Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Education 91EDU 435 Clinical Experience II (2) Prerequisites: Completionof Gateway 2 and EDU 323, 335, or FCS 316. Incorporationof knowledge and skills developed in all previous andcurrent Professional Education and Elementary/MiddleLevel/Early Childhood Field Endorsement course work withemphasis on science and mathematics. Will include significantfield experience. Must be taken the semester prior toDirected Teaching.Eligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.Graduate CoursesEDU 515 ESL Programs, Curriculum, and Assessment (3) SeeEDU 415EDU 516 ESL Methods and Assessment (3) See EDU 416EDU 517 English as a Second Language Practicum K-12 (3)See EDU 417EDU 530 Literacy Assessment (3) See EDU 430EDU 567 Human Relations (3) See EDU 367EDU 590 Workshop in Education (1-3) Normally offered in thesummer in one-to four-week sessions, dealing with currenteducation problems. For experienced teachers only. Amaximum of 3 hours of workshop credit may be applied to amaster’s degree.EDU 600 Literacy through Literature for Children (3) Anadvanced course in children’s literature will focus on allgenre including contemporary authors and multiculturalmaterials for elementary school applications. An emphasiswill be given to the integration of literature across thecurriculum to facilitate literacy.EDU 603 Introduction to Graduate Studies (1) This is anintroductory course to graduate study designed to providestudents with a foundation for professional development.Participants will identify and explore the skills neededto bring theory and practice together through inquiry,reflection, and implementation. The purpose, goals, andoutcomes of individual graduate programs will be discussed.Assessment of communication, writing, and technology willalso be included. Explanation and expectations of all WSCgraduate programs will be addressed. The graduate programplan of study will be completed in this course.EDU 604 Communication and Language Arts for Children (3)A course designed to enhance instruction and assessmentof elementary students’ communication skills to includereading, writing, listening and speaking. Special emphasiswill focus on how messages are facilitated in the classroomthrough the teacher and students, media, and informationaltechnologies.EDU 605 Curriculum and Methods Appropriate for AgesBirth-8 (3) Planning, implementing, and evaluating developmentallyappropriate and integrated curricula for youngchildren in the areas of language, literacy, mathematics, science,social studies, the arts, and health and safety; planningfor and implementing developmentally appropriate methodsfor the learning of young children.EDU 609 Educational Media and Technology (3) Thisbeginning course introduces students to computerequipment and applications that are fast becomingessential classroom tools. Through hands-on experience,students will have the opportunity to develop a workingfamiliarity with computers; educational CD-ROM packages;classroom computer presentation equipment and software;commercial research databases such as ERIC; electroniccommunications/learning tools; and multimedia applications.Students will also begin to develop an understanding of theconcept of computer-assisted instruction and assessment.EDU 610 Elementary School Administration P-8 (3) A studyof the role and responsibility of the elementary principalas a school leader and manager. Topics include leadershipconcepts, public relations, student personnel policies, studentactivities, guidance services, class scheduling and evaluationof the educational programs.EDU 611 Secondary School Administration 7-12 (3) The studyof the role and responsibility of the secondary principal asa school leader and manager. Topics include leadershipconcepts, public relations, student personnel policies,student activities, guidance services, class scheduling, andevaluating the education program.EDU 612 Social Sciences for Children (3) A course designed toenhance instruction and assessment of elementary students’understanding of the social sciences to include anthropology,economics, geography, government, history, psychology,and sociology. Participants will develop curriculum andclassroom management techniques to create in elementarystudents a desire to know how the social sciences influenceour lives.EDU 613 Scientific Research for Children (3) A coursedesigned to enhance instruction and assessment ofelementary students’ abilities to complete the steps of thescientific method. Participants will develop curriculum,materials and classroom management techniques to create adisposition in students to appreciate the natural world.EDU 614 Mathematical Reasoning and Problem Solving forChildren (3) A course designed to enhance instructionand assessment of elementary students’ understanding ofmathematics in a technological society as defined in theNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum,assessment and professional standards documents.EDU 617 Assessment of Needs for Young Children Birth-8 (3)Study of formal and informal assessment procedures foryouth from birth to grade three.EDU 626 Advanced Educational Psychology (3) A study oftheories of learning and motivation, conditions and processesof cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning; personalqualities of a teacher; the teaching process, classroommanagement; teaching the exceptional learner; and the roleof evaluation in learning and teaching.

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