide than ferrous iron. Thesepoints in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> can be concluded to harbour very active microbial populations. Thenext question then concerns the microbial processes going on at these points.Before answering this question, we must first consider anaerobic methane-oxidizingmicroorganisms (ANME). For a long time, scientists have observed pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> methane,

102sulphate, sulphide, and carbon dioxide in anaerobic aquatic sediments that stronglysuggested the presence <strong>of</strong> active ANME (Zehnder and Brock 1980; Thomsen et al.2001). It was not until very recently, however, that the microorganisms behind thisprocess were identified (Boetius et al. 2000). It was demonstrated that two organismsco-operate in oxidizing methane: methanogens first oxidize methane to hydrogen andcarbon dioxide (Eq. 4-9), after which sulphate reducers sweep up the hydrogen andcarbon dioxide and produce hydrogen sulphide (Eq. 4-10). Both types <strong>of</strong> organisms gainreducing power from the reactions used to synthesize organic molecules, with carbondioxide as the carbon source. To do this, the two organisms must be in very closeproximity; typically, the methane oxidizers are surrounded by sulphate reducers in smallaggregates.Methane oxidizer: CH 4 + 3H 2 O 4H 2 + HCO 3 – + H + (Eq. 4-9)Sulphate reducer: 4H 2 + SO 4 2– +H + HS + 4 H 2 O (Eq. 4-10)Sum reaction: CH 4 + SO 4 2– HS – + HCO 3 – + H 2 O (Eq. 4-11)From Figure 3-16 and Figure 4-9 it is obvious that strong methane and sulphategradients meet in several locations at a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. Furthermore, it isobvious from determinations <strong>of</strong> ATP levels and <strong>of</strong> the MPNs <strong>of</strong> various physiologicalgroups <strong>of</strong> bacteria, that microbial abundance and activity both peak at these samplelocations. Finally, sulphide concentrations are also very high at the same locations. Ofthe sites evaluated and discussed here, KR6-328 m, KR10-316 m, and KR13-294 mhave the greatest potential for pronounced anaerobic methane oxidation; these threelocations have ferrous iron/sulphide ratios <strong>of</strong> 0.1, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively (TableA-4). They also have high concentrations <strong>of</strong> ATP and DOC and high MPNs <strong>of</strong> NRB,SRB, AA, and HA, relative to those <strong>of</strong> other deep groundwater samples. The last piece<strong>of</strong> evidence needed is pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> ANME in groundwater at these locations.Ongoing investigations are focusing on this task using DNA technology and availablegenetic information (Thomsen et al. 2001).That acetogens may be active is suggested by the presence <strong>of</strong> hydrogen in groundwatersamples from Olkiuoto (Figure 3-12). Samples from deep layers have highconcentrations <strong>of</strong> this gas (Andersson et al. 2007b), but most <strong>of</strong> the samples reported onhere were from depths that were too shallow to harbour these high hydrogenconcentrations (Figure 3-18). In addition to a deep source <strong>of</strong> hydrogen, it is possible thatthe ANME process may leak hydrogen to acetogenesis, if AA are located close enoughto the ANME aggregates. This possibility is still speculative, and successful isolation <strong>of</strong>ANME in pure laboratory cultures will be needed in order to conduct detailed studies.The MPNs <strong>of</strong> sulphate reducers and methanogens in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater weregenerally at or below the detection limits for each type <strong>of</strong> microorganism, unlike whatwas observed previously (Table 1-1). The protocols used to cultivate these organisms(Table 2-3) have worked very well at other Fennoscandian sites, such as the SwedishForsmark and Laxemar investigation sites and the Äspö HRL (the MPN <strong>of</strong> SRB hasreached 10,000 cells mL 1 in some groundwater samples from these sites). The sameprotocols should work well for samples from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> as well. However, it could bethat <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater is dominated by ANME, and that our cultivation protocols

103did not detect them. So far, pure cultures <strong>of</strong> ANME have not been described in theliterature. ANME may be so strongly linked and interdependent that they cannot becultivated separately in the SRB and AM media used. Alternately, the drilling andpumping out <strong>of</strong> many new boreholes in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> may have disturbed the microbialpopulations and reduced their numbers. Such an effect was observed at the Äspö HRL,in the case <strong>of</strong> SRB in particular (Pedersen 2005b). That would explain why the numbers<strong>of</strong> SRB were significantly lower in the <strong>2004</strong>–<strong>2006</strong> samples than in the 1996–2000samples (Table 1-1). Finally, changes in the PAVE system sampling methodology mayhave introduced this difference. Previously, the pressure vessels were not pumped outafter being opened. Later, in <strong>2004</strong>–<strong>2006</strong>, the microbiological sampling vessels began tobe pumped out for some hours after being opened. However, it is not obvious how thisdifference in sampling methodology could have influenced microbial numbers; testswill be required to explore this point.10000.001000.00100.00Fe 2+ /S 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00Sulphide (mg L 1 )Figure 4-16. The relationship between the ferrous iron/sulphide ratio and sulphide.

1040100200300Depth (m)4005006007008009000.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00Fe 2+ /S 2Figure 4-17. The relationship between the ferrous iron/sulphide ratio and depth.4.8 Relevance <strong>of</strong> microbiological processes to ONKALOThe introduction to this report identified three main effects <strong>of</strong> microorganisms in thecontext <strong>of</strong> a KBS-3 type repository for radioactive waste in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> bedrock. Theresearch, results, and conclusions presented here constitute an important baseline forunderstanding how microbiological processes may interact with ONKALO and a futureHLW repository. The evaluated dataset from <strong>2004</strong> to <strong>2006</strong> comprised 60 sets <strong>of</strong>microbiological analyses coupled to analyses <strong>of</strong> physical and chemical parameters andthe amounts <strong>of</strong> dissolved gases over the 4–450 m depth range. Continuousmicrobiological research can now focus on processes deemed significant on the basis <strong>of</strong>this report, as outlined next. The relevance <strong>of</strong> microbiological processes to ONKALOcan be evaluated as follows.4.8.1 Oxygen reduction and maintenance <strong>of</strong> anoxic and reduced conditionsShallow groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> contained dissolved oxygen at approximately 10% orless <strong>of</strong> saturation. The presence <strong>of</strong> aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, includingmethane-oxidizing bacteria, has been documented. The data suggest that microbialprocesses reduce intruding oxygen in the shallow groundwater, DOC and methane beingthe main electron donors. Biological processes are temperature dependent and seasonalvariation was expected and could be documented. Construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO may causethe opening <strong>of</strong> discrete fractures leading towards the tunnel wall, resulting in increased

105inflow to the tunnel [It is possible that oxygen could reach deeper groundwater, carriedalong by intrusive shallow groundwater that penetrates to greater depths via suchdisturbed fractures.] However, it can be hypothesized that opportunistic microbialprocesses could mitigate this oxygen effect if proper electron donors are available. Thecontinuation <strong>of</strong> the shallow groundwater research programme is recommended. Newdata can be compared with the data presented here and with data produced by thehydrogeochemical monitoring programme in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. Significant drawdown effects, ifany, caused by ONKALO construction should be detectable with this programme. Inaddition, sampling ONKALO boreholes in the upper part <strong>of</strong> the tunnel in time serieswill increase our understanding <strong>of</strong> how microbial processes in shallow fractures react totunnel construction.Fractures opened by the construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO will allow for increased water flow.This will allow opportunistic microbes to become activated, resulting in differentmicrobial processes that will influence the geochemistry. After repository closure, whenthe groundwater table has been restored and stabilized, the rates <strong>of</strong> microbial processeswill again be reduced. The prediction <strong>of</strong> long-term evolution <strong>of</strong> hydrogeochemicalconditions in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> ONKALO and the repository requires data pertaining to thesurrounding groundwater. It is important to understand how these conditions have beeninfluenced by the construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO. What new conditions will persist for along time and what conditions will return to their original pre-construction states?Detailed knowledge <strong>of</strong> microbial processes is needed for such modelling work, becausethese processes influence several important geochemical conditions. A very importantgeochemical parameter strongly influenced by microbial processes is the E h .4.8.2 Bio-corrosion <strong>of</strong> construction materialsMicrobiological and geochemical data strongly suggest that the anaerobic microbialoxidation <strong>of</strong> methane (ANME) is active at a depth <strong>of</strong> approximately 300 m in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>.It appears as though ANME is limited to the 0–300 m depth interval due to a lack <strong>of</strong>sulphate at depths below 300 m. This implies that the rate <strong>of</strong> sulphide production in theANME process at a depth <strong>of</strong> 300 m is limited by the transport rate <strong>of</strong> methane fromdeeper layers. The construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO will probably influence the ANMEprocesses. If groundwater that contains sulphate is drawn down to the bottom <strong>of</strong> thecompleted ONKALO tunnel, the ANME processes at that level could speed up, in linewith what was discussed for opportunists (4.5). Sulphate seems to be the onlycomponent needed by ANME that is missing at depth. As groundwater drawdowncurrently seems to be boosting the sulphide concentration more than 100-fold at a depthdown to 300 m, it is very important to monitor this process because sulphide cancorrode copper. The fact that the conditions necessary for ANME growth will againbecome limited, extending no deeper than 300 m after tunnel closure and backfilling,will be beneficial for the long-term safety <strong>of</strong> the repository. This matter may call fordetailed modelling when data are available regarding how the ANME processes react tothe construction <strong>of</strong> ONKALO.A programme <strong>of</strong> research into ANME should be initiated. The study <strong>of</strong> these still poorlyunderstood microorganisms is in the forefront <strong>of</strong> microbiological research. New tools in

106molecular biology, such as DNA technology, are needed for such research. ANMEsamples can be collected on site in ONKALO, using the PAVE system and monitoringboreholes. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method <strong>of</strong> DNA analysis can be usedto detect DNA sequences specific to ANME microbes, and thus map the distributionand diversity <strong>of</strong> ANME in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater over the construction period. AnyANME microbes present can be quantified using the real-time polymerase chainreaction (RT-PCR) method. Analysing m-RNA, by applying RT-PCR to copy DNA,can be used to detect possible ongoing ANME activity. In addition, cultivation methodswill be developed and improved. If ANME can be brought into the laboratory, muchnew knowledge <strong>of</strong> ANME processes can be gained and applied to the evolution <strong>of</strong>ONKALO groundwater.Marked sulphide production appears to be ongoing at the 300-m level in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>.When sulphide comes in contact with air, sulphuric acid may form, which is corrosivefor metals and concrete. The extent and limiting factors <strong>of</strong> this process in ONKALO arecurrently unknown but, as the consequences include the deterioration <strong>of</strong> “shotcrete” andthe concrete sealing <strong>of</strong> fractures, they should be explored.As a safety measure for employees and construction workers, extra caution should betaken if the ONKALO tunnel should pass through sulphide-producing rockenvironments that may have high sulphide concentrations, since hydrogen sulphide gasis very toxic and lethal to humans.4.8.3 Bio-mobilization and bio-immobilization <strong>of</strong> radionuclides, and the effects<strong>of</strong> microbial metabolism on radionuclide mobility.It is well known that microbes can mobilize trace elements (Pedersen 2002). First,unattached microbes, including viruses, may act as large colloids, transportingradionuclides on their surfaces with the groundwater flow (Moll et al. <strong>2004</strong>). Second,microbes are known to produce ligands that can mobilize trace elements and that caninhibit trace element sorption to solid phases (Kalinowski et al. <strong>2004</strong>, <strong>2006</strong>). One group<strong>of</strong> microorganisms produces very powerful bioligands, usually denoted pyoverdins,which have a very strong binding affinity for many radionuclides (Johnsson et al. <strong>2006</strong>;Essén et al. 2007; Moll et al. 2007). Pyoverdin-producing microbes have been found inshallow <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> groundwater and in the slime that grows on the tunnel walls <strong>of</strong>ONKALO. It is important to investigate whether the microbial production <strong>of</strong> bioligandsin deep groundwater may exceed the safety limit for a repository. <strong>Groundwater</strong> samplesfrom ONKALO can be analysed for DNA signatures typical <strong>of</strong> pyoverdin producerssuch as Pseudomonadaceae and Shewanella. The direct interaction betweenradionuclides and any pyoverdins that may be present in deep groundwater should alsobe investigated. Bi<strong>of</strong>ilms in aquifers may also influence the retention processes <strong>of</strong>radionuclides in groundwater (Anderson et al. <strong>2006</strong>).

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115A. APPENDIXTable A-1. Sampling data for four consecutive sampling campaigns in the shallowboreholes in <strong>2004</strong>–<strong>2006</strong>.Borehole Measuredboreholedepth(m)Pump andsamplinglevel(m)Date and time(y-m-d/time)<strong>Groundwater</strong>level(m)Yield(L/min)NotesPR1 6 5 <strong>2004</strong>-05-03/14:30 3.50 12.0 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/16:20 4.85 12.0<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/19:00 4.98 12.0 stop<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/07:50 3.60 12.0 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/08:40 5.07 12.0 stopPR1 6.0 4.0 2005-10-10/10.35 3.47 4.82005-10-10/10.35 3.84 4.52005-10-10/10.35 3.85 4.5 clear water2005-10-10/10.35 3.78 4.5 samplingPR1 14.72 4.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25/06.30 2.84 5.5 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/06.35 3.10 5.5<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/08.05 3.26 5.6<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/09.25 3.32 - samplingPR1 14.72 4.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11/06.20 3.08 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/06.35 3.29 3.8<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/08.00 3.40 3.8<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/09.25 3.45 3.8 samplingPP2 24.5 10 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04/16:00 2.10 6.0 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/17:00 5.67 5.0 stop<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/07:50 2.09 5.5 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/08:30 5.65 5.5 stopPP2 14.90 5.0 2005-10-12/08.00 2.05 4.8 pump start2005-10-12/08.40 3.93 4.82005-10-12/09.30 - - sampling<strong>2006</strong>-10-09/12.40 - - samplingPP2 14.80 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24/07.50 1.95 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/08.00 3.20 3.6<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/09.40 3.37 3.6<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/10.45 3.40 3.6 samplingPP2 14.72 4.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11/10.15 2.42 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/10.30 3.07 2.1<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/12.00 3.19 2.2<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/13.45 - 2.1<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/14.50 - - sampling

116PP3 14.5 10 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05/09:50 0.55 7.2 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/11:00 7.0 stopPP7 16.5 10 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05/12:20 1.14 0.85 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/13:35 7.65 0.80<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/15:35 stopPP8 7.0 6.0 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05/16:40 3.95 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/17:00 4.10 5.40<strong>2004</strong>-05-05/17:40 4.12 stop<strong>2004</strong>-05-06/08:05 3.93 5.50 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-06/08:45 4.13 5.5 stopPP9 14.70 6.0 2005-10-13/12.25 1.31 0.432005-10-13/08.35 3.95 0.44 roily water2005-10-13/12.55 4.15 0.40 samplingPP9 14.70 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26/10.15 0.80 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/10.25 1.39 0.61<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/11.50 3.46 0.58 roily water<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/14.05 3.53 0.57 samplingPP9 14.70 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11/07.10 0.78 0.255 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/07.20 1.21 0.255<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/08.05 1.26 0.180<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/10.30 - 0.185<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/12.00 - 0.190 roily water<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/15.15 - - samplingPP36 12.05 6.0 2005-10-10/09.30 4.31 7.2 pump start2005-10-10/12.05 - -2005-10-10/13.05 - - clear water2005-10-10/13.40 - - samplingPP36 - 4.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25/06.45 3.47 5.04 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/06.50 3.64 5.04<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/07.55 3.68 5.04<strong>2006</strong>-04-25/12.35 3.70 4.70 samplingPP36 11.00 5.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09/08.40 3.27 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-09/10.50 2.43 6.2<strong>2006</strong>-10-09/11.55 - 6.0<strong>2006</strong>-10-09/12.05 - 6.2 samplingPP39 14.10 6.0 2005-10-11/08.30 1.32 0.4 pump start2005-10-11/10.00 - - roily water2005-10-11/12.50 - - samplingPP39 14.04 5.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24/08.10 1.08 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/08.20 2.01 0.67<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/09.55 2.08 0.65

117<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/11.05 2.10 0.64<strong>2006</strong>-04-24/14.10 2.14 - samplingPP39 14.10 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11/07.30 1.57 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/07.45 3.20 0.9<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/09.00 3.40 0.9<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/11.45 - 0.9<strong>2006</strong>-10-11/12.45 - - samplingPVP1 4.0 3.0 <strong>2004</strong>-05-03/16.35 1.05 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/15.45 1.05 2.0<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/17.30 3.05 1.8<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/18.45 2.85 0.25 stop<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/08.00 1.06 0.25 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/10.00 2.90 0.25 StopPVP1 3.90 2.50 2005-10-11/07.40 0.69 2.82005-10-11/09.50 1.19 2.4 brownwater2005-10-11/12.10 1.01 2.0 samplingPVP1 3.92 2.50 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27/06.35 0.43 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/06.55 1.25 2.6<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/07.45 1.19 2.6 brownwater<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/10.20 1.19 2.4 samplingPVP1 3.93 2.50 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12/06.20 0.70 -<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/06.50 1.32 3.4 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/08.00 1.80 3.0<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/09.00 1.90 3.0<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/09.25 - - samplingPVP3B 4.5 3 <strong>2004</strong>-05-03/12:20 0.60 4.0 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/13:55 2.60 3.0 run<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/15.30 2.65 2.5 stopPVP3A 8.5 7.5 <strong>2004</strong>-05-03/09:50 0.70 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/10:00 2.96<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/10:35 6.90 2.7<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/12:15 7.08 2.5<strong>2004</strong>-05-03/13:30 7.00 StopPVP4A 10 9 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04/13:15 1.25 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/13:20 6.0<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/14:45 7.30 6.0 stopPVP4A 10.20 5.0 2005-10-12/07.40 1.14 4.8 pump start2005-10-12/09.55 - 4.52005-10-12/12.10 - - sampling

118PVP4A 10.36 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27/06.20 0.85 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/06.35 2.85 4.5<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/08.00 3.27 4.4<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/08.35 3.36 3.9 sampling 1<strong>2006</strong>-04-27/14.45 3.16 - sampling 2PVP4A 10.20 5.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10/11.10 1.17 6.0 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/11.20 3.04 5.5<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/12.50 - -<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/13.20 - - samplingPVP4B 9.5 8 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04/13.45 1.80 start<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/14:55 6.70 0.70<strong>2004</strong>-05-04/17:10 0.70 stopPVP13 5.60 4.0 2005-10-12/10.40 1.51 1.06 roily water2005-10-12/10.40 1.87 0.80 clear water2005-10-12/10.40 1.99 0.85 samplingPVP13 5.64 3.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26/06.35 0.89<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/06.45 1.95 1.10 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/08.00 1.91 1.10<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/09.05 1.93 1.10<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/11.00 1.64 0.76 samplingPVP13 5.60 4.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12/10.40 2.49 0.75 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/10.40 - 0.70<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/10.40 2.98 0.70<strong>2006</strong>-10-12/10.40 - - samplingPVP14 9.0 5.0 2005-10-14/07.45 2.29 5.22005-10-14/08.50 - 5.22005-10-14/09.35 - 5.2 samplingPVP14 9.08 6.0 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26/06.20 1.34 - pump start<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/06.30 3.18 5.1<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/08.10 3.39 4.9<strong>2006</strong>-04-26/08.45 - - samplingPVP14 9.08 5.5 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10/06.25 4.6 4.2 pump start<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/07.30 - 1.8<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/08.30 - 1.8<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/09.30 - 1.8<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/10.15 - - samplingPVP20 12.80 5.0 2005-10-13/07.53 0.71 0.4 pump start2005-10-13/09.20 0.42005-10-13/09.30 samplingPVP20 - - <strong>2006</strong>-04-26/00.00 - - frozenPVP20 12.80 5.0 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10/07.45 1.14 1.05 pump start

119<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/09.45 - 1.06<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/12.30 - -<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/14.35 - -<strong>2006</strong>-10-10/15.20 - - sampling

120Table A-2. Pre-treatment <strong>of</strong> the groundwater samples.Parameter Container (L)N 2 - shielding/ FilteringPreserving chemicals and details LaboratoryConductivity,density, pH, NH 41 0.5 HDPE -/- - TVOAlkalinity,acidity1 0.5 Duranbottlex/x Sampling with titration sampler. TVOS 2–3 0.1 measuring0.5 mL Zn(Ac)2 and 0.5 mLx/xbottle0.1 M NaOH. Sampling with sampler.TVOCl, Br, SO 4 , S tot 1 0.25 HDPE -/x TVOF 1 0.25 HDPE -/x TVOFe 2+ , Fe totAdding a ferrozine reagent to Fe 2+6 0.05x/x samples in nitrogen atmosphere.measuring bottleSampling with sampler.TVOSodium1 0.05fluorescein measuring bottle-/xTVODIC/DOC1 0.05 brownglass bottle-/x Sampling with sampler. TVONa, Ca, K, Mg, 1 0.25 PE,Fe, Mn, SiO 2 acid washed-/x 2.5 mL conc. HNO 3 / 250 mL TVOPO 4 1 0.25 HDPE -/x 2.5 mL 4 M H 2 SO 4 / 250 mL TVOSr, B tot1 0.1 HDPE,acid washedN tot , NO 2 , NO 3 1 0.25 HDPE -/xH-2, O-18H-3C-13 / C-14Sr-87 / Sr-86Rn-222S-34 (SO 4 ),O-18 (SO 4 )Uranium, U-238Uranium,U-234/U-2381 0.125Nalgene bottle1 0.25 glassbottle1 0.2 brownclass bottle1 0.125Nalgene, acidwashed1 0.01Ultimagoldsolution bottle1 Nalgene1 1 PE,HCl-washed1 1 PE,HCl-washed-/x 1 mL suprapur HNO 3 / 100 mL VTTRaumanymp. lab.-/- Bottle is filled to the brim. GTK-/xTheNetherlandsUppsala-/- GTK-/- Sampling time is written down. STUK-/--/--/x-/xSample volume depends on SO 4 -concentration. Zn(Ac)2 is added tosample according to <strong>Posiva</strong> watersampling quide.50 mL conc. HCl / 1 L.Filters are sent to HYRL for analyses.50 mL conc. HCl / 1 L.Filters are sent to HYRL for analyses.PE = polyethylene, HDPE = high-density polyethyleneLaboratories:TVOTeollisuuden Voima OyVTTVTT Technical Research Centre <strong>of</strong> FinlandRauman ymp. lab.Rauman ympäristölaboratorioUppsalaÅngström-laboratory, University <strong>of</strong> Uppsala, SwedenGTKGeological Survey <strong>of</strong> FinlandWaterlooEnvironmental Isotope Lab, University <strong>of</strong> Waterloo, CanadaThe NetherlandsCentre for isotope research, Groningen, The NetherlandsSTUKRadiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, FinlandHYRLDepartment <strong>of</strong> Radiochemistry, University <strong>of</strong> Helsinki, FinlandWaterlooHYRLHYRL

121Table A-3. Methods and detection limits for groundwater chemistry.Parameter Apparatus and method Detection limit Uncertainty <strong>of</strong> themeasurementpHpH meter 0.05ISO-10532ConductivityConductivity analyser5 µS/cm 5%SFS-EN-27888Density <strong>Posiva</strong> water sampling guide /1 0.001 g/cm 3Sodium fluorescein Fluorometry 1 µg/l 15 µg/l: 0.8%200 µg/l: 1.2%275 µg/l: 0.4%AlkalinityTitration/<strong>Posiva</strong> water0.05 mmol/L 5%sampling guide /1AcidityTitration/<strong>Posiva</strong> water0.05 mmol/L 10%sampling guide /1DOC/DIC SFS-EN 1484 0.1 mg/LFe totSpectrophotometry/ <strong>Posiva</strong> 0.01 mg/L 5%water sampling guide /1Fe 2+Spectrophotometry/ <strong>Posiva</strong> 0.01 mg/L 5%water sampling guide/1Fe tot ,, MnK, NaSiO 2CaMgICP/OES0.002 mg/L0.5 mg/L0.01 mg/L0.1 mg/L0.02 mg/LSrB totICP-MS 0.5 µg/L2 µg/LClTitration/<strong>Posiva</strong> water5 mg/L 2.5%sampling guide/1BrIC, conductivity detector. SFS- 0.5 mg/L 4.2%EN ISO 10304-1FISE/ <strong>Posiva</strong> water sampling 0.1 mg/L 5%guide/1PO 4Spectrophotometer0.012 mg/L ± 24%S 2–SFS-EN 1189SpectrophotometerSFS 30380.01 mg/L 0.07 mg/L: 36%0.17 mg/L: 17%0.53 mg/L: 10%1.25 mg/L ± 3.2%SO 4IC, conductivity detector. SFS-EN ISO 10304-1S tot H 2 O 2 oxidation +IC 0.2 mg/LNH 4Spectrophotometer0.002 mg/L 4%SFS 3032Total nitrogen, N totNitrate, NO 3Nitrite, NO 2HPLCSFS3031HPLCInternal method n:o 10SpectrophotometerSFS3029:19760.20 mg/L3.0 mg/L 3.0–5.0 mg/L: 12%>5.0 mg/L: 7%0.010 mg/L 0.010–0.10 mg/L:10%>0.10 mg/L: 8%18 O MS < 0.1‰18 O (SO 4 ) MS 0.5‰

122Table A-3 (continued). Methods and detection limits for groundwater chemistry.3 H Electrical enrichment + homemade Proportional Gas counter(PGC) detection method0.2 TU 100 ± 2,20 ± 0.5 and1.00 ± 0.10 TU2 H MS 1‰13 C (DIC) MS 0.3 pM 0.05‰14 C (DIC) AMS 0.1 pM86 Sr/ 87 Sr MS 0.003‰34 S (SO 4 ) MS 0.1 mBq/L 0.2‰Rn-222 Liquid scintillation counting / 2 5–10%U(tot) jaAlfaspectrometer0.2 mBq/LU-234/U-238 ASTM D3648-95, 1995References1 Paaso, N. (toim.), Mäntynen, M., Vepsäläinen, A. ja Laakso, T. 2003. <strong>Posiva</strong>n vesinäytteenotonkenttätyöohje, rev.3, <strong>Posiva</strong> Työraportti 2003-02.2 Salonen L. and Hukkanen H., Advantages <strong>of</strong> low-background liquid scintillation alphaspectrometryand pulse shape analysis in measuring 222Rn, uranium and 226Ra in groundwatersamples, Journal <strong>of</strong> Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 226, Nos. 1–2, 1997.

Table A-4. Physical and chemical data for the sampled groundwater.Bore-holeSampling date(Y-M-D)Depth(m)T(oC)pHConductivity(mSm –1 )TDS (mgL –1 )AlkalinityHCO 3(mg L –1 )Acidity(Meq L –1 )DOC(mg CL –1 )DIC(mg CL –1 )O 2HACHelectrode(mg L –1 )O 2Winkler(mg L –1 )E hHACHelectrode(mV)PR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6 4.6 5.0 12 78 23.7 2.80 469PR1 2005-10-10 6 11.2 5.2 12 110 30.5 0.94 21.5 0.08 402PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 6 3.9 5.3 15 120 33.6 1.12 6.50 16.4 0.42 0.44 134PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6 10.2 5.5 0 98 27.5 0.88 6.10 13.3 0.21 0.23 224PP2 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 14.7 6.2 7.2 80 575 271.0 0.45 81.5PP2 2005-10-12 14.7 7.3 7.4 81 650 282.0 0.24 59.9

PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 3.9 3.6 4.8 16 160 76.9 2.24 196.00 3.4 2.11 0.44 126PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 3.9 10.4 5.3 11 93 20.1 0.57 19.20 5.5 5.95 4.31 208PVP3A <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 7.8 5.6 6.8 59 413 179.0 1.73 247PVP3B <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 3.8 6.6 6.5 59 382 123.0 0.25 315PVP4A <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 9.6 6.4 7.0 73 553 286.0 1.04 216PVP4A 2005-10-12 10.2 9.3 7.2 80 750 336.0 0.44 64.4

OL-KR8 2005-10-25 57.3 7.3 65 490 221.0

Table A-4. Continued.Borehole Sampling date Depth(m)E h Pt-probe(mV)SO 42–(mg L –1 )S 2–(mg L –1 )Fe 2+(mg L –1 )Ntot(mg L –1 )NO 2–(mg L –1 )NO 3–(mg L –1 )NH 4(mg L –1 )Cl -(mg L –1 )F -(mg L –1 )Br -(mg L –1 )PR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6 33.00 0.54 4 0.10

PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 3.9 23.00

OL-KR8 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06 260.7 470.00 0.08 0.10 0.21

Table A-4. Continued.Borehole Sampling date Depth (m) SiO 2(mg L –1 )Na(mg L –1 )K(mg L –1 )Ca(mg L –1 )Mg(mg L –1 )Mn(mg L –1 )Sr(mg L –1 )B(mg L –1 )U(µg L –1 )PR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6 4 1.1 7 3.7PR1 2005-10-10 6 13.4 6 1.7 8 4.0 0.32 0.025PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 6 11.3 7 1.6 10 4.8 0.38 0.032 0.02 0.6PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6 12.3 5 1.7 8 3.8 0.27 0.023 0.03 0.7PP2 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 14.7 51 7.5 79 18.3PP2 2005-10-12 14.7 22.4 46 7.8 134 23.2 1.12 0.3PP2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 14.7 21.6 40 7.2 94 19.1 1.13 0.4 0.05

PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 3.9 19.6 7 2.0 5 3.1 0.07 0.02 0.03 2.1PVP3A <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 7.8 54 7.3 41 12.0PVP3B <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 3.8 61 6.8 32 11.0PVP4A <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 9.6 29 5.9 94 15.1PVP4A 2005-10-12 10.2 24.6 57 10.6 160 19.3 1.77 0.2PVP4A:1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–0 h 10.2 21.2 31 6.4 97 15.7 1.36 0.3 0.04 0.1PVP4A:2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–6 h 10.2 20.9 32 6.9 99 16.5 1.39 0.3 0.04

OL-KR8 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06 260.7 11.0 1800 7.9 810 160.0 0.62 8.4 0.63 0.6OL-KR10 2005-02-21 106 11.0 543 2.5 62 11.0 0.05 0.6 0.64OL-KR10 <strong>2006</strong>-06-19 316 10.0 1790 7.8 990 58.0 0.55 9.9 1.30

Table A-5. Gas data for the sampled shallow groundwater. Rows in italics with “-SD%” after the borehole code show the standard deviationsin percent <strong>of</strong> the average. The number <strong>of</strong> samples (n) was 2 for the April <strong>2006</strong> analyses and 3 for the October <strong>2006</strong> analyses.Borehole PumplevelDepthZ-upSample andextractionVolumewaterExtractedgasExtractedgasOxygen(ppm)Hydrogen(ppm)Helium(ppm)Argon(ppm)(m)(m) date (mL) (mL) (mL L –1 )PR1 4 6 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 91.5 6.2 66.5 35450 24.4 0 n.a.PR1-SD% 4 6 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 7.0 37.9 31.4 61.6 41.5PR1 4 6 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 104.7 6.4 61.0 10650 52.5 0 n.a.PR1-SD% 4 6 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 2.8 36.5 37.8 61.0 43.8PP2 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 97.5 2.9 28.5 82400 31.7 0 n.a.PP2-SD% 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 6.5 86.8 82.6 45.7 82.9PP2 4 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 104.0 3.1 29.4 55695 37.3 0 n.a.PP2-SD% 4 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 3.5 24.5 22.6 31.5 12.6PP9 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 93.5 4.0 42.8 259500 13.2 0 n.a.PP9-SD% 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 0.8 0.0 0.8 80.4 8.1PP9 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 97.3 2.4 24.6 43600 42.7 0 n.a.PP9-SD% 6 14.7 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 4.6 22.0 18.2 28.0 29.2PP36 4 11 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 102.5 5.4 53.2 30350 10.8 0 n.a.PP36-SD% 4 11 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 9.0 35.7 43.9 34.2 19.1PP36 5 11 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 95.0 3.9 41.8 69000 40.8 0 n.a.PP36-SD% 5 11 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6.9 53.4 57.0 62.5 73.1PP39 5 14 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 82.0 4.0 48.3 22950 15.1 0 n.a.PP39-SD% 5 14 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 5.2 9.0 14.1 44.1 22.1PP39 6 14 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 97.7 7.2 73.6 10650 13.6 0 n.a.PP39-SD% 6 14 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 5.8 28.0 24.8 61.0 22.1PVP1 2.5 3.9 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 101.5 5.0 49.3 49600 11.6 0 n.a.132

PVP1-SD% 2.5 3.9 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 2.1 0.0 2.1 1.1 6.7PVP1 2.5 3.9 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 99.3 5.3 53.8 29333 21.4 793 n.a.PVP1-SD% 2.5 3.9 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 1.2 28.6 29.8 14.3 22.7 156PVP4A-1 6 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–0 h 96.0 2.3 23.4 40250 20.1 0 n.a.PVP4A-1-SD% 6 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–0 h 5.9 15.7 9.9 59.6 1.4PVP4A-2 6 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–6 h 95.5 4.1 43.0 17600 20.2 0 n.a.PVP4A-2-SD% 6 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–6 h 0.7 65.5 66.1 53.0 47.4PVP4A 5 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 101.3 3.6 36.0 31900 24.8 0 n.a.PVP4A-SD% 5 10.2 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 2.3 17.9 19.7 32.3 12.9PVP13 3 5.6 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 101.0 3.6 35.7 37000 17.9 0 n.a.PVP13-SD% 3 5.6 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 1.4 15.7 17.1 81.4 11.1PVP13 4 5.6 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 99.0 4.5 45.5 8120 20.0 0 n.a.PVP13-SD% 4 5.6 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 5.3 29.6 32.4 105.7 49.2PVP14 6 9.1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 83.5 3.2 37.7 30000 18.3 0 n.a.PVP14-SD% 6 9.1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 2.5 11.2 8.7 0.9 4.6PVP14 5.5 9.1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 95.0 4.7 49.7 23400 26.7 0 n.a.PVP14-SD% 5.5 9.1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 1.1 31.8 32.3 21.1 18.7PVP20 12.8 12.8 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 100.3 3.8 38.5 27340 30.8 0 n.a.PVP20-SD% 12.8 12.8 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 6.8 28.5 33.9 124.5 25.2PVA1 ONKALO 20 <strong>2006</strong>-04-28 98.0 4.0 40.8 55150 24.8 0 n.a.PVA1-SD% ONKALO 20 <strong>2006</strong>-04-28 2.9 0.0 2.9 3.2 0.0PVA1 ONKALO 20 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 99.3 4.0 39.9 8873 69.3 0 n.a.PVA1-SD% ONKALO 20 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 1.5 31.9 31.1 48.9 51.6133

Table A-5. ContinuedBoreholeSample andextractiondateNitrogen(ppm)CO(ppm)CO 2(ppm)CH 4(ppm)C 2 H 6(ppm)C 2 H 2–4(ppm)total gas(%)PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 431500 44.1 529500 2905 0 0 99.9PR1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 39 14.6 27 35 0.1PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 461667 29.0 472000 258 0 0 94.5PR1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 23 22.0 19 17 3.4PP2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 706500 96.2 239000 4650 0 0 103.3PP2-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 36 68.8 86 82 0.6PP2 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 706334 41.4 202218 2044 0 0 96.6PP2-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 3 28.6 10 16 1.8PP9 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 523500 54.8 249000 327 0 0 103.2PP9-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 32 11.5 4 5 3.1PP9 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 501000 125.0 454333 295 0 0 99.9PP9-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 28 16.5 32 18 1.7PP36 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 566000 91.5 433000 230 0 0 103.0PP36-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 24 27.0 24 55 2.3PP36 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 449667 112.1 453667 262 0 0 97.3PP36-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 65 83.3 57 105 2.1PP39 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 542000 35.8 451000 22500 0 0 103.9PP39-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 19 22.1 19 18 0.1PP39 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 461667 29.0 472000 258 0 0 94.5PP39-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 23 22.0 19 17 3.4PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 439000 78.6 528500 432 0 0 101.8PVP1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 0 26.6 2 72 0.9PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 591667 60.6 293333 674 0.1 0 91.6134

PVP1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 8 69.3 18 37 100 3.2PVP4A-1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–0 h 700000 37.2 306000 4140 0 0 105.0PVP4A-1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–0 h 10 16.7 13 15 0.8PVP4A-2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–6 h 786000 44.5 246500 2820 0 0 105.3PVP4A-2-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-27–6 h 23 45.8 66 46 0.5PVP4A <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 697667 31.4 265000 2730 0 0 99.7PVP4A-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6 22.1 12 14 0.2PVP13 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 785500 46.5 207500 2370 0 0 103.2PVP13-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 1 40.4 24 17 1.5PVP13 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 715667 28.2 228000 1082 0 0 95.3PVP13-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 4 13.8 33 30 10.4PVP14 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 795000 41.4 220500 289 0 0 104.6PVP14-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 6 45.0 21 1 0.4PVP14 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 800333 12.6 157000 38 0 0 98.1PVP14-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 6 135.4 23 138 0.8PVP20 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 769333 28.6 193333 827 0 0 99.1PVP20-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 11 50.0 22 31 0.9PVA1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-28 716000 32.5 40350 3415 8 0 81.5PVA1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-04-28 0 74.0 13 20 8 0.7PVA1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 926000 43.5 70400 6817 0 0 101.2PVA1-SD% <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 4 34.5 16 29 1.7135

Table A-6. Gas data for the sampled deep groundwater.Borhole Upper Lower Depth Sample Extraction Time from Volume Extracted Extracted Analysedlevel level Z-updatedatesampling towater gas gasair(m) (m) (m)analysis (d)(mL) (mL) (mL L –1 ) (%)OL-KR2 596.5 609.5 560 <strong>2006</strong>-02-28 <strong>2006</strong>-03-07 7 90 47.0 522.2 0.76OL-KR6 422 425 328 2005-08-02 2005-08-24 22 254 15.5 61.0 11.40OL-KR6 135 137 102 2005-09-27 2005-10-17 20 82 9.5 115.9 2.20OL-KR6 120 125 90 2005-11-02 2005-12-12 40 77 7.5 97.4 4.80OL-KR6 98.5 100.5 73 2005-12-27 <strong>2006</strong>-01-13 17 201 9.5 47.3 1.10OL-KR6 125 130 94 <strong>2006</strong>-06-26 <strong>2006</strong>-07-02 6 76 10.0 131.6 1.89OL-KR6 135 137 116 <strong>2006</strong>-08-22 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28 6 65 5.0 76.9 1.13OL-KR6 98.5 100 74 <strong>2006</strong>-10-16 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24 8 70 6.2 88.6 1.22OL-KR7 284 288 257 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11 16 220 8.6 39.1 5.20OL-KR7-Ar 220 230 197 2005-04-25 2005-08-22 119 30 5.6 186.7 12.10OL-KR7-N2 220 230 197 2005-04-25 2005-08-23 120 74 7.2 97.3 14.40OL-KR8 77 84 57 2005-10-25 2005-12-12 48 183 5.9 32.2 1.85OL-KR8 556.5 561 490 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11 14 95 41.1 432.6 0.86OL-KR8 302 310 261 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06 <strong>2006</strong>-06-09 3 101 9.2 91.1 0.64OL-KR8 77 84 57 <strong>2006</strong>-08-15 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28 13 195 6.8 34.9 1.59OL-KR10 259 262 249 2005-04-04 2005-06-26 83 178 14.0 78.7 12.40OL-KR10 326 328 316 <strong>2006</strong>-06-19 <strong>2006</strong>-06-21 2 236 29.5 125.0 2.60OL-KR10-Ar 326.5 328.5 316 2005-04-04 2005-08-23 141 100 9.4 94.0 8.70OL-KR10-N2 326.5 328.5 316 2005-04-04 2005-08-23 141 127 23.6 185.8 0.90OL-KR13 362 365 294 <strong>2006</strong>-03-14 <strong>2006</strong>-03-27 13 100 11.4 114.0 0.31OL-KR19 110 131 101 2005-09-05 2005-10-05 30 88.4 7.2 81.4 2.60OL-KR19 455 468 433 2005-10-31 2005-12-12 42 107 25.4 237.4 1.12136

OL-KR22 147 152 116 2005-12-13 <strong>2006</strong>-01-13 31 231 15.8 68.4 2.94OL-KR22 390 394 320 <strong>2006</strong>-03-01 <strong>2006</strong>-03-07 6 244 83.0 340.2 0.00OL-KR22 147 152 102 <strong>2006</strong>-08-17 <strong>2006</strong>-08-28 11 95 5.2 54.7 3.38OL-KR29 320 340 293 2005-06-06 2005-08-23 78 65 7.0 107.7 13.30OL-KR29 800 800 742 2005-04-16 2005-08-23 129 163 225.0 1380.4 1.70OL-KR30 50 54 40 2005-08-04 2005-08-24 20 111 4.6 41.4 17.40OL-KR31 143 146 122 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24 <strong>2006</strong>-10-26 2 250 8.2 32.8 3.72OL-KR33 95 107 71 <strong>2006</strong>-01-24 <strong>2006</strong>-01-26 2 73 8.0 109.6 9.75OL-KR37 166 176 112 <strong>2006</strong>-11-28 <strong>2006</strong>-11-30 2 92 4.8 52.2 4.34OL-KR39 403 406 345 <strong>2006</strong>-04-03 <strong>2006</strong>-04-06 3 107 15.5 144.9 1.39OL-KR39 108 110 88 <strong>2006</strong>-05-30 <strong>2006</strong>-06-09 10 79 4.2 53.2 1.96137

Table A-6. ContinuedBorehole Hydrogen(ppm)Helium(ppm)Argon(ppm)Nitrogen(ppm)CO(ppm)CO 2(ppm)CH 4(ppm)C 2 H 6(ppm)C 2 H 2–4(ppm)total gas(%)OL-KR2 68.6 24400 241 290000 6.30 140 699000 6250.00 0.00 102.0OL-KR6 8.4 54800 3000 671000 8.80 2980 267000 1330.00 0.00 100.0OL-KR6 40.9 1490 35700 954000 26.80 6980 2100 23.80 0.00 100.0OL-KR6 2710.0 1730 4590 905000 72.00 15400 13400 60.10 1.09 94.3OL-KR6 11.6 1130 2440 1010000 16.40 25400 1580 3.97 0.00 104.1OL-KR6 16.0 1030 398 973000 25.80 10900 3090 30.20 0.00 98.8OL-KR6 6.5 1130 4090 973000 9.30 26400 1020 3.90 0.00 100.6OL-KR6 11.2 715 0 981000 15.40 32900 761 4.51 0.00 101.5OL-KR7 5.2 11900 695 953000 6.00 16800 13900 21.20 0.00 99.6OL-KR7-Ar 20.5 30200 51800 904000 20.40 10100 3820 23.80 0.00 100.0OL-KR7-N2 24.7 0 15900 949000 28.40 23500 11000 119.00 0.00 100.0OL-KR8 7540.0 0 1330 936000 27.70 14500 6150 65.90 0.00 96.6OL-KR8 6.5 22500 166 237000 2.30 152 744000 4170.00 0.00 100.8OL-KR8 18.7 8670 893 981000 41.00 8140 2000 24.40 0.00 100.1OL-KR8 27.7 0 4970 953000 15.60 56300 2600 9.08 0.00 101.7OL-KR10 51.9 8030 2500 972000 33.40 5310 12400 30.40 7.31 100.0OL-KR10 21.4 35200 312 440000 14.40 1830 547000 2120.00 0.00 102.6OL-KR10-Ar 5.8 19100 4790 751000 4.30 2040 222000 627.00 0.00 100.0OL-KR10-N2 28.6 18600 10200 654000 4.70 1470 315000 1300.00 0.00 100.1OL-KR13 651.0 30900 1740 769000 5.80 16100 175000 773.00 0.00 99.4OL-KR19 54.0 1630 17100 959000 7.40 21400 841 4.50 0.00 100.0OL-KR19 1320.0 18000 1570 481000 17.40 366 493000 2780.00 0.00 99.8OL-KR22 31.9 898 1810 975000 30.80 33100 14100 57.90 0.00 102.5OL-KR22 33.8 2460 529 986000 6.10 4130 28500 79.80 0.00 102.2138

OL-KR22 10.0 978 3667 942000 8.80 59400 17200 41.80 0.00 102.3OL-KR29 15.6 5330 6430 968000 9.90 2190 16800 1090.00 0.58 100.0OL-KR29 51.8 14900 2660 186000 3.00 1460 779000 15400.00 0.00 100.0OL-KR30 107.0 0 0 976000 32.60 14000 10800 220.00 0.00 100.1OL-KR31 9.7 920 30000 916000 44.30 34200 5320 2.27 1.62 98.6OL-KR33 94.0 0 0 922000 74.80 9940 582 5.68 0.00 93.3OL-KR37 22.3 1400 17100 933000 22.00 55000 2860 5.86 0.00 100.9OL-KR39 18.3 19600 743 408000 12.40 7170 582000 1470.00 0.00 101.9OL-KR39 7.6 0 377 960000 15.10 22600 1080 7.12 0.00 98.4139

Table A-7. Biomass determinations for shallow groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>, sampled over spring and fall seasons. TNC = total number <strong>of</strong> cells,SD = standard deviation, n = number <strong>of</strong> observations, CHAB = cultivable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria, MPN = sum <strong>of</strong> all most probablenumber <strong>of</strong> cells values (see Table A-8), and n.a. = not analysed for various reasons, for example, inapplicable because the analysis had not yetbeen introduced, sample turbidity, or analytical error.Borehole sampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)TNC(cells mL 1 )SD n ATP(amol mL 1 )SD n CHAB(cells mL 1 )SD n CHAB/TNC(%)ATP/TNCMPN/TNC(%)PR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6.0 57000 57000 6 n.a. 5150 1450 3 9.04 0.29PR1 2005-10-10 6.0 2000000 450000 6 266000 7270 3 11700 117 3 0.59 0.133 1.46PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 6.0 820000 84000 3 626000 34700 3 1600 2040 3 0.20 0.763 0.30PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6.0 390000 21000 3 128000 8590 3 827 107 3 0.21 0.328 0.64PP2 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 14.7 32000 16000 6 n.a. n.a. - - 0.01PP2 2005-10-12 14.7 110000 53000 6 25100 2440 3 310 399 3 0.28 0.228 0.12PP2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 14.7 55000 1400 3 13300 680 3 553 98 3 1.01 0.242 0.04PP2 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 14.7 10000 1100 3 1900 50 3 27 46 3 0.27 0.190 0.10PP3 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 14.3 190000 84000 6 n.a. 93 65 3 0.05 0.00PP7 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 16.2 31000 23000 6 n.a. 240 150 3 0.77 0.06PP8 <strong>2004</strong>-05-06 15.2 1500000 160000 5 n.a. 1900 707 2 0.13 0.02PP9 2005-10-13 14.7 200000 46000 6 24500 1770 3 13 6 3 0.01 0.123 0.01PP9 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 14.7 n.a. 109000 1400 3 70 46 3PP9 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 14.7 220000 5400 3 104000 4610 3 677 508 3 0.31 0.473 0.10PP36 2005-10-10 12.1 110000 45000 6 26900 1080 3 37 6 3 0.03 0.245 0.08PP36 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 12.1 370000 29000 3 220600 10600 3 427 60 3 0.12 0.596 0.09PP36 <strong>2006</strong>-10-09 12.1 400000 15000 3 146000 13600 3 740 42 2 0.19 0.365 0.05PP39 2005-10-11 14.1 580000 560000 6 198000 10800 3 913 93 3 0.16 0.341 0.14PP39 <strong>2006</strong>-04-24 14.1 540000 140000 3 90400 3110 3 553 64 3 0.10 0.167 0.21PP39 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 14.1 410000 42000 3 170000 5220 3 983 145 3 0.24 0.415 1.09140

Table A-7. continued.Borehole sampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)TNC(cells mL 1 )SD n ATP(amol mL 1 )SD n CHAB(cells mL 1 )SD n CHAB/TNC(%)ATP/TNCMPN/TNC(%)PVP1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 3.9 1500000 400000 6 n.a. 15100 5130 3 1.01 0.00PVP1 2005-10-11 3.9 2500000 670000 6 685000 59900 3 917 218 3 0.04 0.274 0.01PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 3.9 1100000 18000 3 7920000 307000 3 4400 3200 3 0.40 7.200 2.67PVP1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 3.9 200000 16000 3 624000 61800 3 530 125 3 0.27 3.120 0.10PVP3A <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 7.8 150000 66000 6 n.a. 1060 482 3 0.71 - 0.00PVP3B <strong>2004</strong>-05-03 3.8 41000 53000 6 n.a. 6690 3610 3 16.32 0.17PVP4A <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 9.6 96000 55000 6 13200 3 690 539 3 0.72 0.01PVP4A 2005-10-12 10.2 660000 14000 6 30200 4160 3 1240 59 3 0.19 0.046 0.20PVP4A <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 10.2 9500 1400 3 1860 170 3 0 0 3 0.00 0.196 0.14PVP4A:1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 10.2 7600 1300 3 11400 2800 3 2330 115 3 30.66 1.500 3.05PVP4A:2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 10.2 7800 1100 3 6320 630 3 173 60 3 2.22 0.810 2.02PVP4A:1/2 <strong>2006</strong>-04-27 10.2 0.97 1.80 13.5PVP4B <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 8.0 51000 19000 6 n.a. 79200 17300 3 155.29 0.01PVP13 2005-10-12 5.6 120000 17000 6 79400 10300 3 1400 106 3 1.17 0.662 0.73PVP13 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 5.6 17000 1400 3 12800 560 3 83 40 3 0.49 0.753 2.28PVP13 <strong>2006</strong>-10-12 5.6 17000 1400 3 12300 790 3 23 12 3 0.14 0.724 0.62PVP14 2005-10-13 9.0 90000 80000 6 3570 480 3 57 30 3 0.06 0.040 0.02PVP14 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 9.0 20000 2600 3 3620 670 3 10 7 3 0.05 0.181 0.05PVP14 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 9.0 9300 1900 3 4520 280 3 30 26 3 0.32 0.486 3.85PVP20S 2005-10-13 12.8 320000 43000 6 106000 7740 3 2220 415 3 0.69 0.331 0.56PVP20P 2005-10-13 12.8 150000 76000 6 76100 3890 3 1970 225 3 1.31 0.507 0.14PVP20 <strong>2006</strong>-04-26 12.8 ICE- COVEREDPVP20 <strong>2006</strong>-10-10 12.8 n.a. - 3 367000 51500 3 783 196 3 - - -141

Table A-8. The most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> nitrate-, iron-, manganese-, and sulphate-reducing bacteria (NRB, IRB, MRB, and SRB, respectively)in shallow groundwater <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. L and U limits are the 95% confidence values. n.a. = not analysed for various reasons, for example,inapplicable because the analysis had not yet been introduced, sample turbidity, or analytical error.Boreholesampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)NRB(cellsmL 1 )LlimitUlimitIRB(cellsmL 1 )PR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6.0 n.a. 0.4 0.1 1.7 0.0 3.0 1.0 12.0PR1 2005-10-10 6.0 24000.0 10000.0 94000.0 1.3 0.5 3.8 0.8 0.3 2.4 23.0 9.0 86.0PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-04-25 6.0 1700.0 700.0 4800.0 2.3 0.9 8.6 70.0 30.0 210.0 24.0 10.0 94.0PR1 <strong>2006</strong>-10-11 6.0 2400.0 1000.0 9400.0 0.2 0.1 1.1 1.3 0.5 3.8 3.0 1.0 12.0PP2 <strong>2004</strong>-05-05 14.7 n.a.

Table A-8. Continued.Bore-Holesampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)NRB(cellsmL 1 )LlimitUlimitIRB(cellsmL 1 )PVP1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 3.9 n.a. 0.4 0.1 1.7 9.0 4.0 25.0 0.8 0.3 2.4PVP1 2005-10-11 3.9 160.0

Table A-9. The most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> autotrophic acetogens (AA) and methanogens (AM), heterotrophic acetogens (HA) and methanogens(HM), and methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in shallow groundwater from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. L and U limits are the 95% confidence values. n.a. = notanalysed for various reasons, for example, inapplicable because the analysis had not yet been introduced, sample turbidity, or analytical error.Boreholesampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)AAcellsmL 1LlimitUlimitHAcellsmL 1LlimitUlimitPR1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 6.0 160.0

Table A-9. ContinuedBoreholesampled(Y-M-D)Depth(m)AAcellsmL 1LlimitUlimitHAcellsmL 1LlimitUlimitPVP1 <strong>2004</strong>-05-04 3.9

Table A-10. Biomass determinations for deep groundwater in <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. TNC = total number <strong>of</strong> cells, SD = standard deviation, n = number <strong>of</strong>observations, CHAB = cultivable heterotrophic aerobic bacteria, MPN = sum <strong>of</strong> all most probable number <strong>of</strong> cells values (see Table A-11),and n.a. = not analysed for various reasons, for example, inapplicable because the analysis had not yet been introduced, sample turbidity, oranalytical error.Boreholesampled(Y-M-D)Sectionupper–lower(m)Midelevation,z(m)TNC(cellsmL 1 )SD n ATP(amolmL 1 )SD n CHAB(cellsmL 1 )SD n CHAB/TNC(%)ATP/TNCMPN/TNC(%)OL-KR2 <strong>2004</strong>-12-20 328.5–330.5 306.2 120000 24000 6 206000 40500 3 n.a. 1.717 0.70OL-KR6 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11 422–425 328.4 100000 7800 2 66800 1520 3 120000 5600 3 120.00 0.668 30.25OL-KR6 <strong>2006</strong>-06-26 125–130 94.1 2700 1400 3 5720 1390 3 503 187 3 18.63 2.119 20.00OL-KR6 <strong>2006</strong>-08-22 135–137 101.8 23000 3900 3 15300 410 3 16300 4730 3 70.87 0.665 22.55OL-KR6 <strong>2006</strong>-10-16 98.5–100.5 73.7 4500 1300 3 3090 170 3 1090 21 3 24.22 0.687 1.08OL-KR7 2005-03-01 275.5–289.5 249.4 74000 15000 6 15800 210 3 n.a. 0.214 0.02OL-KR8 2005-10-25 77.0–84.0 57.3 130000 27000 6 6960 440 3 497 21 3 0.38 0.054 0.16OL-KR8 <strong>2006</strong>-06-06 302.0–310.0 260.7 11000 2800 3 5730 320 3 820 123 3 7.45 0.521 1.89OL-KR10 2005-02-21 115.5–118.5 106.0 140000 21000 6 20800 10900 3 n.a. 0.149 0.22OL-KR10 <strong>2006</strong>-06-19 326.0–328.0 316.0 110000 15000 3 25000 1800 3 1390 21 3 1.26 0.227 0.32OL-KR13 <strong>2004</strong>-10-12 362.0–365.0 294.0 110000 27000 6 82200 9580 3 n.a. 0.00 0.747 0.07OL-KR13 <strong>2006</strong>-03-14 362.0–365.0 294.0 27000 14000 6 15580 200 3 16300 3400 3 60.37 0.577 3.56OL-KR19 <strong>2004</strong>-11-08 525.5–539.5 449.6 150000 25000 6 n.a. n.a. 0.17OL-KR27 <strong>2004</strong>-11-09 247.0–264.0 193.5 29000 14000 6 36400 4590 3 n.a. 1.255 0.05OL-KR27 2005-01-17 503.0–506.0 391.7 21000 4000 6 n.a. n.a. - 0.12OL-KR31 <strong>2006</strong>-10-24 143.0–146.0 122.4 19000 2600 3 10929 940 3 4230 351 3 22.26 0.575 6.20OL-KR32 <strong>2006</strong>-01-10 50.0–52.0 34.6 26000 7600 6 23400 1890 3 2430 379 3 9.35 0.900 5.30OL-KR33 <strong>2006</strong>-01-24 95.0–107.0 70.6 40000 15000 5 6970 490 3 10 10 3 0.03 0.174 0.37OL-KR37 <strong>2006</strong>-11-28 166–176 111.6 14000 730 3 8020 200 3 3070 473 3 21.93 0.573 21.66OL-KR39 <strong>2006</strong>-04-03 403.0–406.0 344.8 22000 7600 3 7440 260 3 180 25 3 0.82 0.338 1.60OL-KR39 <strong>2006</strong>-05-30 108.0–110.0 88.2 21000 960 3 13080 750 3 3150 778 2 15.00 0.623 1.83146

Table A-11. The most probable numbers <strong>of</strong> nitrate-, iron-, manganese-, and sulphate-reducing bacteria (NRB, IRB, MRB, and SRB,respectively), autotrophic acetogens (AA) and methanogens (AM), heterotrophic acetogens (HA) and methanogens (HM), and methaneoxidizingbacteria (MOB) in deep groundwater from <strong>Olkiluoto</strong>. L and U limits are the 95% confidence values. n.a. = not analysed for variousreasons, for example, inapplicable because the analysis had not yet been introduced, sample turbidity, or analytical error.Boreholesampled(Y-M-D)Sectionupper–lower(m)Midelevation,z(m)NRB(cellsmL 1 )LlimitUlimitOL-KR2 <strong>2004</strong>-12-20 328.5–330.5 306.2 n.a. 300 100.0 1300.0 300.0 100.0 1300

Table A-11. Continued.Boreholesampled(Y-M-D)Sectionupper–lower(m)Mid elevation,z(m)AA(cellsmL 1 )LlimitUlimitOL-KR2 <strong>2004</strong>-12-20 328.5–330.5 306.2 110.0 40.0 300.0 130.0 50.0 390.0 0.4 0.1 1.7 2.3 0.9 8.6OL-KR6 <strong>2006</strong>-05-11 422–425 328.4 24.0 10.0 94.0 80.0 30.0 250.0

149ANALYSIS OF DISSOLVED GASES IN GROUNDWATERSamples can consist <strong>of</strong> any combination <strong>of</strong> gas only, gas and groundwater in separatephases, or groundwater containing dissolved gas, all in closed pressure-safe containers.The sample is transferred to a vacuum container and any gas in the water is boiled <strong>of</strong>funder vacuum (i.e., water vapour pressure) at room temperature (Figure A-1). After thisextraction, the gas is compressed and transferred to a 10 mL syringe (SGE AnalyticalScience, Victoria, Australia) and the volumes <strong>of</strong> extracted gas and water are measured.The captured gas is subsequently transferred to a 6.6-mL glass vial stoppered with abutyl rubber stopper sealed with an aluminium crimp seal (Figure A-1). Large gassamples can be transferred to a 27-mL vial instead. The vial is evacuated and flushedtwice with nitrogen, in two cycles, and is left at high vacuum (10 4 Bar). Coppersulphate (dehydrant) is added to adsorb any traces <strong>of</strong> water remaining in the gas (watercauses troublesome baseline drifts in the gas chromatographs). The vials are storedunder water. Any leakage will result in the blue, dry copper sulphate turning pink.Figure A-1. The 500-mL cylindrical gas extractor with a 6.6-mL sample vial attached,lower right. Gas collection syringes are visible below the metallic SGE 6-port valves.The blue box is the manometer used to measure pressure in the samples. The graycylinder is the cryo-trap for removing moisture from samples.Air contamination during extraction is difficult to avoid. New adaptor equipment hasbeen developed and found to be very efficient. Apparently, any remaining

150contamination can be explained by problems with the PAVE samplers. Currently,a fewa 100 uL air is intruding the extraction procedure, which does not occur when dummies<strong>of</strong> pure nitrogen are extracted. There is no oxygen in the analysed deep groundwatersamples obtained using PAVE, so air contamination was subtracted from the resultsbefore recording the data.Figure A-2. The Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph is standing closest to themanometers, in the centre <strong>of</strong> the image. The blue KAPPA V gas chromatograph isvisible behind the Varian.Uncertainties <strong>of</strong> the used methodsVolumes <strong>of</strong> 1–1000 µL are injected into the gas chromatograph. The volume used isadjusted according to the sensitivity range <strong>of</strong> the particular instrument and detector.Several injections are usually needed to determine the proper amount <strong>of</strong> each gas toinject.The precision <strong>of</strong> the methods used is the subject <strong>of</strong> ongoing testing at our laboratory.Recently, we attached three samplers to one groundwater circulation at boreholeKJ0052F01 at the MICROBE laboratory at Äspö (see the SKB International ProgressReport IPR-05-05 for a detailed description <strong>of</strong> this laboratory; Pedersen 2005a). Thepressure vessel used, the PVB sampler, represents the Swedish analogue <strong>of</strong> the FinnishPAVE sampler. The results are given in the last section <strong>of</strong> this method description. Themain conclusions were:

151 The precision <strong>of</strong> the extractions is currently approximately ± 6% (Table A-12). The uncertainty <strong>of</strong> the instruments and repeated injections is low, typically 0–4% (Table A-13). The calibration gases used have a maximum accepted mixing uncertainty <strong>of</strong> ±2%. In total, the analytical uncertainty is currently a maximum <strong>of</strong> ± 12%.Set-up and calibrationsTwo gas chromatographs are currently in use, as shown in Figure A-2.The chromatographs are calibrated and tested using the four “gas mixtures describedbelow. Multiple points are used for the Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph (Varian,Palo Alto, CA, USA), while the KAPPA V gas chromatograph uses single-pointcalibrations. Calibration gases are analysed immediately before analysis <strong>of</strong> samples, andthe calibration results are used in calculating the concentrations <strong>of</strong> the gases in thesamples.Special gas 1 (Linde Gas, Pullach, Germany), AGA, certificate no: 28810-3:He 25,700 ppmH 2 964 ppmO 2 10,900 ppmNitrogen962,436 ppmSpecial gas 2 (Linde Gas), AGA, certificate no: 28757-1:Ar 1000 ppmCH 4 2740 ppmCO 2 1040 ppmCO 9.75 ppmNitrogen995,210 ppmSpecial gas 3 (Linde Gas), AGA, certificate no: 28749-1:C 2 H 6 253 ppmC 2 H 4 257 ppmC 2 H 2 248 ppmC 3 H 8 252 ppmC 3 H 6 238 ppmNitrogen998,752 ppmSpecial gas 4 (Linde Gas), AGA, certificate no: 30008-1:H 2 24.6 ppmCO 24.9 ppmNitrogen999,950 ppm

152Analysis <strong>of</strong> gasLow concentrations <strong>of</strong> hydrogen (20 ppm) were analysed on a Varian Star 3400CXgas chromatograph using a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) with an oventemperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C, a detector temperature <strong>of</strong> 120°C, and a filament temperature <strong>of</strong>250°C. The hydrogen gas was separated using a Porapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inchdiameter; Agilent Technologies) followed by a molecular sieve 5A column (6 m 1/8inch) with argon as the carrier gas. Calibration gases 1 and 2 are used.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 5 10 –9 L (20ppm).Carbon monoxide was analysed on a KAPPA-5/E-002 analyser gas chromatographequipped with a 156 1/16-inch stainless steel HayeSep column in line with a 31 1/8-inch stainless steel molecular sieve 5A column, which was subsequently attached to areductive gas detector (RGD). Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas. The sample wasinjected into a 1000-µL injection loop. The sample usually had to be diluted to reach thedetection range <strong>of</strong> the instrument. This instrument has the most sensitive carbonmonoxide detector on the market. These results were compared with those obtainedusing the Varian Star 3800CX analyser and reported when they agreed.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 0.1-mL injection loop is 10 –12 L (1 ppb).Helium was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using a thermalconductivity detector (TCD) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C, a detector temperature<strong>of</strong> 120°C, and a filament temperature <strong>of</strong> 250°C. The helium gas was separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter) followed by a molecular sieve 5A column(6 m 1/8 inch) with argon as the carrier gas.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 5 10 –9 L (20ppm).Nitrogen was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using a thermalconductivity detector (TCD) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C, a detector temperature<strong>of</strong> 120°C, and a filament temperature <strong>of</strong> 250°C. The nitrogen gas was separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter) followed by a molecular Sieve 5A column(6 m 1/8 inch). Argon or helium can be used as the carrier gas. The results obtained

153using argon were compared with those obtained using helium and reported when theyagreed.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 25 10 –9 L (100ppm).Oxygen was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using a thermalconductivity detector (TCD) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C, a detector temperature<strong>of</strong> 120°C, and a filament temperature <strong>of</strong> 250°C. The oxygen gas was separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter) followed by a molecular sieve 5A column(6 m 1/8 inch) with argon as the carrier gas.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 25 10 –9 L (100ppm).Argon was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using a thermalconductivity detector (TCD) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C, a detector temperature<strong>of</strong> 120°C, and a filament temperature <strong>of</strong> 250°C. The argon gas was separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter) followed by a molecular sieve 5A column(6 m 1/8 inch) with helium as the carrier gas. Argon was very difficult to separatefrom oxygen. The strategy used was to analyse the total amount <strong>of</strong> oxygen and argonwith this configuration; then the result was reduced by the amount <strong>of</strong> oxygen analysed,using argon as the carrier gas.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 25 10 –9 L (100ppm).Carbon dioxide was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using aflame ionization detector (FID) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C and a detectortemperature <strong>of</strong> 200°C. The carbon dioxide gas was separated using a Porapak-Q column(2 m 1/8 inch diameter) and transformed to methane using a 10% Ni 2 NO 3“methanizer” fed with hydrogen gas (9.375 1/8 inch diameter, temperature 370°C).Carbon dioxide was finally analysed as methane on the FID with nitrogen as the carriergas. This configuration used a 156 1/16-inch stainless steel HayeSep and an FIDdetector.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 0.1 10 –9 L (0.4ppm).Methane was analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatograph using a flameionization detector (FID) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C and a detector temperature<strong>of</strong> 200°C. The methane gas was separated using a Porapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inchdiameter) and analysed on the FID with nitrogen as the carrier gas. This configurationused a 156 1/16-inch stainless steel HayeSep and a FID detector.High concentrations <strong>of</strong> methane, above 1%, require very small injection volumes,with nitrogen as the carrier gas, on the FID. The use <strong>of</strong> a small injection volume

154increases the uncertainty <strong>of</strong> the results. Therefore, the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the analysis wasreduced as required by analysing methane with helium as the carrier gas and using theTCD. The results obtained using an FID were compared with those obtained using aTCD and reported when they agreed.The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 0.1 10 –9 L (0.4ppm).Ethane, ethane + ethylene were analysed on a Varian Star 3400CX gas chromatographusing a flame ionization detector (FID) with an oven temperature <strong>of</strong> 65°C and a detectortemperature <strong>of</strong> 200°C. The ethane, ethaneand ethylene, gases were separated using aPorapak-Q column (2 m 1/8 inch diameter) and analysed on the FID with nitrogen asthe carrier gas. This configuration used a 156 1/16-inch stainless steel HayeSep and aFID detector.Ethene and ethylene cannot be separated using the present configuration (i.e., aPorapack-Q column).The detection limit <strong>of</strong> the instrument with a 250-µL injection loop is 0.1 10 –9 L (0.4ppm).Reproducibility testsThree pressure samplers were attached on 2005-11-24 to one groundwater circulation atborehole KJ0052F01 at the MICROBE laboratory, at a depth <strong>of</strong> 450 m at the ÄspöHRL. They were left overnight at a flow rate <strong>of</strong> 30 mL/min and detached in the morning<strong>of</strong> 2005-11-25. The samplers were transported to the laboratory in Göteborg andextracted on 2005-12-13. The extraction data are shown in Table A-12.The volume <strong>of</strong> water obtained was a function <strong>of</strong> the pressure in the gas compartment <strong>of</strong>the pressure vessel. The variability was 2%. The variability <strong>of</strong> the volume <strong>of</strong> gasextracted, reduced by the water volume variability, was 6%. This should be thevariability <strong>of</strong> the extraction, but as the variability <strong>of</strong> the pressure vessel was unknown,this number simply represents a maximum value. The volumes extracted and analysedvaried by approximately 6% as well. The air contamination was small, less than 0.2 mLper extraction, the lowest amount <strong>of</strong> contamination being 0.053 mL.

155Table A-12. Measured and calculated variables for three pressure sampler replicatesattached to a groundwater circulation at the MICROBE laboratory.Measured/calculated variable KJ52F01-1 KJ52F01-2 KJ52F01-3 Average (±SD%)Volume <strong>of</strong> water 176 168 170 171 (± 2%)Volume <strong>of</strong> extracted gas 10.4 9.0 10.8 10.1 (± 8%)1. Volume <strong>of</strong> extracted gas /L 61.2 53.6 61.4 58.7 (± 6.2%)2. Volume <strong>of</strong> analysed gaswith air /L3. Volume <strong>of</strong> analysed gaswithout air /L60.1 52.4 60.8 57.8 (± 6.6%)59.4 52.1 59.7 57.1 (± 6.2%)4. Air contamination, % 1.13 0.59 1.74 1.15 (± 41%)Volume <strong>of</strong> air in the extractedgas, L118 53 188 120 (± 46%)The reproducibility <strong>of</strong> repeated injections from the sample vials is shown in Table A-13.This variability ranges from 0 to 3.8%. If the extraction uncertainty is 6% and theinjection precision is a maximum <strong>of</strong> 4%, then we have 10% uncertainty in the analysisprocedure.Table A-13. Repeated injections into the gas chromatograph, a and b, for analysis <strong>of</strong>carbon gases.Gas KJ52F01-1 a KJ52F01-1 b Average (± SD%)Carbon dioxide 63.1 64.1 63.6 (± 0.8%)Methane 333 317 325 (± 2.5%)Ethane 0.35 0.37 0.36 (± 1.4%)KJ52F01-2 a KJ52F01-2 b Average (± SD%)Carbon dioxide 31.5 33 32.3 (± 2.3%)Methane 263 284 274 (± 3.8%)Ethane 0.12 0.120 0.12 (± 0%)KJ52F01-3 a KJ52F01-3 b Average (± SD%)Carbon dioxide 57.5 59.3 58.4 (± 1.5%)Methane 379 407 393 (± 3.5%)Ethane 0.18 0.19 0.19 (± 2.6%)The analysis results are shown in Table A-14. In general, the table shows decreasingvariability with increasing amounts <strong>of</strong> gas analysed. The obtained variability can haveseveral explanations. First, the variability may <strong>of</strong> course be a result <strong>of</strong> analytical errors.

156Second, variability in the status <strong>of</strong> the pressure containers may influence the variability<strong>of</strong> the gas data. Third, it was assumed that three pressure samplers in series wouldcollect identical gas concentrations if those concentrations remained stable over time inthe flowing groundwater. This assumption has not yet been demonstrated. On thecontrary, multiple analyses from the MICROBE site suggest an inherent variability indissolved gas concentrations in the MICROBE groundwater (Pedersen 2005a). It mayactually be that gas concentrations vary from volume to volume <strong>of</strong> groundwater in anaquifer.Table A-14. Measured gas components for three pressure samplers attached to agroundwater circulation at the MICROBE laboratory. The data refer to the ppm <strong>of</strong> eachgas in the extracted gas (not in the groundwater).GasKJ52F01-1(ppm)KJ52F01-2(ppm)KJ52F01-3(ppm)Average (±SD%)Hydrogen 87.2 18.2 24.3 43.2 (± 72%)Helium69,000 79,100 95,00081030 (±13.2%)Argon 2170 2150 5190 3170 (± 45%)Nitrogen894,000 885,000 865,000881300 (±1.4%)Carbon monoxide 21.5 15.9 35.3 24.2 (± 33.7%)Carbon dioxide 1030 587 937 851 (± 22.4%)Methane 5450 4910 6170 5510 (± 9.4%)Ethane 5.680 2.260 2.970 3.637 (± 35%)Ethene + Ethylene

1 (1)LIST OF REPORTSPOSIVA-REPORTS 2008POSIVA 2008-01 KBS-3H design Description 2007Jorma Autio, Pekka Anttila, Lennart Börgesson, Torbjörn Sandén,Paul-Erik Rönnqvist, Erik Johansson, Annika Hagros, MagnusEriksson, Bo Halvarsson, Jarno Berghäll, Raimo Kotola, IlpoParkkinenISBN 978-951-652-160-5POSIVA 2008-02 <strong>Microbiology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Olkiluoto</strong> <strong>Groundwater</strong>, <strong>2004</strong>–<strong>2006</strong>Karsten Pedersen, Microbial Analytics Sweden ABISBN 978-951-652-161-2:

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