Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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70 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>CIS 353 Advanced Structured Programming (3) Prerequisite:CIS 352. A study of advanced topics in structuredprogramming. Topics include: programmer controlledsort/merge concepts, advanced concepts in structuredprogramming techniques, program documentation, multiimagerecords, master/transaction file concepts andadvanced language syntax commands and topics. Emphasisis placed on development of programs that generate, access,and update sequential and random master files. Cohesion,coupling, structured walkthrough, key matching, test datadevelopment and editing are some of the concepts/processesemphasized in the programs.CIS 356 Visual Basic (3) Prerequisite: CIS 130 or 132. Basicelements of interface design, object use and placement, andcoding to operationalize the objects. The course is “handson”and project oriented. The student will have to designand submit several Visual Basic projects and a semesterproject, using structured, standard coding conforming tostandard design practices.CIS 360 Computer Information Systems: Analysis and Design(3) Prerequisite: CIS 130 or 132. A study of the structuredapproach to systems development through use of structuredanalysis methods within an established life cycle. Topicsinclude: the systems development environment and lifecycle, information gathering techniques, feasibility studies,cost/benefit analysis, software development alternatives,software selection techniques, modeling tools, data analysismethodologies, communication considerations and newsystem design. Emphasis is placed on project teamassignments that stress activities within the preliminaryinvestigation and systems analysis phases of the systemsdevelopment cycle.CIS 361 Computer Information Systems: Design,Implementation, and Evaluation (3) Prerequisite: CIS360. A study of the structured approach to systemsdevelopment through use of structured analysis methodswithin an established life cycle. Topics include: thesystems development environment and life cycle, thesystems design process, I/O design activities and strategies,file and database design, project management techniques,foundations and strategies of software design, softwaretesting methods, CASE tools, user training, installationtechniques, and evaluation process. Emphasis is placed onproject team assignments that stress activities within thesystem design, implementation and evaluation phases of thesystem development cycle.CIS 366 Introduction to Data Base (3) Prerequisite: CIS130 or 132. A study of database theory, design andmanagement through application development andimplementation. Topics include: database planning andorganization, common database models, normalization, thetotal DBMS concept, logical and physical model design,program database strategies control and recovery, securityand integrity, query application, and advanced databasetopics. Emphasis is placed on application assignments thatencompass topics/concepts presented in the course.CIS 371 Networking III (3) Prerequisite: CIS 271 or instructorapproval. This course builds upon the material presentedin CIS 271 and provides the students with additionalnetworking theory. In addition, students will work in avariety of “hands-on” settings to apply the theory to moderncomputer networks and networking equipment.CIS 372 Computer Hardware (3) Prerequisites: CIS 130or 132 and CIS 140. A study of computer hardwarenomenclature from micro to super-computer. The coursewill review hardware components of the principal computersystems used in industry, education and business. It willalso emphasize the relationship of hardware to systemmanagement concerns such as connectivity, shared devices,end user interfaces, installation requirements, systemsmaintenance routines and upgrade procedures, etc.CIS 375 Introduction to E-Commerce (3) This course is anintroduction to the world of electronic commerce andvarious other forms of electronic interaction. The courseprovides an overview of the basic technology of the Internetand World Wide Web. It also discusses strategic, tactical,and operational issues faced by online business firms andvarious other types of organizations. Marketing, financing,infrastructure, choice of online business model, and manyother considerations are explored.CIS 390 Computer Information Systems Practicum (3)Prerequisite: approval of instructor. The application ofcomputing and information systems theory to real-worldsituations via individualized experiences tailored to studentinterests and backgrounds. Students will participate insupervised and mentored projects and assignments designedto teach them about the realities of translating theory intopractice. Course may be repeated for three (3) additionalcredits of general electives only.CIS 430/530 Management Information Systems (3) Emphasisis on providing breadth of knowledge in the organizationalconcepts and considerations surrounding the use ofinformation systems technologies such as computersystems and communications systems. Topics include roleof information systems in managerial functions, generalsystems theory, design and implementation of ManagementInformation Systems (MIS), decision support systems,expert systems, and artificial intelligence.CIS 454/554 Technology Platforms: Hardware and OperatingSystems (3) This course provides students with a balanceof theory and practice in the areas of selection, installation,management, maintenance, troubleshooting, design, andevaluation of operating systems and computer hardware.Proprietary and open-source systems are considered. Technicalresearch and the use of various forms of documentationwill be addressed. The role of ergonomics in hardwareselection will be explored. Instructional strategies forteaching hardware and operating systems terminology andconcepts will also be presented.CIS 457/557 Networking and Technology Management (3)This course provides students with a basic knowledge of

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