NEWS - Texas Southern University

NEWS - Texas Southern University

NEWS - Texas Southern University


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Home Again: Alumni at TSUName: Ladonia Randle, professor of communicationsAge: 31Year Graduated: 1999Major: JournalismHometown: Prairie View, <strong>Texas</strong>Why did you choose TSU? I wanted to continue my graduate studies atan HBCU.What are your most memorable moments at TSU? Working with thestudents – it picks up my day. It makes me feel good.What made you return to work at TSU? First of all, I was given an opportunity to show I wascapable of doing certain things. Plus, I wanted students to see that not all professors are old andstuffy. Sometimes younger professors are better able to communicate with students. I can be aninstructor in academics and in life.Name: Holly A. Hogrobrooks, professor of communicationsAge: 63Year Graduated: 1963Major: JournalismHometown: HoustonWhy did you choose TSU? My mother made that announcement and Iwasn’t opposed to it. I had been away for 4 years at boarding school andshe said that I could go to school at home.What are your memorable moments at TSU? The sit-ins. March 3, 1960– when we started a movement that ended up desegregating the city of Houston.What made you return to work at TSU? I got a call from a friend that said that Dr. Sawyer waslooking for someone to work in the News and Information Office to develop an alumni publication.Name: Goldy Jackson, Office of RecruitmentAge: 25Year Graduated: 2000Major: Marketing and ManagementHometown: HoustonWhy did you choose TSU? I always wanted to go to a HBCU, and mygrandmother, father and mother went to TSU.What are your most memorable moments at TSU? Graduation; it wasa great 4 years and graduating is the main goal. It’s something that no onecan take away from you.What made you return to work at TSU? I actually love my university…. I saw that there was ajob opening where I could be in recruitment and by being young, I felt that I could still connectwith the students. I can now see my work first hand.GENERATIONS OF PRIDE • Summer 2004 9

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