Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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116 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>MAT 515 Probability and Statistics II (3) See MAT 415.MAT 520 Number Theory (3) See MAT 420.MAT 530 Modern Algebra (3) See MAT 430.MAT 535 History of Mathematics (3) See MAT 435.MAT 555 Real Analysis II (3) Prerequisite: MAT 400/500.This course is a continuation of MAT 400/500 Real AnalysisI and includes topics such as infinite series and integrationtheory.MAT 600 Current Issues and Trends in Mathematics/MathematicsEducation (3) The course explores issues andtrends having a direct impact on mathematics and the wayin which mathematics is taught. It presents a comprehensiveapproach to the exploration of the various topics andissues discussed. The course offers students an opportunityto examine contemporary educational topics and how theyimpact the teaching of mathematics. The course will alsoprovide students with a foundation for professional development.MAT 610 Modern Developments in Geometry (3) A survey ofgeometrics to include Euclidean, Transformation, finite, andcoordinate geometries and how they relate to high schoolgeometry.MAT 620 Topics in Discrete Mathematics for Teachers (3) Astudy of discrete structures to include finite graphs, matrices,sequences, and recurrence relations.MAT 645 Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching (3) Thecourses is designed to examine the principles underlyingthe development and teaching of the 5-12 mathematics curriculum.Emphasis will be placed on learning theory, differentcurricular models, the teaching of mathematics, andassessment. The roles that national, state, and local groupsplay in curriculum development will also be examined.MAT 660 Mathematical Modeling and Statistics (3) Mathematicalconcepts and techniques are used in modeling reallifeproblems. Statistical techniques are used in analyzingMAT 682 Topics in Mathematics (3) The course will be basedon current needs and wants of students in the program. Itwill provide the mathematical development necessary tosupport those needs and wants. Students may enroll in thecourse more than once as long as the topic to be covered isdifferent each time. Possible topics might include (but notlimited to): topology, complex analysis, sets and logic, ringand field theory, differential geometry, and/or chaos andfractals.Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC)Language & Literature DepartmentSchool of Arts & HumanitiesHumanities BuildingThe mission of the Modern Language program is toprovide students with educational experiences in modernlanguages, literatures, histories, and cultures, as well as studyabroad opportunities.The Modern Language program prepares students to liveand work in the “global village” of contemporary society.Students may prepare for careers in educaiton, business,government, health, counseling, and law enforcement.Language studies are also essential for those planning topursue graduate work in many fields. Many students combinea language major or minor with another field to enrichtheir preparation and enhance their marketability. Studentsspecializing in a modern language are expected to spend timeabroad in a country where the language is spoken. Thereare several opportunities at <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> to improvelanguage skills and experience other cultures in study abroadprograms.Students may pursue a major, minor, or subjectendorsement in Spanish as well as a subject endorsementor minor in French. The department also offers elementaryGerman and occasional courses such as Russian, Portuguese,Chinese, and American Sign Language. Choose a language- or languages - and prepare for a wealth of exciting andchallenging opportunities for study, travel, and enrichment.Advanced or Refresher StudyStudents with previous experience in a language mayrecieve advanced placement and credit by CLEP examinations.Most students with two or three years of high school languageshould register for second semester (120) courses. Studentswith four years of high school language should take the thirdsemester (210) course and lab (215) after consulting witha modern language faculty member. Students with greaterfluency in Spanish or French should also be advised by amodern language faculty member about a major, minor, orendorsement. Completion of at least five hours of study in oneforeign language at the 200-level or above is also required forthe Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Undergraduate CoursesMLC 110 Elementary Language I (3) Fundamentals of alanguage other than Spanish, French, or German. Basicgrammar, reading, writing, conversation, and culture. Noprevious knowledge of the language required. Languagesoffered may include Russian, Chinese, Japanese, andAmerican Sign Language, depending on the availability ofan instructor. MLC 110 may be repeated for credit if thetarget language differs.MLC 120 Elementary Language II (3) Prerequisite: MLC 110or equivalent. Continued study of a language other thanSpanish or French.French (FRE)Minor in French: 20 hoursA minor must include a minimum of 12 hours unduplicated bythe student’s major(s) and minor(s).FRE 210 Intermediate French I...................................3

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