Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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112 <strong>Wayne</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>the role of a contractor through the design and constructionphases of a construction project. they will be responsiblefor planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controllinglabor and material. they will also work with equipmentutilization, cost estimation and pricing, cost control, andaccounting throughout the various phases of a constructionproject. (Lecture and lab combined)ITE 438 Commercial Construction (3) This course coverscommercial and civil construction designs. Topicsinclude: materials, materials testing, design considerations,characteristics of commercial/civil construction vs.residential construction and career opportunities.ITE 440/540 Principles of Technology (3) Prerequisite: Highschool algebra. The study of the basic principles associatedwith the fundamental development of technology. Thecourse will cover topics in force, work, rate, resistance,energy, power, fore transformers, momentum, waves andvibrations, energy converters, transducers, radiation, opticalsystems and time constants. The course will explore thecurriculum content, demonstrations, math labs, hands-onlab and tests. Students intending to teach Principles ofTechnology in secondary schools are strongly encouraged totake this course.ITE 493 Advanced Studies in Technology (3) Students willcomplete their senior project while in this course. Thesenior project will demonstrate what the student has learnedduring their four years in the program. The project willbe completed using a standard format developed by thedepartment.Eligible seniors may enroll in 500 level graduate courses.Graduate CoursesITE 505/605 Organization of Technology Education Programs(3) Philosophy and types of activities in the secondaryand vocational school lab type of class. Selection andorganization of instructional materials, layout and planningInterdisciplinary Studies (IDS)Objectives: Interdisciplinary activities, courses, andprograms of study are designed to help the student betterunderstand relationships between and among variousdisciplines. A student interested in Interdisciplinary Studiesshould contact his/her advisor or the Office of Records &Registration for further information.Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of ArtsInterdisciplinary Studies(an advisor/student constructed major)Objectives: The Interdisciplinary Studies major isdesigned to provide the maximum flexibility for the student indetermining the content of his or her degree program.Interdisciplinary Studies majors are not necessarilyprofessionally-oriented or career-oriented degree programs.However, a program must emphasize a clearly defined area,of facilities, equipment and tool selection, distributionsystems for tools and materials. An introduction to jobanalysis and organization of student personnel systems.ITE 510 Teaching Techniques, Curriculum and CourseOrganization (3) Current practices and teaching techniquesin Technology Education. Course organization andcurriculum development in the specified area of study.Course is designed in terms of individual needs. Whenoffered in a given semester, this course will address thefollowing areas of technology: Repeatable up to 12 hourswith a different topic.(a) Communications Systems(b) Production Systems(c) Construction Systems(d) Energy, Power, and Transportation SystemsITE 512 Advanced Design and Rendering (3) See ITE 412ITE 518 Transportation Systems (3) See ITE 418ITE 525 Desktop Publishing (3) See ITE 425ITE 540 Principles of Technology (3) See ITE 440ITE 605 Organization of Technology Education Programs (3)See ITE 505ITE 640 Manufacturing Techniques in Cabinetmaking (3)Advanced course in the modern techniques of cabinetmanufacturing and construction techniques. Will includeinstruction in composite materials, adhesives, constructiontechniques, computer aided manufacturing and productionsystems. Students will construct a cabinet. Studentsshould have knowledge of basic woodworking tools.ITE 650 Developments in Technology Education (3) Aseminar covering research and discussion of technicalinnovations, new and experimental curriculardevelopments, trends in state and federal legislations andguidelines.body of thought, or educational goal. These programs are notintended to allow students to graduate without concentratingtheir thoughts in some clearly defined area of emphasis.Interdisciplinary Studies MajorInterdisciplinary Studies majors replace conventionalcomprehensive majors in the General Requirements forgraduation. All other General Requirements for graduationmust be fulfilled. The program should be requested prior tocompletion of 80 hours.Interdisciplinary Studies programs must be signed andapproved by an advisor, department chair, and the VicePresident for Academic Affairs in consultation with theChair of the Academic Policies Committee. The Chair ofthe committee has the option to take the proposal to the fullcommittee. The signed program will be forwarded to theOffice of Records & Registration.The student will complete 50 credit hours of

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