Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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90 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>Qualified senior students shall make application at thebeginning of the second term of the junior year. (GradedS-NC)EDU 406 Classroom Management (3) Prerequisite: Admissionto teacher education. Effective procedures to establish,monitor, assess and revise classroom procedures to facilitatelearning and protect the dignity of the learner. Causes ofstudent behavior, intervention strategies, and goal settingprocedures will be used to help students develop physically,socially, academically and emotionally.EDU 409 Content Area Methods and Materials (2)Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. This courseexamines the content, methods, techniques and materials,including bibliography, in the student’s endorsed area. Thecourse also addresses the relationship of the content areasto the total curriculum. (See music for other requirements).Taken concurrently with EDU 323 Content AreaPracticum. Since background in objective writing, teachingmethodology, lesson and unit design, and assessment isimportant; it is recommended that students take EDU 400before enrolling in this course.EDU 410 Student Teaching and Seminar for the SecondarySchool (6-12) Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.A semester course of full day learning experiences underthe supervision of a coordinating 7-12 teacher and a WSCsupervisor from the School of Education & Counseling andappropriate content area. The Department of SecondaryEducation assists preservice teachers to further theirprofessional development through a series of on-campusseminars offered periodically throughout the semester.Student teaching is the culminating experience of the 7-12preservice teacher education program. Any experiencedteacher adding an endorsement, who has not done studentteaching in the added endorsement, must completeadditional student teaching as follows: 7-12 Field-6 hours;7-12 Subject-6 hours; K-8 Field-6 hours; K-8 Subject-6hours; K-12 Field-12 hours (6 of K-8 and 6 of 7-12)(Graded S-NC)EDU 412 Student Teaching and Seminar for the Middle Level4-9 (6-12) Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.A semester course of full day learning experiences in amiddle school under the supervision of a coordinating 4-9teacher and a WSC supervisor from the School of Education& Counseling and appropriate content area. On-campusseminars will be offered periodically throughout thesemester. (Graded S-NC)EDU 413 Directed Teaching and Seminar for EarlyChildhood (6-12) Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.A semester course of full day learning experiencesin an early childhood setting within an approved or accreditedschool. This is the culminating experience for studentsseeking an endorsement in Early Childhood EducationUnified. (Graded S-NC)EDU 415/515 ESL Programs, Curriculum, and Assessment(3) A course to examine programs providing appropriateeducation for English Language Learners. Curriculum willbe evaluated relative to the research in second languageacquisition. Modules on formal assessment for placementand growth and informal (authentic) assessment will also beprovided. Clinical experience will be included. Graduatestudents will complete an additional project relating to thetheorists who have contributed to understanding of ESLprograms, curriculum, and assessment.EDU 416/516 ESL Methods and Assessment (3) A coursedesigned to examine methods appropriate for EnglishLanguage Learners including sheltered English, totalphysical approach, comprehensions based and affectivehumanisticapproaches. Techniques for an authentic(informal) assessment of Limited English Proficient studentsand goal setting based on results of formal assessment aswell as clinical experience will be included. Graduatestudents will complete a project relative to the use ofappropriate methods or assessments of ELL (EnglishLanguage Learner) students.EDU 417/517 English as a Second Language PracticumK-12 (3) Prerequisites: EDU 415/515, EDU 416/516. Acourse designed to offer students opportunities to workwithin English as a Second Language K-12 programs anddevelop skill in methods and assessment relating to EnglishLanguage Learners. Reflection and peer discussion will bepart of the course. Undergraduate students will complete aminimum of 30 hours and graduate students will complete aminimum of 45 hours.EDU 423 Development of Social Studies in the Elementaryand Middle School (3) Prerequisite: Admission to teachereducation. To prepare emergent professionals to becomeconfident in their ability to implement Social Studies and tocreate an environment in which students become confidentlearners and participants of Social Studies.EDU 430/530 Literacy Assessment (3) Prerequisite:Successful completion of EDU 340 or 341 or graduatestanding. The assessment, analysis and instructionof children’s literacy development to include a fieldexperience.EDU 431 Development of Science in the Elementary andMiddle School (3) Prerequisites: Admission to teachereducation and completion of one (1) course in GeneralEducation Biology or Physical Science. To prepareemergent professionals to become confident in their abilityto implement Science activities and to create an environmentin which students become confident learners and participantsof Science. Must be taken during the semester prior toDirected Teaching.EDU 432 Development of Mathematics in the Elementary andMiddle School (3) Prerequisites: Admission to teachereducation and completion of all course work except theProfessional Semester and Directed Teaching. To prepareemergent professionals to become confident in their abilityto implement Mathematics and to create an environment inwhich students become confident learners and participantsof Mathematics. Must be taken during the semester prior toDirected Teaching.

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