Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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74 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>Graduate CoursesCSC 542 Programming, Design, and Documentation (3)See CSC 442.CSC 548 Web and Multimedia Content Design andAdministration (3) See CSC 448.Cooperative Education ProgramCooperative Education is a program combining work experiencewith classroom learning. Employment occurs in positionsthat are relevant to a student’s major and may be eithera paid or non-paid experience. To help facilitate a mutuallybeneficial work experience for the employer and student, eachCo-op experience is approved and monitored by the CareerServices Office at WSC. <strong>College</strong> credit may be available forqualifying work experiences.Cooperative Education is available as either a Parallel orAlternate experience. In a Parallel experience, the student willbe enrolled in classes at WSC and working towards filling theirCo-op requirements. In an Alternate experience, the studentwill either work full-time during the summer or may opt to takea semester off and work full-time to fulfill their Co-op requirements(returning to campus in the semester following thealternate experience).To be eligible for enrollment in Cooperative Education astudent must:1) Have completed 24 credit hours. The Technology andApplied Science department also requires that 18 hoursmust be completed within the student’s major, the Business and Economics department requires 21 hours withinthe student’s major.2) Have a minimum 2.0 GPA and maintain the minimum 2.0GPA throughout their tenure with the CooperativeEducation program. The Technology and Applied Scienceand Business and Economics departments require a2.5 GPA within the student’s major.3) Be enrolled on at least a half-time basis (6 credit hours) a)during each semester while working a CooperativeEducation experience or b) after an Alternate Co-opexperience has been completed.Special circumstances may warrant waiving a requirement.Waivers will be determined by the Vice President for AcademicAffairs and the Director of Career Services.If a student meets the minimum requirements for the Coopprogram, the Career Services staff will provide assistance infinding an appropriate employment experience. If the studentis successful, the guidelines for receiving credit follow:· A student may apply for 1-12 credit hours or have theCo-op experience noted on their transcript. The approvalof and the amount of credit given for each experience aredetermined by the advisor/instructor and department chair.· Credit hours will be billed through the Business Office.There is no charge for the transcript notation option.· Credit can either be straight elective credit, or may be substitutedfor an elective, within the major. Each departmentwill make this determination.· The level of credit will be determined by the departmentand listed as either a 294, 394, or 494 course number.· A grade of Satisfactory (S) will be awarded to the studentsuccessfully completing their Co-op Experience. No Credit(NC) will be given if the student fails to fulfill the requirementsof the program.· A minimum of 50 clock hours per credit hour must beworked during each co-op work experience. A total of50 clock hours are required for the transcription notationoption. Students may work more hours than required,however, no extra credit will be given.Inquiries and application for the Cooperative Educationprogram may be made through the Career Services Officelocated in the Student Center.Counseling (CSL)Counseling & Special Education DepartmentSchool of Education & CounselingBrandenburg Education BuildingObjectives: Human Service Counseling is a baccalaureatedegree program designed to prepare students to workin the helping professions. The program is built on astrong foundation of psychology and sociology to developunderstanding of individuals and the influence of socialinteraction. Counseling theory and skills enable students towork with people toward functional ways of meeting theirneeds.The program is based on the philosophy of empowermentof clients. Program outcomes include the preparation ofcounselors who (a) have the skills to attend, listen, reflect,clarify, probe, plan and evaluate, (b) have the ability tounderstand problems from clients’ perspectives, establishmutually acceptable goals, and choose appropriate strategies,and (c) show self-awareness, empathy, and respect for clients.Admission and Retention in the Human Service CounselingProgram:Admission to WSC does not constitute admission tothe Human Service Counseling program. Students willbe accepted into the program following completion ofrequirements for program admission (ordinarily during theJunior Year):1. File a formal application, completed in CSL 202Introduction to Human Service Counseling. Theapplication must include the names of two people whowould be knowledgeable of personal qualities conduciveto success within the counseling profession. Students whotransfer credit which includes this course will need to makeapplication during the semester of transfer.2. Earn at least a “C” grade in CNA 100 Principles of HumanCommunication and continue to demonstrate the ability tocommunicate orally in an effective way.3. Earn at least a “C” grade in ENG 102 Composition Skillsand continue to demonstrate the ability to communicateeffectively in writing.

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