Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

Materials Measurement Phil Bartley Shelley Begley

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MUT and GRL Error AdaptersAfter 2-Port CalibrationO21MUTS21T12O11O22S11S22T22T11O12S12T21Six Unknowns021 = O12O11O22T21 = T12T11T22Here is a signal flow graph showing just the GRL adapters and a MUT. TheOxx parameters refer to port 1 and the Txx refers to port 2. The goal is todetermine all the Oxxs and Txxs and embeding them into the orginalcalibration. Each of the error adapters can be modeled by their four s-parameters. Because of the passive nature of these error adaptersO21=O12 and T21 = T12. This leaves six unknowns.66

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