Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Graduate Studies 151d. Rank in graduating class3. Where the applicant’s undergraduate record is unclear, a written qualifying examination may be required in one or morebusiness disciplines.4. Any applicant not meeting the above requirements may be fully admitted by special action of the MBA graduate committee.Students must meet the criteria for full admission or be fully admitted by special action before enrolling beyond nine credithours.5. Students taking MBA core courses must be either temporarily or fully admitted to the MBA program.MS Degree Admission Criteria1. One official set of transcripts from the undergraduate institution conferring the baccalaureate degree must be sent directly tothe WSC Admissions Office.2. All graduate students seeking an MS degree must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Testwithin the first semester of enrollment.GRE scores will be used as an assessment tool along with other criteria to determineadmission status. Each program will determine the manner in which the requirement is to be administered. See the specificinformation for each programconcerning these admission requirements. The test may be taken at any Educational Testing Service testing center. Furtherinformation concerning the administration of the GRE may be obtained through the Graduate Office. Students seeking toenroll in a Master’s degree program without GRE scores may be provisionally admitted for one (1) semester.3. Students must present an undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or higher on a 4.00 scale for regular admission. Students with an undergraduateGPA below 2.75 may be admitted provisionally with a review of their status after completing 9 hours of graduatework.4. Students may be required to take certain undergraduate courses if their undergraduate preparation is determined to be deficientby the advisor or department chairperson.MSE or Education Specialist’s Degree Admission Criteria1. One official set of transcripts from the undergraduate institution conferring the baccalaureate degree must be sent directly tothe WSC Admissions Office. One official set of transcripts from the institution conferring the master degree must be sentdirectly to the WSC Admissions Office.2. All graduate students seeking an MSE or Specialist’s degree must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)General Test. GRE scores will be used as an assessment tool along with other criteria to determine admission status. Eachprogram will determine the manner in which the requirement is to be administered. See the specific information for eachprogram concerning these admission requirements. The test may be taken at any Educational Testing Service testing center.Further information concerning the administration of the GRE may be obtained through the School of Education and Counselingor the Graduate Office. Students seeking to enroll in a Master’s degree program without GRE scores may be provisionallyadmitted for one (1) semester.3. Students must supply the names and contact information of three references. At least one reference should be familiar withthe student’s academic potential.4. Students must present an undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or higher on a 4.00 scale for regular admission. Students with an undergraduateGPA below 2.75 may be admitted provisionally with a review of their status after completing 9 hours of graduatework.5. Students who graduate with a liberal arts degree without teaching credentials and now intend to enter the teaching professionwill be advised to follow an endorsement program which will qualify them for certification in Nebraska and at the same timeenable them to complete some requirements for a Master of Science in Education degree.Non-Degree Admission CriteriaRenewal of teaching certificateIf a student is not a WSC graduate, the Admissions Office must receive a Graduate Application for Admission and one officialtranscript reflecting possession of a baccalaureate degree sent directly from the undergraduate institution. Students need to haverenewal courses approved by the Certification Officer before actually enrolling. Nebraska Department of Education certificaterenewal application must be processed through the WSC Professional Education Services Office.Program leading to an additional baccalaureate degree, major, or teaching endorsementStudents who wish to complete the requirements for an additional endorsement, major, or baccalaureate degree must file agraduate admission application form and have one official transcript of their undergraduate work sent to the Admissions Office directlyfrom their undergraduate institution, unless they have graduated from WSC. Graduate students working on initial endorsements/certificationprograms must be admitted to the WSC teacher education program. A minimum of 30 semester hours mustbe earned at WSC to receive a second baccalaureate degree. A minimum of 15 semester hours (excluding special endorsements)approved by the appropriate Dean must be earned at WSC to complete a major or teaching endorsement and have it noted on thetranscript.

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