Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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66 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>social-historical, etc.) between cinema and literature. CNA/ENG/FRE 383 repeatable once for credit. This course iscross-listed as ENG 383 and FRE 383.CNA 386 Modern World Drama (3) Readings of representativeglobal dramatists in translations from Ibsen to the Post-Moderns. Cross-listed as ENG 386.CNA 387 Lighting (3) Principles and practices of stagelighting, electricity, color, and effective use of lightingequipment. (4 hours lab)CNA 389 Photojournalism (3) An introduction to planning,shooting, and processing still photographs for newspapers,magazines, and other print media. Designed for thestudent with little or no background in news photography.Laboratory experience on the college newspaper.CNA 390 Broadcast Journalism (3) Prerequisites: CNA 162,262, 373. An overview of broadcast journalism fromnewsroom organization to basic broadcast news writingskill development including the complexities of coveringstories in the field, compressing news stories to time limits,rewriting news stories from wire services, and compilingweekly newscasts and feature presentations.CNA 400 Portfolio Seminar (0) Prerequisite: 90 hours.Students will present a cumulative portfolio of work thatdemonstrates the growth of their abilities in multiple areasof mass communication. The portfolio may include any ofthe following types of student work: writing, photography,audio, video, or electronic media projects. Faculty willreview the portfolio and conduct a qualitative exit interviewfor the purpose of program review and assessment. Thereview of the portfolio and the exit interview must becompleted in order to graduate. Carries no credit. S/NCCNA 418 Health Communication (3) Explores theories,research, and applications of the symbolic processes bywhich people, both individually and collectively, understandand share ideas about health and illness. The coursefocuses on the communicative implications of healthbeliefs, practices, and policies with special emphasis on thecore communication competencies of a health citizen, aswell as the communication challenges for the health carepractitioner.CNA 419 Advanced Play Directing (3) Prerequisite: CNA 318.Advanced study of directing theories and required directingof short plays for public performance. (3 hours lab)CNA 426/526 Worldwide Web Development (3). This courseis designed to introduce students to software, designelements and practices related to creating and maintainingweb sites on the Worldwide Web. Students will workwith software to build web pages as well as to create andedit graphics and photos. Equally important is a focuson professional, legal and ethical issues that accompanypublishing on the Web, and on the role of the web as a partof the mass media.CNA 430 Playwriting (3) Theory and practice of writing oneactand full length plays. Also cross-listed as ENG 430.CNA 431 Advanced Design (3) Prerequisites: CNA 331,337, 387, or approval of instructor. Advanced problems inscenic, costume, lighting, or sound design. (4 hours lab)CNA 432/532 Play Production for Secondary Schools (3) Thestudy of principles and methods of play selection for, anddirecting design and execution of theatre production in highschools.CNA 442/542 Communication and Rhetorical Theory (3)Prerequisites: CNA 201 or 210, 252. The study of varioustheories and models typically employed in communicationstudies today. Students explore the central assumptions,questions, and approaches in the study of humancommunication.CNA 447/547 Directing Communication Activities (3) Astudy and application of directing, coaching, and judgingcommunication activities. The course will focus on thedevelopment of informative and persuasive speakingevents, oral interpretation of literature and one-act playpresentation.CNA 448/548 Organizational Communication II (3)Prerequisite: CNA 346. Explores the networks, roles,rules, systems, communication climates, and superiorsubordinatecommunication. Group process facilitation,and organizational intervention skills are developed.CNA 450/550 Computer Layout & Presentation (3)Prerequisite: By advisement. A practical introduction toelements of design, layout and typography. Students willutilize these elements in computer lab to create publicationssuch as brochures, newsletters, yearbooks, magazineand newspaper pages, and visual aids for professionalpresentations.CNA 451/551 Speech Pathology (3) Characteristics, causes,and treatment of speech and hearing disorders. Designedfor teachers to aid in recognizing speech and languagedisorders in the classroom.CNA 452 Public Relations Case Studies (3) Prerequisite:CNA 374. The study of the role of communication theoryin Public Relations as it applies in business, politics, andnon-profit organizations through the case study method.The management role in Public Relations will be studied,as well as the ethical responsibility of PR professionals.This course presumes prior knowledge of Public Relationsprinciples and presumes effectiveness in public speaking.CNA 453/553 Integrated Marketing Communication (3) Prerequisite:Junior standing or by approval. An exploration

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