Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

Full Catalog - Wayne State College

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Industrial Technology 111aspects of technology and its changing relationship tohumankind in the past, present and future.ITE 326 Technology Lab Design and Management (3) Thiscourse will address the design and management of planningand design, fabrication, testing and analysis, and individualstudies of technology laboratories. Information on careersand occupations and environmental safety issues willbe provided for pre-service teacher education majors.Modular technology laboratory design and operation willalso be covered. (Lecture and lab combined)ITE 330 Welding Theory and Fabrication (3) Tools,equipment, safety practices, materials and basic metallurgyused in electric arc, oxy-acetylene, metal, inert gas andtungsten arc inert gas welding will be covered in thiscourse. Fabrication techniques with sheet metal andother ferrous materials will also be covered along withparametric modeling software. (Lecture and lab combined)ITE 333 Electronics and Electricity (3) Principles ofelectronics and electricity with emphasis on Ohm’s Law,basic circuits, meters, residential wiring and NationalElectrical Code. Circuit analysis and wiring is exploredthrough laboratory experiences. (Lecture and labcombined)ITE 351 Graphic Communications (3) An introductionto graphic communications with a broad range oftopics providing students with skills for professional,educational, and personal use. Design, image generation,pre-production, desktop publishing, digital photography,and methods of screen process printing will be studied.(Lecture and lab combined)ITE 363 Digital Photography (3) Digital photography is thecreation of photographs encoded as binary data. Digitalphotography is quickly becoming a mass-market product.This course in digital photography is designed to providepractical, user-focused information and understandingof the tools available and their real-world possibilities.(Lecture and lab combined)ITE 390 Construction Estimating and Scheduling (3) Thiscourse will focus on project estimating and schedulingusing industry standards, scheduling techniques, includingcritical path scheduling. The course will include the use ofTimberline software and Excel spreadsheets. The use ofcost handbooks, specifications and bid documents will beexplored.ITE 397 Internship (1-12) Prerequisites: Instructor permission,junior standing or above. Safety Management concentrationstudents taking an internship for their major receiveplacement in a professional capacity where safety relatedissues can be experienced and the student is supervisedfor a period of at least 50 clock hours for each credit hourearned.ITE 402 Safety Data and Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Junior orsenior standing. This course will cover accident safety dataand analysis. Decision making with the use of accident datawill be a major focus of this course. Resources that compileaccident statistics will be investigated. The course willinclude basic statistical techniques.ITE 407 Accident Prevention (3) This course will explore theprinciples and theories of accident causation and preventionin the workplace. The impact of accidents on societytoday, psychological factors related to accidents, legalrequirements, accident prevention in business and industry,schools and the community.ITE 408 Hazardous Materials (3) This course will focus onthe examination of issues concerning the use of hazardousmaterials in the construction and industrial environments.Chemical and physical properties as well as issues related tothe transportation of these materials will be addressed.ITE 412/512 Advanced Design and Rendering (3) Prerequisite:C- or better in ITE 214 or by permission. This coursewill examine operating systems hardware, softwareand customization as they relate to computer aideddesign. Attention will be given to design analysis, thedesign process, project design, modeling, production andprototypes. This course will include extensive use ofcomputer software, 3D, solid modeling and rendering.(Lecture and lab combined)ITE 416 Industrial Technology Education Practicum (1-3)Prerequisite: Department chair approval. Laboratoryassistance, organization, presentation and evaluation ofactivity units in industrial technology classes. May berepeated twice for a total of six hours credit.ITE 418/518 Transportation Systems (3) This course isdesigned to explore various transportation systems includingmaterial handling systems as well as automobiles, trains,planes, ships and space travel with emphasis on futuretrends and possible solutions to problems associated withmoving people and goods throughout the country and inthe world. The course will emphasize alternative fuels,hydraulics, pneumatics and power systems associated withemerging technologies. Students will build prototypemodels and develop proposals exercising problem solvingand critical thinking skills to reach appropriate solutions.(Lecture and lab combined)ITE 425/525 Desktop Publishing (3) The study of themethods and processes included in desktop publishing.Including the use of the associated hardware and software.Composition and design of graphic communications usingword processing, graphics and page formatting programs.(Lecture and lab combined)ITE 428 Construction Project Management (3) Prerequisites:C or better in ITE 308, 390. The students will demonstrate

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