Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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132 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>PED 341 Organization, Administration, and CurriculumDevelopment of Secondary Health and Physical Education(3) Utilization of the philosophy, aims, and objectives ofHealth and Physical Education in developing programsand curricula for secondary school health and physicaleducation.PED 346 Organization, Administration, and CurriculumDevelopment of Elementary Health and Physical Education(3) Prerequisites: PED 151, PED 171. Utilization of thephilosophy, aims, and objectives of Health and PhysicalEducation in developing programs and curricula inelementary school health and physical education. Toinclude supervised experiences in public school programs.PED 351 Biomechanics (3) Prerequisite: PED 105 or BIO 220.A kinesiological approach to the anatomical and mechanicalanalysis of human movement. Movement terminologyas well as muscular and neuro-muscular function in sportwill be studied. Special emphasis will be placed relatingbiomechanics to movement evaluation in K-12 health andphysical education.PED 352 Musculoskeletal Evaluation and Management(3) Prerequisites: PED 105 or BIO 220 and PED 275.Emphasis on musculoskeletal evaluation and management.To include structural and postural anomalies and injuries.PED 353 Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries (2)Prerequisite: PED 352. Development of a completerehabilitation program for a variety of populationsfollowing injury/surgery. Course will focus on use ofcommon therapeutic exercise equipment and manualtechniques.PED 357 Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3)Prerequisites: PED 304 or 305. Designed to providestudents with theoretical and practical knowledge of thephysiological, biomechanical, and administrative aspectsof designing and supervising strength and conditioningprograms for various populations.PED 361 Methods and Materials in Health and PE (3) A studyof methods and materials for teaching health and physicaleducation. Special emphasis will be placed on aims,principles, philosophies and organization.PED 381 Physical Education Practicum (2) Prerequisites:Consent of department chair, PED 361. Organization,presentation, and evaluation of health and physicaleducation activity units. May be repeated.PED 385 Sport Management Practicum (2) Prerequisites:PED 277, a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and consent of theprogram coordinator or department chair. Organizationand management of information, internal workings andservices offered through an approved sports information ormanagement entity. May be repeated.PED 386 Therapeutic Modalities and Pharmacology (2)Prerequisite: PED 352. Safe and proper use of rehabilitativemodalities including ultrasound, TENS, electricalstimulation and massage therapy. Knowledge of the use ofprescription and over-the-counter drugs in the treatment ofmusculoskeletal injuries.PED 389 Sports Medicine Practicum (2) Prerequisite: PED352 and a 2.75 cumulative GPA. A practical coursedesigned to expose majors to training in musculoskeletalevaluation, management, and rehabilitation. PED 389 maybe repeated up to a maximum 6 credits by advisement.PED 390 Ethics in Sport Management (3) Prerequisite: juniorstanding. A study of ethical procedures and behaviors insport management. Emphasis on the areas of academiccounseling of student-athletes, diversity, stereotypes, media,athletes as role models, career development, and developingthe overall benefits of athletics.PED 400/500 Cardiac Rehabilitation (3) Prerequisites: PED105, 205, and a 2.5 (2.75 for Applied Human and SportPhysiology majors) cumulative GPA. A course designed toprovide the student the theoretical knowledge and practicalbackground in administering an adult fitness program aswell as all phases of cardiac rehabilitation. The student willdevelop knowledge and skills in cardiovascular physiology,ECG interpretation, basic pharmacology and exerciseprogramming for apparently healthy individuals as well asdiabetics, obese, pulmonary and cardiac patients.PED 405 Sport Business (3) A study of finance and economicsin sport including budget development and management,funding, capital improvements, supply and demand trends,and economic impact of sport and leisure events.PED 407/507 Motor Perception and Adaptives for SpecialPopulations (3) The study of the processes identification,evaluation, and remediation of the children with mild tomoderate structural, developmental and perceptual motorproblems. Also designed to study techniques in adaptinghealth and physical education curriculum needs of specialpopulations.PED 410 Sport Law (3) Shows the impact of the legalprocess on sport. Collective bargaining agreements, agentrepresentatives, liability concerns, control of amateur,professional and school sport, risk management. A 3.0 isrequired in this course for the major and minor in SportManagement.PED 411 Sport Marketing and Promotion (3) Prerequisites: a2.5 cumulative GPA. The economic, social, and politicalforces that affect sport. Analysis of successful andunsuccessful marketing campaigns. Integration of theelements of marketing segmentation, product, price andcommunication into sport marketing.PED 450 Program Management in Sport (3) Prerequisite: a

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