Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013

Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013 Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013
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AUTOMATICALLY The Funds offer ways to sell shares automatically. Call Client Services at 800-621-3979or visit the Funds’ website at and request or download theAccount Options Form or IRA Distribution Request Form to establish this service. SeeSystematic Withdrawal Plan.Redemption Payments May be Made by Check, Wire, orACHBy Check Checks will be made payable to you andwill be sent to your address of record. If the proceeds ofthe redemption are requested to be sent to other than theaddress of record or if the address of record has beenchanged within 30 days of the redemption request, therequest must be in writing with your signature(s)Medallion guaranteed.By Wire The Fund will wire redemption proceedsonly to the bank account designated on the AccountApplication or in written instructions—with Medallionsignature guarantee—received with the redemption order.By ACH Redemption proceeds can be sent to yourbank account by ACH transfer. You can elect this optionby completing the appropriate section of the AccountApplication. There is a $100 minimum per ACH transfer.Medallion Signature Guarantees You will need tohave your signature Medallion guaranteed in certainsituations, such as:▪ Written requests to wire redemption proceeds (if notpreviously authorized on the Account Application);▪ Sending redemption proceeds to any person, address, orbank account not on record; and▪ Transferring redemption proceeds to a Dodge & CoxFund account with a different registration (name/ownership) from yours.A Medallion Signature Guarantee may be obtainedfrom a domestic bank or trust company, broker, dealer,clearing agency, savings association, or other financialinstitution which participates in a Medallion programrecognized by the Securities Transfer Association.Signature guarantees from financial institutions which donot participate in a Medallion program will not beaccepted. A notary public cannot provide MedallionSignature Guarantees.Redemptions-in-kind The Funds reserve the right, ifconditions exist which make cash payments undesirable,to honor any request for redemption by making paymentin whole or in part in readily marketable securities chosenby a Fund and valued as they are for purposes ofcomputing a Fund’s NAV. If payment is made insecurities, a shareholder may incur transaction expenses inconverting these securities to cash. The Funds haveelected, however, to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under theInvestment Company Act, as a result of which a Fund isobligated to redeem shares, with respect to any oneshareholder of record during any 90-day period, solely incash up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the net assetvalue of the Fund at the beginning of the period.IRAs Redemption requests for Traditional IRAs mustinclude instructions regarding federal income taxwithholding. Unless you have elected otherwise, yourredemptions will be subject to income tax withholding.State withholding may also apply.Important Information About Redemptions Undercertain circumstances, Boston Financial Data Servicesmay require additional documents, including stock powerswith signatures Medallion guaranteed, trust instruments,death certificates, appointments as executor, andcertificates of corporate authority. If certificates have beenissued for any of the shares to be redeemed, suchcertificates must be delivered to Boston Financial DataServices. For any questions regarding documentation orsignature requirements for trusts, estates, corporations,etc., please call Client Services (800-621-3979).The redemption price will be the NAV which is nextcomputed after receipt of a redemption request in goodorder (see Pricing of Shares) by Boston Financial DataServices or other authorized agent or sub-agent. Theredemption price may be more or less than your cost,depending upon the market value of a Fund’s investmentsat the time of redemption.PAGE 46 ▪ D ODGE & C OX F UNDS

If, subsequent to placing a redemption order, marketfluctuations cause the value of your account to fall belowthe requested redemption amount, your entire accountwill be redeemed.Redemption payments are made as soon as practicable,generally within two business days, but under normalcircumstances no later than the seventh day after theeffective date for redemption, or within such shorter periodas may legally be required. If shares are redeemed within twoweeks of purchase, a Fund may delay payment of theredemption proceeds until your purchase check or ACHpurchase has cleared, which may take up to 15 days. There isno such delay when shares being redeemed were purchasedby wiring Federal funds. The Funds may suspend yourredemption right or postpone payment at times when theNYSE is closed, trading on the NYSE is restricted, or underany emergency or other circumstances as determined by theSEC.Exchanging Shares An exchange is treated as aredemption and a purchase; therefore, you may realize ataxable gain or loss. You should read the current prospectusof the Fund into which the exchange is being made.There is a $1,000 minimum for all exchanges. If anew account is being opened by exchange, the minimuminvestment requirements must be met. After theexchange, the account from which the exchange is mademust have a remaining balance of at least $2,500 ($1,000for an IRA) in order to remain open. The Funds reservethe right to terminate or materially modify the exchangeprivilege upon 60 days’ advance notice to shareholders.Telephone and Internet Transactions By usingtelephone or internet purchase, redemption, and/orexchange options, you agree to hold the Funds,Dodge & Cox, Boston Financial Data Services, and eachof their respective directors, trustees, officers, employees,and agents harmless from any losses, expenses, costs, orliability (including attorney fees) which may be incurredin connection with the exercise of these privileges.Generally, all shareholders are automatically eligible touse these options. However, you may elect to declinethese options. By permitting telephone or internetredemptions for your account, you may be giving up ameasure of security that you might have if you were toredeem your shares in writing. In addition, interruptionsin service may mean that you will be unable to effect aredemption by telephone or internet when desired. Forany questions regarding telephone or Internet transactionsplease call Client Services (800-621-3979). If a Fund doesnot employ reasonable procedures to confirm that theinstructions received from any person with appropriateaccount information are genuine, the Fund may be liablefor losses due to unauthorized or fraudulent instructions.If you are unable to reach a Fund by telephone or viathe internet because of technical difficulties, marketconditions, or a natural disaster, you should makepurchase, redemption, and exchange requests by regular orexpress mail. You may experience delays in exercisingtelephone redemption privileges, including during periodsof abnormal market activity. During periods of volatileeconomic or market conditions, you may want to considertransmitting redemption orders by internet or overnightcourier.If an account has multiple owners, a Fund may relyon the instructions of any one account owner. You shouldnote that purchase and sales orders will not be canceled ormodified once received in good order.TRANSACTIONS THROUGH FINANCIALINTERMEDIARIESYou may purchase or sell Fund shares through a FinancialIntermediary, which may charge you a fee for this serviceand may require different minimum initial and subsequentinvestments than the Funds. Financial Intermediaries mayalso impose other charges or restrictions different fromthose applicable to shareholders who invest in the Fundsdirectly. A Financial Intermediary may be the shareholderof record of your shares. The Funds, Dodge & Cox, BostonFinancial Data Services, and each of their respectivedirectors, trustees, officers, employees, and agents are notresponsible for the failure of any Financial Intermediary tocarry out its obligations to its customers.Payments to Financial Intermediaries Dodge & Cox,at its expense without additional cost to the Funds ortheir shareholders, may provide additional compensationto certain Financial Intermediaries with respect to certainFunds. These payments may be made, at the discretion ofDodge & Cox, to Financial Intermediaries for shareholderrecordkeeping or other administrative services provided toD ODGE & C OX F UNDS ▪ PAGE 47

AUTOMATICALLY The <strong>Funds</strong> offer ways to sell shares automatically. Call Client Services at 800-621-3979or visit the <strong>Funds</strong>’ website at and request or download theAccount Options Form or IRA Distribution Request Form to establish this service. SeeSystematic Withdrawal Plan.Redemption Payments <strong>May</strong> be Made by Check, Wire, orACHBy Check Checks will be made payable to you andwill be sent to your address of record. If the proceeds ofthe redemption are requested to be sent to other than theaddress of record or if the address of record has beenchanged within 30 days of the redemption request, therequest must be in writing with your signature(s)Medallion guaranteed.By Wire The Fund will wire redemption proceedsonly to the bank account designated on the AccountApplication or in written instructions—with Medallionsignature guarantee—received with the redemption order.By ACH Redemption proceeds can be sent to yourbank account by ACH transfer. You can elect this optionby completing the appropriate section of the AccountApplication. There is a $100 minimum per ACH transfer.Medallion Signature Guarantees You will need tohave your signature Medallion guaranteed in certainsituations, such as:▪ Written requests to wire redemption proceeds (if notpreviously authorized on the Account Application);▪ Sending redemption proceeds to any person, address, orbank account not on record; and▪ Transferring redemption proceeds to a <strong>Dodge</strong> & <strong>Cox</strong>Fund account with a different registration (name/ownership) from yours.A Medallion Signature Guarantee may be obtainedfrom a domestic bank or trust company, broker, dealer,clearing agency, savings association, or other financialinstitution which participates in a Medallion programrecognized by the Securities Transfer Association.Signature guarantees from financial institutions which donot participate in a Medallion program will not beaccepted. A notary public cannot provide MedallionSignature Guarantees.Redemptions-in-kind The <strong>Funds</strong> reserve the right, ifconditions exist which make cash payments undesirable,to honor any request for redemption by making paymentin whole or in part in readily marketable securities chosenby a Fund and valued as they are for purposes ofcomputing a Fund’s NAV. If payment is made insecurities, a shareholder may incur transaction expenses inconverting these securities to cash. The <strong>Funds</strong> haveelected, however, to be governed by Rule 18f-1 under theInvestment Company Act, as a result of which a Fund isobligated to redeem shares, with respect to any oneshareholder of record during any 90-day period, solely incash up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the net assetvalue of the Fund at the beginning of the period.IRAs Redemption requests for Traditional IRAs mustinclude instructions regarding federal income taxwithholding. Unless you have elected otherwise, yourredemptions will be subject to income tax withholding.State withholding may also apply.Important Information About Redemptions Undercertain circumstances, Boston Financial Data Servicesmay require additional documents, including stock powerswith signatures Medallion guaranteed, trust instruments,death certificates, appointments as executor, andcertificates of corporate authority. If certificates have beenissued for any of the shares to be redeemed, suchcertificates must be delivered to Boston Financial DataServices. For any questions regarding documentation orsignature requirements for trusts, estates, corporations,etc., please call Client Services (800-621-3979).The redemption price will be the NAV which is nextcomputed after receipt of a redemption request in goodorder (see Pricing of Shares) by Boston Financial DataServices or other authorized agent or sub-agent. Theredemption price may be more or less than your cost,depending upon the market value of a Fund’s investmentsat the time of redemption.PAGE 46 ▪ D ODGE & C OX F UNDS

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