Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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38 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMSDescriptions Of CoursesCourse NumberingCourses numbered 100-199 ordinarily are for freshmen and sophomores; courses numbered 200-499 are for sophomores,juniors and seniors; courses numbered 300-499 are upper level courses; 500-599 are for either senior (will be charged graduatetuition) or post-graduate students; and 600-699 for post-graduate students only; 700-level for education specialists primarily;however, graduate students may be admitted with the permission of the advisor and the Dean of the School of Education & Counseling.Semester credit hours for courses are indicated in parentheses following course titles.Prerequisites, if any, for enrolling in a course are indicated at the beginning of the course description.NOTE: A course failing to enroll a sufficient number of students may be withdrawn from the offerings at the discretion ofthe Vice President for Academic Affairs.Endorsements, Majors, MinorsThree words describe programs of study listed on following pages. “Endorsement” refers to a block of courses for studentspreparing to teach a certain discipline. There are two kinds of endorsements—field and subject. “Major” and “minor” refer tonon-teaching programs of study. In some disciplines, an endorsement and a major are identical.On following pages, the headlines for each major and endorsement show (in parenthesis) the degrees that are possible in thatdiscipline, e.g., (BA, BS).Special Undergraduate CoursesIn addition to the courses listed for each department, thecourses below apply to each department.113 American Culture for Nonnative English Speakers (3).This course introduces various aspects of American cultureto students whose first language is not English. Coursecontent and activities will vary by instructor and department,but may include readings, films, and filed trips. Thiscourse does not count for General Education credit.196-496 Special Courses (.5-12). Prerequisite: Approval ofthe department chair. Special topical or regional studiesto be offered when justified by student demand or thepresence of qualified faculty. Special assignments will berequired for graduate credit. May be repeated for credit ifno duplication exists.199-399 International Study (1-12). Prerequisite: Approval ofthe department chair.294-494 Cooperative Education Program (1-12). Prerequisite:Approval of the department chair. Cooperative Educationis a credit bearing program providing undergraduatestudents with the opportunity to integrate paid, careerrelatedwork experience with classroom learning.Employment occurs in positions that are relevant toa student’s major. Cooperative Education requires aminimum of 50 work hours for each 1 hour of credit.Contact the Cooperative Education Office or theappropriate department chair for further details.297-497 Internship (1-12). Prerequisite: Approval ofdepartment chair. An actual work experience relatedto the student’s field of study. The Internship requiresa minimum of 45 work hours for each 1 hour of credit.See the appropriate academic department for additionalrequirements.368/468 Workshop (.5-3)391/491 Special Project (1-3) Prerequisite: Approval of theinstructor and department chair. Study of a topic, or apresentation in a special area of interest. Title of the projectwill be entered on the permanent record. A maximum of 12hours to apply toward a major or endorsement is determinedby the appropriate department chair.498 Clinical Programs. Academic credit completed at anaffiliated professional institution.Special Courses limited to Honors Students and NeihardtScholars195 Independent Study (1-3) The student must be accepted forand participating in the “Neihardt Scholars” program, andmust have the consent of advisor, appropriate departmentchair and the Director of the Honors Program. Advancedreading and research in a special topic will be completed.395 Independent Study (1-3) Prerequisites: 3.3 cumulativeGPA (see Honors Program) and consent of instructor,department chair and Director of the Honors Program.Advanced reading and research in special problems,resulting in written evidence of quality work completed.Limit of 6 hours of 395 credit.499 Senior Honors Colloquium (3) Prerequisites: 3 hours of395 and a GPA of 3.3 or better in the major field and at leasta 3.3 cumulative average. Seminar presentations. May beapplied to the major or minor or endorsement.Special Graduate CoursesIn addition to the courses listed for each department, thefollowing graduate course designations apply to eachdepartment:

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