Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013

Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013 Dodge & Cox Funds Statutoary Prospectus dated May 1, 2013
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DODGE & COX BALANCED FUNDINVESTMENT OBJECTIVESThe Fund seeks regular income, conservation of principal,and an opportunity for long-term growth of principaland income.FEES AND EXPENSESThis table describes the fees and expenses that you maypay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.SHAREHOLDER FEES(fees paid directly from your investment)Sales charge (load) imposed on purchasesDeferred sales charge (load)Sales charge (load) imposed onreinvested distributionsRedemption feeExchange feeANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value ofyour investment)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneManagement fees .50%Distribution and/or service (12b-1) feesNoneOther expenses (transfer agent, custody,accounting, legal, etc.) .03%Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses .53%Example: This example is intended to help you comparethe cost of investing in the Fund with the cost ofinvesting in other mutual funds.The example assumes that:▪ You invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periodsindicated and then redeem all of your shares at the endof those time periods;▪ Your investment has a 5% return each year; and▪ The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same.Although your actual costs may be higher or lower,under these assumptions your costs would be:1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years$54 $170 $296 $665PORTFOLIO TURNOVERThe Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, whenit buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). Ahigher portfolio turnover rate may indicate highertransaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fundshares are held in a taxable account. These transactioncosts, which are not reflected in annual Fund operatingexpenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance.During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolioturnover rate was 25% of the average value of its portfolio.PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGIESThe Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equitysecurities and debt securities. Equity securities include, butare not limited to, common stocks, preferred stocks, anddepositary receipts evidencing ownership of common stocks.In selecting equity investments, the Fund primarily investsin companies that, in Dodge & Cox’s opinion, appear to betemporarily undervalued by the stock market and have afavorable outlook for long-term growth. The Fund focuseson the underlying financial condition and prospects ofindividual companies, including future earnings, cash flow,and dividends. Various other factors, including financialstrength, economic condition, competitive advantage,quality of the business franchise, and the reputation,experience, and competence of a company’s managementare weighed against valuation in selecting individualsecurities. The Fund’s equity investments are primarily inmedium-to-large well established companies based onstandards of the applicable market.Debt investments primarily include investment-gradesecurities such as government and government–relatedobligations, mortgage and asset-backed securities,corporate and municipal bonds, collateralized mortgageobligations, and other debt securities and may includefixed and floating rate instruments. Investment-grade debtsecurities include securities rated Baa or higher byMoody’s Investors Service (Moody’s), or BBB or higherby Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group (S&P) or FitchRatings (Fitch), or equivalently rated by any nationallyrecognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO),including U.S. dollar-denominated foreign issues andissues of supranational agencies, or unrated securities ifdeemed to be of investment-grade quality by Dodge &Cox. A maximum of 20% of the debt portion of the FundPAGE 12 ▪ D ODGE & C OX F UNDS

may be invested in below investment-grade debtsecurities, commonly referred to as high-yield or “junk”bonds, if they have a minimum rating of B by Moody’s,Fitch, or S&P, or are equivalently rated by any NRSRO.The Fund may also invest in interest rate derivatives suchas U.S. Treasury futures and swap agreements for a varietyof purposes, including, but not limited to, managing theFund’s duration or adjusting the Fund’s exposure to debtsecurities with different maturities. In addition, the Fundmay invest in credit default swaps to increase or decreasecredit exposure to a particular issuer or a group of issuersthat comprise a particular segment of the debt market.The proportions held in various debt securities maybe revised in light of Dodge & Cox’s appraisal of theeconomy, the relative yields of securities in the variousmarket sectors, the investment prospects for issuers, andother factors. In selecting debt securities, Dodge & Coxconsiders many factors, including yield-to-maturity,quality, liquidity, call risk, current yield, and capitalappreciation potential.While the mix of equity and debt securities will varydepending on Dodge & Cox’s outlook on the markets, undernormal circumstances no more than 75% (and no less than25%) of total assets will be invested in equity securities. TheFund may invest up to 20% of its total assets in U.S. dollardenominatedsecurities of non-U.S. issuers traded in theUnited States that are not in the S&P 500.PRINCIPAL RISKS OF INVESTINGYou could lose money by investing in the Fund, and theFund could underperform other investments. Youshould expect the Fund’s share price and total return tofluctuate within a wide range. The Fund’s performancecould be hurt by:▪ Issuer risk. Securities held by the Fund may decline invalue because of changes in the financial condition of,or other events affecting, the issuers of these securities.▪ Management risk. Dodge & Cox’s opinion about theintrinsic worth or creditworthiness of a company orsecurity may be incorrect, Dodge & Cox may not maketimely purchases or sales of securities for the Fund, theFund’s investment objectives may not be achieved, andthe market may continue to undervalue theFund’s securities.▪ Asset allocation risk. The Fund’s ability to achieve itsinvestment objective is affected by Dodge & Cox’sdetermination of the Fund’s broad asset allocationmix. Dodge & Cox’s evaluations and assumptionsregarding asset classes and market sectors may notsuccessfully achieve the Fund’s investment objective inview of actual market trends. The Fund’s balancebetween equity and debt securities could limit itspotential for capital appreciation relative to an all-stockfund or contribute to greater volatility relative to an allbondfund.▪ Equity risk. Equity securities generally have greater pricevolatility than debt securities.▪ Market risk. Stock prices may decline over short orextended periods due to general market conditions.▪ Non-U.S. issuer risk. Securities (including ADRs) maydecline in value because of political, economic, or marketinstability; the absence of accurate information about thecompanies; risks of internal and external conflicts; orunfavorable government actions, including expropriationand nationalization. These securities may also lose valuedue to changes in foreign currency exchange rates againstthe U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Non-U.S. securities are sometimes less liquid, more volatile,and harder to value than securities of U.S. issuers. Lack ofuniform accounting, auditing, and financial reportingstandards, with less governmental regulation andoversight than U.S. companies, may increase risk. Somecountries also may have different legal systems that maymake it difficult for the Fund to vote proxies, exerciseshareholder rights, and pursue legal remedies with respectto investments. These risks may be higher when investingin emerging markets companies. Certain of these risksmay also apply to securities of U.S. companies withsignificant non-U.S. operations.▪ Interest rate risk. Debt security prices may decline due torising interest rates. Debt securities with longermaturities are generally subject to potentially greaterprice volatility than obligations with shorter maturities.A low interest rate environment creates an elevatedrisk of future price declines, particularly for securitieswith longer maturities.▪ Credit risk. A security’s price may decline due todeterioration in the issuer’s or a guarantor’s financialD ODGE & C OX F UNDS ▪ PAGE 13

DODGE & COX BALANCED FUNDINVESTMENT OBJECTIVESThe Fund seeks regular income, conservation of principal,and an opportunity for long-term growth of principaland income.FEES AND EXPENSESThis table describes the fees and expenses that you maypay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.SHAREHOLDER FEES(fees paid directly from your investment)Sales charge (load) imposed on purchasesDeferred sales charge (load)Sales charge (load) imposed onreinvested distributionsRedemption feeExchange feeANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value ofyour investment)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneManagement fees .50%Distribution and/or service (12b-1) feesNoneOther expenses (transfer agent, custody,accounting, legal, etc.) .03%Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses .53%Example: This example is intended to help you comparethe cost of investing in the Fund with the cost ofinvesting in other mutual funds.The example assumes that:▪ You invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periodsindicated and then redeem all of your shares at the endof those time periods;▪ Your investment has a 5% return each year; and▪ The Fund’s operating expenses remain the same.Although your actual costs may be higher or lower,under these assumptions your costs would be:1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years$54 $170 $296 $665PORTFOLIO TURNOVERThe Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, whenit buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). Ahigher portfolio turnover rate may indicate highertransaction costs and may result in higher taxes when <strong>Funds</strong>hares are held in a taxable account. These transactioncosts, which are not reflected in annual Fund operatingexpenses or in the example, affect the Fund’s performance.During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund’s portfolioturnover rate was 25% of the average value of its portfolio.PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGIESThe Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equitysecurities and debt securities. Equity securities include, butare not limited to, common stocks, preferred stocks, anddepositary receipts evidencing ownership of common stocks.In selecting equity investments, the Fund primarily investsin companies that, in <strong>Dodge</strong> & <strong>Cox</strong>’s opinion, appear to betemporarily undervalued by the stock market and have afavorable outlook for long-term growth. The Fund focuseson the underlying financial condition and prospects ofindividual companies, including future earnings, cash flow,and dividends. Various other factors, including financialstrength, economic condition, competitive advantage,quality of the business franchise, and the reputation,experience, and competence of a company’s managementare weighed against valuation in selecting individualsecurities. The Fund’s equity investments are primarily inmedium-to-large well established companies based onstandards of the applicable market.Debt investments primarily include investment-gradesecurities such as government and government–relatedobligations, mortgage and asset-backed securities,corporate and municipal bonds, collateralized mortgageobligations, and other debt securities and may includefixed and floating rate instruments. Investment-grade debtsecurities include securities rated Baa or higher byMoody’s Investors Service (Moody’s), or BBB or higherby Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group (S&P) or FitchRatings (Fitch), or equivalently rated by any nationallyrecognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO),including U.S. dollar-denominated foreign issues andissues of supranational agencies, or unrated securities ifdeemed to be of investment-grade quality by <strong>Dodge</strong> &<strong>Cox</strong>. A maximum of 20% of the debt portion of the FundPAGE 12 ▪ D ODGE & C OX F UNDS

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