MAS800 programming manual.pdf

MAS800 programming manual.pdf MAS800 programming manual.pdf


Table of Content1 SYSTEM CONTROLLING................................................................................................... 31.1 USING THE KEYPAD ............................................................................................................... 31.2 SERVICE MODE...................................................................................................................... 41.2.1 ENABLING SERVICE MODE................................................................................................... 51.2.2 DISABLING SERVICE MODE .................................................................................................. 51.2.3 CHANGING SERVICE PIN ...................................................................................................... 51.2.4 ENTERING SERVICE MODE................................................................................................... 61.2.5 SERVICE MODE MENU........................................................................................................... 72 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING................................................................................................. 92.1 MODULES............................................................................................................................... 92.1.1 ADDRESSING MODULES........................................................................................................ 92.1.2 MAIN KEYPAD REGISTRATION.............................................................................................. 92.1.3 AUTOMATIC MODULES REGISTRATION ................................................................................. 92.1.4 MANUAL MODULES REGISTRATION...................................................................................... 92.1.5 CHECKING MODULES ADDRESSES....................................................................................... 102.1.6 MODULE PARAMETERS....................................................................................................... 102.2 PARTITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 112.3 ZONES .................................................................................................................................. 112.3.1 ZONE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................... 122.3.2 ZONE ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................................................. 132.4 PGM OUTPUTS.................................................................................................................... 142.4.1 PGM OUTPUT FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................. 152.4.2 PGM OUTPUT ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................ 162.4.3 PGM OUTPUT SOURCES..................................................................................................... 172.5 TIMES SETTINGS .................................................................................................................. 182.6 REPORTING SETTINGS ......................................................................................................... 192.6.1 REPORT CHANNEL 1 ........................................................................................................... 192.6.2 REPORT CHANNEL 2 ........................................................................................................... 202.6.3 REPORT TIME SETTINGS...................................................................................................... 202.7 PROJECT LOADING .............................................................................................................. 212.7.1 FROM PC ........................................................................................................................... 212.7.2 FROM CONTROL PANEL ..................................................................................................... 212.7.3 FROM KEYPAD................................................................................................................... 212.8 SETTING DIFFERENT LANGUAGE......................................................................................... 213 TESTING............................................................................................................................... 223.1 BURGLARY ZONE TEST ........................................................................................................ 223.2 FIRE ZONES TEST ................................................................................................................. 223.3 REPORTING TEST................................................................................................................. 223.4 VOLTAGE TEST .................................................................................................................... 232

1 System controlling1.1 Using the keypadKeypad KM20 (KM20T) provides information and control of the control panel. Thesystem can be programmed from the keypad. The alarm, armed, trouble, pre-alarm lights providealarm, armed, trouble and local pre-alarm status indication. The built-in buzzer lets the user hearkey entries and other alert signals. The keypad has 20 keys and is used for code entry and other<strong>programming</strong> functions. See Figure 1 for keys and indication lights placing.Figure 1. Keys and indication lights placingTo enter names for Partitions, Zones, PGM Outputs, Users, Timers use number keys and presseach one several times for desired character. Only the Latin characters and numbers are available. SeeFigure 2 for characters placing.Figure 2.Characters placing on the keypad3

The navigation keys and are used to navigate through the keypad menu.The key is used to enter the menu branch or to save any parameters has been changed.The key is used to go to previous menu level or to cancel last parameter changing.The key is used to select next item in the List (Partitions, Zones, PGM Outputs, Users, Timers).The key is used to set/unset the selected attribute.In the table below are shown some examples of keypad menu views.Main Menu:◄Service Mode ►Z07◄NameEntry DoorO01◄Name+BELLO02◄NamePGM1O03◄Name+PGM2►P01◄Timers ►+Timer 01►►►Table 1. Keypad menu screensMenu cursor is navigated to [Service Mode] entry point in theMain menu. Pressing [ENT] will ask for PIN to enter the servicemode. Pressing navigation keys [◄] and [►] will selectprevious or next Main menu items. Pressing [CLR] key willraise menu cursor to date and time showing screen.Menu cursor is navigated to Zone Name entry point (full path isMain Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Zones>Name),zone 07 is selected. Pressing [ENT] key will allow editing Zonename. Pressing navigation keys [◄] and [►] will selectprevious or next Zone attributes. Pressing [CLR] key will raisemenu cursor one level up to Zones.Remark. In the picture Zone 07 is selected (Z07 - first 3 symbolsin the first display line). Zones 1 to 64 are marked as Z01-Z64.Alike marking is used for Partitions (P01-P08), Modules (M00-M23), Users (U01-U31), PGM Outputs (O01-O16) and Timers(T01-T32).Menu cursor is navigated to Partition Timers setup point (fullpath is Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Partitions>Timers), Partition 01 is selected. In the exampleTimer 01 is marked to control partition auto arm.Pressing [ENT] key will allow setup up Timers that control thispartition auto arm. Pressing navigation keys [◄] and [►] willselect previous or next Partition attributes. Pressing [CLR] keywill raise menu cursor one level up to Partitions.Important. PGM output terminal marked as +BELL on thecontrol panel board is identified as O01 on the LCD screen(address is 001). Usually it is used to drive usual siren or topower-up back-up siren.Important. PGM output terminal marked as PGM1 on thecontrol panel board is identified as O02 on the LCD screen(address is 002). Usually it is used to trigger back-up siren or tocontrol optional device.Important. PGM output terminal marked as +PGM2 on thecontrol panel board is identified as O03 on the LCD screen(address is 003). Usually it is used to supply DC to fire sensorsor to control optional device.1.2 Service ModeThe Service mode is intended to use by installer and service personnel. System <strong>programming</strong> canbe done only in service mode. To access the service mode the installer should enter service PIN, alsoService mode should be enabled. New system by default has enabled Service mode. Servicemode can be enabled or disabled by user, which has the “Service user disabling” user right(installer can not enable service mode).4

1.2.1 Enabling Service ModeIf service mode is disabled perform these actions to enable it:1) Press [ENT] to access menu;2) Use [◄] and [►] buttons to select “Service mode”, then press [ENT]. If Service mode isdisabled keypad will beep shortly and [Service Status], PIN: will be displayed;Main Menu:◄Service Mode ►Service Status:PIN:3) Enter your user PIN and press [ENT];Service Status:PIN:****4) Press [◄] or [►] to select “Enabled” to enable Service mode, then press [ENT] to confirm yourselection.Service Status◄Enabled►Now Service mode is enabled and installer can enter his PIN to access service mode andperform the system setup.1.2.2 Disabling Service modeAfter system setup has been done, service mode should be disabled. Perform these actionsto disable Service mode:1) Press [CLR] until date and time screen will be shown;2) Press [ENT], when [BLOCK SRVICE] is shown on LCD display;BLOCK SERVICE!PRESS ENT3) Service Status screen will appear. Enter your user PIN and press [ENT];Service Status:PIN:****4) Press [◄] or [►] to select “Disabled” to disable service mode, then press [ENT]to confirm your selection.Service Status◄Disabled►Service mode has been disabled, installer will not be able to reach Service mode whileService mode is disabled.1.2.3 Changing Service PinIn order to change Service Pin, Service Mode should be enabled. Perform these actions:1) Navigate to Main menu>Options>Users>Change PIN, press [ENT];Users:◄Change PIN►2) Enter now valid Service pin and press [ENT];5

Change PIN:PIN:****3) Enter new PIN and repeat it, press [ENT].New PIN:****Repeat:****4) Service PIN has been changed. From now use new Service PIN.In case of forgetting service PIN, it can be restored using restore PIN. Restore PIN can begenerated using control panel’s and keypad serial numbers and be valid only for exact controlpanel and keypad. Only manufacturer or authorized personnel can generate the restore PIN.Restore PIN is entered as usual Service PIN.1.2.4 Entering Service ModeService mode must be enabled to enter it. To enter service mode perform these actions:1) Navigate to Main menu>Service Mode and press [ENT];Main Menu:◄Service Mode ►2) Enter Service PIN and press [ENT];Service Mode:PIN:****3) You are in Service mode now.Service Mode:◄System Setup ►6

1.2.5 Service mode menuSystem <strong>programming</strong> can be performed from Service mode menu. There are 4 main groupsof Service mode menu: System Setup (setup for Modules, Partitions, Zones, PGM outputs, system times), Report Settings (setup reporting settings), Project Loading, Set language (3 optional languages available).Below is shown full Service Mode menu tree.ServiceModeSystem SetupModulesSettingsNameTType –Serial No. –PartitionNUse Tamper Y/NSet AddressesSN:AddressNNPartitionsZonesPGMRegistrationNameTIn UseY/NTimers -/+NameTAddressNSensorTypeLPartitionNFunctionLSensitivityNAttributes -/+Pre-AlarmY/NNameTAddressNFunctionLAttributes -/+PulseLengthNSources1 -/+Sources2 -/+Sources3 -/+–7

ReportSettingTime SettingsRep. Channel 1Exit DelayEntry DelayKM20 AlarmTimeAutoArm DelayPre-alarm TimeACLossRepDelaySensSettleTimeFZoneVerifTimeReportingTel. Number 1Tel. Number 1Client NumberRepetitionsLineMonitoringDialTone TestMethodLineLossDelaySuspensionTimeNNNNNNNNY/NNNNNY/NY/NLNNRep. Channel 2ReportingClient NumberY/NNProjectLoadingTime SettingsPer.ReportTimePause in DaysOpen USB Port –From ContrPane –From Keypad –NNSet Language3 optionallanguagesFigure 3.LService Mode menu treeUsed abbreviations:T (Editable Text),N (Editable Number),Y/N (Yes/No),– (Not Editable item),-/+ (Check/uncheck item from list using [#] key),L (selectable value from the list, use [◄] or [►] keys to select desired value).8

Note: If you have entered invalid (not existing) serial number, the error message not appears, but nomodule is assigned to that logical address. Therefore, be sure to check module addresses after youcompleted the registration of the modules.2.1.5 Checking modules addressesModules serial number and addresses can be checked by selecting menu item MainMenu>Service Mode>System Setup>Modules>Settings>Serial No.M00◄ Serial No. ►536870965Module’s 00 serial No. Module’s 01 serial No. Module address 03 is free,module is not assigned.Press keypad button [ * ] repeatedly to review all registered modules.2.1.6 Module parametersNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Modules>Settings.Table 2. Module parametersNo. Parameter Description Possible values1. NameModule name helps to identify module, analyze Text up to 16 symbols -troubles and log events.“Entry Keypad”Not editable.2.Type Module type. Active keypad is marked as “This PAS808, KM20,keypad”KM20T, EXM800,RCM800, No Module.3. Serial No.4. Partition Belongs to partition.M01◄ Serial No. ►3523215361Module serial number is used for moduleregistration. Serial number can be found on thelabel of the module.M03◄ Serial No. ►No ModuleNot editable.3506438203 (forKM20)Should be enteredpartition number. [1]5. Use TamperIf tamper is used, appropriate module zone willbe assigned to 24h tamper function and detectortype to NC.Note: Factory preset values are presented in the brackets in bold.Yes/[No]Below are some screen examples for setting module parameters:M00◄NameControl panel►M00◄TypePAS-816M01◄Serial No. ►536870965Seeing module’s type Seeing module’s type Seeing module’s serial No.►M01◄Partition ►1Module’s partitionM01◄Use Tamper ►YesSetting to use module’s tamperTamper feature is used to indicate not approved access to system elements (openinghousing or modules cases). See Table 3 for various modules tampers.10

Control panelEXM800KM20, KM20TRCM800ModuleTable 3. Modules tampersTamperZone marked as Z6Zone marked as Z1Tamper on the rear sideTMP terminal on the board2.2 PartitionsThe system allows dividing the protected object into independent partitions. This featureprovides more flexibility to the user and ensures a higher level of security. The maximumnumber of partitions depends on the Control panel version (see Wiring <strong>manual</strong> Table 1). Eachpartition has its own parameters.Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Partitions to change theparameters.Table 4. Partition parametersNo. Parameter Description Possible valuesText up to 16 symbols -1. Name Partition name.“Main Hall”2.3.In UseTimersDetermines partition is used or not. Firstpartition is always used, cannot be disabled.Partition is controlled by timers. Partitionscan be armed (“Home” mode)automatically by timers at the selected timeand weekday. See Timers for more detailsBelow are some screen examples for setting partition’s parameters:11Yes/NoTimer 01 – Timer 32. One ormore Timers can be selected.Setting Partition’s name Enabling/disabling partition Setting controlling timers2.3 ZonesThe sensors connected to the system normally determine the system zones. Themaximum number of zones for each system is shown in the wiring <strong>manual</strong> Table 1.Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Zones to change theparameters.Table 5. Parameters of the zonesNo. Parameter Description Possible values1. Name Zone name helps to identify the alarm source.2.3.4.P01◄NameMain hallAddressSensorTypePartition5. Function►P02◄In UseYesZone address is a 3-digit number MMZ (“002”),where MM determines module’s address and Zdetermines terminal number on the module wherezone is wired.Sensor type of zone detector. See Wiring <strong>manual</strong>for more detailsZone must be assigned to partition. 1 – 8, [1]►Zone function describes purpose of the zone.Depending on the function, the system reactsdifferently to a zone violation. See Table 6for full functions list and description.P02◄Timers ►+Timer 01Text up to 16 symbols- “Entry Door”001-008, 011-012 andso on.[Not Used], NC, NO,NC/EOL, NO/EOL,NC/DEOL, NO/DEOL[Entry/Exit], Perimeter,Interior, 24h fire, 24hburglary, Instant andothers.

6. Sensitivity7.Attributes:-Fire Verific-In Exit Rout-In Entry Rou-Closing Arms-Without Alar-Bypass Enabl8. Pre-alarmZone sensitivity time indicates how long asensor must be violated before raising alarm.Zone attributes determine how zone will react inappropriate situations. For more details see Table7 and Table 8.Indicates if a violation of a zone activates thepre-alarm function.0,1 – 2,5 sec.[0,4 sec.][-]/+Yes, [No]Below are some keypad screen examples for setting zone’s parameters:Z03◄NameEntry DoorSetting zone name Setting zone address Setting Sensor typeZ03◄Partition1►►Z03◄Address003Z03 Function◄24 h FireSetting Zone’s partition Setting function Setting sensitivity►►Z03◄SensorType►NC/EOLZ03◄Sensitivity►0,4 secondsZ03 Attributes◄+Fire Verific►Setting Fire verificationattributeZ03 Attributes◄+Bypass Enabl ►Setting Bypass enablingattributeZ03 Pre-Alarm◄Yes►Setting Pre-alarm2.3.1 Zone functionsThere are 20 different zone functions. Depending on the function, the system reacts differently toa zone violation.Table 6. Zone functionsNo Function Description Examples00 Entry/exitEntry / exit time delay is valid for this typeof zonesEntry door01Interior The zone is not activated when armed in the Internal motion02 Perimeter03 Instant04 24h Burglary05 Panic SilentHome and Night arming modes.The zone is activated when armed in anyarming mode.Violation of the zone instantly activates theburglary alarm when armed.Permanently active zone. Violation of thezone instantly activates the burglary alarm,independent of the system state (armed,disarmed).Permanently active zone intended to call asecurity service without a local audiblealarm.detectors, internal doorOutdoor detectors forinternal yard.Windows, externaldoors not assigned toentry/exit, etc.Safes, warehousesPanic button12

3456In Entry Rou[In Entry Route]Closing ArmsWithout alar[Without alarm]Bypass enabl[Bypass Enabled]Zones will note activate alarmwhile entry delay is running.System will be armed after closingEntry/exit zone.Activated zone will not raisealarmZones can be bypassed.Passage way zonesEntry/exit doorTemperature zonesNot all attributes can be set for appropriate zone function.Table 8. Zone attributes available for functionsNr. Zone functionFire In Exit In Entry Closing Without BypassVerific Rout Rou Arms alar enabl00 Entry/exit01 Interior02 Perimeter03 Instant04 24h Burglary05 Panic Silent06 Panic Audible07 24h Tamper08 24h Fire09 24h Smoke10 Fire Button11 Medic Button12 24hFireSupervi13 Low WaterLevel14 24h Prot. Loop15 Gas Detected16 Water leakage17 High Temperatu18 Low Temperatur19 PGM Control- Attribute can be set for the function.- Attribute can not be set for the function.2.4 PGM OutputsProgrammable outputs (PGM) allow the system to control various external devices:sirens, door latches, gates, lights, fire fighting equipment, etc. The maximum number of PGMsfor different version is shown in the wiring <strong>manual</strong> Table 1.Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>PGM Outputs to change theparameters.Table 9. Parameters of PGM outputsNo. Parameter Description Possible valuesText up to 161 Name Output name.symbols - “Yardlights”2 AddressOutput address is a 3 digit number MMP (“021”),where MM is module’s address and P is terminalnumber on the module board.14001-003, 021-027 andothers

3 Function4Attributes:-FailToArmAcc-Pre-alarm-Latch-Pulse-InverseOutput function describes conditions, when thePGM is activated. For full function list anddetailed description see Table 11.Various attributes describe the specificfeatures of the PGM. See Table 12 for fulldetails.5 Pulse lengthIndicates how long the PGM will be switchedon.6 Sources 1 First source triggering the PGM -/+7 Sources 2 Second source triggering the PGM -/+8 Sources 3 Third source triggering the PGM -/+Below are some keypad screen examples for setting PGM’s parameters:O01◄Name+BELL►Fire/BurglaryAlarm,Tamper Alarm,TechnicalAlarm,Selected Alarms,Chime, Zone violation,Timer, Mono/Bi Switchand others[-]/+1 – 255(in minutes or seconds)Setting output name Setting address Setting FunctionO01 ◄Attributes ►+LatchO01◄Address001Setting latch attribute Setting pulse length Setting triggering sources1PGMs addresses on control panel can be only assigned as it is shown in the table below.Table 10. Address assign to Control panel’s PGMsPGM LabelAddress+BELL 001PGM1 002+PGM2 003►O01◄PulseLength►15 secondsO01 Function◄ Fire Alarm►O01 Sources1◄ +Zones 01►2.4.1 PGM output functionsOutput function describes conditions, when the PGM is activated.Table 11. PGM output functionsNo Function Description00 Not Used PGM output is not used01Fire AlarmSignals the fire alarm02Fire/BurgAlarmSignals all burglary, fire and panic alarms.03 Burglary Alarm Signals all burglary, panic and tamper alarms.04 Tamper Alarm Signals the tamper alarms.05 TechnicalAlarm Signals violation of the 24 h technical zones.15

06Selected Alarm 1The output activates from one of the selected alarms.07 Chime Signals violation of the selected zones (when they are disarmed).08 Zone ViolationSignals violation of the selected zones (independent of zonestatus). If pulse length > 0 then PGM will be triggered from anyof selected zones, if pulse length is 0 then PGM will be activewhile any of selected zones are violated.09Bypass Status The output is activated if at least one of selected zones isbypassed.10System Trouble 2 Signals detection of a trouble condition for the selected type oftroubles.11EntrExitWarnin[Entr/Exit warning]Signals if entry/exit delay is running for the selected partitions.12ExitArmStatus Signals when exit delay is running or that the selected partitionsare armed.13FullArm StatusSignals if all selected partitions are armed.14ArmDisarmAcknow[Arm/DisarmAcknowledge]Signals the arming/disarming state of the selected partitions (1signal (0.5 sec.) on arming, 2 signals on disarming, and 3 signalson an unsuccessful arming).15 Power Supply PGM output is used as power supply to feed external devices.16ResettablePowS[Resettable PowerSupply]PGM output is used as power supply to feed external devices, itcan be switched off for appropriate time period from the keypad.PGM output is used as power supply to feed fire or smoke17detectors, it can be switched of for appropriate time for detectorsFirePowerSupplfire verification procedure. Also it can be switched off from the[Fire Power Supply]keypad. Only one “Fire Power Supply” output can be used inthe PAS808 and PAS816 systems.18 Timer Signals when at least one of the selected timers is activated.19 Mono/Bi SwitchOutput activates for preset time duration from a zone violationor from the keypad. If the time is preset to 0, the output is activeuntil the next signal from the zone or from the keypad.2.4.2 PGM output attributesVarious attributes describe the specific features of the PGM Output.Table 12. PGM Output attributesNr. Parametras Aprašymas1. Arm Acknowledge. 3 Signals system armed state – 1 signal.2. Disarm Acknowledge. 4 Signals system disarmed state – 2 signals.3.FailToArmAcc[failed to arm Signals failure to arm system – 5 signals.acknowledge]4. Pre-alarmSignals if Pre-alarm zones are violated and system is armed inPre-alarm mode.5. LatchIf selected, the PGM signal is not switched off until the OFFcommand is received.1 Alarms can be selected only from MASCAD software.2 Troubles can be selected only from MASCAD software.3 Can be set only from MASCAD software.4 Can be set only from MASCAD software.16

6. Pulse7. InversePGM output generates 1Hz pulses. It is used with fire alarmfunctions.If selected, PGM state is inverted when PGM is activated (fromON turns to OFF and from OFF turns to ON).Not all attributes can be set for PGM Output with appropriate function.NoPGM Function00 Not Used01 Fire Alarm02 Fire/BurgAlarm03 Burglary Alarm04 Tamper Alarm05 TechnicalAlarm06 Selected Alarm07 Chime08 Zone Violation09 Bypass Status10 System Trouble11 EntrExitWarnin12 ExitArmStatus13 FullArm Status14 ArmDisarmAcknow15 Power Supply16 ResettablePowS17 FirePowerSuppl18 Timer19 Mono/Bi Switch- Can be set for the function.FailToArmAcc- Can not be set for the function.Table 13. Available attributes for PGM FunctionsPrealarmLatch Pulse Inverse2.4.3 PGM Output sourcesPGM sources depend on the PGM Function.Table 14. PGM Output sourcesNo PGM Function Source 1 Source 2 Source 300 Not Used01 Fire Alarm Triggering from ZonesTriggering from Clearing inModulespartitions02 Fire/BurgAlarm Triggering from ZonesTriggering from Clearing inModulespartitions03 Burglary Alarm Triggering from ZonesTriggering from Clearing inModulespartitions04 Tamper Alarm Triggering from ZonesTriggering from Clearing inModulespartitions05 TechnicalAlarm Triggering from ZonesClearing inpartitions06 Selected Alarm Alarms 5 Triggering from Clearing inPartitionspartitions5 Alarms can be selected only from MASCAD software.17

07 Chime Triggering from Zones08 Zone Violation Triggering from Zones09 Bypass Status Triggering from Zones10 System Trouble Troubles List 1 6 Troubles List 211 EntrExitWarnin Exit Delay in PartitionsEntry Delay inPartitions12 ExitArmStatus Exit Delay in Partitions Armed partitions13 FullArm Status Armed partitions14 ArmDisarmAcknowArm/Disarm/Failed toarmArmed partitions15 Power Supply16 ResettablePowS17 FirePowerSuppl Triggering from Zones18 Timer Timers19 Mono/Bi Switch Triggering from Zones2.5 Times settingsNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>System Setup>Time settings to change thetimes settings.Table 15. System time settingsNo. Parameter Description Possible valuesIt is delay in which system arms after arming actionExit Delay1 – 255 s1.has been performed. In this period of time user must[45 s]leave the area.2. Entry delay3. Km20 AlarmTime4. AutoArm Delay5.6.Pre-alarm TimeACLossRepDelay7. SensSettleTime8. FZoneVerifTimeIt is delay in which user must enter his PIN anddisarm the partition(s) after Enter/Exit zone hasbeen violated.The time Keypad will sound alarm and displayviolated zone.Timer initiates auto arming delay countdown beforesystem will begin Exit delay countdown.It is time PGM outputs with “Pre-alarm” attributeset will be activated, also keypad will sound alarmwhen system is armed in Pre-alarm mode.AC Loss Report Delay. System will cause alarm ifAC power will be lost for longer period of time thanAC Loss Report Delay value.Sensor settle time. This time is used for firedetectorsFire zone verification time. This time is used for firezonesBelow are some keypad screen examples for Time settings:◄Exit Delay45►181 – 255 s[30 s]1 – 255 s[20 s]1 – 255 s[60 s]1 – 255 s[10 s]1 – 30 min.[1 min.]1 – 255 s[15 s]1 – 255 s[30 s]Setting Exit Delay Setting Auto Arm Delay Setting Sensor Settle Time6 Troubles can be selected only from MASCAD software.◄AutoArm Delay►30◄SensSettleTime►5◄ACLossRepDelay► Pre-alarm Time◄Entry Delay ► 21555Setting Entry Delay Setting AC loss report Delay Setting Pre-alarm Time

2.6 Reporting settingsReporting channels and their options can be set to send information to alarm receivingcenter or to user devices.2.6.1 Report channel 1This channel is dedicated to send Contact ID format reports over PSTN line.Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Report setting>Rep. Channel 1 to change theReport channel 1 settings.Table 16. Report channel 1No. Parameter Description Possible values1.ReportingEnabling or disabling this reportEnabled/channel[Disabled]2.Tel. number 1 Primary telephone number to sentreport.Up to 16 digits3.Tel. number 2 Reserve telephone number, it is usedwhen tel. number 1 is not available.Up to 16 digits4.Client Number Client number is provided by securityUp to 4 digits5.Repetitions6. LineMonitoring7. DialTone Test8.Method9. LineLossDelay10. SuspetionTimeagency to identify Client.Identifies how many times thesystem tries to dial both of thetelephone numbers in case ofunsuccessful dialing.If set to Yes, constantly checks thepresence of the telephone linevoltage. If the line voltage is absentfor longer than the time perioddefined in the LineLossDelayparameter, the system indicatestelephone line tampering.If set to Yes, the system waits forthe telephone line tone beforedialing. If there is no Dial tonetrouble will occur and reporting willbe canceled.Indicates telephone dial mode asTone or Pulse.If the telephone line voltage isabsent for longer than the timeperiod defined in theLineLossDelay parameter (inminutes), the system indicatestelephone line tampering.In cases of unsuccessful dialing andRepetitions, the system waits for aspecified Suspension Time and thenstarts the dialing and repetitionprocedure again.1 – 15,[1]Yes/[No]Yes/[No][Tone]/Pulse1 – 31 min.[1 min.]1 – 31 min.[1 min.]19

Below are some keypad screen examples for Report channel 1 settings:Enabling reporting channel Setting telephone number 1 Setting client numberSetting Line monitoring Setting Dial tone test Setting dial method2.6.2 Report channel 2This channel is dedicated to send Contact ID format reports using RF transmitter or othercommunicator device (GSM transmitter).Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Report setting>Rep. Channel 2 to change theReport channel 2 settings.Table 17. Report channel 2No. Parameter Description Possible valuesReporting Enabling or disabling this report channel Enabled/1.2.◄ReportingEnabledClient NumberClient number is provided by security agency toidentify Client.Below are some keypad screen examples for Report channel 2 settings:◄ReportingEnabled►LineMonitoring◄ Yes►►Enabling report channel2.6.3 Report time settingsSetting client number[Disabled]Up to 4 digitsNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Report setting>Time settings to change theReporting time settings.Table 18. Report time settingsNo. Parameter Description Possible values1.Per.ReportTime Indicates the time when the periodical reportis sent.[00:00]2.Pause in Days Indicates the intervals (in days) of when theperiodical report is to be sent.[1]-31Below are some keypad screen examples for Reporting time settings:◄Per.ReprtTime ►16:55Setting period report time◄Tel. Number 1 ►252328661◄DialToneTest ►Yes◄Client Number ►0458◄Pause in Days ►1Setting reporting interval indays◄Client Number ►0458◄MethodTone►20

2.7 Project loadingThere are 3 ways to load data to the system. Be careful selecting right action.2.7.1 From PCNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Project Loadin>From PC. Entering this menulevel will allow to establish connection between the keypad and the personal computer withMASCAD software. The project’s data from the PC can be sent to the keypad, also data from thekeypad can be downloaded to MASCAD in order to analyze all system settings.Project Loading:◄From PC ►Selecting [From PC]2.7.2 From Control PanelConnection establishedNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Project Loadin>From ContrPane. Enteringthis menu level will resend all data from the control panel to all system modules.Remark. Control panel PAS-808 does not send names of Partitions, Zones, PGMOutputs, Users and Timers.Project Loading:◄From Contrpane►Selecting the action Action in progress Action performed2.7.3 From KeypadNavigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Project Loadin>From Keypad. Entering thismenu level will send data from the keypad to all system modules. Perform this action if newmodules have been connected or new project has been uploaded to the keypad from MASCADsoftware.Project Loading:◄From KeypadFrom PCReady…Selecting the action Action in progress Action performed2.8 Setting different languageThere are 3 optional languages installed on the keypad depending on the sale region.Navigate to Main Menu>Service Mode>Set Language, select desired language and press[ENT] to activate the language. Each keypad’s language in the system must be set separately.Set language:◄English►►From ContrpanelProcessing …From KeypadProcessing …Set language:◄RussianDoneDoneSelecting English Selecting Russian Selecting Polish►Set language:◄Polish►21

3 Testing3.1 Burglary zone testBurglary zones test allows testing burglary zones.1) Navigate to Main Menu>Test>Burg. Zone Tes , press [ENT] to enter zone test screen.Test:◄ Burg. Zone tes►Selecting Burglary zones testTest screen2) Only burglary zones numbers will be shown on the test screen. Selected zone name isshown on the second LCD line, use [◄] and [►] to select other zones.3) Violate burglary zones to test them, violated zones will be marked as # on screen insteadof zone’s number, also # identifies tested zone.Test ##34#67YardZones 1, 2 and 5 were violated and tested4) Press [CLR] to end the test.All 7 burglary zones were tested3.2 Fire zones testFire zones test allows testing fire zones.1) Navigate to Main Menu>Test>Fire Zone Test, press [ENT] to enter zone test screen.Test:◄Fire Zone test►Selecting Burglary zones testTest screen2) Only Fire zones numbers will be shown on the test screen. Selected zone name is shownon the second LCD line, use [◄] and [►] to select other zones.3) Violate fire zones to test them, violated zones will be marked as # on screen instead ofzone’s number, also # identifies tested zone.Test #9Fire kitchenZones 8 was violated and tested4) press[CLR] to end the test.Both fire zones were tested3.3 Reporting testReporting test will send the test message using enabled report channels (RC1-RC4)Navigate to Main Menu>Test>Reporting test and press [ENT] to activate it.Test:◄Reporting test ►Selecting Reporting testTest 1234567Entry doorTest #######Entry doorTest 89Fire kitchenTest ##Fire kitchenProcessing …Testing in progressContact alarm receiving center personnel to find out the test message(s) was received.22

3.4 Voltage testThere is possibility to check modules voltage.Navigate to Main Menu>Test>Voltage Test, press [ENT] to activate test. Use [◄] and[►] keys to see voltage for other connected modules.Test:◄Voltage Test ►◄ 13,2VKM20M01 ►◄ 12,7VEXM800M02 ►Selecting voltage test Testing voltage for module 01 Testing voltage for module 02Press [CLR] to end the test.Modules voltage should not be lower than 9 V and for RCM800 module should not lowerthan 10.5 V.23

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