Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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English 95programs of study. These programs of study are betterdefined once the student decides on an area of study and theengineering school to which the student wishes to transfer.Please refer to the Program and Advising Guide for Pre-Professional Studies in Engineering available online at www.wsc.edu/eng.The first semester of each prescribed program is the same.First Semester (For students meeting Calculus prerequisites)PHY 115 Professionalism in Science............................... 2CHE 106 General Chemistry I.......................................... 4ENG 102 Composition Skills I......................................... 3MAT 140 Calculus I.......................................................... 5Social Science Elective*.................................................... 3The remaining semesters (Course taking is verysequential and students need to check with their advisors tocreate an individualized program of study)CHE 107 General Chemistry II........................................ 4CNA 100 Principles of Human Communication.............. 3CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals I.......................... 3ENGL 2070 Technical Communications**....................... 3MAT 240 Calculus II......................................................... 5250 Differential Equations....................................... 3340 Calculus III....................................................... 4PHY 214 Applied Statics.................................................. 3215 Applied Dynamics............................................ 3301 & 321 University Physics I & Lab .................. 5(Calc-Based)302 & 322 University Physics II & Lab.................. 5(Calc-Based)Humanities/Social Science Elective*................................ 3Science Elective***........................................................... 3English (ENG)Language & Literature DepartmentSchool of Arts & HumanitiesHumanities BuildingObjectives: In all courses except those concerned withspecial skills, the English program emphasizes both the formand content of literature to help the student understand notonly its aesthetic merit but also its philosophical implications.Courses in English provide the background and skills neededto understand the written word and to use language effectively.The program prepares individuals to evaluate and enjoy whathas been written and to enter careers (such as teaching, law, theministry, business) in which success depends on reading andwriting competently.The BA degree is preferred for English majors andrequired for the Literature emphasis major.Major in English (BA or BS) 30-36 hoursCore: 12 hoursENG200 Expository Writing or202 Poetry Workshop or203 Fiction Workshop.........................................3270 Critical Approaches to Literature.................3384 World Literature...........................................3480 Senior Seminar.............................................3Plus one of the following:Writing emphasis (BA or BS) 18 hours +12 hour core* Studies in the humanities and social sciences serve notonly to meet the objectives of a broad education but also tomeet the objectives of the engineering profession. Therefore,studies in the humanities and social sciences must be plannedto reflect a rationale or fulfill an objective appropriate tothe engineering profession and to fulfill the objectives ofWSC and the receiving engineering college. To satisfy thisrequirement, the courses must provide both breadth and depth,and not be limited to a selection of unrelated introductorycourses. Such course work must meet the generally accepteddefinitions that humanities are the branches of knowledgeconcerned with man and his culture, while social sciencesare the studies of individual relationships in and to society.Examples of qualifying subjects are; philosophy, religion,history, literature, fine arts, sociology, psychology, politicalscience, anthropology, economics, and foreign languages otherthan English or the student’s native language. Subjects such asaccounting, management, finance, personnel administration,personal economics, and military training do not fulfill thedesired objectives of the humanities and social sciences.** ENGL 2070 Technical Communication is offered throughNortheast Community <strong>College</strong> by distance education.*** Electives in science can include upper level courses inbiology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics. Refer to theProgram and Advising Guide for Pre-Professional Studiesin Engineering available online at www.wsc.edu/eng, forguidance.ENG 200 Expository Writing (take the 2 courses202 Poetry Workshop not taken in core)203 Fiction Workshop.........................................6325 Structure of English.....................................3402 Advanced Poetry Workshop or403 Advanced Fiction Workshop........................3Plus 6 hours of upper level ENG electives........................6Literature emphasis (BA only) 24 hours + 12 hours coreENG 361 American Literature I...................................3362 American Literature II..................................3371 British Literature I........................................3372 British Literature II......................................3380 Shakespeare..................................................3381 Classical Epic and Drama or382 The Bible as Literature.................................3Plus 6 hours of upper level ENG electives .......................6(upper level foreign language may be substituted).English Writing and Literature major (BA or BS) 48 hoursStudents taking this major will complete the required coursesfor both the English writing and literature options.Subject Endorsement in English (BA or BS) 42 hoursENG202 Poetry Workshop..........................................3203 Fiction Workshop.........................................3270 Critical Approaches to Literature.................3325 Structure of English.....................................3326 Linguistic Theory and App...........................3361 American Literature I...................................3

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