Quintessence of Religious Doctrines - Malankarasyriac Voice

Quintessence of Religious Doctrines - Malankarasyriac Voice

Quintessence of Religious Doctrines - Malankarasyriac Voice


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18On the Son3536<strong>Quintessence</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Doctrines</strong>(e) Heb. 1:2. But in these last days he has spoken to usthrough his Son. (G.N.B.)CommentThere was no mutation to His divine nature when He assumeda human body. The natures <strong>of</strong> humanity and divinity gotinseparably united but without joining and withoutundermining in any way anyone <strong>of</strong> the natures. Thisphenomenon, however, gave rise to the so called heresyassociated with Nestor, the Byzantine Patriarch. It must beadmitted that the mixing and their modes <strong>of</strong> union <strong>of</strong> twonatures would remain ever a mystery.13. As the union has been accomplished in perfection no subsequentseparation into two hypostases or persons is possible. The twonatures are fused together as to form one nature, one Person,one countenance or persupa meaning face, (which cannot heseen with the mortal eyes; but visible only through the innerluminous eye.) one disposition, and one functioning. He is trueGod and true human, simultaneously.Ref.: Eph. 4:5. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. (G.N.B.)CommentThe union <strong>of</strong> two natures, as noted above, is a mystery.Therefore, whatsoever the humans may say, by engagingthe ordinary categories <strong>of</strong> logic, it will be only an approximationto truth. That is why it is said, that it is comprehensible onlyby the luminous inner eye.14. Even at the moment <strong>of</strong> His death, when the soul separated fromthe body, His divinity did not depart either from the body or thesoul but remained in tact with each <strong>of</strong> them.Ref.: Jn. 19:34. But one <strong>of</strong> the soldiers with a spear piercedhis side, and forthwith came there out blood andwater. (K.J.V.)CommentEven at the time <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> Jesus, His divinity did notdepart but remained with Him. Some schools <strong>of</strong> thought, asthe Docetists, have cast doubts about this happening.Logically they may appear to be correct. But Christ-eventstranscend human logic. If divinity had departed from Christat the time <strong>of</strong> His death it seems unintelligible as to how couldsalvation be effected by His death on the Cross. If so, thebulk <strong>of</strong> the prophetic utterances regarding the Crucifixion <strong>of</strong>Christ would have been superfluous.15. As Jesus, through resurrection did transform his bodyincorruptible, death lost its sway over it.Ref.: Rom. 6:9. For we know that Christ has been raisedfrom death and will never die again - death will nolonger rule over him. (G.N.B.)CommentHis body became incorruptible after death because it wastransformed into something ethereal. According to Paulinetheology it is corruption <strong>of</strong> human body that leads to theevent, ‘death’. Therefore, it can be inferred that death couldnot claim the incorrupt ethereal body <strong>of</strong> Christ.16. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one shall be savedexcept through Him.Ref.: (a) Jn. 14:6. Jesus answered him, “I am the way, thetruth and the life; no one goes to the Father exceptby me. (G.N.B.)(b) Acts. 4:12. “Salvation is to be found in him alone...(G.N.B.)CommentAs the only begotten Son <strong>of</strong> the Father and as He wasprepared to <strong>of</strong>fer himself as the pledge for human beings,He alone had the right to lead mankind towards redemption.This is the crux <strong>of</strong> the Christian doctrine <strong>of</strong> Incarnation. Verily,He is the only Saviour for all times. This strikes a note <strong>of</strong>difference with certain other religions, which stand forincarnations <strong>of</strong> God from age to age. A typical case is that <strong>of</strong>Hinduism, especially Vaishnavaism. Vaishnavaism is thedoctrine which upholds Lord Vishnu as the supreme God in

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