Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Computer Information Systems 69365 Scripting Languages.....................................3390 Computer Science Practicum.......................3Upper Division Committee-Approved Electives...............3Minor in Computer Information Systems: 21 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicatedby the student’s major(s) and minor(s).BUS 360 Management Theory and Practice................3CIS 132 Prin of Computing & Info Sys.....................3(may substitute CIS 130 if required in student’s major)140 Intro to Micro Operating Systems................3352 Structured Business Programming...............3372 Computer Hardware.....................................3Plus 6 hours selected from the following courses:CIS 271 Networking II (3)346 Intro to MVS/JCL (3)350 CICS Application Programming (3)353 Advanced Structured Programming (3)356 Visual BASIC (3)375 Intro to E-Commerce (3)430 Management Info Systems (3)Minor in Management Information Systems. See Businesssection of the catalog.Endorsement in Information Technology. See ComputerScience section of the catalog.Undergraduate CoursesCIS 130 Introduction to Computer/Information Technology(3) An introduction to computer technology (hardwareand software) including computerized informationsystems designed to serve personal or business needsfor problem solving, decision making, and datacommunication. Includes hands-on microcomputerapplications.CIS 132 Principles of Computing and Information Systems(3) An introduction and overview of modern computersystems, software design, information systems, andrelated technologies. Topics include computer hardware,software, communications, introductory algorithmdesign, basic networking concepts, computer ethics, andvarious other timely topics from the fields of computerscience and/or computer information systems.CIS 140 Introduction to Microcomputer Operating Systems(3) Students are introduced to the fundamental andadvanced components of operating systems as they relateto microcomputer hardware. Students will gain hands-onknowledge and experience with operating systems thatinclude command-driven, graphical, and menu-orientedenvironments.CIS 171 Networking I (3) An introduction to networkingconcepts and technologies. Students will be introducedto the theory and practice of networking computers andvarious other devices.CIS 231 Microcomputer Software (1-3) An introduction tothe use of the microcomputer as a business tool. Includedwill be “hands-on” experience with word processor,database, desktop publishing, graphics and presentations,Windows operating system, Internet, Web Page design, andother applications software packages. May be repeated upto nine (9) hours.CIS 232 Spreadsheet Software (1-3) An introduction tomicrocomputer spreadsheet software. Included will be“hands-on” experience with a popular microcomputerspreadsheet application package. Emphasis will be oncommonly used concepts and features.CIS 233 Advanced Spreadsheet Software (1-3) Prerequisite:CIS 232 or instructor approval. An exploration of advancedspreadsheet applications software concepts and features.The course will build on the introductory material providedin CIS 232 Spreadsheet Software and will provide coverageof more sophisticated concepts and require “hands-on”experience with features of the spreadsheet software that gobeyond the basics.CIS 271 Networking II (3) Prerequisite: CIS 171 or instructorapproval. This course builds upon the material presentedin CIS 171 and provides the students with additionalnetworking theory. In addition, students will work in avariety of ”hands-on” settings to apply the theory to moderncomputer networks and networking equipment.CIS 346 Introduction to MVS/JCL (3) A study of Job ControlLanguage (JCL) in the MVS mainframe environment.Topics include: operating systems, MVS/JCL syntax,sequential data sets, utilities, partitioned data sets,generation data groups, system and user-written procedures,sort/merge concepts, advanced JCL features and TSOenvironment basics. Emphasis is placed on developmentof single and multi-step JCL jobs operating in the TSO,ISPF/PDF environment.CIS 350 CICS Application Programming (3) Prerequisite:CIS 250. A study of Customer Information ControlSystem (CICS) command level COBOL programming.Topics include: interactive systems, CICS concepts andterminology, BMS mapset creation, pseudo-conversationalprogramming, basic CICS subset commands, CICS testingand debugging and expanded command-level CICSapplication. Emphasis is placed on development of CICScommand-level COBOL application programs in the MVSenvironment that encompass topics/concepts presented inthe course. The TSO ISPF/PDF environment will be usedfor mapset assembly and program compilation.CIS 352 Structured Business Programming (3) Prerequisite:CIS 130 or 132. A study of structured computerprogramming. Topics include: a computer languageoverview, the program development cycle, the structuredprogramming concept, program documentation, languagestructure and syntax, and common language commands.Emphasis is placed on development of sequential, batchprograms that generate reports. Input to output datatransfer, editing, simple and comprehensive arithmeticstatement application, single and compound conditiontesting, sort/merge techniques, single dimensional andmulti-dimensional table concepts are some of the processesemphasized in the programs.

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