Product Environmental Profile (pdf - 680 Ko) - Schneider Electric

Product Environmental Profile (pdf - 680 Ko) - Schneider Electric

Product Environmental Profile (pdf - 680 Ko) - Schneider Electric


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Medium Voltage Distribution<strong>Product</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>Premset 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional unitsPE90545D02N D06H I06T

<strong>Product</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Profile</strong> - PEP<strong>Product</strong> overviewPremset 15 kV D02N and D06H core units are dedicated to protection, disconnection and earthing of circuits.They associate a disconnecting Circuit Breaker and a downstream earthing switch.D02NThe D02N is dedicatedto MV/LV transformerprotection with a200 Amp Circuit Breaker.D06HThe D06H is dedicatedto incoming lines orfeeders protection with630 Amp Circuit Breaker.Rated voltage Ur (kV) 12 15Rated current Ir (A rms) 100 (D01N) - 200 (D02N)Rated short-time withstand current Ik (kA rms) 25 25 20 21 21and durationtk (s) 1 2 4 1 3Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc (kA rms) 25 25 20 21 21Rated making capacity of Circuit Icm (kA peak) 65 65 52 54 54Breaker and earthing switchesNo-load mechanical enduranceof Circuit BreakerM1 class(IEC 62271-100)Number ofoperations2000<strong>Electric</strong>al enduranceof Circuit BreakerOperating sequenceE2 class(IEC 62271-100)Number ofoperationsO - 15 s - COMaximum number of operations at Isc 5Total clearing time at IscFault detection toarc extinguishing(ms) < 60No-load mechanical enduranceof earthing switchMaking capacity enduranceof earthing switchM0 class(IEC 62271-102)E2 class(IEC 62271-102)Number ofoperationsNumber ofoperationsAcc. E2 class, without reclosing dutyRated voltage Ur (kV) 12 15Rated current Ir (A rms) 630Rated short-time withstand current Ik (kA rms) 25 25 20 21 21and durationtk (s) 1 2 4 1 3Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc (kA rms) 25 25 20 21 21Rated making capacity of Circuit Icm (kA peak) 65 65 52 54 54Breaker and earthing switchesCapacitive breaking capacity (IEC 62271-100) Capacitive CC2 / LC2break classNo-load mechanical enduranceof Circuit BreakerM2 class(IEC 62271-100)Number ofoperations10000<strong>Electric</strong>al enduranceof Circuit BreakerOperating sequenceE2 class(IEC 62271-100)Number ofoperations10005Acc. E2 class, without reclosing dutyO - 0.3 s - CO -15 s - COMaximum number of operations at 100% Isc > 50Total clearing time at IscFault detection toarc extinguishing(ms) < 100No-load mechanical endurance ofearthing switchMaking capacity endurance ofearthing switchM0 class(IEC 62271-102)E2 class(IEC 62271-102)Number ofoperationsNumber ofoperations10005Premset 15 kV I06T core unit is dedicated to switching, disconnection and earthing of circuits.They associate a disconnecting load-break switch and a downstream earthing switch.I06TRated voltage Ur (kV) 12 15Rated current Ir (A rms) 630Rated short-time withstand current Ik (kA rms) 25 25 20 21 21and durationtk (s) 1 2 4 1 3Rated making capacity of main Icm (kA peak) 65 65 52 54 54and earthing switchesNo-load mechanical enduranceof main switchM1 class(IEC 62271-103)Number ofoperations1000<strong>Electric</strong>al enduranceof main switchMaking capacity enduranceof main switchNo-load mechanical enduranceof earthing switchNo-load capacity enduranceof earthing switchE3 class(IEC 62271-103)E3 class(IEC 62271-103)M0 class(IEC 62271-102)E2 class(IEC 62271-102)Number ofoperationsNumber ofoperationsNumber ofoperationsNumber ofoperations100510005The representativeproducts used for theanalysis are the Premset15 kV D02N, D06Hand I06T functional units,including these items.• D02N functional unit and D06H functional unit:- The Core unit with embedded and screened vacuum bottles, the 3-positionmechanism CI1 type (D02N) or 0-C0 type (D06H), the earthing switch.- The bottom compartment and the cable connections.- The VIP 40 (D02N) or VIP 400 (D06H) protection, with relay, current transformers,and actuator.- The busbar system.• I06T functional unit:- The Core unit with embedded and screened vacuum bottles, the 3-positionmechanism CIT type, the earthing switch.- The bottom compartment and the cable connections.- The cable testing device.- The busbar system.The environmentalimpacts of thesereferenced productsare representativeof the impactsof the other productsof the range whichare developed witha similar technology.The environmentalanalysis was performedin conformitywith ISO 14040.

Constituent materialsThe mass of the Premset 15 kV D02N functional unit is 162 kg, including the packaging.The constituent materials are distributed as follows:PBT polybutylene terephtalate 0.6 %PA polyamide 0.5 %PET polyethilene terephtalate 0.4%Wood 7.4 % Elastomer 4.1 % Other materials under 0.4%with a total of 0.6 %PE polyethylene 1.0 %DE90219PC polycarbonate 1.6 %Epoxy resin 21.8 %Steel 45.2 %Zinc 0.4 %Brass 0.4 %Ferrous alloys 1.6 %Stainless steel 2.1 %Copper 5.7 %Aluminium 6.5 %The mass of the Premset 15 kV D06H functional unit is 162 kg, including the packaging.The constituent materials are distributed as follows:PBT polybutylene terephtalate 0.6 %PA polyamide 0.5 %PET polyethilene terephtalate 0.4%Wood 7.4 % Elastomer 4.1 % Other materials under 0.4%with a total of 0.7 %PE polyethylene 1.0 %DE90219PC polycarbonate 1.6 %Epoxy resin 21.8 %Steel 45.4 %Zinc 0.4 %Brass 0.4 %Ferrous alloys 1.1 %Stainless steel 2.2 %Copper 5.9 %Aluminium 6.5 %The mass of the Premset 15 kV I06T functional unit is 168 kg, including the packaging.The constituent materials are distributed as follows:PA polyamide 0.4 %PP polypropylene 0.1%PBT polybutylene terephtalate 0.1 %Wood 7.1 % Elastomer 4.0 % Other materials under 0.06%with a total of 0.1 %DE90220PE polyethylene 1.1 %PC polycarbonate 2.9 %Epoxy resin 21.1 %Steel 45.0 %Zinc 0.4 %Non ferrous alloys 0.2 %Brass 0.9 %Stainless steel 2.1 %Aluminium 6.2 %Copper 8.3 %

Substance assessment<strong>Product</strong>s of this range are designed in conformity with the requirements of the RoHS directive (EuropeanDirective 2002/95/EC of 27 January 2003) and do not contain, or only contain in the authorised proportions,lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium or flame retardants (polybrominated biphenyls - PBB,polybrominated diphenyl ethers - PBDE) as mentioned in the directive.ManufacturingThe Premset 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional units are manufactured at <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> productionsites on which an ISO14001 certified environmental management system has been established.DistributionThe Premset 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional units weight and volume of the packaging have beenoptimized, based on the European Union’s packaging directive.The packaging weight is 13.7 kg. It consists of 12 kg of wood and 1.7 kg of polyethylene.UseThe products of the 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional units do not generate environmental pollution(noise, emissions) requiring special precautionary measures in standard use.The dissipated power depends on the conditions under which the product is implemented and used.• For the referenced 15 kV D02N functional unit, it is 44.4 W at the nominal intensity and 3.996 W at 30 %of the nominal intensity.• For the referenced 15 kV D06H functional unit it is 440.6 W at the nominal intensity and 39.65 W at 30 %of the nominal intensity.• For the referenced 15 kV I06T functional unit it is 440.6 W at the nominal intensity and 39.65 W at 30 %of the nominal intensity.These thermal dissipations are negligible compared with the power which passes through the product.End of lifeAt end of life, the products in the 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional units have been optimizedto decrease the amount of waste and allow recovery of the product components and materials.This product range contains battery, external electric cables, Printed Circuit Boards that should be separatedfrom the stream of waste so as to optimize end-of-life treatment by special treatments.The location of these components and other recommendations are given in the End of Life Instructiondocument which is available for this product range.The recyclability potential of the products has been evaluated using the “Codde- BV recyclabilityand recoverability calculation method” (version V1, 20 Sep. 2008 presented to the French Agency forEnvironment and Energy Management: ADEME).According to this method, the potential recyclability ratio is: 66 %.As described in the recyclability calculation method this ratio includes only metals and plastics which haveproven industrial recycling processes.<strong>Environmental</strong> impactsLife cycle assessment has been performed on the following life cycle phases: Materials and Manufacturing (M),Distribution (D), Installation (I) Use (U), and End of life (E).• Modeling hypothesis and method:- The calculation was performed on the 15 kV D02N, D06H and I06T functional units.- <strong>Product</strong> packaging is included.- Installation components: no special components included.- Scenario for the Use phase: this product range is included in the category 1 Energy passing productand the assumed service life is 20 years.• The dissipated power depends on the conditions under which the product is implemented and used.- For the referenced 15 kV D02N functional unit, it is 3,996 W At 30% of the nominal intensity and 44,4 W atthe nominal intensity.- For the referenced 15 kV D06H and I06T functional units, it is 39,65 W at 30% of the nominal intensityand 440,6 W at the nominal intensity.• These thermal dissipations are negligible compared with the power which passes through the product.• The electrical power model used for calculation is European model.• End of life impacts are based on a worst case transport distance to the recycling plant (1000km).

• Guantanamo : La Cour suprême américaine a jugé dans sa décision Hamdanv. Rumsfeld du 29 juin 2006 que le président américain George W. Bush avaitoutrepassé ses pouvoirs en instituant des tribunaux militaires à Guantanamopour juger les « combattants ennemis » dans le cadre de sa guerre contre leterrorisme. Les tribunaux d'exception mis en place après le 11 septembre 2001,sans l'aval direct du Congrès, violent les lois américaines et la Convention deGenève sur les prisonniers de guerre. Ils devraient être remplacés par descours martiales classiques. Voir dépêche du 29 juin 2006 sur Le Monde.fr.• ONU - Monténégro : La république du Monténégro est devenue le 28 juin 2006le 192e Etat membre de l'ONU. Voir dépêche du Centre de nouvelles ONU du28 juin 2006.• CICR : Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge a reconnu le Croissant-Rouge palestinien ainsi que la Société israélienne du Magen David Adom quidevraient être admis par la Fédération internationale au sein du Mouvement. Acette occasion, La 29e Conférence internationale de la Croix-Rouge et duCroissant-Rouge a amendé les Statuts du Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge de façon à y incorporer l’emblème additionnel ducristal rouge, lequel jouit désormais du même statut que la croix et le croissantrouges. Voir communiqué de presse CICR 06/65 du 22 juin 2006 et les troisemblèmes.• ONU - Droits de l'homme : Ouverture de la première session du Conseil desdroits de l'homme de l'ONU, Genève, 19-30 juin 2006. Voir dépêche du Centrede Nouvelles ONU du 16 juin 2006. Déclaration du Secrétaire général, KofiAnnan, lors de l'ouverture de cette première session : « Le Conseil peut donnerà l'ONU et à l'humanité la chance de reprendre la lutte pour les droits del'Homme avec une vigueur renouvelée. Ne permettez pas que cette occasionsoit gâchée », voir dépêche AFP du 19 juin 2006 sur Romandie News. Voiraussi l'entretien accordé par Kofi Annan au journal Le Temps, 19 juin 2006.• Les petites phrases...• Surtout, prenez votre temps, rien ne presse !« La bonne nouvelle, c'est que nous sommes tous d'accord pour envoyer unemission sur le terrain ; la mauvaise nouvelle c'est que nous ne sommes pasd'accord sur sa composition ».(Déclaration de M. Kwabena Baah-Duodu, représentant du Ghana, à l'occasionde la session extraordinaire du Conseil des droits de l'homme destinée àexaminer deux projets de résolution relatifs à l'envoi d'experts dans l'ouest duSoudan. Voir dépêche du 13 décembre 2006, 24heures en ligne).• Quelques sites "coups decoeur"...• Multipol (31 janvier 2007)Ce nouveau site présente l'actualité internationale vue par un réseauinterdisciplinaire d’experts et de chercheurs. www.multipol.org propose desanalyses et des brèves sur les sujets d’actualité de la scène internationale,publiés par des spécialistes du droit international, de la diplomatie multilatéraleet de la science politique. Site collectif et novateur, il est alimenté plusieurs foispar semaine et permet aux lecteurs de réagir aux articles présentés. Une

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