Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Sociology/Anthropology 143EDU 409 Social Sciences Content Area Methods andMaterials must be taken as part of the professional educationrequirements.Major in Sociology (BA or BS) 36 hoursSOC 101 Introduction to Sociology.............................3110 Introduction to Anthropology.......................3480 Social Theory...............................................3488 Sociology Senior Seminar(or appropriate Honors class, 395 or 499)...........33 hours from SOC 200, 220, 345.......................................3SSC 300 Social Sciences Research Methods..............3319 Statistics for the Social Sciences..................3SOC electives (may include SSC 419 and up to 6 hours ofcross listed courses).........................................................15A total of 18 hours in the major must be upper levelcourses. A minor or second major is required.Minor in Anthropology: 21 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicatedby the student’s major.SOC101 Introduction to Sociology.............................3110 Introduction to Anthropology.......................3Electives............................................................15SOC 345 Multicultural America (3)350 Religion and Culture (3)415 The Family (3)435 Forensic Anthropology (3)444 Topics in Sociology (by advisement) (3)445 Native Americans (3)465 Peoples & Cultures of the Mid East (3)NOTE: Another major or minor is required for studentsselecting sociology and anthropology major/minor combinations.Minor in Sociology: 21 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicatedby the student’s major.SOC101 Introduction to Sociology.............................3220 Social Problems............................................3Upper level Sociology Electives.......................15(may include SSC 300, 319 and 419 and up to sixhours of cross-listed courses)Undergraduate CoursesSOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3) An introduction tothe study of human social behavior, society and its values,social organization, institutions, and processes. Sometopics included are socialization, minorities, deviance,gender roles, the family, social stratification, and socialchange.SOC 110 Introduction to Anthropology (3) This courseintroduces the student to the four major subdivisions ofanthropology: physical anthropology, archeology, linguisticanthropology, and cultural anthropology. It lays thefoundations for an understanding of human biological andcultural diversity.SOC 200 Sociology of Deviance (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101or instructor permission. Study and discussion of selectedtopics regarding areas of deviance including alcoholism,drug abuse, mental illness, crime, and domestic violence.SOC 220 Social Problems (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101 orinstructor permission. Study and discussion of selectedsocial issues including racism, ageism, sexism, poverty,welfare and environment.SOC 315 Rural Sociology (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101 orinstructor permission. The study of the social and culturalaspects of rural life, differential access to social institutions,rural poverty, agribusiness, and future prospects.SOC 320 Social Welfare (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101 orinstructor permission. Designed for those interested inunderstanding social welfare systems, public assistanceprocesses and policies, social services programs, client/patron relations, current issues associated with welfareprogramming, and the influences of politics of socialwelfare.SOC 345 Multicultural America (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101or instructor permission. Study of the history, place, androle of ethnic and racial groups in American society. Thecourse uses a comparative approach and focuses upon thedifferences and similarities in the adjustment processes ofdifferent groups to the American scene from the colonialperiod to the present.SOC 350 Religion and Culture (3) Prerequisite: SOC 110 orinstructor permission. The study of religious behavior froman anthropological perspective; it explores various religiousbeliefs and rituals across cultures.SOC 355 Human Populations (3) Prerequisite: SOC 110 orinstructor permission. A study of the major qualitative andquantitative problems and trends in human populations andconsideration of those social factors that influence theircomposition. This course addresses the interrelationshipsbetween demographic variables and populations and howthese apply to a variety of disciplines.SOC 415/515 The Family (3) Prerequisite: SOC 101 orinstructor permission. Study of the basic social unit:socialization processes, love, marriage, parental roles,conflict and divorce, within a historical and culturalperspective.SOC 420 Environmental Sociology (3) Prerequisite: SOC101 or instructor permission. This course will analyze therelationship between the logic of social system developmentand resource development. The reciprocal relationshipbetween human society and ecosystems will be examined asa wide range of environmental problems are addressed.SOC 435 Forensic Anthropology (3) Prerequisite: SOC 110 orinstructor permission. Laboratory-style course emphasizingforensic and archaeological problems in the identificationand study of the human skeleton. Human bones are oftenthe last testament of a deceased individidual. Throughcareful study, bones can reveal sex, height, population,age, occupation, disease and trauma of an individual. Thiscourse does NOT fulfill an elective requirement for theSociology major or minor.

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