Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013

Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013

Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013


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DODGE & COX GLOBAL STOCK FUNDINVESTMENT OBJECTIVEThe Fund seeks long-term growth of principaland income.FEES AND EXPENSESThis table describes the fees and expenses that you maypay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.SHAREHOLDER FEES(fees paid directly from your investment)Sales charge (load) imposed on purchasesDeferred sales charge (load)Sales charge (load) imposed onreinvested distributionsRedemption feeExchange feeANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value ofyour investment)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneManagement fees .60%Distribution and/or service (12b-1) feesNoneOther expenses (transfer agent, custody,accounting, legal, etc.) .05%Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses .65%Example: This example is intended to help you comparethe cost of investing in the Fund with the cost ofinvesting in other mutual funds.The example assumes that:▪ You invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periodsindicated and then redeem all of your shares at the endof those time periods;▪ Your investment has a 5% return each year; and▪ The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same.Although your actual costs may be higher or lower,under these assumptions your costs would be:1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years$66 $208 $362 $810PORTFOLIO TURNOVERThe Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, whenit buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). Ahigher portfolio turnover rate may indicate highertransaction costs and may result in higher taxes when <strong>Funds</strong>hares are held in a taxable account. These transaction costs,which are not reflected in annual Fund operating expensesor in the example, affect the Fund’s performance. During themost recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolio turnover rate was24% of the average value of its portfolio.PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGIESThe Fund invests primarily in a diversified portfolio ofequity securities issued by companies from at least threedifferent countries, including emerging market countries.The Fund is not required to allocate its investments in setpercentages in particular countries and may invest inemerging markets without limit. Under normalcircumstances, the Fund will invest at least 40% of its totalassets in securities of non-U.S. companies and will invest atleast 80% of its total assets in common stocks, preferredstocks, certain securities convertible into common stocks,and securities that carry the right to buy common stocks.The Fund may also invest directly or indirectly in restrictedsecurities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies, includingsecurities issued through private offerings outside theUnited States.The Fund invests primarily in medium-to-large wellestablished companies based on standards of the applicablemarket. In selecting investments, the Fund investsprimarily in companies that, in <strong>Dodge</strong> & <strong>Cox</strong>’s opinion,appear to be temporarily undervalued by the stock marketbut have a favorable outlook for long-term growth. TheFund also focuses on the underlying financial conditionand prospects of individual companies, including futureearnings, cash flow, and dividends. Various other factors,including financial strength, economic condition,competitive advantage, quality of the business franchise,and the reputation, experience, and competence of acompany’s management are weighed against valuation inselecting individual securities. The Fund also considers theeconomic and political stability of a country and theprotections provided to foreign shareholders.The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts orcurrency futures contracts to hedge foreign currency exposure.PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTINGYou could lose money by investing in the Fund, and theFund could underperform other investments. YouPAGE 4 ▪ D ODGE & C OX F UNDS

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