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INSIDE THIS ISSUE<strong>Dan</strong>’s In-Box:Out of the Mouths of Imbeciles – Pg. 3When They Get It Right - Pg. 4The Most Back-To-Basics Fact AboutPrice Ignored by 95% of Biz Owners – Pg. 5Wendy’s and Arby’s Divorce & a Questionto Chew On - Pg. 4Bill’s Outrageously SuccessfulAdvertising: Stop Sending OutChristmas Cards – Pg. 8<strong>Dan</strong>’s Big Lesson – Pg. 12Marketing 101 - Back to theBasics - Pg. 6Q&A with <strong>Dan</strong> - Pg. 15Resources - Pg. 5Calendar - Pg. 2BACK PAGE: RenegadeMillionaire Modus OperandiFinal Thoughts: on why they fail -Pg. 18The PLACE ForPROSPERITYBill Glazer & <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>’sN B.S. ®MARKETINGLETTERhow-to strategies,examples, news, opinion...aseminar in every Issue.SEPTEMBER 2011QUOTES OF THE MONTH:CLASS IS IN SESSIONSuccess is not an accident.- Dr. John KappasSchool is NEVER out for the pro.- Cavett RobertToo busy chopping woodto sharpen his axe.- Zig ZiglarThere are two ways to enter abattle so confident you have“mustard on your sword.”One is based on the bravado ofthought, as if thinking makesit so. The other is based onintense and comprehensivepreparation. You can be moremotivated than the next guy.Or you can be better preparedthan the next guy. I spent myfirst 10 years trying thatfirst plan, then I grew up.- <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>The Alice Cooper anthem of summer vacation,back on the shelf. It’s Back To School Month –makes me think: back to basics. I recently forced myselfto read a big-city phone book sized manuscriptfor Perry Marshall’s forthcoming book on marketingvia Facebook, and it’s clear he has cracked somecodes, taken a much more pragmatic approachthan I’ve heard from others, and has demonstratedviability, but, as I told him, the whole thing mademy head hurt as if I’d been smashing it repeatedlyinto a wall while reading. This photo, from aseen-from-the-street, inwindowpromotion for aPontiac dealership, circa1959, speaks of a simplertime. In case the photoisn’t perfectly clear, thatbig boat of a Pontiac convertibleis filled up withboxes of Kleenex, theyear’s supply you getfree with the car – presumablyto manage yourtears of joy, not tears ofremorse. I was just 5years old in 1959, but to this day I remember ourfamily’s beaut, a 1959 two-tone, brown and tanRambler station wagon with brown and white wovenseats that fully reclined, a push-button transmission,big roof rack, fins, and a huge back deckwhere I was free to roam, big window down, no carseat, no seat belt, with toys and dog during tripsshort and long. Kids were, after all, rather easilyre<strong>place</strong>d.It takes more than a window display and a strangebut attention-getting giveaway promotion to movemerchandise these days. But, this past month, Icompleted work on the next NO B.S. book, withco-author Jeff Slutsky; it all about grassroots marketing;and I was reminded that such things aswindow displays andgiveaway promotions…and publicity stunts,grassroots networkingwith business neighbors,in-neighborhoods doorto door marketing, myold 5-house multiplier,customer events…stilldo move merchandisetoday, and our case, Jeff’sand mine, is that all suchthings ought not be forgottenin the mad rushto cyberspace. Good, profitable local businessesstill need foundation and still can be built the verysame way they were built in 1959. But even if that’strue, you ask, why would you want to do such a thing,given all the easy, pushbutton media of 2011? My an-®Page 1

Don’tMiss ThisBILL GLAZER:SCHEDULEDIAMOND TeleCoaching Calls: Scheduled calls:9/29: “How to Use Video Online to Create a Massive Amount ofTraffic”; 10/27; 11/17; 12/15, from 1:00-2:30 PM EST.You can UPGRADE to DIAMOND at <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com/diamond.Speaking9/14-16 IBA Summit, email colin@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com for details9/19-20 New Member Fast Implementation Boot Camp10/13-15 Early to Rise’s 2011 Info-Business Mastermind,email skellogg@agoralearning.com for details11/3-5 2011 Information Marketing SUMMIT SM + BonusDay on 11/6, visit www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com/summit2011CoachingTitanium I:Tuesday, October 18 - Wednesday, October 19Titanium II:Tuesday, October 4 - Wednesday, October 5Platinum:Wednesday, October 12 - Thursday, October 13DAN KENNEDY:Speaking9/15-16 GKIC IBA Conference, Cleveland9/21 Q&A Dinner Meeting w. Joe Pollish’s PlatinumGroup, Phx.9/21-22 Joe Polish’s “I LOVE MARKETING” Conf., Phx. AZ10/28 American Writers & Artists Convention, Florida11/3-5 2011 Information Marketing SUMMIT SM + BonusDay on 11/6, visit www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com/summit201111/10-12 M. Zagula/Financial Advisors Coaching GroupConsulting10/6 P. Davey; 10/7 D. Spindler, KidsBowlFree.com.Note: Inquiries re. available consulting days or Private ClientGroup Membership should be directed to Vicky @ <strong>Dan</strong><strong>Kennedy</strong>’s office, 602-997-7707.2012 GKIC Events1/25-27 Winner’s Weekend, Orlando, Florida2/9-11 GKIC Business Makeover Event, San Antonio, TX4/19-21 Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference SM ,Dallas, TX, with Bonus Day 4/22BulletinBoard“How GKIC EmbracedSocial and AlternativeMedia and Generated anAdditional 7-Figures inLess than 278 Days...And YouCan Too!”Presented by Mara Glazerat these Chapter Meetings:Scott Manning Chapter MeetingIndianapolis, Sept. 8thSteve Sipress Chapter Meeting -Chicago, Illinois on Sept. 12th<strong>Dan</strong> Cricks Chapter Meeting -Cleveland, Ohio on Sept. 13thSteve Clark Chapter Meeting -Navarre, Florida on Sept. 27thOPEN CALL-IN TIME withBILL GLAZERThis Call-In Time is resesrved for Members with“Information Marketing” QuestionsThursday, September 22ndTITANIUM/Platinum/Diamond Members OnlyCall-In Time: 5:00-6:00 pm ESTAll MembersCall-In Time: 6:00-8:00 pm ESTCALL: 410-823-1611Everyone will get 10-minutes of Bill’sone-on-one attention. If the line is busy, keepdialing until you get through.Should you wish to communicatewith Bill Glazer’s office directly concerningcoaching, consulting, copywritingor speakingengagements, emailSherrie Sokolowski atsherrie@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.comor fax 410-825-3301.Page 2® The PLACE For PROSPERITY

all the different soft drink brands Coca-Cola owns that compete witheach other side by side, a Proctor & Gamble originated strategy. Butfranchisors have often had a rough time with this. It has to do with animportant question for every entrepreneur about growth vs. expansion.There are lots of ways to grow a core business: drilling downdeeper in its market, to get more customers and/or market share;extending the top of an ascension pyramid, to make some percentageof customers much more valuable; adding on – like Subway’smove into breakfast (also now on Wendy’s plate of new initiatives)or store within store, like optical centers inside Wal-Mart or coffeeshops inside Barnes & Noble shops; product line extensions – likeDisney’s time-share and cruise line businesses. Sometimes, though,growth goes so far and then becomes stopped, by physical or marketboundaries or costs of pushing further or deeper, and then expansionis only option. Other times, expansion is the better opportunityfor leverage than growth – for example, if he did everything we knowhow to do and worked at it tirelessly, could Titanium Info-MastermindMember Dr. Tomshack have doubled revenues in his four chiropracticclinics? Maybe. But there was already more than enough successto support expansion by franchising,and 7% of 360+ clinics is a lot morethan 100% of 4 clinics, even if doubledin sales. Entrepreneurs tend to buildthings; big companies with cash andcredit and cost savings synergies tendto buy things, and it’s my belief bothare too married to their one approach.To keep moving forward you have toconstantly consider opportunities forgrowth and for expansion, and be willingto build or buy in order to capitalizeon those you deem best.THE MOST BACK-TO-BASICS FACTABOUT PRICE IGNORED BY 95%OF BUSINESS OWNERS. If you’verecently read the newest NO B.S.book, No B.S. Price Strategy, whichI co-authored with Diamond LuxuryMember Jason Marrs, you’ve beenat “Price School” for 230 pages. But itnever hurts to have more and variedverification of the most fundamentalfact about price, this time from theMintel Food Service/Consumer Survey,published in National RestaurantNews: even in this economy, only 14%of consumers look for the cheapestitems on the menu before decidingSPEAKING OF BITING OFFMORE THAN YOU CAN CHEWwhat to order. In the face of this fact, though, most restaurant chains’managements and independent restaurant owners fret over price,toss away profitability to slash prices, compete on price, advertiseprice, show customers daily specials immediately, in front of theirmenus – when they could sell experience, quality, their best andmost interesting dishes. 86% are NOT making their dining decisionsbased on price. Why not sell to them and let the 14% go pound sandThe Heart Attack Grill, born in Phoenix,is successfully franchising. I’ve shownits clever concept to you before.Pictured here, itsQuadruple Bypass Burger, 8,000 calories.Page 5somewhere else? I envision an ad with a big picture of a garbagefilled dumpster and the headline: “If You Want The Cheapest DinnerYou Can Get, Try The Dumpster Out Back. If You Want Hand-CraftedSteaks, Really Fresh-Today Seafood, Homemade Meat Loaf, And AnEnjoyable Dining Experience, Try Our Front Door.” Then I’d talk a bitabout the 14% vs. 86% - which are you, the factory-produced TV dinnersbeing microwaved and brought out in interchangeable chainsand outrageously presented as real dinners worth going out for, orthe value of a great experience? But don’t get lost in the restaurantexample. This applies to every business and every aspect of price orfee. As few as 5% to a max of 20% buy by price, and about 1/3rd ofthose do so only in the absence of decent salesmanship.®RESOURCESREMEDIAL READING: A BACK TO SCHOOL REVIEW of all myavailable books is on the enclosed insert. If you’ve missed readingany, now’s a good time to catch up.OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS –WHAT I’M READING. •The “long lost”,never before published book by NapoleonHill, OUTWITTING THE DEVILis now available and, if a beneficiaryof Hill’s other works, well worth reading.It is essentially a re-telling of theseventeen principles of his Laws OfSuccess (shrunken to 13, for ThinkAnd Grow Rich) via a dramatic, imaginedor imaginary interrogation of theDevil – although there is some groundbroken you might be surprised to findHill plowing, unless you’ve been a veryserious student of all his prior works.In addition to reading it for its merits,remember that Hill wrote sales documentsdisguised as books; and evenconsider the construct itself for yourown purposes – Steve Allen did thesame with his Meeting Of The Mindsseries for PBS and in book form: in hiscase, roundtable discussions with deadthought-leaders; is there somebody famousin your field’s history you mighthave an after-life interview with? Allenpainstakingly constructed all his interviewees’conversation from their actualwords, from their writings or recordingsof them, but there’s nothing to prohibitgreater license. •For those of you interested in power and influence,I have discovered, read, and am reading more carefully for a secondtime, a novel from 1915 titled H.R., about a clever and ruthlessman’s rise to power by creating a union of “sandwich men” – theday-workers paid pittances to walk the sidewalks of New York in the1900’s, wearing big wooden boards on their fronts and backs, advertisinga business or product. It’s first thirty pages or so are slow goingThe PLACE For PROSPERITY

to $21 a week = $624 to $1,092 per home per year (!) to drop byand scoop up dog poop. (As few as 100 accounts = 6-figure income.250 and they’re on Obama’s Hit List of Evil Rich Who Aren’t PayingEnough Taxes.) Services have more price elasticity than products.And ‘luxury’ services once adopted are hard to give up.3: FIND A NEED + A DESIRE AND FILL IT. Filling needs only is,for the most part, a relatively antiquated concept, and usually a pathto comparatively low income. A hair cut that meets only the need forhair cut can still be had for $5.00 to $10.00, but a hair cut at an upscalesalon, that meets desires for quality of experience, status, etc.can command $50.00, $500.00, even $1,000.00. The desires servedby the businesses in this article are, principally, having a clean yardEXHIBIT #1and not having to do the unpleasant work. Perhaps even a little status– oh, you don’t have your own scoopers? Still doing it yourself.Poor dear, I can’t imagine!Two quick asides. #1: political/philosophical: read this article andtry telling me ANYBODY needs to stay broke in America. There iswork to be done and there are people (and businesses) willing topay somebody to do it. Anybody can make their own job if they will.#2: instructive, re. the info-marketing business, which I mention becauseof the upcoming Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Info-SUMMIT SM : there’s alreadya trade association and three franchisors in the very-fledgling(Continued Page 14)Page 7®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Stop Sending OutChristmas CardsOkay….before I get a bunch of ‘hate mail,’ let me be clear, I’m not telling you to stop sending outChristmas Cards to your loved ones and friends; I think you should continue to do that.I’m telling you to STOP sending out Christmas cards to your Customers.Here’s why:Have you ever received a Christmas card in December from a business? Of course, you have receiveda bunch of these through the years – competing with personal Christmas cards from friendsand family.Are Christmas Cards in December easy to ignore because most people get so many of them?YES….But…What if you sent a Holiday Card at another time of year, when very few people are sending them?Well, I have a solution. I strongly suggest you send out Thanksgiving greeting cards. After all, whatbetter time to send out a Greeting Card to one of your best customers/clients/patients or hot prospectsthan Thanksgiving, the holiday when we give thanks. And besides, very few people send outThanksgiving Cards, so you won’t be lost in the clutter of Christmas Cards.And I suggest you plan out your marketing in advance, so you should start thinking about this promotionright now.I started doing this at my menswear store* and I discovered that when you pick a different holidayto send out greeting cards, they actually get attention. And sending a Thanksgiving card gives youbuilt-in Reason-Why copy to thank your customers.* On pages 189-192 of my book on OUTRAGEOUS Advertising (available at nobsbooks.com), youcan see my Thanksgiving Greeting Card multi-step campaign which created record days of businessin my Menswear stores and now has been S & D’d in dozens and dozens of business categories.And to prove to you that this has been very successfully S & D’d by so many others, below is a fax Ireceived from Gold Member, Jon Bockman:Page 8®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Exhibit #2 & 3: The front and back of the cardExhibit #4: The inside of the cardPage 10®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Exhibit #5 & 6: Handwritten letter enclosed insidePUBLISHER’S NOTICE: Bill Glazer is personally delivering a 2-Day Training forGKIC Members called the Fast IMPLENTATION Boot Camp, September 19-20thIn Chicago, Illinois. The event is FREE to all GKIC Members with a $97.00 refundableseat deposit. If you hurry, you can still get in. For complete details about whatBill will be covering, and to register go to <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com/bootcamp.Lucky Member of the Month CONTESTMember Number:45629RENEGADE MILLIONAIRE MARKETING SYSTEM (a$495.00 value)! To claim your prize, you must call410-­‐825-­‐8600 x111 by September 30 th .®Page 11The PLACE For PROSPERITY

The BIG Lesson Of The MonthBy <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>Please, I Beg of You,Get Yourself aTARGET Market. Please.By the time I was old enough to eat them, they were astaple in American homes. In 1952, Mrs. Paul’s Fish Stickswere an instant hit. They came in a convenient, predictablesize with no fish eyes, scales, bones or nasty smell pervadingkitchen and adjoining rooms when cooked. With tartar sauceor ketchup layered on the fried coating, you could hardly tastefish. So kids ate them. They were a revolutionary product, butit was not their revolutionary nature that made them a popularAmerican icon. And therein lies The Big Lesson.I am perpetually having to try and disabusepeople of their delusions abouttheir unique or superior product beingthe ticket needed to board The Wealth Express.Everybody wants to show off all theyknow about their product and talk endlesslyabout it – financial advisors are eager tobore their would-be clients to death (a novelapproach to making sure they don’t runout of retirement savings before expiring),speakers tell me their speeches (even whenasked to tell me about their market), small business ownersof every stripe are myopically mesmerized by their own deliverables.This was NEVER the master-key to riches, as Mrs.Paul’s Fish Sticks will momentarily illustrate. Not then. Certainlynot now. Now it is fastest path to poverty. I was recentlyvisiting with Gold Member Tony Rubeleski, author of MINDCAPTURE, who has made himself a specialist in the securingof space in a consumer’s mind, and he and I talked aboutthe amazing fragmentation of the media well past point of waytoo many competing <strong>place</strong>s for consumers to look, so use ofmedia is akin to having a billboard on a highway with a 150MPH speed limit and everybody zooming by at 160. He and Italked about the overwhelming clutter. The getting of attentionfrom the mass-market is extremely difficult and expensive –too difficult and too costly for just about anybody who might bereading this Letter.The invention and arrival of Mrs. Paul’s Fish Sticks was aliteral godsend for the then-30-million Roman Catholics inthe United States who were prohibited from eating meaton Fridays or during Lent. We Lutherans went along with ittoo, just in case. In fact, 40% of all fish sold each year in theU.S. was purchased and consumed in just the seven weeksbetween Ash Wednesday and Easter, and nearly another40% on Fridays. By the time God changed his mind about theseverity of the sin of meat-consumption on Fridays and thePope got the memo, it was too late. Fish sticks were on everyschool’s Friday lunch menu, sold in every supermarket, andcontinued to be served at home one to two times a week. Thefamily behind Mrs. Paul’s qualify as Renegade Millionaires,by the way. They thumbed their noses at the then standardindustry practice of contracting with a singledistributor, instead granting no exclusives,dealing direct with chains, and driving demandwith advertising. In the earliest days,founder Edward Piszek convinced a store tostock the Sticks; his wife, posing as housewife,would engage other customers in conversationabout the product within earshot ofthe manager, and a team of relatives boughtbundles of the stuff with Piszek’s cash to artificiallydemonstrate demand and warrantbetter shelf position and display – guerillawarfare. That was not necessary for long, thanks entirely tothe Catholic’s joy at finding an easy, convenient, cheap wayto get through Fridays without rod and reel. In short, the productwas not the magic here; the magic was the market. Thismakes the WHO far, far more important than the WHAT. It canalso suggest or dictate Place Strategy. Bottom-line is: if youdo not have a specific target market for whom you are matchingeverything, and for whom you will be eagerly welcomedand paid attention to despite all other competing distractions,you are reduced to standing outside and jostling about in thecrowd; you do not have the master-key to the vault.nnnnnSource: Book: ‘Better Than Homemade: Amazing Foods That Changed The Way We Eat’ by Carolyn Wyman.Page 12® The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Ad Illustrations from “Better Than Homemade:Amazing Foods That Changed The Way We Eat”A FEW EXTRA NOTES. l The long-dysfunctional Burger King company, sufferinga 6% YTY sales drop, and falling behind not just McDonalds, but Subway,even KFC, has announced a radical departure from its teen/“hip” young adultfocused advertising to speak, instead, to a target customer it has long ignored:MOMS, and speak about - this is shocking - food. l HP has just, abruptly, exitedthe business of “pads” advertised to consumers as ultimate entertainment devices,and will try and salvage itself by returning to B2B clientele actually buyingthings for business purposes. l FOX has recently reversed an earlier decisionand is forking over big money to bring “ultimate fighting” to both FOX and itsailing FX network, as magnet for their coveted 16 to 29 age audience, while CBShas found success with ‘Blue Bloods’, a show very much for the gray-haired, stayhome-on-Friday-nightsaudience that some advertisers are discovering have realmoney and a willingness to spend it. The outcomes of these movements do notneed known to see the reality behind them: markets/audiences matter. These businesses’leaders recognize (perhaps grudgingly) that the WHO is more importantthan the WHAT, and must govern the WHAT, in a success equation. n® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 13

(Continued From Page 7)industry in this article. Info-marketers won’t be far behind, nor shouldthey. Every new or expanded business or professional opportunity,vocation, industry that comes into being automatically expands thesize, scope and opportunities of the information marketing industry.If you’re not already in or getting in, you should investigate gettingin. Start with the Information Marketing Association President RobertSkrob’s book THE OFFICIAL GET RICH GUIDE TO INFORMATIONMARKETING (New Edition) available at Amazon.com, BN.com,booksellers or info-marketing.org. Attend the Info-SUMMIT SM too.I GETZ MAILFrom Diamond Luxury MemberJOHN MELLEY (JohnMelley.com):I wanted to thankyou for your RENEGADE MIL-LIONAIRE TIME MANAGE-MENT SYSTEM. I’ve workedwith appointment books and time-blocking,timing phone calls, e-mail at certain times, etc.but the big takeaway for me from these audioswas “SCRIPTING of my day”. Perhaps it wasthe language that made the light bulb go off,because, as a voice actor, working in radio,and a producer of audio products for clients,I work with scripts all day long. When I heardyou explain how you literally script your days, Ithought: if I work with scripts for ALL my otherprojects, it only makes sense to treat my dayas a project and work from a script for that. Ihad pieces of this, but your discussion with LeeMilteer fit those pieces together. I’ve only beenwriting out my Daily Script for a few days, butalready the results have been HUGE! Thank you(and Lee) again.John, you caught me. I swiped scripting. When I began studyingwriting, copywriting, that led to storytelling, and that led toscript-writing, as well as story-boarding. The idea for a script, notjust a to-do list, for each day originated with the way TV shows,movies and TV commercials are put together; not just the words,but the physical choreography, facial expressions, gestures andtimes specified. One of the best actors I’ve ever worked with onthis, Florence Henderson, could do a long read off the promptertaking, say, 4 minutes, be asked to get it in 3 minutes and 20seconds, adjust and hit that 3.19.5 perfectly with the very nextread. Most actors have honed this ability. Robert Wagner wasalmost as good at it, when I filmed him. As my career progressed,I got involved with a lot of audio, video and TV infomercial production,thus knee-deep in scripting. I have also long written full,word for word scripts for speeches, seminars, other presentationseven if then backed out to just bullet point slides, scripted everysales presentation, and I basically merge Maltz’ Theater of Mindwith scripting to prepare for important one on one meetings –always trying for reality to be déjà vu. People balk at this withthe spontaneity argument, despite the fact that virtually no oneexceptionally successful at anything performs it spontaneously.Facts be damned. So, like you, I arrived at the conclusion that ifscripting was best for all these other things, why not for the dayitself? So, congratulations. I’ll also use this as efficient excuse toplug the Renegade Millionaire Time Management program youreferenced and my original No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneursbook, and to “leak the news” that my long-time colleagueLee Milteer is soon returning to Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’sCircle, with a new coaching/mastermind program (replacing thesuccessful Peak Performers Group that ran for about 5 years), itcentered on implementation. Possession of knowledge withoutability to convert it into organized effort (one of the 17 Hill principles)is nearly worthless – an empty intellectual exercise, so Iam a champion of strategies, techniques and disciplines for doingso, and investment in developing such skills.From: Diamond Member David Wolfe: I wasworking with a fellow GKIC Member today ona ‘gratitude marketing campaign’ and, poppedinto my head, how grateful I am for you andyour body of work. I find you to be a very generousand giving person – generous with your experiences,and with a desire to see us do well, aslong as we do the heavy lifting. On most days,your words keep me focused, proud of obstaclesovercome and accomplishments, and optimisticabout the future I control. You are in myhead. Some day I wish you would get the hellout, but for the most part, I’m glad we have theconversations we do. Don’t retire yet.That’s one of the nicest compliments – “I wish you would get thehell out”. I believe I add a lot of value as an irritant, annoyer,offender, uncomfortable cattle prod, inconvenient truth teller, provocateur.Getting under peoples’ skin is my finest skill. Now, let’snot publicize that generous and giving stuff. I have an image toprotect. Don’t damage the brand. As an aside for all, that might beuseful: I have long understood that it was very important, regardlessof the deliverables being swapped for money, to be in theheads of my customers and prospects everyday. This is a strategicpurpose few businesspeople embrace and invest in, insteadfocusing merely on selling stuff. If you succeed at being part ofthe daily conversations going on in the minds of your customers,you don’t have sales, retention or repeat business troubles. A lotof that has to do with attracting the right folks in the first <strong>place</strong>.Overall, though, it has to be what you’re doing. n(Continued on Page 18)® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 14

Q&AYou’ve Got QUESTIONS,<strong>Dan</strong>’s Got ANSWERSNew Gold Luxury Member John Essiam in London, England describedbeing at very start-up of a new business in web designand <strong>social</strong> media services, which he wants to afford him thekind of freedom that Bill and I have; he wants to work only 20hours a week, thus having 4 hours a day plus weekends free. Hedidn’t ask about that, though. The curiosity questions posed:(1) If there is one thing you want in your life right now, whatwould that be? and (2) Where do you see yourself in the next10 years.John, this is going to be very harsh. But my answer to (1)is: the one thing I’d most like now is: less people aroundtrying to get the rewards reserved for exceptional effortas well as exceptional skill at bargain basement prices,trying to get a lot for a little, deluding themselves about 4hour workweeks or workdays. The whole thing is wearingon me. For clarity for all, Bill and I have both built,bought, paid for a great deal of freedom, which we eachuse quite differently. We have the freedom to do nothingif we choose and likely have our accumulated moneyout-live us. We get to refuse all sorts of opportunitiesand clients. We create our own schedules and write ourown paychecks. We use our freedom differently – for example,he travels on vacations a lot including overseas; Iabhor travel, but I have my entire life revolving aroundbeing at the racetrack. HOWEVER, THIS FREEDOMSHOULD NEVER BE THOUGHT OF AS FREE NORCONFUSED WITH NOT WORKING. Neither he nor Icould imagine someone just starting a business to evenbe thinking about limited work hours – at that stage youeat, sleep, live the business. You give it everything youhave. Everyone around needs to agree to back-seat status.Beyond that, now I’ll just speak for me: I don’t keeptrack exactly, but I’d peg most of my work-weeks, nowat 53 to 74 hours, and I consider that a reduced schedule,nearly part-time. Some of that is overlap – I go throughthe week’s mail Friday or Sunday evenings while simultaneouslywatching television. Juxtaposed, we take,mostly, mini-vacations linked to unavoidable businesstravel, thus three to six each year. I give about 15 to 20hours a week to racing unless away on vacation or businessor both. Maybe I just don’t know the right folks,but every wealthy and successful entrepreneur, CEO,professional, you-name-it I know, have studied or evenhad a conversation about this with puts in long hoursand works their asses off – except Kim Kardashian, whodoes work a lot but clearly not enough to take anythingoff her ass. My doctor, a celebrity doc, has a radio show,lots of TV appearances, an internet-based business,writes at least a book a year, sits on corporate boardsand sees patients from 9 AM to 6 PM over 150 days outof the year. He is a multi, multi-millionaire. Trump: 12 to14 hour days, beginning with reading 3 newspapers at6 AM – admittedly with golf games and brief vacationssandwiched in. Now, your 2nd question: answer: disappearedfrom view, which, incidentally, means I won’t behearing from people striving for a 7-figure income froma 7-minute workweek. At all.New Gold Luxury Member Steven Daar, Educators RetirementAdvisors describes launching a financial advisory practice withniche-objective of becoming “THE trusted advisor for teachersin Chicago”, and later expanding nationally. He describeda marketing strategy too long to re-state here, and asked foradvice about omissions and additions.Steve, first, kudos for specialist positioning plan. Now,several comments. To the “what would you do with$100,000.00?” question, you talked about mass media,like TV and radio – this is polar opposite of aim at aspecific, small, directly reachable market. Cross it off.You cited your real marketing budget at $2,000.00, andindicated heavy reliance on e-mail. This from the Professorof Harsh Reality: (a) one client is worth more than$2,000.00, so that as a year’s marketing budget is utterly,completely fantastical. Even at a 10-1 ROI, it’dget you just ten clients. (b) You aren’t going to secureattention, create authority and expert status and trustwith e-mail. That’s like hoping to change the tides byspitting into the ocean. You need to “farm” this targetprospect group with a book, evenings with the authorby invitation, an infomercial style DVD, direct-mail, aprint newsletter, special reports. (a)+(b)= GET REAL.You also said that your first e-mail campaign taught youthat if you start out writing about yourself, no one willcare – you need to give them benefits immediately. Youare rushing to judgment based on one e-mail campaign.Actually, financial advisor clients buy the advisor. It’s aperson-to-person trust business, not a products, servicesor even benefits business – so you must be able to interestthem in you and your “take” on all things financial(Continued on Page 17)HAVE A NEW, INTERESTING QUESTION FOR DAN? FAX/SEND TO THE GLAZER-KENNEDY OFFICE FOR FORWARDING& MAYBE YOURS’LL BE ANSWERED RIGHT HERE! If you’re a New Member, be sure to submit your New MemberQuestionnaire from your INCOME EXPLOSION GUIDE, as those questions are often tackled here.® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 15

Tools to Help You FindHot MarketsFinding a hot market is a little bit like being a detective.The characteristics of a hot market are as follows:• It contains a large number of people• These people are irrationally passionate• They have disposable income• They have their own jargon• They have their own magazines• They may hold their own conferencesand events• They have their own celebrities3. Going to www.Magazines.com: If getting off thecouch and going to Borders all sounds too hard thenlogon to www.Magazines.com. This website is a greatresource for finding niche markets. The magazines arebroken down into categories and are even ranked bypopularity.4. Going to www.Amazon.com: Amazon.com lists over80,000 magazine titles! You can browse by subject,conduct a detailed search and even analyze trendswith their ‘Movers and Shakers’ facility. Amazon.comalso updates the top selling magazines daily.5. Going to www.ClickBank.com: ClickBank.com is thenumber one digital product retailer in the world. Youcan search through their market<strong>place</strong> and see hundredsof existing products and get great ideas of hot marketsthat other people are already using online!In other words, you are looking for a group of peoplewho have their own subculture. Finding these subculturesis actually quite easy. In fact, once you get started,you will find niche markets everywhere. It’s a littlebit like what happens when you are thinking of buyinga particular kind of car. All of a sudden you start to seethose cars all over the <strong>place</strong>. In actual fact, this happensbecause your brain has tuned in to take notice ofthese cars. In a similar way, you have to learn to useyour ‘Market Radar’ and tune into the niche marketsthat are all around us. Some of the best ways to discoverniche markets are:1. Checking Out Magazine Racks: By their very nature,magazines cater for different niche markets. In fact,magazines can only continue to exist if there is a largegroup of people (a market) who will buy them regularly.Additionally, magazines generate revenue throughadvertising. Naturally, advertisers will only pay for adsif they see a return on their investment. Therefore,magazines are an excellent indicator that you can useto find niche markets.2. Visiting Bookstores: Another good <strong>place</strong> to hunt forniche markets is a large bookstore such as Borders.Next time you visit a Borders store, take notice of thelabels on the shelves and the ways in which the booksare categorized. The other good thing about going to alarge book store like Borders is that they usually have acomprehensive magazine area as well.6. Talking to Passionate People: Have you ever spokento someone and been amazed by the passion theydemonstrated for a particular topic? Genuine passionis unmistakable and it is often a great indicator of apotential niche market.7. Listening to People’s Problems: People spend a lot oftime talking about their problems. While this can sometimesget tiring, it can also be a great way to discoverprofitable niche markets. If someone has a problem,there is a good chance that many other people sharethat problem. Think of it this way: wherever there’s aproblem there is an opportunity.8. Watching TV: Television is a trend driven medium.What this means is that news and current affair programsoften report on emerging trends. These generalinterest stories can be a great resource for identifyingpotential niche markets.While these eight market sources are a great <strong>place</strong> tostart your search for niche markets, the real trick is tolearn to keep your marketing radar on 24 hours a day,seven days a week because you never know where orwhen that profitable niche market will appear.•••••® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 16

(Q&A Continued From Page 15)relevant to them, you and they must connect in waysthat transcend the core business. Hopefully, by the way,you have a ‘reason why’ story for being on your missionto help teachers – Mom’s a teacher, a teacher turnedyour life around, etc. This is not to say that what’s-init-for-thembenefits, scaring them about money mistakesand a future fraught with peril, a feckless union,a pension system on thin ice, and direct-response offersaren’t important. They are. But, this is a developmentalsale requiring them to decide you are THE guy theywant working for them. You are young – that makes itall the more critical to surround yourself with the trappingsof authority. You asked about books. I am sendingyou as gift, a copy of the CREATING TRUST book I coauthoredwith top financial advisor Matt Zagula. I urgereading: TO BE OR NOT TO BE INTIMIDATED/RobertRinger as other starting point.I get asked “economy questions” a lot – and since most economistsare about as good at predictions as TV weathermen, I feelperfectly justified in sharing my opinions. Here’s one:This can be a good time for bold bargain-hunters. OnAugust 5th, after a 512 point Dow drop the day before,smaller drop the day before that, and another 80 pointsor so drop by noon on the 6th, I took about $100,000.00of cash on vacation in my brokerage account and boughtmore stock in two companies I already own stock in –Disney, at a $5/appx.15% discount from the per sharevalue I have it calculated at, factoring in highs of pastcouple years only (not potential), and Tupperware ata $12/almost 20% discount. I almost bought back intoHerbalife too, but there was only a 12% discount thereand I view Tupperware as a more stable play, althoughboth are very much international plays and had I beenspreading $500,000.00 instead of $100,000.00 around, I’dhave taken some. Now, I’m not touting stocks here, norsuggesting I’m some sort of expert; I may be buying onthe way down and need a lot of patience – we’ll see.When I stick to a Buffett-like philosophical approach, i.e.investing in good, well-managed companies that makeand/or sell a variety of things ordinary folks regularlybuy and have little speculative or leveraged activitiesdriving their numbers, and buy at big discounts, andexit in part or whole once past a pre-determined target,I have done just fine. But again, stock picking is not mysubject here. I use it only as illustration of principle:these are good times for bold bargain-hunters. I mighthave used real estate as similar example. But instead,let’s use it as jumping off point for bold bargain-huntingfor your business. So - What’s on sale?Media. Ad rates for print media particularly are at alltime lows, almost anything can be negotiated, and lockingin today’s rate for multiple insertions over coming2 – 3 years with partial prepayment can be great investment.A lot of media has less ad clutter too, so your adspace is worth more but costs less. Above par talent.Whether hiring and adding employees or using outside,®Page 17freelance providers, now is a very good time to acquirea higher caliber, more experienced employee than youcould afford pre-2008 and to put higher caliber freelancersto work developing product, building web sites andother media, writing copy, consulting, whatever to workat bargain rates. Even I am a bargain at the moment. Ihaven’t raised my day rate for consulting or speaking infive years, and ordinarily it would have been bumpedup by at least 25% over that period of time. I am doingroughly 25% more work for my fee as a copywriter thanI would have done in 2007 – the minimum ante’s thesame, but the amount of work-product provided, more.My private client group yearly fee in 2011 and for 2012:less than in 2007 and 2008. In my case, I could simplyjust do less, and I am doing that too, but I happen to stilllike to work. Across the board, writers, photographers,video producers, web developers, consultants, coaches,speakers, you-name-its are competing for a shrunkenand shrinking pool of clients able and willing to usethem. That is an organic price/fee suppressor you cantake advantage to get things done you need now or toprepare for the most aggressive attack on a good economythe moment the worm turns, either at big discountson the caliber of service you would ordinarily invest inor by stepping up a rung or two or three but only payingwhat you would customarily pay. Sales professionals.You can recruit up. Get people to work only for commissionswho would never have done so 3 years ago. Gettop-flight salespeople to work as tele-marketers. Raidcollapsed industries like real estate. Other companies.Great time to acquire. At small biz level, be alert for opportunitiesto buy a business with its own money, oneway or the other. One of our Members in the retail printingfield was approached by a printer in his area whohad decided to retire 5 years earlier than intended dueto the economy; he sold his receivables, clientele and 4months of field work moving accounts over for a percentageof the revenue over 7 years, subject to a pre-determinedcash buy-out at buyer’s option. He disposedof his equipment separately. The buyer shelled out zip.Neglected or orphaned customers or clients. I’ve honestlynever seen anything like it: businesses sufferingbut simultaneously cutting back on communication andcoddling of current customers, refusing to invest in retentionor rescue, not pursuing inactive customers at all.This, while customers are less willing to casually spendand more sensitive to being taken for granted. Thisleaves a whole lot of restless, seducible customers wanderingaround. Now is a good time to invest more (notless), more aggressively (not more conservatively) in acquiringcustomers with predictable, good lifetime value.Assume, for example, that you normally buy a customerworth $1,000.00 over 5 years for $200.00. Let’s go buymore right now at $400.00 each – what does that looklike? If we took the extra $200.00 each and bought 1,000,that’s $200,000.00. If we give it one half the $1,000.00value, $500.00 over 5 years that equals a 250% return in5 years; averaged 50% return per year. Where else areyou going to get that? And it might not take that to bepredatory and aggressive, if you can focus on others’ neglectedcustomers. nThe PLACE For PROSPERITY

(<strong>Dan</strong> Continued From Page 14)Final Thoughts This Month – on why they fail“A man asked me why it was that so many wouldbesalesmen failed. I told him it was because most ofthem set sail upon the sea of commerce without thechart or compass of true education. Comparatively fewchemists, or mechanics, or physicians or others whoreally prepare for their work fail.” This from a booktitled ‘Sales Promotion’ recently gifted to me by DiamondLuxury/IBA Member Mike Capuzzi. The book waspublished in 1906.1906. Yes, in 1906, there were people like me trying to get salespeopleand businesspeople to take mastery of the sciences and craftsof advertising, marketing and selling more seriously. Why is it thatpeople think nothing of going to college for four years, then medicalschool for four more, racking up $200,000.00 or more in debt, theninterning and working 16 hour shifts, to finally be a doctor – but balkat reading at least a book a week, giving an hour a day to educationconveniently handed to them on audio CD’s, coming to a fewseminars each year, even managing to open and read this newslettereach month, yet fully expect to be able to advertise, market andsell so successfully they out-earn most doctors? In a four hour workweek? Quenching thirst not with a well drilled and pump primed, butwith an app?Ignorance. Sense of entitlement. Fundamental misunderstandingof business in general and the business they’re in, specifically.People do not understand that marketing is a profession justas is medicine, made up of knowledge and science and disciplinesand skills that must be learned; skills that must be practiced; thatmust be developed, from clumsy to deft. People believe that becausethey own a restaurant and serve good food, they are entitledto success. People do not understand that all business is actuallythe advertising, marketing and sales business, with slightly differentdeliverables exchanged for money. Ignorance can be re<strong>place</strong>dwith intelligence. Entitlement can be set aside. Understanding canbe gained. But as comedian Ron White says, you can’t fix stupid.A lot of people stay willfully stupid, refusing to accept that successis earned in proportion to mastery, and instead of getting about thebusiness of mastering high value skills, they chase unicorns of easymoney and unearned wealth and mysticism. As the author noted in1906, most people just don’t prepare for their work – overall or by theday*. (*About that, see this month’s I GETZ MAIL.)Somebody recently sent me their first attempt at a long sales lettermade to power points presentation for a web site and I had to tell himit was the worst, most incoherent attempt I’d ever seen. I didn’t needto ask; I’ll very safely wager I was seeing the first and only draft. Notslaved over through fifty re-writes. Not taken to a small hotel meetingroom with 20 prospects in it and delivered to see if it worked. I see itall the time with platform selling: somebody thinks they can just hopup there for the first time and do $100,000.00. And they get theirhead handed to them on a stick. Don’t they realize that I studiedthat, traveled to observe the best, got transcribed pitches, learned tocreate scripts, practiced, was bad where it didn’t matter to get good;studied the psychology of crowds, studied speakers and state fairpitchmen and TV evangelists, studied salesmanship, studied copywriting– prepared for the work? Yes, you can buy off-the-shelfmagic tricks and fool and amuse your grandkids, friends whogood-naturedly humor you, and your dog. But you’re no threatto Copperfield or Blaine. And here’s the rub, for me: the verycandid truth is, if you’re happy to settle for that; for some offthe-shelftricks, just to make some money, I have no interest inyou. I see you as a bug. You’ll get that and you’ll leave and go fromtricks peddler to tricks peddler and I say: good riddance. I am for theserious person who has set out to become a marketing professionaland is willing to engage in intense preparation continuing for years,to get so good at it they are “a threat to Copperfield.” Folks aroundhere like that, like Sean Greeley, Capuzzi, Dwight Woods, they loveme. They’re rare, of course. I know I write and speak and teach forfew. But they were there in 1906 and they are there now. We hunteach other.Yes, technology has certainly changed a lot since 1906. Hallelujah!Horse ‘n buggy for car, for starters. The interstate highwaysystem to drive the car on, the internet to drive messages on. But thechief reasons for failure or success have NOT changed one whit inall those years – much to the distress of those who think it’s the gadgetsthat make Bond Bond or the cape that makes Superman Superman.Sorry. There are lots of gadget stores and cape stores. I’m notin those businesses. And, love me or leave me, I’m not changing,even as change may swirl around me.DAN©Peter C. Vey/The New Yorker Collection/www.cartoonbank.comPage 18®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Thanks to <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong> and Bill Glazer, I’m No Longera Small Business Owner—I’m an Entrepreneur!BEFORE GKIC:I became a small business owner when I started my first business, Dynamic Communication, in October, 2001. Mymain offering was writing and designing newsletters for corporations, nonprofits, associations, and chambers ofcommerce. A few years later, I had about 25 corporate clients and I was making good money. You might say I was asuccessful small business owner, but there was a big problem! My time was maxing out, and I couldn’t continue togrow unless I was going to hire and oversee staff, which I was not willing to do.Fortunately, in 2006 my friend Mike Capuzzi (Philadelphia Independent Business Advisor and inventor of CopyDoodles)introduced me to Planet <strong>Dan</strong> and I started to quickly and intensely re-educate myself about how to market andgrow a business. I immersed myself in everything I could get my hands on and my mind started an amazing shiftfrom that of a small business owner to that of an agile, fast-moving, wealth-creating entrepreneur.Jim PalmerGOLD LuxuryEntrepreneurs leverage their time, skill, and resources, and the talents of others, to create sustainable wealth. They’re also open to creatingmultiple streams of revenue, perhaps even in different industries or niches. It’s also been my experience and unscientific observationthat entrepreneurs are more accepting of risk and love speed, and one thing I have learned is that wealth rewards risk and speed.AFTER GKIC:My first post-Planet <strong>Dan</strong> entrepreneurial decision was to begin leveraging my skill and talent for creating newsletters and sell them tomultiple clients instead of just one client at a time. This led to my second business, No Hassle Newsletters, where I now provide contentand ready to go newsletter templates to clients in nine countries. I also embraced the strategy of becoming a celebrity expert, and anointedmyself The Newsletter Guru. Actually a client called me that and I like the way it sounded!Next, as I continued to grow No Hassle Newsletters, I launched my Concierge Print and Mail on Demand Service—a complementaryservice that provides another revenue stream. One of the best ways you can grow and add profits (and build wealth) is to provide complementaryservices to your existing customers. My fourth business, No Hassle Social Media, is capitalizing on the <strong>social</strong> media wave byoffering “done for you” content that makes it easy for entrepreneurs and small business owners to profit from the <strong>social</strong> media marketingphenomenon.Another big lesson learned was effective positioning and in 2009, I began writing books; The Magic of Newsletter Marketing, Stick LikeGlue, and my latest, The Fastest Way to Higher Profits. I also began speaking to groups of entrepreneurs about client retention and, ofcourse, the power of newsletter marketing. Also in late 2009, I launched my own Web TV show, “Newsletter Guru TV,” and a mastermindgroup and private coaching program – again, creating multiple streams of revenue. Earlier this year, I launched my first informationproduct, Double My Retention, where I reveal the outrageous client-retention program I use in my business that has more than doubled thelength of time my clients stay with me.Today, I only have one corporate client, by choice, and my business now affords me the opportunity to live the lifestyle that I choose. It alsogives my wife Stephanie and me the opportunity to give back and make a difference in the lives of others. I can’t thank <strong>Dan</strong>, Bill, and theentire Glazer <strong>Kennedy</strong> team enough for this amazing education and transformation.Put your success story in 1,000 words or less and email it to GKIC at SuccessStory@<strong>Dan</strong><strong>Kennedy</strong>.com. Winning entries will be featuredin future Issues of the No B.S. Marketing Letter and will receive a choice of either the Magnetic Marketing for the NEW Economy orthe Renegade Millionaire Marketing System. Please indicate in your email which of the above Resources you would like to receive.® The PLACE For PROSPERITYPage 19

What’s Going On With...No B.S. Certified Business AdvisorsGKIC Local Chapter MeetingsAZ Phoenix (East): 9/7AZ Phoenix (West): 9/7CA Glendale/Pasadena: 9/27,10/25CA Orange County: 9/28CA San Diego: 9/20, 10/18CA San Francisco: 9/8, 10/13CA Yuba City/Chico/Redding: 9/8, 10/13CA San Joaquin Valley: 9/20,10/18CO North Denver & NorthCOCO: 9/20, 10/18South Denver & WestCO: 9/21, 10/19CO Colorado Springs: 9/22,10/20FL Jacksonville: 9/20, 10/18FL Emerald Coast: 9/27,10/25FL Tampa: 9/20, 10/18FL Miami: 9/28, 10/26FL Fort Lauderdale: 9/28,10/26GA Atlanta: 9/13, 10/11ID Idaho: 9/8, 10/13ILILILSouth & West ChicagoSuburbs: 9/21, 10/19Chicago & NW Suburbs:9/19, 10/17Northern ChicagoSuberbs: 9/19, 10/17IN Indianapolis: 9/9, 10/7IN Michiana Area: 9/13,10/11IN Fort Wayne Area: 9/20,10/18KY Louisville: 9/27, 10/25MA Boston/North Shore: TBAMA Cape Cod: TBAMA South Shore: TBAMD Potomac, Rockville,Bethesda, Silver Spring:TBAMI S.E. Michigan: 9/27,10/18MI Grand Rapids: 9/22, 10/27NM Albuquerque: 9/13, 10/11NV Las Vegas: 9/22NY New York City & AllBoroughs: 9/22, 10/20OH Cleveland/Akron: 9/13OH Cleveland East: 9/13OR Portland: 9/8, 10/13PA Philadelphia: TBAPA Pittsburgh: 9/27, 10/25TX Dallas/Irving: 9/19TX Tarrant City/Ft Worth:9/13TX Houston North: 9/28,10/26TX Houston Central: 9/27,10/25VA Northern Virginia: 9/22,10/27VA Charlottesville: 9/6, 10/4VA Harrisonburg: 9/1, 10/6WA Seattle South: 9/27, 10/25WA Seattle/East Side: 9/6,10/4WA Ellensburg/Yakima: 9/14,10/19WI Milwaukee: 9/8, 10/13WI Green Bay, Appleton,Oshkosh: 9/12, 10/12WI Madison: 9/13, 10/11To contact your Local IBA go towww.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com:• Locate the Local Chapters Icon along the top of the website and “click”• Insert your GKIC MEMBER number in the box and click SUBMIT.(Your number can be found on your NO B.S. Marketing Newsletterenvelope and/or CD Mailing envelope).• Select an area on the map and “click”• A list of No B.S. Certified Business Advisors will come up• Contact the IBA in your area for Chapter/Mastermind Meeting InformationCHAPTERMEMBERS TALK“I just wanted to take the time to personally thankyou for giving me the opportunity to attend thechapter meeting. I couldn’t sleep that night whenI got home. My head was on overload with all thegreat ideas, and information that was provided.They OOZE money when they speak! Attendingjust this one meeting has created more thanenough value to justify my membership cost forthe entire year!”Gerry FrankGKIC/Cleveland“I can’t thank you enough for inviting meout to your meeting, which was extremelybeneficial in validating that the methods taughtby <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong> and Bill Glazer actually work.Interacting with people in my area was verymotivating. I will start my day tomorrow verydifferent from yesterday thanks to you and thegroup. I look forward to receiving the bookand hope to have some good news at the nextmeeting.”Dr. Farris PattersonGKIC/Chicago & NW Suburbs“I’ve had a very long and organic process ofcreating and discovering an entrepreneurial nichethat blends my interests and gifts into a viablebusiness model. Once I joined the mastermindgroup, a lot of things came into focus for me, andI finally felt like I found a <strong>place</strong> I belonged. I nowidentify as an Information and Internet Marketer,and I’m really impressed with and blessed by theamount of information, resources and support thatare now at my fingertips. It’s tough to go it alone.Having a team of people makes all the differencein today’s market. After only a few meetings, I’mwell on my way to breakthroughs in my businessthat will change everything.”Dawn RickabaughGKIC/Glandale-PasadenaPage 20®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

GKIC Local Mastermind MeetingsThere is nothing like the group dynamic of the “Mastermind”where like minded progressive individuals can meet to sharetheir ideas to strengthen the courage of their convictions.AZ Phoenix (East): 9/6AZ Phoenix (West): 9/6CA Glendale/Pasadena: 9/16, 10/21CA San Diego: 9/12 & 13, 10/10 &12CACOYuba City/Chico/Redding: TBANorth Denver & Northern CO:TBAFL Jacksonville: 9/20, 10/18FL Miami: 9/6 13 & 20, 10/4 11 & 18FL Emerald Coast: 10/21 & 22IL South & West Chicago Suburbs:9/30, 10/28IL Chicago & NW Suburbs: 9/1 & 7,10/4 & 6Il Northern Chicago Suburbs: TBAIN Indianapolis: 9/23, 10/28IN Michina Area: 9/27, 10/25KY Louisville: 9/13, 10/11MA Boston/Newton: 9/12MA Cape Cod: TBAMA South Shore: TBAMD Rockville/Potomac/Bethesda:TBAMI S.E. Michigan: 9/28, 10/26NM Alburquerque: 9/20, 10/18NV Las Vegas: 9/14NY New York City & All Boroughs:9/27, 10/25OH Cleveland/Akron: TBAOH Cleveland East: 9/20 & 22PA Philadelphia: TBAPA Pittsburgh: 9/20 & 22, 10/18TX Dallas/Irving: 9/19TX Tarrant City/Ft Worth: 9/6 & 29TX Houston North: 9/28, 10/26TX Houston Central: 9/20, 10/18VA Northern Virginia: 9/15WA Seattle South: 10/12WA Seattle Eastside: 10/12WI Green Bay: 9/20, 10/18WI Madison: 9/20, 10/18IBA Profile“Becoming anIndependent BusinessAdvisor (IBA) has beenone of the single bestbusiness and personalgrowth opportunitiesof my life,” saysAndrew Cass Andrew Cass, the NoB. S. Certified BusinessAdvisor for South FL. “There aretwo main reasons: First I believeby studying under <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>and Bill Glazer and bringing theirphilosophies on direct response stylemarketing strategies to a large groupeach month in South Florida, I’vebecome a much smarter and moresophisticated marketer. I’m relied uponby my Chapter Members and my threeMastermind Groups to be sharp andto stay sharp. <strong>Dan</strong> and Bill say ‘theteacher ALWAYS learns MORE than thestudents’. Second is because of howwell run GKIC is and how amazing thecontent is they put out each month, I’vebeen able to build a very solid, growingChapter here in South Florida alongwith multiple private coaching groups.A BIG thanks to <strong>Dan</strong> and Bill fordelivering month in and month out!”IBA Mark Maiewski, Central VA (left)and Chapter member Timothy Johnsonat a recent Chapter meetingBill Glazer with IBAs Keith & TravisLee speaking recentlyAt the Seattle Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong>Chapter meeting holdingUp an OUTRAGEOUS sales message.“From everything that has transpiredsince becoming the IBA in 2008…meeting and rubbing elbows withterrific people in the South FL area,leading and mentoring countlessEntrepreneurs in the Chapter, I’verealized that the single biggest reasonpeople struggle is because they are notcommitted students of Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong>Insider’s Circle direct response stylemarketing strategies. GKIC is literallythe Harvard University of directresponse marketing and those who arecommitted enough and tough enough tostay in “The University,” I find, havebreakthrough after breakthrough. Thosewho don’t… have breakdown afterbreakdown. It’s almost become simplemath at this point.”Andrew CassMiami, FLChapter Meetings are open to all Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM Members and your guests. In most areas, you may attend one meeting free. If there is noAdvisor in your area and you would be interested in becoming a No B.S. Certified Business Advisor, contact Howard Zeiden at 410-825-8600 x109.Page 21®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Welcome New Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Members toThe PLACE For PROSPERITYHere is a list of new members who joined the ranks of GKIC in the past month.Adomas KontautasColin RichardsonBrianne Ernst<strong>Dan</strong> NeiraBabs Ekine-OgunlanaConnie KaplanJeff IrishMak HimsingRon PenksaClaude BussieresBrian KnoebelShawn ByfieldEric YamaguchiRobert CartelliFrancis BeltranMatthew GoldfarbRussell SoperRobert DempseyYunae HolmesRusty MackKenny FreemanRon GageJeff StruckKunle EkunkonyeAlene KeenanKen ShenkmanMark MackeyRobert KowaleskiKaren GravesMarc BautisRich KellerStephen Day<strong>Dan</strong>iel MervarRick WilkersonKaren KinsmanBrenda SmithLeslie RandolphSheryl JonesElizabeth PrideCarl RichardsEdward AgostonJohnnie FrohlichDavid NissleyBill OviattNicole HawkinsNicole HawkinsDavid SegureTroy WestTodd LordKarina AlvelaMaria OteroMitchell GermanLeah BolerBeth WilleyJim ArmstrongKristin PendletonJeremy ThielKevin CollinsEduard KelderhuisPatrick CollinsJoseph VegaMike McLeanMatt EdgingtonKim BresdenJimmy TobiasKhaliyah BarakhyahuSherry CallahanBrian WilliamsGregory RohlerCindy BassettMary Lou DerksenCarol PaukstisSean McMannJay NguiRichard HodgesJessica FergusAnthony KirlewEmily OrtegaSigrid PieperTherese SkellyErdal BezarogluJeff Ziebell ZiebellBrian RypstraSalle CombestJames SmousBruce OliverDonald WillardLiz HarrisJo Ann BrayGeorge MoriczChristina SlagleNadine RomainMagdalena MuldoonTom ZibtonJamie ReevesSteve CobbMario CordovaMichael CrawleyJulia HsiaCharles LutzowAndy NathanMary Jane OliverAnn PiaseckiChristine Rath<strong>Dan</strong> SchwellenbachBrian SewellCheryl PullinsKevin GalliganMiles BecciaSue CrislipJames WIlsonOlalekan DagunduroYvette BriscoLonnie RobinsonJohn CastoHarry GilliamShane MillerDave ByersJames TaylorMihaela AmiraMark AttwoodPatricia PerkinsJames HuAaron DavisDuane JonesVictoria GibsonWendy RichmondSteven CarterKim CullenVicente CottoLiz BaileyKiara AnnableMartha UrquhartMike LaRosaSarah JohnsonDebbie CammannStephanie CamarilloNatalia FisherMoses WaruiruMarta MagnoniAllen KromJohn NeibelKen BowmanTim BellRodrigo Del CampoJohn MarquezRichard CantinPaul MarrurarChris AndrewsSue CookBeatriz TuptaSusan NiemeyerDJ DemellAlex PardoRobert VicoCalvin JonesMichael StultzH Kala EulittBarrett SharpeAndrew CharlesErik JohnsonCharles MuthCasey BeardenJohn CarrollPage 22®The PLACE For PROSPERITY

Titanium Info-MASTERMIND Member Benefits:• Three 2-day ‘closed door’ meetings where every Member will receive a minimum of 45-minutes to presentwhat’s working and group discussion concerning growth opportunities within their business• Five 30-minute ‘one-on-one’ private phone calls with Bill Glazer personally• DIRECTORY LISTING: You will receive a Business Listing, Business Description and “live” link to yourwebsite on the GKIC Directory Listing located on the Membership site at <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com• Copy CONFIDENTIAL/LOS• ALL of the benefits of Gold/Gold Luxury, DIAMOND Luxury, and Platinum Info-MASTERMIND MembershipPlatinum Info-MASTERMIND Member Benefits:• THREE “2-day” Platinum Info-MASTERMIND Meetings personally facilitated by Bill Glazer. Each meetingwill include: 45-minute Business Hot Seats, “Crush-It” Contest, Affiliate/JV Opportunities Sign-up Session,Open Q & A Session, and Interesting Stuff Manual• Two “one-on-one” 30-minute “GET UNSTUCK” calls with Bill Glazer• DIRECTORY LISTING: You will receive a Business Listing, Business Description and “live” link to yourwebsite on the GKIC Directory Listing located on the Membership site at <strong>dankennedy</strong>.com• All DIAMOND Luxury Member and GOLD/GOLD Luxury Member Benefits• Copy CONFIDENTIAL/LOSDIAMOND Luxury Tele-Coaching Member Benefits• Monthly DIAMOND Luxury Tele-Coaching Call with <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong> and Bill Glazer and a CD of the call• Private Annual NETWORKING Event• No BS Internet Profits Report monthly newsletter• The DIAMOND Luxury ‘Members-Only’ Content Rich Membership Site• The DIAMOND Luxury Member 4-Page Hot Sheet• The DIAMOND Luxury Weekly Fax• DIAMOND Luxury Member Discounts• “Marketing To The Affluent” Newsletter• ALL of the benefits of Gold/Gold Luxury MembershipGold/Gold Luxury Membership• Monthly No B.S. Marketing Letter• Monthly Marketing Interview on CD• Monthly Marketing Hot Sheet• Gold ONLY Call-In Hours• Gold ONLY Restricted Website• Continually Up-Dated MILLION DOLLAR RESOURCE DIRECTORY• Member Only DISCOUNTS• FREE On-Line Success Marketing Strategies• “Marketing To The Affluent” Newsletter (GOLD Luxury Only)®GKIC Membership BenefitsFor more information,visit www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com or call 410-825-8600.PUBLISHERBill GlazerGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC.PHONE: 410-825-8600. 9-6pm EST Monday through Thursday, 9-5pmEST on Friday. FAX: 410-825-3301.WEBSITE: www.<strong>dankennedy</strong>.comMAILING ADDRESS: Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC,401 Jefferson Ave. Towson, MD 21286.EMAIL: If your email is in regards to your membership, contactcustomer service at info@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com. If your email is in regardsto an upcoming event, please contact event@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com.EDITOR<strong>Dan</strong> S. <strong>Kennedy</strong>Should you wish to communicate with Mr. <strong>Kennedy</strong>’s office directlyconcerning consulting, copywriting or speaking engagements,FAX: 602-269-3113 Phone: 602-997-7707For extra information about <strong>Dan</strong> and his co-branded clients, specialopportunities, and extensions of the Renegade Millionaire System TM ,visit www.RenegadeMillionaireMarketing.com. For more informationabout <strong>Dan</strong>’s books: www.NoBSBooks.com.PUBLISHER’S NOTICES:Copyright Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC expressly disclaims all warranties as to the contents of this publication including, without limitation, the implieswarranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and on-infringement, and makes no warranty as to the results that may be achieved by using theinformation contained in this publication. Because this information can be used a variety of ways to fit various business purposes, Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLCwill not be responsible for any damages (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or punitive damages) suffered or incured by any person arising outof such person’s use of or reliance on this publication or the information contained herein.All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act withoutpermission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be adressed to Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM LLC.GKIC will pay $500.00 for evidence of illegal photocopying, and/or electronic or fax distribution of this newsletter that leads to a successful resolution of a claim.Confidentiality is assured. Please contact Jessica Prueitt at jessica@<strong>dankennedy</strong>.com.Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong>’s trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed here, including, but not limited to: NoB.S. ® , Insider’s Circle TM , Info-SUMMIT SM , Marketing and Money-Making SuperConference SM , Magnetic Marketing TM , Renegade Millionaire TM , “<strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>” and <strong>Dan</strong> <strong>Kennedy</strong>’s image and likenessare trademarks of and used exclusively by Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC in the US and/or other countries. Nothing contained in these materials should beconstrued as granting, by implication, estoppels, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark displayed in this publication without the written permission ofGlazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> or such third party that may own other trademarks displayed here. Your misuse of the trademarks displayed here, or any other content is prohibited.You are also advised that Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> will enforce its intellectual property rights to the extent of the law.Content © copyright 1996-2011, Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Insider’s Circle TM , LLC, all rights reserved.Page 23

The Back PageMODUS OPERANDII had a little edit job to do this month – of the OpportunityMarketing Concept Training transcripts – and I readCraig Simpson’s presentation on direct-mail (which Ihad not been in the room for at the event), and doingso reminded me of what an ‘embarrassment of riches’we have in Glazer-<strong>Kennedy</strong> Members and vendors.Craig laid out for the audience exactly how $200-millionhad been made in one business, step by step, driven bydirect-mail. He spoke no flights of fantasy; he showedthe pieces, he explained the list selection; etc. And herevealed one very important secret I’ll only mention butnot belabor here: while their new customer was proceedingthrough a 17 week course,they sent 11 different solo offers forother courses and products. Anyway,REAL experience. When youattend the upcoming Info-SUM-MIT SM (or any other GKIC event),there are lots of people like this tomeet: people who know their stuff‘cuz they are really doing thingssuccessfully. Tim Seward at ROIRevolution is really buying hundredsof thousands of dollars worthof online traffic for clients who demandprofit – he’s not just writingabout it. Dean Killingbeck is reallydelivering customers to restaurantswith his direct-mail campaigns – often producing500%+ ROI. Grant Miller is running a real retail-servicebusiness, his chain of tanning salons, and producing farabove par revenues and profits, and now teaching othershis methods – that a grand tradition I started*: theexceptionally successful operator and marketer of a particularkind of business also becoming an info-marketer,packaging and selling his real experience to his peers.Bill Glazer himself began on that path – from successfulmenswear retailer to info-marketer to menswear retailers.THIS is what “NO BS” is all about.(*You can make yourself a fortune with this tradition. TheInfo-SUMMIT SM is just around the corner.)Anyway, my point here is about THE IMPORTANCEOF A SET “MODUS OPERANDI”. Buffett has a clear,relatively simple modus operandi for investing that hesticks to and repeats. Unsuccessful investors do not;they react to tips, news reports, hunches, peers, theybuy by whim, at random. Craig Simpson has a modusIdeas Of The Monthmodus operandi noun:a particular way or method of doing something,one that is characteristic or well-established :egs.: the volunteers were instructed to buyspecific items using our usual modus operandi—anonymously and with cash. Egs: He hada particular process for walking about andobserving a crime scene thathe had not varied from in 30 years.• the way something operates or works.ORIGIN Latin, literally ‘way of operating.’TRANSL. operating system.Page 24®operandi for developing direct-mail programs. The successfuloperator turned info-marketer has a proven, successfulmodus operandi worthy of replication. Joe Sugarmanis a fine example of a Renegade Millionaire. Youmay know of him for Blu-Blockers; older folks or seriousstudents know him for JS&A; students of copywritingown his book TRIGGERS. Joe has a rigid, ideologicalapproach to creating copy. I have a set in stone modusoperandi for preparing this newsletter, for writing salescopy about an opportunity, for analyzing a client’s businessas a consultant, for developing a platform salespitch. Trump for picking a property to acquire; GeorgeRoss for structuring the deal. Renegade Millionairesare more rigid than random. If you think otherwise,you have been fooled; you misunderstand‘renegade’ as ‘loosecannon’. It’s the randomness ofmost people’s activity that prohibitsprofitable productivity. It’sabsence of, poor adherence to orpoor enforcement of process thathandicaps and harms businessmore than anything else.This links to reasonable v. unreasonableexpectations. For example,it’s nearly impossible for directmarketers (and most other businesses)to aggressively grow by acquiringhigh quality, new customerswithout going hundreds of dollars “in the hole” to“buy” each one. The most unrealistic and most restrictiveactivity is attempting to get those new customersat break-even or front-end profit. That’s why the 11 differentoffers within the 17 weeks of the first deliverablecase history that Craig showed was so important. That’sthe kind of sophisticated modus operandi required, tobe able to go negative, buy customers, and convert it toprofit.IT IS YOUR JOB to take from all that we show you,month after month, in my books, in seminars; to takepieces ‘n parts and assemble them into your own modusoperandi, for each purpose needed to achieve yourgoals. If you wish for someone to hand you a pre-fab,done for you modus operandi to use as your own, knowthat sloth is expensive. IT IS POOR PRACTICE to berunning around out there doing much of anything withoutan operating system.nnnnnThe PLACE For PROSPERITY

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