Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Communication Arts 67of strategic communication combining advertising, publicrelations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and othermarketing communication functions to build relationshipswith constituents for business, organizations, and othergroups. Includes case studies and hands-on projects.CNA 454/554 Advanced Web Development (3) Prerequisite:CNA 426. Advanced web applications, animation, anddatabase/active-server pages. Includes focus on thefunction of the worldwide web in professional settings.CNA 455/555 Senior/Graduate Seminar in CommunicationArts (3) Capstone course that involves the investigationof recent and ongoing research and theory in major fieldand their implications for continued research and fieldapplications. Extensive training in listening, interviewing,and research skills. Completion of program portfoliorequired. Topics will vary from offering to offering.Cannot be repeated.CNA 457 Special Topics in Communication (3) A detailedstudy of a particular aspect of communication, such asbut not limited to political communication, gender andcommunication, communication and aging. Topic variesand the course can be repeated up to 3 times for creditcovering a different topic.CNA 458 Advanced News Writing and Reporting (3)Prerequisites: CNA 280, one course in Social Sciences.Course deals with major political, social, and economicdevelopments that have local news interest. Complex, offcampusreporting on judicial system and court reporting,environmental, criminal justice, budgets, labor andemployment, housing, poverty, etc. Will examine how biasand ideological framing arise from news routines.CNA 459 Organizational Leadership (3) Prerequisite:CNA 346. An introduction to the study and practice ofleadership from a communication perspective. Particularfocus on the relationship between communicating andleading. Examination of leadership concepts and theoriesin organizational group and public contexts. Students willanalyze leadership styles and develop leadership skillsthrough team projects and classroom activities.CNA 460 Leadership Theory (3) Prerequisites: CNA 346, 459.An in-depth analysis of leadership theory and influencefrom a communication perspective. Using a variety offrameworks and approaches, the focus is on communicationpatterns in leadership issues and theory.CNA 461 Case Studies in Organizational Leadership (3)Prerequisites: CNA 346, 459. Historical and current casestudy and analysis of leadership from a communicationperspective. Students will research and critically analyzespecific cases dealing with leadership styles and attitudeswith emphasis on leadership character, credibility, ethicaland compliance gaining examples/strategies from private,public, and corporate organizations.CNA 462 Communication Research Methods (3) Focuseson methodologies and designs used in Communicationand Mass Communication studies. Students will evaluatethe research of others as well as design their own studies.Although quantitative research methods and designs will behighlighted, students will also be expected to recognize theusefulness of qualitative methodologies. Junior standing.CNA 463 Advanced Media Writing (3) Prerequisite: CNA262. A writing-intensive class that focuses on such areas aseditorial, feature, and sports writing, as well as writing formagazines. Students will write in-depth articles and submitthem for publication in appropriate magazines and otherpublications.CNA 470/570 Family Communication (3) An in-depth studyof family communication concepts including familysystems, roles, networks, power, intimacy, and decisionmaking.Special attention will be given to researchaffecting family communication in such areas as gender,culture, race, and age.CNA 471/571 Mass Media and Society (3) Prerequisite: CNA263. In-depth critical perspective of mass communicationtheoretical development and audience effects, includingshort and long term media socialization, politicalpropaganda, advertising, social control, and characteristicsshared by all media.CNA 472 Radio Production II (3) Prerequisite: CNA 162.Study of advanced techniques in preparation, production,and presentation of program materials.CNA 473 Video Production II (3) Prerequisites: CNA162, 263, 373, 390. Study of advanced techniques forprogram and non-program content in standard, cable, andspecialized television. Includes videotape editing. (Labhours required)CNA 475/575 Communication Law (3) An overview of thefunction of the judicial system with special emphasis onbroadcast and print media, interpretation and administrationof the law. Important for news, advertising, publicrelations, and management. Appropriate for pre-law.CNA 477 Remote TV Production (3) Prerequisites: CNA162, 263, 373 plus 473 as prerequisite or co-requisitewith permission of instructor. The art of electronic fieldproduction, logging, videotape editing. Training inspecialized videotaping of sports, on-the-spot interviews,hard news, and features. May be repeated to maximum of6 hours.CNA 478 Communication Ethics (3) Explores ethical issues ininterpersonal, small group, organizational, public speaking,and political communication. It will provide models ofethical decision-making and will increase ethical awarenessthrough actual and hypothetical case studies.Eligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.Graduate CoursesCNA 520 Communication Arts Workshop (1-3) See CNA 220CNA 526 Worldwide Web Development (3). See CNA 426

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