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J6. -__!.<br />

ea/gag.a7'ts7^»»' SoBtfcern part of tha Btata dsrta*<br />

iaTsTttSwierff* l ** the past frw awotks, and the disease<br />

Praare, iG*. 17. 1910. U rapidly spreaJLn. ta Cape Kay<br />

We al Iliad at tike beepltal tram coexety.<br />

. || saaaT auim, uaUUUJ OJgHl-<br />

We aw»w bad no wooaded yet, hat have<br />

bsea ba wbst they call caiifa. cJaaa-<br />

aaaT «p aad waiting for orders. Thla<br />

aaaralaaj we seaved op to an advanced<br />

heae aad ta ssonuw we shall probahty<br />

waanded to take back to the<br />

KTpele*.<br />

• •twlng waere w* are going or what<br />

ws> an to do. W» Bay ba In n n p<br />

far • Weak at a tiaM or we may work<br />

algkt aad day for amTal day*.<br />

Manly and I Ian charge of one of<br />

taa -Bmfaw DP" »»*ds which hold*<br />

__ After wa load them<br />

wa> abaH have them from twelve to<br />

tajastty-feor boon or longer, and dar-<br />

taa; that Uses we have to work steadily<br />

(sedate aad helping them. We also<br />

beve ta hetp load the stretchcra for<br />

taa Tyla*- down* wards. After the<br />

j patients lea 1 a we shall havo a day or<br />

of bard work ftr*ilng up. In<br />

. I (oaea wa will never really be<br />

(•react). "f»«-'-a; the while point aad<br />

data samta of ear car. It Is scrub aad<br />

waak aad polish for as most of tho<br />

Usse. Tet when w* ore to garogo far<br />

several days we shall probably hare<br />

cjuttsa bit cf letecre.<br />

There ara aboot fifty of us boys oo<br />

• train, with several doctors and<br />

Unas) aarsiag sisters. We can carry<br />

SAO or 600 wounded at a time, and<br />

to be a very efficient part of<br />

ara shoot eighteen cars to oar<br />

trsifl. aad they an look fine, pointed<br />

jkaakl color ooUide with bir red<br />

'1 My |cwass, I sleep here on cue of the<br />

_ . stepped lo to<br />

casixa ana with having left a rug<br />

ftn sn ontidy poeitioo f&Mt<br />

m Brigadier General happened<br />

Taat means wa are TnyVr mili-<br />

tary dterlpHTia. An army captain is<br />

•*__•_• I naa— _ • • ill ai aa - _M_, _ * " - »•__. T_I J_<br />

^paawaa ^••aaVBVae^aBBBdiavel*i*.Efa> "•£Taea aF^aSBBrSBB aaar* aar&ai<br />

BSsBaV-aHHeaW M. Bra»T.<br />

T<br />

4 4. arrtkn 17.<br />

which may prove troohiesome- Be oo<br />

the tookoot for Canada tritmu borse<br />

nettle, and any other i^ IT. I*^I.I weeds<br />

which spread rapidly by means cf un-<br />

derground runners Get after **Ffc*f» at<br />

ooee. and keep after them until they<br />

are killed oot-<br />

Tbe Kew Jersey Experiment Station<br />

will advise as to the identity of weed<br />

plant* submitted and suggest methods<br />

of ftrnllng with these unprofitable<br />

plants<br />


Coonry Form Demonstrator.<br />


ft- J. DrslQr (Vx to U«ud U- Uaxkyr.<br />

l^S. UA S7. ticfk iat. pUn Ti~L<br />

itack«n.CF(>iritriui. flee, vu-<br />

arcn Int ol UA 3S u] » fr«< t/ M U.<br />

Uodk. lea. plui r>x<br />

fi^akr io Kzm* [- Foa. S2ML VtA S«.<br />

block HI. pLaa [H.<br />

Broi. V. Bain rt u« to i. J. Bnltf r«.<br />

tots Tl mod ~l. block SS. plan Ckl....<br />

U. S. bMata drpcaiUd<br />

> IP«* V<br />

AIJ UJMT » .<br />

lo* M-twUfiat* r*» M<br />

V«U»r> o/ barn-Hi W^ tun<br />

en] 0«lurv«<br />

CaoataJ lUt paU I<br />

T«*U1 ra<br />

r»iiiijni pn^ti<br />

luwrml Cor lala-ml<br />

l^&a rurrrnl «ipreura, iahrmt<br />

I trc-ulatins Iwn ,<br />

t amount oo hAnd aJtkd La TTTMVBTJ lor rvda-ts^ciao<br />

Mjrtn.n<br />


l.lABILmi3:<br />

mu<br />

trmnait ^___<br />

U> bank* aad baaaUn lotarr dhaa tactadrd la 4 or S>. . 47Z1.73<br />

V,^I. uupu<br />

md ilrpuaiti]<br />

InJUUtuI tVpoaJtl<br />

cUpoaits<br />

lln aa 3S dan<br />

i. s. 7 aad s<br />

MIII: irw jrnMrv,<br />


uol la \rv to U» Srvt » »ao«<br />

aoj fttaucrt to brfar. B» Chii<br />

l-n,l^r mi.<br />

> 11 OL-%M, Votary<br />

K iiiE'oo.'wnus **r TtiRiVMOman or<br />


an or<br />


oe UL-KAM tTTY<br />

»4.MA\ V. ( nHUt<br />

WIIJJM1 ' T>I-IJI.<br />

MJt\A)tl» II \S|i<br />

for State Senator<br />

4ter U»aja I Ma. Bootta<br />

HanhtnaT buoaa. ramllaf* aad oi<br />

mlmtUaal hn iiii Hut* fcvmo<br />

tetaaoJnati Uao> Ola<br />

• *•» irf otiMr MaOluea<br />

All otter ^.^la*^ I<br />

pit niluiu ..o >.<br />

.ut- b.^ia- run.ilun- aoj Ox<br />



Wort» for Capo May Tounly.<br />

~i. CaaUtT erf U—<br />

Tuc:-d_»y. Ki-pUm^r<br />


Rrftarra of<br />

Crade Oil<br />

ad nuripo.<br />

8ha dadaraa that for anrcral years<br />

ahja had chaBaJonad •^^••"••a of ai>-<br />

dal and political reform and that<br />

thrash tha pohKesOon of the letter<br />

ial ***X' mtia '\PI~i l» *aet It s»my r<br />

AeaWsaavs^iwaeB. ajkl aavltbs imJeali^bVi kind .<br />

i*m*im»itwwt,XmnhlmoOaaai tn caaracter.<br />

Srfx the right to<br />

W* ara not corrrinced<br />

ffl iamadiatarjr iav<br />

r«snitmmoracf<br />

taaa tba eoDsarvstrre kind so<br />

bat that does not lead<br />

Joasaaj SDDTBsa, bacsuss<br />

, betteva tbat woman hare<br />

Jaat m coed am iabsrent ftxht to the<br />

—" * as mm. ettaadm* Una fa that<br />

vw ttf£a> t*w (VeUsnny o* tott<br />

Ml m*M *&L»<br />

Wft is • am«aler Act last when.<br />

**' sty paUtatal or otasr -~T W '* I J<br />

•stigBtioa as* baa each a pe-<br />

' taat tlw Bttle criminals<br />

oaaaOy<br />

Frcma OW Ocvaa Cltj LrdSrr.<br />

To use a hackney phrase, the polit-<br />

ical pot is sorely *"»'""«• some, and it<br />

would not be surprising if the thisg<br />

would spill over Lefore the ctwrirn; of<br />

the contest on primary election night.<br />

A abort time ago it looked aa<br />

thoogb things might go somewhat<br />

smoothly, according to the p^f ** m that<br />

war" laid, bat at this writing, har-<br />

mony has been relegated to the rear<br />

and prospects are that tbe primary<br />

wfll be one of the hottest (or most<br />

hot) crrar waged in this city.<br />

Tha Senatorial situation is in^nt-<br />

what strained- Mayor Cnamptnn U a<br />

aopportar of Aasnahlyman 8t&tvens<br />

for tha Senatorial nomination. Be<br />

waa for Luther Ogden. but since Mr.<br />

Ogdcn withdrew from the contest in<br />

taror of Mr. Stevens, "in tba interest<br />

of decency in politics." the Mayor Is<br />

forfiterens.<br />

Former Mayor Headley, F<br />

Postmaster Bnttnrt. and a boat at<br />

other local t~~*^g lights, favor Miles<br />

UtTCr, and until racently rVeeholder<br />

Fox etood by tha Bepobiiean OohV<br />

andoracfliatxt ox Rlgoria candidacy, but<br />

MaJT Laolco ri vlr U> Jamra I'. Lavikxi.<br />

..IIMMI b*l/ *J Io4 C. Lo dlvL&loo of l.r^i,<br />

ot JUno Lramlnt. ilrc'tU oo Wnl akW r« til lo Wo. F_<br />

and H«K1*OO nnwr.<br />

iw la rj.nrJ T. T>»>- SIZS. IJA Z.<br />

block 30, brt«rn> Viuirt |^l_, auj<br />


<strong>GASOLINE</strong><br />

aad rVrfrctiaa Meter OOa<br />

I. P. TIMMJftS, Agent<br />

CAPE MAY Cot'er House. N. J.<br />

Born in Lower Township, AU^UBI<br />

ii, lttUl. CruduuUd from Cape May<br />

Public School in ltUii; Uaronl trade<br />

of printer In Capo "Mjiy Wove office,<br />

worked in day timo axul studied at<br />

nljrht to enter Princetoo CoUcco ISJCJ;<br />

student at Metropolitan Law School<br />

(part of New York University), in<br />

1HM; admitted to the Kew Jersey Bar<br />

in 1838; «rved in Cape May City<br />

Council, 1KT2 to 1835; President of<br />

Council, 18M; author of "History of<br />

I the County of Capo May;" published<br />

and edited Capo May llenUd from<br />

1903 to 1912; Member of Assembly in<br />

1914 and 1915.<br />

Stands for and has hod<br />

Gruritr I_ {Virirr lu Julia R. —.«.<br />

IS aad N. U'. £ frrt of UA 17. Uuck 17.<br />

bar to ^*mr. UA 1C aad S'. \V. S rrrf ut<br />

UA 17. Uock 17.<br />

la V. Ilrdajuad tu l^wir I- Purfe*.<br />

IS. 17 nod IS. Uark 41.<br />

V. Wrlrti .1 ui lo rraui Vi»-<br />

• 171. UA Lt. Uoa-k 23. brt»ma<br />

No trrspsasiBj aDewed oo sir .<br />

crty, with or wUhcart run or doe;.<br />

|oer prmaitj of the law.<br />

HABY E. LAKE.<br />

I<br />

&tsnd* for and han had passed lawb<br />

for the benefit of beajudc rc&ortji; foi<br />

economy in State Government; and<br />

for an armory at Ocean City. For<br />

laws which will bring prosperity to<br />

.V'r:'« Saerta*. OtTk». Cane' alav<br />


2732 Girard Ava, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

An dlaease. c Ok, ^e. Ueated. aad ,<br />

. ay.<br />

COLEMaM F. COBSOM. Sherta'.<br />

ret tfxUaibT II. llll.<br />

N. Cesorr. SeJr. B-I7jtprllJO<br />

In molt<br />

,- ~ - -—•- -•-«. uaj<br />

cbsnga In this direction.<br />

There is no doubt bat that Mr. Fox<br />

e<br />

facee a flfnt<br />

will<br />

ha<br />

c afyr flfnt» and tha<br />

ttona ara that John B. Groves<br />

"walk away with the bacon.'*<br />

Infoneatioii £ran a reliable thrVto*<br />

baa K that Freeholder Fox (or his<br />

friends) on Wedneaday drcotetad a<br />

Democratle petition eontainiaa: Mr.<br />

Fox^ am tb lMf f<br />

oaflBS as tbe ^*if if«*e**a for Free*<br />

r. Tbis action toade some of<br />

*Tbe Cnterrifled'* forloas, sad they<br />

at one* beauts posy on a petition fyt<br />

Albert .fJODsrt, aad tbey say there<br />

via be notUna; to tbe Fax Oesfcv<br />

aatie •iaatk<br />

Camdeii SsJte Deposit &. Trust Co.<br />

r- 224JO8 F«derml Street. Cmmima. H. X<br />

Eatabliabcd 1873<br />

Deposits . . . . . . $7,500,00000<br />

Invites your business—have your<br />

idle money earti interest. Keep a<br />

checking account and rent a box for<br />

your valuable papers.<br />

Trot* Fund. . . . . $9,150,00000<br />

Send for booklets "Relating to Wills and<br />

Kindred Subjects" and "Banking by MaiL"<br />

I Via. I<br />


Kepublican candidate for nomina-<br />

tion for State Senator from Cape May<br />

County, subject to the decision of the<br />

PrlmaricJi, Sept. 2S. J91G.<br />

4<br />

(Tola oetvrrti»raimt anlVraJ unel palel lo*<br />

by Palnvrr V. War. WlUaasI, N'. J.) tHOJl<br />

Is Your Money Safe?<br />

Security is what you wiah for your<br />

BavingB. We offer it and invite your full-<br />

est mvestigation as to our reliability, bus-<br />

mess methods and facilities.<br />

Deposits by mail will be promptly<br />

acknowledged. «">puy<br />

Write us about opening an account.<br />

Security Trust Company<br />

C May Qfy, u. L<br />

B OAato or CBOgpj raszaouiEaa OF<br />

CATS ttAT coovrr. KEW tauzr.<br />

Tla*' Huan] o/ Cbamea FrrrboluVn trf tbr<br />

roontr erf Cope May »UI ar.l<br />

Mefclrr la tn« courC^tueiaa* ot Cap* kloy<br />

Cottrt Ilouitf. Krw Jrrarjr, ol t»rl«e nt~< the deep<br />

est friendship.<br />

A mightly unpleasant Summer cold<br />

Is going the roands. and when one<br />

in n family "gets" it the others are<br />

sure to follow salt, the disease being<br />

highly con togiouB.<br />

Nixon WDey Elmer, of Boston, was<br />

in Court House between trains<br />

Monday, having' been vacationing at<br />

Stone Harbor with bis sister. Mrs.<br />

Albert Norton Wood.<br />

A gong left here on Tuesday night<br />

by box Pullman for Pennsgrove. Tbey<br />

*cre Wm. Smith. D. BasseO, Harry,<br />

J', and Belford Law. "Pat." Gatety<br />

end Clarence Sharp.<br />

Hiss Bertha Bats has been elected<br />

a teacher In tha Ocean City public<br />

•ehools, bar previous excellent eervice<br />

£ tbat eape^ Jmvine pleased<br />

Board af<br />

Eepatriof cf sB klasU ot flre «IM,<br />

•lertrksl tterlots. locks, tie'. Tto<br />

toaOi«rc«Yaies*Ts—allinaxe*. Qeo-<br />

* npairlag. Wai. Flanogan, a J.<br />

Reahy Farev Court Hoosa. ft-20^lm<br />

Robert a aUilar offers for rest his<br />

lorre baiasr building (80x70) on Hand<br />

Boltohte for garage, repair<br />

or paint shop, etc; fitted with elevator<br />

capable of taking vehicle* to second<br />

wr. &-Z7tf<br />

Owing to the extreme beat, there<br />

has been but ooo session each day<br />

this week in Court House schools, and<br />

GAZETTE would commend tho ac-<br />

tion of the Board of Education in this<br />

matter.<br />

The very essence of business la to<br />

let people know what you hart) for<br />

sole. That means advertise. If you<br />

t your busineai lo prosper. There<br />

Is no better meant of doing that than<br />

through your loco] paper.<br />

The Clanfon 1 band, which was pro-<br />

urcd for tho county ralr by our<br />

townsman, D. I^tscslio, rendered ex-<br />

Uent service the lost two daya of<br />

w fair, and attracted a great deal<br />

if attention from music lovers.<br />

All persons desiring tho best hoiul<br />

tundry work dona can have umo by<br />

.coving their packages at Harry<br />

Tyler's oo or before Thursday noon of<br />

each week, and it will bo returned on<br />

turdoy morning. Troy Laundry<br />

xi. Cape May City, N. J. 4-10<br />

D. T.o.«calto, the local rrprosenta<br />

tive of the.reliable Hollywood Laun-<br />

, of Wildwood, desires your trade,<br />

and will call at your house every Wed-<br />

nesday morning to collect your linen.<br />

Laundry la ready for delivery tho fol<br />

lowing Saturday. The plant haa the<br />

latest Improved machinery only, and<br />

does only good work. 7>2O.y<br />

Miaa Vent Ellubeth ttuike, ilaurfi<br />

ter of Cape J. T. Burke, was married<br />

on Wednesday evening' at the Uaptl.t<br />

parsonage to Mr. Balph Newton<br />

3ayre, of Goahcn. Tbey ore now away<br />

eduing trip. Holh these young<br />

people are popular ami highly es-<br />

teemed, and all unite In wishing them<br />

long and happy married life.<br />

Uncle Ephraim** ayniputhl<br />

all with the Alllet. "Man," announced<br />

"has you beard *bout them Al-<br />

ics? H Thcy'e got a gun what kin hit<br />

ou If it's twenty-three mllen off."<br />

Lawsie, that aln t nolhln," ano<br />

;olored partisan of the opposite<br />

De Germans, dey kin hit >-CKI if dey<br />

jess haa yo' oddrciui-"—New York<br />

Evening- Poit-<br />

MISACU Annie anj Laura Hewitt on<br />

Tuesday returned to tneir btudiei. in<br />

ctnple College, Philadelphia. Thu<br />

latter young lady, who U tak<br />

our*.c in Ikimctti* Science, buiu in thi-<br />

rtAT ivhi* turn been at Temple<br />

ucfa a rr«ird for efficiency that nhc<br />

has brcn asaigrud to rcuponniblc<br />

duties in one of tho bouu;a<br />

to the college faculty.<br />

Mrs. W. It. Bright and Mi»» Krun-<br />

cu Eakcr. of WiUwood, will tulk on<br />

ulTragc KriAay evening at uven<br />

o'clock, outside. Pttynv'u store, oppo-<br />

site the paiit-offlr?. at South Scaivlllc.<br />

An hour later they will hold a meeting<br />

outsldo Way's store at Ocvum View.<br />

Everybody U Invited to be present,<br />

and whether in favor of ouffruce or<br />

opposed to it, the audience Is sure to<br />

interested in the argument* ad<br />

.-anced-<br />

A very remarkable and ili-li^htfu<br />

ithering of tnen took pla^c MuruLi]<br />

night in the Methodist church, when<br />

20 members of tho Men's<br />

Forward Movement from Stavlllo and<br />

Petersburg were the guests of the<br />

Men'a Organized Bible Clous. Tb*<br />

visitors conducted an Interesting btr<br />

vice and the Bible CLuia Clcc Clut<br />

rendered two fine selections. Aft*.*<br />

ice cream and calu> a*ltlresi>e» wen?<br />

and five men decided to livt<br />

Christian lives. The Bible CUHH wil<br />

pay a return trip to Petersburg on<br />

Friday. 2ith ineU<br />


Aapirant for Senator Expects to Con-<br />

trol County Courts.<br />

The following in taken from Mon<br />

day's Philadelphia "Eecord:"<br />

The warm contest for the Rrpubli<br />

con nomination for Senator from Cupt<br />

May county appears to have develop-<br />

ed Into a promising feUr. 1>. Mi!<br />

Rigor, of Wildwood, who in fijrhtlng<br />

Aisemblymon Lewis T. SU'Vens, has,<br />

it U declared, promised, if elected, to<br />

hold up the confirmation next winte<br />

of Prosecutor of the Picas J. Rubbel<br />

Corrow and of Judge Henry H. El<br />

dredge, 6O that it will be within the<br />

power of the next Governor to name<br />

their successors. Tho plan, of court*?,<br />

is predicated upon the assumption<br />

that the next Governor will be a Re<br />

publican. Senator Harry C. Wheaton<br />

the Democratic candidate, who is un<br />

opposed for renomlnation, unileti ove:<br />

this proposal and declares it is "jus<br />

pie" far him and will very much aaals<br />

him in his campaign. Rigor, it b said,<br />

has promised that the new Judge shall<br />

be Palmer M. Way. of WUdwood. and<br />

the Prosecutor Ernest W. Lloyd, of<br />

Capo May, who held the office on<<br />

term.<br />

"The effect of this Bcheme has bee<br />

to arouse the indignation of tho law<br />

end order people of the county, who<br />

jpeclolly want Judge Eldredge re-<br />

Itained on the bench- Rigor la uup-<br />

ported by the "w:t element.'*<br />


—Alonxo Broslus and wife visited<br />

friends in Camden lost week.<br />

itliaS May F^mBtf*rwnVa>r<br />

brother, are the guests of Mrs. Belle<br />

—Frank Thomas, of Hnmmontnn.<br />

.spent two days this week here with<br />

[his son, H. A. Thomas and family.'<br />

—Mrs. Harry Connor and children,<br />

w/ PhUada^ ore with her parents.<br />

Larry Peterson and wife, for a Sep-<br />

tember visit.<br />

—Owlny to the excessive beat o<br />

Tuesday, tba employees in the can<br />

nlng factory were cotnpellrrl to<br />

work at 0 o'clock a. ra, and did not<br />

resume again until 8 o'clock p. m.<br />

Any akin Itchlnc U k temper tes-<br />

ter- Tba more yoa scratch the<br />

won* ttTteneeT IWs Ointment is<br />

Bfe ataU dros stores.<br />

aUJQ<br />

lm<br />

THB OOtTrtTT VAXM.<br />

The Cape Kay Cooniy Fair ka* lu<br />

at attraction In IU track. This U<br />

perfectly located, la Batons the beet<br />

'or all it Is laid oat for, and. tn the<br />

nsnda of gentlemen great pains Is<br />

taken U> have It ajerit the rapport cf<br />

the best people coming to the county,,<br />

and, which Is to asy, the best la the<br />

or Id. It Is only In IU beginning, the<br />

affair Jmt closed being the second oo<br />

the ground! and fifth all told.<br />

The fair association began with the<br />

competition from the *farmlng dis-<br />

trict" limited to the granges of the<br />

county, each to make Dp a display and<br />

.Wide IU winning aa It choee. There<br />

re no restrictions as to membership<br />

if exhibitor, or where the exhlhiU<br />

come from, although supposedly each<br />

wsa tho product from IU own dis-<br />

trict. Tho prim money was liberal<br />

and the judges took core that each<br />

grange had enough of It to at least<br />

y expenses. Tha displays brought<br />

Mil Mere wonderfully <strong>On</strong>e, and of ex-<br />

rocdmg Interest, and each fair time<br />

aa too abort to go ov«r the exhibit<br />

satisfactorily, especially In the<br />

n's work diviiioo with IU<br />

work, lu relics of tho old. old days<br />

heirlooms and family treasures.<br />

i fruit, vegetables, flowers, live<br />

lock and home cooksry ware beyood<br />

"omparo in quality aod appearance,<br />

nd visitors paid good money for<br />

very thing that could be bought.<br />

Tho change to Individual eompcti-<br />

lon this year did not receive the sap-<br />

port of those who had cried for It, and<br />

.ho display although good did not<br />

oroparo with thote of the post, and<br />

tho hope is that tho old plan will be<br />

again aaopted.<br />

Tho Judges were; Shep. Taylor,<br />

Wlnfield Coombs and J. Sadkr. for<br />

roubles; John Elliott, Dr. Julioa<br />

Way and Amos Wheoton for fruit; E.<br />

1_ Rice, George Boy and Horace<br />

ownwnd for poultry, Mrs. M'""t«<br />

Bate. Mra. C. P. Vanaman end Mrs.<br />

Albert Sapp for rann**j goods.<br />

Flowers were a feature. The Con-<br />

\c\d exhibit from Avoloo besides win-<br />

ilng the Ut Brothers' special for dis-<br />

ilay. waa awarded 14 first prixxs and<br />

seconds, and the flowers were all<br />

rom tho homo door yard. The ex-<br />

liibit of florist Lange, of Court Boose,<br />

was of both greenhouse and garden<br />

lantii and included exceptionally fine<br />

«UTB and dahllsa. Ed. S. Howell, of<br />

Court House, waa winner of many<br />

rius with his specialty of<br />

I. A. Dreer. of Philadelphia, winning<br />

'or display of named specimen blooms.<br />

Clinton Crciuui showtd fine speel<br />

n-na of tho ten varieties of pcacSen<br />

ow in ivea&on, all perfect In color and<br />

condition, winning firsts for each,<br />

rnarlco. Ho«xll with eight varieties<br />

five firsta and three eoeonds.<br />

Holns, gardener to Dr. Physic.<br />

Cape May, wajs awarded first for a<br />

tt of excellent specimens. Ap-<br />

pku were fine and showed the resolU<br />

f spraying, being very clean; Lem.<br />

Compton. Dlas Creek, winning for<br />

Maiden Blush and Pound Sweets, and<br />

John H. Pov ell for red Astrochan-<br />

n vegetables. L- J. GorreUan won<br />

a'ith rhuharb, Harry Tyler for canU-<br />

H; Prov. S- f^'ai" getting first<br />

pie squash and Thomas Corsoc<br />

ml: J. H. Powell for beeU and<br />

carrots; W. S. Klmble, of Rio Grande,<br />

winning all other firsU and the<br />

Mlchell i.jHxlttl for collection.<br />

Tho Experiment SUtioci exhibit<br />

uaa the beat ever made In the county,<br />

nd a represenUtive was present to<br />

answer questions. Thia exhibit alone<br />

was worth going to see and there la<br />

tius possibility that It will be allowed<br />

o remain here vnth Prof. Thrasher.<br />

Tho conned fruit exhiblU were by<br />

JUs Anna !Un«r, of the Experiment<br />

Station. Mrs. Tbroxher (winnlng'the<br />

emoruule bowO and Mra- J. A. Powell<br />

(winning the drinking Mt). All were<br />

cold packed and fine.<br />

In the poultry division the whlU<br />

Orpingtons of J. K- Gerges and light<br />

Brahman of J. Mr Linden were win<br />

ncrs. The freak of the class was •<br />

cross of guinea end white wyandotte,<br />

with head and voice of the guinea and<br />

plumage of tho wyandotte.<br />

There were many exhiblU of com.<br />

Clinton Cresse had tallest, showing<br />

l»o the Boone County WhlU with<br />

which he won the com prUe two years<br />

ago, and which he says Is improving<br />

aa it iu becoming acclimated, also<br />

Dubmon'ti Special Yellow, and. Bur-<br />

bank's Rainbow for ornamental pur-<br />

pose a.<br />

The cxhibiu of machinery, included<br />

many makes of automobiles, the ap-<br />

proved "Octobus." the non-punchable<br />

tire, und many new appliances, and a<br />

very attractive display of cemen<br />

work. In the live stock division WOJ<br />

the pair of four-months old Angora<br />

goats of Earl Foster, Court House.<br />

The pretty 16-months old heifer raised<br />

by Mian Bertha Newton, of Trenton,<br />

won a first prize, the yearling Jersey<br />

bull of James MrT.IMrn getting first,<br />

and horse blanket presented by Straw<br />

bridge & Clothier.<br />

Ball gomes were played on Friday<br />

and Saturday mornings at 10 a.<br />

Friday morning Middle township<br />

high-school defeated Upper township<br />

high-school 10 to 7. Saturday morn-<br />

ing Cape May defeated Middle 10 to 7.<br />

The Track Events.<br />

In Friday's races three heaU finish<br />

ed each event. The hones were even-<br />

ly matched and came in together.<br />

Sid Dillon, b- g, by Sid Foster, owned<br />

by J. J. Fholen. outclassed all entries<br />

In the 2-20 trot and 2£4 pace.- Noget<br />

Boy took the lead and kept It through<br />

oat the race in the 235 rnW*A Zola<br />

Hoi set the pace in the free-for-all<br />

county race.<br />

Summaries:<br />


SiJ nUkn. b. e- SiJ Faaier. 1. i.<br />

PtuaWa.. I I<br />

t'ocle a.b.1, Ilaxoa Gal. W. I. Vrtlrr » ><br />

r.Utunrr«. U. b.... 3 3<br />

Dr. «M~ J. p. VOX 4 4<br />

Time, 223lt. USU, U7U.<br />

132 MIXED, PURSE WOO.<br />

Nucrt In, b. a, klos Woisr. wj U.<br />

^^:n."i:-x^weu;wVH: * •<br />

> Axwortiar. b. a- Amwortlur. 4. J. _<br />

Ensra!ai.ii"cLiiotErUX;:;'.; » 4<br />

Time. ZI3U. XJHU. UTU.<br />

FUEE-POONUJU COCMTY. nuts, sus.<br />

i<br />

s<br />

Otkrr nrtrr. a*.<br />

Uim snaM.<br />

It U cnnntal lo have three hoiaes<br />

id for second, third and fourth<br />

exneys, but this uuuiial tn tba Bat*<br />

onlay race, .KoocUr, owned by W. H.<br />

rettaad. wan. first money In the free-<br />

'or-aU. His owner endeavored to<br />

break tba track record, bat failed by<br />

U seconds. HU miles were made. In<br />

CjuarUrsesfoUows: J4H, 1.-09.'l:e«,<br />

'-54, 1:08. 1:44 %. 2:IB%;<br />

. lrOSK. 1:44U. 2:18.<br />

flemsxoxWei<br />

i-x» CO4.Tcar C S L f. P. r«« 1 I I<br />

,T«. Cm» II)<br />

II B. Cavrrlaoa Ill<br />

t<br />

Hapcry. h. S-<br />

I»)W>, Jr, t.<br />

MV«t S,<br />

Wstrfc iu, c<br />

M « t S, ro. UVT<br />

Wstrfc iu, c s~ A- B- Scrlaacrr<br />

Ttm*. UU%. UDSi. Ut enioyed the past week with<br />

Heads here.<br />

-Albert Menlg and wife, of At-<br />

tic City, motored over on Sonday<br />

•pend the day with her east. Mrs.<br />


—Ebble Trout has a new Ford.<br />

—Ebencxer Trout has purchased on<br />

—Mm. WalUr Coff U quite akk at<br />

lu writing.<br />

—Mm- Kir m \ Springer U spending<br />

week ot Avolon.<br />

—Ralph Hand left for Dickinson<br />

college on Tuesday.<br />

—Mlsa Hattle Fldler ipent the<br />

cck-end in Dennlsville.<br />

—Mlsa Ethel Hand haa gooe to New<br />

ork to spend tho WlnUr.<br />

John Hackctt, of Millville, rn »^.**<br />

short visit here recently.<br />

—George He-as. of Oermoct. spent<br />

the week-end with Balph Hand.<br />

—Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Trout were<br />

3urt House visitors on Friday.<br />

—Eldora boys played o fine game<br />

f ball at Delmont, winning 0 to 2.<br />

—NeUoa Chester *"•.**><br />

rip to DeanUviU^ Friday evening.<br />

—Mm. Bochel Creamer U tpending<br />

week with reUtlves In Dies Creek.<br />

—Mm. Mary B&rtleson B ft d daugh-<br />

xr spent the week-end at Dloa Creek.<br />

—Wilbur Ireland, of EsUlville,<br />

pent Sunday with Mlsa Minnie PeUr-<br />

n.<br />

—About 2& of our villagem attend-<br />

ed the fair st Court House aa Sotur-<br />

>y-<br />

—Hev. A. C. Gearhort, of Tuckahoe.<br />

wan a vistor in the village last Mon-<br />

day-<br />

—Mm. Lottie Hand has been qulu<br />

sick, but at thU writing Is reported as<br />

improving.<br />

—Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Homan, of<br />

Marlton, were Sunday visitors at tho<br />

irfeonage.<br />

—Mr, and Mrs. Robbins and Mrs.<br />

jgiir Hand were visitors at Lev<br />

Hand's on Sunday.<br />

—Mra. Laura Maguire, of Camden,<br />

.* spending some time with her moth<br />

r. Mm. Laura Zone.<br />

—Edgar Creamer, Herman Lehner,<br />

Joseph Trout and Ebble Trout, mo-<br />

ored to Atlantic City Saturday even<br />

ing.<br />

—Mra. Amer and daughUr, Morion.<br />

returned home on Sunday, after i<br />

week's visit with Mrs. Amir's par<br />

nt»-.<br />

—.Rev. Howard Amer will attend<br />

the Local Preachers' convention a<<br />

New Brunswick next Saturday and<br />

Sunday.<br />


—Our enterprising cranberry<br />

IT. RovTE. H. Durell, Is very busy Jnst<br />

He expects to gather eighteen<br />

tK^innnr 1 h«i«v«i« This wmk la a<br />

t help to tho community as ha<br />

ys out about twelve «>*r»T»^/4 dol-<br />

rs each year.<br />

.—Tho fi^'Krw^T^ .ire mwnl^g in sooJ<br />

ape; Priodpal Bond, cf tha High<br />

School, haa MUa 8tanl*T*tta Wooi-<br />

dgt. of West RuUand. VL. aad Misa<br />

Martha WychacT. of Clan Ridge. N. J,<br />

or his -••day sad as*<br />

TTeCsx. flSI OMWifJ Via.<br />

Veeper. The Vectry (a a r<br />

• iwaaaea Ua thaaka to the<br />

Uhered so tt ta<br />

bhl f<br />

Uhered so earnattty cta<br />

behalf cf the fisaacaa,<br />

(£00.<br />

—The bora of DM new L _<br />

have oremaaed aa a Kaaaal<br />

Qsh wlthYork Ssatth.<br />

bosmeea waa to i<br />

debris frcea taa acaoo) ,<br />

to r»t a clata on a atatflar lot i<br />

debris<br />

Oil !><br />

Mi.. Sailia Corsoo was<br />

City Monday.<br />

—Cht. Bmith, of Jersey City,<br />

tUrwn Sunday.<br />

—Miaa Etta Brown was In Tneke-<br />

boo Tuesday aitemooo.<br />

—Mrs. Walter Vosa U now with her<br />

arents at PleuiUDtville.<br />

^-Geo- F. Bacon, cf Philada^ spent<br />

uoday with his family here.<br />

—Misa Carrie Risks came home<br />

rom Ocean City last week for the<br />

Winter.<br />

—Mr. snd Mrs. C Smith entertain-<br />

ed Clarence Allen, of Ptillads . over<br />

Sunday.<br />

—Mrs. A. P. dork aad son, Ralph,<br />

pent Friday night with friends at<br />

Ocean City.<br />

—Quite a number of M- P. kL men<br />

'rom here went to Court House MOB-<br />

iy evening.<br />

—Jules F. Blake, of WUdwood<br />

Crest, spent Sunday with his mother,<br />

Mrs. L. C Blake.<br />

—Mra. L. M. Heaa. of Tuckahoe,<br />

called on her sieter. Mrs. M. Brown,<br />

Tuesday evening.<br />

—School began here on the 7th,<br />

with Sarah VanGilder. principal, aad<br />

Alta Heas, primary.<br />

—HoliU Caldwcll and Wm. Morgi-<br />

hon have gone to Pennsgrove to work<br />

In the powder plant.<br />

—Mm. Hannah VanGilder is on<br />

isit to her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hoff-<br />

man, at Court HOU L .<br />

—Misa Harriet Schurch, of Ocean<br />

City, waa an over-Sunday visitor with<br />

her ulster, Mra. Carter.<br />

—The Men's Forward Religious<br />

Movement will hold on all-day meet'<br />

ng on Friday, September 24.<br />

—John B. Christian and wife, of<br />

Ocean City, were in town calling on<br />

friends and relatives Monday.<br />

—Miaa Irene VanGilder came home<br />

Monday night from Ocean City, where<br />

she hod been working for two weeks.<br />

—Mrs. Llxzie Allen returned to her<br />

West Phllada. home Sunday evening.<br />

after upending a week with her als-<br />

ter. Mrs. Christie Smith.<br />

utrdrboQaee ead<br />

sere ta Ukaty to bo a<br />

demand far htrd-hocaea. the few<br />

saved. There ts.Ukaty to bo, a mad<br />

have been pot up ta •ardeaa anwhia<br />

worth whiiTthe htrSSoaaaa pot up<br />

br the boys oo the echo©! (roaada teat<br />

rear_betn* a nod<br />

the wtnd toppled<br />

and<br />

eeede ara to apply toward<br />

fuxid.<br />

DIAB<br />

tie aCa*<br />

—LewU<br />

lasoo eoOega on<br />

—Charles Lawrence cad wtfe re-<br />

turned to WQmlsjFton on IConday,<br />

—Percy Doogiaxs aad Zadok Sharp<br />

were Leesbcrrg viaitara on Toeadsy.<br />

—Thocuaa Drowo* of DacnlsTiQa,<br />

spextt Wn^.<br />

nounce the marriage of their daogn-<br />

Unr, Ada, to Gearsj. Henry Hltaer, «•<br />

Wednesday, Sept, 16.<br />

—Mrs. Mira Smith, of Coshes. Is<br />

visiting her mother, Mrs. Tatmael<br />

Comptoo.<br />

Mrs. Ceo. Half. Jr, la entertain-<br />

ing her sister Mrs. Charles Thorp aad<br />

family, of Phllada.<br />

—Alvin Plther aad wife are now<br />

living at Court House, on Bayside<br />

avenue, next to Cllntnn Back's resi-<br />

dence.<br />

—Jay P. Beed aad family aad Wm.<br />

. Chambera aad wife, of Vloeland.<br />

spent Sunday afternoon at the home<br />

of G. J. Beed.<br />

Mrs. Richard Lloyd Is entertain-<br />

ing her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mea-<br />

eick. of Utah, and her sister, Mra,<br />

Smith Stiles, of Erma.<br />

—Mrs. Harry Tattle and son, Chas,<br />

of Northport. L. L, arrirtd here on<br />

Monday evening to visit her mother,<br />

Mra. Elmer WUleta. * ho U atill la a<br />

critical eondibon.<br />

Mra. Lirtle TS>t>fk«ti Mrs. H.tlL.<br />

VanZant, Mra. May MeCray. Mrs. Ar-<br />

melda Cinder and George Douglaaa,<br />

all of Cape May, ti^ t "~VM the funeral<br />

of Mrs. Howard Douglass last Thura-<br />

day.<br />

—Tuesday turned out to be rather<br />

an expensive mowing day for O. P.<br />

Vanaman. WhOo on the meadatn.<br />

one of the team (the sray) • tapped<br />

In a hole, and the mowing marMne<br />

severed a foot near tha feUock. A<br />

vetemarian waa called, bat the baree<br />

was la each a. condition that tt was<br />

pot out of its misery. last week Mr.<br />

Vanaman lost one ot Ma Mack +-T-.<br />

which i i with the heat.<br />

—Mrs. Howard DonsUsa, who died<br />

on Monday. September 6, was fu.um><br />

ry Miss Marcaret F""!*.^, of Beta,<br />

l m N J Sh<br />

lervme. N. J. She was born la 1886,<br />

her father being Peter »"-s>a,- She<br />

was married to Howard FNilfittt: bl<br />

1891. at Bio Grande, by Bar.<br />

N. Craven, be b survived by<br />

bssband and bar sisters, lbs.<br />

Comptoo, Mrs. Emma {IpriaMr.'of.<br />

Eldorat Kits Hh IthjfcaaV spat<br />

bh Jt d W l :<br />

brothers. Jdm aad Walter.:<br />

of HeWervula. : •<br />

H>. J. LOHTiai

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