HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland

HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland

HFS-03 Lock Standard - saf-holland


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SAF-HOLLAND<strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong><strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>Rev. K6/11

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 2 of 35Rev. K (6/11)<strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Revision HistorySECTION REV. DATE REVISIONAll 2/01 A - Initial release3. AAppendix BAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CSection 7.3Appendix H2/<strong>03</strong>10/<strong>03</strong>7/0512/059/06Appendix B 1/07Appendix A & BAll12/071.0 Scope 12/19/07Appendix I 8/084.2.1Appendix B & C6/11B – Revised wording as necessary to reflect changedcompany structure. (Holland Hitch to Holland Group)C – Added data for new locks: XE-10486, XE-10487D – Revised section and to read: “Allinspectors/operators shall be qualified to Level I, SNT-TC-1A or MIL-STD-410 minimum or CGSB 48.971-2000. Also,“All evaluations of nonconformances shall be done byqualified Level II or Level III personnel.” Added definition ofQualified Non-Destructive Testing Personnel to 1.5E – Added part numbers to Appendix A and revisedAppendix B to add MPI acceptance criteria for the XA-10853-1 and XA-10853-SP locksets. Added part numberlabels to drawings in Appendix B.F – Added XA-10486-E part number to Appendix A. AddedMPI acceptance criteria for the XA-10486-E lock toAppendix B. Removed grain flow requirement for XE-10486in Appendix C. Updated grain flow requirement for XE-10487 in Appendix C to match print.Section 7.3 – Changed method of showing inspectionapprovalApp. H - Revised to show stamp in current useG – Added additional Magnetic Particle Inspectionacceptance criteria for XA-10853-1 and XA-10853-SP(page 20) in Appendix B.H – Added XA-4109939 to Appendix A; changed pictureson Appendix B.Revised to reflect new logo and company name.I – Revised Scope to identify locks as “<strong>saf</strong>ety critical items”and this <strong>Standard</strong> as the control document.J – Added new Appendix I showing Magnetic ParticleTechnique sheetK – Removed XE-10486 part number from 4.2.1 (Rev F).Added Visual Acceptance Criteria to Appendix B. Updatedgrain flow image for XE-10487 in Appendix C to match print.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 4 of 35Rev. K (6/11)1.5 Definitions:1.5.1 Batch or lot - is defined by each unique combination of part number and heatnumber. If the forge shop runs one part from one heat, it is one lot. Twodifferent forgings from the same heat, it is two lots, etc. Similarly, a heat ofthe same forgings is received and inventoried by the plant as one lot (batch).1.5.2 Qualified Non-Destructive Testing Personnel – Persons trained by a thirdparty specializing in the education and examination/testing of persons whowant to work in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) and non-destructiveevaluation of products. Based on the level of education and the successfulcompletion of examinations by the third party, the NDT personnel will beclassified as Level I, Level II or Level III. For the purposes of this standard,the NDT persons will be qualified in magnetic particle testing and/orultrasonic testing. In addition to the third party outside training, newpersonnel will work with experienced NDT personnel for a period of time tobe established by the facility quality manager or designee.It is SAF-HOLLAND’s intention to have the forging source and its raw material supplierunderstand that the material supplied under this specification is for the manufacturing of locksto be used in fifth wheels used under various weights (GTW) and under various conditions.The lock is part of the primary coupling between the tractor or tow vehicle and the trailer. Thelock and the lock material is therefore to be free of injurious defects as defined by this standard.The requirements of the standard listed below are minimum requirements to achieve materialfree from injurious defects. Additional specifications to achieve this goal may be instituted bythe raw material supplier or forging supplier.2.0 Raw Material Supplier Requirements:2.1 Jominy Reports:2.1.1 All materials used to produce locks are designated as “H” or hardenabilitygrade (ASTM-A-304) materials. Tests shall be conducted in accordance withASTM-A-255 or SAE J406.2.1.2 Jominy reports are required for “H” designated material.2.1.3 Results must fall within the hardenability bands to be acceptable. (Seeattached Appendix F.)2.1.4 Only acceptable material shall be used to produce locks.2.1.5 Copies of the Jominy results for each heat of material shall be included witheach shipment.2.2 Material Cleanliness:One of the methods listed below shall be used to determine material cleanliness:2.2.1 Macro-etch test on raw material:

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 5 of 35Rev. K (6/11)Class2.2.1.1 Three specimens shall be taken in accordance with ASTM-E-381from each heat of steel. When the ingot or slab is made into billets,the first sample shall be taken from the front end of the first billet.The second sample shall be taken from the middle billet or themiddle of the production (heat) run. The last sample shall be takenfrom the end of the last billet. All specimens shall be etched and evaluated using ASTM-E-381.All results shall be equal to or better than: C=2, R=2, S=2. Anyresults less than the levels specified or with “unacceptableconditions” as shown on Plate II (upgraded series), are cause forrejection of the heat for use as kingpin material.A written evaluation shall be submitted with the certificationmaterial.2.2.2 Ultrasonic inspection in accordance with MIL-STD-2154: Inspection method may be type I or II. Class as shown in the following table:ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: ULTRASONIC CLASSSingleDiscontinuityResponseMultipleDiscontinuitiesLinearDiscontinuityLength andResponseLoss of BackReflectionPercentNotes: 1 2 3 4 5NoiseA Modified 3/64 3/64 1/2 inch - 3/64response50 Alarm levelNotes:1 - Any discontinuity with an indication greater than the response from a reference flatbottomhole or equivalent notch at the estimated discontinuity depth of the size given(inches diameter) is not acceptable.2 - Multiple discontinuities with indications less than the response from a reference flatbottomedhole or equivalent notch at the estimated discontinuity depth of the sizegiven (inches diameter) are not acceptable if the centers of any two of thesediscontinuities are less than 1 inch apart.3 - Any discontinuity longer than the length given with indications greater than theresponse given (flat-bottom hole) is not acceptable.4 - Loss of back reflection greater than the percent given, when compared to nondefectivematerial in a similar or like part, is not acceptable when this loss of backreflection is accompanied by an increase in noise signal (at least double the normal

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 6 of 35Rev. K (6/11)background noise signal) between the front and back surface. Applicable only tostraight beam tests.5 - Noise which exceeds the alarm level setting is not acceptable.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 7 of 35Rev. K (6/11)3.0 Forge Source Requirements:3.1 Heating of the Material for Forging:3.1.1 Controls shall be in place to maintain the calibration of the furnace controls orindication equipment with a regular maintenance re-calibration procedure.3.1.2 Controls must be in place to ensure that each piece of material is uniformlyheated throughout the part. Care shall be taken to ensure material is notover-heated. Overheated material shall be scrapped.3.2 Traceability and Lot Control:3.2.1 The forge shop is responsible for maintaining material traceability and lotcontrol throughout the forging process on the basis of mill heat code andSAF-HOLLAND part number.3.2.2 Only locks of one mill heat and one SAF-HOLLAND part number shall bepacked in a shipping box. Parts of different mill heats shall not be mixed inany one box.3.2.3 Each box will be tagged to clearly indicate the part number, quantity, P.O.number and heat code on the outside of the shipping container. The packingslip will indicate the same information for each shipping box.3.3 Forging Process Control:3.3.1 The forge shop shall magnetic particle inspect a minimum of two (2) partsper hour, or any fraction of an hour, during the production run. For example,a production run of 2.5 hours would require 2 pieces minimum for the firsthour, 2 pieces minimum for the second hour, and 2 pieces minimum for theremaining 0.5 hour. Delays between production and Magnetic Particleinspection (MPI) are acceptable and are necessary for proper cooling andcleaning of parts. Samples for MPI must be identified to permit identificationof a lot or batch when a detected problem occurs and controls must be inplace to ensure that unacceptable material is not being shipped to a SAF-HOLLAND plant. Forged surfaces (un-machined). No circumferential indications arepermitted. Indication(s) may be ground in accordance with Longitudinal indications are acceptable to a maximumlength of 0.25”. For linear indications the indications must be separatedby a distance greater than the length of an acceptableindication. Longitudinal indications are defined as any indicationparallel to the grain flow of the steel. Indications with acurved tail greater than .125” are no longer longitudinal

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 8 of 35Rev. K (6/11)and are not acceptable. Any indication that appears tobe superficial may be acceptable within the above lengthguidelines. Attached are drawings that show areas where noindications are permitted. (Appendix B) Any indications that appear to have depth (bright clear indication) orexceed the lengths noted above shall be ground. Grinding shall notexceed 1/16” in depth. After grinding the parts, they shall bereinspected. If the indication is still present after grinding (i.e.,exceeds 1/16” in depth), the part shall be deemed unacceptable.(See Section Unacceptable indications are circumferential indications orlongitudinal indications that are in excess of 1/16” in depth. Anyunacceptable indications (parts) that are found subjects the rest ofthe lot to MPI that is sufficient to detect all unacceptable parts inthat suspect lot. If the magnetic particle inspection indicates the presence of a subsurfacedefect, the part shall be sectioned and a determinationmade as to the source of the indication and the seriousness of itspresence with the assistance of SAF-HOLLAND Engineering ifnecessary. Magnetic Particle Inspection - Machine procedures: Magnetic particle inspection shall be performed inaccordance with ASTM-E-709 and A-275 using a wetfluorescent magnetic particle method. Magnetization shall be performed using the circularmagnetic field method first by clamping from end to endand then turning the forging 90° between the heads orby use of a multidirectional magnetization technique. All inspectors/operators shall be qualified to Level I, SNT-TC-1A orMIL-STD-410 minimum or CGSB 48.971-2000. All evaluations ofnonconformances shall be done by qualified Level II or Level IIInon-destructive testing personnel. Inspection results shall be recorded. Records must show the heatcode on the part, time of inspection, results (acceptable orunacceptable) and identification of the person performing theinspection. Parts that have been found acceptable in magnetic particleinspection shall be returned to their original lot or batch. They arenot to be mixed with another heat code or mill heat of material.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 9 of 35Rev. K (6/11)3.4 The forge shop shall submit grain flow samples in accordance with Appendix C andsamples for dimensional inspection to SAF-HOLLAND for approval as specified in<strong>HFS</strong>-01. New sample approval is required when there is a major change in processparameter such as (1) forge method, (2) stock size change, (3) design change in thepart configuration, (4) forging source location, or (5) new die not including a die resink.3.5 Dimensional Requirements:3.5.1 All locks must meet the dimensional requirements of the SAF-HOLLANDblueprint.3.5.2 Several dimensions have been selected by the forge source and a SAF-HOLLAND Quality Representative for SPC, or if significant characteristicsare specified on the blueprint, they shall be used for SPC. These aredimensions that are critical to subsequent processing by SAF-HOLLAND andalso indicate process control and tool condition to the forger. Thedimensions are shown in Appendix E or as specified on the blueprint.3.5.3 Dimensions noted in 3.5.2 will be charted using X & R charts and SPCtechniques. Copies of these results shall be submitted with the applicableshipment for all significant or SPC designated characteristics.3.6 Certification:3.6.1 Each shipment of material must be accompanied by a certification signed byan authorized corporate representative listing the following: SAF-HOLLAND part number and part description3.6.1.2 Quantity shipped and date3.6.1.3 Heat code designation3.6.1.4 Mill heat number3.6.1.5 Supplier (raw material) Chemical results and AISI, SAE, ASTM (or other) designation3.6.1.7 Jominy report (if required) Macro-etch report (written evaluation, if required) Purchase order number3.6.1.10 Dimensional inspection results - SPC results(Attach originals from steel mill of Chemical results, Macro-etch report andJominy report)4.0 SAF-HOLLAND Test Plan Procedure - SAF-HOLLAND Receiving4.1 One sample (lock forging) shall be selected for testing from each heat of partssupplied to SAF-HOLLAND.4.2 Testing Procedures:

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 10 of 35Rev. K (6/11)4.2.1 Macro-etch grain flow(Procedure applies only to XE-09416, XE-07296 and XE-10487.) Cut the lock forging to produce a 1/4” - 1/2” thick section exposingthe center of the lock. (Appendix C) The section will be ground smooth and etched in 50% HCl, 50% H 2 0heated to 160-180°F to show the grain flow of the material. Grainflow shall be as shown in Appendix C. Radii areas will be examinedfor any defects. Results shall be evaluated, photographed, and documented on the<strong>Lock</strong> Test Report Report Form, Appendix D.4.2.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection4.2.2.1 The sections of the lock remaining from the grain flow sectioningshall be inspected by magnetic particle method for indications. The magnetic particle machine shall be set up in accordance withSection of this procedure. The forged surface areas shall be evaluated in accordance withSection through Results shall be recorded on the<strong>Lock</strong> Test Report Form (Appendix D).4.3 A copy of the <strong>Lock</strong> Test Report shall be sent to Receiving noting if the parts areacceptable or unacceptable. Appropriate action shall be taken in accordance withstandard quality assurance procedures.4.4 Cause for rejection of a heat of locks at Receiving shall include:4.4.1 Unacceptable magnetic particle results4.4.2 Improper or irregular grain flow4.4.3 Visual defects in the grain flow indicated in Appendix C4.5 Action in the event of rejection of locks:4.5.1 The entire batch (heat) of locks shall be placed on “Hold”.4.5.2 All results shall be reviewed by SAF-HOLLAND Engineering for disposition.4.6 Lot control of the forgings and finished parts shall be maintained by part number andheat code at all phases of production and inventory.5.0 Dimensional Control

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 11 of 35Rev. K (6/11)5.1 Dimensions specified on the Engineering drawings (XA-07296-1 and XA-09416) asCC-2 will be controlled using statistical process control techniques.6.0 SAF-HOLLAND Test Plan Procedure - SAF-HOLLAND In-Process6.1 All testing shall be performed following heat treating.6.2 Brinell Hardness:6.2.1 The Brinell hardness shall be taken on each lock after heat treat. This is a100% inspection.6.2.2 The test results records shall show the following:• SAF-HOLLAND part number• Heat code number• Work order number (if applicable)• Date• Operator• Hardness6.2.3 Records shall be maintained on file by part number for 15 years minimum.6.3 Magnetic Particle Inspection:6.3.1 Magnetic particle inspection shall be conducted per ASTM-E-709 and A- M.P.I. Machine Procedures (See Section The magnetic particle machine shall be calibrated at regularscheduled intervals. The fluorescent particle bath shall be circulated a minimum of 30minutes prior to inspection. The fluorescent particle bath shall be checked daily prior to use.The particle level shall be maintained per ASTM-E-709recommended levels. All inspectors/operators shall be qualified to Level I, SNT-TC-1A orMIL-STD-410 minimum or CGSB 48.971-2000. All evaluations ofnonconformances shall be done by qualified Level II or Level IIInon-destructive testing personnel.6.3.2 The <strong>Standard</strong> SAF-HOLLAND Inspection Procedure is detailed on theMagnetic Particle Technique Sheet (<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>/MT-01) and shall be used for alllock inspection unless otherwise specified on the applicable SAF-HOLLANDdrawing.6.3.3 Magnetic particle inspection shall be done on a sampling plan as follows:

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 12 of 35Rev. K (6/11) For the initial 10,000 pieces produced at each machining location,100% magnetic particle inspection shall be employed. Provided no rejects are found during the 100% inspection timeperiod, a random 10% sampling will be done on each batch of locksthereafter. If reject parts are found during the 100% inspection time period,100% inspection will continue until which time 10,000 consecutiveparts can be produced with no rejects. At this time the procedurestated in will be placed into effect. If, during the 10% inspection time period, one (1) reject part isfound, that batch and any previous batches shall, as necessary, be100% examined to ensure that no unacceptable parts were used,shipped or in stock. After returning to 100% inspection (Paragraph, 1000previously uninspected (new batch[es]) will be examined 100%. If no reject parts are found, inspection will return to 10% per If any reject part(s) is found, 100% inspection will remain in effectuntil 1000 consecutive pieces are inspected with no rejects. If there are major design changes in the part, change in suppliers,major changes in process, or change in heat treat source, Section6.3.1.1 will go into effect at the time of the change.6.3.4 Records and results shall be maintained in an NDT log sheet that shows daterun, SAF-HOLLAND part number, work order number, number checked,number rejected, number accepted, heat number, hold tag number andcomment. Records shall be maintained for 15 years.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 13 of 35Rev. K (6/11)7.0 Part Identification7.1 An “M” shall be stamped on the part to indicate that magnetic particle testing hadbeen successfully completed or as noted on the applicable blueprint and techniquesheet.7.2 The Brinell hardness shall be taken on the lock in the area as shown on theapplicable drawing.7.3 Indication of “Inspection Approval” shall be stamped by each bar code on thecontainer indicating:• Magnetic approval with tester’s initials or signature(See Appendix H which shows an example of the stamp used.)The Inspection Approval stamping must be completed prior to moving the parts tothe shipping area.7.4 The parts shall be stacked/packed to prevent damage during handling andshipment.8.0 Final Audit8.1 The final audit shall be performed on a sampling basis in accordance with SAF-HOLLAND’s standard quality assurance procedures unless otherwise noted by thecustomer. Special customer requirements will be noted on the SAF-HOLLAND workorder.8.2 The audit shall check for the following:9.0 Traceability:8.2.1 Proper part number identification must be legible and as required per theapplicable blueprint.8.2.2 Brinell markings must be present. (All parts 100% BHN tested.)8.2.3 Magnetic particle inspection marking as specified by the sampling plan(6.3.3). (Parts stamped “M” or as required by the applicable blueprint ortechnique sheet.)8.2.4 The parts must be free of burrs, nicks, rust, etc.8.2.5 The parts must be packed in order to prevent damage.9.1 Raw stock, material in-process and through final inspection shall be fully traceable.Traceability shall be maintained through the use of the SAF-HOLLAND part number,the material heat code and the work order number (if applicable).

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 14 of 35Rev. K (6/11)10.0 Records:10.1 All records pertaining to the locks shall be handled in accordance with Appendix G.10.2 All records shall be dated, show the applicable SAF-HOLLAND part number and theheat code assigned by the forging supplier.10.3 All records shall be saved for a minimum of 15 years.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 15 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX AThe following standard applies to the following SAF-HOLLAND part numbers:Part NumberXA-07296XA-09416XA-10486XA-10486-EXA-10487XA-10853-1XA-10853-SPXA-4109939ForgingXE-07296XE-09416 (2 sheets)XE-10486XE-10486XE-10487XE-07296XE-07296XE-4109939

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 16 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX BXA-07296XA-09416




<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 20 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX B (cont.)Magnetic Particle Inspection shows surface and near to surface indications and because of this,NoLube coated locks can show weld passes that were laid down during the coating process.Acceptance criteria for NoLube coated locks (XA-10853-1, XA-10853-SP, XA-10486-E):Acceptable: Wavy, blurry indications of similar intensity (See figures below for examples).See next page for additional acceptance criteria for XA-10853-1 and XA-10853-SP.Unacceptable: A. Straight indications, B. indications that stand in sharp contrast (greaterintensity) to other indications in the lock surface or C. Edges of coating not cleaned upproperly.Applies to XA-10853-1, XA-10853-SP & XA-10486-EAcceptable:Wavy, blurryindications – nocracks. See alsonext page.Unacceptable:A. Straightindication –crack in coatingsurface. Seealso next page.Unacceptable: B. Indications standin sharp contrast (greater intensity)than others. See also next page.XA-10853-SPUnacceptable: C. Edges of coatingnot cleaned up properly. To besmooth with forged surface.XA-10486-E

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 21 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX B (cont.)Applies to XA-10853-1 & XA-10853-SPAcceptable: Indications are in the coatingonly (don’t extend into the forging) and arewithin the 70° or 25° areas.Unacceptable: Indications in the 85° area.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 22 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX B (cont.)NoLube <strong>Lock</strong> Visual Acceptance CriteriaCracks in Coating: UnacceptableThese cracks are visual and may not show up as indications in magnetic particleinspection. Acceptable: If the crack is within 1/8” from the edge as shown on thefollowing page, it is acceptable.

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 23 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX B (cont.)NoLube <strong>Lock</strong> Visual Acceptance Criteria1/8” MAX from edge:AcceptableCoating “Chipping” Acceptance Criteria: shown in pictures.Porosity Voids (not shown): Porosity should not be more than three porosity voidswithin a 1/2” diameter circle. Any individual porosity void not to be more than .09” diameter.Greater than 1/8”: Unacceptable

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 24 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX CGrain Flow RequirementXE-09416 <strong>Lock</strong>

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 25 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX C (cont.)Grain Flow RequirementXE-10487 <strong>Lock</strong>

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 26 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX DSAF-HOLLAND LOCK TEST REPORTLab Report No. ____________________Performed by:______________________Part No.:__________________________Date:________________________________Approved by:__________________________Heat Number Identification:______________Supplier:_____________________________________________________________________Attach a copy of the material certification to this report.1) Grain flow examination results:Sample:Acceptable________________ Reject_________________See photograph figure #12) Magnetic Particle examination results:Sample:Acceptable________________ Reject_________________All categories must be marked “acceptable” to proceed.Parts were found acceptable for production use ______________________________________SignedDateHold Tag numbers _________________Inspection Report number ______________Form # Page 1 of 2

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 27 of 35Rev. K (6/11)<strong>Lock</strong> Test ReportLab Report No. _________Figure #1 - Grain FlowForm # <strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> Page 2 of 2

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 28 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX ESPC RequirementsXE-07296Blueprint indicates important dimensions.SPC required.XE-09416Blueprint XE-09416 indicates important dimensions.SPC required.XE-104861.19 inchSurface to be parallel to surface A within .02 inchXE-104871.18 inch

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 29 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX F8637HJominy & Chemical Requirements

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 30 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX F (cont.)4140HJominy & Chemical Requirements

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 31 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX GRecords – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>Type ofRecordSource ofRecordPersonResponsibleMaterial Forge Receivingcerts Supplier InspMill Heat Forge Receivingand Source Supplier Inspof Mat’lJominy Forge Receivingreports Supplier InspMacro-etch Forge Receivingreport Supplier InspSPC reports Forge ReceivingSupplier Insp<strong>Lock</strong> report SAF- Quality MgrHOLLANDmet labDimensional SAF- Receivinginsp reports HOLLAND InspRec. Dept.Work orders Material MaterialControl ControlIn-process Production Production /insp reportsQASPC results Production Prod andSPC CoordBrinell Production Productionhardnessand QAMagnetic NDT NDTparticle personnel personnelStorageShort TermReceivingrecordsReceivingrecordsReceivingrecordsReceivingrecordsReceivingrecordsLab reportfilesQA ofcReceivingrecordsMaterialCtrl filesIn-processfile QA labSPC files inQA labIn-processfile QA labNDT logbookQA labFinal audit QA Insp QA Dept QA filesIACStorageLong TermRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsroomLab reportfiles QAofcRecordsroomNotrequiredRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsroomRecordsMethod of StorageReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeReceiving records filedby part numberReceiving records filedby part no. / heat codeReceiving records filedby part no. / heat codeReceiving records filedby part no. / heat codeFiled by Lab Report No.in QA office filesReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeMaterial control filed bypart numberReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeSPC records filed bypart no. /heat codeReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeReceiving records filedby part no. /heat codeRecordRetention15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrs15 yrsAll records shall be dated with the current date, show the part numberand the heat code number assigned by the forging supplier.Approved _____________________Date__________________________

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 32 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX HInspection Approval Stampfor Magnetic Testing

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 33 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX IPage___of___<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>MT-_____Rev._____TECHNIQUE SHEETMAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTINGWET METHODIDENTIFICATIONCustomer:____________________________________Part Number:_______________________Part Name:___________________________________Material:__________________________MAGNETIZATIONCircular Contact:_____________________Multidirectional: Yes____ No_____Amperage:_______________________________ampsCentral Conductor:_____________________________________________________________________________Longitudinal Coil:_____________________Demagnetization required after testing:Amperage:_______________________________ampsYes______ No_______Applicable Specifications:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Acceptance Criteria: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Special Instructions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Acceptance Stamp Identification and Location: _______________________________________________________Drawing (Indicate all critical areas to be tested):The NDT Inspector(s) shall ensure compliance with all requirements of the Quality Assurance procedures, <strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>,and the NDT Manual for Magnetic Particle Inspection and Testing.Inspector:_____________________________Signature: ____________________________Date: ________________________________Approval: ________________________________Signature: ________________________________Date: ____________________________________

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 34 of 35Rev. K (6/11)APPENDIX IPage___of___<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>MT-_____Rev._____TECHNIQUE SHEETMAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTINGWET METHODThe NDT Inspector(s) shall ensure compliance with all requirements of the Quality Assurance procedures, <strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong>,and the NDT Manual for Magnetic Particle Inspection and Testing.Inspector:_____________________________Signature: ____________________________Date: ________________________________Approval: ________________________________Signature: ________________________________Date: ____________________________________

<strong>HFS</strong>-<strong>03</strong> – SAF-HOLLAND <strong>Lock</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> Page 35 of 35Rev. K (6/11)DistributionElectronic –SAF-HOLLAND System

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