Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Communication Arts 65communications, as well as an introduction to the purposesof advertising, sales, and marketing.CNA 302 Language and Human Behavior (3) Examinesin depth the relationship among language, thought, andbehavior, emphasizing the role linguistic communicationplays in culture and society.CNA 317 Argumentation (3) Prerequisite: CNA 252 orinstructor approval. Introduces students to the art ofcollaborative inquiry, deliberation, and decision-making.The course explores diverse approaches to ethical andeffective inquiry, deliberation, and advocacy, as well asdeveloping the skills necessary to their practice. Thecourse focuses particularly on development of criticalthinking and reasoning abilities, self-reflexivity, empathiclistening, reading, viewing, and speaking skills, dialogicinquiry, and ethical and effective advocacy skills.CNA 318 Play Directing (3) Prerequisites: CNA 223, 224,232, or approval of instructor. Study and practice of basicdirecting theory starting with play-analysis and proceedingto director-actor-designer relationships in the productionprocess. (3 hour lab)CNA 322 Children’s Theatre (3) Study of all aspects ofchildren’s theatre including adaptations of suitablematerial for performance, acting and designing for youngaudiences, and participation in the scheduled children’splay productions.CNA 331 Scene Design (3) Prerequisite: CNA 232. Principlesand styles of scenic design, drafting, and renderingtechniques. (4 hours lab)CNA 333 American Theatre (3) Study of plays, players,places, and events in American theatre history from the17th century beginnings to the present. Also cross-listed asENG 333.CNA 335 Theatre History (3) Theatre from earliest daysthrough the 18th century with supplemental readings indramatic literature reflecting the times.CNA 337 Costumes and Makeup for the Stage (3) Principlesand methods of design, planning, and execution ofcostumes and makeup for the theatre. (4 hours lab)CNA 339/439 Musical Theatre (3) Problems and techniquesof musical theatre in production. May be repeated once forcredit.CNA 342 Persuasion (3) Prerequisites: CNA 201 or 210, 252,442. The study of contemporary theories of persuasionand their applications. Persuasive appeals in politicalcampaigns, social movements, and advertising areexamined.CNA 346 Organizational Communication I (3) Explores thenature and function of communication in organizations.Emphasis on concepts, skills for effective managementof communication, analysis and evaluation of formal andinformal patterns of communication in organizations.CNA 352 Organizational Presentations (3) Develop expertise,poise and confidence in presenting professional informative,persuasive, and small group presentations for public,private, or business organizations.CNA 372 Journalism Ethics (3) An in-depth investigation ofthe ethical foundations underlying journalistic conduct.CNA 373 Video Production I (3) Prerequisite: CNA 162,or permission of instructor. Production and directiontechniques of studio and remote production. (Lab hoursrequired)CNA 374 Public Relations (3) A study of the principlesand practices of effective public relations with exercisesand projects emphasizing application of media skills forbusiness, educational, and political communication.CNA 375 Intercultural Communication (3) Prerequisite: CNA263, waived for ESL and MLC students. A course aimed atdeveloping a through understanding of communication andculture, in both global and community settings, and the waymembers of diverse cultures and subcultures utilize uniquesystems, symbols and media representation to communicateamong themselves and other groups. Emphasis on mediarepresentation of minority groups and U.S. sponsoredhealth/public welfare campaigns in developing nationswill enable students to critically assess the communicationprocess in a cultural context.CNA 377 Public Relations Writing (3) This course emphasizeswriting skills needed in Public Relations work, awarenessof Public Relations as a management strategy, the roleof Public Relations in generating social awareness andresponsibility, and the study of ethics in Public Relations.CNA 378 Television Performance (3) This course focuseson basic performance techniques that are used in work asa newscaster, an interviewer or a talk show host, and anactor in commercials. Special emphasis will be placed ondeveloping roles for dramatic or comedic scenes.CNA 379 Broadcast Management (3) This course will focuson management practices in radio and television operations:budgeting, staff, audience research, programming,promotions, sales, labor relations, government regulations,and community responsibility.CNA 380 Shakespeare (3) Directed reading of Shakespeare’splays and poetry against the background of Renaissanceculture. Cross-listed as ENG 380.CNA 383 Film and Literature (3) An on-going series ofcourses concerned with the relationship (thematic, generic,

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