Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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80 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>460 Emergency Management.......................3497 Emergency Mngmnt Internship.............3GEO 410 Hazards and Disasters...........................3430 Geographic Info Systems or435 Computer Mapping...............................3Plus choose any two of the following:BUS 214 Information Management (3)POS 390 Public Budgeting and Finance (3)444 Topics: Grant Writing Seminar (3)PSY 406 Death and Dying (3)410 Psychology of Small Group Behavior (3)Undergraduate CoursesCJA 105 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3) This is a surveycourse designed to acquaint the student with the totalfield of criminal justice emphasizing the institutions andprocesses of law enforcement and corrections.CJA 200 Criminal Law (3) The study of the categories ofcriminal code, the elements of evidence and proof fromthe legal standpoint, and how these relate to constitutionalrights of the accused.CJA 320 Correctional Institutions (3) The course focuses onthe historical development of prisons, and a discussion ofthe current structure, philosophy, character and issues ofmodern correctional institutions.CJA 325 Community-Based Corrections (3) The study of thecorrectional processes at the community level including theparole and probationary concepts. Emphasis is on appliedtechniques.CJA 360 Homeland Security and Terrorism (3) This courseexamines the nature and extent of the threat from internaland external political groups as well as how the federal lawenforcement community was restructured in a post 9-11period. Agency structure, funding, training jurisdiction, issues,and contemporary court cases are topics.CJA 365 Juvenile Delinquency (3) The study of the nature andextent of juvenile delinquency in the U.S., theories of cause,and the special police processing and court systems whichdeal with delinquency, with focus on the role of schools,drugs, gangs, racial groups, and females as special topics indelinquency.CJA 375 Criminal Justice Management (3) Management ofcriminal justice agencies is the course focus. Topics includemanagement structure and style, promotion, retention,training, documentation, ADA, EEO, unions, budgetadministration, grants, other funding, data security, planningand evaluation, impact of technology on administration, andadministration law.CJA 405/505 Family Violence (3) The course examines childabuse, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assaultand elder abuse. Particular topics include theories of abuse,societal responses to abuse, and assistance to victims.CJA 425/525 Substance Abuse Management (3) The studyof substance abuse in the work place from a managerialperspective: union issues, management concerns, legality ofintervention, referrals for treatment, drug testing, trainingsupervisors, and other topics. The course also examines thewar on drugs, drug sources and distribution systems, and theimpact of drug abuse on individuals and society.CJA 444/544 Topics in Criminal Justice (3) Current or specialissues in Criminal Justice will be examined. The courseoffers students the opportunity to discuss relevant issuesfacing society. The course may be repeated for credit, byadvisement, when no duplication of topics exists.CJA 460 Emergency Management (3) Current topics of concernregarding strategies of disaster assessment, mitigation,response, recovery and preparedness will be discussed. Thiscourse will focus on types of natural and man-made disasters,federal, state, and local reactions to disasters, disaster communications,and the management of responses to terroristattacks.CJA 475 Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice (3) This coursewill review classical and modern theories of ethics and theirapplication to criminal justice practice. Topics include:theories of ethics, racism and prejudice, abuse of authority,and corruption.CJA 488 Criminal Justice Senior Seminar (3) Prerequisite:Senior Standing. This course is a capstone course whereinstudents research the career field and job market, conductoriginal research, focus on issues in the profession and dialogon personal values and skills for the career field.CJA 497 Internship (1-6) Prerequisites: Instructor permission,junior level or above. Placement in a professional capacityin an agency for a supervised period of at least 250 hours.Weekly meetings, a journal, and a paper are required.Courses Offered by Northeast Community <strong>College</strong>on the WSC CampusCJA 127 Introduction to Criminalistics (3) Introduction toscientific investigation and the use of the crime laboratory.Includes proper methods of collecting, handling, packaging,and mailing of evidence to be analyzed by the crimelaboratory. Also covers such scientific techniques asneuroactivation and analysis, toxicology, and questioneddocument analysis.CJA 203 Police and Society (3) Examines the role of the policein relationship to law enforcement and American Society.Topics include, but are not limited to the role and functionof police, the nature of police organizations and police work,and the patterns of police-community relations.CJA 226 Criminal Investigation (3) Introduces criminalinvestigation procedures. Reviews the historicaldevelopment and investigative processes related to lawenforcement functions. Topics include, but are not limitedto the proper collection, organization and preservation ofevidence using basic investigative tools; examining the

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