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laffTOB IKW WtCl.aWPa<br />

..PUta It. nil r. ta* fallaww»<br />

ladEsTw*»a^JKiva** **>*, sad •*> bv-<br />

wssAswrfaiaaatiaaTF ^<br />

lot of food<br />

I free* ta* cook tant tuna and<br />

" " 1 expect to ba<br />

i on* of<br />

told<br />

microhm than any<br />

... aad than 1 bar* to gat o;<br />

M a aaartar t» ftra, alter geteg » I<br />

atttraa, «UA wUl am naarty kill<br />

•aTSaa U» pif. wfclca U raaUy<br />

A* wwol* U f<br />

•aTSaa U»<br />

MM. A*<br />

t<br />

lca U aUy very<br />

vp—U of am now<br />

t tk t<br />

' $ ; • ; -<br />

• ta wMAw taa<br />

af wsMia amis* a«twt wiSl ttsBsi ta all<br />

•a ^tiaU of pcBbeaJjWtstod*; witfc<br />

«*• (f fata «•* tW otttar aVaald gat<br />

. wl wW laws* Ifcal •«!* wyaW fcav* got-<br />

W*B,BBW1U»WBBW*T. .<br />

asT Wawtaar eraot Us* jetst action<br />

r aad tha Boat*<br />

F ? S •• .•••<br />

li<br />

twtoasaa. It 4* a<br />

t» latariar* tqr taw<br />

— g*ta a> so aarty'to tak* a six<br />

rVaaifc taa far London whar* w* ar*<br />

ajaaaaT to aaa a apacsal bWsaoasi<br />

af • Via-ala) train, aad also gat<br />

•red for oar uniforms.<br />

• tt ta aow cjoit* deflnit* that w* go on<br />

iX train la Franc*, going over<br />

rtaad Ang. 13 or 14 snd begin<br />

ta* train Monday ta* 16th.<br />

b* onita happy<br />

• work for<br />

YOB stack!<br />

•boat I<br />

Wat*<br />

old p.<br />

aa it U<br />

asibUy get.<br />

'* ahall ba always ataay milestrom<br />

Fraox. generally on th* western<br />

oast, we shall carry almost<br />

whaOy Engnah Totamies aad bop* to<br />

baoedtata* bast hospital train going.<br />

Aa I think I said but wesk. it U th*<br />

tnt taa* ctvfllons bar* beta allowed<br />

to raa such a train.<br />

I BBS** tall yoo anpyrthlng of our<br />

;•». Tber* ar* aboot sixty of us<br />

hara Is oaa HIIinr of a big country<br />

aatata. Oxay Grange, owned by a Mr.<br />

I. Bilii Fritnd, hss a<br />

ad is, I bausra. ons of<br />

B British paintara. His<br />

pktuiaa, etc, ar* vary fiat,<br />

hi tha Cntt.<br />

tbaaaatkno<br />

iiiitaa*. pfcr<br />

Sat wa gat ttttl* taa* to enjoy them.<br />

Wa gat op at six wtth Swedish drill<br />

batafo twaakfa th.<br />

act oar ttxrts, two or thrr* boars of<br />

- paay drat mlxsd with band<br />

axnjtcaaT driD- dinner, nor* i<br />

btary French, taa, maybe an-<br />

lertur* or a hot bath, or a walk<br />

to earaarr**. suptiat at arven. thsn a<br />

rtajo Bad a half mil* walk In company<br />

fonaattnn over th* hills to Sir Ceorg*<br />

ttawmaa a who grt*s us almost every<br />

lent talks oo all soils of<br />

•setmamt- W* vrslk back<br />

at half past ten aad go to bad. It very<br />

•flan rains, bot that interferes very<br />

BtUa wtta ear work. Food is quit*<br />

•tabs aad good; wa aat rtsnrllnx up or<br />

' l tha ground. W* all hat*<br />

bags wtth a little straw.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e* a w**k yoo ara a camp orderly<br />

haia tha cook or quartermaster<br />

one* a aaik yoa ar* oo watch a<br />

•sgfct and walk arooad wtth a pick<br />

asa haadl* aad chase rabbits, of which<br />

thara ara. apparently, aom* hundreds<br />

ofJttOBaaada.<br />

•a'ara BwrnsK. which ara reall<br />

•ML Or. Cantltn. whom we<br />

twice a week to<br />

first aid. He U an old<br />

»**A |h* best ambulance<br />

Doctor ta irfifvVm. A woman.<br />

CombeO. ta* most noted woman sur-<br />

gaoo around, tails us aboot dressing<br />

— ip 1 "'^ etc, asveral timrs a week-<br />

To-fpry ***** professor of Political<br />

Ecoaosry at Kttrn* M ">h is goiog to<br />

IsctBZw on ta* political sspects of the<br />

over at Sir George Newman's.<br />

Ha alia* os wonderful talks on all<br />

aorta of diseases, bacteria, etc Hals<br />

tha BsxTWlt bead of th* Covermaenl<br />

—i-***m and is very fa mows H* is a<br />

w*t friend of Bufo* Jooes and is the<br />

great fxiand of Bsfoa Jooea aad la<br />

bad of th* Frteada DnU and tae<br />

the War Of<br />

m<br />

m<br />

i to be<br />

A nCarajaca to •tsttstacs<br />

ttsuu<br />

i •'«* tha factory ••Mnit ta tha<br />

ar It >wa*» -old aad<br />

• that tha brsroT Georgia<br />

.-agaof<br />

n. I<br />

aSaVtaj sa*taBBBBawV*'*av A aajAasW^J ^lis^U WCLeM<br />

af^vwtrwayf BBJs»iwB|||pa1| | si atfW^ OtbCT fcli^<br />

bar* think of Wilson's policy and<br />

lerman notes. Aad this Is what I<br />

wa* glad to bear from ooe of the kind<br />

~ t woo goes out to |"*^*| almost<br />

day with people tike Uoyd-<br />

_i aad has work and business<br />

with them all *h» time. He said that<br />

r* all absolutely satisfied with<br />

I actions, that they looked on<br />

irfaa- — m\ real **»*«»«wi and admired<br />

My wtttinav* aad especially his notes<br />

to thja war crisis as something that<br />

would liva forever. Aa Newman per-<br />

aonalry expressed it, they wfl] be<br />

Placed tn the future with Burke's<br />

Yoo" cant think how happy I was<br />

to bear that this la England^ real «<br />



as AsMrica&s to i°tn the Unit.<br />

Ba is also editor of the ^Friend." snd<br />

is vary busy on th* Drink<br />

which L* endearoTtsg to<br />

all over England. Ha<br />

guard of the foccr of us<br />

I think w* shall get wry good<br />

Th* walk over to his boose ia<br />

tha aaooallgBt has been floe- He tak<<br />

*J |t tha 6S of os right into his library.<br />

m • • •<br />

Do atad m* a complete Sonday<br />

steer every w**k aad the GAZZTTC<br />

A-LsitgaT aad a GAirrnc. no matur<br />

how old, B*ke w^> feel B^I**..* t i^^\*<br />

I ass getting yoor letters, aad the<br />

oaty ttdag wrong U that they are not<br />

h or often enough. Mother,<br />

tall m* things for the good<br />

of nry aooL aad I expect I need them<br />

aS right; but encourage the kids and<br />

rbedy els* : . . . .<br />

g<br />

you can to write me the<br />

kind of Jetora.<br />

not own op to bains: fn^dck.<br />

Bad tae work loakb better and bigger<br />

to m» all tba time; bot what do yoa<br />

think a home is far If not to keep yoa<br />

chae to tba aat thinga and the old<br />

days whan yon are tntng to be a 20th<br />

l OaiahariT TSe heroic ttant<br />

t l M<br />

oey jf<br />

nary ^^*^rr^y mr *^ tho war ^ TT^TMI r^^ i<br />

ia T**m**lmr - terribly depressinc and<br />

thaTa tba reason I want to keep as<br />

oaaT ti '''tn f aa lettera and thinga can<br />

bring me, joat to keep aaneand aweet.<br />

Tba other day Sir<br />

had taa whole caop over for<br />

ing us four Americans and<br />

Newman<br />

tes.ask-<br />

_ afellow<br />

tn to lunch- We went<br />

m oar camp ootfit, old sweaters and<br />

hob-eafled anoea, aad Sir George and<br />

Lady N*WBsaa gave os a wonderful<br />

taws. After loach 8ir George sat<br />

arouad aad *»TV*^ politica to us for<br />

two boors. Ha told" us of several of<br />

tha big things the government Is do-<br />

ing tn the war which never get In the<br />

g i he<br />

him what the<br />

NEW YORK. Aog. 21^—The letter<br />

wztttaa by Charles E. Bugbea, Asso-<br />

Ctatv vUataoa of th* SoprciDa Court of<br />

taa tTattad Stataa. to ax-Oovernor E.<br />

oT New Jersey, declining<br />

a Candidat* for ta* Presi.<br />

noaminatisn tn 1916, was made<br />

har* t»4ay. It follows:<br />

nraaUaBrtoa. D. C, May 20. M1B.<br />

ttw Bon. Edward C Stoke*. Me-<br />

tstVaffatOB,'<br />

"My Damr Oonremor—Your letter of<br />

IT aas beat racerrod. I think<br />

It ****BS to BM very clear<br />

9»-m Bwsjsiwr of tha Buiaatne<br />

OMBV I hav* no right to ba acaadi-<br />

frae^awte *»>irily or tacitly. lean.<br />

MMk'say wotk hara and hold aa<br />

•TT».. •-.. .... ^ ^ ^ ennjaj.<br />

> aak that no stapa<br />

laaabafarath*<br />

K. HUGHES.*<br />

um<br />

LaaAasf.laa.Aaggsttw.Tcs<br />

Batter "Cap* May CoaBt* Oairttsu"<br />

.1 as* by on* or two r*r*nt artklaa<br />

ka yoor paper that N«w Jersey U "<br />

lava a special •section ta UM Fail<br />

rate oa cortola coostltstieaaU asset<br />

ssTits. aad aawog them ta* InUrest<br />

big qiMalluu ofsmasaii aoffrago I* to<br />

ba atad* aa lane. How aboot UT<br />

Dos* tb* average wonua really ttun<br />

for tho ballot T A good msay of them.<br />

It law Ci wv» iwn to Daft conc*mj»iu ooour<br />

It. Bot ia ta* rasjority genoinel<br />

baartased with tha Uaa that their<br />

Lrra* aad fmtuuaa would be beaefltlsd<br />

tha axarcla* of ta* privilege T<br />

•o, then they ^Ew^ii^ paj parmittod to<br />

enkry It. la* point U Uk* scea<br />

others which hss to do with Ufa'<br />

probletas, and baa to be actually<br />

tested to provo Its true worth. The<br />

question his been pot torn* mar* thsn<br />

one* ss to bow the Innovation operates<br />

In CalUorni*. where It has been the law<br />

tb* past few year*. Generally apeak<br />

ing tha result Is regarded as aipifagy<br />

satisfactory, with her* and there ex<br />

optional Instances wher* Interest oi<br />

tha part of th* newly mad* citizen<br />

esses had either laggod or was mis-<br />

directed by reason of nrmranl senti-<br />

mental considerations. A case in<br />

point has Just fused Into history lr<br />

coensctioo with the recent municipal<br />

•lectioo held bare in July, in which<br />

the -lady votara.- «vWratry actaatni<br />

by ayaiaaihrtic Lsxpat**,<br />

IT aaspaartaa) Uat wtajdag raWldst*<br />

W Mayor, wins* priadpal clsisi fer<br />

infill rifylllni rested **Mr<br />

ctrcosastaace* sHegrtWr ferciga<br />

th* o*» at Ctajrs*. It was a very pe-<br />

culiar and not altogether hsppy situa-<br />

tion which, unexpectedly, laced th*<br />

star* at tho primary election In Joae.<br />

'nder ta* DOV election law all candi-<br />

dates sre voted for on on* ballot, the<br />

nominations going to those receiving<br />

th* highest number of votes,—two for<br />

each offlce or V&CMOCT to b* fllh^i<br />

No party "amj^ or other distincti"<br />

mark is V41111 \ ^t^rl oo *^» ofl&dal b&l-<br />

whlchts th* saa>* voted in ev*ry<br />

electioo district in tha city, there be-<br />

ing no word divixlohs. In the cose re-<br />

erT*d to there were ejeves caadnstes<br />

entered for the mayoralty nomination<br />

tho nnmbCT wss th*<br />

good-looadng chic.' of police, whoa*<br />

political aspirations did not appear to<br />

meat the approval of some of ta* local<br />

boss**, and the Latter proceeded at<br />

ooc* to administer th* necessary les-<br />

son, bat they failed igDamialouxly in<br />

thtir effort- The fight at th* pri<br />

marie* was by for the bitterest cvei<br />

waged in Loc Angeles; tt was tho field<br />

against the ch Wl. but he won_out, not<br />

only in the courta. but by on over-<br />

whelming plurality, his vote being al-<br />

most equal to thai of the other ten<br />

candidates combined. It was ttw<br />

women who did It. Then at the en<br />

_ regular election, despite the ef-<br />

forts of a majority of the masculines<br />

11 I^I i K4 MI oo the opposing condi-<br />

p p g<br />

,d. they repeated the coop enacted<br />

at the primaries like trained politi-<br />

cians- There U one very evident re-<br />

salt to be ascribed to the new order<br />

of things, and that is the woeoen are<br />

reading the- newspapers more gener-<br />

ally and carefully tnjin they used to<br />

fonncrlj. Aod thim of iUclf U ccr<br />

tain to giro decjat joamAlicm<br />

Iflocnoo *UK1 povtr.<br />

Tha cdtJC&tiacisJ aad aocLal f*xilitic»<br />

orricxl trj Lo» An^eU* are in<br />

widest MSLftO oS thft wrotrd un trn TTTM trvt»J,<br />

aod tn BULny rcspocta the former are<br />

Dot equalled by tho-*e of tKe i<br />

t* of popoXatioo In Ice i*nt\<br />

Cope<br />

have had the effect of* i<br />

_ a dormant Interest In such mat-<br />

ters, and which I have been otiliilng,<br />

to »TriMpi i *^ f *n enclosure of tia<br />

_ _ canvas, frcen the Interior of<br />

whkh emitted the strains of a lively<br />

)rf*y»:mf^i*> orcbestra, iM frost t^H* onu-<br />

nvfp^wT cntrtuhco of wlilcb floatf-J >K*^<br />

rVT^^ff^n wiiVf A ryt> *rifffn fl*»ir*T, Ttis in-<br />

stitution was styled the "Pair." and Is<br />

really the sole attraction whkh draws<br />

the visitor across the border. Yoa pay<br />

ten cents to see a genuine, wide-open<br />

g» iwKl^iy-h-yll In operation, and I<br />

didn't begrudge the investment. Have<br />

o desire to repeat the experience.<br />

'ia Juano Is also distinguished as<br />

having a "fort or barracks, having<br />

i garrison of 175 uniformed soldiers.<br />

it course no curious sight-Beer frora<br />

U. 8. is permitted to approach its<br />

unattractive portals, presumably to<br />

prevent any of the heavy artillery<br />

guns being carried away as souvenirs.<br />

Very sincerely yours.<br />

C. 8. MAGRATH.<br />


'run tb* WlU«ood TrUxioe.<br />

Two t hop Hand automobiles seen<br />

like a big' number but more than that<br />

many p*»—^ the comer of Schelllnger<br />

Pacific avenues every dsy list<br />

according to Officer William<br />

^rawfard. officer at this corner wbo<br />

kept "tabs" on the number of aotoa<br />

that r»*aw^ each day last week. Por<br />

the week Jmrt dosed, 15^283 vehicles<br />

passed the comer, an average of 2,184<br />

each day. This gives an idea of the<br />

it of traffic on this aiw<br />

thoroughfare everyday and though It<br />

a narrow street for so much traval<br />

i accidents have yet been r—Tftil<br />

at this point doe largely to th* able<br />

in which the speeding aotos are<br />

hsnrlhyl by the officer in charga.<br />

Tb* foUowtng ta aa abstract of<br />

conveyances entered for record la<br />

th* County Clerk's ooc* her* f<br />

weck ending August 20. 191S:<br />

Foil. MlnV W. ILa, ol WnW<br />

lt*t troca V W. Uar ol 3STS rtr<br />

&. W. lla, U Ml<br />

. (Mrail to Fnxaf<br />

Lot. US ajad U*, arrlloo D-<br />

>. rt ai. lu Ektaard W. »<br />

77. 7* auj r>. ntloi at.<br />

I r&AcU al. Uou&rrtf k> O«*s» W. All<br />

J la V. W. 1U» . pUa X.<br />

r uii<br />

.'. Oaad7> b> E1U B. BVuartl.<br />

at oo \. K. *L4r at boood atnrt. 1«W<br />

•4 fruoj s. V. aid* al AuasUc<br />

J. ChrbJopttrr LaXt. rt M. ta Hiiro f<br />

atioi. L en. ts*. ea*. caa. en. an. MS.<br />

-•" iii, **•* >.M_ ^4. *•*•'•. **-*_ ess, ul. ^ w '<br />

ax. at. 'JO, i*i. ui, uc in. sa, IM. :><br />

a«tk» t: 71*. Til. 71*. 7J7. 71* mad 7i*.<br />

to Ulu U te&exaa.<br />

Bl11M» ai luai liiti,<br />

B. J. R^ltj Co. to J. Horsan DO- p<br />

ota IU and 111. U-ta S>. pUn al 1W7.<br />

Suv la •""-- UiUIn. ruse. Lat»<br />

tia. t» and U*. blocs 116. plan !>-«.<br />

Bus, lo &aiw. »U*a. lot* C* and a.<br />

block SX plan D-2.<br />

I_ Dvilxxlca> lol. J. Realty Co.<br />

alotw corner In romd from<br />

•d fc> rarm hn!Hln«» oanrrd by parry<br />

rU P«rry. 33 frrt lo E. of orotn- oTR.lt.<br />

P. SU<br />

119 »*ml tract 2. %ltx»U Drar Hlo<br />

alatioo. In line of M t "* tm *rt* J ^\ Ptan^<br />

runnlns alctf^S f f r ^^ ol Jacob O.<br />

lo a «hlf oak trrv corner of Frank<br />

Ua B. SIcooU. cnaalna tne railroad anc<br />

alon** line of r*»t"«~r Hand, ^^fpi^iwj II 1-4<br />

m. "tin rxcrpOoaa.<br />

Harry &. Douslaaa to Allrr C MackUulc.<br />

:k> af Maelk WUiwna<br />

Jotua A. Bradley, el ux. to Aaroo E.<br />

rUler. OSo. Id X. block 173. plan ol<br />

U. H. Otbtu -^f p^,<br />

rv ul<br />

L-.<br />

C»«i<br />

>,-!<br />

«tl<<br />

tain<br />

U> tne<br />

Ml **,<br />

l»rl«r<br />

CkUi«<br />

• >l Eka<br />

i-r^J<br />

nl In<br />

i ue<br />

r wit.<br />

LI drp.<br />

.Ur 1,<br />

tMM- tJ<br />

*r laU<br />

t. per<br />

tlkr p<br />

• tfalHi<br />

as or<br />

sxr.<br />

> ol the<br />

tUxneat<br />

f. ."*»<br />

•J riucm.<br />

r, I>1J,<br />

ad*" al<br />

•.Ul t-<br />

w>rlttfi4<br />

•fcrrisav<br />

f»rtlft#xl<br />

of tike<br />

-J| •111<br />

.u isiij<br />

rmt ml<br />

trmuffl.<br />

•rU-flp-vJ<br />

1 >rm/-<br />

n Roord<br />

ur ail bids-<br />

By ooicr o/ the<br />


out<br />

Jrrw-y. tan<br />

n rrriatlr.<br />

Court of<br />

tb tljiy of jy.rr<br />

ik*Xc rt UK ri<br />

I vapuax- U> sva<br />

.-I!., la<br />

Umy ElulldiAsY<br />

MMLIIU, I »IL*>1I *rkp*- U> ul** at<br />

kr. oa<br />

atO.NDiY. BtTTCMBZM tl. Mil.<br />

t«ren tne boura of twelve and fli« o'clock<br />

m_, tu wit. at otic o'clock In IAC a/temooct<br />

ulil tUy, at tbc Mkerlira office. In Cape<br />

.« f.^.w* llou»c. U ^ stay County. Kev<br />

In UM- ftirty^af) ICtnk •erlea'of" alack<br />

plulrutut -V»ji»rt«U-iJO UXM! certain lt»uart£*v£*'d<br />

bill of rootplaliil la UM- **ld o»UM- par-<br />

ticulrly t ftb i d l b l Uul U i<br />

b of rootplaliil la<br />

ticularly »**t furtb ami<br />

uf plrtfv uf cround<br />

(•ape liay. Mate of<br />

ooe hundred and<br />

*r»ry, buodnd<br />

w,u OCl, lnl in U>c Muutbrrly<br />

uf tbr TumpUiV Kwul U»>din«{ to CM*<br />

"' * VtlUlU^ MT btUs*l/T«i l<br />

I>uC Ko. 1<br />

lo Wlili&m J.<br />

ia.<br />

4 ll^«^l«ur<br />

J k>4a 1-1<br />

KJ! Utrnee Jit aoutnerly at risbt<br />

_ with aaUl Turnpike ana alon* the<br />

line uf LJ4 \sr> VH. Ac. Kranlnl and<br />

rufitryed to aakl joacpli f. MarlllHlc. la<br />

t^lLEUAX P. COftKXM.<br />

Krc>lrmt>rr IU. l»li-<br />

W. H UlUnrtb. boiV.<br />





WHO'S<br />


H. SILCOGK, of course.<br />

Cut? HAY CODBT HOUSE. N. J.<br />



8-I3U<br />





OP<br />

onUor U brrrtiT<br />

AU% at tlm T<br />

alr, al t» artil<br />

wll at pulULc aai« all UM l."^». tnarconrti.<br />

t^nUiUA>raU lod r«mi caort*. b^rviAarfcrr<br />

untkonl. for a» atxvtnl Um tat vt^ck<br />

• nj prnoa «IU nurrftaaa Cb* IUM and pa*<br />

Uv t.i lUti, UtcJadloc lalrml aad coioC<br />

aai« V. ID frc atbrrv no oca wjlil bid fca> a<br />

(fatirifr ttrca: auclt parso«nta fc> b* d<br />

twforp t^r rocwtoaJaMi cf t^« aaie, c<br />

pfiorrty Mill t>* rvab^<br />

Tb* »«U «1U taxr<br />

Ibr CoUrctor. al l>p«<br />

J<br />

at t O c^<br />

Court Ho fomUh the<br />

music for the county fair nut «ra*k-<br />

IUs band was recently praised by Qov-<br />

rmor FUldsr.<br />

Your tsoocy grows who In bank<br />

wtthoot effort from you, *vea when<br />

yon are aslasp. Try IL, Begin<br />

now. afcoriry Trust Company win<br />

h*Jp vwa to aara. It<br />

Fair week at SpecUtorium Pk-<br />

turos every night, commencLng with<br />

Tuesday night whea the admlsjiion will<br />

bo IK and 10; all the resv of the<br />

week, admission 10 cents. It<br />

Repairing of all kinds of Ore arms,<br />

•lectrical oVrWs, locks, etc- Pin<br />

tasahkr or Yale keys—«il mskes. Gen-<br />

eral repairing. Wm. Flanagan, 8. J.<br />

Realty Farm, Court House. 8-20.«m<br />

Clearing up sale of all millinery<br />

goods at Mrs. BonneU'a, Hand Avo^<br />

beginning Sept. 7th. HaU CO end 76c<br />

Male stock ostrich plumes. 16 to 18<br />

inch broadheads, $1.50 each. It<br />

Dr. E. E. Ayres. Professor of Greek<br />

Exegesis at Croxer Seminary, will<br />

preach at tho Baptist church hero on<br />

Sunday morning next- Pastor Martin<br />

will return from his vacation on Mon-<br />

odvcrtiw froely in a<br />

local paper published mlleu away,<br />

doc-snt it stand to rtxa&on that it<br />

would pay all local merchant* to ud-<br />

vertiso In like manner in their home<br />

paper? Some- back number mcrchaptu<br />

complain of people going out of town<br />

to trado but make no attempt to keep<br />

them home.<br />

The Wcman'ii Homo Missionary So-<br />

ciety of tho M. E- church la now ur-<br />

rcmgtng for Itu annual box to bu ucnt<br />

to the frontier. Clothing ia needed<br />

this ycur for n family of five. Includ-<br />

ing three children; girls aged ono und<br />

S. and u boy aged JO. Contributions<br />

will be received by Mra. LudUim<br />

Hand, end It Is hoped tho rcbponbo<br />

will be generous.<br />

Prof. E. T. Macready, who for sev-<br />

eral years wan u member of the fac-<br />

ulty of the High School here, spent<br />

Sunday "with Prof. Clark und wife.<br />

He hss recovered from the illneiui<br />

which prostrated him while he wan<br />

studying medicine in Texas, more than<br />

two years ago, und will next week ub-<br />

charge of th© English IWpart-<br />

ment in the High -School at Summit<br />

Hill, Pa-<br />

Prof. Boiletn, of tho High School<br />

faculty, arrived home from California<br />

last week. Miss Mclntiro and Prof.<br />

Shlpe will come on Sunday; and Miss<br />

Sellers, of tho primary depanncnt In<br />

expected to-day. The wrhoola will<br />

open next Tuesday morning. Parents<br />

who have the good of their children<br />

at heart will »e« to it that they are<br />

school next Tuesday—not one, two or<br />

three weeks later.<br />

An automobile from Wildwood col-<br />

lided with a horse from Wheaton &<br />

HurreU's livery on Friday night. In-<br />

juring the animal BO that a veterinary<br />

tuirgeon hod to be called. If the utate<br />

ments that have come to thin office<br />

are correct, the automobile was run<br />

ning on the left (wrong) side of thu<br />

road, and at a speed which made It<br />

Impossible to stop when the driver<br />

discovered the danger. If it Is true<br />

that the autolst said he did not sound<br />

his hom "because he did not have to,'<br />

It is time he was taught the rules of<br />

the road. <strong>On</strong>e of the first lessons<br />

that should be Impressed upon stu<br />

dents of motor-driving Is the fact that<br />

under the law thjy have no right to<br />

pass (going in tho some direction) an-<br />

other vehicle or a pedestrian without<br />

first iKm*wling the horn—not to drive<br />

them from the road, but to apprixo<br />

them of the Intention to pass. ThU Is<br />

the law, and it la common sensej as<br />

welL<br />


The United Distributing Company,<br />

|^ of 4>~t~. will make an exhibit<br />

at the county fair, on the Oth. 10th and<br />

; nth, displaying a line of merrhandlse<br />

which th*y say will be o credit to the<br />

Fair Asaoeiation and themselves.<br />

Walter E. Douglass, the manager,<br />

states that this company was formed<br />

with the Uea of doing a general mail-<br />

order mrr-»"~"*" business, and not<br />

that of aellm*; stock, and that they<br />

have not Placed a single share of<br />

stock on the market for sale.<br />

Th* following h*v* been appointed<br />

members of tha various D*ctl<br />

Boards In Cape Hay Cocmry. Coin*<br />

otherwise markad, thair Unas «x-<br />

piro In 1910:<br />

Oc«u Olj. rtrat War*<br />

Republicans Jess* Stcphensoc.<br />

Homers Young.<br />

Democrats—Luther Wallace, John<br />

B. Christian.<br />

(kala CUT. Iliilat War*<br />

Republicans—Verooo Carlson. Wil-<br />

liam Chsdwick.<br />

Democrats—George W. Nkkxrson.<br />

1917. Edward A. Bourgeois.<br />

V»9— Tenaklf<br />

Republicans— William J. Williams,<br />

1917. Edward F. Broom.<br />

Democrat*—<strong>On</strong> Warren, Somsrs<br />

C G. Stevens.<br />

Bar**i* at WiiOIll<br />

Republicans—John 8. Young, 1917,<br />

Joa. L7 Katx. '<br />

Democrat*—David Tchsmestofsky,<br />

1917, Moo Goodman.<br />

Dtmala Tasaall*. first Ualrlrt .<br />

Republicans—Reuben Chester, 1917,<br />

Eugene Lloyd.<br />

Ubmocrats—Chas. C Jsmts. 1917.<br />

Thotaos Brown.<br />

Daavala Taaaoaxa. lunl Dtatrlrt '<br />

Republicans—Charles Wsy, 1917,<br />

William BrsmmelL<br />

Democrats—Oliver Heston. 1917,<br />

Frank Barnes.<br />

B*. bla CUr. lira* Wars<br />

Republicans—Chas. Bodac, 1917,<br />

Chas. V. Baxendsl*.<br />

Democrats—William Sanlo, Thomas<br />

E. Ludlsm, Jr.<br />

Sea Ub Otr. Bacaa>4 War*<br />

^publicans—George Busch, Walter<br />

Pflcfer.<br />

Democrats—J. T. DcLancy, Edward<br />

H. Dever.<br />

B»c»Ma af Avalaak<br />

Republicans — Lewis C Confield.<br />

1917, Howard High.<br />

Dcmocrata—Hugh Holmes, E. E.<br />

EatU.<br />

cW«*«sa af Slaava Btai»«#<br />

RepuWtcans—Edward Smith, Clar-<br />

ence Fisher.<br />

Democrats — Michael P. Lennort,<br />

1917, Adolph S. Mountoey.<br />

UUdU Tawailli, lint District<br />

Republicans—Claudius Long, 1917,<br />

mail T. Browcr.<br />

Democrats — Frank Swain. 1917.<br />

Monroe Erricaon.<br />

M144U Inullt. B«ul Dlctrtd<br />

Republicans—R. C Bcrvcxet, 1917,<br />

Harry Foster.<br />

Dcmocrata—Frank Mlxncr, 1917,<br />

Jones B. Hand.<br />

HUlli TI.UUK Talx* Diatricl<br />

Republicans—Charles Soffe, 1917,<br />

Maurico E. Thompscn.<br />

Democrats—E. H. Norbury, 1917,<br />

Warren C Ncal.<br />

KUdU T«>a«aJa. »Vaxl* tUaUict<br />

Rtputlicann — Sylvester Spcnce,<br />

11)17, Percy L. DougUna-<br />

Democratu—Lewis R. Powell, 1917.<br />

B. L. HowclL<br />

Bm«|k af Kact* WU4aaa4<br />

Republicans—Freemoot Luth, Frank<br />

Grady.<br />

IVrnocn.tb—Den Bell. N. B. L&ng.<br />

cur •/ WUl>u4. lint War*<br />

Republicans—Frank Dunham, 1917,<br />

Otto Kenoke.<br />

Ikmocrato—Chas. E. Rakcstraw,<br />

, 1917. William Hendee.<br />

Cllr tl WllanW. Sacaava Out<br />

Republicans—Chaa. E. Hand. 1917,<br />

Chan. VonKuLi.<br />

Ikmocnili—John Martin, 1917, Jos.<br />

I). Ober.<br />

CUr tl WOMwrtm*. TmU* War*<br />

Republicans—Manlif Brsnln. 1917,<br />

L. Q. C. Clark.<br />

DcmocraU—C L. Nkkeraon, 1917,<br />

Cecil E. Ober.<br />

Bnqk af WlUwt Cnat<br />

Republicans—Geo. T. Balsley, Bich-<br />

ord bcompton.<br />

Dcmocmto—Victor J. Sewsrd. 1917,<br />

Tbomaii Crcwm.<br />

Republicans—D. Horrell Woolson,<br />

1917, Jacob Bomct-<br />

Democrats—John Baterbcll. 1917,<br />

William McPherson.<br />

Republicans—Clement H. Ntwkirk.<br />

1917, William B. Godfrey.<br />

Democrats—Samuel E. Ewing, 1917,<br />

William G. Blattner.<br />

Cap« mUr CUr. Wlrtt BMiUt<br />

Rcpuhlicnns—Harold Hand, Floyd<br />

C. Hughes.<br />

Democrat*—Rodney P. Hand. 1917,<br />

David W. Piereon.<br />

Car* stay CUr. Bacaaid DiaUlct<br />

Republicans—R. C Ware, 1917, Sid-<br />

ney R- Coif.<br />

Democrats—Geo. Hlckey, 1917, John<br />

Kcncman.<br />

Cw< Kay CUr. Tmltm tMatrlct<br />

IU.-publlcans — Matthew Bankert.<br />

Erving Stevens, 1917.<br />

Democrats—John Shields. 1917, A,<br />

Little.<br />

Cap* star CUr. ra«rta IMattict<br />

Republicans—Thomas Millett, Jr,<br />

1917. Frank Coitello.<br />

Democrats—Lcwla S. Bennett. 1917.<br />

Zachary Taylor.<br />

IWnuk af Baalk CtM Star<br />

Republicans—A. J. Rudolph, 1917,<br />

Frank M. Walton.<br />

Democrats — E. Martin, Orlando<br />

Luferty.<br />

Buuik af CiM afar r»lal<br />

Republicans — Norman F. Rcgor,<br />

Sylvester WUUaraH-<br />

Democratu—A. B. Schellinger, Carl<br />

A household remedy In America<br />

for 25 years—Dr. Thomas' Eclectic<br />

Oil- For cuts, sprains, burns, timlrlii.<br />

bruises. 25c and 60c At all drug<br />


—School opened on Wednesday,<br />

September lst-<br />

—Clinton Nkkcrson visited Puuls-<br />

boro on Monday.<br />

—C. B. James is now flagman at<br />

tho R. R. crossing.<br />

— Mru. Herbert Hewitt is visiting<br />

relatives in Snlrm,<br />

—Rev. Henry Brodway and family,<br />

of Sen Isle, spent Wednesday hero.<br />

—Larry Potereon and Homers Hsnd<br />

huvo gone to Maurice River.oystering.<br />

—Dont forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon evenLB-O.tf<br />

—Goo. Godfrey and wife, of Phlla-,<br />

aro guests of bis sister, Mrs. Jesse<br />

CrandoL<br />

—Mrs. OUrtan, of Ocean City, Is<br />

tho gucct this week of Mrs. Lewis<br />

Edwards.<br />

-—After a pleasant visit here. Miss<br />

Lydia Bailey has returned to her home<br />

In Phllada.<br />

—Isaac Vanklrk and wifo now oc-<br />

cupy their homo here, having moved<br />

back: from Phllada. tost week.<br />

Thomas Robinson, of Phllada-,<br />

spent several days here recently wtth<br />

hui sister, Mrs. Larry Peterson.<br />

—Mrs. Lawrence fifeKeague, cf 4*ff>lfl<br />

Spring, spent a dsy last week here<br />

with her mother, Mrs. Ellis Nkkerson.<br />

—A large band of Gypsies arrived<br />

In town on Sunday but were quickly<br />

escorted out again Dy f**rtwtnr*lr Cran-<br />

doL —Mrs. Bertha Fields and Miss<br />

Uxxlo Ireland, of EsteUvilla, are with<br />

Mrs. Bur*"" 1 * Lloyd for an Indefinite<br />

period. _<br />

fjoan^a BagulctB aro<br />

by many woo<br />

easily, without griping and wtthoat<br />

bad after effects. Z&c at all drug<br />

GAirrrB adra. draw customer*.<br />


—Ussry Da.U U very 111 at this<br />

writing.<br />

—Th* la. C Hit* Oocisty met Wed<br />

neaday awning. .<br />

—This community Is losing msay<br />

pigs from cholera.<br />

—Two Udk* from Pfailada. ar*<br />

visiting at Z. T. Candy's.<br />

—Alexander Smith and* wife ar*<br />

visiting relatives tn slillrUle.<br />

—N«wtoo Uowail and fsmlly spent<br />

Sunday evening st Ocean City.<br />

—Mstthaw Baxaby la working jtt<br />

the Pannigrov* powder works.<br />

MUs Sadi* Bennett, af Pbllsdel-<br />

r^ilfyj Is visiting Miss Uppermon.<br />

—Dont forgtt County Fair, Sept.<br />

9.10 and 11; a bias ribbon evenUS-&tt<br />

—Griffith Candy and wife and Wm.<br />

Dovsul and wife spent Sunday with<br />

Walter Taylor and family. .<br />

—Everett vmnDrtght snd fsmlly<br />

and Soencra Corson attended camp<br />

meeting at Ocean City Sunday.<br />

—A special service was held in<br />

Calvary church Sunday evening. Pas-<br />

tor Thorn spoke to the. P. O. 8. of A.<br />

•—Mr. TT^n(^'*'T »<br />

ley and wife.<br />

—MUs <strong>On</strong>aantln* Stewart, cat C*S*<br />

May City, was the (oat of Mita AUc*<br />

Parker recently.<br />

—Joel Errickson and family, of<br />

Camden. were with Oaerg* Dukas sad<br />

family over Sonday.<br />

—Mrs. Hay Strung entertained Mrs.<br />

Rebecca, and daughter, ^'' *i*<br />

pert of last week.<br />

—Mrs. Bcrgb, who lire* oo<br />

Smith Chsmnkin place, spent a part<br />

of but week In Atlantic Cfty.<br />

—Mrm. May Strong and two call*<br />

dried, of Of rrLi|yni ar* viJttlnjF bar par.<br />

ents. John IngcrsoD aadwtfe.<br />

—Rev. William TockaT eatartaiaad<br />

Wm. Law aeveral days of tad waak.<br />

Mr. Law Is electrician at Princeton<br />

Seminary.<br />

7—There are two ca<br />


—Mr*. TilUe Wick U visiting at Lot<br />

Corn well's.<br />

-C L. Fisher and wife aro visiting<br />

n Camdcn.<br />

-—MUa Sadie- Sykes spent Monday<br />

it Capo May.<br />

—Mao Riley has returned to Hig-<br />

-qn' 1TT \ Conn.<br />

—MLu Olive McDonel has been<br />

vUiting at Tuckahoe-<br />

—Mra. Clara Crcaae and Emma were<br />

t Cape May Tuesday.<br />

—John Msybury, of Phllada^ U<br />

vUiting at Monroe Hand's.<br />

—Mrs. D. E. Goff has returned from<br />

a visit with Eidora friends.<br />

—Mra. Eva Picrpont opent a day<br />

but we«k with her mother.<br />

—The M. E. Sunday-school picnic<br />

went to Norbury's Landing.<br />

—Than. Daniels and wife, of Mill-<br />

villc, aro visiting nt F. Downs'.<br />

— Mrs. R. C Kennedy U entertain-<br />

ing her mother for a few days.<br />

—Walter Sykes, of Phllada-, spent<br />

Sunday with his brother, Arthur.<br />

—Dont forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

D, 10 and 11; a bluo ribbon evcnt-8-Ctf<br />

—Mrs. Carl Rutherford and daugh-<br />

ter are vUiting her brother, Frank<br />

Corson.<br />

—Claude Mortoo and wife, of West<br />

ipe May, spent Sunday at Leroy<br />

Morton's.<br />

—-MUs Ida Kane and Mrs. Gordon<br />

MarKay, of Philada^ are vLulling at<br />

HendeeV<br />

—MUa Paulino Centner, of Green<br />

reck spent Thursday with Mrs. Nel-<br />

son Hand.<br />

—Mlsa Elizabeth Cresao spent the<br />

week-end at Cold Spring with her<br />

aunt, Mr*. W. A. Laker<br />

—Thoae who went from hero to A -<br />

lantle City on the excursion were Eu.<br />

Scull, Fred Neal and Joa. Chester.<br />

—Ralph Endicott and family, of<br />

Philadou. spent the week-end here<br />

with his brother. Smith; making the<br />

trip by motor.<br />

-MUs Mary McCormlck. of South<br />

DennU, spent a few days recently<br />

with Mrs. Jack Camp, and was accom-<br />

panied home by her nephew, Everett<br />

McCormlck.<br />

—Mm. Wm. C. Hewitt, of Wild-<br />

'ood. and granddaughter, EUle< Cheat-<br />

wood, of Ocean City, have been visit-<br />

ing Mra. Wm. McCarty. Mrs. Mc-<br />

Corty visited Court House Monday.<br />


—Josenh Trout and wife fcpent the<br />

wc«k-ena in Court House.<br />

—Edgar Creamer made a business<br />

trip to Long RASach on Monday.<br />

—Chan. Carli&lo broke MB thumb<br />

while playing ball on Saturday.<br />

—Stacy Nicklcaon, of Millville, Is<br />

spending a week with relatives here.<br />

—Mra. Ruchel Creamer la spending<br />

a week in Woodbury and Pennagrove.<br />

—Don't forget County Fair, Sept.<br />

9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon cvent_8-6,tf<br />

—I don't Leo why people mako bo<br />

much fun of-a Ford, as it Is a rattling<br />

good car.<br />

—Ure. Lottie Ehiuner and family,<br />

of Bridseton, ale upending a week at<br />

David Anderbon'a.<br />

—Fifteen of our young men at-<br />

tended a religious meeting ut Helsler-<br />

ville Wednesday evening.<br />

—Dr. John Bennett and family, of<br />

Long Branch, aro here in their Sum-<br />

mer cottage for a bhort time.<br />

—Raymond Hand, of Brldgeton, has<br />

returned home, after spending two<br />

weeks with Mra. Somers Hand.<br />

'—Mius EstelLa Qucms and Alton<br />

Clark, of Millville, Bpent the week-<br />

end with Mrs. Eugene Springer.<br />

—Misses Ida Norton and Beatrice<br />

Howell, of Diau Creek, spent the first<br />

of the week with Mi&a Gertrude Bart-<br />

leson.<br />

—<strong>On</strong> the evening of August 24th,<br />

150 peoplo gathered at the homo of<br />

Rev. Howard Amer ard wife in honor<br />

of their &th wedding anniversary.<br />

—George Homer and wife, of<br />

Woodbury; Wm. Tweed and family,<br />

of Millville, and John Bartle&on and<br />

wife, of Dorchester, Were gucst£ at<br />

Chas. Bartleson'u on Sunday.<br />


—Tho Sunday-scho

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