Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Computer Science 73specification and implementation. Topics include sortingand searching, analysis of algorithms, and algorithm designtechniques.CSC 320 Computer Organization and Architecture (3)Prerequisite: CSC 150. An introduction to the internalorganization of a computer as a collection of relatedhardware components and software systems. Topicsinclude representation and storage of digital information;organization and role of various components of acomputer; underlying concepts of computer design; andan examination of various computer software systems(interpreters, compilers, assemblers, operating systems,etc.).CSC 345 Computer Graphics (3) Prerequisite: CSC 160. Thestudy of the fundamental mathematical, algorithmic andrepresentational issues in computer graphics, with emphasisof 3-dimensional graphics. The topics to be covered are:overview of the graphics process, projective geometry,homogeneus coordinates, projective transformations, linedrawing,surface modelling and object modelling usingspatial sampling and parametric functions, approachesto rendering including ray tracing and radiosity, texturesynthesis and mapping.CSC 365 Scripting Languages (3) Prerequisite: CSC 150or instructor approval. This course is a study of modernscripting languages and their role in traditional andemerging information systems. Focus is in the ability ofthese server-side languages to extend the capabilities ofHTML by providing greater control over content, style,and functionality. In addition, special emphasis willbe placed on the integration of these languages with apopular database engine and/or other information systemstechnologies.CSC 378 Robotics (3) Prerequisite: CSC 150. An introductionto the fundamental cncepts of robotics and roboticprogramming. Students will work in teams to constructand test progressively more complex mobile robots. Thereis a possibility of participation in one or more roboticscompetitions. Basic concepts will be discussed, includingcoordinate transformations, sensors, path planning, stressingthe importance of integrating sensors, effectors and control.CSC 380 Operating Systems (3) Prerequisites: CSC 160and CIS 140. An overview of the structure and designof an operating system—the software interface betweenthe user and the hardware. Topics include processmanagement, memory management, device management,file management, concurrency, distributed systems, andsecurity. Case studies will be emphasized.CSC 390 Computer Science Practicum (3) Prerequisites: CSC320 and CIS 372 and instructor approval. An individualizedassignment arranged with a campus administrative unit,area business, or other organization to provide supervisedexperience in computer science, information technology, ora closely related field. Course may be repeated for three (3)additional credits of general electives only.CSC 432 Parallel Programming (3) Prerequisite: CSC 310.Design and analysis fo parallel algorithms: fundamentalparallel algorithms for sorting, arithmetic, matrix and graphproblems and additional selected topics. Emphasis ongeneral techniques and approaches used for developing fastand efficient parallel algorithms and on limitations to theirefficacy.CSC 442/542 Programming, Design, and Documentation (3)An introduction to and an exploration of computer programming,program development approaches, systems analysisand design principles, algorithm development, debugging,programming tools, diagramming, documentation, programtesting, program implementation approaches, human-computerinteraction, and related topics. Concepts for proceduraland object-oriented programs will be explored. Studentswill create program solutions coded in a common high-levellanguage. Students will also gain familiarity with applicationsdevelopment tools and strategies for testing anddebugging code. While exploring these topics, students willalso be presented with instructional strategies for teachingsuch material and managing classroom activities related tothe material. Each student will create a written reflection onthese topics from the perspective of an educator.CSC 448/548 Web and Multimedia Content Design andAdministration (3) This course is a study of digital media,multimedia, and web-based media and applications. Thevarious forms of digital media will be presented. Approachesto integrating multiple forms of digital media intomultimedia presentations of projects will be addressed.Current multimedia tools will be introduced. The creationand management of web-based media and applicationswill also be explored. Markup languages and web creationtools will be addressed. Design strategies, content managementstrategies, security, aesthetics, and related topicswill be considered. Students will also be presented withapproached to teaching the topics contained in this courseand will be asked to create a written reflection, from aneducator’s perspective, on teaching these topics.CSC 450 Server Security and Management (3) Prerequisite:CIS 372 or instructor approval. Server management isa comprehensive course that teaches students how toimplement mission-critical services on various networkingplatforms. Students install and configure Web, e-mail, andproxy servers and receive in-depth understanding of how toconnect e-commerce databases to Web servers. Additionaltopics may include system backup, load balancing issues,and Internet security.CSC 480 Seminar in Computer Science (3) Prerequisite:Completion of 90 semester credit hours and CSC 310. Aproject-oriented course where students, with the assistanceof the instructor, explore one or more areas of currentimportance in computer science. The students will designand develop a sophisticated software project that will bepresented and discussed for critical evaluation.Eligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.

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