Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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72 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>Computer Science (CSC)Computer Technology & Information Systems DepartmentSchool of Business & TechnologyGardner HallObjectives: The Computer Science (CSC) programobjectives are to provide its students and graduates with: (1)the foundational principles and concepts of computer scienceand mathematics essential for further study in the field; (2) aworking knowledge of computer hardware and architecture;(3) the ability to analyze, design, build/program, implement,and evaluate software and systems; (4) an understanding offundamental scientific principles and the scientific method; (5)the ability to work independently, as well as in groups acrossa range of diverse situations; (6) a working familiarity withsources of information and assistance in this field and relatedfields, as well as a knowledge of the systems for accessing suchresources; (7) the ability to communicate effectively in a varietyof forms for a variety of purposes; (8) additional instructionin the advanced undergraduate Computer Science topicsand skills; (9) an awareness of the types and range of careeropportunities in the field, coupled with the ability to manageone’s own career; and (10) an understanding of the contexts andenvironments in which Computer Science exists.See also Computer Information Systems section of the catalog.Major in Computer Science (BA or BS) 57 hoursPHY 326 Electronics must be taken as the Block 2 PhysicalScience General Education requirement and MAT 140 CalculusI must be taken as the Block 2 Mathematics General Educationrequirement.Computing Core Courses:CIS 132 Prin of Computing & Info Sys.....................3171 Networking I................................................3360 Comp Info Sys: Analysis & Design.............3366 Introduction to Data Base............................3372 Computer Hardware.....................................3CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals I......................3480 Seminar in Computer Science......................3Plus Computer Science Concentration Courses:CSC 160 Programming Fundamentals II.....................3310 Data Structures.............................................3320 Computer Organization & Architecture.......3345 Computer Graphics......................................3380 Operating Systems.......................................3390 Computer Science Practicum OR3/494 Cooperative Education Program...............3432 Parallel Programming..................................3450 Server Security & Management...................3CIS 361 CIS Design, Impl, Evaluation......................3Upper Division Committee-Approved Electives...............3Plus Mathematics Support Area:MAT 305 Discrete Mathematics...................................3Plus 3 hours selected from:................................................3MAT 180 Applied Probability and Statistics (3)320 <strong>College</strong> Geometry (3)350 Linear Algebra (3)410 Probability and Statistics (3)Minor in Computer Science 21 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicated bythe student’s major(s) and minor(s).CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals I......................3160 Programming Fundamentals II.....................3310 Data Structures.............................................3320 Computer Organization & Architecture.......3CIS 132 Prin of Computing & Info Sys.....................3Upper Division Committee-Approved Electives...............6Minor in Management Information Systems. See Businesssection of the catalog.Endorsement in Information Technology 15 hoursSupplemental Endorsement only. This endorsement cannot existby itself on a teaching certificate, but is added to a teachingcertificate only in the presence of other endorsements whichmay have been acquired earlier or concurrently. Persons withthis endorsement may teach information technology coursesin grades K-12. This endorsement requires a minimum of 15semester hours in Information Technology courses and a minimumof 40 hours of related clinical experiences at elementaryand secondary levels.CSCCIS442/542 Prgrmg, Design & Documentation........3448/548 Web & Multimedia Content,Design & Admin.................................................3454/554 Technology Platforms:Hrdwr & Oper Sys..............................................3457/557 Networking & Technology Mgmt.........3475/575 Topics in CIS: Emerging Info Tech.......3Undergraduate CoursesCSC 150 Programming Fundamentals I (3) An introductionto modern programming and problem solving methodsusing a high-level programming language. Emphasis onalgorithm development, top-down design, and structuredprogramming. Topics include data types, files, I/Ooperations, control structures, functions, arrays, strings,and records. Software documentation and testing will beincluded as an integral part of the course.CSC 160 Programming Fundamentals II (3) Prerequisite: CSC150. This course is an exploration of the object-orientedparadigm as a means of creating and maintaining computerapplications. In addition to providing instruction in objectorientedprogramming concepts and methodologies, thiscourse will provide students with syntax.CSC 165 Introduction to Web Design (3) An introductionto the design and implementation of pages for the WorldWide Web. Elementary HTML programming and the useof various web creation software tools will be introduced.This course will also deal with issues and considerationsin design, layout, functionality, and other aspects of webcreation.CSC 310 Data Structures (3) Prerequisite: CSC 160. A studyof common abstract data types (stacks, queues, lists, trees,etc.) and their implementation using a modern objectorientedprogramming language; techniques for operatingon these data structures; and the distinction between

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