Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Undergraduate Programs 39513 International Study (1-9) Prerequisite: Approval of thedepartment chair and the appropriate Director of graduatedegree program. Earning of credits in this course will besubject to the completion of a scholarly product showingeducational benefit or growth of the learner in his/herchosen degree program; product to be pre-approved by theadvisor.568 Workshop (.5-3) Only 3 hours of 568 workshop creditmay be included in a Master’s degree program.591 Special Project (1-3) Prerequisite: Approval of theinstructor and department chair. Study of a topic, or apresentation in a special area of interest. Title of the projectwill be entered on the permanent record. A maximum of12 Special Project credits may apply toward a major orendorsement as determined by appropriate departmentchairs.596/696 Special Course (.5-12). Prerequisite: Approval of thedepartment chair. Special topical or regional studies to beoffered when justified by student demand and the presenceof qualified faculty. May be repeated for credit if noduplication exists.597/697 Internship (1-12) Prerequisite: Approval ofdepartment chair. An actual work experience related tothe student’s field of study. See the appropriate academicdepartment for additional requirements.695 Independent Study (1-6) Advanced readings and researchin selected problem areas to meet the special needs of thegraduate student. Approval of instructor, department chair,and school dean is required. Six credits are the maximumnumber a student may apply to a graduate degree programthrough Independent Study.699 Thesis (up to 6) Approval of instructor, department chair,and school dean.General StudiesGeneral Studies courses are available through the LearningCenter under the direction of the appropriate academicdepartment for credit towards graduation. A total of 5 creditsfrom GST courses may be applied to a degree. These coursesare listed under General Studies in the course schedule/registration booklets each semester. General Studies coursedescriptions may be found in the alphabetical listing of courses.USD Military Science CoursesThe following courses are available to WSC studentsunder a special agreement with the University of South DakotaDepartment of Military Science, Army Reserve Officers’Training Corps (ROTC). Currently classes are held in the lateafternoon at the USD Vermillion, SD, campus. Enrollmentmust be approved, in advance, by the USD ROTC Professorof Military Science who can be contacted at (605) 677-5284or www.usd.edu/msc. The first two years of Military ScienceCourses (MSL 101, 102, 201, 202), called the Basic Courses,are open to all students and no military service obligation isincurred. The junior and senior years of Military ScienceCourses (MSL 301, 302, 401, 402), called the AdvancedCourses, have as a prerequisite to enrollment one of thefollowing:- completion of all Basic Courses; or- attendance at a four-week Leader’s Training Course atFort Knox, KY, (for which pay is received as well as 4credit hours); or- if currently in the Army National Guard or Army Reserveand have completed both Basic Training and AdvancedIndividual Training; or- prior active duty military service with the completion ofboth Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training.Advanced course participants may incur an active, Reserveor National Guard service obligation. There are many options;interested students should discuss obligations and career plansthoroughly with the Professor of Military Science prior toenrollment. There are also may financial aid options availablewith ROTC for all students. All courses are tuition free.MSL 101 Foundations of Officership (1) Make your first peergroup at college one committed to performing well andenjoying the experience. Increase self-confidence throughteam study and activities in basic drill, physical fitness,rappelling, leadership reaction course, first aid, makingpresentations and basic marksmanship. Learn fundamentalconcepts of leadership in a profession in both classroom andoutdoor laboratory environments. One hour and a requiredleadership lab, MSL 101L, plus optional participation inone-hour session for physical fitness. Participation in aweekend exercise is optional, but highly encouraged.MSL 102 Basic Leadership (1) Learn and apply principles ofeffective leadership. Reinforce self-confidence throughparticipation in physically and mentally challengingexercises with upper-division ROTC students. Developcommunication skills to improve individual performanceand group interaction. Relate organizational ethical valuesto the effectiveness of a leader. One hour and a requiredleadership lab, MSL 102L, plus optional participation ina one-hour session for physical fitness. Participation in aweekend exercise is optional, but highly recommended.MSL 201 Individual Leadership Skills (2) Learn/apply ethicsbasedleadership skills that develop individual abilitiesand contribute to the building of effective teams of people.Develop skills in oral presentations, writing concisely,planning events, coordination of group efforts, advancedfirst aid, land navigation, and basic military tactics. Learnfundamentals of ROTC’s Leadership Assessment Program.Two hours and a required lab, MSL 201L, plus requiredparticipation in two one-hour sessions for physical fitness.Participation in a weekend exercise is optional, but highlyencouraged.

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