December 2010 - University of Worcester

December 2010 - University of Worcester

December 2010 - University of Worcester


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NEWS114students receive Foundationdegree in PayrollManagementOn 15 October the graduation ceremony for the Foundation Degree in PayrollManagement, organised by the Institute <strong>of</strong> Payroll Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals (IPP), took place atThe Barbican, London.The course is a UW validated award delivered by <strong>Worcester</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Technologyand IPP, and is therefore a tri-partite collaborative programme. At the ceremony114 students were awarded their Foundation Degrees, for the largest collaborativeprogramme validated by the <strong>University</strong>. It has been described by one <strong>of</strong> UW’sExternal Examiners as: ‘one <strong>of</strong> the biggest FDs and the best applied managementprogramme in the country’.Celebrations at The BarbicanPsychology Student Channels MindPower to Win Two Gold Medalsfirst year psychologyA student at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>scooped two gold and asilver medal at the WorldMartial Arts Games.Simon Price travelled toLas Vegas to representGreat Britain at the Gamesand walked away withthree medals. It was thefirst time he had beenselected for the GB squad.“I’m so pleased to have hadDouble gold-medalist, Simon Pricethe chance to go to theGames and to representmy country,” he said. “It was fantastic to then win two goldmedals in the individual events and a silver in the team event.”Nineteen-year-old Simon, <strong>of</strong> Wynall Lane, Stourbridge,started Jujutsu when he was five years old and is amember <strong>of</strong> Tai Jutsu Kai. He has competed at hundreds<strong>of</strong> competitions over the years but said the World MartialArts Games were the pinnacle <strong>of</strong> his fighting career.“It was really amazing,” he said. “The atmospherewas incredible. I’m really grateful to my club andmy Sensei Robert Tiene, who I could not have donethis without, and to Stourbridge College and DudleyCouncil who sponsored me to attend the Games.”“Next year it’s the European championships so I am hopingI will get a chance to go along there also,” he added.The course is delivered in 9 centres across the UK (Glasgow in the north to Londonin the south) and utilises a ‘Blended’ learning approach, using a Virtual LearningEnvironment to deliver all the supporting materials and two face to face days withtutors per module. This year was the first graduation for students who commencedthe newly validated programme in January 2008 and September 2008. Theprogramme currently has over 700 students registered going through the variousmodules and levels and it is the Payroll/Pensions industry standard qualification,contributing to staff Continuing Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development.Students Lend aHand at LedburyPoetry FestivalTwo <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong>students gained valuableexperience working at this year’sLedbury Poetry Festival.Laura Miles and Jennifer Lewis wereselected to do voluntary work throughthe <strong>University</strong>’s partnership with theFestival.They carried out a number <strong>of</strong> duties,including drumming up stories for thepress <strong>of</strong>fice, arranging radio interviewsand working at the Box Office.Festival Director Chloe Garnersaid: “Laura and Jennifer were bothenthusiastic and committed. They tookon all the tasks that came their way andat times showed considerable initiativein handling certain requests from themedia.“Jennifer managed to set up a radio slamwith regional poets for BBC Herefordand <strong>Worcester</strong> at very short notice,which was very impressive.”Laura, a third-year English student, andJennifer, a third-year Journalism withMedia and Cultural Studies student,both applied for the roles to gain newexperiences.“It was fantastic,” said 34-year-oldLaura. “I really enjoyed the wholeexperience and learned a lot from it. Itreally made me think about the things Ican do with my degree.”Jennifer, age 31, added: “We both gotstuck in, helping out as much as we couldand I would like to think that we made adifference. I certainly enjoyed it and gota lot out <strong>of</strong> it.”The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> sponsoredthe Michael McClure opening event atthe Festival.There will be further opportunities for<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> students to getinvolved in the Festival next year.10 / DECEMBER <strong>2010</strong> / newsandviews@worc.ac.uk

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