Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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140 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>social influences that appear to produce similarities anddifferences in human behavior.PSY 345 Health Psychology (3) Health Psychologyemphasizes the role of psychological factors in themaintenance of good health; the prevention of illness; andthe treatment of, recovery from, and adjustment to existingand ongoing illness.PSY 401 Theories of Personality (3) Distinctive themesof selected theories of personality will be presented.Emphasis is placed on those themes that foster knowledgeof individual behavior.PSY 402/502 Learning (3) A study of the principles,theories and research on learning and behavior. Thecourse will emphasize basic principles of learning andreal world examples and applications of them. Topicsinclude habituation, classical conditioning, reinforcement,punishment, stimulus control of behavior, biologicalconstraints on learning, and animal memory and cognition.PSY 403/503 Cognitive Psychology (3) This course isorganized around the information-processing framework ofhuman cognition. The purpose of the class is to introducesubstantive fundamental issues in human cognition,learning and memory. Selected experiments and theirimplications for conceptual issues will be discussedin depth in order to draw their direct pertinence to andpotential impact upon human affairs.PSY 405 Experimental Psychology (3) Prerequisite: SSC319 or equivalent. An introduction to the methodsof experimental psychology as a means of obtaininginformation about behavior. The laboratory sectionwill allow students to learn to apply and report researchmethods by initiating, conducting, analyzing, and reportingexperimental research procedures.PSY 406/506 Death and Dying (3) Prerequisites: PSY 101 orSOC 101. This course examines various causes of death(including “natural causes,” AIDS, suicide, violent deaths),dying with dignity, our attitudes about death, rituals, andgrief processes.PSY 408/508 Forensic Psychology (3) Forensic Psychologyis any application of psychological knowledge to issueswithin the legal system. Topics include psychological profiling,psychological autopsies, lie detection, insanity andcompetency, violence, eyewitness identification, and lawenforcement selection and training.PSY 410/510 Psychology of Small Group Behavior (3) Prerequisites:PSY 101 or SOC 101. This course provides acritical overview of theory and research on small groups.Cohesiveness, conformity, power, inter-group and intragroupconflict and cooperation are studied. Students willobserve and participate in small group processes.PSY 415/515 Human Sexuality (3) Human sexuality isexamined from a multicultural perspective to includethe historical, biological, psychological, cultural, andsociological viewpoints.PSY 435/535 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3) Astudy of the application of the methods, facts and principlesof psychology to people at work. Research in Industrial-Organizational Psychology includes an examination of jobanalysis and evaluation, selection, training and performanceappraisal of personnel, the structure and context oforganizations, organizational culture, organizationalchange, career development, motivation, job satisfaction,and team dynamics from a psychological perspective.Students will also examine the impact of factors such asincreasing government influence, technology improvements,shifting economic conditions and the changing nature ofthe workforce on industry. This area of psychology will beshown to have a direct impact on business, industry, labor,public, academic, community and health organizations.PSY 440/540 Psychopharmacology (3) A study of the physicalchanges and psychological effects that drugs have on thebrain and nervous system. Topics will include the basicorganization and function of the brain and nervous systemsand a history of the use of drugs. The course will emphasizehow the functions of the brain are altered by the use ofdrugs, from both illegal and prescription uses. An overviewof the mental disorders for which drugs are prescribed, andthe mental disorders that result from drug use is included.PSY 444/544 Topics in Psychology (3) Current or specialissues in Psychology will be examined. The courseoffers students the opportunity to discuss relevant issuesfacing society. The course may be repeated for credit, byadvisement, when no duplication of topics exists.PSY 450/550 Abnormal Psychology (3) Approaches to theassessment and treatment of emotional, social, psychotic,organic, and development disorders are examined.PSY 460/560 Physiological Psychology (3) Course work willfocus on the relationship between the nervous system andbehavior. Theories of interactions between the brain andbehavior, the research methods and results of such studies,and the implications of the findings will be examined.PSY 470/570 History and Systems (3) A study of the ideas andcontributions of individuals who influenced the developmentof psychology as a science. Topics include importanttheories and schools of thought on which psychology isbased.PSY 490 Assessment Seminar (0) Prerequisites: PSY 405 and100 credit hours. For the purpose of psychology assessment,students will complete a comprehensive psychologyexam to measure knowledge of the field of psychology. Studentswill also complete a program evaluation. This class

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