Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

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GRL Thru Standard (Air)A 11 =A 22 =0MUTA 21 = A 12 =je − ωε udω= frequencyε= permittivity of airµ= permeability of air.d= thickness of the metal plateO21O12O22S21S11 S22S12T22T12T21Γ =air_1Γ =air_2A A O O T1−O T21 12 21 12 2222 22A A T T O1−T O21 12 21 12 2222 22The Thru standard is the empty fixture or air and designated here by A.Since in a perfect free space system, S11 or air, or A11 here, would see noreflection back, A11 and A22 are set to zero.A21 and A12 are equal to the expression above.Once again, using Mason’s loop rule, we can establish expressions for theS-parameters of the port one and two air standards. With these fourequations, the two here and the on the previous slide, the four remainingcoefficients of the error adapters can be solved for. These are thenembedded into the original calibration. The result is a full two-port calibrationwith the reference planes at the surface of the metal plate.The two equations on the previous slide and these equations are used tosolve for the remaining coefficients of the error adapters. These terms arethen embedded into the original calibration. The result is a full two-portcalibration with the reference planes at the surface of the metal plate.70

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