James Kundart OD, M.Ed., FAAO - Pacific University

James Kundart OD, M.Ed., FAAO - Pacific University

James Kundart OD, M.Ed., FAAO - Pacific University


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<strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong> O.D., M.<strong>Ed</strong>., F.A.A.O.<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong> College of Optometry2043 College Way, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116503-357-6490 (cell), 503-352-2759 (office)E-mail: kundart@pacificu.edu<strong>Ed</strong>ucation6/00 State <strong>University</strong> of New York, State College of OptometryResidency program in Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation5/99 <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong> College of Optometry, Forest Grove, OregonDoctor of Optometry, with distinction, andMasters of <strong>Ed</strong>ucation, Visual Function in Learning5/93 The Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong>, <strong>University</strong> Park, PAB.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics, emphasis on opticsB.A. in History, emphasis on ancient civilizationsAppointments and Employment08/05 to Associate Professor, <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong> College of Optometrypresent Current teaching responsibility includes Physiological Optics II (Ocular Motility),Visual Perception I & II, Nutritional Optometry elective and clinic in pediatricsand vision therapy. I also direct the world’s first 3D Vision Service at <strong>Pacific</strong>EyeClinic Beaverton.10/01 to Solo private practice, Easton, Pennsylvania07/05 Cold-start practice with emphasis on children and low-income families in anurban environment. One of six optometrists in Pennsylvania contracted by theCommonwealth to perform functional low vision evaluations for special needschildren. Offered full-scope primary care, including vision therapy.7/00 to Founding Optometrist, VIABL Eye Clinic, Bethlehem, PA7/03 Visual Impairment and Blindness Services of Northampton CountyPrescribed eyeglasses, contact lenses and medications for low-incomeadults and children, many without low vision.7/99 to Clinical supervisor and teaching assistant, SUNY Optometry6/00 Supervised interns in primary care, strabismus, and vision therapyclinics. Assisted in teaching strabismus lab classes and administeringpractical exams. Personally taught 4 th year externs in strabismus andvision therapy clinics with Drs. Israel Greenwald and Martin Birnbaum.1

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>Academic and Clinical Instruction – Courses Currently TaughtOptometry 662Visual Information Processing & Perception (lead instructor)Basic and clinical science course, entirely rewritten, including lectures andexams. Was a contributor to the popular textbook, Visual Perception: AClinical Orientation by Steven Schwartz, now in its fourth edition.Currently taught in the fall semester of second year for optometry andMS students.Optometry 701/902 Physiological Optics II: Ocular Motility (lead instructor)Radically revised this course to cover the revised NBEO outline.Includes extensive use of video, Moodle assessments and classroomcapturepodcasting. Topics of this course now are fixations, saccades,pursuits, vestibular and optokinetic eye movements, vergence, as well asnystagmus and other abnormalities. Assigned textbook, Eye MovementDisorders by Agnes Wong (2008). Currently taught in the summer of thirdyear for optometry and MS students.Optometry 702Optometry 900Nutritional Optometry (lead instructor)One-credit course covers the effect of micronutrient deficiency andmacronutrient excess, and their effects on the eye. Uses the textbookHandbook of Nutritional Ophthalmology (Semba) and Nutrition and the Eye(Eperjesi and Beatty). This new elective was first offered in the summerof 2008 with Dina Erickson, and routinely attracts more than 40students.Vision Science Seminar (major contributor)Teaching visual information processing including advanced color visionand visual-motor function to MS in Vision Science students. These topicscomprise at least 2 credit hours of the 6-credit hour series. This series willsoon be available online for distance learning for international students.Academic and Clinical Instruction – Previously Taught CoursesOptometry 503Optometry 725LPhysiological Optics I: Visual Optics (sabbatical coverage)Rewrote 3-credit didactic course, including over 20 lectures and ten labsto stress the qualitative nature of the new NBEO examinations. Taughtin the spring semester of 2010 for first-year optometry and MS students.Strabismus and Amblyopia (lab instructor)Taught a total of 11 sections over the past 4 years of the visual acuitytesting lab for amblyopia. Developed an amblyopia testing batteryintroduced into CompuLink, and taught programs like Amblyopia iNetfound nowhere else in the curriculum.2

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>Optometry 760 Evidence-Based Optometry (lead instructor, summer 2007)Introduced this all-new course introduced into the curriculum in thesummer of 2007. Coverage includes electronic searches of clinical trialsinvolving all aspects of modern optometric care, from binocular vision toocular disease. Curriculum may be used in future offerings of AdvancedCase AnalysisOptometry 790Vision Ergonomics Research Seminar(lead instructor, summer 2008)Weekly elective includes journal club about experimental design, grantwriting, IRB approval, statistics and publication of vision ergonomics labresearch, as a springboard for student research projects.Optometry 791 Optometric Thesis: Introduction (co-instructor, summer 2006-07)Taught use of Moodle modules, how to write Beta Sigma Kappa Grants,and Institutional Review Board proposals for research involving humansubjects.Optometry 792 Optometry Thesis: Completion (instructor, spring 2007)Helped orphaned fourth-year students with required thesis projects tocomplete them before graduation.Opt 715, 722, 723Patient Care V, VI & VII (Third Year Clinic)Supervision of 4 third-year clinicians each semester on Friday afternoonsIntroduction of syllabi and topical coverage of clinical issues, fromevidence-based contact lens to therapeutic medication prescriptions.Course taught from fall of 2005 through the spring of 2007.Optometry 818/822 Vision Therapy/Pediatrics Patient Care (Fourth Year Clinic)Supervision of 3-4 fourth-year clinicians at least weekly each quarter.Emphasis on fast remediation of accommodative & vergence disorders,starting with third-degree fusion. Optical solutions, such as prisms andcontacts, prescribed aggressively. Course taught on Saturdays fromMarch of 2006 until summer of 2008, then weekdays in Forest Grove.My pediatrics clinic met in Virginia Garcia Cornelius, Hillsboro, andPortland.Optometry 817Optometry 909Pediatric Strabismus Referral Center (PSRC Clinic)Sabbatical coverage of <strong>Pacific</strong>’s surgical co-management center in the fallsemester of 2010. This clinic diagnoses and treats strabismus with bothophthalmological and optometric techniques. Includes treatment ofamblyopia as an investigator and author for the Amblyopia TreatmentStudies run by the National Eye Institute of the NIH.Advanced Color Vision Seminar (lead instructor)1-credit elective for post-doctoral students on visual informationprocessing, now being offered as part of the core curriculum for the MSin Vision Science degree.3

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>Optometry 917Optometry 961Seminar in Visual-Motor Function (lead instructor)1-credit elective for post-doctoral students on the neurology of eyemovements, now being offered as part of the core curriculum for the MSin Vision Science degree.Seminar in Visual Information Processing (lead instructor)Masters in Vision Science course, taught in the spring of 2007 and 2009for 2 credits. Identified new textbook Disorders of Visual Processing (Celesia)to cover advanced clinical topics such as agnosias, apraxia and ataxia.Teaching InnovationsPodcasting: I have served as the College expert in classroom capture of lectures offeredto both students and continuing education conferences. All of my courses are ready fordistance learning on semi-public channels of iTunes <strong>University</strong>. Also, our web CEprogram has moved to a podcasting format since 2008. Apps for the iPhone andAndroid platforms are in development as of 2012. I am writing the Apple app myself. Aniseikonia & Color Vision Special Testing Service: I obtained, mastered, andtaught clinical software for measuring aniseikonia and color vision using a computerizedFarnsworth D-15 and Munsell 100-Hue, and the College’s first Nagel anomaloscope. Wehave plans to expand to dark adaptometry and electrodiagnostics in-house.Amblyopia Battery: I compiled a battery of tests, gathered together for baseline andprogress evaluations for patients undergoing occlusion or atropine penalization. At therequest of the Vision Therapy Service Chief, this battery now has its own tab inCompuLink. This battery was taught for four consecutive years in the Strabismus andAmblyopia course, and now will be taught in the Applied Visual Perception course.Interactive Classroom Software: I was the first faculty member in the College ofOptometry to use Moodle for everything from lab assignments to examinations (which Irewrite every year to ensure security).Optometric Thesis Research Project AdvisingAllred, T et. al. Triage Software for Office Emergencies (2008).Clark, Ariene Visual-Vestibular Interaction in Traumatic Brain Injury (2010).Despain, et. al. Top-Down Bias in Tachistoscopic Presentation (2008).Byrne, E et. al.Practice Management Software Needs of Private Practice Optometrists(2008).Gonzalez, D, et. al. The Nike Maxsight Lens for Color Deficiency (2008).4

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>Glabe, David Physiological Mechanisms of the Effects of Yellow Lenses (2010).http://www.pacificu.edu/vpi/publications/documents/LightExposureLipofuscinandMacularDegeneration.pdfPetracca, B. Growth Factor in the Chick Eye (2008).Reed, Brandon Disproving Knapp’s Law in Axial Aniseikonia (2010).Reski, J. A New Technique in Fixation Disparity Measurement (2008).Ulmer, J, et. al.The Use of Filters to Improve Amblyopic Perception and Visual Acuity(2008).Silverman, B. ClearType Fonts, Accommodative Instability and LongitudinalChromatic Aberration (2008).Professional <strong>Ed</strong>ucational Presentations07/12 “Nutrition and the Elderly Eye”CE Presentation for 2012 Victoria Conference07/12 “Connective Tissue Disorders and Primary Eye Care”CE Presentation for 2012 Victoria Conference07/12 “Visual Problems in Mental Health”CE Presentation for 2012 Victoria Conference07/12 “Craniofacial Disorders and Primary Eye Care”CE Presentation for 2012 Victoria Conference07/12 “Neurocutaneous Disorders and Primary Eye Care”CE Presentation for 2012 Victoria Conference10/11 “Stereopsis with TNO and Titmus Tests in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic<strong>University</strong> Students” Scientific poster presentation at the American Academy ofOptometry (AAO) meeting in Boston for October, 2010. Coauthored with Momeni-Moghadan H, Ehsani M, and Gholami K.04/11 “Connective Tissue Disorders and Primary Eye Care”Podcasted web continuing education course, COPE #30769-SDhttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/30769.cfm03/11 “Metabolic Disorders and Primary Eye Care”Podcasted web continuing education course, COPE #30756-SDhttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/30756.cfm5

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>02/11 “Optometric Management of Craniofacial Disorders”Podcasted web continuing education course, COPE #30738-FBhttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/30738.cfm01/11 “Ocular Consequences of Neurocutaneous Disorders”Podcasted web continuing education course, COPE #30578-NOhttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/30578.cfm11/10 “Tinted Lenses for Improving Comfort During Computer Use”Scientific paper presentation at the 2010 American Academy of Optometry(AAO) meeting in San Francisco for November, 2010. Co-authored by ScottCooper, John R. Hayes, and <strong>James</strong> Sheedy.11/10 “Real Time Objective Measurement of Accommodation While Reading”Scientific paper presentation at the American Academy of Optometry (AAO)meeting in San Francisco for November, 2010. Co-authored by Yu-Chi Tai, JohnR. Hayes, Joshua Gietzen and <strong>James</strong> Sheedy.10/10 “Anisometropia and Aniseikonia Demystified”CE presentation to the College of Optometry alumni on Homecoming weekend,2010. Co-instructor is Matt Lampa.06/10 “Chromatopsias and Retinal Toxicity” Presentation to the 4 th annual VisionPerformance Institute research conference at <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>.12/09 “Three Unhappy Pediatric Syndromes”Web continuing education course on Shaken Baby, Fetal Alcohol, and Fragile XSyndromes. http://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/25125.cfm11/09 “Child Abuse During Pregnancy?Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”Ellerbrock CE presentation for the 2009 AAO meeting in Orlando with NadineGirgis, <strong>OD</strong> of NOVA Southeastern College of Optometry.06/09 “Handheld II Study: Accommodation on Smartphones vs. Desktops”Presented to the 3 rd annual meeting of the Vision Performance Institute at<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>. http://commons.pacificu.edu/compvision/2009/thursday/Co-authored with Yu-Chi Tai.10/08 “Recognizing Microtropia: When the Diagnosis Fits & When It Doesn’t”Ellerbrock CE presentation at the 2008 at the American Academy of OptometryAnnual Meeting, Anaheim. Co-authored by Yin Tea, <strong>OD</strong> of NOVASoutheastern College of Optometry.10/08 “Viewing Distance & Visual Discomfort While Using Handheld Displays”6

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>Scientific paper presented in 2008 at the American Academy of Optometryannual meeting in Anaheim. Co-authored with Yu-Chi Tai, John R. Hayes,Hannu Laukkanen, and <strong>James</strong> Sheedy.10/08 “The Visual Trade-Off in Using Handheld Displays”Scientific paper presented in 2008 at the American Academy of Optometryannual meeting in Anaheim. Co-authored with Yu-Chi Tai, John R. Hayes, andJoshua Gietzen.10/08 “Psychometric Properties of an Asthenopia Symptom Scale”Scientific poster presented in 2008 at the American Academy of Optometryannual meeting in Anaheim. Co-authored with John R. Hayes, HannuLaukkanen, Yu-Chi Tai and <strong>James</strong> Sheedy.06/08 “Using Open-Field Autorefraction to Measure Accommodation”Presented to the 2 nd annual meeting of the Vision Performance Institute at<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>.03/08 “Lessons Learned from the Amblyopia Treatment Studies”Presented to the Northwest Congress of Optometry at <strong>Pacific</strong>, now on web CE.http://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/documents/NWC2008.pdfhttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/ce/list/25060.cfm10/07 "Categorization of Visual Stress and Its Effect on Visual Performance"Scientific paper presented at the annual American Academy of Optometrymeeting in Tampa in October, 2007. Co-authored by Yu-Chi Tai, HannuLaukkanen, Susie Bowser, and <strong>James</strong> Sheedy.12/06 “Comparison of Farnsworth and Lanthony D-15 Color Vision Tests to aComputerized Color Vision Cap Rearrangement Test”Scientific poster at the 2006 annual meeting of the American Academy ofOptometry. Co-authored by Karl Citek, <strong>OD</strong>, PhD.7/06 “Polydactyly Myopia Syndrome and Learning Disabilities”21 st Annual Joint Conference of Theoretical & Clinical OptometryOEP conference at <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Forest Grove, Oregon, July, 2006.12/99 “Handedness and Eye Preference Correlates with Academic Ability.”Scientific poster presented at the American Academy of Optometry 1999 AnnualMeeting in Seattle. Co-authored by Tom Griffith, Hannu Laukkanen and AnitaMcClain.<strong>University</strong> Service08/11 – present Secretary, Academic and Professional Standards Committee07/11 – present Secretary, Strategic Planning Task Force for our move to Hillsboro7

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>05/11 – 03/12 Chair of the ill-fated Merit Pay Task Force, College of Optometry08/09 -- present Faculty Senator representing the College of Optometry at <strong>Pacific</strong>08/08 – 05/10 Secretary, <strong>University</strong> Technology CommitteeSpring, 2009Fall, 200808/06-present08/06-present08/06-presentBudget Advisory Committee representative at <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>Sustainability Committee representative at <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>Secretary, College of Optometry Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member, College of Optometry Masters Degree CommitteeWeb <strong>Ed</strong>itor, College of Optometry online continuing education website08/05-05/06 Secretary, College of Optometry Faculty Meeting2005 – 2008 Faculty advisor, American Academy of Optometry student organization01/07 - present Attending doctor, Amigos Eye Care trip to San Jose del Cabo, Mexicoand San Jose, Costa Rica. Trained many first-time students on use ofequipment and techniques not used in school. Personally saw 1000patients over 9 days in the first three years. Seehttp://www.pacificu.edu/optometry/alumni/documents/Publication2a1_GS.PROOF.pdf , page 3.Professional Service08/10 – present Ocular Disease Digital Collection, Coordinator and recipient of$3000 Faculty Development Grant for converting analog pictures todigital: http://www.pacificu.edu/library/DigitalCollections.cfm11/09 -- present ASCO <strong>Ed</strong>ucational Technology Committee, Chair12/06 -- 12/08 ASCO Ethics Committee, representative for <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>6/04 -- present Candidate for Diplomate in Binocular Vision, Perception, and PediatricOptometry, American Academy of Optometry. Passed written exam inat San Diego meeting on 12/05. Three/five cases accepted or in process.My completion of this diplomate will have to occur after my tenuredecision due to sabbatical coverage in my pre-tenure year.12/05 – 12/08 Volunteer Webmaster, Beta Sigma Kappa optometric honor society(http://www.betasigmakappa.net)8

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>2001 -- present Fellow, American Academy of Optometry1995 -- present Associate Member, College of Optometrists in Vision Development.Candidate for fellowship in COVD1994 -- 2006 Member, Optometric Extension Program (OEP)2/00 -- 01/04 Member, Board of Directors, Visual Impairment and Blindness(VIABL) Services of Northampton County, PennsylvaniaProfessional Consultations08/08 -- present Peer Reviewer for eleven publications in vision science: nine inOptometry (the Journal of the American Optometric Association) and onein Optometry and Vision Science (the Journal of the American Academy ofOptometry), as well as one international publication.12/09 -- present Named Contributor to the fourth edition of Visual Perception: A ClinicalOrientation by Steven Schwartz. Succeeding Drs. Robert Yolton and JeffRabin as <strong>University</strong> representatives in this capacity.11/07 -- 11/10 $40,000 Research Grant Principal investigator of Gunnar Optiksergonomic lenses for computer use. Applied for and secured a for thisproduct study of effects of yellow tint and plus power on liveaccommodation and squint.8/05 – 12/05 FDA Meta-analysis of existing study data by Laukkanen, et. al. toobtain FDA approval of Sharper Image Eyeport vision therapy device.FDA approval granted in February, 2006.Research01/12 – present Masked Investigator, 3D Home Theater Study. Comparison of 33symptomatic Intel employees to an equal number of asymptomatic onesin the 3D vision service of <strong>Pacific</strong> EyeClinic Beaverton. Tests the efficacyof new prism prescribing techniques dubbed associated phorometry.05/08 – 09/10 Investigator in the Handheld Display Studies. I proposed andconducted research in habitual working distance with various handheldvideo displays (smartphone, Amazon Kindle, iPod, PlayStation Portable)in Handheld Study #1. We also studied the accommodative response tosmartphone versus desktop video displays in Handheld Study #2. Thesecond of these studies is under peer review for publication in Interface onthe Internet online journal (http://bcis.pacificu.edu/journal/) inSeptember, 2010.9

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>07/07 – 11/10 Principal Investigator in the Gunnar Optiks Studies. These yellowtinted,high-wrap, and low-power lenses are designed to improve comfortduring computer use. Presented as a scientific paper presentation at the2010 American Academy of Optometry (AAO) meeting in San Franciscoin November, 2010. Also see http://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/2/ andhttp://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/3/05/07 – 11/10 Principal Investigator in the Real-Time Accommodation Study.The Grand Seiko open-field autorefractor can be used to study real-timeaccommodation at 5 Hz. We have examined focusing accuracy whenusing desktop computer monitors and handheld video screens. Acceptedas a scientific poster presentation for the November, 2010 AmericanAcademy of Optometry annual meeting San Francisco. Also seehttp://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/4/12/05 – present NIH researcher for the Amblyopia Treatment Studies 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,13, 15 and 16. Co-author for ATS 9 manuscript (published in December,2009). See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19064841 Also,named the ATS site of the month in April, 2008 with Richard London.01/07 – 10/07 Principal investigator in first vision ergonomics lab study at <strong>Pacific</strong>,called “Categorization of Visual Stress and Its effect on VisualPerformance”, a study of prism and lens stress on live accommodation.Presented at the 2007 American Academy of Optometry annual meetingin Tampa.Publications1. Momeni-Moghadan H, <strong>Kundart</strong> J, Ehsani M, and Gholami K. Stereopsis with TNO and TitmusTests in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic <strong>University</strong> Students. Accepted for publication by TheJournal of Behavioral Optometry, as of March, 2012.2. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J. Novel Approaches to <strong>Ed</strong>ucational Technology: Lessons Learned from Steve Jobs.Optometric <strong>Ed</strong>ucation vol 37, no 2 / Winter-Spring 2012. Pages 70-72.http://www.opted.org/files/OE_WIN-SPG_2012_Final.pdf3. Momeni-Moghaddam H, <strong>Kundart</strong> J, Ehsani M, Abdeh-Kykha A. Body Mass Index andBinicular Vision Skills. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology Jan 13 2012.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S131945341200003310

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>4. <strong>Kundart</strong> J, Tai YC, Hayes JR, Gietzen J, Sheedy J. Real-Time Objective Measurement ofAccommodation While Reading. The Journal of Behavioral Optometry: vol 22 no 5 (2011); pages 168-175. Posted online at http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c9a28d6a#/c9a28d6a/29 . Alsoposted to the Common Knowledge database at <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong>, 2010.http://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/4/5. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J. HIP: Informing Interprofessional Health Care. Health and Interprofessional Practice.Vol 1 no 1, http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1016&context=hip .6. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J, Hayes, JR, Sheedy, J. Word Recognition and the Accommodative Response toDesktop vs. Handheld Video Displays (Handheld Study #2). Interface: The Journal of <strong>Ed</strong>ucation,Community and Values, September 2010. http://bcis.pacificu.edu/journal/7. Scheiman MM, Hertle RW, Kraker RT, Beck RW, Birch EE, Felius J, Holmes JM, <strong>Kundart</strong> J,Morrison DG, Repka MX, Tamkins SM; Pediatric Eye Disease Investigators Group (PEDIG).Patching vs. atropine to treat amblyopia in children aged 7 to 12 years: a randomized trial.Archives of Ophthalmology, December, 2008; 126 (12): 1634-42. PubMed ID 19064841.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/190648418. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J, Hayes, JR, Tai, Y, Sheedy, J. Gunnar Optiks Study II: Electromyography and TearVolume (2008) Common Knowledge Database; http://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/3/ About450 full-text downloads to date (2/2/11).9. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J, Hayes, JR, Tai, Y, Sheedy, J. Gunnar Optiks Study I: Accommodation andSymptoms (2007) Common Knowledge Database; http://commons.pacificu.edu/verg/2/10. <strong>Kundart</strong>, J. Eye, Hand and Hemisphere: Unraveling Laterality and Learning Disabilities.Journal of Optometric Vision Development. 2001; 32: 26-32.Awards and Distinctions05/11 <strong>Ed</strong>itor-in-Chief, Health and Interprofessional Practice, an online quarterly peerreviewedjournal. http://commons.pacificu.edu/hip/04/11 Beta Sigma Kappa Knowledge Bowl Faculty Grand Champion01/10 Nominee for Junior Faculty of the Year for third consecutive year by the<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong> College of Optometry10/08 Amigos Eye Care Doctor of the Year, awarded at the 2008 Eye Ball11

Curriculum Vitae for <strong>James</strong> <strong>Kundart</strong>04/08 Amblyopia Treatment Studies “Site of the Month” for high patientrecruitment5/07 Clinical Faculty of the Year Award from <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>University</strong> students10/99 Martin Kane Research Award for outstanding research from COVD5/99 Vision Service Plan Award for excellence in primary care at <strong>Pacific</strong>5/99 Donald Bybee Award for best performance in vision therapy at <strong>Pacific</strong>5/98 Varilux Grant Award for application of progressive lenses at <strong>Pacific</strong>5/97 Janet Holcombe Memorial Scholarship at <strong>Pacific</strong>Licensure2005-presentOregon Optometric Licensure #3143-ATI (active)Including advanced therapeutics, orals, and injections certification1999-2005 Pennsylvania Commonwealth License OEG-00243 (inactive)1999-2001 New York State License 6141-VUT (inactive)12

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