HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland

HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland

HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland


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<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 5 of 35Rev. K (6/11)Class2.2.1.1 Three specimens shall be taken in accordance with ASTM-E-381from each heat of steel. When the ingot or slab is made into billets,the first sample shall be taken from the front end of the first billet.The second sample shall be taken from the middle billet or themiddle of the production (heat) run. The last sample shall be takenfrom the end of the last billet. All specimens shall be etched and evaluated using ASTM-E-381.All results shall be equal to or better than: C=2, R=2, S=2. Anyresults less than the levels specified or with “unacceptableconditions” as shown on Plate II (upgraded series), are cause forrejection of the heat for use as kingpin material.A written evaluation shall be submitted with the certificationmaterial.2.2.2 Ultrasonic inspection in accordance with MIL-STD-2154: Inspection method may be type I or II. Class as shown in the following table:ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: ULTRASONIC CLASSSingleDiscontinuityResponseMultipleDiscontinuitiesLinearDiscontinuityLength andResponseLoss of BackReflectionPercentNotes: 1 2 3 4 5NoiseA Modified 3/64 3/64 1/2 inch - 3/64response50 Alarm levelNotes:1 - Any discontinuity with an indication greater than the response from a reference flatbottomhole or equivalent notch at the estimated discontinuity depth of the size given(inches diameter) is not acceptable.2 - Multiple discontinuities with indications less than the response from a reference flatbottomedhole or equivalent notch at the estimated discontinuity depth of the sizegiven (inches diameter) are not acceptable if the centers of any two of thesediscontinuities are less than 1 inch apart.3 - Any discontinuity longer than the length given with indications greater than theresponse given (flat-bottom hole) is not acceptable.4 - Loss of back reflection greater than the percent given, when compared to nondefectivematerial in a similar or like part, is not acceptable when this loss of backreflection is accompanied by an increase in noise signal (at least double the normal

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