Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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56 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>BUS 509 Foundations of Management and Marketing (3)Prerequisite: Approval of MBA Director. This course isdesigned to provide the student with a working knowledgeof the fundamentals of management and marketing from adecision maker’s perspective. (MBA foundation course)BUS 535 Student to Business Consulting (3) See BUS 435.BUS 565 Foundations of Quantitative Techniques (3) Prerequisite:Approval of MBA director. This course is designedas a review of quantitative techniques for MBA students.Topics include statistical tools, quantitative methods, andmathematical modeling.BUS 602 Issues in Business Education (3) Analysis of currentissues in secondary and post-secondary business education.Emphasis is on topics such as the business curriculum,curriculum evaluation, analysis of current literature,program funding, facilities development, and other businesseducation theories and practices.BUS 608 Financial Administration (3) Prerequisites: CBKaccounting, CBK business finance or BUS 507. A studyof financial decision making in the firm; development ofa decision-making framework for determining the mostefficient allocation of resources within the firm; emphasisplaced on the analysis of capital investment projects, longtermsources of funds and short-term financing problems.BUS 610 Managing in Turbulent Times (3) This courseintegrates concepts from General Systems Theory, systemsdynamics, and management to present a comprehensive pictureof adapting an organization to a turbulent environment.Included will be concepts from demographics, diversity,political and social arenas.BUS 620 Managerial Communications (3) Application ofprinciples of communication to the managerial setting.The course investigates the influence of organizationalclimate, manager’s style and use of motivation on thecommunication process. Communication strategiesappropriate to business reports, speeches, interviews,and conferences are explored along with emphasis onmanagerial problems with employee communicationand conflict management. The course includes a focuson methods of analyzing and resolving communicationproblems.BUS 621 Seminar in Business Education Instruction (3) Astudy of the methods used in teaching courses in the basicbusiness and office occupations/technology areas. Courseactivities include evaluation and development of teachingmaterials, study of various teaching methodologies, student/teacher presentations, and discussions of instructional issuesin the field of Business Education.BUS 625 Decision Science (3) Prerequisites: CBK statisticsor ECO 501. Underlying structure of quantitative businessdecisions and their solution. The course emphasizesproblem recognition, formulation, and analysis, usingsoftware to perform necessary calculations. Topics mayinclude linear programming, goal programming, simulation,queuing and other MS/OR techniques.BUS 627 Ethics in Leadership (3) This course will examineclassic cases of business and industry. As part of thoroughanalysis, the course considers firm actions within an ethicalframework. The class will also discuss what we can learnabout the traits of ethical leadership. The development andimplementation of an ethical code and the need for continualethical training is explored. As a backdrop to this discussion,the student will complete an assessment of his/her ethicalcharacter traits.BUS 630 Workshop in Business Education (1-3) Presentationsdealing with current subjects, trends or problems in businesseducation. The course emphasizes free discussion, exchangeof ideas, demonstration of methods and practical applicationof skills and principles. May be repeated up to six (6) hours.BUS 632 Information Systems Technology and Management (3)Prerequisite: CBK management or BUS 509. A course thataddresses the operational , tactical, and strategic considerationsassociated with information systems within organizationsubunits, within an organization, and between organizations.Emphasis is placed on the relationship betweenorganizations and their information systems. Cross-listed asCIS 632.BUS 640 Research in Business and Information TechnologyEducation (3) Application of educational researchtechniques developed in EDU 650. Emphasis will beplaced on development of research methods and procedures,literature review, and data gathering, analysis andinterpretation. Non-thesis option students will completetheir file paper requirement in this course.BUS 651 International Business (3) The course addresses thefollowing topics: international business trends; the cultural,political, legal, financial, and economic environment ofinternational business; managing business functions in aninternational setting; the impacts governments can have oninternational business.BUS 652 Management Accounting (3) Prerequisite: CBKaccounting or BUS 507. An examination of managementuses of accounting data with particular reference to decisionorientedcost classification, methods of cost estimation, dataappropriate for decision models, standards and controls, andspecial problems.BUS 656 Marketing Administration (3) Prerequisite: CBKmarketing or BUS 509. A study of concepts useful inunderstanding marketing systems and buyer behaviorand developing skills in making marketing decisions.Topics include marketing strategy, decision models,market segmentation, promotional strategy and productmanagement.

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