Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Earth Science 81primary sources of information; analyzing the importanceof writing skills; and reviewing the constitutional (legal)limitations of the investigation.CJA 235 Security and Loss Prevention (3) Provides insight intothe complex problems of loss prevention in today’s society,including security staffing needs, fire protection and control,duties and responsibilities of security personnel, internalcontrols, emergency and disaster planning, and internaltheft.Earth Science (EAS)Physical Sciences & Mathematics DepartmentSchool of Natural & Social SciencesCarhart Science BuildingObjectives: Courses in Earth Science are designed toacquaint the student with the planet Earth, its physical makeupand place in the universe. The offerings in Earth Sciencemay be selected by students desiring to major in Geographyand those working toward a Natural Science or PhysicalScience field endorsement to teach. Students majoring in otherareas may select Earth Science as a minor field of study. Sucha minor is especially beneficial to those students specializingin Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics.Minor in Earth Science: 21 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicated bythe student’s major(s) and minor(s).EAS 110 Introduction to Meteorology........................4120 Introduction to Geology...............................4320 Rocks and Minerals......................................2401 Astronomy....................................................4Upper Level Earth Science Electives................................7Upper level elective hours may be selected by advisementfrom Earth Science, Geography, Biology, Chemistry orPhysics.Undergraduate CoursesEAS 110 Introduction to Meteorology (4) An introductionto the Earth as planet with special emphasis being placedupon atmospheric and oceanic processes. (3 hours lecture,3 hours lab)EAS 120 Introduction to Geology (4) A study of thesolid earth in terms of its internal structure and surfacelandforms. (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)EAS 250 Discover Astronomy (3) A course that examinescurrent or special topics in Astronomy. Emphasis willbe placed upon discussions and interactive investigationsEconomics (ECO)Business & Economics DepartmentSchool of Business & TechnologyGardner HallObjectives: Economics is the study of how productiveresources are allocated in society and what impact thisallocation has on the well being of members in society. TheEligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.Graduate CoursesCJA 505 Family Violence (3) See CJA 405CJA 525 Substance Abuse Management (3) See CJA 425CJA 544 Topics in Criminal Justice (3) See CJA 444about astronomical subjects. (4 hours lecture/labcombined) The course may be repeated twice when noduplication of topics exists.EAS 310 Weather Systems of North America (4) An advancedcourse in weather analysis, with special emphasis on thevarious climatic regions. (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)EAS 320 Rocks and Minerals (2) A study of the formation,occurrence and classification of rocks in the earth’s crust,with emphasis on the relationship of minerals to thecomposition and types of crustal materials. (1½ hourslecture, 1½ hours lab)EAS 393 Laboratory Techniques (1) Prerequisite: Juniorstanding. Assisting in the preparation and evaluation oflaboratory activities (one lab per week).EAS 401/501 Astronomy (4) An analytic study of the solarsystem, our galaxy, and the universe, including a survey ofcosmological theory. Graduate students will do a projectand write a paper. (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)EAS 420 Geology of North America (2) Prerequisite: EAS120. A study of the geologic framework of the NorthAmerican continent with emphasis on the significantgeologic problems of each province. (1½ hours lecture,1½ lab)EAS 430/530 Oceanography (3) An analytic study of theocean floor, inherent motions of water and the chemicalproperties of the oceans. Graduate students will do anadditional project and write a paper.Eligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.Graduate CoursesEAS 501 Astronomy (4) See EAS 401EAS 530 Oceanography (3) See EAS 430program includes courses that focus on economic activityin individual markets, the national economic system or theglobal economy. The impact of public policy on society iscovered. The intention of this course of study is (1) to providegeneral courses of study of the field, (2) prepare students forcareers in business and government, and (3) prepare studentsfor further graduate study in fields such as law, business andeconomics. Students may choose to pursue an Economics

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