Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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52 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>BUS 142 Survey of Accounting (3) A course for non-businessmajors to study the role of accounting as an informationdevelopment and communication function that supportseconomic decision-making. This restricted overview ofaccounting emphasizes development of knowledge andskills to perform basic financial analysis, derive financialinformation for personal or organizational decisions, andutilize information for better understanding of business,governmental, and other organizational entities.BUS 208 Business Communications (3) Prerequisites: ENG102. Development of critical communication skills usedin business and industry. Emphasis on assisting Businessstudents to become more effective and efficient writers.Includes instructions, reports, memos, and letters.BUS 214 Information Management (3) Study of the systematicanalysis and technological control of business recordsthrough the records life cycle. Management considerationsfor records program development, records creation andforms control, classification systems, active and inactiverecords control, retention and disposition scheduling, andcost analysis of records maintenance. Includes computerapplications.BUS 216 Office Information Processing (3) Development ofproficiency in the use of various software packages as toolsin today’s automated office. “Hands on” office applicationsutilize current word processing, database, graphics, desktoppublishing, and ten-key calculator software in a networkedenvironment.BUS 218 Office Internship (1-3) Prerequisite: Instructorapproval. Satisfactory completion of work typicallyperformed in educational and business office environmentsthrough an office internship. Use of office machines,reprographic and word processing equipment in thedevelopment of skills in document preparation,duplication, transcription, record keeping, filing, and officeetiquette. May be repeated up to three (3) hours.BUS 222 Business Law I (3) Introduction to the study of law,the law of contracts, agency and employment, negotiableinstruments, personal property and bailments, and the lawsgoverning the sale of goods.BUS 223 Business Law II (3) The law of partnerships andcorporations, real property and leases, insurance andsecurity devices, bankruptcy, trusts and estates, andgovernment regulations.BUS 226 Business Statistics (3) Prerequisite: GeneralEducation Math requirement. A study of the followingstatistical tools as applied to the business and economicmilieu: collection and presentation of data, distributionalmeasurements, probability and sampling, statisticalinferences, linear regression and correlation, analysis ofvariance, and selected nonparametric statistics.BUS 240 Accounting I (3) A study of the role of accounting inthe business environment. Emphasis is on applying basicterminology, concepts, processes, and outputs of the modernaccounting system; development of an understanding of thenature and purpose of the major financial statements; anddevelopment of the ability to evaluate financial accountinginformation in problem solving and decision making.BUS 241 Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: BUS 240.Continuation of BUS 240. Emphasis is on further studyof items reported within major financial statements anddevelopment of the ability to evaluate managerial accountinginformation in problem solving and decision making.BUS 307 Office Systems and Technologies (3) Prerequisite:Junior Standing. Business procedures applicable to thesecretarial, office management, and/or business educationprofessions. Emphasizes practical application of office skillsand knowledge, including responsibilities pertaining to mail,communication, travel, meeting arrangements, parliamentaryprocedure, office equipment and supplies, etc.BUS 322 Managerial Finance (3) Prerequisites: BUS 226, 241,and Junior Standing. A study of the financial function withina business enterprise. Areas addressed include financialanalysis, working capital management, capital budgeting,sources and forms of long-term financing, financial structure,and cost of capital.BUS 324 Intermediate Managerial Finance (3) Prerequisite:BUS 322. Students who have completed introductorystudies in accounting, economics, business law, statistics,and managerial finance will apply these concepts to theproblems of financing business organizations. The followingtopics will be covered: theory of capital budgeting, cost ofcapital, capital structure, working capital, and such specialtopics as mergers, leasing, and multinational finance.BUS 325 Principles of Insurance (3) Prerequisite: JuniorStanding. A study of the field of insurance, insurancepractices, insurable risk, and the basic provisions of varioustypes of insurance—casualty, accident, health, and life.BUS 327 Principles of Real Estate (3) Prerequisite: JuniorStanding. A study of the character of land, real estatemarkets, ownership, interests, legal instruments, contracts,closing transfers, financing, brokerage, and management.BUS 340 Internal Financial Reporting (3) Prerequisites: BUS241, CIS 232 and Junior Standing. Study of cost managementsystems and how accounting information is used withinorganizations to solve problems, make decisions, and defineorganizational strategies. Topics include cost determinationfor products, services, processes, departments, and activities;budgeting; performance evaluation; situational analysis anddecision making; and professional ethics.BUS 342 Accounting Information Systems (3) Prerequisite:BUS 340 or 343. An analysis of the modern accounting

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