FAG Special Spherical Roller Bearings for Vibratory Machinery X-life ...

FAG Special Spherical Roller Bearings for Vibratory Machinery X-life ... FAG Special Spherical Roller Bearings for Vibratory Machinery X-life ...

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Spherical</strong> <strong>Roller</strong> <strong>Bearings</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Vibratory</strong> <strong>Machinery</strong>X-<strong>life</strong> quality

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peContents 1 <strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings<strong>for</strong> vibratory stresses 21.1 Operating conditions<strong>for</strong> bearings in vibratory machinery 21.2 Basic designsof <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings 21.2.1 X-<strong>life</strong> spherical roller bearings 223..-E1-T41A(D) 21.2.2 X-<strong>life</strong> spherical roller bearings 223..-E1-JPA-T41A 21.3 <strong>Bearings</strong> with tapered bore 31.4 <strong>Bearings</strong> with coated bore 31.5 Specification T41A(T41D) 31.5.1 Tolerances <strong>for</strong> bearing bore and outside diameter 31.5.2 Radial internal clearance groups 41.5.3 Reduction in radial internal clearanceof bearings with tapered bore 51.6 Permissible radial acceleration 61.7 Heat treatment 62 Specification of bearing size 62.1 Two bearing screen with circle throw 62.2 Two bearing screen with straight line motion 82.3 Eccentric screen 102.4 Nomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce 112.5 Nomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of basic load ratings 123 Design of bearing arrangements 133.1 Two bearing screen with circle throw(grease lubrication) 133.2 Two bearing screen with circle throw(oil sump lubrication) 143.3 Two bearing screen with circle throw(recirculating oil lubrication) 153.4 Two bearing screen with straight line motion(oil splash lubrication) 163.5 Four bearing screen(grease lubrication) 174 Lubrication of bearings 184.1 Grease lubrication 184.2 Oil lubrication 204.2.1 Oil sump lubrication 204.2.2 Recirculating oil lubrication 224.3 Recommended lubricants 225 Monitoring of vibrating screens 236 Dimension tables<strong>for</strong> <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings<strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery 246.1 Series 223..-E1-T41A(D) 246.2 Series 223..-E1-JPA-T41A 257 Query <strong>for</strong> bearing calculation 26

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory stressesOperating conditions · Basic designs of <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings21 <strong>FAG</strong> sphericalroller bearings<strong>for</strong> vibratory stresses1.1 Operating conditions<strong>for</strong> bearings in vibratorymachinery<strong>Vibratory</strong> screens used <strong>for</strong> grading(= separation of solid materials bygrain size) of materials and othervibratory machinery such as roadrollers and saw frames are amongthe machines subjected to the mostsevere stresses.The rolling bearings in the exciterunits of these machines mustsupport not only high loads andhigh speeds but also accelerationsand centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ces.Many of these applications involveadverse environmental conditionssuch as contamination andmoisture.The special spherical roller bearingsdeveloped by <strong>FAG</strong> are matched tothe operating conditions in vibratorymachinery and have proved highlysuccessful in practical use.In particular, the cages of therolling bearings are subjected tostresses arising from high radialaccelerations. In unfavourablecases, these may be overlaid byaxial accelerations as well.The rotating imbalance generatesrotating shaft deflection andadditional sliding motion withinthe bearings. This increases thefriction and there<strong>for</strong>e the operatingtemperature of the bearings.The special spherical roller bearingscan support dynamic angularmisalignments of up to 0,15°.If larger misalignments must beaccommodated, please consultSchaeffler Group IndustrialApplication Engineering.1.2 Basic designsof <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical rollerbearings<strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings<strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery have maindimensions corresponding todimension series 23(E DIN 616: 1995-01, ISO 15).For the particular stressesoccurring in vibratory machinery,we manufacture all the specialspherical roller bearings describedin this publication in accordancewith specification T41A or T41D,see also section 1,5.Very high load carrying capacityis achieved through optimum useof bearing cross-section as a resultof further development of sphericalroller bearings of series 223..-E1of X-<strong>life</strong> quality. In the design <strong>for</strong>vibratory stresses, these bearingsare supplied with bore diametersof up to 220 mm.1.2.1 X-<strong>life</strong> spherical roller bearings223..-E1-T41A(D)<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings of theE1 design have an inner ring withouta rib and are characterised by veryhigh load carrying capacity.This advantage is also offered by<strong>FAG</strong> special bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratorystresses of design 223..-E1 withthe suffix T41A or T41D, Figure 1.This is the new <strong>FAG</strong> standarddesign <strong>for</strong> bearings with a borediameter of 40 up to and including150 mm (bore code 08 to 30).After extensive testing,bearings of X-<strong>life</strong> quality223..-E1-T41A(D) have provedextremely successful in numerouspractical applications.The bearing has one sheet steelwindow cage half per row of rollerswith high geometrical stability.The cage halves are supported viathe cage guide ring in the outerring. The guide ring is of a singlepiece design. All cage parts aresubjected to a special surfacehardening process.1: X-<strong>life</strong>-designs 223..-E1-T41A(D) and223..-E1-JPA-T41A of special spherical rollerbearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery1.2.2 X-<strong>life</strong> spherical roller bearings223..-E1-JPA-T41A<strong>Bearings</strong> with a bore diameterof 160 mm to 220 mm (bore code32 to 44) are now also available inthe design shown in Figure 1.These bearings also correspondto our proven X-<strong>life</strong> standard(see 1.2.1). The larger bearings canbe identified by sheet steel cageJPA being indicated in the suffix.

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory stresses<strong>Bearings</strong> with tapered bore · <strong>Bearings</strong> with coated bore · Specification T41A(T41D)1.3 <strong>Bearings</strong> with tapered boreIn special cases such as sawframes, bearings are also availablewith a tapered bore (taper 1:12).The ordering designations are223..-E1-K-T41A and223..-E1-K-JPA-T41A witha bore diameter of 160 mm.1.4 <strong>Bearings</strong> with coated boreIn order to reduce or prevent frettingcorrosion between the bearing boreand the shaft, we can <strong>for</strong> specificorders supply spherical rollerbearings with a cylindrical bore,coated with Durotect ® CK.This ensures that the possibility ofdisplacement (non-locating bearingfunction) between the bearing boreand shaft in response to thermalinfluences is maintained over andbeyond a long period of operation.The bearings with a coated borecorrespond in their dimensionsand tolerances to and are interchangeablewith the <strong>FAG</strong> standardbearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery.For bearings 22317-E1-T41D to22330-E1-T41D, the cylindricalbore coated with Durotect ® CKis standard. For further in<strong>for</strong>mationon this matter, please see ourpublication PPD, <strong>FAG</strong> <strong>Special</strong>spherical roller bearings withDurotect ® CK plating in the bore.For bearings outside this bearingbore size range, suffix J24BA mustbe indicated in the orderingdesignation <strong>for</strong> a coated inner ringbore.Ordering example <strong>for</strong> a bearing witha Durotect ® CK coated bore withinthe standard range: 22320-E1-T41D.Ordering example <strong>for</strong> a bearing witha Durotect ® CK coated bore outsidethe standard range:22316-E1-J24BA-T41A.1.5 Specification T41A(T41D)<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings<strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery aremanufactured in accordance withthe specification T41A or T41D.This takes into considerationthe particular requirementsof the application. The specificationdefines, <strong>for</strong> example, the tolerancesof bore and outside diameter,as well as the radial internalclearance of the bearings.The other tolerances are inaccordance with tolerance classPN to DIN 620.2: Restricted tolerance according to specification T41A(D)Inner ringNominal bearingbore diameterNominaloutside diameterDimensions in mmover 30 50 80 120 180 250incl. 50 80 120 180 250 315Tolerances in μmDeviation Δ dmp 0 0 0 0 0 0–7 –9 –12 –15 –18 –21Outer ring1.5.1 Tolerances <strong>for</strong> bearing boreand outside diameterSpecification T41A(D) prescribesa bore tolerance in the upper halfof the normal tolerance zone.For the outside diameter, onlythe centre half of the normaltolerance zone is permissible.In bearings with a tapered bore,the reduced tolerance range appliesto the outside diameter only.Tolerance values see table,Figure 2.Through these measures,the sliding fit required <strong>for</strong> the innerring is reliably achieved withshaft tolerances g6 or f6 andthe interference fit required <strong>for</strong>the outer ring is reliably achievedwith housing tolerance P6.For bearings with a coated bore,we recommend a shaft tolerance f6.The inner ring does not have purepoint load and the outer ring issubjected to circumferential load.Geometrical tolerances of bearingseating surfaces, see page 4.Dimensions in mmover 80 150 180 315 400 500incl. 150 180 315 400 500 630Tolerances in μmDeviation Δ Dmp –5 –5 –10 –13 –13 –15–13 –18 –23 –28 –30 –353

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory stressesSpecification T41A(T41D)Geometrical tolerances of bearing seating surfacesIn order to achieve the required fit, the bearing seatsand fit surfaces of the shaft and housing bore mustcon<strong>for</strong>m to certain tolerances, see the following table.<strong>Bearings</strong>eatingsurfaceareaDiametertoleranceRoundnesstoleranceParallelismtoleranceShaft IT6 (IT5) Circumferential IT4 IT4loadIT4/2Point load IT5IT5/2Housing IT7 (IT6) Circumferential IT5 IT5loadIT5/2Point load IT6IT6/2Runouttoleranceof abuttingshoulder1.5.2 Radial internal clearance groupsSpecification T41A(D) prescribes C4 as the standardinternal clearance group <strong>for</strong> all spherical roller bearingsof vibrating screen design so it is not necessary tostate this explicitly. Radial preloading of the bearingsis thus prevented in the event of unfavourableinteraction between different influences such as fits,de<strong>for</strong>mations, etc. This applies especially duringstartup and running-in, when the largest temperaturedifferences occur between the inner and outer ring.It is only necessary to consider a special radial internalclearance <strong>for</strong> spherical roller bearings in vibratorymachinery in rare cases, <strong>for</strong> example if the materialto be screened is hot or the bearing arrangement issubjected to excessive external heat.In special cases such as saw frames, bearings withan internal clearance other than C4 may be necessary.The suffix <strong>for</strong> the radial internal clearance, e. g. C3,must then be stated explicitly. <strong>Bearings</strong> in this variantare available by agreement. For radial internal clearancevalues of special spherical roller bearings,see table, Figure 3.3: Radial internal clearance of <strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearingsNominal bearingbore diameterWith cylindrical boreDimensions in mmover 30 40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280incl. 40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315Internal clearance in μmInternal clearance group min. 45 55 65 80 100 120 145 170 180 200 220 240 260 280C3 max. 60 75 90 110 135 160 190 220 240 260 290 320 350 370Internal clearance group min. 60 75 90 110 135 160 190 220 240 260 290 320 350 370C4 max. 80 100 120 145 180 210 240 280 310 340 380 420 460 500With tapered boreInternal clearance in μmInternal clearance group min. 50 60 75 95 110 135 160 180 200 220 250 270 300 330C3 max. 65 80 95 120 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350 390 430Internal clearance group min. 65 80 95 120 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350 390 430C4 max. 85 100 120 150 180 220 260 300 340 370 410 450 490 5404

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory stressesSpecification T41A(T41D)1.5.3 Reduction in radial internal clearanceof bearings with tapered bore<strong>Bearings</strong> with a tapered bore are mounted on a conicalshaft seat or, using a sleeve, on a cylindrical shaft.The reduction in the radial internal clearance duringmounting (see table, Figure 4) can be taken as anindication of the seating between the inner ring andshaft.4: Reduction in radial internal clearance in mounting of spherical roller bearings with tapered bore (solid shaft)Nominal borediameterReduction inradial internalclearanceDisplacement on taper 1:12Control value <strong>for</strong> minimum radialinternal clearance after mountingd Shaft Sleeve CN C3 C4over incl. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. min. min.mm mm mm mm30 40 0,02 0,025 0,35 0,4 0,35 0,45 0,015 0,025 0,0440 50 0,025 0,03 0,4 0,45 0,45 0,5 0,02 0,03 0,0550 65 0,03 0,04 0,45 0,6 0,5 0,7 0,025 0,035 0,05565 80 0,04 0,05 0,6 0,75 0,7 0,85 0,025 0,04 0,0780 100 0,045 0,06 0,7 0,9 0,75 1 0,035 0,05 0,08100 120 0,05 0,07 0,7 1,1 0,8 1,2 0,05 0,065 0,1120 140 0,065 0,09 1,1 1,4 1,2 1,5 0,055 0,08 0,11140 160 0,075 0,1 1,2 1,6 1,3 1,7 0,055 0,09 0,13160 180 0,08 0,11 1,3 1,7 1,4 1,9 0,06 0,1 0,15180 200 0,09 0,13 1,4 2 1,5 2,2 0,07 0,1 0,16200 225 0,1 0,14 1,6 2,2 1,7 2,4 0,08 0,12 0,18225 250 0,11 0,15 1,7 2,4 1,8 2,6 0,09 0,13 0,2250 280 0,12 0,17 1,9 2,6 2 2,9 0,1 0,14 0,22280 315 0,13 0,19 2 3 2,2 3,2 0,11 0,15 0,245

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory stressesSpecification of bearing size61.6 Permissible radial accelerationSince the centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ces aresupported against the outer ring,high acceleration <strong>for</strong>ces arepossible in special spherical rollerbearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery,see diagram below.Permissible radial accelerationvalues of special spherical rollerbearings (<strong>for</strong> dimension series 223and 233)a) n · d m = 350 000 min –1 · mmMaximum possible values withoptimum mounting conditionsand oil lubrication, e. g. planetarygearboxb) n · d m = 140 000 min –1 · mmNormal operating conditions<strong>for</strong> saw frames with greaselubricationc) n · d m = 230 000 min –1 · mm to300 000 min –1 · mm Normal use<strong>for</strong> vibrating screens with greaseor oil lubrication1.7 Heat treatmentAll <strong>FAG</strong> spherical roller bearingsof series 223..-E1-T41A(D) and223..-E1-JPA-T41A <strong>for</strong> vibratorystresses are heat treated such thatthey are dimensionally stable up toan operating temperature of 200 °C.2 Specification ofbearing sizeVibrating screen bearings arenormally designed <strong>for</strong> a basicrating <strong>life</strong> L h of between 10 000and 20 000 hours.Note:L h = (C/P) p · 10 6 /(n · 60) [h]C Basic dynamic load rating [kN],see bearing tables, section 5P Equivalent dynamic load [kN],see sections 2.1 to 2.3p = 3,33 Life exponent <strong>for</strong> rollerbearingsn Speed [min –1 ]When determining the equivalentdynamic load P of spherical rollerbearings <strong>for</strong> vibrating applications,the influences that cannot beprecisely defined are taken intoconsideration by means of a safetyfactor f z of 1,2 times the radialbearing load F r . Based on practicalexperience, this gives sufficientlylong running times.More precise calculation can beachieved using the expandedadjusted rating <strong>life</strong> L hnm to ISO 281(see also Catalogue HR 1, Rolling<strong>Bearings</strong>). The fatigue limit load C urrequired in this case is statedin the dimension tables.2.1 Two bearing screenwith circle throwFigure 5 shows a schematic of animbalance-type two bearing screen.The bearing load imposed bythe centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce of the screenbox is derived from the mass ofthe screen box, the vibration radiusand the speed in accordance withthe following <strong>for</strong>mula:F r = 1 m · · r · ω 2 =z 10 3= 1 · G · r( π · n )2z g 30[kN] (1)F r Radial bearing load [kN]m Mass of screen box [kg]r Vibration radius [m]ω Angular velocity [1/s]G Weight of screen box [kN]g Acceleration due to gravity[9,81 m/s 2 ]n Speed [min –1 ]z Number of bearingsThe vibration radius r in two bearingscreens can be determined fromthe ratio of the screen box weightto the exciter weight. Since twobearing screens generally operatein a supercritical range approachingthe static amplitude, it can beassumed that the commoncentroidal axis of the two masses(screen box and exciter) ismaintained during rotation,Figure 6.Based on this precondition:G · r = G 1 (R – r)The vibration radius is thusr = G 1 · RG + G 1[m] (2)whereG Weight of screen box [kN]G 1 Weight of exciter [kN]R Distance between centreof gravity of exciter andbearing axis [m]r Vibration radiusof screen box [m]G 1 · R Imbalance momentof exciter [kN m]G + G 1 Total weight supportedby springs [kN]

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeTwo bearing screen with circle throwIf (2) is incorporated in (1) andthe expression is trans<strong>for</strong>med,the radial bearing load isF r = 1 · G1 R· ·( π · n [kN] (3)z g )21 + G 1 30G5: Schematic of two bearing screen with circle throwExampleWeight of screen box G = 35 kNVibration radius r = 0,003 mSpeed n = 1200 min –1Number of bearings z = 2Bearing load accordingto <strong>for</strong>mula (1)F r = 1 35 · · 0,003( π · 1200 =2 9,81 30 )2= 84,5 [kN]The equivalent dynamic bearingload required in order to determinethe necessary basic dynamic loadrating of the bearing is thenP = 1,2 · F r = 1,2 · 84,5 = 101[kN]6: The vibration radius is determined by the ratio of the screen box weight to the exciter weight7

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeTwo bearing screen with straight line motion2.2 Two bearing screen withstraight line motionIn principle, the exciter in a twobearing screen with straight linemotion comprises two contrarotatingsynchronous circular throwsystems, Figure 7.The <strong>for</strong>ces are determined byresolving the rotating centrifugal<strong>for</strong>ce vectors of the imbalanceshafts into two components, in thedirection of the line connectingthe two shafts and the directionperpendicular to this line. It can beseen that the components lying inthe direction of the connecting linecancel each other out, whereas theperpendicular components add up,generating a harmonic pulsatinginertia <strong>for</strong>ce that induces straightline vibration of the screen box.Since the so-called static amplitudeis induced in the directionof vibration due to the supercriticaloperation and the commoncentroidal axis of the screen boxand the imbalance masses doesnot vary during vibration,the bearing loads are as follows:In the direction of vibrationF rmin = 1 m · · r · ω2=z 10 3= 1 · G · r ·( π · n )2=z g 30= 1 · G1 · (R – r) ·( π · n )2z g 30[kN] (4)wherer [m] Vibration radiusR [m] Distance between the centresof gravity of the exciters andthe corresponding bearingaxesPerpendicular to the directionof vibrationF r max = 1 · G1 · R ·( π · n )2z g 30[kN] (5)giving a somewhat larger bearingload.In contrast to a circle throw screen,in which the bearing load isconstant, the bearing load ina straight line screen alternatestwice during one revolution of theexciter shafts between F r max andF r min .If <strong>for</strong>mula (4) is compared with<strong>for</strong>mula (1), it can be seen that theminimum bearing load of a screenwith straight line motion is exactlythe same as the bearing load ofa comparable circle throw screen.For a straight line screen with aload varying according to asinusoidal function, the bearingload can be determined accordingto the <strong>for</strong>mulaF r = 0,68 · F r max + 0,32 · F r min[kN]Whereas the bearing load in a circlethrow screen can be determinedsimply from data <strong>for</strong> the screenbox G, vibration radius r and speedn, these data only allow calculationof the minimum load in a straightline screen. For more precisecalculation, it is also necessary toknow either the exciter mass G 1 orthe distance R between the centresof gravity of the exciters from theirbearing axes. It is then possibleusingG · r = G 1 (R – r) [kN m]to determine the unknown quantity.ExampleWeight of screen box G = 33 kNWeight of exciter G 1 = 7,5 kNVibration radius r = 0,008 mSpeed n = 900 min –1Number of bearings z = 4With R = r (G +G 1)G 1= 0,008 (33 + 7,5) = 0,0432 [m]7,5this gives, according to (4) and (5)F rmin = 1 33 · · 0,008 ·( π · 900 4 9,81 30 )2= 59,8 [kN]F r max = 1 7,5 · · 0,0432 ·( π · 900 4 9,81 30 )2= 73,3 [kN]Bearing loadF r = 0,68 · 73,3 + 0,32 · 59,8 == 69 [kN]The equivalent dynamic bearingload required in order to determinethe necessary basic dynamic loadrating of the bearing is thenP = 1,2 · 69 = 83[kN]8

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeTwo bearing screen with straight line motion7: Schematic of two bearing screen with straight line motion9

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeEccentric screen2.3 Eccentric screenIn contrast to a two bearing screen,the vibration radius of an eccentricscreen is a function of the eccentricityof the shaft.The bearing <strong>for</strong> the two inner ringsis determined using the same<strong>for</strong>mula as <strong>for</strong> the circle throwscreenF r = 1 · G · r ·( π · n )2[kN] (1)z g 30where r is the eccentric radiusof the crankshaft and z is thenumber of inner bearings, Figure 8.The influence of the supportsprings on the loading of theinner bearings can be regardedas negligible.The outer bearings of the eccentricscreen are only lightly loaded sincethe centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce of the screenbox during idling is compensatedby counterweights (G 2) . The loadon these bearings is not constant;it varies according to a sinusoidalpattern due to the support springson the screen box. In operation,the material in the box interfereswith the balanced condition of themachine. This places additionalload on the outer bearings.However, this additional load isvery small.The selection of bearings is basedon the shaft diameter. This resultsin bearings whose load carryingcapacity is so high that a fatigue<strong>life</strong> calculation is unnecessary.Since these bearings do notundergo vibration, spherical rollerbearings of the standard design aresufficient.8: Schematic of an eccentric screenExampleWeight of screen box G = 60 kNEccentric radius r = 0,005 mSpeed n = 850 min –1Number of bearings z = 2Inner bearings: Bearing loadaccording to <strong>for</strong>mula (1)F r = 1 · 60 · 0,005 ·( π · 850 )2=2 9,81 30= 121 [kN]The equivalent dynamic bearingload required in order to determinethe necessary basic dynamic loadrating of the bearing is thenP = 1,2 · 121 = 145[kN]10

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeNomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce2.4 Nomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce of the imbalance masses orthe centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce of the screen box massF max , F min and F are centrifugal <strong>for</strong>cesn is the speed [min –1 ]r is the vibration radius [m]R is the distance between thecentre of gravity of the exciterand the bearing axis [m]b is the acceleration [m/s 2 ]G is the weight of the screen box[kN]G 1 is the weight of the imbalancemass[kN]g = 9,81 is the acceleration due togravity [m/s 2 ]F max = G1 · R ·( π · n )2g 30F min = G1 · (R – r) ·( π · n )2g 30F= G · r ·( π · n )2g 30[kN][kN][kN]11

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peSpecification of bearing sizeNomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of basic load ratings2.5 Nomogram <strong>for</strong> calculation of basic dynamic load rating requiredThe following are required in orderto calculate the basic dynamic loadrating C [kN]:n Speed [min –1 ]L h Basic rating <strong>life</strong> [h]P Equivalent dynamic load [kN]In two bearing screens with circlethrow and inner bearings witheccentric screensP = 1,2 · F[kN]zIn two bearing screens with straightline motionP = 1,2 ·( 0,68 · F max + 0,32 · F min)zwhere 1,2 is the safety factorz is the number of bearingsF is the centrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce accordingto nomogram 1 (section 2.4)12

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peDesign of bearing arrangementsTwo bearing screen with circle throw (grease lubrication)3 Design of bearingarrangements3.1 Two bearing screen with circlethrow (grease lubrication)Figure 9 shows the essentialbearing arrangement design of atwo bearing screen with circlethrow and grease lubrication.The imbalance shaft is supportedin two special spherical rollerbearings <strong>FAG</strong> 223..-E1-T41A.The bearing on the drive sideis fitted as a locating bearingwhile the opposing bearing isa non-locating bearing.outer ring. In this way, the freshgrease is fed directly to therolling and sliding surfaces of therolling bearing, ensuring uni<strong>for</strong>mlubrication of both rows of rollers.The fresh grease displaces the old,possibly contaminated grease fromthe interior of the bearing.On the inner side of the bearingarrangement, the old greaseescapes via the gap in the greasebaffle and collects in the guardtube. On the outer side, it collectsat the grease collector pocket,from which it is periodicallyremoved. The bearing is sealedagainst external influences bya labyrinth that can be relubricatedand whose sealing action can befurther increased by a V ring on theinnermost labyrinth passage.Fitting and dismantling of bearingsAfter inspection of the adjacentparts, the bearing is then mountedin the housing bore.Smaller bearings can be pressedin while cold. For larger bearings,the housing is heated uni<strong>for</strong>mlyto the point where the interferencebetween the bearing outer ringand housing bore is eliminated.As the housing cools down,the interference fit is achieved.The bearing and housing are thenslid onto the shaft.For dismantling, it is easier to pressthe bearing out of the housingif the guard tube flange (part Ain Figure 9) is replaced by a screwmounted ring equipped with severalextraction screws.Lubrication and sealingA favourable option is to feedthe grease as shown here viathe circumferential groove and thelubrication holes in the bearing9: Two bearing screen with circle throw (grease lubrication)13

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peDesign of bearing arrangementsTwo bearing screen with circle throw (oil sump lubrication)3.2 Two bearing screen with circlethrow (oil sump lubrication)Figure 10 shows the essentialbearing arrangement design ofa two bearing screen with circlethrow and oil sump lubrication.Sealing against entry of externalcontamination is provided bya grease-filled labyrinth that canbe relubricated. A splash ring witha oil collector groove preventsegress of oil. On the bearing side,the sealing area is shielded bya flinger ring.In order to prevent the greasein the labyrinth entering the oilcavities, a V ring is fitted betweenthe labyrinth and splash ring.The connecting hole in the lowersection of the housing equalisesthe oil sump level between the twosides of the bearing. The oil levelshould be such that the lowestroller in the bearing is immersed toapproximately half its diameter inoil when the bearing is stationary.At this level, there is an overflowhole that is closed off after thehousing is filled. The oil outletscrew contains a small permanentmagnet that draws wear particlesout of the oil. The oil quantityshould be as large as possible sothat the oil does not need to bechanged too frequently. In general,the shaft guard tube is used asan additional oil reservoir.10: Two bearing screen with circle throw (oil sump lubrication)14

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peDesign of bearing arrangementsTwo bearing screen with circle throw (recirculating oil lubrication)3.3 Two bearing screenwith circle throw(recirculating oil lubrication)The design of the bearingarrangement with recirculating oillubrication shown in Figure 11is similar to that of the bearingarrangement with oil sumplubrication (see section 3.2).The connecting hole in the lowersection of the housing equalisesthe oil level between the two sidesof the bearing.The sealing arrangement is takenfrom the oil sump lubrication.The oil outlet hole is locatedat such a level that, even if the oilfeed is interrupted, there is stillan emergency oil reserve available.The oil is fed via the lubricationgroove and lubrication holesin the bearing outer ring.Oil filtration is absolutely essential(cf. section 4.2.2).11: Two bearing screen with circle throw (recirculating oil lubrication)15

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peDesign of bearing arrangementsTwo bearing screen with straight line motion (oil splash lubrication)3.4 Two bearing screenwith straight line motion(oil splash lubrication)Figure 12 shows the bearingarrangement of an exciter <strong>for</strong>a two bearing screen with straightline motion. The two contra-rotating,synchronously geared imbalanceshafts are fitted with <strong>FAG</strong> specialspherical roller bearings223..-E1-T41A. The bearings on thegear side are fitted as locatingbearings in order to preventdisruption to the gear cyclingbehaviour if length variations occur(temperature differences).The bearings are lubricated by theoil thrown off by the gears and aflinger shield. Baffle plates on thelower halves of the housing endfaces ensure that the oil levelreaches approximately the centreof the lowest roller in the bearings.The passage <strong>for</strong> the drive shaft isequipped with a splash ring sealand, in order to prevent ingressof contamination, with a labyrinth.A V ring can also be fitted betweenthe labyrinth and splash ring.The oil level is just high enoughthat the lower gear and flingershield are immersed in the oilsump. The oil level is monitored bylateral oil level indicators.12: Two bearing screen with straight line motion (oil splash lubrication)16

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peDesign of bearing arrangementsFour bearing screen (grease lubrication)3.5 Four bearing screen(grease lubrication)Figure 13 shows the eccentric shaftof a four bearing screen. Since thestresses acting on the inner bearingsare comparable with those actingon the bearings of a two bearingscreen, these positions are fittedwith <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical rollerbearings of series 223..-E1-T41A.Although the interaction of therotating screen box centrifugal<strong>for</strong>ce and the directionally constantspring <strong>for</strong>ces does not give a purepoint load on the inner ring,the fits selected are generally thesame as <strong>for</strong> the two bearing screen.The outer rings have a P6 fit in thehousing, while the inner rings havean f6 or g6 fit on the shaft.One of the two inner bearings isfitted as a locating bearing, whilethe other is a non-locating bearingwith an inner ring that can bedisplaced along the shaft.In all other respects, the designof the inner bearing arrangementshown is identical to the bearingarrangement <strong>for</strong> a two bearingscreen with grease lubrication.Conditions are different in the outerbearings. In order to ensure that,if possible, imbalance <strong>for</strong>ces arenot transmitted to the foundationsand the bearing load remains low,the imbalance moment of thescreen box in the eccentric screenis compensated by means ofcounterweights. During idling,the outer bearings are onlysubjected to the <strong>for</strong>ces exertedby the support springs.The support springs are preloadedto such an extent that the outerbearings are subjected to asinusoidally pulsating butdirectionally constant radial load.Although the precisely balancedcondition is disrupted duringoperation by the material in thebox – the spring <strong>for</strong>ces are overlaidby an uncompensated rotatingcentrifugal <strong>for</strong>ce – and the loaddirection may there<strong>for</strong>e vary withina certain angle, the bearing fits aredetermined on the assumption thatthe outer ring is subjected to pointload.A loose fit must there<strong>for</strong>e beselected <strong>for</strong> the outer rings in thehousing bore. The inner rings arenormally located on the shaft– as shown – using withdrawalsleeves.The bearing on the drive side isfitted as a locating bearing whilethe opposing bearing is a13: Four bearing screen (grease lubrication)non-locating bearing with an outerring capable of axial displacement.Normal machining tolerances thathave proved effective <strong>for</strong> the outerbearing seats areShaft:Housing:h8/h9(Shaft tolerances<strong>for</strong> location bywithdrawal sleeve)H7Since the outer bearings do notundergo translation movement andare only subject to light loads,normal spherical roller bearingswith a tapered bore and normalinternal clearance can be selected.17

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peLubrication of bearingsGrease lubrication184 Lubrication of bearings<strong>Spherical</strong> roller bearings in vibratorymachinery are subjected to veryhigh operating loads and adverseenvironmental conditions.The lubricant type, lubricationmethod and lubricant supply mustbe carefully selected and matchedin order to fulfil the requirements<strong>for</strong> functional suitability and service<strong>life</strong> of the vibratory machinerybearings.Depending on the operatingconditions, bearing size andparticular requirements of the plantoperator, lubrication using greaseor oil can be selected.4.1 Grease lubricationIn most vibratory machinery,the special spherical roller bearingsare lubricated using grease.Grease lubrication is normally usedup to a speed parametern · d m = 300 000 min –1 · mm(n = operating, d m = mean bearingdiameter). Only greases that havebeen tested and proven should beused, see section 4.3. Any changeof grease type should be avoidedif possible.For normal operating conditions invibratory machinery, we recommendlithium soap greases withEP (extreme pressure) and anticorrosionadditives correspondingto penetration class 2. The minimumrequirements described inDIN 51 825 are not sufficient<strong>for</strong> this application. Instead,the suitability of greases <strong>for</strong> usein the rolling bearing must bedemonstrated as is the case with,<strong>for</strong> example, the <strong>FAG</strong> greasesArcanol MULTITOP and LOAD400.In applications with higher operatingtemperatures, <strong>for</strong> example inscreens <strong>for</strong> hot materials or wherethe bearings may in special casesundergo considerable heating bythe material in the box, specialgreases with high thermal stabilityshould be used.The base oil viscosity required isdependent on the operatingconditions. The aim should beto achieve a viscosity ratioκ = ν/ν 1 2, where ν is theoperating viscosity and ν 1 is thereference viscosity, see alsoCatalogue HR 1, Rolling <strong>Bearings</strong>.When rolling bearings are fitted,the internal cavities of the bearingsmust be filled with grease toTable 14. During the startup phase,the grease will be distributed in thebearing and partly (aprox. 30 %of the grease quantity/bearing) fillthe housing cavities V G next to thebearing. These cavities may befilled with grease to a maximum of50 %, once the grease distributionin the bearing is completed.Note:Grease quantity housing cavities:H G = (0,5 · V G ) · ρ– 0,3 grease quantity/bearingwith a grease density(<strong>for</strong> most greases) of ρ = 0,9 g/cm³This prevents excessive workingand the associated temperaturedevelopment. The grease in thehousing cavities acts as a reservoirand contributes to a longeroperating <strong>life</strong> in accordance withthe operating and the mountingconditions.It is recommended that relubricationshould be carried out via thelubrication groove and the lubricationholes that are present asstandard in the outer ring of all<strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings.This ensures uni<strong>for</strong>m supply oflubricant to both rows of rollers.Where rolling bearings arerelubricated from the side,the distance between the housingwall and the end face of the bearingshould be as small as possibleso that the grease can reach thebearing interior quickly and withoutlosses. The grease outlet holeshould be located on the oppositeside of the bearing.In bearing arrangements <strong>for</strong>vibratory machinery, it is advisableto relubricate the bearings withsmall quantities of grease at shortintervals.The table in Figure 14 givesrelubrication quantities as afunction of bearing size and speed.These relubrication quantitiesrelate to a relubrication intervalof 50 operating hours and normaloperating temperatures.If continuous relubrication iscarried out by means of a centrallubricant supply system, the greasequantity m 1 required per hour perbearing can be determined usingthe <strong>for</strong>mulam 1 = 0,00004 · D · Bwherem 1 = required grease quantity[g/h]D = bearing outside diameter[mm]B = bearing width [mm]The labyrinth seals should berelubricated once per week,or more frequently if operatingconditions are unfavourable(heavy exposure to dust, moisture,high operating temperature).The grease should be the same asthat used in the rolling bearings.

Lubrication of bearingsGrease lubrication14: Initial greasing and relubrication quantities in g <strong>for</strong> spherical roller bearings 223 in vibratory machinery(relubrication interval: 50 operating hours)Bore codeInitialgreasequantityRelubrication quantity <strong>for</strong> speed min –1500 600 700 800 900 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 2 200 2 400 2 600 2 800 3 000 3 20008 16 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 509 22 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 1010 27 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 1511 43 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15 2012 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 1513 56 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15 2014 76 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 20 2515 91 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 15 20 2516 100 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 2517 130 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 25 3518 145 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 25 30 4019 180 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 25 35 4520 185 10 10 10 10 15 15 20 30 4022 270 10 10 15 15 20 20 30 50 7024 330 15 15 20 25 30 35 55 8526 420 15 20 20 25 35 40 6528 525 20 25 30 35 45 60 10030 630 25 30 40 50 65 9032 725 25 35 45 60 80 10034 870 30 40 55 80 110 14036 1 000 35 50 65 90 12038 1 200 45 65 90 13040 1 400 50 70 100 15044 1 700 70 105 16019CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peLubrication of bearingsOil lubrication4.2 Oil lubricationIf the speeds are above the normalrange <strong>for</strong> grease lubrication(i.e. speed parametern · d m 300 000 min –1 · mm),oil lubrication must be provided.Oil lubrication may also benecessary if there is heating byexternal sources or <strong>for</strong> reasonsof maintenance.For lubrication of bearings,we recommend mineral oils orsynthetic oils with EP (extremepressure) and anti-corrosionadditives, see also section 4.3.Good quality multi-grade oils canalso be used.The viscosity ratio κ = ν/ν 1(ν = operating viscosity,ν 1 = reference viscosity)should be 2.A sufficiently large oil quantity willextend the oil change interval.If the cavities in the housings arenot sufficient, the shaft guard tubebetween the bearings can also beused as an oil reservoir oran additional container can beprovided.The oil change interval is dependenton the contamination and theageing condition of the oil.Guide values <strong>for</strong> the oil quantityand oil change intervals as afunction of the bearing bore aregiven in Figure 15. For furtherdetails, see publicationWL 81 115/4 EA “Lubricationof rolling bearings”.We recommend regular oilinspection, since the resultsof such inspections will allow moreprecise determination of oil changeintervals.4.2.1 Oil sump lubrication(bath lubrication)Oil sump lubrication is normallyused up to a speed parametern · d m = 300 000 min –1 · mm;with frequent oil changes,it can be used up ton · d m = 500 000 min –1 · mm.In this lubrication method,the lubricant is conveyed to therolling contact points by any gears,the imbalance mass or the rollingelements themselves.The oil level in the machine orbearing housing must be sufficientlyhigh that the gears or imbalancemasses are dipped in the oil andcreate a swirling effect. When thebearing is stationary, the lowestroller must be half immersed in theoil, Figure 16.15: Oil quantity and oil change interval as a function of bearing bore diameter20

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peLubrication of bearingsOil lubricationBore codeBearing series 223abmm08 31 3409 35 3810 39 4211 42 4612 46 5013 50 5414 54 5915 58 6216 62 6717 66 7118 69 7419 72 7820 78 8422 86 9424 93 10126 100 10928 107 11730 115 12532 122 13334 129 14036 137 14938 144 15640 152 16544 168 18248 182 19552 196 21156 212 22816: Determining the oil level at standstill21

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peLubrication of bearingsOil lubrication · Recommended lubricants4.2.2 Recirculating oil lubricationIf the speed parameter is higherthan the permissible value <strong>for</strong>bath lubrication or where specialconditions apply (increased heatdissipation required, insufficientlylarge oil cavities), recirculating oillubrication must be used. The oilshould be fed via the lubricationgroove and lubrication holes in thebearing outer ring.Guide values <strong>for</strong> normal oil flowrates can be determined from thediagram in Figure 17.In order to prevent oil backingup in the lubrication system,the cross-sections of the unpress -urised return ducts must beadapted to the cross-sections ofthe feed ducts (4 to 5 times larger).In recirculating oil lubrication,it is absolutely essential thata filter is provided <strong>for</strong> retainingwear particles and contaminantsin order to prevent impairmentof the bearing operating <strong>life</strong>.Through evaluation of regular oilinspections, the oil change intervalscan be matched more accuratelyto the operating conditions.4.3 Recommended lubricantsGreases <strong>for</strong> vibrating screenbearing arrangementsThe quality of <strong>FAG</strong> Arcanolrolling bearing greases iscarefully monitored by meansof 100% inspection of every batch.Greases <strong>for</strong> normal temperatures:Arcanol MULTITOPArcanol LOAD400Arcanol LOAD220Arcanol VIB3Grease <strong>for</strong> high temperatures:Arcanol TEMP120In the case of greases that have notbeen subjected to our incominggoods inspection, we cannot makeany statements regarding batchfluctuations, <strong>for</strong>mulation changesor production influences.Oils <strong>for</strong> vibrating screenbearing arrangementsIf oils are to be used <strong>for</strong> thisapplication, it must be demonstratedthat the additives package iseffective in the rolling bearing.In principle, it is possible to usemineral oils and synthetic oils,with the exception of silicone oils.It is not advisable to use oils withviscosity index improvementagents.2217: Minimum oil flow rate <strong>for</strong> spherical roller bearings of series 223 in vibratory machinery

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peMonitoring of vibrating screens5 Monitoringof vibrating screens<strong>FAG</strong> Industrial Services (F’IS)offers reliable monitoring systemsthat can also be used undervery aggressive environmentalconditions.With headquarters in Herzogenrath,near Aachen, F’IS is an independentcompany that manages all industrialservice activities of SchaefflerGroup Industrial <strong>for</strong> boththe <strong>FAG</strong> and INA brands.F’IS is an independent Full ServiceSupplier in the field of maintenanceand quality assurance:from mounting, through plantmonitoring to the introductionand implementation of preventivemaintenance activities.A wide range of mounting andalignment tools, measuringinstruments and lubricants, as wellas training courses makesmaintenance work easier and workprocesses more efficient. Based onmany years’ experience and qualifiedexperts, F’IS is the competentpartner <strong>for</strong> customer-orientedsolutions relating to the <strong>life</strong> cycleof rolling bearings.<strong>Special</strong> monitoring systems <strong>for</strong>vibrating screens detect machinerydamage at a very early stage.Since the alarm is raised at anearly stage, they help to preventunplanned downtime. On the otherhand, operating companies can beremotely in<strong>for</strong>med.By monitoring the vibratingscreens, the following systemconditions, <strong>for</strong> example,can be identified:• bearing damage• loose parts• broken springs• overloads• impact/contactFor further in<strong>for</strong>mation onF’IS services, please look underwww.fis-services.com,or send an e-mail toinfo@fis-services.com.You will then receive a proposal,matched to your application andrequirements.23

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machineryWith cylindrical bore, series 223..-E1-T41A(D)6.1 <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery, with cylindrical bore, series 223..-E1-T41A(D)Shaft Dimensions Basicload ratingFatiguelimit loadLimitingspeedReferencespeedDesignation Massdyn. stat.d D B r n s D 1 d 2 C r C 0r C ur n G n B Bearing mmin. ≈ ≈ ≈mm kN min –1 <strong>FAG</strong> kg40 40 90 33 1,5 4,8 76 52,4 156 149 13,1 7 500 5 500 22308-E1-T41A 1,0545 45 100 36 1,5 6,5 84,7 58,9 187 183 16,1 6 700 5 000 22309-E1-T41A 1,3950 50 110 40 2 6,5 92,6 63 229 223 20,3 6 000 4 800 22310-E1-T41A 1,955 55 120 43 2 6,5 101,4 68,9 265 260 23,9 5 600 4 500 22311-E1-T41A 2,2760 60 130 46 2,1 6,5 110,1 74,8 310 310 28 5 000 4 200 22312-E1-T41A 2,8965 65 140 48 2,1 9,5 119,3 83,2 350 365 32,5 4 800 3 800 22313-E1-T41A 3,5770 70 150 51 2,1 9,5 128 86,7 390 390 36,5 4 500 3 700 22314-E1-T41A 4,2175 75 160 55 2,1 9,5 136,3 92,4 445 450 40,5 4 300 3 550 22315-E1-T41A 5,1880 80 170 58 2,1 9,5 145,1 98,3 495 510 45 4 300 3 400 22316-E1-T41A 6,2785 85 180 60 3 9,5 154,2 104,4 540 560 50 4 000 3 200 22317-E1-T41D 7,0690 90 190 64 3 12,2 162,5 110,2 610 630 55 3 600 3 000 22318-E1-T41D 8,5195 95 200 67 3 12,2 171,2 116 670 700 60 3 000 2 800 22319-E1-T41D 9,69100 100 215 73 3 12,2 184,7 130,2 810 920 75 3 000 2 380 22320-E1-T41D 12,8110 110 240 80 3 15 204,9 143,1 950 1 070 91 2 600 2 130 22322-E1-T41D 17,7120 120 260 86 3 15 222,4 150,8 1 080 1 170 103 2 600 2 000 22324-E1-T41D 22,5130 130 280 93 4 17,7 239,5 162,2 1 250 1 370 117 2 400 1 820 22326-E1-T41D 28140 140 300 102 4 17,7 255,7 173,5 1 460 1 630 132 2 200 1 660 22328-E1-T41D 35,1150 150 320 108 4 17,7 273,2 185,3 1 640 1 850 148 2 000 1 520 22330-E1-T41D 42,224All spherical roller bearings of series 223..-E1-T41A(D) are X-<strong>life</strong> designs and are also available with tapered bore.The JPA cage is standard with these bearings and there<strong>for</strong>e not indicated.

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe<strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machineryWith cylindrical bore, series 223..-E1-JPA-T41A6.2 <strong>FAG</strong> special spherical roller bearings <strong>for</strong> vibratory machinery, with cylindrical bore, series 223..-E1-JPA-T41AShaft Dimensions Basic Fatigue Limiting Reference Designation Massload rating limit load speed speeddyn. stat.d D B r n s D 1 C r C 0r C ur n G n B Bearing mmin. ≈ ≈mm kN min –1 <strong>FAG</strong> kg160 160 340 114 4 17,7 286,7 1 680 1 990 158 2 100 1 460 22332-E1-JPA-T41A 52,7170 170 360 120 4 17,7 303,7 1 870 2 220 174 2 100 1 350 22334-E1-JPA-T41A 59,5180 180 380 126 4 23,5 320,8 2 060 2 460 191 1 960 1 250 22336-E1-JPA-T41A 72,2190 190 400 132 5 23,5 338 2 260 2 700 208 1 820 1 170 22338-E1-JPA-T41A 81200 200 420 138 5 23,5 354,9 2 440 2 950 226 1 820 1 100 22340-E1-JPA-T41A 93,5220 220 460 145 5 23,5 391,9 2 800 3 400 265 1 680 970 22344-E1-JPA-T41A 120All spherical roller bearings of series 223..-E1-JPA-T41A are X-<strong>life</strong> designs and are also available with tapered bore.In these bearings, the JPA cage is indicated, since it is not standard.We can by agreement supply special spherical roller bearings 233..-A-MA-T41A, see Catalogue HR 1,Rolling <strong>Bearings</strong>.25

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peQuery <strong>for</strong> bearing calculation7 Query <strong>for</strong> bearing calculation(drawing included: yes / no)Type: Circular screen Linear screen Eccentric screen The relevant schematics are indicated on pages 7 to 10.Load spectrum/ 1. Masses [kg] Screen box mDesign data: Counterweights (exciter) m 12. Geometry [m] Vibration radius rExciter centre of gravity/bearing axis R3. Speed [min –1 ] Operating speed n4. Operating <strong>life</strong> Hours per dayOne-shift or multi-shift operation5. Life [h] Minimum <strong>life</strong> requiredBearing position/ 1. Mounting location A. Non-locating bearing B. Locating bearing Mounting data:C. Floating bearing arrangement 2. Bearing seat cylindrical conical 3. Number of rolling bearings z4. Bearing seating diameter [mm] Shaft FitHousingFit5. Other dimensions [mm] Max. diameterMin. diameterWidthEnvironmentalinfluence:Ambient temperature [°C]Material in box (screen <strong>for</strong> hot materials) [°C]Operating temperature [°C]Moisture [%]Dust Severe Moderate Minimum/none Chemical influences Yes No Location Building Outdoors Lubrication: Grease Oil sump Oil recirculation Oil mist lubrication Sealing:Labyrinths that can be relubricated with V ring seals Oil splash rings and oil collector groovesOther notes:26

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peNotes27

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peNotes28

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.pe

CORPORACION BASCO SACAv. Argentina 1165 - LimaTelef.: 433-6633 / 433-6834 - Fax: 431-3188E-mail: ventas@basco.com.peMATNR 036860247-0000 / TPI 197 / GB-D / 201102 / pdf onlySchaeffler TechnologiesGmbH & Co. KGPostfach 126097419 Schweinfurt (Germany)Georg-Schäfer-Straße 3097421 Schweinfurt (Germany)Phone +49 9721 91-0Fax +49 9721 91-3435E-Mail mining_processing@schaeffler.comInternet www.fag.comEvery care has been taken to ensure thecorrectness of the in<strong>for</strong>mation containedin this publication but no liability can beaccepted <strong>for</strong> any errors or omissions.We reserve the right to make technicalchanges.© Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KGIssued: 2011, FebruaryThis publication or parts thereof may notbe reproduced without our permission.TPI 197 GB-D

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