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PDF version - TAMK opinto-opas - Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu


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DEAR NEW STUDENTOF <strong>TAMK</strong> UNIVERSITYOF APPLIED SCIENCES!Welcome to study! <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences is one of the most popular Finnishuniversities of applied sciences. The number of applicants for most of the degreeprogrammes is the largest in the whole country. Congratulations on your study place!This study guide contains important information about the studies in your own degreeprogramme, other studies offered by <strong>TAMK</strong>, the schedules of the academic year as well asthe practices and support services of <strong>TAMK</strong>. The introduction also contains a link to ourdegree regulations, which define the procedures that we all at <strong>TAMK</strong> have committedourselves to follow.<strong>TAMK</strong> curriculums are based on the needs and aims discovered together with the workinglife and business life. The skills developed in the degree programmes are described in thecompetence matrixes attached to the curriculums. These competence definitions alsocontain nationally agreed general working life competences, such as self development,ethical skills, communications and interaction skills, development skills, organisational andsocial skills as well as international skills.The curriculum describes the learning process. Once you have completed it successfully, youhave the competences described in the degree programme and the general competencesneeded for entering the working life. The introduction to the degree programme contains adescription of the working environment and the values of the degree programme. Thesyllabus describes how the different courses of the degree programme are meant to becompleted during different years of study.Your teachers give you a detailed course implementation plan for each course. The plancontains the learning goals, schedules, grounds for evaluation and requisites for passing thecourse. You can also see the implementation plans in the curriculum for the courses whichhave implementations during this academic year. In the beginning of the course, theteacher goes over the implementation plan and tells how the course has been changed fromthe previous years, based on the feedback received.During the past few years, we have focused on the development of quality at <strong>TAMK</strong>. Wehave designed a management system, standardised our operations and developed ourfeedback systems so that the further development is even more planned and is even morebased on the feedback received. We hope that you also commit yourself to develop ouractivities by actively giving constructive feedback!

Since learning is our priority at <strong>TAMK</strong>, we have also developed course feedback. This coursefeedback requires you to evaluate your own investment in studies and your learning – howwell do you feel you have met the learning goals the teacher set for the course. This givesus, the staff, feedback on achieving our number one priority, learning, and enables us tofurther develop our work.I wish you rewarding studies at <strong>TAMK</strong>!Aura LoikkanenDeputy Director of Degree Programmestel. (03) 565 47223email: firstname.lastname@tamk.fi

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CONTENTS1. <strong>TAMK</strong> SCHEDULE 2008 - 2009...........................................................................................................................22. <strong>TAMK</strong>, AN INTERNATIONAL WORKING LIFE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES...................................53. <strong>TAMK</strong> – A PLACE FOR LEARNING AND GROWTH ....................................................................................... 104. STUDYING AT <strong>TAMK</strong>...................................................................................................................................... 1335. PLANNING AN INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................... 1886. STUDENT SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................... 257. <strong>TAMK</strong>O – STUDENT UNION OF <strong>TAMK</strong> ........................................................................................................... 338. SOCIAL CONDITIONS...................................................................................................................................... 359. STUDENT HEALTH CARE ............................................................................................................................... 3910. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................................... 4111. DEVELOPMENT OF QUALITY AND EVALUATION AT <strong>TAMK</strong>...................................................................... 45Degree ProgrammesBachelor’s Degree Programmes:Degree Programme in Automobile and Transport EngineeringDegree Programme in Environmental EngineeringDegree Programme in International BusinessDegree Programme in Mechanical and Production EngineeringDegree Programme in Fine ArtDegree Programme in Business AdministrationDegree Programme in ForestryDegree Programme in Paper, Textile and Chemical EngineeringDegree Programme in Construction Site ManagementDegree Programme in Construction EngineeringDegree Programme in Electrical EngineeringDegree Programme in Business Information SystemsDegree Programme in Computer Systems EngineeringDegree Programme in MediaMaster’s Degree Programmes:Degree Programme in Information TechnologyDegree Programme in Media ProductionDegree Programme in Construction EngineeringDegree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Business Competence

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________21. <strong>TAMK</strong> SCHEDULE 2008 - 2009ENROLMENT2nd – 4th year students must enrol by the end of May 2008 for studies beginning in the autumn of 2008. First year students enrol according to theschedule of the joint application system.Periods 4.8. – 10.10.200813.10. – 19.12.20087.1. – 13.3.200916.3. – 29.5.2009EXCEPTIONS TO THE PERIODS, REGULAR CLASSROOM EDUCATION BEGINS AND ENDS:oDegree Programmes in Forestryo 1. year students 20.8.2008 - 20.5.2009o 2. year students 13.8.2008 - 20.5.2009o 3. year students 25.8.2008 - 30.4.2009o 4. year students 1.10.2008 - 30.4.2009o Degree Programmes in Technology, 1st periodo new youth education students 27.8.2008o continuing students 1.9.2008o 2. period classroom education begins 20.10.2008o classroom education ends 8.5.2009oooooDegree Programme in Information Technology, regular classroom education beginso new youth education students 20.8.2008o new adult education students 13.8.2008o continuing students (youth and adult) 25.8.2008o spring semester ends on the week 20/2009Degree Programme of Business Administration, regular classroom education beginso new youth education students 20.8.2008o new adult education students 14.8.2008o continuing students (youth and adult) 25.8.2008o spring semester ends on the week 20/2009Degree Programme in International Business, regular classroom education beginso new youth education students 27.8.2008o continuing students 1.9.2008o spring semester begins 12.1.2009 and ends 29.5.2009Degree Programmes in Media and Art, regular classroom education beginso new youth education students 12.8.2008o continuing students 18.8.2008o spring semester ends the latest on 29.5.2009.Master’s Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Business Competenceo Education begins 29.8.2008Other Master’s Degree Programmes and specialisation studies begin according a specific group schedule.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3DEADLINES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2008 – 2009The students must enrol to the courses (periods 1-4) by the following dead-lines1. / 2.enrolment (supplementary)1. period 50 days4.8. - 10.10.2. period 49 days13.10.–19.12.3. period 50 days7.1.–13.3.4. period 51 days16.3.–29.5.Schedules for day and evening classes arepublished in the intranet (intra.tamk.fi) afterwhich the classrooms are booked in the resourcecalendar and the period locking isremoved.19.6. 8.9. 24.11. 9.2.Enrolment for courses begins in Winha. 3.8. 12.9. 28.11. 13.2.1. acceptance of the enrolments and closingthe full implementations13. - 15.8. 17. - 19.9. 3. - 5.12. 18. - 20.2.2. acceptance of the enrolments and closingthe full implementations21. - 22.8. 25. - 26.9. 11. - 12.12. 2. - 3.3.If there is still room in the implementation, it isclosed for enrolments when the course begins.Final enrolments for the course by7.9.19.10. 12.1.*) English12.1.15.3.OPENING AND GRADUATION CEREMONIESOpening Tue 2.9.2008§ time 13.00 – 14.30Graduation ceremony Fri 23.1.2009 time 14.00 – 16.00Graduation ceremony Sat 6.6.2009 time 11.00 – 12.30NO TEACHING”Autumn vacation” week 42 13. - 17.10.2008<strong>TAMK</strong> staff day19.11.2008, no day or evening classes<strong>TAMK</strong> staff day6.2.2009 (does not apply to adult education)”Winter vacation” week 9 23. - 27.2.2009<strong>TAMK</strong> staff day16.3.2009 (does not apply to adult education)RESIT DATESThe exam dates below are for resits and grade improvements. The teachers will announce the resit dates at the beginning of each course. The enrolmentfor resits is done through the exam enrolment system the earliest 3 weeks before the exam date and the latest 10 days before the exam date.The general resit dates for all <strong>TAMK</strong> students 2008 - 2000Mon 9.6.2008 Mon 18.8.2008Mon 8.6.2009 Mon 24.8.2009

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4Resit dates for the degree programmes 2008 – 2009Business Administration and BBA Fri 19.9/24.10./14.11./12.12./30.1./20.2./27.3./24.4.Engineering students Mon 3.11./1.12./2.3./30.3./20.4./11.5.(20.4. reserved primarily for maturity tests)Art and media Autumn semester 2008: Mon 18.8/29.9./27.10./24.11.Spring semester 2009: Mon 2.2. /2.3. / 6.4./4.5./8.6.Time 16.30 - 19.30, except 8.6.2009 at 9.00 – 12.00PlaceTarkovskiExtra resit dates for engineering students (normal teaching on the resit dates)28.1.2009, 5.2.2009 and 10.2.200918.5.2009, 20.5.2009, 22.5.2009GRADUATION DATES29.8.2008, 31.10.2008, 28.11.2008, 31.12.2008*, 23.01.2009, 27.02.2009, 31.03.2009, 30.04.2009, 29.05.2009** and 30.06.2009.* Certificates will be given from the student office after the 13th of January 2009 or they can be collected at the graduation ceremony on the21st of January 2009.** Certificates will be given at the earliest in the graduation ceremony on the 6th of June 2009.You must apply for the degree certificate at least three (3) weeks before your intended graduation date.Before you can apply for the degree certificate you must have all courses required by the degree programme (including the maturity test) completed,evaluated and registered.The certificate is not given to the student until they have submitted their final thesis to the library and the study secretaries to be archived (degree regulations,chapter 5, 40§)

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________52. <strong>TAMK</strong>, AN INTERNATIONAL WORKINGLIFE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCESThe task of <strong>TAMK</strong> is to offer academic education based on the demands of the working life and its development, to provide teaching from theresearch and artistic starting points to educate students into professional expert tasks. <strong>TAMK</strong> also carries out applied research and development whichserves the teaching, the working life and the area development while taking into account the structure of economic life of the region. <strong>TAMK</strong> also offersand develops adult education in order to maintain and strengthen working life skills. <strong>TAMK</strong> is a nationally esteemed, internationally functioning and successfulhigher education institution. The strengths of <strong>TAMK</strong> are its knowledge of technology, business, art, communication, forestry and the vocationalteacher training. <strong>TAMK</strong> has served as a permanent university of applied sciences since 1.8.1996.According to its educational task, <strong>TAMK</strong> offers teaching which leads to a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, advanced professional specialisationstudies, vocational teacher training, open UAS studies and other forms adult education. During the academic year 2008-2009 there are 20 differentdegree programmes available at <strong>TAMK</strong> of which the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in Environmental Engineering and International Business as wellas the Master’s Degree Programme in Information Technology are taught in English. It is possible to study for the Master’s degree in four degree programmes.Furthermore, <strong>TAMK</strong> offers several programmes in English which last one or two semesters. Yearly <strong>TAMK</strong> offers more than 1000 cr of teachingin foreign languages.There are altogether 5000 students at <strong>TAMK</strong> nearly 800 of which are adult students. The full-time teaching staff includes approximately 250 teachers.Approximately 90 per cent of them have a Master’s degree or higher. The staff of <strong>TAMK</strong> includes approximately 30 Doctors and 40 Licentiates. Thereare also approximately 700 visiting lecturers of different fields of knowledge. During the academic year 2007, 132 foreign exchange students studied at<strong>TAMK</strong>. 164 of <strong>TAMK</strong> students studied abroad at partner schools. <strong>TAMK</strong> had 148 foreign degree programme students.<strong>TAMK</strong> offers several language courses: English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Italian and Japanese.The following are defined as polytechnic studies:1. the professional university studies leading to a Bachelor’s Degree (polytechnic) and a Master’s Degree (polytechnic)2. vocational specialisation studies completed as adult education and other adult education3. vocational teacher educationThe administrator of <strong>TAMK</strong> is the city of Tampere. Further regulations and instructions concerning the activity of the polytechnics are defined in the PolytechnicsAct (351/2003), Decree (352/2003) and the Degree Regulations approved by the board of directors of <strong>TAMK</strong> on the13.5.2006.THE BOARD OF <strong>TAMK</strong> (1.1.2007 – 31.12.2008)Chair personVice chair personpresident Markku Lahtinenvice-president Kaisa LahtinenOther representatives of the boardvice-president Kaisa LahtinenDirector of the Teacher Education Centre Maarit JääskeläinenRepresentatives of economic and working lifeBoard counsellor Reino Kanerva,Supervisor Anne SarjaDistrict director Kari LahtinenDeputy memberDirector of Expertise and Resources Mikko NaukkarinenDirector of Research and Development Perttu HeinoOffice engineer Anne KarinenNurse Petri SiuroDirector Marjatta Teliranta

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6Representatives of full-time teachers:Lecturer Lauri HietalahtiLecturer Ville HaapakangasOther representatives of staffOffice worker Riitta MobergRepresentatives of students:Aku LanttoTero AsikainenSenior lecturer Jouko LähteenmäkiLecturer Harri SaarinenProducer Tarja MäkinenHeli PenttinenPasi Niklas-SalminenBACHELOR’S DEGREEBachelor’s degree is a university degree and it can be completed in 3,5 – 4,5 years. The following are the Bachelor’s degrees offered by <strong>TAMK</strong>:Degree Programme in Natural Sciences - Bachelor of ForestryDegree Programme in Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering / Construction Site ManagerDegree Programme in Business Administration - Bachelor of Business AdministrationDegree Programme in Fine Art/Media - Bachelor of Cultural Studies/MediaMASTER’S DEGREEMaster’s Degree is a university degree which can be completed besides working in 1,5 – 2 years. The Master’s Degrees (polytechnic) at <strong>TAMK</strong> and theirtitles:Master of Business and Administration 90 crDegree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Business CompetenceMaster of Information Systems 90 crDegree Programme in Information Systems ManagementTechnology, Master of Engineering 60 crMedia,, Master of Media 60 opDegree Programme in Construction TechnologyDegree Programme in Information TechnologyDegree Programme in AutomationDegree Programme in MediaDEGREE PROGRAMMESThe studies leading to a degree are organized as degree programmes. In the advanced professional studies of the degree programmes,students can choose their studies and become competent in a task which requires professional skills and their development. The extent of thedegree programmes are 210 or 240 cr. The Ministry of Education accredits the degree programmes’ scope and structure and confirms them yearly.The curricula are confirmed yearly by the board of directors of <strong>TAMK</strong>.DEGREE PROGRAMMES STARTING IN AUTUMN 2008Social sciences, business and administration / Degrees in businessInternational Business 210 cr BBA, Bachelor of Business AdministrationBusiness Administration 210 cr Bachelor of Business AdministrationEntrepreneurship and Business Competence 90cr Master of Business AdministrationNatural Sciences / Degrees in business administrationInformation Systems 210 cr Bachelor of Business AdministrationArt / Degrees in Cultural StudiesArt 240 cr Bachelor of Art (AMK)Media 240 cr Bachelor of Media (AMK)Media Production 90 cr Master of MediaNatural resources and environment / Degrees in Natural Resources

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7Forestry 240 cr Bachelor of Forestry (AMK)Technology and transportation / Degrees in technologyEnvironmental Engineering 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringAutomobile & Transport Engineering 240 crBachelor of EngineeringMechanical & Production Engineering 240 crBachelor of EngineeringPaper, Textile and Chemical Engineering 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringConstruction Technology 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringConstruction Site Management 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringElectrical Engineering 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringComputer Systems Engineering 240 cr Bachelor of EngineeringInformation Technology 60 cr Master of EngineeringConstruction Engineering 60 cr Master of EngineeringAccording to the Polytechnics Act, the studies leading to a degree must be organized so that a student can complete them within the standardtime as defined by their scope. The studies at <strong>TAMK</strong> take 3,5 (210 credit degrees) or 4 years (240 credit degrees). The student must complete the studieswithin a period of time not longer than the standard study time plus one year, unless the Director of the degree programme, for a special reason,exempts the student from this rule. Such special reasons for exemption include, for instance, military service, long-term illness, pregnancy or studiesabroad longer than one semester.The basic measure for studies is a credit (cr). Courses are credited according to the work load. The completion of one year’sstudies consists on the average 1600 hours of student’s work load which equals 60 cr. The studying techniques can be lectures, group works,reading literature, doing assignments, laboratory works, independent project work, team work, doing the final thesis and practical training. The student of<strong>TAMK</strong> can take studies from other polytechnics as well through Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences The above-mentioned principles are alsofollowed in adult education.EDUCATIONAL SERVICES<strong>TAMK</strong> offers the following educational services:- bachelor’s degree-oriented education (youth/adult), 210 – 240 cr- master’s degree studies, 60 – 90 cr- extension studies for adults, aiming for the polytechnic degree, 90 – 120cr- advanced professionals studies, 30 – 60 cr- vocational teacher education, 60 cr- other further education and extension studies: short courses, theme and seminar days, staff training ordered by companies andorganizations, company based development training- Open UAS, www.tamk.fi/avoinamk- Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences, www.amk.fiADULT EDUCATIONAdult education is suited for adults in different life situations. This education is based on the concept of lifetime learning: learning in school, in the workplace and during free-time. The versatile adult education also serves the companies and communities of the area in developing them and improving theircompetitiveness. The purpose of further education and extension studies is to improve the knowledge level of individuals and the staff of the companies.Adult education is based on uncompelled studies. Therefore, a student’s own responsibility is especially emphasized in education. Thedifferent life situations and starting levels will be taken into consideration regarding the arrangements of adult education. Practical studiesand support functions of the learning accelerate and facilitate studying.OPEN UASOpen UAS is open for everyone interested in the higher education studies. The studies have primarily been targeted for people who are not students of<strong>TAMK</strong>. However, <strong>TAMK</strong> students can participate in the teaching if there is a room in the study groups. The studies of Open UAS can be accredited intothe polytechnic degrees. Normally, classes are held in the evenings. There are also wholly virtual studies available.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8APPLYING FOR <strong>TAMK</strong>The application for the degree programme education (in English, youth or adult education) is carried out through the joint application system. By filling inonly one application form, a person can apply for four degree programmes. This application form covers the selection choices of the whole country. Theapplication can be filled in the Internet at www.amkhaku.fi. The application form will be sent to the UAS which the person has chosen as their primarychoice. Most of the degree programmes have entrance exams to which the applicants will be invited by the UAS.Further information and instructions regarding applying for degree programmes of <strong>TAMK</strong>, eligibility and selection, can be found in the application guideof <strong>TAMK</strong> (published yearly) and on the web pages of <strong>TAMK</strong>, www.tamk.fi.STUDENT SELECTIONThe board of Directors of <strong>TAMK</strong> determines the criteria for admission. All applicants will be treated equally according to the standardsset out. The student selection for the degree-oriented studies is organized in the form of a joint application system, using a student selectionregister.The Director of the Degree Programmes decides on the acceptance of each student. The student can accept only one higher education studyplacement each year.COOPERATION NETWORKSStudying in Tampere Region (SITR) is a joint project of the universities and universities of applied sciences of the Tampere region. Its aim is to jointlyincrease the international know-how of the Pirkanmaa region and the interest towards the region. The project partners are the University of Tampere,Tampere University of Technology, <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences and Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences as well as the Ministry of Education,who supplies funding. The aim of the project is the collect into the Internet the courses for the foreign exchange students offered in English by thefour higher education institutions, to develop the courses and to be committed to its continuation and funding. The joint courses expand the course selectionof each higher education institution and improves the exchange students’ possibility to select high-quality and versatile studies from the curricula ofthe universities of the Tampere region.For more information: http://www.uta.fi/sitr<strong>TAMK</strong> also takes part in many other university cooperation networks.TRANSFER TO ECTS(European Credit Transfer System, ECTS)ECTS system is a credit transfer system founded partly for the Socrates programme of the European Union. Starting at the beginning of the academicyear 2007-2008, the Socrates programme was replaced by the Lifelong Learning Programme, LLP, which lasts until the end of the academic year 2012-2013. ECTS system is an essential part of LLP, and it benefits the students by making it easier to compare and accredit studies taken in the home countryand abroad. The documents designed for the ECTS system can be applied to other exchange programmes besides LLP/ErasmusECTS credits are values given on the students’ work load per course. They express the workload of the course compared with the workload of the entireacademic year. One <strong>TAMK</strong> credit corresponds to one ECTS credit (about 25-30 hours of work) and the work load of the whole academic year is 60 credits.If a <strong>TAMK</strong> student has completed studies abroad, the accreditation is done by the Head of the Degree programme if so recommended by the internationalstudent counsellor.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9The evaluation of studies completed abroad can be compared to the <strong>TAMK</strong> evaluation by using the following table:ECTS grade <strong>TAMK</strong> grade Per cent (%) of the students Definitionwho normally receivethe gradeA 5 10 ExcellentB 4 25 Very goodC 3 / S 30 GoodD 2 25 SatisfactoryE 1 10 PoorFX 0 - Fail, requires someadditional workF 0 - Fail, requiresa lot of additional workThe Socrates ECTS coordinator at <strong>TAMK</strong>:Kirsi TolvanenInternational OfficeTeiskontie 33, 33520 Tampere, FinlandTel. +358 3 565 47111, Fax +358 3 565 47238, e-mail: kirsi.tolvanen@tamk.fi

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________103. <strong>TAMK</strong> – A PLACE FOR LEARNING ANDGROWTHSTRATEGIC GOALS<strong>TAMK</strong>’s strategic goals are to be a nationally esteemed and internationally functional and successful university of applied sciences. The main strategicgoals have been defined:• Communality: “Here at <strong>TAMK</strong> we value doing things together hand having people in an enriching interaction with each other. As a community,we want to be seen as a unit in which diversity is strength.”• Learning and renewal: “Here at <strong>TAMK</strong>, we are ready to take on challenges, to learn new and to renew ourselves. We appreciate ideas and innovationsand encourage the use of new, different methods.”• Responsibility: “Here at <strong>TAMK</strong>, we always hold onto what we have agreed. We base our actions on trust and fair partnership, good managementand sustainable development.”• Profitability: “The aim of <strong>TAMK</strong> is to have its students succeed in their studies and in their lives. We feel it is important to take an active part inthe development of the companies and communities of the region. We work humanly and economically.”• Initiative: “The atmosphere at <strong>TAMK</strong> is caring, which encourages innovative thinking and actions. We encourage using initiative and makingdevelopment suggestions.”The cornerstones of <strong>TAMK</strong> have are: learning and teaching, regional development and influence and the working life. All <strong>TAMK</strong> activities emphasiseexpertise, creativity, entrepreneurship, profitability and internationality. <strong>TAMK</strong> has been profiled as a higher education institute of working life competences.The development of curriculums and learning methods takes place in constant collaboration with the working and industrial life of the region.During 2008-2010 <strong>TAMK</strong> especially focuses on reaching the following aims:• <strong>TAMK</strong> is enables learning, develops competences and people• <strong>TAMK</strong> graduates gain employment well• <strong>TAMK</strong> is a regional success factor• <strong>TAMK</strong> teaches internationality together with international partners• <strong>TAMK</strong> is a good working environment for its students and staff• <strong>TAMK</strong> has up-to-date facilities and equipment.STRUCTURE OF STUDIES AT <strong>TAMK</strong>When it comes to studying at a university of applied sciences and measuring the skills learned, the measurement is not based only on the performanceor the remembering of information. It is also about know-how based on information and practical experience. Learning continues and deepens in theworking life and then we can start talking about skills and professional competence. This is the basis of the idea of lifelong learning, which has becomemore and more common also in the vocational education. Individual study plans (HOPS) and versatile ways of working are a part of <strong>TAMK</strong>’s operations.One of the central aims of the curriculum changes carried out at <strong>TAMK</strong> has been to improve the students’ opportunities to direct their studies based ontheir views and skills by taking advantage of <strong>TAMK</strong>’s multi-disciplinary nature. The responsibility of the content of the degree has been transferred to thestudent him or herself also. The goal was to increase the students’ responsibility in finding jobs which correspond to their degrees and in lifelong learning.Each professional study module (with its possible prerequisites) should produce a professional skill needed in the working life.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11In order for the students to utilise the multi-disciplinary nature of <strong>TAMK</strong> when planning their studies, <strong>TAMK</strong> has instructed the structure of the degrees inthe following way: The Bachelor of Business Administration (scope of studies 210 cr) must complete 90 credits of studies from the <strong>TAMK</strong> curriculum ofBusiness Administration, Business Information Systems or International Business. In addition to these studies, the basic and professional studies (150cr) for the Bachelors of Business Administration may contain 60 credits of studies completed somewhere else (another university of applied sciences,exchange programmes or university), as long as they are for the most part business and information system studies.Similarly Bachelors of Engineering, Forestry, Media and Art (scope of the degree 240 cr) must complete 150 credits from the corresponding curriculumof <strong>TAMK</strong>. In addition to the studies defined in the curriculum, a student of technology and transportation or fine arts may include into his or her basic andprofessional studies (180 cr) maximum of 30 credits of studies completed somewhere else (another university of applied sciences, exchange programme,university) as long as they are for the most part from the same field of study.It is recommended that engineering students utilise the elective nature of studies mainly in the professional studies. A student may, for example, studytwo concise specialisation studies of 30 credits instead of one extensive specialisation of 60 credits. However, it must be taken into consideration that if,for example, a student of electricity and construction technology wants the professional qualifications defined in the decree or the construction regulations,he or she must complete the studies defined in the curriculum. If a student completes two sets of specialisation studies, he or she will still graduatefrom one degree programme only. One application may thus only result in one degree.The Head of the Degree Programme decides on the accrediting of studies outside the curriculum as long as the learning goals for the basic and professionalstudies are met and other studies from a unit which provides professional readiness. The students must pre-approve the studies completed inother educational institutions or another degree programme from the Head of the Degree Programme before checking the individual study plan.COMPETENCES DEFINE CORE SKILLS<strong>TAMK</strong> degree programmes have defined the knowledge, skills and attitude gained in the degree programmes as competences. This competence isdegree programme specific or generic competence needed in the working life. Degree programme specific competences form the basis for the developmentof the students’ professional expertise. Generic competences are areas common to all degree programmes, and form the basis for operating in theworking life, collaboration and the development of expertise. A national team has defined the following as the generic competences of the universities ofapplied sciences:• Learning competence• Ethical competence• Communicative and social competence• Development competence

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12• Organisational and societal competence• Internationalisation competenceThe aim of the degree programme specific and generic competences is to help the students to have a concrete vision on what kind of skills are expectedand to analyse and evaluate their own learning and skills. <strong>TAMK</strong> competence matrixes are published in the WWW curriculum.For more information about the competence development see: www.pkamk.fi/ectsVERSATILE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNetwork applications and technology are used in the learning environment of <strong>TAMK</strong>. In studying and learning it is essential that the student has thereadiness for independent acquisition of the information, for critical evaluation and adapting the information. This is supported by changing from justdistributing the information to creating something new. The aim is that the staff and students of <strong>TAMK</strong> also create and produce new information.<strong>TAMK</strong> actively supports the use of diverse learning and educational methods. The aim is to increase the number of online implementations of courses inorder to enable more flexible studying. Internationality is a natural part of the degree programmes of <strong>TAMK</strong>. Teaching is available in English in severaldegree programmes. There are two degree programmes wholly in English as well. The principle in the programmes which especially aim for the internationaltasks is that every student studies one semester abroad, does practical training or implements a project abroad.LEARNING CONCEPT AT <strong>TAMK</strong>Learning is both an individual and a communal building process of knowledge and skills. Learning is based on the previous knowledge andexperiences and it occurs in the interaction between theoretical thinking and functioning. Learning takes place on many different levels andways: in different environments and in different learning styles. Learning continues throughout life. The responsibility for learning belongs to the student.The university of applied sciences education is by nature degree-oriented and institutional and part of the European education system. The education isregulated by objectives, time used for studying as well as the support given for studies. The Degree Certificate will be received after completion of studies.From the student point of view, studying at <strong>TAMK</strong> is target-oriented.The implementation of the pedagogic strategy includes the following at <strong>TAMK</strong>:<strong>TAMK</strong> makes the communal knowledge possible in its teaching.<strong>TAMK</strong> utilizes the student’s earlier knowledge in its teaching system and meets the challenges of lifelong learning.<strong>TAMK</strong> combines practical functions and conceptual thinking in its teaching.<strong>TAMK</strong> secures the access to the different sources of information and creates opportunities for questioning and for building different pointsof view in order to create knowledge.<strong>TAMK</strong> makes it possible and accepts in its education system learning using different learning methods, at different phases of life andsituations in life.<strong>TAMK</strong> trains the student to understand their responsibility and to take responsibility for their learning.<strong>TAMK</strong> arranges pedagogic education for the staff.The degree programmes of <strong>TAMK</strong> have a comprehensive pedagogic strategy.The teaching activities and learning methods of <strong>TAMK</strong> support reaching the objectives set for polytechnics.SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTKnowledge, skills and values go side by side when it comes to sustainable development at <strong>TAMK</strong>. The basis for all action is to take care of the needs oftoday in a way which preserves the prerequisites for development and life for the future generations as well. Each employee and student of <strong>TAMK</strong> isresponsible for the well-being of nature and ecologically sustainable future.The strive for sustainable development is visible in the every-day choices of <strong>TAMK</strong>. The staff and teachers of <strong>TAMK</strong> know the effects of their actions andprofessions regarding the sustainability of the environment and spread this information in their teaching and actions. The students get information whichenables them to understand their dependence on the nature and their responsibility of the environment. They also learn to use their knowledge and skillsalready during their studies and practical training. This enables the <strong>TAMK</strong> graduates to build the world on the basis of sustainable development whenoperating in different professions.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________134. STUDYING AT <strong>TAMK</strong>STUDY RIGHTAll students who have been accepted and who have enrolled as present have the study right.ENROLMENTAll students must enrol either as present or absent at the beginning of each academic year both for the autumn and the spring semester. Exceptions tothis rule are the adult students who can only enrol as present. The enrolment cannot be changed during the semester. Sending a written notification tothe student office by November 31st can change the enrolment concerning the spring semester.Applicants who have been accepted and who have informed the educational institution about accepting the student place offered must enrol as presentor absent in the university of applied sciences according to the instructions given by the educational institution. After that they will be registered as regularstudents. The students continuing their studies enrol as present or absent through WinhaWille between 15.4. - 31.5. Students have to check andcorrect, if needed, their contact information. They must immediately inform the student office of changes in their personal information. Adult studentstaking studies leading to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, must enrol as present during the period 15.4. - 31.5. Specialisation programme students enrolduring their first class of the year.Students have to enrol as present, when they are- taking studies leading to a degree- doing the practical training connected to their studies- studying according to their curriculum for compensating studies at another domestic or foreign institute.A student who has enrolled as absent does not have the right to study during the period of absence. A student is allowed to enrol as absent for maximumof two academic years. This period is not included in the maximum length of studies. The right to the use of computer networks of <strong>TAMK</strong> is notavailable for an absent student during the period of absence.STUDY RIGHT AND THE LOSS OF ITThe studies must be carried out within the period of the study right. The study right begins as soon as the student has accepted the studyplacement, the university of applied sciences has registered the student as a regular student and the student has for the first time enrolled as present.The student must complete the studies within a period of time not longer than the standard study time plus one year, unless the Director of the DegreeProgrammes for some special reason exempts the student from the rule.The standard time for completing a Bachelor’s degree at a university of applied sciences is 3,5 years for programmes consisting of 210 credits and 4years for programmes consisting of 240 credits. Students should complete their studies not later than within one year after the standard time allotted.The student who has not registered as present or absent by the deadline will lose the study right. Students who wish to commence or continuewith their studies at a later time must re-apply in a written form for this study right, which will be given by the Director of the Degree Programmes. Thestudy right can be re-established only in such cases where it will be possible for the student to complete the degree within the time period left.Students who have not completed their studies within the period of the study right, forfeit their study rights unless the Director of the Degree Programmesmakes an exception for some valid reason to allow extra time to complete the studies.An extension of the study right can only be granted for a few lacking courses, such as for finishing the final thesis or studies. For instance, workingalong with the studies is not an acceptable reason for an extension.The user name and password for network services at <strong>TAMK</strong> will automatically expire after the standard study time.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14PARTICIPATION IN TEACHINGThe forms of study and the participation in classroom teaching are announced in the curriculum and also at the beginning of eachstudy unit in the online study guide or the implementation plan. The teacher will also provide the students with a written plan containing the demands forthe course, the learning objectives and the schedule of the course. The teacher in charge of the course can excuse a student from taking part in classroomeducation on account of the student’s previous studies, or for some other acceptable reason.The students of <strong>TAMK</strong> can also take courses from other Finnish universities of applied sciences via the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciencesand have them accredited as a part of the degree in a way defined by the polytechnic.OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS OF RECORDS AND DEGREE CERTIFICATESDuring studies, the student have right to receive official transcripts of records regarding the courses completed at <strong>TAMK</strong>. The transcripts ofrecords are available in Finnish and English. It is the students' responsibility to annually check that all completed studies are up-to-date inthe WinhaWille student administration system. The students get the study certificate from the study office for the purpose of buying travel tickets,withdrawing a student loan and for authorities.STUDENT’S DISCIPLINARY PROCEDUREStudent who have in any way violated the regulations of <strong>TAMK</strong> (for example, cheating on examinations) can be punished througha disciplinary procedure, depending to the seriousness of the issue. This can mean a warning or even expulsion for a limited period of time,maximum of one year. Before the matter is resolved, the students will be given an opportunity to make an appeal in regard to the alleged violation.The President of <strong>TAMK</strong> decides on giving a warning to the students and the Board of Directors of <strong>TAMK</strong> makes the decision inrespect to any limited expulsion.TRANSFER STUDENTS OR STUDENTS CHANGING THE DEGREE PROGRAMMEThe term transfer student refers to a student with a study right at some other university of applied sciences who wishes to transfer from one university ofapplied sciences to another within the same degree programme. A transfer from one university of applied sciences to another is only possible for studentswho have studied for at least one semester at the starting university of applied sciences. A student changing the degree programme is a <strong>TAMK</strong>student who changes from one degree programme to another within <strong>TAMK</strong>.Changing from one study field to another, or from one degree to another, is only possible through the normal application procedure. A person who hasdiscontinued their studies at the university of applied sciences, must apply to be re-accepted.The student sends an electric transfer application into the applications office. The guidance counsellor of the receiving degree programme prepares andthe Head of the Degree Programme may recommend the application if the degree programme has free study places and if the applicant fulfils the entrancecriteria of the degree programme and has progressed well in his or her studies.The Director of the Degree Programmes makes the final decision to permit the transfer or change in the degree programme. Such a transfer or changeof the degree programme is conditional pending the student’s resignation from the former university of applied sciences or degree programme.Students wishing to change degree programmes send the application to change the degree programmes for the Head of the receiving degree programme.The Head of the degree programme may recommend the application of the student fulfils the entrance criteria of the degree programme andhas progressed well in his or her studies. The final decision of the transfer is done by the Director of the Degree Programmes. After the decision thestudent is transferred into the new degree programme.Students wishing to transfer, or change their degree programme, must prepare a written individual study plan (HOPS) specifying the coursesthat the student wants to take in the degree programme. HOPS must be confirmed within the degree programme.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________15Credits for all former studies will be granted, provided the student changes from one <strong>TAMK</strong> degree programme to another <strong>TAMK</strong> degree programme.Other past studies of transfer students will be recognised through the accreditation system.E-LEARNING STUDIESA student of <strong>TAMK</strong> can study different study units virtually or online. The eLearning environments are also used to support classroomeducation. The classrooms equipped with computers are available from morning to evening, so online studies can be done without owninga computer and Internet connection.eLearning studies may include different instruction and guidance sessions and exams which are not necessarily carried out online. eLearningis classified according to the study methods as follows:1) Structured eLearning studies are based on a communal working method, where the students and the instructor interact togetherwith the help of online tools. Studies may include exercises done individually or as group work using the net and an exam.2) Self -studying occurs independently online and it follows the instructions given. Self- studying does not include instructor’sguidance or necessarily the interaction with neither the instructor nor other students.3) Blended learning requires both being present in classroom education and studying in an online environment. eLearning studiescan consist of self-studying or structured network studying.The eLearning environment is software used through an Internet browser. This system enables handing out course material, interaction, doingexercises and even exams through the net. <strong>TAMK</strong> mostly uses the Moodle eLearning platform. In addition to this, coursematerial is placed in other learning environments such as the Intranet and the Internet. E-books are also utilized in eLearning. Further informationregarding e-books is available in the library.www.tamk.fi/eeduMoodle: http://moodle.tpu.fiEDUCATION TECHNOLOGY CENTREThe task of education technology centre eEDU is to support and develop eLearning opportunities at <strong>TAMK</strong>. During online studies, thestudent’s primary support person is the instructor of the course. However, eEDU offers advice if needed. eEDU informs about issues related to onlinestudying in the Intranet. The eLearning support can be contacted using the e-mail address eedutuki@tamk.fi.FINNISH ONLINE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCESFinnish Online University of Applied Sciences (VirtuaaliAMK) is a joint project between Finnish universities of applied sciences. Its purpose is to improvethe studying opportunities regardless of the place. A degree student of <strong>TAMK</strong> has the right to apply for eLearning courses provided by other Finnishuniversities of applied sciences through the VirtuaaliAMK portal.The first step for virtual studies is to register as a user in the portal. In the portal there is also further information available about the applicationprocedure and other student services. Before applying for VirtuaaliAMK studies, a student has to take care that their individual study plan (HOPS)and transcripts of records are up-to-date. It is recommended to make sure in advance if the study unit is applicable to the degree programme.Registration will be binding after the expiration date of the application. After that a student can follow the progress of their application in theportal. The studies of VirtuaaliAMK are free of charge for the students of the degree programme. Completed virtual study units will be registered intotranscripts of records (HOPS).VirtuaaliAMK-portal: www.amk.fi

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________16PRACTICAL LEARNING FROM THE PROJECTSEssential learning and working methods of <strong>TAMK</strong> are innovative development projects where the needs of working life have been takeninto consideration. Entrepreneurship, creativity and initiative regarding acquisition of information are connected through the projects. The staff and studentsof <strong>TAMK</strong> actively interact with business life, domestic and foreign higher education institutions, research centres and different cultural communities.ENCOURAGING STUDENTS INTO ENTREPRENEURSHIPAccording to its entrepreneurship strategy <strong>TAMK</strong> must support and encourage its students into entrepreneurship within the degree programmes. Thestudents’ entrepreneurship skills are improved through entrepreneur mentor –activities. Ideaverstas, <strong>TAMK</strong> service for its staff and students, helps studentsto get started with entrepreneurship. The students can get free help to develop a business concept or an innovation and to test the idea in practice.PROACADEMYIn the degree programmes of Business Administration and Business Information Systems, proAcademy prepares students for entrepreneurship. Learninghappens by doing practical projects. Students establish a team company through which they offer knowledge and professional skills to companies.Studies consist of projects done for companies, design and implementation of own products, reading professional literature of the field and team meetingswhere new products are innovated, ideas are developed into products, new, more effective methods are considered and problems related to businesslife are solved. www.proakatemia.fiFINAL THESES DONE FOR COMPANIESThe goal of final thesis is to develop and show the students’ readiness to apply their knowledge and skills related to their professional studies in practicalexpert tasks. Final thesis has to be close to the field of the degree programme studied. Final thesis may be a part of one or multidisciplinary project orresearch.Over 90 % of the students of <strong>TAMK</strong> do their final theses for companies. These theses have been agreed upon in writing before starting the projectand the students have a member of the working life as their instructor. In practice, the businesses will utilize the results of the final theses in their ownactivities.RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTThe learning and service activities of <strong>TAMK</strong> include an active and diversified business cooperation which is closely linked to studying and learning at<strong>TAMK</strong>. Cooperation partners include Finnish and international companies in the industrial, business and cultural fields, and also universities and researchinstitutes. Cooperation is often done, for instance, in the field of production, product design and development, marketing and international activities.For the needs of companies, <strong>TAMK</strong> implements adaptable R&D activities related to the functions of the companies as well as product and servicedevelopment. In addition to this, <strong>TAMK</strong> implements R&D activities by doing different reports and surveys, on the basis of which more extensiveprojects can be planned. The teachers of <strong>TAMK</strong> have active roles in the R&D activities and carrying out the projects, and students participatein implementing the projects. R&D activities and business cooperation are a part of the development of the Tampere region. The objectiveof <strong>TAMK</strong> is by 2010 to be well-known for its professional skills and recognized and valued in R&D as an actor whose actions are inspiredby the working life.The multi-disciplinary nature of <strong>TAMK</strong> is a good starting point for developing companies. The multi-disciplinary nature offers a chance to develop thecompany’s staff, business, products and services. A student may carry out a project or an assignment given by a company as a part of his or her studies.The tasks given by the enterprises are reporting, designing and research tasks which are directly related to the operations of the enterprise.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17Students and learning have an essential role in cooperation. Cooperation increases contacts and the students have more opportunities to learn, to familiarisethemselves with the practical working tasks and to be employed. The most important issues in company cooperation are: the students and graduatehave the basic and professional skills to work in the field of their education, students can grasp large concepts and are able to develop their ownfunctioning and the functioning of work community. Different skills and knowledge develop while studying. Practical projects, training and the final thesessupport the development of knowledge and understanding the practical situations which create self-confidence about one’s own skills when applying fora job. The goal of the cooperation projects between companies and <strong>TAMK</strong> is to familiarize the companies with the students of <strong>TAMK</strong>, their knowledgeand skills and the functions in the different degree programmes. As a result of the cooperation, jobs and the subjects of final theses are offered for students.Versatile work experiences increase work opportunities.The strategy of <strong>TAMK</strong> R&D activity “<strong>TAMK</strong> t & k 2010”- The local importance of <strong>TAMK</strong> will be increased with the help of research and development activity in Tampere region.- <strong>TAMK</strong> looks for new ideas and develops innovations in cooperation with its partners.- <strong>TAMK</strong> forms functional cooperating networks in the regional, national and international activities, and also wants activelyto administrate and co-ordinate them.- The research and development of <strong>TAMK</strong> promotes entrepreneurship and the development of business life in the Pirkanmaaregion.The objective of <strong>TAMK</strong> is to be a desired partner in the significant domestic and international R&D projects, in the fields of R&D activity chosenby <strong>TAMK</strong>:Focus areas:- Global operations- Environmental technology in rural areas- Well-being at home- Measurements in production and product development- New media environments- Entrepreneurship<strong>TAMK</strong> IS ACTIVE IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT<strong>TAMK</strong> actively participates in the Centre of Expertise (OSKE) in the Tampere region. The programme of the Centres of Expertise acts asan international node. It develops mutual cooperation between companies, research and educational institutions and companies. Inaddition, it initiates between its members top-rated research, education and cooperating activities, which originate from businesses.In this way the programme of the competence centres for its part develops business based on top-rated knowledge. <strong>TAMK</strong> supports the followingfields of the competence centres in Tampere region during 2007-2013: intelligent machines, energy solutions of the future, nano and micro systems andmaterials of the future, ubiquitous computing and digital contents.http://www3.hermia.fi/uusi_osaamiskeskusohjelma_2007-2/

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________185. PLANNING AN INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLANINDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN (HOPS)The aim of the individual study plan (HOPS) is to have the students assemble their own degree from the study modules and courses which correspondto the goals the students have set for themselves, the expectations of the working life and which also enables the innate expertise to develop. HOPS isan important part of personal career planning. Planning and maintaining HOPS helps the students to select studies which are meaningful for their careerplanning and also to expand the students’ concept of the tasks of their field. Through HOPS the students plan and schedule their studies and also expressthe kind of study programme they wish to undertake within the limits defined by the curriculum. HOPS thus means the studies the students havepersonally selected and it consists of the obligatory studies of the degree programme, possible optional studies and free choice studies. The studentsmay also include <strong>TAMK</strong> development projects and other projects into their individual study plan.Designing HOPS is a process. In the beginning of the studies, the students think about their personal strengths and sets goals for the studies. HOPS isapproved for the first time in the beginning of the studies. As the studies progress, the students yearly update the HOPS through more focused goalsand professional orientation. This means that the students must plan their studies all through the studies, to keep track of the progress and to specifyHOPS as the studies progress. The students are in charge of having the HOPS in Winha up-to-date all through the studies. The students have the rightto personal study guidance. When planning HOPS, the students can get help from the student counsellors, Head of the degree programme, studenttutors or coaches, teachers and also from student tutors.Students design their own HOPS within the framework of the structure of studies and the degree programme. The students are obliged to up-date theirindividual study plan annually with the teacher tutor or coach. Students must have their choice of specialisation option approved by the Head of the degreeprogramme at a specified time.OBJECTIVES OF UAS DEGREE AND STRUCTURE OF STUDIESAn important goal of a university of applied sciences is that the students complete their studies within the standard time of 3,5 (degrees with 210 cr) or 4years (degrees with 240 cr). Another important goal is that the students will be well employed after graduation.The studies leading to a university of applied sciences degree are organized into degree programmes. The degree programmes have beendesigned and organized by the university of applied sciences. The courses aim at professional fields in the working life and its development. The generalaim of studies leading to a degree is to provide the students with:1) extensive, practical basic knowledge and skills and a theoretical basis necessary for carrying out expert duties in the field concerned and for entrepreneurship2) the requirements for following the development of their field and improving it3) the capacity for lifelong learning4) sufficient communication and language proficiency and5) the ability to participate in international activities in their field.The basic measure for studies is a credit. The courses are credited according to the work load required. One academic year requires in theaverage 1 600 hours of students’ work for reaching 60 credits. The studies are measured so that the students’ weekly work load is 40 hours.Accepted courses are evaluated on the scale from 1 to 5. If the evaluation is “pass/fail” (exceptional) it will be announced for each course separately.The degree programmes consist of basic studies, professional studies, free-choice studies, practical training and a final thesis. The structure of the degreeprogrammes is shown in the picture 1. The scope of the basic studies is, depending on the degree programme, 60 – 120 credits. The basic studiesare usually completed within the first two years of studies. The studies also contain professional studies ranging from 60 – 90 credits, 30 credits worth ofpractical training, 15 credits of free-choice studies and a final thesis of 15 credits (10 credits in the Degree Programme of Construction Site Management).The degree programmes offer more detailed instructions regarding the practical training and the final thesis.The aim of basic studies is to provide the students with a comprehensive view of the position and significance of their field within society, working lifeand from an international perspective, to familiarize the students with the general theoretical basis of the field and communication and to provide thestudents with the language proficiency required by the Polytechnics Act.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19The aim of professional studies is to familiarize the students with the central problem areas and applications of the chosen field of profession and theirscientific or artistic bases. After having graduated the students are able to independently work as experts or entrepreneurs and to participate in developingthe work community.The aim of the practical training is to offer a structured familiarisation to practical job tasks, especially regarding professional studies as well as anintroduction to the application of knowledge and skills into the working life. The practical training consists of 30 cr. The goals, contents, method of implementationand evaluation of the practical training are defined in more detail in the general guidelines regarding practical training and within the degreeprogramme.Free choice studies contain studies from the students’ own degree programme, from other degree programmes or other university level studies. Thestudents may choose the studies freely following the guidelines of the degree programme. The students may include up to 6 credits worth of leadershiptraining from the Finnish Military Forces, if the training has been completed in 1999 or after that. Free choice studies may include 2 - 10 credits earnedfrom student tutoring and up to 5 credits from organisation work. The students must get approval for the credits from the Head of the Degree Programme.The aim of the final thesis is to develop and show the students’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills in the practical experttasks relating to their professional studies. The scope of the final thesis is 15 cr, except in the Degree Programme of Construction Site Management,where the scope of the final thesis is 10 cr. The final thesis must focus on a topic which is relevant for tasks which form the basis of the degree programme.It can be a part of a single or multidisciplinary project or research.MASTER’S DEGREEStructure of studiesAnnually the degree programmes confirmed by the board of <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences are implemented out of the degree programmes approvedby the Ministry of Education,. The scope of the Master’s Degree is 60 – 90 credits, depending on the degree programme. The studies can becompleted within 1 or 1,5 years.Master’s Degree studies consist of:1) advanced professional studies, scope depending on the degree programme 20 – 50 cr2) free-choice studies, scope 10 cr and3) final thesis, scope 30 crGeneral aims of the studiesThe aim of the Master’s degree studies is to give the student1) extensive and in-depth knowledge of the field in question as required for the development of working life as well as the theoretical skills neededto act in the demanding expert and management positions of the field in question.2) In-depth vision of the field in question, position in the working life and social significance, as well as the readiness to keep track and analyse theresearch and professional practices of the field.3) Readiness for life-long learning and constant development of the student’s professional skills4) Good communications and language skills needed in the working life as well as the skills needed in international interaction and professionalworkLANGUAGE PROFICIENCYThe students must demonstrate that they have attained either through the study at <strong>TAMK</strong> or in some other manner:1) Such proficiency in Finnish and Swedish language as set out in the Act on Language Proficiency Requirements for Civil Servants,as required for a position in a bilingual area in Finland demanding such higher language education, when it is considerednecessary for practising the profession, and further developing professional skills.2) Such oral and written proficiency in one or two foreign languages as is needed, depending on the degree programme, for practisingthe profession and further developing professional skills.The provisions of paragraph 1 do not apply to students who have received their school education in some language other than Finnish orSwedish or to students who have received their school education abroad. In such cases the language proficiency needed is determined by the Directorof the degree programmes.The Director of the Degree Programmes may exempt a student from some or all of the language proficiency requirements referred to in paragraph 1.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20The language proficiency demonstrated by the student will be marked on the Degree Certificate.ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR RESEARCHThe guidelines for good scientific practice of the National Research Ethics Council set by the Ministry of Education are followed at <strong>TAMK</strong>as well as the procedures for handling misconduct. The reports, assignments, accounts, final theses and other such research projects must follow honesty,diligence and ethically sustainable methods. For example lacking references, misleading reporting or reporting new results as seemingly new areconsidered violating ethically sound methods. Presenting false data, distorting, presenting other person’s results or texts as one’s own are consideredfraud and naturally cannot be accepted.ACCREDITATION OF CREDITSThe Head of the Degree Programme can give the students the right- to include into their degree equivalent studies from other Finnish or international universities or other institutions- to substitute studies or training of the degree with other studies, training or work experience of the same levelThe above-mentioned studies can comprise of credits from Open UAS, or credits completed at other universities of applied sciences through the FinnishOnline University of Applied Sciences. As a rule, studies older than ten years are not accepted. Secondary level studies cannot be accredited. In somebasic studies, the students may have the opportunity to prove their knowledge by taking an exam before the actual course.The students of <strong>TAMK</strong> may ask for accreditations based on their previous studies. Through examination of the descriptions of the courses found fromthe <strong>TAMK</strong> online study guide, the students may determine which courses of their degree programme they might get accredited. In addition to the correspondenceof the courses, the students must pay attention to the scope of the studies. The students should also think if the knowledge acquired hasgone out of date. It is a good idea to up-date one’s knowledge through studies even if accreditation would be possible.Partial accreditationThe students may have partial credits from some courses but cannot be accredited for the full course. In these cases the students may suggest theteacher of the course for a partial accreditation. The teacher defines in writing which parts of the course must still be taken and how the student may takethem. The teacher evaluates the course as usual. Depending on the nature of the course, the previous partial credits may be taken into account whileevaluation or the teacher may do the evaluation based on the final stages of the course only. The teacher may take into account the proportion of theprevious credits and the current credits of the whole course when doing the evaluation.Evaluating accredited coursesAccreditation is always based on the report given by the school which did the evaluation. The transcript of records states which studies have been usedfor accreditation. The grade will be S = Pass. The courses taken through the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences or <strong>TAMK</strong> Open UAS areautomatically graded as such into the students’ records. Degree programme studies taken at <strong>TAMK</strong> from other degree programmes are not accredited.Instead they are recorded into the student’s records with their evaluations.Accreditation proceduresEach case of accreditation is handled individually and the Head of the Degree Programme makes the final decisions. The students may get guidancefrom the guidance counsellors, Heads of the degree programmes, teacher tutors or coaches or the teacher in charge of the course in question. Thestudents write down the proposed accreditations. The electric form regarding accreditation is in the Intranet. The application must contain copies of theoriginal transcripts of records. After the Head of the Degree Programme has approved the accreditation, the students return the form and the copies ofthe transcripts into the student office.Time for accreditationThe accreditation of the basic studies should happen in the beginning of the studies. For other studies, the students may propose accreditations allthrough their studies. The accreditation cannot happen after the student has enrolled and been accepted to a course and the course has begun. Thepersons in charge of accreditations are the guidance counsellors and Heads of the Degree Programmes. The contact information is available in theIntranet.IMPLEMENTATION OF COURSESThe students can also include development projects and other projects of <strong>TAMK</strong> into their individual study plans. The students are divided into implementationgroups for the courses according to their study choices. The number of students on some courses may have to be limited. Priority for the

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________21courses is given to those students for whom the course is obligatory. A course or an implementation of a specialisation option can also be cancelled ifthere are not enough participants.FINAL THESIS<strong>TAMK</strong> students must show their readiness to apply the knowledge and skills learned in practical expertise tasks by writing a final thesis. The final thesisis an instructed but independently done work, the purpose of which is to train the students to independently acquire knowledge and skills and to applythem in the tasks of their fields.The student must have sufficient professional skills to carry out the final thesis. The skills are evaluated by the supervisor of the final thesis or the Headof the Degree Programme.The final thesis must show the students’ in-depth knowledge of the topic of the final thesis as well as the research methods and professional communicationrequired in the task. For the international Degree Programmes, the final thesis is for the most part, written in the language used in teaching. Forwell-grounded reasons, the final thesis in the Finnish Degree Programmes may also be written in a foreign language. The supervisor of the final thesisshall approve of the choice of language before the student starts the work.The final theses are various clarification, design, production and development tasks of society and practical working life. The work may be done as researchincluding measurements, interviews and/or inquiries and related analysis with its interpretation. The work may also be, for example, planning,organising and arranging an event; a marketing campaign; computer software; product development plan; a new product; work of art; learning materialetc. The final thesis must have a clear purpose and goal. The subject of the final thesis is well selected when:- the student is interested in it- it arises from the needs of the working life- it is connected to the student’s professional field and its development tendencies- it takes into consideration the student’s skills- it is economically interestingBoldness, creativity and originality are an asset when choosing the topic for the final thesis. The topic of the final thesis is approved by the Head of thedegree programme. Each work must have an appointed instructor, who gives advice in doing the final thesis and guides the process.According to the recommendation from the Ministry of Education, final theses should be made public as soon as they are approved. This means that theactual final theses should not contain business or professional secrets. Instead they should be left into the background material used between the writerand the company. This method ensures the students’ legal protection and an objective and fair evaluation.The scope of the final thesis is 15 credits (10 credits in the Degree Programme of Construction Site Management) and in addition to the written report itincludes the maturity test and the seminar. A written report following <strong>TAMK</strong>’s reporting instructions is always drawn up of the final thesis and the studentsmust submit them to the library of <strong>TAMK</strong> in an electronic format to be published in the data networks. The electronic publication is the method recommendedby <strong>TAMK</strong> and it follows the publicity guidelines. The writers of the works also have the possibility to refuse their work to be published in an electronicformat. In such case, the writers must submit a traditional paper <strong>version</strong> of the final thesis to the library. For more information about submitting thefinal thesis to the library, see <strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet or www.tamk.fi/kirjasto.In the maturity test the students must prove their profound knowledge of the topic of their final thesis and also their ability to express related matters in agood, written Finnish. In the maturity test the students write under supervision an essay about the topic of their final thesis given by their instructor. Thematurity test must be approved both by the final thesis supervisor for the content and by the native language teacher for the linguistic part. The maturitytest is written in Finnish or Swedish. The Director of Degree Programmes decides on the language of the maturity test, when a student has receivedschool education in another language than Finnish or Swedish or has received school education abroad.PRACTICAL TRAININGPractical training is conducive to professional skills and an important part of university of applied sciences studies. The scope of practical training is 30credits. Practical training is evaluated on the scale pass/fail.Practical training is realized during studies as a co-operation between the educational institute, the employer and the student. The duration of the

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22training period required by the degree programme is total of five months (20 working weeks/5 months) of work during the study time under employers asspecified by the degree programmes.GUIDED PRACTICAL TRAININGGuided practical training usually takes place during the first three years of studies and its goal is to familiarise the students with the central practicaltasks of their fields and to give the students the possibility to apply in practice the knowledge and skills learned. Another goal is to combine theoreticalteaching and practice and to give the students a viewpoint on the demands and practices of their field. Each degree programme has instructions whichdefine the goals and implementation of the guided practical training.Applying for the guided practical training is the students’ task, but the degree programmes offer guidance and assistance if needed. For the guided practicaltraining the students are named an instructor who takes care of the practical organisation of the guided practical training together with the studentsand the practical training contact person.Guided practical training can also be carried out abroad and the same principles apply to it as with the training carried out domestically. The students areentitled to the student financial aid as specified in the instructions of the KELA centre for Student Financial Aid, if the students have completed enoughcredits during their studies.TRAINEE’S JOB RELATED MATTERSTraining can be paid or unpaid or both. The salary of the trainee is determined in the agreement done between the employer and the trainee.Generally, students are in temporary employment to his or her employer (employment contract). The employment includes the employer’s legalinsurance coverage and other legal obligations. In other words, the general employment decrees are applied for trainees.Training can be carried out without employment (unpaid). The training must be full-time on this case also. The employer is also in charge of thetrainee’s safety as decreed in the law of training carried out without employment. However, in this case, the educational institute will insure the trainee onthe basis of the student accident insurance legislation against health hazards (accident insurance).The students can apply for student financial aid for the duration of the training unless their salary exceeds the income limits set by Study GrantsCentral (504 € / month in 2005).Training must always be agreed upon in advance with <strong>TAMK</strong>, the employer and the students. The training agreement must be writtenaccording to the regulations of <strong>TAMK</strong>. Working hours and other matters related to the employment have to follow the employer’s generalpractice and valid agreements.The students must find out themselves the employment legislation regarding the country in question if the training is carried out overseas.Also, the students are responsible for taking care of necessary permissions and insurances. <strong>TAMK</strong> requires that the trainees going abroad have validtravel insurance.Further information about practical training requirements and practical placement is available from the degree programmes, from the practical trainingcounsellor or the contact persons and the guidance counsellor.EVALUATING LEARNINGThe aim of <strong>TAMK</strong> is to produce independent learners, who take responsibility of their schedules and endeavours in order to gain competences. Evaluationforms an important part of studies. It is a tool for learning, which gives the students and teachers knowledge on how things are understood and whatshould be done next. Evaluations are based on jointly accepted competence definitions of the degree programmes. The basis of evaluation are thelearning goals and requirement levels based on the curriculums of the degree programmes. The students must take responsibility of setting the goals fortheir own work, following the progress of their studies and reaching the goals set.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________23SELF-EVALUATIONThe purpose of the education is to support the students’ development process. The goal is as well to increase the students’ readiness andwillingness to actively develop and versatile their work, work community and themselves. The follow-up on the progress of the developmentprocess is also based on the self-evaluating ability and willingness. During the studies, the students must learn to analyze and evaluate theiractivities and own growth. Portfolio can be used for documenting self-evaluation.EVALUATION AND REGISTRATION OF CREDITSThe attainment of the objectives set for the courses and/or study modules is evaluated on the basis of oral and written exams, assignmentsor other evaluation methods on the following scale through the evaluation methods described in the implementation plan (degree regulations 36 §): Theaccepted course is evaluated on the scale:- excellent (5)- good (4–3)- satisfactory (2–1) or- failed (-0)- pass (some courses marked in study guide)Study units and study modules completed elsewhere are accepted by the Head of the Degree Programme and the courses are evaluated as ´pass´. Ifthere is an exam for the study unit, it normally has to be arranged during the implementation of the course in question. Students must be informed oftheir grade in the exam and the grade has to be entered into the register within three weeks from taking the last exam of the study unit. The students areobliged to annually check the actuality of their transcript of records. The teacher is obliged to retain the documentation of credits for at least one yearafter the announcement of the results.Practical placement is evaluated as ´pass´. Final thesis is evaluated on the scale from 1 to 5. The name and grade of the final thesis are recorded in theregister.PROCEDURES RELATED TO RETAKING COURSES AND IMPROVING COURSE GRADESA failed examination may be retaken twice on examination days determined by the teacher. The teacher informs the students about the resit examinationdays at the beginning of the course. As a rule the resit must be done during the same academic year. If students fail to pass thecourse on either of the two resit dates specified, they must re-attend the entire course in question.Students have the right to improve their course grades once by redoing the exam. Students enrol for the resit examination no sooner than 3 weeks andno later than 10 days before the resit date. The dates for the enrolment are available in the <strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet, <strong>TAMK</strong> Schedule. The enrolment dates arevery specified and must be followed. After using this possibility to improve the grade, the study unit cannot be retaken. Sufficient display for other missingcourse obligations must be agreed upon by the teacher in charge of the course.REASSESSMENT OF STUDENT PERFORMANCEThe students have the right to be informed about any evaluations made about their study performances. Students dissatisfied with the assessmentof their work or the accreditation of studies from some other institute, may either orally or by writing, make a request to the teacher who madethe original evaluation of their work or other studies, in order to have this evaluation re-examined for possible reassessment. The request mustbe submitted within 14 days from the date the student received the original evaluation.Students who are dissatisfied with the reassessment, may apply in written form to the Board of Examiners for rectification within 14 days of receiving thedecision.BOARD OF EXAMINERSAccording to the Polytechnics Act, <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences has a Board of Examiners to deal with rectification requests concerning assessmentof student performance.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24BOARD OF EXAMINERS, 1.8.2008 – 31.7.2010 CONSISTS OFChairperson principle lecturer Ulla Häggblom-AhngerMember lecturer Erkki MäkinenMember student Anne-Mari HonkavaaraSecretary information secretary Irma Huotarideputy member senior lecturer Jukka Nurmiaho,deputy member principle lecturer Cai Melakoskideputy member student Pyry HurulaTAKING A DEGREE AND DEGREE CERTIFICATEIn order to receive a degree students must1) Satisfactorily complete the study units of the curriculum set by <strong>TAMK</strong>2) Complete the practical training3) Prepare a final thesis which has been approved4) Complete a maturity test5) Show language proficiency according to the decree on polytechnic studies.Students have the right to obtain a transcript of records from the university of applied sciences for the studies they have completed. The transcript ofrecords is available in Finnish and in English. After completing all studies required for the degree, the students will be awarded the Degree Certificate.The Degree Certificate and its attachments show the completed courses and modules, the scope of these studies and the grades. TheDegree Certificate includes following parts: the Degree Certificate in Finnish, a Transcript of Records in Finnish, the Diploma Supplementin English and a Transcript of Records in English. The Diploma Supplement and the Transcript of Records in English are automaticallyprovided for all graduates, and no fee is charged for them.Degree programmes in English award two Degree Certificates, one in the Finnish and one in English. Students must electronically apply for the DegreeCertificate from the student office not later than three weeks before the graduation ceremony. At the same time, the students must answer the electronicOPALA inquiry carried out by the Ministry of Education.DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (DS)Diploma Supplement (DS) is an attachment to the Degree Certificate meant for international use. It includes more details of the degree in question, theeducational institute and the education system of the country which has awarded the Degree Certificate.According to the Finnish legislation, higher education institutions are required to give the diploma supplement for international use for any student whoasks for it. The Ministry of Education has recommended that this supplement would be the Diploma Supplement. <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Scienceshas for several years given its graduating students the Diploma Supplement as an attachment to the Degree Certificate.The European Union Commission awards so-called Diploma Supplement recognitions for higher education institutions that have successfully used theDiploma Supplement. <strong>TAMK</strong> was awarded the DS recognition in 2004.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________256. STUDENT SERVICES<strong>TAMK</strong> STUDENT OFFICETeiskontie 33, B1-12, <strong>opinto</strong>toimisto@tamk.fiGeneral matters related to studies such as guidance, official transcripts of records, study certificates and students’ insurances.Soili KivinenSTUDENT FINANCIAL AIDTeiskontie 33, B1-14, time 9-11, 12.00 -14.30, closed on Tuesdays and ThursdaysSecretary of the student financial aid committeeRiitta MäntyläADULT DEGREE PROGRAMME STUDIESFINNISH ONLINE UAS STUDIESMarja Honkanen (Business Administration and BusinessInformation Systems)Satu Kelhä (Construction Engineering)Arja Virkki (Forestry)Päivi Sohlman (Art, Media)Anne Kulmala (Mechanical and Production Engineering)Marja HonkanenDEGREE CERTIFICATES, RESIGNATIONS, APPLICATIONS FOR OVERTIME STUDYINGIrma HuotariCAREER AND RECRUITING SERVICESMASTER’S DEGREESSanna SalonenPäivi Sohlman (Media Production)Teija Helin (Business and Entrepreneurship Competences),Marja Honkanen (Construction Engineering)Marja Honkanen (Information Technology Management)STUDY SECRETARIES OF DEGREE PROGRAMMESServices related to degree programmesAutomobile, Mechanical and Production EngineeringPaper, Textile and Chemical EngineeringElectrical Engineering, Computer Systems EngineeringConstruction Technology, Construction Site ManagementForestryBusiness AdministrationBusiness Information SystemsEnvironmental Engineering, International BusinessFine Art and Media, Finlaysoninkatu 7HEAD OF STUDENT SERVICESReetta PalanderTuula SuhonenJohanna NilkkuSatu KelhäAnne KulmalaSirpa NieminenTeija HelinEeva HeikkiläPäivi SohlmanLotta Parjanen

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26STUDENT COUNSELLINGThe aim of the <strong>TAMK</strong> student counselling is to give the students timely and sufficient counselling in order for them to successfully and responsibly completetheir degrees in a reasonable time. The aim is to produce well-rounded and professionally skilled individuals who find employment tasks whichcorrespond to their studies. Student counselling supports the students’ professional and individual growth into expertise. Professional growth is awarenessof the knowledge and skills of the trade, career selection and the growth of introspection. Individual parts of the professional growth include learningto learn, adjusting, motivation, solving problems and social skills. Expertise develops in the working life; the aims of the degree are inspired by the workinglife.The students are responsible for their studies and their progress. The aim of the student counselling is to support the study process in a way which enablesthe students to fulfil their individual study plan according to their individual objectives. Student counselling is an integral part of the education process.The student’s progress, commitment and responsibility for their studies are evaluated yearly according to the student counselling plan. Significantelements are yearly evaluation discussions, updating HOPS and the feedback collected from student counselling.During the study path, the students may need guidance and advice in many questions. In the beginning of the studies the emphasis is on the mattersrelated to studying and study environment. It can sometimes be challenging to clarify the structure of studies and to structure the students’ own studies.Guidance and advice are often needed in questions regarding practical training, international matters, specialisation studies and writing the final thesis.The students have the right for student counselling all through their studies. The transfer into working life is supported by career and recruiting services.<strong>TAMK</strong> student counselling system consists of degree programme specific student counsellors, group specific teacher tutors or coaches as well as studenttutors. The students are obliged to take part in the tutoring activities and to follow the progress of their studies. A large number of people participatein the counselling. However, the student always has one person they can turn to if they have any questions. This is the teacher tutor, or the face thatguides the student or gives advice on who might be able to help. Another significant person is the student tutor or fellow traveller.The task of the teacher tutor is to be the face of the student group to the students and other teachers. They follow the progress of studies and yearlyhave meetings with their group, carry out the assessment discussions with the students and check the HOPS and transcript of records for each studentyearly. The teacher tutor documents the progress and the results of the discussions and reports them back to the Head of the Degree Programme, Managersof the Expertise Centres and the student counsellor.The student tutor is a fellow traveller, a peer who travels with the student group all through their studies. The student tutors handle the orientation atthe beginning of the studies, create team spirit, tell about the studies and student body, inform and listen. They meet with their group 2-4 times / year, tolisten and talk about current topics, such as practical training, specialisation or writing the final thesis and give general advice on studies, for example onusing the data systems.The student counsellor of the degree programme is in charge of implementing and developing the student counselling. They give personal guidancefor students who need special help, manage the guidance for transfer and absent students when they arrive and prepare their accreditation for the Headof the degree programme, along with the applications for over time studies. The student counsellors plan, manage and implement fairs and school presentationstogether with marketing, are in charge of implementing the entrance exam and in their part plan and take part in the orientation for the students.In addition, the student councillors implement and report the starting and follow-up inquiries for the degree programme students.The student counsellor coordinator is in charge of the functionality of the student counselling process and its development as a part of the degreeprogramme education. She leads the student counsellor team, collects data and reports it on the <strong>TAMK</strong> level, plans and implements training for thestudent counsellors and coordinates activities with the student union Tamko. She can also give personal guidance for any student who needs it.The Heads of the Degree Programmes are in charge of the activities, development and quality of the degree programme as well as the developmentand planning of the curriculum. They organise the information events for the training, specialisation and final thesis of the degree programme. They getall the feedback regarding the development of the degree programme and react to them.The student office includes applications office, secretary for the Study grant’s board, study secretaries as well as the career and recruiting services.The applications office handles matters regarding the joint application system. Study secretaries handle the students’ forms, applications and diplomasand advice students in, for example, matters regarding Winha. Career and recruiting services pay special attention to graduations and carry out alumniinquiries.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________27Student counselling* Student counselling coordinator Anne Mustonen* International coordinator Riku-Matti KinnunenStudent counsellors for the degree programmes:Automobile EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringInternational BusinessChemical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFine ArtBusiness AdministrationForestryPaper EngineeringPaper, Textile and Chemical EngineeringConstruction Engineering, Construction Site ManagementElectrical EngineeringTextile and Clothing EngineeringComputer Systems EngineeringBusiness Information SystemsMediaHarri LaaksonenRenja KivikoskiJanne HopeelaTuula NieminenHarri LaaksonenKirsi-Marja UimonenEija Iso-JunnoEeva SundströmMerja HanhimäkiMerja HanhimäkiIlkka TasanenSeppo JanhonenMarja VanhataloSeppo JanhonenEija Iso-JunnoKirsi-Marja UimonenLIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICESThere are library services on both the Teiskontie campus and in the Finlayson campus. It is possible to register as a customer of the library in either one.Teiskontie Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-15Focus of collections: technology, business administration, natural sciences, forestry and environment,education.Finlayson Opening hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 10-16, Tue 12-18, Fri 10-13Focus of collections: Fine art and mediaElectric services of the libraryThe electric services of the library can be accessed through the library homepages at www.tamk.fi/kirjasto. The followings services can befound under the menu E-materials:- Electronic periodicals, dictionaries, laws, standards, and thousands of other online materials- Diiva, library’s own audiovisual library- Nelli information retrieval portalTarkka, library’s database of collections can be found at http://tarkka.amkit.fi. Tarkka can be used to search for materials or to renew loans.E-materials can usually be read without any separate identification when using the computers at <strong>TAMK</strong>. Library’s e-materials can also be accessedthrough the Citrix service. There is further information about using Citrix in the Intranet of <strong>TAMK</strong>.INFORMATION LITERACYThe continuous updating of information is necessary in the quickly changing working life. The latest information can often be foundin the Internet but finding reliable information requires skills and knowledge of resources. <strong>TAMK</strong> assists students in developing their skillsregarding acquisition of information. Student gets guidance to acquisition of information at least three times during their studies. In addition to this,the staff of the library assists if there are any questions or problems in finding information.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________28The objectives of learning the standards of information literacy have been approved at <strong>TAMK</strong>. Upon graduation, the students have mastered the followingskills:- how to define the needed information and its extent- how to find information efficiently- how to evaluate information and its sources critically and attach new information into their information base- how to utilize information in studies and working life- how to use information and sources ethically and legally correctlyLIBRARY PUBLISHES THE FINAL THESES OF <strong>TAMK</strong> IN THE NETThe final theses done at <strong>TAMK</strong> are published in the net. They can be found in the final theses database TATU. The agreement for the submission of afinal thesis and instructions can also be found on the library’s web-pages.PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLICATION SERIES OF <strong>TAMK</strong>Researches, teaching materials and reports done at <strong>TAMK</strong> are published in the publication series of <strong>TAMK</strong>. Laudable final theses are also publishedin the series.The decision for the publication is done by the publication board. The library is in charge of the printing, distributing and sales of the publication. You cansuggest a script to be published through a form found in the Intranet.The ISBN or URN code for the publications made at <strong>TAMK</strong> can be retrieved from the library. Please contact the information service director if furtherinformation about publications is needed.INTERNATIONAL SERVICESInternational experience is an important part of professional competence and a good merit when applying for a job. <strong>TAMK</strong> participates in various internationalprogrammes and projects through which the students have opportunities to get international experience and to improve their language skills.<strong>TAMK</strong> supports studying and training abroad according to its financial possibilities.International Office (KV-toimisto) coordinates the international activities of <strong>TAMK</strong>, acts as a database for international activities and supports participationin international education collaboration, especially EU educational programs.Further information about international studying and training can be found at <strong>TAMK</strong> intranet.STUDYING ABROADEach year many students have the opportunity to carry out a part of their degree in European, Scandinavian or Russian Polytechnics through Socrates/Erasmusstudent exchange, Nordplus or the FIRST programme. In addition to this, <strong>TAMK</strong> has bilateral student exchange agreements with highereducation institutions in Asia, Africa and North- and South-America.The duration of a study exchange is from 3 to 12 months. The principle is that studies completed abroad will fully be accredited. This requires detailedplanning of studies and cooperation with the international student councillor and the Head of degree programme.A scholarship is paid for outgoing exchange students to cover the extra expenses caused by studying abroad. However, normal studying and living expensesneed to be paid by the students themselves. Even when the students find an exchange institute independently, the International Office will assistregarding practical arrangements. It is also possible to get student financial aid for studies abroad.Application period for exchange study places is till the end of September for spring exchange and till the end of February for autumn exchange. Theexact dates are announced in the <strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet.PRACTICAL TRAINING ABROADThe compulsory practical training or part of it can be done abroad. The students are responsible for finding a work place themselves. <strong>TAMK</strong> participatesin the EU Erasmus programme, which financially supports the practical training done abroad. In addition to this, the degree programmes have cooperationagreements to arrange work placements. A person in charge of the training in the degree programme, recruiting services and the staff of InternationalOffice of <strong>TAMK</strong> assist the students in practical arrangements.Students may apply for a travel grant. It is also possible to apply for a training grant for an unpaid training. It is also possible, under certain circumstances,to receive student financial aid for the duration of the training. For more information, visit KELA pages at www.kela.fi

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________29For the main part, the international training exchange is administered by CIMO. In certain cases CIMO can also offer assistance regarding the workingpermit, residency and visa for students who have arranged the for work placement themselves.Different associations, such as Pohjola-Norden, Allianssi and country specific organisations, also provide international work placements. Further informationcan be found at www.cimo.fi and the Intranet of <strong>TAMK</strong>. The application periods for the different programmes are announced during the semesters at<strong>TAMK</strong>.In the <strong>TAMK</strong> libraries the students can read materials and use CD-ROMs containing basic information regarding studies and work placements abroad aswell as information about individual schools. <strong>TAMK</strong> data network also has reports from students who have already done training abroad. The internationaldepartment of the local labour force bureau also offers information about international training and jobs at www.mol.fi/tyopaikat/eures.html.International OfficeUseful links:Teiskontie 33, <strong>TAMK</strong> main buildinge-mail: international.office@tamk.fiCIMO (Centre for International Mobility)http://www.cimo.fihttp://www.maailmalle.net

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________30RECRUITING SERVICESRecruiting services offer versatile services for the <strong>TAMK</strong> students, alumni, employers and staff. The goal is to support and improve students’and graduates’ employment and to act as a link between the students and working life. Students and graduates are offered services which improvetheir skills when applying for jobs and which help to create networks. Services include, among others, recruiting for jobs, training, projectsand final theses placement, education and recruiting events between students and working life, training courses for applying a job, Internetrecruiting services, Jobstep.net and RekryTampere events. E-mail: tamkrekry@tpu.fi, www.tamk.fi/rekry, www.jobstep.net, www.kitkatta.net,www.rekrytampere.orgALUMNI ACTIVITIESThe relations and interaction between <strong>TAMK</strong> and its former students are developed by the alumni activities. The origin of the word “alumni”comes from Latin and it means a student of an educational institution. Through alumni events, the alumni and the present students, staff and the employersof the alumni can get to know each other and to create networks. Alumni activities further the transition of the present students into the workinglife and the career development of the alumni. The alumni offer information about the changes in the working life and the needs for the development ofeducation. In addition to the events, happenings, membership benefits and services, the alumni also have the opportunity to get up-to-date informationabout <strong>TAMK</strong> and further study options. It is also a way of keeping in touch with the former fellow students and instructors. <strong>Tampereen</strong> <strong>ammattikorkeakoulu</strong>nalumnit ry. was founded in the autumn of 2006. www.tamk.fi/alumni Contact information: <strong>TAMK</strong> alumnit ry, executive manager +358 50 434 8094 /alumni@tamk.fi.<strong>TAMK</strong> INTRANET<strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet is the most important channel of internal communication. Intranet enables up-to-date information and also electric archives and distributinginformation. Intranet works as a portal-type web service, which combines data from several different services, such as e-mail, electronic calendar,Winha, course feedback and the resource calendar.Intranet offers its users the possibility to adapt their own views. The user can, if so chooses, add and remove services from his or her view. This dynamicability enables each user to see in the Intranet just those services and functions which the user finds important.Intra can be found from: http://intra.tamk.fiELECTRONIC SERVICES<strong>TAMK</strong> actively develops electronic services for the students and staff. Electronic forms are used for the most services. The electronicforms and their instructions can be found on Intranet’s main page.The followings issues can be taken care of online:- going through the course supply and your transcripts of records- enrolling to courses- registering as present or absent- filling in the electronic course feedback- applying for exception for language skills requirements- applying for study right for over 1 year lasting overtime studyingINFORMATIONIn information aimed at students, <strong>TAMK</strong> uses mainly the electronic information channels (<strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet, <strong>TAMK</strong> e-mail and the student administrationsystem: the bulletin board of WinhaWille) which students are responsible for following during their studies. <strong>TAMK</strong> Intranet is the most important internalinformation channel at <strong>TAMK</strong>. It is important that the students check the Intranet bulletins as frequently as they check their e-mail. The headlines ofIntranet are also shown in the monitors at Teiskontie campus.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________31The primary external information channel of <strong>TAMK</strong> is the Internet: www.tamk.fi.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICESThe students are obliged to keep their contact information up-dated in WinhaWille study register during the studies. Each user has the responsibilityfor following the directions of the computer centre regarding responsible behaviour in the <strong>TAMK</strong> network.<strong>TAMK</strong> concentrates on developing education which serves the information technology and studying which uses information networks. Internetis used not only as an information source but also as a learning environment. In addition to the online learning environments, the use of data networks inthe education is visible for the students for example by well-equipped computer classrooms.Each student of <strong>TAMK</strong> gets a user identification which entitles the students to e-mail services and an access to Internet, Intranet and many otherservices. Each student is responsible for their own identification and password validity. Do not give your identification or password to anyone!Some computer classrooms of <strong>TAMK</strong> are available for students in the evenings and during the weekends. The pass card can be obtained from the caretakers.Note! There is a schedule on every desktop of each computer in the classroom showing the available and booked times for aclassroom use.Computer support: tuki@tamk.fiHelp desk (limited hours): Teiskontie service desk, 3rd floor of the C-buildingFinlayson/Art and Media: room M4-03INFORMATION SYSTEM AND NETWORKSThe use of networks is every user’s own responsibility. The computer centre takes care of internal data protection so that an unskilled usercannot cause an irreplaceable harm for other users. <strong>TAMK</strong> and its computer centre take care of the validity of the usage and copyrights of the differentparts of the <strong>TAMK</strong> information systems.It is prohibited to use the information systems and networks of <strong>TAMK</strong> for such activities which weaken and harm general morality, privateand communal security, obedience to the law, the regulations of <strong>TAMK</strong> and the objectives of <strong>TAMK</strong>, its administrators or financers. Commercial use oruse for associations and organizations is only allowed if approved by <strong>TAMK</strong>. Reasonable use for public utility civic activities is recommended.Every user is obliged to inform the computer centre if they notice any misuse or have strong suspicions of misuse. A user commits oneself not to overloadthe information system unnecessarily. If needed, persons in charge of the information system can prohibit unnecessary use and limit personal rightto use. The computer centre is responsible for deleting information and the information system rights apart from the parts necessary for the continuationof the tasks as soon as possible for a person who is leaving <strong>TAMK</strong>.The computer centre has the responsibility for the physical and software protection of information systems of <strong>TAMK</strong> against external threatsas well as making and keeping the security copies. Each user is responsible for following the rules of strong password culture, other identification methodsand the usage method of the whole system. Negligence of the regulations given transfers the responsibility of the threats and their realisation to theuser.The user is obliged to keep the usage right, IDs and information about the security of the system carefully and to not hand them over to outsiders. Thecomputer centre must immediately be informed about any possible disappearances or suspicions of the weakening data security.When receiving the user identification, the students commit to follow the regulations. The user identification entitles to limited mass memory useon the server and the access to the common resources. The computer centre is obliged to protect the user’s home directory from the other users.The administrators who have access to the user’s home directory, commit not to access its contents unless the user or the authorities so requireor if there is strong evidence suggesting that the user is acting against the regulations.More information available in the Intranet.PRINTINGPrinting is limited at <strong>TAMK</strong>. Students gain a personal printing quota and printing is free of charge within its limits. The amount left in the printing quotacan be checked by double-clicking the $ icon on a computer located in a computer class. Further information about paying for extra printing quota can befound in the Intranet.

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TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________337. <strong>TAMK</strong>O – STUDENT UNION OF <strong>TAMK</strong>The student union of <strong>TAMK</strong> represents all <strong>TAMK</strong> students. There are over 3300 members in the student union. A council with 26 members and a boardchosen by the council are in charge of the activities of the student body. All members of <strong>TAMK</strong>O can stand as candidates for the council or the board.The actions of the student union are based on the Polytechnic’s Act 42 a § (10.6.2005/413).Each member of the student union gets a national, blue student card, which entitles for discounts in, for example, train and bus fees, insurances, newspapers,telephone calls and hundreds of companies and student restaurants around Finland. You also get discounts from the events organised by thestudent union itself, the students’ own restaurant, café and the bookstore located in the Teiskontie campus. As a member of the student union, you canalso apply for grants for, for example, study trips or club activities and at least four times a year the Impulssi magazine is delivered to you. For moreinformation about the membership conditions and benefits, visit the homepages of the student union. All students studying for the Bachelor’s or Master’sdegree at a University of Applied Sciences are entitled to the blue student card.The most important membership benefit is a constant benefit control work. If you have problems related to the studies and living, you canalways consult the student union. The student union also trains the tutors who assist you in the best possible way to start your studies.The student union represents the students in all levels of administration ranging from teams and work groups to the board of <strong>TAMK</strong>. The student union isalso represented in the boards of Engineering Student Housing Company (IOT) and <strong>Tampereen</strong> Ammattikorkeakoulun Opiskelijatuki Oy (<strong>TAMK</strong>OTUKI)as well as in the board of the Tampere Student Housing Foundation (TOAS). The student union is also a member of the National Union of Finnish PolytechnicStudents SAMOK (www.samok.fi), Häme Exercise and Sports (www.hlu.fi) and Students’ Tampere (www.opiskelijantampere.fi).The activities at <strong>TAMK</strong>O are divided into several sections that assist the Board. The sections cover the following areas: tutoring, social and educationalaffairs, culture and leisure, sports and international affairs. Anybody interested can join the sections. If you are interested, you can also participate in theediting of the <strong>TAMK</strong>O’s member magazine Impulse.<strong>Tampereen</strong> Ammattikorkeakoulun Opiskelijatuki, owned by the student union, produces services for the students, including the student restaurant andbookstore. The company also owns Wäkipyörä human resources services (www.wakipyora.fi) through which the students can work alongside or as apart of their studies.There are other student organizations which cooperate with <strong>TAMK</strong>O, each with their own goals and tasks. Such organizations are TARINA (Fine Art &Media), TIRO (Tampere engineering students) and TKO (Tampere business students). In addition to this, there are almost 40 clubs operating under<strong>TAMK</strong>O. Establishing a new club is fairly easy and assistance can be applied from <strong>TAMK</strong>O.CONTACT INFORMATIONThe office of the student union, Solu, is in the L-building. TKO and TIRO also operate there as do most of the clubs.<strong>TAMK</strong>OTeiskontie 33, L-building33520 TAMPEREoffice gsm. +358 44 382 6561www.tamko.fi, toimisto@tamko.fi

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________34SPORTS AND EXERCISEThe students and staff of <strong>TAMK</strong> can use <strong>TAMK</strong>’s gym for free. The student union distributes the gym turns for each period. The student union also producesall sorts of exercise courses and sports events for free or for a student-friendly price. Gym reservations and requests for courses can be made tothe sports representative of the student union.There are several sports and exercise clubs operating under the student union, including Sopupallo (Finnish baseball), Pallomahat (soccer), TamkoLetut (ultimate) and SC Tamko ry (floorball). You can also found new clubs for different sports and apply for a grant from the student union.The student union is also a member of the Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry (Häme Exercise and Sports) (www.hlu.fi). You can also find information aboutthe City of Tampere’s exercise and sports opportunities from the webpages of the City (www.tampere.fi) or the student board (http://tamko.net).For more information:Sports representativegsm. + 358 44 082 6568www.tamko.fi, liikunta@tamko.fiCULTURE AND FREE TIMEThere are diverse cultural and free-time activities available in Tampere. The student union organizes not only parties but also cultural excursions, wineevenings, pub quizzes etc. In addition, the Tursajaiset-party for the 1 st year students is organised every year in collaboration with Pirkanmaa Universityof Applied Sciences. Look for the student union announcements!For more information:Culture, free-time and clubsgsm. +358 44 082 6569www.tamko.fi, kuva@tamko.fiCLUBSThe students can establish clubs. If the clubs operate under the club regulation of the student union, they can apply for grants for their activities from thestudent union. There are clubs ranging from aviation to cars, electricity to textiles and from sports to partying. In addition to grants, the student union alsooffers the clubs e-mail addresses and mailing lists if needed, as well as budgeting and general training and advice about maintaining activities. Teachinggroups and classes may also organize themselves into clubs if they wish to.For more information:Clubsgsm. +358 44 082 6572www.tamko.fi, jarjesto@tamko.fiWÄKIPYÖRÄ STAFF SERVICESWäkipyörä, which is owned by the student union, offers the students a flexible and easy way to work alongside their studies. The students can, for example,concentrate several short employments into Wäkipyörä in order to follow the annual income limit. Wäkipyörä provides students primarily for jobswhich support their studies.Office (B0 - 30) opening hours Mon-Fri 8.00 – 16.00 or by agreement . www.wakipyora.fi.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________358. SOCIAL CONDITIONSFINANCING STUDIESThe students can apply for student financial aid from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) for financing their studies in thepolytechnic. The purpose of the student financial aid is to ensure the livelihood during the studies if the financing is not considered to be theresponsibility of the student’s parents or if the living is not financed by other regulations.The grounds for granting the aid are acceptance to an educational institution, full-time studies and the need for financial support. The studies must continuefor at least eight weeks uninterrupted (this also applies to discontinuing the studies). The students beginning their studies only require the acceptanceinto the educational institute. After the acceptance the students must make sufficient progress in their studies. The financial aid is granted accordingto full months of study. In the polytechnic studies aiming for a degree, the number of supported months per calendar year is usually 9.The financial aid consists of- study grant- housing supplement- government guarantee for a study loanStudy grant and housing supplement are government financed aids, which are paid into the student’s bank account each month. The housingsupplement can be granted to students living in rented, right-of-tenancy or right-of-purchase accommodation.TIME OF FINANCIAL AIDThe maximum time for financial aid for polytechnic students and the time granted by the first decision are determined by the extent of the studiesas follows:Extent of the studies (credits) 240 210Time for financial aid granted by the first decision (years) 5 4,5Maximum time for financial aid (months) 50/46 45/42For university level studies which have begun before the 1st of August 2005, the maximum time for financial aid is 50 or 45 months. The maximum timefor financial aid is 46 or 42 months for university level studies which have begun on the 1st of August 2005 or after that.OVERTIME STUDIESIf a student has not completed the studies within the time period of the first decision, if it possible to get financial aid for full-timestudies if the student has financial aid months left. The application can, usually, be submitted directly to Kela Centre of Financial Aid for Students and acertificate of studies. The application requires a statement from the study grants board, if the student applies for student financial aid for overtime studiesin the following circumstances as defined in the decree of Financial aid for Students, 9 a §:– the students financial aid has previously been discontinued due to insufficient progress in studies– the student financial aid is being applied in a situation when there is an especial need to check the progress of studies (for examplemoving from one town to another)– the student is applying for financial aid when he/she was not present at the previous progress check (the student did not receivefinancial aid during the previous check-up which took place at the beginning of the autumn semester)– the student financial aid is being applied for summer time– the student financial aid is being applied for free-choice study abroad– the student is applying for financial aid after having used all the supported months (Decree of Student financial aid 7 a §).

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________36If a student, who has begun his/her studies on the 1 st of August 2005, has used all supported months and can demonstrate to the study grants boardthat the delay in studies has been caused by an illness or other severe reason, they may be eligible for the overtime as defined in 7a§. The student mustpresent a medical certificate or other sufficient clarification. The overtime is only possible if the student lacks less than 75 credits from the Bachelor’sDegree.A student who has exceeded the time of study right for more than one year, must apply for the student financial aid separately by using the OT form. Theapplication must include a copy of the decision for overtime study from the Director of the Degree Programme as well as a free-form study plan confirmedby the student counsellor as well as other confirmed study plans, if needed (intra.tamk.fi/ työkalut/lomakkeet/<strong>TAMK</strong>in sähköiset lomakkeet/opiskelijat).The application is submitted to the study grants board.STUDY GRANTS BOARDThere is a Study Grants Board in <strong>TAMK</strong> which issues statements on the matters it handles. These statements bind the Centreof Student Financial Aid in KELA. The function of the Study Grants Board is further set by a decree. The purpose of the Study Grants Boardis to1) Define the general evaluation criteria for full-time studies and progress of studies for each degree2) Give KELA the statements for individual students either unprompted or by request of KELA or the student regarding thegrounds mentioned in item oneDuring 1.8.2008–31.7.2010the Study Grant Board members areChairperson lecturer Eija Iso-JunnoTeacher member and vice-chairpersonlecturer Anne MustonenStudent member Lotta KallioStudent member Anne-Mari HonkavaaraSecretary office secretary Riitta Mäntylädeputy member Anneli Karppinendeputy member lecturer Harri Laaksonendeputy member student Anssi Alatalodeputy member student Antti-Juhani FilpusMONITORING THE PROGRESSKELA monitors the progress of studies each year for students receiving financial aid. The monitoring period is 1.8-31.7. In order for the studiesto be considered to progress sufficiently, the students must complete at least 4,8 credits per grant month received. If there are fewer creditscompleted during the monitoring period, it is possible to continue receiving financial aid if the student has completed enough credits duringthe previous monitoring period. If the student neglects the studies or of their progress has been delayed so that the study time will run over,the studies are not considered to have progressed sufficiently.If a student’s amount of credits completed is less than the minimum amount required, an explanation request is sent and the student mustanswer it. The study grants board decides on the continuation, discontinuation and possible reclaiming of the financial aid depending on the explanation.If the amount of credits completed is only a little less than the minimum amount, the financial aid is usually continued but the studentis given a set time during which they must hasten their studies or the continuation of the grant is re-evaluated.AID FOR STUDIES ABROADStudents may also receive financial aid for studies abroad if the studies correspond to the studies which entitle students for financial aid inFinland or form a part of the degree to be completed in Finland. If a student is completing a degree in a Finnish educational institution andtemporarily studies aboard, they may be granted the study grant for studies abroad. The application for the grant (usually form OTm) is returnedto the Study Grant Board.According to the 17 § clause 1 of the Student Financial Aid Act, the scholarships meant for studies abroad are not taken into account whenmonitoring the student’s income. The scholarships for studies abroad are not taken into account either when deciding on the student financialaid if the student receives the scholarship from the educational institution as defined in the 20 § of the Student Financial Aid Act. Suchscholarships include Erasmus, Nordplus and Leonardo da Vinci scholarships and scholarships the educational institutes grant for studentexchange.AID FOR SUMMER STUDIES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________37Students may study during the summer within the time limit of their financial aid. Students wishing to receive financial aid for the summermonths must complete at least 5 cr/month for, as a rule, for at least two weeks, or 10 cr/2 months, if the student wishes to obtain financial aid for twoconsecutive summer months. If the student wishes to receive financial aid for the whole summer, the total number of credits completed during the summermust be at least 15. The credits do not have to be divided equally between months, as long as there are studies in each month. When applying forfinancial aid for practical training, the students must do at least 18 calendar days of training each month. A copy of the training agreement must be attachedto the financial aid application.Financial aid for the summer is applied for using the OTm form (www.kela.fi). The OTm must also include a form defining the summer studies (Selvityskesäopinnoista) and other attachments (intra.tamk.fi/työkalut/lomakkeet/<strong>TAMK</strong>in sähköiset lomakkeet/opiskelijat).The students must ask for confirmation for their studies from the Head of their Degree Programme, student advisor or teacher or study secretary. Theapplication is returned to the Student Grant Board of <strong>TAMK</strong>. It must be returned by mid-April to ensure that the financial aid is not interrupted.FINANCIAL AID FOR ADULT STUDENTSA student who has been in the working life for a long time may apply for adult education subsidy from the Education Fund.The requirements for the applicants:1. At least 5 years in the working life2. Study leave3. At least one year of employment under the same employerMore information about the adult education subsidy and its application forms are available from the labour force bureaus and the web pageswww.koulutusrahasto.fiEMPOLYMENT PENSION FROM THE DEGREEThe law regarding the payment of employment pension to be paid from the governmental funds during the tending of a under 3-year-old childor studies (644/2003 and decree 1146/2004). The pension benefits apply to the persons who have completed their degree after 1.1.2005.Pension accumulates:- five years from a higher academic degree (also includes higher UAS degrees and National Defence College)- four years from a UAS degree- three years from a lower academic degree and vocational degreeIf the applicant has several degrees, the pension only accumulates for the maximum of five years.Student financial aid is only required from the degrees completed abroad.LIVINGEngineering Student Housing Company Ltd (IOT), Real Estate Ltd Opintanner and Pirkka Student Housing Ltd as well as Tampere Student HousingFoundation (TOAS) provide housing for the students of Tampere Polytechnic. Rent is roughly 8 € per m 2 . Further information about studenthousing is available at www.insinorioppilastalo.fi, www.opintanner.net and www.toas.fi.PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONRAILWAY TRAFFIC AND NATIONAL BUS TRANSPORTATIONJoint student card of VR and MatkahuoltoStudents may get a joint student card of VR (national railways) and Matkahuolto (national bus services) from the ticket booths of VR, Matkahuolto office(Hatanpään valtatie 5.7), Tampere City Transport Information (Frenckellinaukio 2 B) or the Matkahuolto officials selling tickets. For the card, the studentneeds one passport photograph and a joint certificate of studying for VR and Matkahuolto, which can be collected from the student office, printed from

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________38the web pages of VR or Matkahuolto or collected from any of the offices mentioned above. The certificate needs a signature and a stamp from the placeof studies.For the first student card, the student needs one passport picture and an identification card. The card does not cost anything, the annual sticker costs 6€.The old student card must be updated yearly with a new academic semester sticker, which can be bought from the aforementioned agencies. Thesales begin in August. The sticker for the autumn semester is valid until the end of January the next year and the sticker for the whole academic year isvalid until the end of September the next year. The card and the sticker may be obtained at any time of the year. <strong>TAMK</strong>O members get a national studentcard, which grants the discounts without a separate certificate.VR student discount is 50 %. Discount is eligible on the following terms:- for full-time students studying in Finland or are Finnish and studying abroad (since 1.12.2007 the discount is only granted to persons studying inFinland)- the continual duration of studies is over 8 months- the students do not gain daily benefits or salary for the studies- the students have no income from a permanent office, employment or income as an entrepreneurStudent discount is 50 % for domestic bus transport. The ticket must be bought for at least for a journey of 80 km and the ticket must be bought beforehandat Matkahuolto, travel agent or an officer selling tickets.BUS TRANSPORTATION IN TAMPEREPermanent residents of Tampere who are over 20 years old and study in, for instance, a university of applied sciences can apply for a student travelcard. Studies must be full-time and lead to a degree or a vocation. Students under 20 years old use a young person’s travel card, not a student travelcard.A ticket bought with a student card is 25 % cheaper than a normal adult ticket. In order to get a discount, a student must buy Tampere Travel Card(6, 70 € security deposit) which also acts as TKL travel card. Tampere Travel Card is available at Tampere City Transport Information, locatedat Frenckellinaukio 2 B. If a student already has a travel card, the student status can be charged to it at Transport Information.The application for the travel card needs the student’s personal information, which is uploaded into the card, so bring a personal identification with you.At the same time, the selected ticket will also be uploaded. There are several places where you can recharge your travel card around the city, severaldown-town. You can also recharge to ticket in the <strong>TAMK</strong>O bookshop. The card cannot be recharged in the bus.When applying for a student card, a student must bring along stamped <strong>TAMK</strong>O student card or study verification from the study office showingthe duration of studies.Students over 30 years of age must also present a valid decision for a student financial aid.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________399. STUDENT HEALTH CAREStudent health care services are arranged by Tampere City Social and Health Services.Further information is available at www.tampere.fi/opiskeluterveys.Personal e-mail is firstname.lastname@tampere.fiHEALTH CAREHammareninkatu 7, 4th floor, next to Tullintoripublic health nurse Anneli Palsa t. (03) 565 78508public health nurse Maija Julkunen t. (03) 565 78517public health nurse Irmeli Rantanen (business and administration) t. (03) 565 78513DENTAL CAREThe place of dental care is determined according to a students’ street address.Appointments to all dental clinicsMon - Fri 8.00–17.00 t. (03) 565 70100Dental care is charged according to the fees in Health Centre (a bill will be sent by mail). Students make the reservations themselves. Acancellation must be done at least 24 hours before the appointment. In case of illnesses, a certificate from the nurse or a doctor must be sent to theHealth Centre. If the appointment is not used neither cancelled, the 27 € fee will be charged.PSYCHOLOGIST SERVICESHammareninkatu 7, 4th floorSometimes, our own strength is not enough. Traumatic experiences and life crises cause problems. The consequences ofthe above-mentioned issues can be long-term depression, on-going fatigue, suicidal behaviour, anxiety, ”being tense”, problems with eating andaddictions.Talking to the psychologist can help and ease the situation and help to cope with the situation. Appointments are usually done through the public healthnurse, but if needed, also by contacting the psychologist during the phone hours.Psychologist Jyrki Muurinaho t. (03) 565 78512 Mon - Fri 12-12.30Psychologist Raila Niittymäki-Kontola t. (03) 565 78511 Mon - Tue 12-12.30CRISIS GROUPIf you, someone close to you or for instance a student group has experienced a sudden, shocking incident such as an accident or death, it is good to talkabout it. The crisis group of <strong>TAMK</strong> can help you and it is confidential. The contact info of the crisis group can be found in Intranet.STUDENT CHAPLAINCY OF PARISHESThe UAS chaplain isKatriina Hallikainen t. 050-365 7595katriina.hallikainen@evl.fiOffice hours Tuesdays at 10 – 12, F1-25

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________40The student chaplains of Tampere Evangelic Lutheran Church serve students, teachers and other staff of the institutions. The chaplains are available forconsultation as agreed and during their office hours. They can be best reached through e-mail or by calling. You can discuss the different matters of lifewith the chaplain confidentially. The chaplains are present in the institutions, hold office hours and classes, organise lectures, concerts, visitations andevents and collaborate with different people. Their working environment and crisis knowledge is also available for the institutions. Different kinds ofgroups are also arranged in co-operation with the student health care, such as grief and divorce groups and other peer groups, relationship lectures,days of silence and adult confirmation classes. The chaplains can also be contacted regarding the divine services of the institution and they can beasked to perform church services (for example baptism, marriage). The offices and group work facilities of other student chaplains of the EvangelicalLutheran congregation in Tampere and campus chapel ”Taivaankansi” are located in the Pinni B –building of University of Tampere, address: Kanslerinrinne,5th floor. The homepages of student chaplains www.uusiverso.fi/oppilaitostyö.STUDENT’S INSURANCE COVERAGEThe legal accident insurance includes occupational accidents and occupational diseases resulting from work. The duty for insuring studentsis based on a decree 851.10.12.1948 which defines the compensations of the accidents during studies. <strong>TAMK</strong> is responsible forinsuring the degree students, when they are completing laboratory or field projects and practical training during their studies. The insurance covers anyaccidents resulting from conditions typical for the type of study. The insurance coverage also includes unpaid work placement, training, projects and finalthesis which occur without employment with the employer. The insurance does not cover accidents which happen during classroom education or betweenclasses.If a student has an employment contract with an employer, works for an employer and receives salary, the employer’s legal accident insurancecovers the student.The employer is also responsible for the student’s occupational safety in a manner similar as the staff’s even if the student is not employed by the employer.The employer is thus responsible for familiarizing the student with industrial safety matters.The legal accident insurance excludes accidents, illnesses and property damages which have occurred during free time. Due to this,students studying and doing work placement abroad must take travel insurance for covering leisure and illnesses. During a student’s residencyaboard, it is recommended to find out the social welfare benefits of a country in question, especially when staying outside EU/ETA countries.Some travel insurances also cover health injuries which are caused by work.The educational institutions accident insurance does not include liability insurance or a legal expenses insurance. The person commissioning the work(for example the company) has a so-called vicarious liability also for any damage the students have caused while working (employer’s liability insurance)when the company is in charge of the management and supervision of work and when the company benefits from the student’s work. The student mayalso be held personally responsible if he or she has caused the damage intentionally or through serious recklessness. The student must discuss theneed for a liability insurance with the employer and the polytechnic before the work begins.Please contact <strong>TAMK</strong> administration manager (Risto Masonen p. 03-565 47204) or co-ordinators charged of work placements or International officers forfurther information about insurances. The insurance companies and KELA also provide further informationregarding these matters.The following study secretaries also act as insurance coordinators:Marja Honkanen t. (03) 565 47469Soili Kivinen t. (03) 565 47410Päivi Sohlman t. (03) 565 47826

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4110. LEARNING ENVIRONMENTThe learning environment includes the premises, furniture, equipment and information technology environment with its equipment and softwarewhich are meant for the study and research purposes and development tasks at <strong>TAMK</strong>. The learning environment must not be used in a manner whichjeopardizes the reputation and public image of the polytechnic. The staff of <strong>TAMK</strong> will inform students more about this matter.PREMISES AND PASS ARRANGEMENTSTEISKONTIE CAMPUSThe teaching of technology, business administration, natural sciences and resources and environmental engineering is provided at the Teiskontie campus.The Vocational Teacher Education Centre (TAOKK) also operates in Teiskontie.Students get an electronic <strong>TAMK</strong> pass card which makes it easier to move around the premises and allows the students to study after the openinghours of <strong>TAMK</strong>. The students are informed about the opening hours as they collect the pass card. The pass card is free of charge, however, the chargefor a lost, not returned or damaged pass card is 25 € for. More information can be found in Intranet of <strong>TAMK</strong> from the documents, under the folder forKiinteistöpalvelut. Questions related to pass cards and moving around the premises can be sent to vahtimestarit@tamk.fi. Matters related to pass cardsare taken care in the janitors’ desk, located at the entrance by Teiskontie.The main entrances of Teiskontie and Kuntokatu are open on weekdays 7.45 - 18.00. On Saturdays, the doors of Teiskontie side are open8.30 – 15.00. The side doors are always closed and using them requires the pass card. On Sundays and holidays all premises are closed.On Sundays, it is possible to enter the C building and its computer classrooms by using the pass card. Opening hours are exceptional during vacationsand on the eves of holidays. The exceptions are announced separately.Persons without pass cards must leave the premises by closing time. Do not bring outsiders with you to the premises of <strong>TAMK</strong>. Keep your IDor student card with you in order to prove your identification.Disabled persons have been taken into consideration on the premises of Teiskontie.The janitors of Teiskontie serve on weekdays 7.00 – 21.00 and on Saturdays 7.30 – 16.00 phone number (03) 565 47 240. Outside the times mentionedabove, in case of an emergency situation, please contact the security company, 0204 2828.FINLAYSON CAMPUSEducation for the art and media takes place in the Finlayson Campus. Seelanti, Finlaysoninkatu 7. The premises have both entrance and camera accesscontrol. The doors of office floor are open on weekdays 8.00 – 18.00. The doors to other floors can be opened by pass cards. The info desk is located onthe second floor.PARKINGTeiskontieParking is permitted on the marked spaces only. Parking is chargeable. The parking permission is valid for one year and the price is 10 €/ academic year(1.9.2008 - 31.8.2009). The permission can be obtained from the Info desk located in Kuntokatu starting 18.8.2008. The traffic wardens check the parkinglots. Parking is not allowed without permission.FinlaysonDue to the location, there are no parking spaces available for students. Parking is also effectively monitored along the streets.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42BOOKSTORE AND COPYINGBOOKSTORETeiskontie campus has the students’ own bookstore which is owned by <strong>TAMK</strong>OTUKI.Services of the bookstore:- calculators, books- copying cards, extra printing quota- computer and office materials- stamps and cards- film tickets, candy and refreshments- covers for final theses and spiral bindings for handouts- recharging the travel card- recharging the lunch payment card (<strong>TAMK</strong>O card)The opening hours can be found from the address: www.tamk.fi/tamkotukiCOPYINGTeiskontieThe copying machines located in the staircase of the main lobby on the Kuntokatu-side and in the library are available for students. The copying machinesoperate with copy cards which are sold in the bookstore. The orders with larger amount of copies can be left to be handled by the copy serviceof the bookstore.FinlaysonThe copy cards used at Finlayson Campus can be bought from the Info desk of Finlayson Campus (2nd floor).RESTAURANTS<strong>TAMK</strong>OTUKI maintains the restaurant and Info Café at Teiskontie campus. Opening hours and menus can be found at http://tamkotuki.tamk.fiThe discounted meals are available by showing a valid student card or KELA meal support card. <strong>TAMK</strong> is responsible for permitting the discounted mealcard for students who do not have a student card but are eligible for the discounted meals. The meal support of KELA is available for students whoare completing a degree programme or are participating in professional or specialisation studies which are eligible to grants. Coffeeand bakery products are also available without VAT by showing the student card.A batch of lunches and coffees available for further discount can be charged to the <strong>TAMK</strong>O student card in the bookshop or the restaurant.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________43ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESEveryone at <strong>TAMK</strong> has the responsibility for taking environment into consideration in their daily activities. Saving materials and energy and minimisingthe environmental effects and risks are taken into consideration in every activity at <strong>TAMK</strong>. The environmental control system of <strong>TAMK</strong> is one part of thequality control. The environmental group of <strong>TAMK</strong> regularly follows the development of the control system regarding the environmental issues. <strong>TAMK</strong>’senvironmental policy and its principles match the environmental policy goals of the City of Tampere.Detailed sorting instructions and disposal places at Teiskontie Campus can be found in Intranet. A recycling centre is also in operation at <strong>TAMK</strong>.There are recycling points for the following debris at Teiskontie Campus:- recyclable paper- recyclable cardboard- recyclable glass- scrap metal- scrap electronics- batteries- wooden waste- organic waste- problem waste- cement and brick waste- daily dry wasteEMERGENCY SITUATIONSWhen discovering an accident or other emergency situation, everyone is responsible for acting, calling out for help and confining the problemsituation. Everybody should read the instructions on how to act during an emergency.A trained rescue organization operates on the premises at Teiskontie and Finlayson Campus in case of accidents and emergency situations. This organizationis in charge of clearing the buildings and rescue operations until the professionals arrive. This organisation also operates with the authoritiesand aims at preventing accidents and their consequences.In case of an alarm, everybody must act according to the instructions received from the members of the rescue organisation. YOU MUSTLEAVE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY IF TOLD TO DO SO!You must remember that neglecting the exiting instructions can endanger not only your life but also the life of the rescue personnel and other peopleleaving the building.HOW TO ACT AFTER THE ALARM AND THE ORDER TO LEAVE THE BUILDING IS GIVEN1. Follow the instructions given by the rescue personnel about the method and the direction of exiting2. Do not return to collect your things and clothes.3. Immediately move to the same direction with the other people who are exiting the building.4. Follow the exit signs. Do not use lifts.5. Do not open doors unless necessary. The trained rescue organization takes care of checking the premises.6. Do not instigate panic with your words and actions. Panic can cause more victims!7. Help the handicapped and injured people when exiting.8. Exit through the nearest exit to you unless told otherwise. Move to the location designated for the building you have just left.9. Do not return to the building before permitted to do so.10. Immediately report to the members of the rescue organization if someone is still in the building.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________44In order to prevent further damage, rescue operations done without the permission of the rescue organisation or the authorities are forbidden. The rescueand security plans regarding the premises of <strong>TAMK</strong> can be found in Intranet.

TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU – <strong>TAMK</strong> University of Applied Sciences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4511. DEVELOPMENT OF QUALITY ANDEVALUATION AT <strong>TAMK</strong>The objective of <strong>TAMK</strong> is to constantly develop the quality of education. A comprehensive quality management system has been implemented at <strong>TAMK</strong>.This system includes the traditional quality, management, operational and feedback system combined into one. The instructions describe the annualfeedback collecting, analysing it and taking action based on the feedback. The instructions also describe equal practices regarding all students at <strong>TAMK</strong>.The equal practices include such matters as course implementation plans handed out before the course, equal evaluation, student guidance, and theimplementation of the final thesis and guided training. The feedback given by the students is used to improve <strong>TAMK</strong> actions, for example courses. <strong>TAMK</strong>also collects the feedback from employers and former students already in the working life. All feedback will be evaluated yearly and on the basis of theseresults new development projects will be decided upon and the curriculum will be renewed if necessary.FEEDBACKWe want to develop the teaching at <strong>TAMK</strong> to be better than ever. This is why we collect feedback from different actors and from different viewpoints.<strong>TAMK</strong> has a joint procedure to collect feedback measuring the quality of education and learning in courses. Through an electronic feedback system inIntranet, the students evaluate their own investment in learning and the course, how well the learning goals set in the course were reached and how wellthe course was implemented. The feedback can concern any matter or activity which are common for all courses, which can be compared and which caneasily be transferred into numerical summaries. It is used in <strong>TAMK</strong>’s overall evaluation, in the assessment discussions between the teacher and thesuperior as well as in the teacher’s own teaching development. The teachers may also collect feedback about any special aspects of their courses usingthe method of their choice, either orally or in writing.

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