Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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34 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>Registration, with approval also needed from the Financial Aid Officer, the Veteran’s Officer, the Athletic Director, the AcademicAdvisor, and the Dean of Students. Final approval must be granted by the Student Admission and Retention Committee a minimumof one term prior to the student’s term of graduation.To qualify, a student must have completed a minimum of twenty-four (24) semester credit hours at WSC (following themost recent term(s) for which the student desires academic amnesty), within which; (1) all hours attempted are counted, (2) onlysequential terms are used, (3) a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA has been earned. Transfer students to WSC may not declareacademic amnesty for any term(s) completed at any other institution of higher education.In declaring academic amnesty, all courses, credit hours, grades, and grade points, taken during the identified academicamnesty term(s), including any courses successfully completed, will be removed from the cumulative GPA and undergraduatedegree requirements. The academic amnesty term(s) listing course work and grades received shall remain on the student’spermanent official WSC record with an academic amnesty notation. A revised cumulative GPA will be calculated and listed on therecord, excluding the term(s) in which academic amnesty was declared.Any academic amnesty initiated by the student resulting in action taken by WSC shall be final. Academic amnesty may beapplied for and received by a student only one time.Effective date of the WSC Academic Amnesty policy is May, 1993.Graduation RequirementsIt is the student’s responsibility to understand and fulfill all requirements of his or her academic program.Institutional Requirements1. Students need to apply for graduation through the Office of Records & Registration one semester prior to their intendedgraduation date. Failure to comply may extend their intended graduation date one additional semester.2. A minimum of “C” in English 102, Composition Skills, is required of all students for graduation. A grade of “C-” is notsufficient.3. A minimum of 125 semester hours of credit must be earned, of which at least 40 hours must be in upper level courses numbered300 or above. It may take more than 125 hours to complete some degree programs.4. A minimum of 30 hours of credit must be earned at WSC.5. A maximum of 66 semester hours of academic credit may be accepted from all previously attended community colleges.6. At least 24 of the final 30 hours must be earned through WSC, unless approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.Students in the cooperative program with Northeast Community <strong>College</strong> will be exempt from this requirement, except that 24of the last 30 hours of upper level credit must be taken at WSC.7. Achievement of minimum grade-point requirements is required. Students preparing to teach must earn a 2.5 overall GPA, a 2.5average in field or subject endorsements, and a 2.5 average in the professional education requirements. Students not preparingto teach must earn a 2.0 overall GPA and a 2.0 GPA in their major area unless higher requirements are listed in their major.8. Graduation is conditional, contingent upon completion of all college requirements. See the WSC Student Handbook for details.Degree RequirementsBachelor of Arts1. Completion of Institutional Requirements listed above.2. Completion of the General Education Requirements.3. Completion of at least five hours of study in one foreign language at (or above) the intermediate (200) college level.4. Completion of at least one of the following: a major and minor, two majors, a comprehensive major (minimum 48 hours),one field endorsement, or two* subject endorsements. The combination of a major and a minor, or two majors, or 2 subjectendorsements must provide the student with at least 48 hours of unduplicated course work to meet graduation requirements.*Students may graduate with a single subject endorsement in English.Bachelor of Science1. Completion of the Institutional Requirements listed above.2. Completion of the General Education Requirements.3. Completion of at least one of the following: a major and minor, two majors, comprehensive major (minimum 48 hours),one field endorsement, or two* subject endorsements. The combination of a major and a minor, or two majors, or 2 subjectendorsements must provide the student with at least 48 hours of unduplicated course work to meet graduation requirements.*Students may graduate with a single subject endorsement in English.Effective with the 1993-94 catalog WSC will no longer offer the BAE, BFAE, or BSE degrees. Students completing ateacher education program will have that indicated on their transcript in the title of the major. Admission to Teacher Educationand completion of the Professional Education Requirements are necessary for students in teacher education programs, includinggraduate students working on initial endorsements/certification.NOTE: WSC program requirements may vary from <strong>State</strong> of Nebraska Teacher Certification Licensing Requirements. It is theresponsibility of the student to insure that all certification requirements are met. Contact the WSC Professional Education ServicesOffice directly.

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