Part A - EIA 400 kV OHTL Stp - мепсо а.д.

Part A - EIA 400 kV OHTL Stp - мепсо а.д. Part A - EIA 400 kV OHTL Stp - мепсо а.д.


The European Union's CARDS Programmefor the Western BalkansWestern BalkansInfrastructure Projects FacilityTA1-MKD-ENE-01Environmental Impact Assessmentof the 400 kV Overhead Transmission LineSS Stip (Macedonia) – SS Nis (Serbia)Section:SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border

The European Union's CARDS Programmefor the Western BalkansWestern BalkansInfrastructure Projects FacilityTA1-MKD-ENE-01Environmental Impact Assessmentof the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Overhead Transmission LineSS Stip (Macedonia) – SS Nis (Serbia)Section:SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border

The European Union's CARDS Programmefor the Western BalkansWestern BalkansInfrastructure Projects FacilityTEnvironmental Impact Assessmentof the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Overhead Transmission LineSS Stip (Macedonia) – SS Nis (Serbia)Section:SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe project is financedby the EUThe project is implementedby WYG International

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.8 Ecological Components, Biodiversity and Conservation Status .............................813.8.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................813.8.2 Biomes............................................................................................................813.8.3 Habitats, Flora and Fauna ..............................................................................823.8.3.1 Biomes of Pontoon-Caspian Steppes and Forest-Steppes (PCS)..............823.8.3.2 Biome of Mediterranean semi Deserts (МSD) ............................................843.8.3.3 Biome of Submediteranean – Balcans Forests (SBF) ................................873.9 Population, Settlements, Economic and Social Parameters...................................893.10 Use and Categorization of Land around the Route of the Transmission Line ........923.11 Existing and Planned Infrastructure on the Route of the Transmission Line ..........933.12 Natural Heritage .....................................................................................................963.13 Cultural Heritiage....................................................................................................974 Environmental Impacts from Project Implementation.....................................................984.1 Safety Aspects........................................................................................................994.1.1 Safety from Electrical Hazards .......................................................................994.1.2 Electric and Magnetic Fields...........................................................................994.1.3 Risk of Fire....................................................................................................1014.1.4 Vibrations of the Transmission Line..............................................................1014.1.5 Safety Aspects from Geological Hazards .....................................................1024.2 Impacts on Biological Diversity.............................................................................1034.3 Impacts on Geology and Soils..............................................................................1064.4 Impacts on Air quality and Climate .......................................................................1084.5 Impact on Quality of Surface Waters....................................................................1094.6 Impacts from Noise...............................................................................................1104.7 Solid Waste Management ....................................................................................1124.8 Property Aspects and Impacts on Incomes ..........................................................1144.9 Visual Aspects ......................................................................................................1154.10 Impacts on Natural Heritage.................................................................................1164.11 Impacts on Cultural Heritage ................................................................................1174.12 Cumulative Impacts ..............................................................................................1184.13 Matrix of Environmental Impacts ..........................................................................1195 Mitigation Measures .....................................................................................................1225.1 Mitigation Measures for Electro-magnetic Fields..................................................1235.2 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Biodiversity........................1245.3 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Geology and Soils .............1295.4 Mitigation Mesures for Reducing the Impact on the Air Quality............................1315.5 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Quality of Surface Waters .1325.6 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact from Noise ....................................1335.7 Mitigation Measures for Sustainable Waste Management ...................................1345.8 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Cultural Heritage ...............1355.9 Overview of the Mitigation Measures....................................................................1366 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan........................................................140A. Mitigation Plan ......................................................................................................141B. Monitoring Plan.....................................................................................................1457 Project Justification and Conlcusion.............................................................................1487.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1487.2 Sustainable Development.....................................................................................1487.3 Environmental Impact Assessment ......................................................................1497.4 Conclusion............................................................................................................152References and Used Literature ..........................................................................................1534

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPART B - AnnexesAnnex 1 – Decision for determining the need for environmental impact assessment and itsscopeAnnex 2 – Geographical review of referent points along the route of interconnective <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line SS Stip - Macedonian - Serbian borderAnnex 3 – Sectoral study for biological diversity impact assessmentAnnex 4 – Overview of plant species along the corridor of the route of the interconnection<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian borderAnnex 5 – Thematic mapsAnnex 5.1 – Land useAnnex 5.2 – Geological mapsAnnex 5.3 – Biological DiversityAnnex 6 – Public announcement and public hearingAnnex 6.1 – Non – technical SummaryAnnex 6.2 – Presentation on public hearingAnnex 6.3 – Presentation on public hearing for Biological DiversityAnnex 6.4 – Public announcement and public hearing5

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPART A - Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Overhead Transmission Line SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border6

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderNon – Technical Summary8

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderIntroductionThis environmental impact assessment study supports the process of planning andimplementation of an interconnection project for a <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line between theRepublic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia. The study covers the part of the plannedtransmission line planned on the tetriritory of the Republic of Macedonia, from an exisiting<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission substation SS <strong>400</strong>/110<strong>kV</strong> Stip to the connection point at theMacedonian-Serbian border.The Macedonian Power Transmission System Operator – MEPSO is the proposing party ofthis project and its investor, The World Bank, has requested the <strong>EIA</strong> in respect of itscommitment to potentially provide financing for the implementation of this project.This planned internconnection of the power grids of the Republic of Macedonia and theRepublic of Serbia will significantly improve the quality and flexibility of the power supply inthe region, improving security of supply and power trading potential in the region.This <strong>EIA</strong> study was prepared by team of consultants of WYG International, under theInfrastruture Project Facility for Western Balkans, financed by the European Commission.The study is in compliance with the requirements of the Macedonian legislation concerningthe <strong>EIA</strong> and the guidelines contained in the Report for Defining the Scope and Contents ofthe <strong>EIA</strong>, submitted to MEPSO by the MEPP.Purpose of the the <strong>EIA</strong>This <strong>EIA</strong> study is to serve as main input for project permitting process by the competentMacedonian regulatory authorities and environmental appraisal by the World Bank forfunding decision.Additionally, this study identifies more specific obligations concerning the environmentrelevant to the engineering (designing), tender and construction documents for theconstruction of the line, as well as for the documents for operation and maintenance of thetransmission line. This will enable the design, construction and operation of the transmissionline to be realised in the manner compliant to the standards for environment protection.National <strong>EIA</strong> RequirementsEnvironmental Impact Assessment (<strong>EIA</strong>) of certain projects is required to be carried out inMacedonia in accordance with Articles 76-94 of the Macedonian Law on the Environment.This law and the associated secondary legislation set out the requirements for undertakingenvironmental assessments of potential environmental impacts of public and private projectswhich are likely to have a significant impact on the environment before development consent/ construction permit is granted in the form of approval for project implementation. Impacts onthe environment can include impacts on human beings and biological diversity; soil, water,air and other natural resources and climate; historical and cultural heritage as well as theinteraction between these elements. Hence, it is required that before development consent isgranted for certain types of projects, an <strong>EIA</strong> has to be carried out. The <strong>EIA</strong> process is meantto anticipate potential environmental harm and to avoid or mitigate such harm whilebalancing environmental, social and economic objectives.The Macedonian Ministry for Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) is a nationalcompetent authority for the <strong>EIA</strong> procedure.9

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe types of projects that require an <strong>EIA</strong> are determined in the “Decree for DeterminingProjects for which and criteria on the basis of which the screening for an environmentalimpact assessment shall be carried out“. This Decree was published in the Official Gazette ofthe Republic of Macedonia No. 74 on 5 September 2005. Under the Decree projects areclassified in two groups: projects listed in Annex I are all subject to compulsory <strong>EIA</strong> while forprojects in Annex II, the assessment contains and element of discretion, noting that an <strong>EIA</strong>procedure will, in any event, be required for projects with potentially significant environmentalimpacts.The project proposal for construction and operation of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> cross-border overheadtransmission line between Macedonia and Serbia is included in the above Decree, in AnnexI, item 17 – Installing transmission lines and other power facilities of 110 <strong>kV</strong> voltage orhigher, and longer than 15 km. As such, the project is subject to <strong>EIA</strong> procedure.MEPSO submitted to the MEPP a notification of intention for implementation of the project aswell as an <strong>EIA</strong> scoping document. The MEPP has determined the scope of the <strong>EIA</strong> and on 1June 2009 submitted to the MEPSO an <strong>EIA</strong> scoping decision.Consequently, an <strong>EIA</strong> was undertaken for the project in accordance with EU, IFI andMacedonian requirements. The main findings of the <strong>EIA</strong> process are summarized in thisreport.World Bank ContextThe World Bank requires environmental assessment (EA) of projects proposed for financingto help ensure that they are environmentally sound and sustainable, and thus to improvedecision making.EA is a process whose breadth, depth, and type of analysis depend on the nature, scale, andpotential environmental impact of the proposed project. EA evaluates a project's potentialenvironmental risks and impacts in its area of influence; examines project alternatives;identifies ways of improving project selection, sitting, planning, design, and implementationby preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse environmental impactsand enhancing positive impacts; and includes the process of mitigating and managingadverse environmental impacts throughout project implementation.EA is initiated as early as possible in project processing and is integrated closely with theeconomic, financial, institutional, social, and technical analyses of a proposed project.The borrower is responsible for carrying out the EA.The World Bank advises the borrower on the EA requirements. The World Bank reviews thefindings and recommendations of the EA to determine whether they provide an adequatebasis for processing the project for financing. When the borrower has completed or partiallycompleted EA work prior to the WB’s involvement in a project, the World Bank reviews theEA to ensure its consistency with this policy. The World Bank may, if appropriate, requireadditional EA work, including public consultation and disclosure.(i) Environmental Screening and Determining the Level of EAThe World Bank classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, depending on thetype, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of itspotential environmental impacts:10

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border(a) Category A: A proposed project is classified as Category A if it is likely to havesignificant adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, adverse, orunprecedented. These impacts may affect an area broader than the sites or facilitiessubject to physical works. EA for a Category A project examines the project'spotential negative and positive environmental impacts, compares them with those offeasible alternatives (including the "without project" situation), and recommends anymeasures needed to prevent, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for adverse impactsand improve environmental performance. For a Category A project, the borrower isresponsible for preparing a report, normally an <strong>EIA</strong>.(b) Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverseenvironmental impacts on human populations or environmentally important areas andother natural habitats, are less adverse than those of Category A projects. Theseimpacts are site-specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most casesmitigation measures can be designed more readily than for Category A projects.(c) Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to haveminimal or no adverse environmental impacts. Beyond screening, no further EAaction is required for a Category C project.(d) Category FI: A proposed project is classified as Category FI if it involves investmentof World Bank funds through a financial intermediary, in subprojects that may result inadverse environmental impacts.While the project for the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> overhead transmission line SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbianborder falls under category B for EA (sector – Electrical Transmission), the level of attentionto this <strong>EIA</strong> approximated that used for Category A projects under World Bank OperationalPolicy 4.01 (1999).A thorough field survey, physical inspection of the whole transmission line corridor andpresentation of the findings in a geo-referenced manner with graphic representations(thematic maps, drawings, schemes) have been conducted. This allowed precise location ofenvironmental information to the layout of the project area and the area of influence.(ii) Public ConsultationFor all Category A and B projects proposed for financing, during the EA process, theborrower consults project-affected groups and local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)about the project's environmental aspects and takes their views into account. The borrowerinitiates such consultations as early as possible and consults with such groups throughoutproject implementation as necessary to address EA-related issues that affect them.(iii) DisclosureFor meaningful consultations between the borrower and project-affected groups and localNGOs on all Category A and B projects proposed for financing, the borrower providesrelevant material in a timely manner prior to consultation and in a form and language that areunderstandable and accessible to the groups being consulted.(iv) ImplementationDuring project implementation, the borrower reports on (a) compliance with measures agreedwith the Bank on the basis of the findings and results of the EA, including implementation ofany EMP, as set out in the project documents; (b) the status of mitigation measures; and (c)the findings of monitoring programs. The World Bank bases supervision of the project'senvironmental aspects on the findings and recommendations of the EA, including measuresset out in the legal agreements, any EMP, and other project documents.11

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderDescription and Characteristics of the ProjectThe planned transmission line will be designed and constructed in compliance with thecurrent Regulation on the Technical Rules for Construction of Overhead Power Lines withNominal Voltage of 1<strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>, as well as the current standards, rules and regulationsapplicable in the Republic of MacedoniaThe entire life cycle of the project includes the following phases:oooooSelection of an adequate corridor for the route of the transmission line This phase hasbeen realised through (i) identifying the potential alternative routes, (ii) assessment ofthe feasibility thereof and (iii) selection of the most favourable alternative.This phase is underway (being undertaken by an electrical contractor appointed byMEPSO) and includes preparation of relevant planning documentation, includingtechnical and design documentation and analysis of the environment aspects. Theplanning documentation will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of thecurrent Macedonian and international legislation for these type of facilities.Construction phase. Activities of this phase will include construction activities andinstallation of the necessary infrastructure and equipment.Operational phase . This project phase will include actual operation of the transmissionline, including maintenance and control.Decommisioning and closure of installation. This phase will include measures forrecultivation and future use of the area, as well as measures for managing the impacton the environment during the post-project period.All the components of the interconnection <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong> transmission line SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian broder (towers, foundation, conductors, protective wires and insulators) and theirelements will be designed, produced, tested and installed according to the standards of the<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> grid in Macedonia. The entire equipment must be designed and constructed in themanner that will ensure safe operation in the ambient conditions that exist in the area wherethe transmission line is to be built, and under various energy transfers and voltageconditionsthat might occur during the operaton of the transmission grid. The basic technical parametersof the transmission line are presented in the following table:Table – Review of technical parameters of the <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmission lineParameterCharacteristicNominal voltage <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Type of towers Steel-bar hot zinc-coated, with horizontally placed conductors, two per phaseand two protective wiresFoundationTypical solutions, depending on the engineering and geo-mechanicalparameters of the ground.Reinforced concrete - brand of concrete acording to the valid regulations.Protection against corrosion of anchor segment, 50 cm above the level of theterrain.Conductor √ Number per phases: 2√ Material: AlFe√ Section: 490/65 mm 2√ Maximum work strain: According to valid regulationsProtective wire Two earth-lead wires in horizontal lowland:• First: Alumoweld hawser with diameter of 126.1 mm 2 , labeled AWG 19/9• Second: Protective hawser with optic fiber, OPGW with 48 fibers(Mechanical and electric characteristics will correspond to classic protectivehawser)12

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderInsulators • Type of insulator:- On the line: Phase, massive, porcelain insulator of the type75/21+20=160 or glass hanging insulators U-160- On the portal: Glass hanging, of the type U-160• Type of insulator chain: According to the regulationsEarthing of towers • Specific resistance of the ground: According to the terrain measurementsof specific places and use of typical earthing• Material: Circular zinc-coated steel• Dimensions: Minimum diameter ∅10 mmConnective equipment Connective materials for the planned insulators are hot zinc-coated.Climate parameters √ Wind pressure: 75 daN/m 2Safety hight√ Burden from ice and snow: 1,6 x 0,18√d daN/m 2√ External temperature:- Maximum + 40 °С- Minimum - 20 °СAt least 1 m higher than the prescribed in the Regulation, ,to take intoaccount conductor fatigue, intensive construction of near-by facilities, use ofagricultural machinery, etc.The corridor of the route for the transmission line is in Eastern Macedonia, on the territory offive municipalities: Stip, Karbinci, Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo and Staro Nagorichane.The route runs from the newly planned portal in the existing SS <strong>400</strong>/110<strong>kV</strong> Stip, in the area“Ramnishte” to the area “Jelena Glava” at the Macedonian-Serbian border. The route isapproximately 70 km long.According to its morphology, the route of the transmission line passes through severalvalleys, while part of the route passes through low mountain regions.13

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProject Alternatives ConsideredDuring the preparatory phase of theproject, MEPSO prepared several prefeasibilitystudies and feasibility studiesabout the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line, including a study forselecting the most optimal route thereof.Based on the analysis of proposedvariants and the selection process,MEPSO identified the best corridor forthe route of the transmission line.Selectedroute<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Д В ТС Ш ти п - М акедо нско -С рпска грани ц аA summary of the reveiwed alternativevariants for the selection of the bestcorridor for the route of the transmissionline is presented in the adjacent map.The corridor of the selected route passesthrough favourable low mountain terrain,which runs in the direction north - south,avoiding the direct positioning of thetransmission line toward the wind blow.The route avoids the fertile areas of theregion Ovche Pole and does not passthrough environmentally important areas.I вари ја нтаII варијантаТС <strong>400</strong>/110 <strong>kV</strong> Штип14

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderDescription of the EnvironmentClimate ConditionsThe route of the transmission line passes through terrains with different climate conditions.The biggest part of the corridor where the route passes is characterized by moderatecontinental climate, with micro-climate characteristics in the some areas it passes through,the Ovche Pole and Kumanovo Valleys.The average annual temperature during certain years varies between 10 °С and 14 °С. Thecoldest month is January with average monthly temperature od 0.4 °С to 1.3 °С. Thewarmest month is July, with average monthly temperature that varies between 22.3 °С and23.8 °С. According to the temperature indicators, the conclusion is that the area along theroute of the transmission line is characterized by hot summers and moderately cold winters,with occasional extremely high and low temperatures, some considerable temperaturevariations, and a warmer autumn than spring.During the year, the rainfalls are uneven. The southern part of the corridor is an area withlittle rainfall (annual quantity – 472 mm), while the northern part - with larger annualquantities of rainfall (average annual quantity – 549 mm).The average annual relative humidity is 67% in the southern part of the corridor and 72% inthe northern part.With respect to winds, the north-west wind is the most frequent in the southern part of theroute, while the northern wind is more frequent in the northern part.Geological ConditionsThe majority of the route of the transmission line belongs to the sheets Stip, Veles andKumanovo of the Basic Geological Map (1 : 100.000). Within the area, several mainsediments have been identified: (i) Upper Eocene flysche sediments, represented by basaltseries (conglomerates of sandstones and marls), above which there is the lower flyscheseries and yellow sandstones and on top - the upper flysche series (consisting of carbonatesand clastic rocks); (ii) volcanic rocks and sediments in layers among which (variousandesites, ignimbrites, tuff sandstones, volcanic breccias); aluvial sediments along somewoterflows and by the river Pchinja and (iv) deluvial sediments recognized at certainlocations in the subject area.Hydrography and Quality of Surface WatersWider area of the corridor where the route of the long-distance power linces spreads is partof the territory of two bigger regional river basins:• The basin of River Bregalnica, with the following rivers: (i) River Sudichka, (ii) RiversStanulovska and Burilovska, (iii) River Nemanjica, (iv) Rivers Orelska and Mavrovica,(v) River Madzarica and (vi) the rivulets Boshkov Dol and Drenov Dol . A dam was builton the River Mavrovica, near to Alin Dol, which covers an area of 7 km 2 and has avolume of 2.7 million m 3 . The dam is used for water supply of Sveti Nikole.• The basin of River Pchinja, with the following rivers: (i) River Luka, (ii) Vranjak, (iii)Murgashki Brook, (iv) Slatinski Dol, (v) Serava Brook, (vi) Muralovski Dol and (vii)Sejdin Dol.The pollution of rivers and rivulets on the route of the transmission line comes from thecommunal waste waters from inhabited places and pollution from stock beeeding and15

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderagricultural activities. The quality of surface waters in the direct surrounding of the route ofthe transmission line is not significantly deteriorated by emission of industrial activities.Air QualityThe majority of the route corridor runs through rural areas. Bearing this in mind, as well asthe fact that no data are available from measurements of air pollution in the immediate areaalong the route, it can be assumed that the air along the route of the transmission line is ofgood quality, first of all because of the nature of the area and the distance from the mainpolutors – industrial facilities and the main traffic infrastructure in the region.Environmental Components and Biological DiversityAlong the route of the transmission line a certain number of habitats have been identified,plant communities, plant and animal species.There are more than 250 registered plant taxons (autumn aspect) that are part of variousplant communities and habitat types that develop along the route of the transmission line.Among them, there are 3 Macedonian endemic species that are the most valuable frombotanical point of view. (i) Salvia jurisicii Koshanin, (ii) Verbascum lesnovoensis Micev and(iii) Onobrychys megalophylia Boiss, as well as two other types that can are listed in theWorld Red List: (i) (Salvia jurisicii Koshanin and (ii) Alkanna pulmonaria Grisebach).The fauna diversity includes a number of invertebral groups and all vertebra groups(amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). All species that are listed in the international listsof important species have been defined and identified in this study with the aim of assessingthe impact on the environment.Land UseThe route of the transmission line passess through a terrain with different purposes, wherepart of it is used for land cultivation. All inhabited places near the corridor of the transmissionline are typical agricultural societies. There are no significant industrial capacities that mayinteractively impact the planned transmission line.Impacts on the Environment and Mitigation MeasuresElectromagnetic FieldsEMF are the result of the generation, transfer, distribution and use of electric power. Theyare present in the environment where there is operational electric equipment. The intensity ofthe electric field is measured by the unit measure “Volt per metre” (V/m) and it may varydepending on the differences of potentials between the conductors, the land and the near-byobjects. The concept of density of flux (magnet induction) is used for describing the magneticfields. These fields are measured by the unit measure “Tesla” (T). The power of EMF fromtransmission lines depends on the voltage level of the line and it decreases with the increaseof distance from the conductors. The level of limit values for exposure to EMF according tothe guidelines of the International Committee for Protection from non-ionic Radiation, whichare accepted by the EU, are presented in the table bellow.16

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderExposure of publicIndustrial exposureelectric field magnetic field electric field magnetic field5 <strong>kV</strong>/m 100 µT 10 <strong>kV</strong>/m 500 µTThe measurements of EMF values to date, by different institutions, for a relatively low safehight of phase conductor of 10 m above the terrain, determined electric field of 6.7 <strong>kV</strong>/m andmagnetic induction of 42.9μT. Taking into consideration the defined border values of EMPexposure, it may be concluded that this height of phase conductors and even higher are notharmful for the health of people who are temporarily near to a transmission line of <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong>.By carrying out appropriate design and operational measures, MEPSO will provideconditions for eliminating the impact from EMF on people’s health. These measures include:(i) relevant choice of locations for the towers / route in relation to inhabited places, (ii)respecting the technical specifications for minimal heights of conductors and (iii) monitoringand measuring the EMF levels – control of exposure values within the acceptable limitsduring the operational phase of the transmission line.Habitats, Flora and FaunaBy undertaking adequate measures and activties in the phases of design, construction andoperation, the transmission line will not cause any serious negative effects on the biotopecontents of the area, the natural habitats, flora and fauna.With careful planning of the route of the transmission line, the need for clearing thevegetation, trees and forest layer is reduced to the minimum.Geology and SoilsThe expected impact of the transmission line on the geological structures and soils duringthe construction phase would be in the form of degradation and erosion of the soil anddeterioration of certain geological formations. The risk from erosion of soil is limited, mainly inthe areas where the preparation, assembling and installation of transmission line towers is tobe carried out. By applying the good construction practices, the probable impact will becontrolled and they are not expected to cause any serious negative effect.Air QualityThe probable impact of dust emission into the local air during the construction phase will bereduced through the proposed measures.During the operation of the transmission line, there will be no emission of harmful gases inthe surrounding air.Hydrography and Quality of Surface WatersA potential impact on the quality of surface waters may result due to erosion andsedimentation and inappropriate waste management during the construction phase.Measures have been proposed for reducing this potential impact, while their implementationthrough good construction practices will ensure insignificant effect on the quality of waters.During the construction of the transmission line, no impact is expected on the subterraneanwaters, since the consutrction activities anticipate only shallow excavations.17

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderDuring the operational phase, the transmission line will not release harmful pollutants in thewaters.NoiseEmission of noise during the construction phase is inevitable. If we take into considerationthe distance of a larger number of individual locations of towers from the inhabited placesand the fact that the emission of construction noise is of short-term and discontinual nature,the significant and irreversible impact on the environment and the local population is notexpected. By adopting good construction practices, the level of noise will be within theemission limit values.During the operational phase, the transmission line will not release harmful noise in the nearbysurrounding and the environment. In this phase, there is a possibility for occurrence ofupsetting noise due to the corona effect, i.e. electric discharge around the conducting cables.The corona effect is a common phenomenon, related to all power transmission lines. Thenoise from the corona effect is directly dependent on certain physical parameters of theenvironment, especially the presence of forest area, the morphology of the terrain, etc. Thecorona effect in cases of transmission lines has been analyzed in detail during the pastcouple of decades and completely resolved as a problem. During the design of transmissionlines, measures are incorporated for minimizing this effect, especially for high voltage linesthat exceed 300 <strong>kV</strong>. Adequate choice of dimensions of the conductors for the transmissionline will reduce the localized electric impact on the air at the surface of the conductor and willadditionally reduce the surface gradient thereof to the level that will cause small andinsignificant corona activities.Property Aspects and Impact on the RevenuesBearing in mind that (i) the largest part of the route of the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line passes along the existing borders of agricultural blocks, (ii) the distancebetween two neighbouring towers is quite big (approximately <strong>400</strong> m), (iii) the ground areanecessary for positioning the towers is very small with respect to to the surroudingagricultural areas, as well as the fact (iv) that the long-distance power lines are objects thatare completely compatible with all forms of agricultural activities, i.e. that such activities maycontinue during the operation phase of the lines, it is envisaged that the project will have nosignificant impact on the agricultural processes and revenues. Therefore, no significantmeasurable effect would be created on the revenue generation of effected farmers andagricultural companies.The permanent loss of land, forest and other property, as well as the eventual damageduring the construction phase or during the maintenance of the transmission line would besubject of compensation pursuant to the current Macedonian legislation.MEPSO will conduct an appropriate process of land acquisition with each natural person orlegal entity that is a land owner, which is necessary for implementing the project.Visual AspectsAt certain locations, the new interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> long-distance power line will causelimited visual changes in the current landscape. Due to the (i) relatively thin design of thetowers and (ii) the principle of selecting a corridor of the route which is parallel with alreadyexisting structure / power lines, and due to the (iii) significant distance from inhabited places,the visual effect casued by the transmission line is expected to be low. It is considered thatthe visual amenity of the study area in general would not deteriorate to a significant degreeand the overall impact upon the population of the study area is therefore limited.18

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderVisible changes will occur only in places of intersection of the transmission line with roadsand places for bridging deep gullies and ravines.Based on the past experience it can be concluded that the visual aspects associated withOHL developments do not represent crucial aspect for their acceptance by the localpopulation and it is likely that the majority of the community will regard the visual impact asbeing acceptable. Consultation to date with residents in the vicinity of the OHL route hasbeen generally positive.Cultural HeritageIf during the earth works, existence of artefacts is determined or indications occur that incertain locations there is potential archaeological goods, the construction works will bestopped, and the locations in questions will be protected and temporarily fenced, in order toavoid eventual negative implications concerning their safety and condition.Waste ManagementDuring its life cycle, the transmission line will generate various types and fractions of waste,including communal waste, waste from packaging and construction activities. Additionally, itis expected that minor quantities of certain fractions of hazardous waste be created.During its entire life cycle, there will be appropriate approach, for the purpose of ensuringproper waste management. This approach will take into consideration the requirements andobligations defined in the Macedonian legislation in the field of waste management.19

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderFurthermore, each requirement that will result from the process of obtaining decision by theMEPP and other competent bodies, will have to be included in the final documentation forconstruction.The detailed design and construction provisions for environmental protection and mitigationwill be agreed by MEPSO with competent authorities.The defined requirements for protection of the environment will be an obligatory part of thecontracting conditions for the construction contractor who will be also obliged to adopt andfollow the good management and environmental practices during construction activities andmaintain the minimum possible impact on the vegetation, soil, ground and surface waters,air, wild life and landscape, including the impact on the inhabited places and localcommunities.With the aim of ensuring effective implementation of the EMP, MEPSO will appoint staff toundertake environmental supervision and moniotirng during the construction phase. Keyresponsibilities of this staff will be to ensure that measures and control as defined in theworks contract and issued permits and decisions are applied in an appropriate manner. Thisalso includes coordination with Adminsitration for Environment Protection within the MEPPand the Cultural Heritage Protection Office (CHPO) within the Ministry of Culture.Environmental management during the operational phase of the interconnection <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong>transmission line will generally consists of monitoring the efficiency of measures incorporatedduring the design and monitoring the operational performance. The operation managementand monitoring will be organized and conducted by MEPSO.21

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderResponsible Expert and Team of Experts for Preparation of the StudyRequest for implementation of the projectName of the requesting party:Macedonian Transmission System Operator - MEPSOAddress of the requesting party:str. Orce Nikolov bb1000 Project for construction and operation of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnection transmission line SS Stip – SS Nis(section: SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian border)Responsible expert for preparing theEnvironmental Impact Assessment Study:Name and surname:Konstantin Siderovski MScPosition: Senior Consultant for EnvironmentAddress: str. Razlovechko vostanie no. 26/А – 271000 SkopjeMacedoniaDate: 15 February 2010Signature:Team of experts for preparation of theEnvironmental Impact Assessment Study:ExpertProject componentMitko DimovVlado Matevski Ph.D.Branko Micevski Ph.D.Hydro / geology, soils and water aspectsBiological diversity (habitats and flora)Biological diversity (biomes and fauna)23

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border<strong>EIA</strong> license document issued by the MEPP24

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderRationaleThe development of Trans-European Power Grid is one of the political and economicpriorities of the EU policy for the South-East Europe (SEE) region. The power connection ofBalkan countries and reconstruction of national grids is underway. Expansion of the Union forCoordination of Transmission of Electricity – UCTE) towards SEE is an essential steptowards establishment of regional energy market in the countries of this region.Bearing in mind the fact that the exchange of energy between and through power grids ofMacedonia and Serbia continually increases on annual basis, and the conditions withburdended operations that occur depending on the seasonal needs in the countries of theregion, the need for planning a construction of a new <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmissionline between the power grids of Macedonia and Serbia is more than evident. This projectidea has dated 30 years ago.The interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line would enable realisation of the following goals:1. Ensuring better operational safety of the power grid in the region of SEE andstrengthening the power connection between the north and the south, especiallyduring the summer periods, when there is intensive power exchange along thiscorridor, as well as in case of significant surpass of transmission capacities in theregion.2. Ensuring conditions for safe and secure exchange of increased quantities of electricpower, both between the Macedonian and Serbian power grid, and between grids ofthe Balkan countries.25

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture – Planned development of interconnection power grid in SEEInterconnection<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHLMacedonia - SerbiaSource: UCTE Transmission Development Plan, Edition 200826

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderRelevant Legislation for Environmental Impact AssessmentNational legislation:• Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of RM no. 52/91, 01/92,31/98, 91/01, 84/03 and 107/05) and the Constitutional Law on the Republic ofMacedonia (Official Gazette of RM no..52/91 and 4/92);Legislation in the area of the environment:• Law on the Environment (Official Gazette of RM no. 53/05, 81/05 and 24/07)o Decree on determining the projects and criteria based on which the need forenvironmental impact assessment procedure is determined (Official Gazette of RMno. 74/05)o Regulation on information that is to be included in the notification for expressinginterest for implementation of the project and the procedure for determining theneed for environmental impact assessment of the project (Official Gazette of RMno. 33/2006)o Regulation on the contents of requirements that should be fulfilled by the <strong>EIA</strong>Study (Official Gazette of RM no. 33/2006)o Regulation on the contents of announcement concerning the notification forexpression of interest for implementation of a project, the decision concerning theneed for environmental impact assessment study, the environmental impactassessment study, report about the relevance of the environmental impactassessment study and the decision by which an approval or rejection ispronounced for mplementation of the project, as well as the manner of consultingthe public (Official Gazette of RM no. 33/2006)o Regulation on the form, contents, procedure and manner of preparation of thereport concerning the relevance of the environmental impact assessment studystudy and the procedure for authorizing persons from the List of Experts forenvironmental impact assessment who are to prepare the report (Official Gazetteof RM no. 33/2006)• Law on the Ambiental Air Quality (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04 and 92/07)o Regulation on the criteria, methods and procedures for assessing the quality ofambiental air (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04)o Decree on the limit values of level and types of substances that pollute theambiental air and tresholds for alarms, deadlines for achieving the border values,margins of tolerance of limit values, target values and long-tem goals (OfficialGazette of RM no. 22/05)• Law on Waters (Official Gazette of RM no.87/08)o Decree on the Classification of Waters (Official Gazette of RM no. 18/99)o Decree on categorizing the water flows, lakes, accumulations and ground waters(Official Gazette of RM no. 18/99 and 71/99)• Law on Waste Management (Official Gazette of RM no. 68/04, 71/04 and 107/07)o List of waste (Official Gazette of RM no. 100/05)• Law on Noise Protection in the Environment (Official Gazette of RM no. 79/2007)27

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderoooRegulation on Locations of Measuring Stations and Measuring Locations (OfficialGazette of RM no. 120/08)Regulation on Border Values of Level of Noise in the Environment (Official Gazetteof RM no. 147/08)Decision on Defining the Cases and Conditions under which the Peace of Citizensis Distorted by Harmfull Noise (Official Gazette of RM no. 01/09)• Law on Nature Protection (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04, 14/06 and 84/07)Other relevant legislation:• Regulation on Technical Principles for Construction of Overhead Lines with nominalvoltage of 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> (Official Gazette of SFRY no. 68/1988)• Law on Energy (Official Gazette of RM no. 63/06 and 36/07)• Law on the Local Self-Government (Official Gazette of RM no. 05/02)• Law on Spatial and Urban Planning (Official Gazette of RM no. 51/05, 37/07 and 24/08)o Regulation on the Standards and Principles of Spatial Planning (Official Gazette ofRM no. 69/99);o Regulation on the More Detailed Contents, Proportions and Graphic Processing ofUrban Plans (Official Gazette of RM no. 78/06 and 140/07)• Law on Construction (Official Gazette of RM no. 130/09)• Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage (Official Gazette of RM no. 20/04 and 115/07)• Law on Expropriation (Official Gazette of RM no. 33/95, 20/98, 40/99, 31/03, 46/05 and10/08)Relevant International Multilateral Agreements:• UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (New York, 1992)o Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change• UN Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)• Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn, 1979)o Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in Europe (London, 1991)• European Convention on Landscape (Florence, 2000)• Convention of the Conservation of European Wild Life and Natural Habitats (Bern,1982)Relevant Directives of European Council:• Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds (79/409/EEC)• Directive on Habitats (92/243/EEC)28

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe Process of Environmental Impact Assessment in MacedoniaThe EU Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment (<strong>EIA</strong> Directive 85/337/EEC, asamended by 97/11/EEC) defines the requirements for assessment of potential effects on theenvironment by some public and private pojects that are expected to have significant impacton the environment. <strong>EIA</strong> is conducted prior the issuance of construction permit and approvalfor project implementation. The envrionmental impact may be the impact on human beingsand biological diversity, soil, water, air and other natural resources and climate, hystoricaland cultural heritage, as well as the interaction among these elements. This EU Directive hasbeen transposed into legislation in the Republic of Macedonia. Thus, prior to issuingconstruction permit or approval for implementation of certain types of projects, it ismandatory to conduct the <strong>EIA</strong>. The <strong>EIA</strong> process is intended to anticipate the potential risksand avoid or mitigate eventual damage, while at the same time to balance the social andeconomic goals with the goals for environmental protection.The environmental impact assessment of certain projects is an obligation that has to beconducted in Macedonia, pursuant to Article 76 – 94 of the Law on the Environment.The whole <strong>EIA</strong> process includes three specific procedures. They are the following:1. ‘screening’ (i.e., the stage of determining whether an <strong>EIA</strong> is required)2. ‘scoping’ (i.e., the stage of determining the scope or extent of the environmentalimpact assessment), and3. ‘review’ (i.e., the stage of reviewing the <strong>EIA</strong> study to see if it has been undertakento an acceptable standard and in accordance with the legal requirements).29

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderMethodology and Approach during the Preparation of the <strong>EIA</strong>This <strong>EIA</strong> study has been prepared according to the requirements contained in theMacedonian legislation and international financial institutions.The project proposal for construction of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> cross-border transmission line betweenMacedonia and Serbia is included in the Decree on Defining Projects and Criteria Based onWhich the Need for <strong>EIA</strong> is conducted (Official Gazette of RM no, 74/2005), in Annex I, item17 – Installing transmission lines and other power facilities of 110 <strong>kV</strong> voltage or higher, andlonger than 15 km.In the Republic of Macedonia, there are national sector guidelines for conducting <strong>EIA</strong> forpower lines [Ref.19]. The guidelines in this document were used in the course of preparationof this <strong>EIA</strong> study. Additionally, some international guidelines and instructions for this type ofprojects were reviewed and used.The methodology of preparation of <strong>EIA</strong> study included planning and realization of three maingroups of activities:Activity 1: Data Collection and Preparation of “Baseline” StudyThe data collection provided a fund of relevant information and clear picture about the statusof the environment and social surrounding along the route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, as amain precondition for comprehensive analysis of possible impact on the environment by theproject, and consequently, the necessary measures to be undertaken for its mitigation.This activity involved desk study, as well as activities for field survey, and consequently,preparation of the “baseline” study. Analyses were focused on the review of available designand technical documentation for the power line. The field survey was conducted with the aimof evaluating the natural and ecological resources of the wider corridor of the transmissionline.Activity 2: Conducting a Study for Environmental Impact AssessmentThe <strong>EIA</strong> study is based on the following technical requirements:√√√√√√Overview of the considered alternativesIdentification and evaluation of probable direct and indirect impacts during the basicphases of the project life cycle:- Engineering design (planning stage) in coordination with the MEPSO design team- Performing construction works (construction stage) and- Functioning of the transmission line (operational stage).Cumulative effectsProtection of the environment, flora / fauna and other natural resourcesProposal of applicable mitigation measures, giving preference to avoidance andprevention measures and use of compensation as a last resort.Definition of an Environment Management Plan (EMP), pursuant to the standard EMPformat of the World BankThe approach of the expert team for <strong>EIA</strong> study involved coordination and synergy of activitieswith the MEPSO design team for the transmission line. The goal of the aforementioned was30

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderto ensure practical application of the preventive principle on the entire design process of thepower line, which in the long-run helps in avoiding eventual conflicts or harmful effects on theenvironment during the future practical implementation of the project.a) Anticipation of impacts on the environment and their descriptionMethodology used to identify and assess potential environmental impacts includes:• Review of published literature• Acquisition and review of the unpublished documents and reports from variousorganizations (governmental agencies, universities) and other similar projects• Interviews with representative of MEPSO, resource persons and representatives ofinterest groups• Review of relevant statistical and cartographic databases and various census data• Site visits and field investigationsImpacts are likely to be significant if they:• Are extensive over space or time• Are intensive in relation to assimilative capacity of the environment• Exceed environmental standards or thresholds• Do not comply with environmental policies / land use plans• Affect ecological sensitive / important areas or natural heritage resources• Affect community lifestyle, traditional land uses and valuesb) Measures for mitigating the effectsMitigation measures are required when significant adverse effects are likely. Mitigationactivities proposed in this <strong>EIA</strong> study are consistent with the requirements of the relevantlegislation and policies as well as with best international practice.The principles of mitigation, including its hierarchical manner are as follows:• Preference to avoidance and prevention measures• Consideration of feasible alternatives to the proposal• Identification of customized measures to minimize each major impact• Ensure they are appropriate and cost-effective• Use compensation as a last resort31

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture – Hierarchy of mitigationCommon, desirableAvoidanceAlternative sites ortechnology to eliminateadverse effects and lossMitigationActions during design,construction andoperation to minimize oreliminate adverse effectsand lossRare, undesirableCompensationUsed as a last resort tooffset lossActivity 3: Consultaton and FinalisationThe expert team that prepared this <strong>EIA</strong> study, is in charge to participate in the process ofpresenting the study before the interested public and during the consultations with the public,as well as in the review process of the <strong>EIA</strong> study, which is to result with final acceptance ofthe Study by the MEPP.The Macedonian legislation concerning the <strong>EIA</strong> defines the rules and detailed procedures forincluding the public in the decision-making process.The practical public involvement is performed through: a) disclosing of the information to thepublic, b) public participation where public can actively be involved in public discussions andsubmitting its written opinion within the different <strong>EIA</strong> phases of the procedure and c) throughthe mechanism of access to justice, when public could influence the decision making withsubmitting appeals to the Court or Second Instance Commission of the Government.According to the Macedonian national legislation, the public is involved in every stage of the<strong>EIA</strong> procedure. Every decision made during the process should be published in appropriatemedia and the public could follow and participate through the different steps of theprocedure. This applies for the following documents:• Notification for the intention for project implementation• <strong>EIA</strong> Screening decision• <strong>EIA</strong> Scoping decision• Announcement for availability of the <strong>EIA</strong> study• Non-technical summary of the <strong>EIA</strong> study,• Report on the adequacy of the <strong>EIA</strong> study,• Decision on granting consent to or rejecting the application for the projectimplementation.32

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe public could express its opinions about the <strong>EIA</strong> study during the public hearing event(s),organised by the MEPP, and through submitting written opinions to the MEPP.These requirements will be respected by MEPSO. All relevant documents produced in thecourse of prepration of this study are available to the public, timely delivered and placed inlocations that are easily accessible to the local population.An overview of the public consultations process in Macedonia is given in the followingpicture.33

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture - Overview of the <strong>EIA</strong> public consultation process in MacedoniaPublic participation in the <strong>EIA</strong> process in Macedonia<strong>EIA</strong> studyAnnouncement for the availability of thestudySubmitting of writtenopinionsPublicMEPPMEPPPublic hearing(s) for the <strong>EIA</strong> studyMEPPInforming of the publicand the NGOsMEPP, developer,experts who haveprepared the studyPublic,NGOsMinutes<strong>Part</strong>icipants, conclusions,stenographic notes, video andaudio recordsAvailability of information forparticipation in the public hearingMEPPInvestor, State Authorities,Local- self Government(s)MEPPPublishing ofthe MinutesWeb page onMEPPLegend: <strong>EIA</strong> – Environmental Impact Assessment Public participationCompetent Authority Institution to which activity is directed <strong>Part</strong>icipants in the public hearingActivity Where information is published MEPP – Ministry of Environment and Physical PlanningSource: Macedonian Green Center (

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border1 Alternatives Concerned1.1 IntroductionThe overhead <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line for connecting the power grids of the Republic ofMacedonia and the Republic of Serbia will significantly improve the quality and flexibility ofthe power supply in the region. This cross-border connection will improve the conditions for asafe and secure transfer of greater power potential between the two countries. Theconstruction and future operation of this transmission line between Macedonia and Serbia, incombination with implementation of projects for the new <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission lines to Greece(Bitola – Florina) and to Bulgaria (Stip-Chervena Mogila) will strengthen the entire capacity ofthe power system corridor North-South.During the preparatory phase of the project, MEPSO prepared several pre-feasibility studiesand feasibility studies about the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission, including a study forselecting the most optimal route thereof. 1 [Ref. 7]. Summary of reveiwed alternative variantsfor selection of optimal corridor for the route of the transmission line is presented in thefollowing picture.Picture – Alternatives for the route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmission line Macedonia-Serbia<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Д В ТС Ш ти п - М акедо нско -С рпска грани ц аII варијантаI вари ја нтаLegend:• Alternative I -• Alternative II -ТС <strong>400</strong>/110 <strong>kV</strong> ШтипSource: MEPSO1 Report: “Selection of optimal corridor for the route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmission lineSS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian border”, MEPSO, October 200835

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderSelection of optimal route for overhead power transmission line is a serios challange in termsof planning, due to (i) the environmental aspects of the process, (ii) the various legalprinciples and standards and (iii) growing interest and expectations of the public. Due tothese reasons, the optimisation of one transmission power line includes a set of criteria forselection of the most favourable solution and represents a complex process that needs to beconducted according to the national legislation and technical regulations, the experience todate and the best international practices.In this context, the key issues that have to be addressed in the course of selection of thetransmission line route according to the worldwide experience, may be graded according totheir importance in the following way:(i) Impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the human health (biological effects from theEMF).(ii) Visual aspects / effects(iii) Use of space and corridors(iv) Ownership aspects and property value(v) Social aspects, particularly in the context of rejection by the local community(vi) General and public interest – justification and feasibility of the project(vii) Administrative procedures and licenses(viii) Biological diversity (habitats, flora and fauna)(ix) Consultations with the local communities(x) Noise and electromagnetic interference1.2 Starting and End Point of the Transmission LineIn the course of the selection of route for the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, twovariants of the route corridor were analysed.The starting and end point on the Macedonian territory are defined and constant in bothvariants. The starting point is <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line field (spatial reserve) in the new SS<strong>400</strong> / 110 <strong>kV</strong> Stip. The end point, i.e. the point of connection at the border with Serbia isagreed to be east of the highway Kumanovo-Tabanovce, i.e. west of the River Pchinja, verynear to the triangulation point "Jelena Glava”. Location of the border point resulted from theroute definition on Serbian territory. Namely, starting from Nis, the route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line passes near the cities of Leskovac and Vranje, where construction oftransformers <strong>400</strong> / x <strong>kV</strong> is planned in the future.1.3 Alternative 1 of the Transmission Line RouteAfter the exit from the SS Stip, this variant of the corridor of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission lineroute follows the existing 110 <strong>kV</strong> transmission line to SS Sveti Nikole, parallely with theregional road from Stip to Kumanovo. At the point where the regional road forks near thejunction to Veles, the corridor continues to follow the regional road to Sveti Nikole, i.e.Kumanovo until the point where the road forks to Village Kokochinje, where the samecorridor continues, with the second variant. Here, the corridor passes through the fertile landof Ovche Pole.36

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border1.4 Alternative 2 of the Transmission Line RouteAt the very exit from the SS Stip, this variant follows the direction of the newly built <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line to Bulgaria, and turning to the north-west, it spreads bellow the hills and themountain Mangovica until the point where the road forks to Village Kokoshinje, where itcontinues in the same corridor with the first variant. The initial line of the second variant ismore favourable than the second one because it avoids the fertile land of Ovche Pole. Thecorridor of the route continues near the regional road Sveti Nikole – Kumanovo, but near theVillage Pezovo, east of the regional road, it spreads to Zebrnjak, where in north direction toVillage Algunja, it cuts the regional road Kumanovo – Kriva Palanka and gets closer to theMacedonian - Serbian border. The positioning of corridor near the eastern part of Kumanovohas been made with the aim of future construction of a transformer of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Kumanovonear the line Tromegja – Zebrnjak.Picture – SS Stip - Starting point of the Interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL Macedonia – Serbia1.5 Selection of Optimal Corridor for the Route of the Transmission LineThe second variant, which is more favourable because it avoids the fertile areas of OvchePole, has been proposed as an optimal corridor for the route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line.The corridor of the selected route passes through favourable low mountain terrain, whichspreads in the direction north - south, along the lateral parts of the hill terrain, thus avoidingthe direct positioning of the transmission line toward the wind direction. Along the entirecorridor, the average altitude varies between <strong>400</strong>-550 m. The proximal length of the route ofthe transmission line is 70 km.The selected route for the transmission line includes 16 reference point (RP) Thegeographical outline of RP is presented in Annex 2. In direction from south to the north, thereference points are the following:37

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderUTM coordinatesReference point (RP) X Y(starting point) RP 1 598097.9863 4626336.8289RP 2 597541.5055 4627784.8906RP 3 595834.5120 4630640.0057RP 4 594954.2294 4633347.0920RP 5 591473.9164 4635865.9097RP 6 589597.5774 4638521.6589RP 7 587091.4433 4641887.9379RP 8 584826.2356 4643197.3885RP 9 581973.8748 4645362.5548RP 10 578294.9308 4651227.2462RP 11 575157.8886 4655450.4374RP 12 573136.2530 4658269.7143RP 13 568428.0075 4664437.5981RP 14 566417.0278 4666677.0862RP 15 566543.0379 4679334.8599RP 16 563648.9657 4683952.7325Generaly, the entire route of the transmission line and its reference points are selected bythe MEPSO planning team, in an environmentally sustainable and acceptable manner.The selected route of the transmission line (alternative 2) avoids the most important areaswith indigenous halophyte vegetation that grows along the line between village Erdjelija, therailway station “Ovche Pole” and Sveti Nikole, which to a certain extent would have beenendangered shoud the alternative 1 had been accepted. These are important habitats withspecific halomorphic soils (salty soil), where very rare and endemic halophyte plantcommunities grow, adjusted to the extremely solty soil. The importance of these plantcommunities is confirmed by the fact that the habitat type to which they belong is on the listof EU Habitat Directive.The selected route was not able to avoid some minor areas with halophyte vegetation in thefirst half of the route (along the line between Stip and village Mechkuevci), but these aresmall and insignificant fragments with low biological significance and are in deterioratedcondition. Halophytic plants with poor biological vitality are present in these fragments. Noreal possibility for their revitalisation exists. These areas are very limited and surrounded withagricultural plots. The present natural halophytic vegetation in these areas are remains offormer vegetation that existed before the period of intensive irrigation and alteration of theland use for agricultural purposes. Still, relevant protection measures are envisaged forprotection of these areas during implementation of the project activities.The proposed optimal corridor of the route is presented in the following picture.38

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture - The selected route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian – Serbian border<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> Д В ТС Ш ти п - М акедо нско -С рпска грани ц аII варијантаI варија нтаТС <strong>400</strong>/110<strong>kV</strong>ШтипSource: MEPSO39

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border1.6 Zero Alternative (Do Nothing Alternative)In case of termination of implementation of the project, the effects would be the following:• Unchanged conditions for transfer of electricity between Macedonia and Serbia.• Unchanged quality, safety amd flexibility of the power supply systems in theregion.• Unchanged total capacity of the power corridor north-south.• Unchanged voltage profiles of power grids.• Unreduced presence of energy overloads in the existing power supply grid.40

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border2 Description and Characteristics of the Project2.1 Existing Power Transmission Grid in MacedoniaThe existing power transmission grid in Macedonia includes <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>, 220 <strong>kV</strong> and 110 <strong>kV</strong> substationsand power transmission lines. The Macedonian power grid is connected with Serbia(Kosovo) with interconnection lines of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> and 220 <strong>kV</strong>, with Greece – <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> and withBulgaria – <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> and 110 <strong>kV</strong>, and provides electricity for all users of the transmissionnetwork.The system is three-phase, with frequency of 50 Hz, and direct neutral point for groundingand voltage levels of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>, 220 <strong>kV</strong> and 110 <strong>kV</strong>.Within this sytem, the existing <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> grid has been designed and constructed according tothe following data:• Network voltage level – <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>• Equipment rated voltage – 420 <strong>kV</strong>• Lighting impulse withstand voltage – 1425 <strong>kV</strong>• Frequency – 50 Hz• Grounding on a neutral point – solidly(direct) grounding• Short circuit current – 40 kA• Duration of the short circuit – 1 sec• Coordination of the insulation – IEC 71-1, 71-2, JUS 130.130• Degree of pollution – normal/middle• Maximum air humidity – 100%Picture – Map of electric power in MacedoniaSource:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border2.2 Scope and Project Life CycleThe scope of the project includes planning, construction and operation of the interconnection<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line from the existing substation <strong>400</strong> / 100 <strong>kV</strong> near Stip to theMacedonian – Serbian border.The project involves construction of new OHL field in the existing substation.The entire life cycle of the project includes the following phases:oooooSelection of adequate corridor for the route of the transmission line This phase hasbeen realised through (i) identifying the potential alternative routes, (ii) assessment ofthe feasibility thereof and (iii) selection of the most feasible alternative.Planning and design phase. This phase is underway and includes preparation ofrelevant planning documentation, including technical and design documentation andanalysis of the environment aspects. The planning documentation will be prepared inaccordance with the requirements of the current Macedonian and internationallegislation for this type of facilities.Construction phase. Activities of this phase will include construction activities andinstallation of the necessary infrastructure and equipment.Operational phase. This project phase will include operational activites of thetransmission line, including maintenance and control.Decommisioning and closure of the installation. This phase will include measures forrecultivisation and future use of the area, as well as measures for managing the impacton the environment during the post-project period.All components of the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian border (towers, foundations, conductors, protective wires and insulators) and all theirelements will be designed, produced, tested and installed according to the indicatedconditions of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> grid in Macedonia. The entire equipment must be designed andconstructed in the manner that will ensure safe operation in the ambiental conditions thatdominate in the area where the transmission line is to be built, and under various energyburdens and voltages that might occur during the operaton of the transmission grid.2.3 Technical Characteristics of the Transmission LineThe planned transmission line will be designed and constructed in compliance with thecurrent Regulation on the Technical Rules for Construction of Overhead Power Lines withNominal Voltage of 1<strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>, as well as, with the remaining valid standards, rules andregulations.The length of the transmission line is approximately 70 km.42

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe basic technical paramteres of the transmission line are presented in the following table:Table – Review of technical parameters of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmission lineParameterCharacteristicNominal voltage <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>Type of towers Steel-bar hot zinc-coated, with horizontally placed conductors, two per phaseand two protective wiresFoundationTypical solutions, depending on the engineering and geo-mechanicalparameters of the ground.Reinforced concrete - brand of concrete acording to the valid regulations.Protection against corrosion of anchor segment, 50 cm above the level of theterrain.Conductor √ Number per phases: 2√ Material: AlFe√ Section: 490/65 mm 2Protective wire√ Maximum work strain: According to valid regulationsTwo earth-lead wires in horizontal lowland:• First: Alumoweld hawser with diameter of 126.1 mm 2 , labeled AWG 19/9• Second: Protective hawser with optic fiber, OPGW with 48 fibers(Mechanical and electric characteristics will correspond to classic protectivehawser)Insulators • Type of insulator:- On the line: Phase, massive, porcelain insulator of the type75/21+20=160 or glass hanging insulators U-160- On the portal: Glass hanging, of the type U-160• Type of insulator chain: According to the regulationsEarthing of towers • Specific resistance of the ground: According to the terrain measurementsof specific places and use of typical earthing• Material: Circular zinc-coated steel• Dimensions: Minimum diameter ∅10 mmConnective equipment Connective materials for the planned insulators are hot zinc-coated.Climate parameters √ Wind pressure: 75 daN/m 2√ Burden from ice and snow: 1,6 x 0,18√d daN/m 2√ External temperature:- Maximum + 40 °С- Minimum - 20 °СSafety hightAt least 1 m higher than the prescribed in the Regulation, as a result oftiredness of the materials, intensive construction of near-by facilities, use ofagricultural machinery, etc.2.3.1 TowersAccording to the current concept in Macedonia, all single <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> power transmission lineshave been constructed by connecting two conductors per phase and symetrically positionedcables. Prusuant to the aforementioned and based on the practices and experience to date,<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission lines are constructed of steel bars hot zinc-coated with horizontallyplaced conductors and protective wires in the form of the letter "Y”. This means that thetowers for the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> cross-border transmission line between Macedonian and Serbia willmeet the following basic technical and technological conditions:43

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• One system• Horizontal connection of two conductors per phase• Two symmetrically positioned protective wires• Steel-bar hot zinc-coated construction• Use of insulator chain with glass / porcelain insulation units• Persistant in various climate conditions• Esthetically acceptable profile with good height - width rationIn addition to the aforementioned, the basic height of each type of tower must also meet thefollowing conditions:oooooall working conditionsaverage spanrequirements for safe distances and heightlimited tension phase conductors and protective wiresallowed (anticipated) non-elastic stretching of phase conductorsThe electric design of the “heads” of the towers and the established safe distances mustensure safe operation in all working climate conditions, in relation to the used phaseconductors, protective wires and insulator chains and for the designed, average andgravitation spans.The static calculation and dimensioning of towers must be made based on the theory ofelasticity for spatial constructions, in compliance with the accepted methodology for theprescribed single and combined common and additional loads and relevant safetycoeficients.In order to ensure easier and safer operation of the authorized personnel during theconstrction and installation of equipment, as well as during the activities for maintenance,stairs must be placed on both forks of the tower.The standard marking of the overhead power transmission line includes the following:• Warning table and signs in the appropriate form• Tables for marking of the phases with designations 0,4 or 8 that are positioned on theangle-tension towers, above the phase conductors according to the defined order.• Tables for noticing from air with the tower number, which are set at one of the twopeaks.In addition to these standards, with the aim of increasing the visibility of the power line bothduring the day and night, it is necessary to mark it in defined places (painting the towers inwhite colour and red strips, establishing signal balls on the protection wires and installation of"Balisor" lighting balls on the phase conductors.44

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border2.3.2 FoundationsThe foundation of transmission lines will be made of reinforced concrete blocks. The type ofconcrete should provide conditions for placing normal foundations and should be suitable tothe specific carrying capacity of the terrain. In case of weak carrying capacity of the terrain atcertain spots and based on the geo-technical investigations, relevant specific solutions willbe designed and conctructed.The final solutions in relation to the type of foundation for each single tower location, dependon the geo-technical investigation.The upper surface of the foundation body will be at least 500 mm above the level of thesurrounding terrain.2.3.3 GroundingIn the context of safety and protection at work (reducing the effects from electric shock, etc.)a special accent will be given to the grounding of towers. This procedure should beconducted in compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations. The groundingresistance on each tower must be lower than 17.5 ohms, while for the first five towers beforethe substation Stip, it should be at the most 10 ohms.2.3.4 Phase ConductorsFor the phase conductors for this <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> cross-border transmission line, pursuant to thecurrent concept for this type of power lines in Macedonia, conductors AlFe will be used withnormal diameter of 490/65 mm 2 . Two conductors per phase are planned, at a mutualdistance of <strong>400</strong> mm. Characteristics of the conductors will be in compliance with the nationalstandards.According to the practical experience to date, the maximum permitted (operational) tension inthe case of most unfavourable (low) temperature conditions, with additional strain by a layerof ice of 1.6 and 2.5 x 0.18 √d daN/m 2 is 8 daN/m 2 (less than 40% of the calculated force fortearing of the conductor in question). In case of exceptional allowed tension at the safetypoint of phase conductors, the same may have the value of daN/m 2 (less than 75% of thecalculated force of tearing of the conductor).The exceptional allowed tension on a steep terrain will be controlled by great gravitationspan. In places where there is a need for increased level of mechanical security and whererequired by regulations, the maximum allowed (operational) strain should be reduced to 7.5(7.2) daN/mm 2 . In the plugging span to the substation, the strain should also be reduced to5.0 daN/mm 2 .2.3.5 Protective WiresOne of the protective wires will be ordinary alumweld wire 19/9. The other one will be madeof optic fibres – OPGW 120/70, with similar mechanical and electric characteristics as theordinary protective wire.The maximum allowed (operational) strain in case of the most unfavourable (low)temperature conditions, with additional strain by layer of ice of 1.6 и 2.5 x 0.18√d daN/m 2 hasbeen selected in compliance with the phase conductor and it must meet the followingrequirements:45

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• The safety coefficients of protective wires should be higher than the coefficients ofphase conductors.• The slope of the protective wire should be 10-15% smaller than the slope of the phaseconductor.The protective wire must efficiently protect the phase conductors from atmosphericdischarges in a protective angle of 30 0 .2.3.6 InsulatorsThe <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line will belong to the grid with directly grounded neutral point and adegree of insulation for which the nominated lightening impulse withstand voltage is 1425 <strong>kV</strong>.The insulator that is to be used will be of type approved for such power lines and appropriateassembling procedures will be carried out for the various types of insulator chains.Depending on the type of the tower, the insulator chains will be in two different types:suspension chains and tension chains.For carrying the middle phase conductor at the suspension towers, the “V” type of insulatorchains will be used. The same will be assembled so as to ensure proper distance betweenthe tower beam and the hanging clamp, with tollerance of +/- 50 mm.If needed, the insulator chains will be electrically and/or mechanically reinforced by additionalinsulator units.Each single element of the assembled devices and equipment must be compliant to therelevant national / international standards for materials, dimensions, production and testing.Corosion protection of the connective equipment will be made by zinc-coating. Namely, thetests for this equipment are mechanical and electrical, where the individual elements aretested, as well as the sub-devices and devices (complete insulator chains).2.4 Construction WorksDuring the construction activities, earth and reinforced concrete works will be carried out forconstruction of the foundation for the transmission line towers. Other construction works,construction steel-bar towers and installation of electric and protective equipment, includingthe conductors, insulators, protective wires, earthing, etc., will mainly be of prefabricatedtype.The design and manufacturing of elements of the steel-bar towers will be in compliance withthe requirements incorporated in the Regulation on the technical principles for construction ofoverhead power lines with nominal voltage of 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>. It also includes undertakingengineering and designing measures for corrosion protection.In case the power line passes above facilities or entities in nature, i.e. in case when thepower line approaches to facilities or entities in nature, the requirements incorporated in theRegulation on technical principles for construction of overhead power lines with nominalvoltage of 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> will be followed. This refers to the prescribed safety heights anddistances. Therefore, special attention is required while conducting the power line abovebuildings, inhabited places, forests and trees, roads, railway and bridge constructions,antenna installations, gas pipelines, and sections with other overhead power lines. Thesafety heights and distances for certain entites are presented in the following table:46

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderTable – Safety heights and distances for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> power lines.entity / terrain conditionsafety height safety distance[m][m]unaccesible places6 5(canyons, rocks, unnavigablerivers, marshes, etc.)places accessible for vehicles 8 7forests and trees 5inhabited places 9roads9(local / regional /12 / 12 /arterial roads/ highways)22 / 42bridge constructions 7gas and oil pipelines 10 10electrified railways 14 17Source: Regulation on the technical principles for construction of overheadpower llines with nominal voltage of 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>For the construction of the transmission line, there are no plans for opening new installationsfor exploitation of mineral raw materials. Due to the nature of materials and the need forprecise construction works, the concrete for the foundations of the steel towers will beordered from licensed producer. At each individual tower location, prior the placement ofconcrete, there is a very sensitive phase of defining the centre of anchor elements of thetower where the connection of steel elements of the tower and its proper vertical positiondepend on the precision of these anchor elements.Along the route of the OHL there is a network of various categories of roads that will be usedduring the construction phase of the project, i.e. for transportation of components of thetransmission line towers and other infrastructure, as well as for movement of the machineryand the equipment for their installation.47

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture – Construciton and installation of transmission line infrastructure and equipmentSource:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderIf needed, pursuant to the Macedonian legislation for road construction, additional accessroads will be designed and built, while bearing in mind the requirements and conclusions ofthis <strong>EIA</strong> study. Access roads will be used during the operation phase, most of all for themaintenance and monitoring of the transmission line.2.5 Starting with OperationThe starting of operation will include assessment of parameters and performance of installedequipment and the degree of its conformity with the technical specifications. With the aim ofensuring safe and secure operation of the transmission line, including its conformity withrequirements for environment protection, testing will be performed of the operability of thedifferent components.2.6 Operation and MaintenanceThe project will be designed for continued operability (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)depending on the regime and parameters of the national and regional power transmissiongrid.Upon the beginning of operations, the transmission line will work without continuouspresence of personnel.The maintenance and servicing of the equipment of the transmission line will be conductedduring periodical visits of the maintenance personnel.2.7 Termination of Operations or Replacement of EquipmentThe eventual final termination of operations will involve activities for dismantling theinfrastructure and equipment and their dislocation from the area of the corridor of thetransmission line. The location will be subject of restoration and returning the environment inthe initial condition, to the greatest possible extent.The biggest part of the transmission line equipment can be recycled or reused and it may beoffered to other interested licensed companies.49

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3 Description of the Living and Social Environment50

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.1 Geographical Position and Relief of the Route AreaThe corridor of the route of the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line mainly spreadsthrough the territory of the following municipalities: Stip, Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo and StaroNagorichane. Only a very small portion of the route passes through the Municipality ofKarbinci.Stip is located in the central-east part of the Republic of Macedonia. It covers an area of 556km 2 , i.e. 3.1% of the territory of the country. On the territory of the municipality there are 71inhabited places. The municipality is located in the middle basin of River Bregalnica. Thereare seven neighbouring municipalities: Radovish, Konche, Negotino, Gradsko, Lozovo, SvetiNikole and Karbinci, with good position and road infrastructure. The Stip area is mostlysurrounded by mountains and hills, with the exception of the valleys of Kochani, Ovche Poleand Lakavica, and the valleys of Rivers Bregalnica and Lakavica. The average altitude is 250m.Sveti NIkole is located in the central-east part of the Republic of Macedonia. It covers anarea of 480 km 2 , i.e. 1.9 % of the territory of the country. On the territory of the municipalitythere are 34 inhabited places. The municipality is located in the middle basin of RiverBregalnica. There are seven neighbouring municipalities: Stip, Probistip, Kratovo,Kumanovo, Petrovec, Veles and Lozovo, with good position and road infrastructure. SvetiNikole is located in Valley of Ovche Pole, at an average altitude of 280 m. This area belongsto the basin of River Svetinikolska, which is part of the wider basin of River Bregalnica.Kumanovo is located in the north-east region of the Republic of Macedonia. It covers an areaof 1,212 km 2 , i.e. 4.71 % of the territory of the country. On the territory of the municipalitythere are 30 inhabited places. The municipality is located in basins of Rivers Pchinja andKriva Reka. To the north, it borders with the Republic of Serbia, and with other sevenmunicipalities: Staro Nagorichange and Kratovo to the east, Sveti Nikole and Petrovec to thesouth, Ilinden, Arachinovo and Lipkovo to the west.51

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderStaro Nagorichane is located in the north-east region of the Republic of Macedonia. It coversan area of 451 km 2 , i.e. 1.75 % of the territory of the country. On the territory of themunicipality there are 39 inhabited places. The municipality is located in the basins of RiverKriva Reka. To the north, it borders with the Republic of Serbia, and with other threemunicipalities: Kumanovo to the west and south-west, Rankovce to the east and Kratovo tothe south-east.The route of the interconnection <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line spreads from the newly plannedportal in the existing SS <strong>400</strong>/110<strong>kV</strong> Stip, in the area “Ramnishte” to the area “Jelena Glava”at the Macedonian-Serbian border. The route is 70 km long. The general direction of theroute is from south-east to north-west with 3 general azimuths.1) ν 1 = 338.98 0 ≈ 339 0 (from РТ1 to РТ14);2) ν 2 = 0.58 0 ≈ 1 0 (from РТ14 to РТ15);3) ν 3 = 327,92 0 ≈ 328 0 (from РТ15 to РТ16);According to its morphology, the route of the transmission line passes through severalvalleys, while part of the route passes through law mountain regions.The area of the route from its starting point (location Ramnishte (RP1)) until the area aroundVillage Nemanjica (RP8) is mostly a lowland. Here, the route covers the north-east parts ofOvche Pole, east from Village Sarachievo and Village Vrsakovo, then it spreads betweenVillage Mustafino and Village Sudich, to the line between Village Burilovci and VillageStanulovci, west from Village Mechkuevci and Village Ranchenci and ends before RP8 (northof Village Nemanjica).From RP8 to the location north-east of RP10 (before Village Dolno Gjugjance) the route ofthe transmission line enters into low mountainous terrain with few forests, across or by thetops Cuculica (601 m), Solena Chuka (641 m), Bilo 703 m), Shipo (652 m) Nikoleva Niva(675 m) and Kula (695 m).Along the line from RP10 until RP14, the route passes through a lowland, where thetriangulation point decreases from 540 m near the location "Crvena Shuma" to 300 m by theRiver Pchinja. The same lowland continues on the other side of River Pchinja, to the north,but here there is a slight increase of the triangulation point at the Vilalge Nikuljane (566 m),which is located between RP14 and RP15.Along this line, the route of the transmission line continues to low mountainous region withfew forests, by the tops Goljak (584 m), Balavi Rid (570 m), Badalavi Rid (640 m), Bandera(662 m) and Krst (597 m). Here, the route crosses the border and continues on the territoryof Serbia.52

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.2 Climate Conditions in the AreaThe route of the transmission line passes through a terrain with different climate conditions.There are two main climate types in the Republic of Macedonia: Mediterranean type andContinental type. In addition to the Mediterranean and Contitnental, there is alsomountainous climate in the higher mountains.The basic climate characteristics of areas where the transmission line passes through arepresented bellow: the valleys of Ovche Pole and Kumanovo.Climate Characteristics in Ovche Pole ValleyThis area is characterized by low to medium altitude, orographic openness to long periods ofsunny days and scanted high vegetation. This area characterizes with special temperatureregime. It is the result of described characteristics of the area and the entrance of cold andwarm air during the year, which during the winter season result in low temperatures, and inthe summer season with very high temperatures of the air. Due to this, the area is known bythe increased absolute temperature variations, the value of which is 64.9 °С.According to the data from the meteorology stations of the Hydrometeorology Administration,the average annual temperature in this area is 12.9 °C. Sometimes it varies between 11.6 °Cto 14.2 °C. The coldest month is January, with average monthly temperature of 1.3 °C. Thewarmest month is July, with average monthly temperature of 23.8 °C. The average wintertemperature is 2.7 °C, while the average summer temperature is 23 °C. According to thetemperature indicators, the conclusion is that the area characterizes with warm summers,and moderately cold winters, with occasional extremely low and high temperatures,increased temperature variations and warmer autumn than spring. The influence of thesouthern Mediterranean climate is very mild, while the modified moderate continentalinfluence is stronger.The area is classified in areas with rare falls. The average annual quantity is 472 mm. Duringthe year, the falls are uneven. The maximum is in May, with average monthly quantity of 63.3mm, and the secondary maximum is in November, with 54.3 mm. The main minimum is inAugust, with average falls of 29.3 mm, and the secondary minimum is in February, withaverage quantity of 34.1 mm. This region belongs to areas with small quantities of falls andcharacterizes with more frequent dry periods. The regime of falls is similar to theMediterranean, which is manifested with more falls during the colder part of the year. Thefalls in Ovche Pole are mostly rain falls. There are on average 18 days with snow falls duringthe year.The average annual relative humidity is 67% and during the year it gradually falls down fromJanuary unitl August, and then there is a more rapid increase from September untilDecember. Sometimes, the average annual relative humidity varies between 64% to 73%,and average monthly humidity varies between 42% (in August) until 88% (in January).The average annual number of days with ice is 77, i.e. 52% of the number of days during anaverage icy period.The region also characterizes by winds. The north-west wind is the most frequent, withaverage annual speed of 5.7 m/sec, while its maximum speed is 27.0 m.sec. It blows duringthe whole year, but more frequently in July and August. The south-east wind is second byfrequency in this region, with average annual speed of 6.2 m/ec, and maximum speed up to27.0 m/sec. It blows during the whole year, but more frequently during March and April.53

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderClimate Characteristics in Kumanovo ValleyThis area characterizes by higher altitutde than Ovche Pole and it is more open to the north,which enables free flow of air from larger areas which during the winter period case lowertemperatures.According to the data from the meteorological stations of the HydrometeorologyAdministration, the average annual temperature in this area is 11.8 °C. Sometimes it variesbetween 10.8 °C to 13.0 °C. The coldest month is January, with average monthlytemperature of 0.4 °C. The warmest month is July, with average monthly temperature of 22.3°C. The average summer temperature is 22.8 °C. The temperature variation is 21.9 °C, whichproves that annual movement of the air temperature is under the moderate continentalclimate influence.This area characterizes by more annual quantities of falls than Ovche Pole. The averageannual quantity is 549 mm. During the year, the falls are uneven. The maximum is in May,with average monthly quantity of 72.1 mm, and the secondary maximum is in November, with58.8 mm. The main minimum is in August, with average falls of 30.2 mm, and the secondaryminimum is in February, with average quantity of 34.6 mm. The regime of falls is a result ofthe modified climate influence, which is part of the Central European pluviometric regime –rainy springs and quite dry winters. On average, there are 24 with snow falls annualy.The average annual relative humidity is 72% and during the year it gradually falls down fromJanuary unitl August, and then there is a more rapid increase until December. The maximumrelative humidity is noticed in December, with 85% on average, while the minimum is inAugust, with 60% on average.The region also characterizes by winds. The north wind is the most frequent, with averageannual speed of 3.1 m/sec, while its maximum speed is 26.4 m.sec. The north-west wind issecond by frequency in this region, with average annual speed of 1.8 m/ec, and maximumspeed up to 18.9 m/sec.The average annual number of days with ice is 79, i.e. 50 % of the number of days during anaverage icy period.54

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.3 Geology of the Area3.3.1 Geological Characteristics of the AreaLarger part of the route of the transmission line, starting from RP1 to a point between RP8and RP9, which is 24.5 km long belongs to the sheet Stip from the Basic Geological Map(1 : 100.000). Within this sheet, the following sediments have been identified:•4 E 3 – Upper Eocene sediments (from RP1 to a point between RP7 and RP8). They arethe following: Basal series (conglomerates, sandstones and marls), then follows theLower series, above which there are yellow sandstones and then the Upper series(consisting of carbonates and clastic rocks). The power of these sediments isestimated at approximately 150 metres.• τβ – Kyanite “Ezhevo Brdo”, whose north-east part of the rock massif is recognizedbetween RP2 and RP3. These effusive rocks have penetrated into the 4 E 3 sediments.• pr – Proluvial sediments recognized in several locations, such as the north-west part ofZletovo – Kratovo volcanic area: between RP3 and RP4, between RP4 and RP5 andbetween RP5 and RP7, as a cover layer of 4 E 3 sediments. They consist of poorlyrounded or coarse pieces of andesite and Tertiary rocks. The estimated power of thesesediments is between 10 and 30 metres.• Pl,Q – Travertine limestone, recognized north of Village Nemanjica, between RP8 andRP9.• αah, αha, qα, θ, ω' – Volcanic rocks and layers of sediments (various types ofandesites, ignimbrites, tuffaceous sandstones, volcanic breccias) in the north-west partof Zletovo – Kratovo volcanic area were recognized between RP7 and RP8 until a pointbetween RP9 and RP10 (within the sheet Veles).• al sediments of Rivers Ranchenska and Mechkievska - recognized at approximately500 metres on the left (west) side of the route of the transmission line, from a pointbetween RP6 and RP7.Larger part of the route of the transmission line, from a point between RP8 and RP9, untilRP10, long approximately 8 km, belongs to the Basic Geological Map (1 : 100.000) sheetVeles. Within this sheet, the following sediments have been identified:•4 E 3 [ 3 E 3 ] 2) - Upper Eocene sediments, between RP9 and RP10 (previously describedwithin sheet of Stip).• αah, αha, qα, θ, ω' – Volcanic rocks and layers of sediments (various types ofandesites, ignimbrites, tuffaceous sandstones, volcanic breccias) in the north-west partof Zletovo – Kratovo volcanic area were recognized between RP7 and RP8 until a pointbetween RP9 and RP10 (previously described within the sheet of Stip).• b – Organogenic-marsh sediments, recognized between RP9 and RP10 in the ditch“Boshkov Dol”, with occasional flow. The power of these sediments is unknown.• d – Deluvial sediments, recognized from the point between RP9 and RP10 to the pointRP10 and RP11 (within the sheet of Kumanovo).Larger part of the route of the transmission line, from a point between RP10 and RP11, untilthe end of the route on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, in length of 35 km, belongs2)It is same geological formation, but of different age, due to the lack of relicts of micro flora andfauna.55

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderto the Basic Geological Map (1 : 100.000) sheet of Kumanovo. Within this sheet, thefollowing sediments have been identified:•4 E 3 [ 3 E 3 ] 3) – Upper Eocene sediments, recognized between RP9 and RP10(previously descried within the sheet of Shtip) and between RP11 and a point betweenRP12 and RP13 (north of the Village Zubovce).•3 E 3 – Upper Eocene limestone layers, from a point between RP10 and RP11, until apoint right after RP11 (location “Pezovski Lozja”).• d – Deluvial sediments, recognized from the point between RP9 and RP10 to the pointRP10 and RP11 (previously described within the sheet of Veles). The sediments arerecognized on the left (north-east side of the route of the transmission line, from RP11to RP12 (between Village Pezovo and Village Murgash).• ј – Lake sediments, recognized as small isolated formations (materials from the lastlake stadium in the area) at RP12. They consist of mostly well-rounded quartz andvarious types of shale. The power of these sediments varies from 5 to 20 metres.• M – Paleozoic marbles, as part of the remains from the Old Paleozoic formations,surrounded by Eocene flysch formations. They are recognized north of Village Zubovce(before RP13), on both sides of the River Pchinja. Actually, the River Pchinja here hasformed its flow by cutting this geological structure.• al, t 1 – Alluvial and lower terrace river sediments, recognized near the River Pchinja(before RP13). The power of these sediments is unknown.• Pl 3 ? - Upper Pliocene sediments, recognized from RP13 to a point between RP14 andRP15 (near Village Nikuljane). They are made of yellow clayish sands, various types ofsandstone clay, with thin layers of weakly connected gravel, registered in the upperpart. The power of these sediments is estimated at approximately <strong>400</strong> metres.• θα – Andesitic tuffs, recognized on the right (eastern) side of the transmission lineroute (between RP14 and RP15) in small formations along a fault near VillageNagorichane.• M; F; Sse; Sca – Paleozoic complex of marbles, filities, sericities, shales, with layers ofmetasandstones, as members of the series Kachanik-Veles from the Vardar tectoniczone. They are recognized from RP15 to RP16 (until the border between Macedoniaand Serbia).• 2 Ol – Oligocenic sandstones, made of irregular quartz grains, and smaller part ofcarbonate grains. They are recognized south of RP15 (location “Balavi Rid”).3.3.2 Hydrogeological Characteristics of the AreaAccording to the lithologic structure, the type of porosity, degree and nature of cracks,presence of water and other hydrogeological parametres that induce their porosity, rocks(sediments) recognized along the route of the transmission line may be divided in thefollowing groups:1. Medium Porous Rocks (sediments)Within this group, there are:• аl (alluvial) и t 1 (lower terrace) sediments of the River Pchinja, where there is aconfined type of aquifer, whose maintenance, drainage, directions and oscillations on3)It is same geological formation, but of different age, due to the lack of relicts of micro flora andfauna.56

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderthe level of the groundwater correspond to the River Pchinja. Only small part of waterfor maintenance of this aquifer comes from atmosphere falls, other part of water comesfrom occasional side inflows that enter into River Pchinja, and one part comes fromside contact with less porous rocks (sediments). The power of these sediments isestimated at more than 3 metres.• al (alluvial) sediments of River Luka, with identical characteristics as the onesdescribed above. The power of these sediments is also estimated at more than 3metres.• j (lake) sediments – typical for these sediments is the lack of confined type of aquifer inspite of the developed intergranular porosity, i.e. they are drained, due to their positionand the small area that they cover (the highest spots on isolated hills).•3 E 3 (Upper Eocene limestone layers) where there is a well developed karst type ofaquifer with cracks. The maintenance of this type of aquifer comes from atmosphericfalls and part from vertical infiltration of groundwater from developed al aquifer alongthe Stream Luka. It is realistic to expect lateral overflow of groundwater when makingcontact with layers of sandstones (that exist within the 3 E 3 flysch formation) Drainage ofthis aquifer, through surface manifestations has not been discovered, yet, but anexploitation well has been registered, which for the irrigation needs of vinyards (atapproximately 3.500 m to south-east) has been exploited in quantities of 10 l/s.• M (Paleosoic marbles), as separate formations from Kachanik –Veles series, where akarst-fractured type of aquifer have been developed.. The maintenance of these rockmasses, in addition to atmospheric rains, to a great extent depends on the regionalfault structures, which in blocks divided the present rocks. The developed regionaltectonic structure, which is part of the Vardar tectonic zone, definitely plays a role in thedrainage of this aquifer. Drainage of this aquifer has also been registered through akarst spring (contact-overflow type) in the area near Village Nikuljane. Also, exploitationwell has been registered in Village Nikuljane, which is used for watersupplying of thevillage. Also, a catchment of groundwater with pipe is led to a reservoir near MladoNagorichane (Jarebicharska Maala). The oscillation of level of groundwater in thisaquifer is significant, which was registered through the condition of the spring (08October 8 th , 2009) with insignificant diffusive flow (Q < 0.2 l/s), under the concretecatchment.2. Medium Porous Rocks (sediments)Within this group, there are:• pr – Proluvial sediments, where there is a locally developed confinedconfined type ofaquifer in limited area. The maintenance of this aquifer comes from atmosphere falls,part from surface flows and part from side contacts with less porous rocks (sediments).The drainage of this aquifer goes through springs of temporary character of up to (0.5l/s).• Pl 3 ? - gravel and sandstone layers within the Upper Pliocene sediments, where there isa confined type of aquifer. Depending on the nature and conditions of expansion, thewater in this type of sediments exists freely, but also on levels under pressure (artesianand subartesian level). The maintenance of these layers to a lesser extent comes fromatmospheric falls, while to a greater extent from overflows of groundwater of karstfracturedaquifer, developed in the marble masses (through side and bottom contact).The drainage of this aquifer is made by natural overflow of the groundwater in theneighbouring lateral lower terrace sediments and through a large number of individualwells and catchments.57

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• ααη, αηα, θ, θα, ω∋ – Volcanic rocks and inter-layers sediments.. They characterisewith developed fracture porosity shallow under the surface, and quantity of (Qi = 0.05 –0.5 l/s). Most of them flow temporarily. The maintenance of theese layers comes fromatmosphere falls.• τβ – Kyanite and trachybasalt . They have the same characteristics as the previouslydescribed rock masses.• Sca - Metamorphic sandstones. They have the same characteristics as the previouslydescribed rock masses. These rock masses supply and drain the water through lateralcontact with porous marble masses.3. Predominantly Porous Rocks (sediments)This group of rock masses (sediments) has the following characteristics:• Low level of porosity and water production (T < 15m 2 /day).• The presence of springs with low level of production (Qi < 0,5 l/s) in non coherent rockmasses. Most of them are of temporary nature.• The presence of shallow dug wells for the cattle and irrigation, which are generallyexploited by occasional manual drawing water from the well.• Developed cracks and porosity, shallow under the surface and local limited spreading.Within this group, there are:• D, b – deluvial and organogenic marsh sediments.•4 E 3 [ 3 E 3 ] – Upper Eocene flysch sediments• F; Sse – fylite and sericite shales within the Paleozoic complex.Registered Hydrogeological Appearances and Objects Along the RouteAlong the route of the transmission line, the following hydrogeological appearances andobjects have been registered:• Temporary marsh areas, next to RP1 and after RP2• Subterranean channel (pipeline) for irrigation, between Rp3 and RP4• Subterranean channel (pipeline), after RP4• Non-captured temporary spring in the streamstream “Solen Dol”, between RP6 andRP7• Temporary marsh aras near Rivers Mechkuevska and Ranchenska, before RP7• Non-captured temporary spring at River Ranchevska, before RP7• Captured dry spring, located on the right side of the road Village Nemanjica – VillageRanchenci, between RP7 and RP8.• Group of dug wells (depth = 3.5 – 5.0 metres), next to and in the Village D. Gjugjance,between RP9 and RP10.• Non-captured spring (Q < 0.1 l/s) in the form of diffuse flow right next to the group ofactive holes, on the west side of the hill "Red Forest", between RP9 and RP10• Temporary marshes near “Boshkov i Drenov Dol", between RP9 and RP10• Drilled well (for irrigation) (Q – unknown), near the stream “Pavlev Doll”, before RP1158

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• Pipe under pressure, with a reservoir, from "Pavlev Dol" to the vinyards near thelocation "Kampur", between RP10 and RP11• Non-captured spring (Q – 0.3 l.s) in “Mugrashki Dol”Stream, between RP11 and RP12• Group of dug wells (depth = 8 - 10 metres) in village Kosmatec, after RP12• Temporary marsh near “Novoselski greben”, between RP12 and RP13• Shallow dug well (depth = 4.2 metres) near the location “Orlovac”, between RP12 andRP13• Temporary marsh and group of dug wells (depth = 3.5 – 4.5 metres) near VillageChukinska Maala, between RP13 and RP14• Captured spring (Q – unknown), on the left side of the route, bellow the location“Zebrnjak”, near RP14• Group of dug and drilled wells (depth = 2 -3 metres) and 2 reservoirs in Village AdjinaMaala, between RP14 and RP15• Group of shallow dug wells (depth = 2 -3 metres) and a reservoir in Village Jarebichari,between RP14 and RP15• Group of shallow dug wells (depth = 3 - 5 metres) and a reservoir in Village StaroNagorichane, between RP14 and RP15• Subterranean gravity pipeline for water supply, from Village Nikuljane to VillageJarebichari, between RP14 and RP15• Captured karst spring (tap) (Q = 0.1 – 10 l/s) and drilled well for exploitation (52metres, Q ~ 10 l/s) in Village Nikuljane, between RP14 and RP15• Non-captured temporary spring (Q – unknown) near RP15• Non-captured spring (Q – 0.3 l.s) in Village Sejdina Maala, between RP15 and RP16.59

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.3.3 Engineering - Geological Characteristics of the AreaThe terrain along the route of the transmission line, from engineering - geological aspectconsists of (i) non coherent, (ii) poorly coherent and (iii) highly coherent rock masses.(i)Non Coherent Rock MassesIn this group of loosely coherent rock masses along the route of the transmission line, wecan emphasize the following:• Lake sediments (j). These sediments are rare along the route of the transmission line,or more precisely, they occur only near the reference point RP12. They consist of big,well-rounded boulders of quartz and quartzite, and various shales mixed with sand andsilt. These are loose, non-compacted and porous materials.• Marsh sediments (b). They are made of organogenic fine grain silts. They are presentin the valleys of temporary flows Boshkov Dol and Drenov Dol, south of RP10. Theyfeature with medium to very good compaction. They can be unfavourable ground forfoundation of heavy constructions.• Alluvial sediments (al). They can be found along the Rivers Luka and Pchinja, i.e. atthe RP11 and RP13. They consist of large-grain cobbles and gravel The material ismedium to well rounded and well compacted and sorted. These sediments possesshigh filtration characteristics and are quite porous. The thickness of these sediments isestimated at more than 3 metres.• Terrace sediments (t 1 ). They are noticed along the valley of River Pchinja, around RP13 hanging from a height of 5-10 metres above the river level. They consist of cobblesand sands, well rounded and weak to medium sorted.• Proluvial sediments (pr). They cover almost the entire terrain between reference pointRP3 and RP7. The proluvium characterizes with large grain cobbles and stones, notrounded or partially rounded, weakly sorted and mixed with clay and sand materialsweakly to medium compacted. The porosity is intergranular due to the larger coarsegrains. Compared to deluvial material, they are more porous. The thickness of thesesediments reaches up to 10 m.• Deluvial sediments (b). They represent decomposed and friable layer consisting mostlyof paleogenic sediments. From engineering geological aspect they are not wellrounded and sorted. Their thickness is quite variable, between 2-10 metres.• Pliocene sediments (Pl 3 ?). They spread along the northern part of the route of thetransmission line, from RP13 towards RP14 and approximately 8 km to the north, nearVillage Nikuljane. They consist of sands, clays and big masses of rubble sedimentsthat alternate vertically.(ii)Poorly Coherent Rock MassesPoorly coherent rock masses are the ones that consist of particles smaller than 0.002 mm.The most typical representatives are clays and marls. They are very frequent along the route,but most visible are in the Pliocene sediments, in sand and clay series (Pl 3 ).From engineering geological aspect, they represent an environment where variousappearances may occur, such as: swelling, consolidated depressions, supplanting, draggingdown (due to the terrain morphology where they occur, this is excluded), exceeding thecarriage capacity, etc. Very often, there is a need for improvement of their characteristics.60

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border(iii)Highly Coherent Rock MassesIn this type of rock masses, between the grains there are mostly solid crystallizedconnections. Along the route of the transmission line, within this group there are severaltypes of rocks that are important from engineering geological aspect:• Sericite shales (Sse) They actually present the border between the Serbian –Macedonian masiff and the Vardar zone. They are mostly present in the northern partof the route of the transmission line, between RP15 and RP16. Their colour dependson the mineral contents, but most often they are grayish-brown and green. In thesuface zones they are full of cracks, broken and weathered. The largest part of theirline along the route of the transmission line is covered by small layer of dust and sandmixed with pieces of the indigenous rock.• Sericite and Fylite shales (F). They are present north of Village Nikuljane orapproximately 3.5 km south of RP15. They occur in thin layers and plates, very oftenstratified between the marbles. From a tectonic point of view, thay are quite damagedand broken, so, they often form delluvial layer during the weathering of the indigenousrock (in situ) which can be thick from 2 cm to 2 m.• Metamorphic sandstones (Sca). They are present north of the fylite shale, with whichthey alternate vertically and horizontally.• Migmatites (Mi). They are present in the north part of the route of the transmission lineon the Serbian territory. They are actually large grain gneiss with explicit fenocrystals offeldspars, the colour of which is very original (gray and pink). From engineering andgeological point of view, the most important thing is that on the surface thay arecrushed and damaged until the gruss fascia.• Marbles (M). They are present in several locations, in block divided masses, as part ofthe Kachanik - Veles series (south of RP15, until the Village Nikuljane) and also asisolated masses on both banks of RIver Pchinja (south of RP13). They can be white,grayish-white and gray. From engineering and geological aspect, they are quitedamaged, with numerous cracks and holes. They are covered with silt and claymaterials mixed with pieces of marble. Local deluvial cover exceeds the thickness of 2metres.• Flyisch series ( 4 E 3 , 3 E 3 ). They cover a large area along the route of the transmissionline, from RP1 to RP3, around RP4 and RP5, around RP9 and RP10 and from RP11 inthe north-west direction, in length of 10 km to RP12 (Village Zubovce). They arepresented with clay, sandstones, marls and carbonates. Their colour can vary betweengray, grayish-green and grayish-blue. From engineering geological point of view, theycan swell, which may cause land sliding, crumbles of rocks, surface disintegration andwashing out. The thickness of these sediments exceeds 1,500 metres.• Andesite tuffs (θ). These are grayish-white to yellow rock masses that on the surfaceare quite damaged, where alteration processes take place. They are located betweenVillage Gjugjanci and Village Orel, at RP9.-{}-• Ignimbrites (θα). These are massive rocks with explicit stratification. They are grayishwhiteto yellow. On the surface they are quite damaged and disintegrated to wethered.Along the route of the transmission line, they are located at approximately 2 km northwestof RP9.• Volcanic breccias (ω’). They consist of coarse pieces of andesite that are irregularlyscattered throught the matrix of the rock. Very often there are various alterations andhydro-thermal changes. They are noticed along the route between RP8 and RP9, withsmall interruptions of andesite tuffs between them.61

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• Kyanite and Basalt (τβ). They are noticed in the most southern parts of the route,between RP2 and RP3 (location “Ezhevo Brdo”), where there is an active quarry forexcavation of these volcanites. Also, they are present north of RP14, in the area ofMlado Nagorichane. There are 8 plates of massive basalt, with layers of spongymagma, which as a rare phenomenon, due to their importance in the scientific andresearch activities and the first class scenery composition, are placed on the proposedlist for monument of nature. In the meantime, this location has been exposed toantropogenic influence (exploitation) due to the wide use of basalt as constructionmaterial. They can be found in gray, black and reddish colour, with massive texture andporfiric structure.3.3.4 Contemporary and Registered Engineering - Geological Appearances andProcessesAs a result of the wide spectrum of egsogenic influences (physical, mechanical, chemicaland antropogenic), a large number of contemporary engineering geological processes andappearances occur, which are noticed along the route of the transmission line. Upon theengineering geological investigation, the following processes and appearances have beenregistered:• Surface disintegration. For these processes and appearances, several factors havebeen the cause (climate factors, tectonic conditions, resistence of rocks todecomposition, etc.) As a whole, almost the entire terrain undergoes the process ofsurface decomposition. Products that are obtained from these processes are largerblocks, crushed stones, smaller stones separated from the massive rocks.• Erosion. By washing out, under the influence of various external factors, decomposionand movement of the decomposed rock material occur. While under the influence ofstrong water flows and rains, the eroded material is transported to the foothills of themountain as a consequence of multiple and long-term washing out of eroded materials,and creates ravines, that are very frequent phenomenon along the route of thetransmission line.• Processes of landfall and landslide This is a process where earth masses are detachedfrom the ground and they move under the gravitation influence and their own weight. Inthis terrain (along the route of the transmission line), there are numerous old or settleddrag-downs, but also active and potentially dangerous after the construction of theroute.Along the route of the transmission line, the following engineering geological appearancesand processes have been registered:• The terrain of the route of the transmission line between RP1 and RP5, fromengineering geological point of view is quite stable, with the exception of occurrence oftemporary marshes in several locations. Therefore, there are no significant engineeringgeological processes and appearances that could endanger the construction of thetransmission line in this part of the route.• At RP5, approximately <strong>400</strong> m to the north, there is a big ravine, long 70-80 metres andwide 10 metres. The depth of this ravine varies from 2 to 6 m, and locally even more. Itis filled with material of the indigineous rock (sandstone and clay).• The terrain from RP5 to RP8 is stable with rare marshed at approximately 2 km southeastfrom RP7. Slightly to the south, there is a gorge near the River Mechkuevska withenormous dimensions (50 m wide and 30 m deep). Near RP8, north of VillageNemanjica, there are intensive process of formation of ravines on the terrain, as well asoccurrence of 2 larger drag-downs, of which one is positioned on the very route of thetransmission line (approximately 200 m south of RP8). This is old, or so called settled62

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderlandslide, which is <strong>400</strong>-500 m wide, with a central body of 100-150 m. The height of thefrontal crack is 30-40 m. Currently, the body of the landslide is arable land, while at theend of the drag-down there is a forest (probably with the aim of preventing landslide).South-east of the landslide there are three holes with different dimensions, 250-350 m,located in the andensite tuffs. Between the first and the second one (viewed from southto the north) the material slides, but it is of a smaller scope than the above described.• Bellow RP9 there is an intensive process of creation of ravines and landslide of thematerial. The entire terrain, in length of 700-800 metres is a fossile landslide inandensite tuffs. The body of the landslide is covered with rare low trunk and grassvegetation, which points to the fact that the material has not been moving for a longtime. The terrain between RP9 and RP13 spreads in flysch sediments, except aroundRP10, where the route passes through deluvial sediments. From engineeringgeological aspect, there are processes of formation of ravines, surface decompositionof materials, followed by short transportation of decomposed material under theinfluence of surface flows and gravitation forces, by the marshes and gorges.• East of Village Gjugjance (between RP9 and RP10) there is a process of ravineformation and surface decomposition of the material - andensite breccias.• In the same line between RP9 and RP10, there is process of active ravine formation -flysch sandstones and clay, on the west side of the hill "Red forest". Here, there areseveral wide (5 – 20 m) and deep )5 – 15 m) ravines, which hypsometrically passesinto one ravine (length – 150 m, depth -~ 3 m, width 2-4 m).• At approximately 300 m south-east of RP12 or approximately 170-180 m normally ofthe route line, there is a smaller landslide of materials in Eocene sediments. Thelandslide is 50 m wide and 80 m long. The height of the frontal crack is 6-7 m. Thematerial in the landslide is covered by rare low-trunk vegetation and grass.• The terrain from RP14 until 8 km north of RP15 (Village Nikuljane) is completelycovered with Pliocen sediments with no significant engineering and geologicalappearances, except rare and short ravines and gorges. The exception is one ravine,at the route of the transmission line, south of Village Krstichanska Maala, with length of~100 m, width –10 m, depth up to 8 m.• The line from Village Nikuljane to Rp15 is completely positioned on solid rock masses(marbles, fylites and sandstones). There are only few gorges in the fylites andsandstones, but they are not problematic, from engineering geological point of view.63

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.4 Tectonics and Seismics of the Area3.4.1 Tectonic Conditions in the AreaThe territory of the Republic of Macedonia is only a small part of the Balkan region andcovers an area of 25,713 km 2 , where several tectonic units of first line (I) of the Alps-Himalayan belt are included. Based on the existing principles for tectonic regionalization, thewestern part of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, including Povardarie (as ageographical term), belongs to the Dinarides-Helinides. The mountainous terrains and valleydepressions in the eastern part of Macedonia are segments of the middle Serbian-Macedonian massif. Along the border with the Republic of Bulgaria, a separate zone ispresent, known as Kraishe zone, which belongs to the Carpatian-Balkanides.Within the borders of the Dinarides-Helinides, on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia,there are several tectonic zones, characterized by their specific tectonic elements andgeological evolution.I. Vardar zoneII. Pelagonian horst-anticlinoriumIII. West Macedonian zoneIV. Cukali-Krasta zoneIn eastern Macedonia, within the borders of the Serbian-Macedonian massif (V), there areseveral isolated blocks (Belasica, Ograzhden-Malesh, Osogovo, German and others) whichare divided by secondary depressions.The Kraishte zone (VI) on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia covers a narrow beltalong the border with the Republic of Bulgaria, from Berovo – south, to Delchevo - north,where it spreads on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria to the north.The tectonic regionalisation of the Republic of Macedonia is presented in the followingpicture.Wider area of the route of the transmission line belongs to the eastern side (sub-zone) of theVardar tectonic zone, near its border with the Serbian-Macedonian massif.Vardar Tectonic ZoneThe Vardar tectonic zone represents an important tectonic unit. With its internal structure, thepresence of various formations, the presence of magmatogenic, metamorphic and sedimentcomplexes and the morphology of fault dislocations, the Vardar zone is very distinctive.According to concepts of modern tectonic theory – tectonics of plates, this zone is subductionzone, which moves to the east bellow the Serbian-Macedonian massif.This zone divides the Pelagonian massif and the West Macedonia zone on the west from theSerbian-Macedonian massif on the east. Its width, in east-west direction varies between 60km - 80 km. It also contains fragments of pre-Cambrian earth crust, Palaeozoic volcanicsediment complex and Mesozoic magmatism, and manifests differentiated activity of tectonicmovements in various segments.64

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderDepending on the locations where certain formations spread, especially of the Alps complex,in the Vardar zone there are three subzones:√ western, where the Alps complex is the richest with carbon flysch.√ middle, where the Jura-ofiolitic complex is predominant, along with the middle Alpscomplex (Eocene flysch).√ eastern, where the Jura granite is predominant, with the most expressive Pyreneanand Sava orogenic phase in post-Eocene period.Picture - Tectonic Regions in the Republic of MacedoniaTransmission route65

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderMap of tectonic-structural segments in Vardar tectonic zone is presented in the followingpicture.Source: Tectonics of Maceodnia, Milan Arsovski, Ph.D., 1997Serbian-Macedonian MasiffThe Alps orogenic belt of the Balkan, that is the Serbian-Macedonian massif is an internalmassif, which divides the Alps systems – on the east side – Dinarides-Helnides, and on theeastern side Carpatho-Balkanides. As a middle massif, consisting mainly of pre-Alpsstructural complexes, the Serbian-Macedonian massif spreads from Danube in the north,through the entire territory of FR Yugoslavia and R. Macedonia until Halkidiki (R. Greece) tothe south. Its width on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia varies between 60-80 km.On this territory, it covers an area of approximately 3,500 km 2 . On its western side it had theVardar zone, and on its eastern side, on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it connectswith the Rhodope Mountains (i.e. the Pirin structures).66

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe Serbian-Macedonian massif is rich in pre-Cambrian and rifey-Cambrian complexes. Thefirst are presented by stone complexes of amphibiotic fascia: gnays, mika schists,leptinolites, while the second ones are presented with the fascia of green shales, chloritesericitesshales, metagabbro, metadiabase, etc.Relations between the structural forms of various complexes which participate in theconstruction of the Serbian-Macedoinan massif make it clearly distinct from the neighbouringtectonic units.The map of structural segments in the Serbian-Macedonian massif (including the Kraishtezone) is presented in the following picture.Source: Tectonics of Macedonia, Milan Arsovski, Ph.D., 199767

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.4.2 Neotectonic RegionsThe territory of the Republic of Macedonia is completely part of the Mediterranean orogenicarea, where the geo-synclinal conditions for development had ended at the end ofPalaeogene, i.e. in the beginning of Neogene. Afterwards follows a continental development.During the first phase of this period, in the Miocene, levels are formed of the createdstructures of the Pyrenean and Sava zone, then follows Pineplenisation and formation of flatsurfaces by denudation. Relicts of these flat surfaces are present even today at differentaltitudes in the mountain massifs, or they are buried in the sunk part bellow the Pliocenelayers.During the first stage of the Neogene, actually in the middle of Miocene, the first depressionshad occurred, where marls and clays sediments created layers. This, points to the fact that atthat time, there was no hill relief that could have created rough clastic material. During thesecond phase of this period, other volcanic areas had been formed, but with smallerdimensions.During the Pliocene, the tectonic processes had been more active, thus creatingmorphostrucutral parts, which as the result of the further development, could be found evennowadays. As the result of uneven raise, there is a differentiation on the territory of theRepublic of Macedonia, which in some way has inherited features. The territory of WesternMacedonia, where the rising tendency had existed long time ago, today also shows atendency of rising more intensively than the other parts. At the same time, the terrain ofVardar zone, now belonging to the area known as Povardarie, show weaker rising intensity.On the other hand, the areas in Eastern Macedonia rise relatively more intensively comparedto Povardarie, but still with lesser intensity than in Western Macedonia.The trend of the general Pliocene rising, tectonic and shelf depressions, in the form of lakebasins continued. The shelf lake depressions in Western Macedonia are part of the group ofDesaret Lakes. Relicts of this period are the Ohrid and Prespa Lakes.The higher terrains represent areas of erosion and denudation, which generate terrigenousmaterial, which is deposited as mud in lake depressions. The process of differentialmovements between depressions and horsts, in time is covered by layer of earth, due towhich activation of old and formation of new faults occur, as natural borders ofmorphostructural wholes.At the end of the Pliocene period and the beginning of the Quarter, with the formation of theAegean Sea, the contemporary hydrographical network had been formed, the tectonicactivities had become more intensive which created the forms as they are today. Thevolcanic activity had ended at the beginning of the Quarter with the establishment of basalt,in Stip region, near Nagorichani, in Skopje region and other locations.As a result of the aforementioned processes, with which the genesis and evolution ofmorphostructural wholes is related, on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia thefollowing neotectonic areas can be mentioned, according to the level of rising:1. Western Macedonia2. Povardarie3. Eastern Macedonia68

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture - Neo-Tectonic Regions in the Republic of MacedoniaTransmission route69

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.4.3 Seismic Conditions in the AreaThe region that covers the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and areas up to 100 km ofits borders, from a tectonic point of view, belongs to the Mediterranean orogenic area ofAlps-Himalayan belt. Conditioned by this tectonic characteristic, the seismic activities of thisregion are one of the strongest on the continental part of the Balkan peninsula.Destructive earthquakes are relatively frequent in this region, reaching intensity in theepicentre of up to X MSK-64 and magnitude of 7.8 (the highest to date recorded magnitudeon the Balkan Peninsula)Earthquakes in this region are mostly shallow (h ≤ 60 km), the hypocenters of which is up to40 km, and most often 20 km.Over the time, concentration of epicentres takes place into special epicentre areas, andconnection of these areas into seismic zones. These zones, with their epicentre areas and allhistorical and contemporary earthquakes define the seismic features of the analyzed regionin the Republic of Macedonia.Three seismogenic zone define the seismic features of the wider region.√ The first of them is in direction of the valley of River Vardar, it covers epicentre areasfrom the Republic of Serbia, Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece, and isconnected to the tectonic unit Vardar Zone (part of Dinarides-Helinides). Therefore, inthe seismologic and seismo-tectonic literature it is referred to as Vardar seismogeniczone.√ The second seismogenic zone is connected to the Ograzhden-Halkidiki tectonic zone(a large part of Serbian-Macedonia massif and small part of the Kraishte zone ofCarpatho-Balkanides zone). This seismogenic zone covers epicentre areas of theRepublic of Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Bulgaria and Republic ofGreece. Along its eastern edge, the valley of River Struma is located and this isreason why it is called Struma seismogenic zone.√ The third seismogenic zone covers epicentre areas of the Republic of Serbia,Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Albania and Republic of Greece. Its final northeastpart spreads along the river White Drim, and its upper western part – along theriver Black Drim and the basin of these two rivers, the River Drim. Due to this, thisseismic zone is called Drim seismogenic zone.Thus, the seismic features of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and border areas aredefined by three main longitude seismogenic zones (Struma, Vardar and Drim).Wider area of the route of the transmission line belongs to the epicentre areas Stip-Sv.NIkole and Kumanovo, on the eastern side of Vardar seismogenic zone, near its border withStruma seismogenic zone. Bearing in mind the regional context of seismic activity and theinfluence of earthquakes on objects at significant distance, in the text bellow a presentation isgiven of the two seismogenic zones that are relevant for the route of the transmission line.70

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderVardar Seismogenic ZoneEpicentre areas in this seismogenic zone are the following: Skopje, Kumanovo, Veles, SvetiNikole – Stip, Stip- Radovish, Gradsko – Kavadarci – Negotino), Demir Kapija, Mrezhichko(Kavadarci), Valandovo, Gevgelija – Gumendja and Doyran Kukush.The following table shows a summary of the distribution of earthquakes from epicentre areasof the Vardar seismogenic zone in the Republic of Macedonia and bordering areas during theperiod 1901 – 1966. (magnitude ML ≥ 4.0).Both seismogenic zones where the route of the transmission line passes through, SvetiNikole – Stip and Kumanovo, feature with insignificant seismic activity. In Vardarseismogenic zone, the most significant earthquakes have the magnitude of 5,0 ≤ ML < 6,0.The strongest historical and the strongest contemporary earthquakes, with ML ≥ 6,0,happened in the same epicentre areas, Uroshevac (Kachanik – Vitina – Gnjilane), Skopjeand Valandovo. These three epicentre areas are seismically the most active in Vardarseismogenic zone on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and bordering regions.71

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderStruma Seismogenic ZoneIn the area of this seismogenic zone, that spreads on the territory of the Republic ofMacedonia and bordering regions the following epicentre areas are included: Zletovo,Kochani, Delchevo - Berovo, Pehchevo - Kresna and Strumica.The following table shows a summary of the distribution of earthquakes from epicentre areasof the Struma seismogenic zone in the Republic of Macedonia and bordering areas duringthe period 1901 – 1966. (magnitude ML ≥ 4,0).Generally speaking, Struma seismogenic zone in the Republic of Macedonia and borderingareas features with rare strong earthquakes compared to other main seismogenic zones inthe Republic of Macedonia and with continuous occurrence of very weak earthquakes.However, this zone accumulates in itself the largest seismic energy in the Republic ofMacedonia and the entire continental part of the Balkan Peninsula, which is released mostlythrough the epicentre area of Pehchevo – Kresna.The picture shows a map of seismogenic sources on the territory of the Republic ofMacedonia.Transmission route72

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.5 Hydrography and Quality of Surface Waters in the AreaWider area of the corridor where the route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnection transmission linespreads is part of the territory of two bigger regional basins:• The basin of River Bregalnica, with the following rivers: (i) River Sudichka, (ii) RiversStanulovska and Burilovska, (iii) River Nemanjica, (iv) Rivers Orelska and Mavrovica,(v) River Madzarica and (vi) the rivulets Boshkov Dol and Drenov Dol An accumulationwas built on the River Mavrovica, near the place Alin Dol, which covers an area of 7km 2 and volume of 2.7 million m 3 . The accumulation is used for water supply of SvetiNikole.• The basin of River Pchinja, with the following rivers: (i) River Luka, (ii) Vranjak), (iii)Murgashki Brook, (iv) Slatinski Dol, (v) Serava Brook, (vi) Muralovski Dol and (vii)Sejdin Dol.With the Decree on Classification of Waters, and based on the purpose and level of purity,the surface waters (waterflows, lakes and accumulations) and ground waters are classified inthe following classes:ClassIIIIIIIVUse / Purpose of the waterClass of very clean, oligotrophic water which in natural condition and eventual disinfectionmay be used for drinking and for production and processing the food products, as well as forspawning of noble types of fish – salmonides. The buffering capacity of the water is verygood. It is constantly saturated with oxygen, contains low level of nutrients and bacteria, andvery low level of anthropogenic pollution with organic substances (but not inorganic).Class of water with low level of pollution, mesotrophic water, which in natural condition maybe used for bathing and recreation, for water sports, for spawning other types of fish(cyprindae) , or which by regular methods of processing and conditioning (coagulation,filtration, disinfection and alike) may be used for drinking and production of food products.The buffering capacity and saturation of water with oxygen during the whole year are good.The present burdening may lead to insignificant increase of primary productivity.Class of moderately eutrophic water, which in natural condition may be used for irrigation,and after regular methods of processing (conditioning) it can also be used in the industrywhere there is no need of water with drinking quality, The buffering capacity in weak, but itpreserves the acidity of the water to levels that are still adequate for most of the fish.Occasionally, there is deficiency of oxygen. The level of primary production is significant,and some changes in the structure of the community can be noticed, including the types offish. The burdening with harmful substances is evident, as well as the microbiologicalpollution. Concentration of harmful substances varies from natural level to level of chronicpoisoning in relation to the water life.Class of very eutrophic, polluted water, which in natural conditions may be used for otherpurposes, but only after certain type of processing. The buffering capacity exceeds thelimits, which leads to larger acidity levels that have impact on the development of youngergeneration. In the epilimnion, the level of oxygen is too high, while in the hypolimnion thelevel of oxygen is too low. Flourishing of algae is noticed.Natural and man-made waterflows, sections of waterflows, lakes, accumulations and groundwaters, the water of which, according to its purpose and level of purity are classified intoclasses, according to the Decree on categorisation of waters, are classified into fivecategories:Category I - waterflows, whose waters must meet the conditions of the I class; Cateogry II –conditions of the II class; Category III - conditiosn of the III class; Category IV - conditions ofthe IV class and Cateogry V - waterflows whose waters must meet the conditions of the Vclass.73

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe pollution of rivers and rivulets on the route of the transmission line comes from thecommunal wastewater from inhabited places and pollution from stock breeding andagricultural activities. The quality of surface waters in the direct surrounding of the route ofthe transmission line is not significantly deteriorated by discharges from industrial activities.In absence of data concering the quality of water in waterflows on the territory of the corridorof the transmission line, in continuation we present the conditions regarding the quality ofwater in River Bregalnica and Pchinja, as basic hydrographic entities in the wider region.The quality characteristics of the water in River Bregalnica are measured at two locations:location Krupishte (Dolen Balvan) and location Ubogo.The quality characteristics of the water in River Pchinja are measured at two locations:location Pelince and location Spa Katlanovo.Map – Network of measuring locations for monitoring the quality of surface watersBregalnica74

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderRiver BregalnicaOrganoleptic indicators at both measuring locations show values for I – IV class. Here thewater is more frequently muddy.From acidity indicators, pH has values for I class at both measuring locations.Alkalinity has the value for I – II class at the measuring location Dolen Balvan, while at themeasuring location Ubogo, it has the values for I class.Indicators of oxygen regime show that the oxygen more often reaches the values for the Iclass water. The saturation with oxygen has the following values: 83.8 – 132.3% O 2 at thelocation Dolen Balvan, and it is estimated as IV-II class, while at the location Ubogo, it variesbetween 83.1 - 121.1 % O 2 Biological consumption of oxygen varies from 1.25 - 11.5 mg/l O 2at the location Dolen Balvan, to 2.0 – 22.5 mg/l O 2 at Ubogo. Thus, in the upper flow of theriver, this paramtere has value for III - IV class, while in the lower flow, at Ubogo, there isdeterioration of the quality, with value for IV – V class.The total quantity of dissolved substances more often have value for the I class, while thetotal suspended substances has the values for IV – V class at the measuring location DolenBalvan. In the lower flow of River Bregalnica, at the measuring location Ubogo, the totaldissolved substances have values for II class, while the total quantity of suspendedsubstances - for III – IV class.Indicators of eutrofication at both measuring locations have values for the II class.Chemical indicators of fecal pollution have values for I – II class, except for the nitrite ion,which at both measuring locations has values for III - IV class. The examined chemical andtoxic substances have values for the I - II class. At the measuring location Dolen Balvan, themangane more often has values for III - IV class, while the cadmium temporarily occurs withvalues for III - IV class.River PchinjaIndicators for the oxygen regime show that the dissolved oxygen at both measuring locationsmore frequently has values for the I class, with maximum average annual concentrationabove 10 mg/l. Biological five-day consumption of oxygen is adequate to III—IV class.At both measuring locations, the chemical consumption of oxygen varies between 2.6 mg/l to5.0 mg/l, which corresponds to II class.Indicators of eutrofication at the masuring location Katlanovo Spa corresponds to water withmoderately to increasingly eutrophic character, compared to the measuring location Pelince,where the water is of I - II class.Concerning the dangerous and harmful substances, the quality of water in River Pchinjacorresponds to I – II class.75

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPicture – Review of concentration of hazardous and harmful substances in waterflows for 2007Source: Annual report of processed data concerning the quality of the environment – 2007, MEPPPicture – Review of concentration of hazardous and harmful substances in waterflows for 2008Source: Annual report of processed data concerning the quality of the environment – 2008, MEPP76

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.6 Air Quality in the AreaThe limit values and types of polluting substances in the air are presneted in the tablesbellow:Table – Limit values for protection of ecosystems and vegetationPolluting substances Protection Average period Limit valueSulphur dioxide - SO 2 Ecosystems Year winter period 20 µg/m³Nitrogen oxide (NO + NO 2 ) Vegetation Year 30 µg/m³Source: Annual report of processed data concerning the quality of the environment – 2008, MEPPTable - Limit values for protection of ecosystems and vegetationPolluting substancesAverage periodLimit valuethat has to beachieved in2012Permittednumber ofexceededvalues duringthe yearLimit value for20081 hour 350 µg/m³ 24 470 µg/m³Sulphur dioxide - SO 224 hours 125 µg/m³ 3 125 µg/m³1 hour 200 µg/m³ 18 280 µg/m³Nitrogen dioxide1 year 40 µg/m³ 0 56 µg/m³24 hours 50 µg/m³ 35 67 µg/m³PM101 year 40 µg/m³ 0 54 µg/m³Maximum daily 8-0Carbon monoxide 10 mg/m³15 µg/m³hour average valueLead 1 year 0.5 µg/m³ 0 0.9 µg/m³C 6 H 6 1 year 5 µg/m³ 0 9 µg/m³Source: Annual report of processed data concerning the quality of the environment – 2008, MEPPThe air quality in the Republic of Macedonia is monitored by the following institutions:• Health Care Institues in Skopje and VelesThe monitoring network of these institutions include 10 measuring locations, seven inSkopje and three in Veles. At the measuring locations, the concentration of SO 2 andblack smoke is measured.• Hydrometeorological AdministrationThe monitoring network of this institution includes 19 measuring locations, of which 9are in Skopje. The remaining 10 are located in the following towns: Berovo, Bitola,Tetovo, Gevgelija, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Prilep, Stip, Veles and Village Lazaropole. Atthe measuring locations, concentration of SO 2 and black smoke is measured.• Ministry of Environment and Physical PlanningThe monitoring network of the Ministry includes 13 fixed automatic measuringstations. In Skopje, there are 4 stations, 2 stations in Bitola and Veles, and 1 in eachof the following towns: Kichevo, Kochani, Kumanovo, Tetovo and Village Lazaropole.These stations measure the ecological parameters: CO, SO 2 , nitrogen oxides NO x ,suspended particles PM10 and ozone О 3 .77

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderAssessment of Air Quality along the Transmission Line RouteThe predominant part of the corridor along the route spreads through rural areas. Bearingthis in mind, as well as the fact that no data are available from measurements of air pollutionin the immediate area along the route, it can be assumed that the air along the route of thetransmission line is of good quality, first of all because of the nature of the area and thedistance from the main polutors – industrial facilities and the main traffic infrastructure in theregion.78

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.7 Noise in the Environment of the AreaEmmission of noise in the environment is related to the development of the technology,industry and transport. According to the Law on Noise Protection in the Environment (2007)the noise in the environment is the noise produced by undesired or harmful external soundcreated by human activities, imposed in the surrounding and causes anxiety and unpleasantfeelings. Here, we can also include the noise produced by means of transport - road, railwayand air transport and the noise from industrial activities.The anxiety caused by noise means anxiety due to emission of a sound which is frequentand/or long-lasting, created at a certain time and place that prevents or has impact on theregular activities and functions, concentration, rest and sleep of people. Anxiety caused bynoise is defined by the level of anxiety of population caused by noise measured on theterrain or by making inspection.The upper values of basic indicators of noise in the environment are defined in theRegulation on Limit Values of Noise Level (2008). According to the degree of noiseprotection, the border values for basic noise indicators in the environment caused by varioussources may not be higher than the following:Area differentiated according toLevel of noise expressed in dBthe level of noise protectionLd Le LnFirst degree area 50 50 40Second degree area 55 55 45Third degree area 60 60 55Fourth degree area 70 70 60o Ld – day (period from 07,00 to 19,00 h)o Le – evening (period from 19,00 to 23,00 h)o Ln – night (period from 23,00 to 07.00 h)Areas according to the degree of noise protection are defined in the Regulation on Locationsof Measuring Stations and Measuring Spots (2008):ooooArea with first (I) degree of nosie protection is the area intended for tourism and leisureactivities, area near hospital institutions and area of national parks and naturalreserves.Area with second (II) degree of noise protection is the area intended for stay, i.e.residential area, areas near educational facilities, facilities for social welfare andaccommodation of children and older people, and facilities for primary health care,playgrounds and public parks, grean areas, recreation areas and local parks.Area with third (III) degree of noise protection is the area where the noise is permitted,i.e. trade – business – residential areas, which are intended both for living and working,(mixed area), areas for agricultural activities, public centres with trade, catering,adminstrative and other facilities.Area with fourth (IV) degree of noise protection is the area where noise is permitted:areas that have no residential buildings, intended for industrial and craftsman activities,production activities, transport activities, storage and servicing, communal activites thatproduce noise.79

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe Decision for determing the cases and conditions that may be considered as disturbingnoise (2009) identifies the activities during which noise is produced and exceeds the limitvalues of the noise, thus disturbing the peace of citizens.Due to the lack of developed national monitoring netowrork, there are no data concerning thelevels of noise in the environment along the route of the power line. Consequently, there areno planning documents for noise management, i.e. a strategic map and an action plan.Due to the nature of the area and the forms of the land use along the transmission line, theareas in its vicinity, according to the level of noise protection can be classified in the areas ofII and III degree of protection. According to the distance from the main noise emitters, it canbe concluded that the area around the route of the transmission line in terms of the noiselevel, is in the permitted limits, without continuous presence of noise produced byanthropogenic sources and activities.80

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.8 Ecological Components, Biodiversity and Conservation Status3.8.1 IntroductionThere are number of habitats, plant communities, plant and animal species along the route ofthe transmission line.The route of the transmission line passes through a small part of an EMERALD area (OvcePole) and passes by the monuments of nature – MN Nemanjici (Sveti Nikole) and MN MladoNagoricane. The endemic plant Celtis tourneforti was registerd in MN Mlado Nagoricane,however the route of the transmission line is far from its habitat.The route of the transmission line crosses river Pcinja (the section between village Zubovceand RP 13). The valley of this river is a sub-regional bird migratory route and contributory tothe main migratory pattern in the Balkan Peninsula - Vardar – Morava corridor. Birds passalong this corridor during their migration between Northern Europe and Eastern Africa.The valorization of the botanic and fauna values is made according several internationalcriteria: (i) IUCN Red List of threatened Plant species (Walter and Gillet, 1998), (ii) EUHabitat Directive 92/43 EEC, (iii) Bern Convention & Bonn Convention, (iv) CORINE, (v)EMERALD, (vi) CITES etc.There are over 250 registered plant taxons (fall aspect), of different plant communities andhabitat types that evolve along the route of the transmission line. The overview of theregistered taxons is given in Annex 4. Among them, the following 3 Macedonian endemicspecies are considered to have greatest botanical value: (i) Salvia jurisicii Košanin, (ii)Verbascum lesnovoensis Micev. and (iii) Onobrychys megalophylla Boiss., and two speciesthat are on the world Red List: (i) (Salvia jurisicii Košanin and (ii) Alkanna pulmonariaGrisebach).The inventory of the fauna includes a larger number of invertebrats, mainly more aspectivegroups (butterflies, grasshoppers, dragons), other arthropods, snails and mussels, and allgroups of vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. There is a large number ofspecies found on the above-mentioned list of significant species identified through thischapter of the study for evaluation of environmental impact.Detailed examination of the biodiversity of the area in question is given in the sector study inAnnex BiomesAlong the route of the transmission line, the present habitats, plant communities, the floraand fauna could be included in three separate biomes:• Biome of the ponto-caspian steppes and forest-steppes (PCS)• Biome of Mediterranean semi deserts (MSD)• Biome of submediteranean-balkan forests (SBF)The description and characteristics of each biome is given in the sector study in Annex 3.81

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.8.3 Habitats, Flora and Fauna3.8.3.1 Biomes of Pontoon-Caspian Steppes and Forest-Steppes (PCS)(A)Plant communities and habitatsThe physiognomy of the biome in the subject area is defined by the steppe plant speciesChrysopogon gryllus, Dichanthium ischaemum, Festuca vallesiaca, Festuca callieri,Agropyron cristatum, and other herbaceous plant species, that are part of hilly pastures keptin small slopping surfaces (Chrysopogon gryllus comm.), which rise above the vast cornfields and industrial crops.(B)Flora - significant speciesFrom the flora in the PCS, It is important to point out the local endemic species (Salviajurisicii and Verbascum lesnovoensis), of which the Salvia jurisicii species is on the IUCNRed List (1998), and represents a Macedonian CORINE species. Therefore, they should besubject to special attention in terms of protection in all phases of design, construction andoperation of the transmission line.Salvia jurisicii Košanin – cutleaf sageThis is an endemic plant species, found on the World Red List, with very limited distributionin Republic of Macedonia, present only in the area between Stip and Sveti Nikole and thesite Orlovo Brdo (near Negotino). Over 70% of the total populationof this endemic species inRepublic of Macedonia is found in the area between Stip and Sveti Nikole. This species isregistered in two sites along the route - between RP1 and RP2 (Chardaklija Jankov-Rid), andbetween RP4 and RP5 (Dolna Kopa - between v. Vrsakovo and v. Sudic).Verbascum lesnovoensis Micev. – lesnovos mulleinThis is an endemic species with restricted distribution, present near Probistip-Zletovo,Kratovo and the surroundings of Sveti Nikole. It grows in regions with human activity, on hillypastures developed near farming land. During the field investigations, the following localitieswere registered along the route: section RP8 - RP9 (Cuculica - at altitude of the villageNemanjica) and section RP9 – RP10 (Shipo - above the village Orel: Nikoleva Niva-Kula).(C)Fauna-significant speciesThere is as a record of 44 species from the group of butterflies (Lepidoptera), of which 12species are of particular importance, and from them 4 are with higher, protective status(CORINE species) as well as species from the list of directives of the Council of Europe.Table - Analysis of more significant species of butterflies in the biome of the ponto-caspian steppesSpeciesGlobal ThreatStatus GTSEuropeanThreat StatusETSSPECPS-primespeciesCORINEBernConv.App.IIHab. Dir. 92/43Ann.II (HB2)Hab. Dir. 92/43Ann. IV (HB4)Colias alfacariensis* - - 4b - - - -Hipparchia senthes* 4a - - - -Limenitis populi - - - C - - -Lycaena dispar* C B2 HD2 HD4Melanargia galathea* - - 4b - - - -Neohipparchia statilinus* - - 4b - - - -82

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderParnassius mnemosyne* - - - C B2 - HD4Plebeius argyrognomon - LR(nt)* - - - -Polyommatus daphis* - - 4b - - - -Polyommatus dorylas* - - 4b - - - -Satyrium acac<strong>EIA</strong>* - - 4b - - - -Zerynthia polyxena* - - - C - - HD4* Registered species during field inventoryFrom other groups of invertebrates (locusts, dragons, snails, etc.) there were no records ofspecies with a verified status for protection.All species of reptile fauna, recorded during the field inventory have significant Europeanstatus, or special interest for protection.Table - Valorization of reptiles in the biome of the ponto-caspian steppesSpeciesHabitatsDirectiveIUCN Bern CITES CORINELacerta taurica – bull lizard IV E II - -Coluber caspius – large whipsnake IV LR III - -Natrix tessellata – water snake IV DD II - CElaphe quatorlineata – rat snake II,IV V II - CTestudo greaca – mediteranen turtle II/IV V II II CThere are 33 species of birds registered, of which, 23 species have special importance.Table - Valorization of birds in biome of ponto-caspian steppesSpecies SPEC ETS WBD Bern Bonn CORAlauda arvensis* - sky lark 3 V II/2 III - -Anthus campestris – tawny pipit 3 V - III - CAquila chrysaetos* – golden eagle 3 R I II II CАquila heliaca* - royal eagle 1 E I II II CBurhinus oedicnemus* - stone curlew 3 V I II II CButeo rufinus* - long-legged buzzered 3 (E) I II II CCalandrella cinerea* - red capped lark 3 V I II - -Circus macrourus – pallid harrier 3 E I II II CColumba oenas – stock dove 4 S II/2 IIIEmberiza calandra*- corn bunting 4 S - IIIFalco tinnunculus* - kestrel 3 D II IIFalco cherrug – saker falcon 3 E - II II CFalco naumanni – lesser kestrel 1 (V) I II II CFalco vespertinus* - red-footed falcon 3 V - II II -Galerida cristata* - crested lark 3 (D) - IIIHirundo rustica – barn swallow 3 D IILanius collurio – red backed shrike 3 D I II CLanius minor*- grey shrike 2 D I II - CMelanocorypha calandra –Calandra lark 3 (D) I II COtis tarda – great bustard 1 D I II I&II CPerdix perdix* - partridge 3 V II,III/1 IIIRecurvirostra avosetta – pied avocet 4/3w L I II II CSaxicola rubetra* - whinchat 4 S II II* Registered species during field inventorySmall kestrel is not registered in any of the sites along the route (though there is a largenumber of them in the near environment, 5 km from the area, in the same biome). Reasonfor this is that the route of the transmission line is far from the populated areas where this83

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderspecies usually nests. Also, there are no records of pallid harrier, shelduck, pied avocet,black-winged stilt and great bustard.Golden eagle’s nest is registered near the v. Orel, a site with coordinates N: 41-56-50 / E:21-59-50, and the imperial eagle’s nest is located near the v. Dolno Gjugjance (N: 41-57-08 /E:21-57-39).Typical species of mammals for this biome are Citellus citellus and Spalax leucodon, as wellas those with steppe origin: Lepus capensis and Mus musculus. There are records of nestsof Canis vulpes (fox), and a number of nests (holes) of social vole (Microtus socialis). Thetable shows valorization analysis of terrestrial mammals that can be found in the biome of theconcerned area, and their valorization value.Table - Valorization of terrestrial mammals in the biomes of the ponto-caspian steppesSpecies CD Bern IUCN CORINECitellus citellus – European ground squirel II,IV II Vu CLepus capensis - rabbit - III lC -Most of the bats in this region come for food, from the surrounding biotopes or duringmigration (daily or seasonal). The following table shows a valorization analysis for mostaffected species of bats as a group of mammals, that suffer mainly from collision with thewires of the transmission line in the phase of operation, or loosing parts of their habitats andhunting grounds.Table - Valorization of bats in the biome of the ponto-caspian steppesSpecies CD Bern IUCN CORINEEptesicus serotinus - serotine bat IV II - CMiniopterus schraibersi - Schreiber’s' Bat II, IV II V CMiotis blythi – lesser mouse-eared bat I, II, IV II - CMiotis miotis – nocturnal bat II, IV II - CMyotis mistacinus – whiskered bat IV II - CPipisterlus pipistrelus – dwarf bat II, IV III - -Pipistrelus kuhli - Kuhl's Pipistrelle IV II - CPipistrelus nathusii - Nathusius' pipistrelle bat IV II - CRhinolophus blasii – blasius’s horseshoe bat II, IV II V C3.8.3.2 Biome of Mediterranean semi Deserts (МSD)(A)Plant communities and habitatsThe physiognomy of the biome in the subject area is defined by a greater number of plantspecies that represent important elements in the zone of hilly pastures. These species areadapted to extremely dry habitats - low soil and air humidity, shallow layer of soil, paleogeneand neogene marl, rocky places, habitats with high concentration of salts in the surface(halophytic habitat) and others. Such is the case with the following plant species - Eryngiumcampestre, Morina persica, Carthamus lanatus, Dasypyrum villosum, Galium purpureum andothers, after which these biomes are recognized and are used for their generalcharacterization as part of their wider range. Within this biome, along the route of thetransmission line, there are two habitats listed in the Habitat Directive: (i) EUNIS 1530 -Panonic salt steppes and salt marshes, and (ii) EUNIS 6210 - Semi-natural dry grasslandsand scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia, * important Orcidssites).84

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderEUNIS 1530 – Panonic salt steppes and salt marshesThe community - ass. Camphorosmetum monspeliacae Micev. 1965 is developed within thishabitat. This rare halophytic community develops in the area between Stip and Sveti Nikole,in places with salted soils in Ovce Pole. Due to the strong human influence, and in order toobtain new arable areas, the places where it is developed, are ploughed over, and it is highlyendangered. Distinctive species of the association is Camphorosma monspeliaca, veryimportant species that prevents erosion of the places where this plant is developed. Alongthe route of the transmission line, population from this community is present between RP1-RP2, RP6, RP7 and between RP8-RP9.EUNIS 6210 – Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareoussubstrates (Festuco Brometalia, *important Orchids sites)This habitat includes communities from the zones of hilly pastures with limestone base thatextend to large areas of the territory of Macedonia. The composition of this habitat includesendemic plant community ass. Astragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971. The communityAstragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 develops in the central parts of Macedonia, in steppelike areas (between Veles, Stip, and Negotino). It develops on paleogene marl, carbonatesoil, strongly eroded places, where it covers large areas. Along the route, populations of thiscommunity are present between the RP1-RP5, RP8 and between-RP9.(B)Flora-significant speciesFrom the significant species, phyto-geograficly belonging to this particular biome, the localendemic species of Salvia jurisicii and Onobrychys megalophylla should be distinguished, aswell as Alkanna pulmonaria, found on the world red list. The endemic species Salvia jurisiciiis described in the previous chapter.Onobrychys megalophylla Boiss. – large-leaf esparcetteThis is an endemic species with limited distribution. Most of the findings are located in thecentral parts of Republic of Macedonia (Serta Mountain, the area of Negotino, Kavadarci,Sveti Nikole, Veles all the way to Skopje-Katlanovo). During the field research, it wasregistered only along the route - between RP5 and RP6 (Buchishte-above v. Mustafinotoward v. Stanulovci).Alkanna pulmonaria Grisebach - alkannaThis is a globally important species, listed on the World Red List (IUCN Red List, 1998). Onthe territory of Macedonia, it develops on hilly pastures, along the oak tree forests, all theway to the mountain pastures, on limestone and silicate surfaces, from 250-2200 meters. It isknown for the canyon of r. Pcinja (Katlanovo, Kozle, Bader) canyon Taor, Kumanovo-alongr.Pcinja near v. Dobrosane, Negotino-Krivolak, mountain Serta, Dojran, Kavadarci-Drenovo,Prilep-Pletvar, Kozjak, Sivec, Pelister, Galicica, Nidze. During the field research, it wasregistered only at one site along the route - between points RT13 and RT14 (betweenGolubica and Diviche).(C)Fauna – signifficant speciesFrom the insects, from the group of locusts, the presence of carnivore kind Saga natoliae isparticularly significant.Ten species of butterflies from the total number of recorded species are with special, i.e.higher, protection status. These are the same species as those recorded in the biomes of theponto-caspian steppes, except the species Hipparchia senthes and Lycaena dispar.Almost all species of herpetofauna that could be found in this area are with some kind ofprotection status.85

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderTable - Valorization of herpetofauna in the mediterranean semi-deserts biomeSpeciesHabitatsDirectiveIUCN Bern CITES CORINELacerta trilineata - big green lizard IV E II - -Testudo hermani – ordinary turtle II/ IV V II II (1C) CColuber caspius – large whipsnake IV Lr III - -Coluber najadum – whip snake IV II -Теlescopus falax – cat snake IV II -30 species from the fauna of birds in this biome are of particular importance.Table - Valorization of bird fauna in the mediterranean semi-deserts biomeSpecies SPEC ETS WBD Bern Bonn CORINEAccipiter brevipes 2 R I II II CAnthus campestris 3 V - II - CAquila chrysaetos 3 R I II II CCalandrela cynerea 3 V I II - Ccarduleis cannabina* 4 S - II - -Certhya brachidactilla 4 S - II - -Coracias garrulus 2 D I II II CCoturnix coturnix 3 V II/2 - - -Dendorcopos medius 4 S I II CDendrocopos syriacus 4 (S) I II - CEmberiza calandra* 3 (D) I II CEmberiza cirlus 4 (S) - II - -Emberiza hortulana* 2 (V) I II - CEmberiza melanocephala 2 (V) - II - -Erithacus rubecula 4 S - II II -Falco tinnunculus 3 D - II II -Lanius collurio 3 D I II - CLanius senator 2 V - II - -Luscinia merarhynchos* 4 S) - II II -Merops apiaster* 3 D - II II -Muscicapa semitorquata 2 (Е) I II II CNeophron percnopterus 3 Е I II II COtus scops 2 (D) - II - -Parus coeruleus* 4 S - II - -Parus lugubris 4 S - II - -Perdix perdix* 3 V II/1; III/1 III - -Picus viridis 2 D - II - -Scolopax rusticola* 3w V II/1; III/2 III II -Sylvia communis* 4 S - II II -Turdus merula* 4 S II/2 III II -* Registered species during field inventoryFrom the mammals in this biome, the same types of bats can be found as those registered inthe biomes of the ponto-caspian steppes. Additionally, the following types are also present:(i) Rhynolophus ferrum-equinum, (ii) Rhynolophus hypposideros and (iii) Rhynolophuseuryale.The following table shows the valorization analysis of terrestrial mammals that can be foundin the concerned area, and which possess a certain valorization value.86

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderTable - Valorization of terrestrial mammals in the mediterranean semi-deserts biomeSpecies CD Bern IUCN CORINEVormela peregusna - marbled polecat - III V CCanis lupus - wolf II,IV II V CMartes foina - marten - III - -Meles meles -badger - III - -Felis silvestris – wild cat IV II V CLepus capensis - rabbit - III - - Biome of Submediteranean – Balcans Forests (SBF)(A)Plant communities and habitatsThe biome of the submediteranean-balkan forest in the concerned area is mainlyrepresented by quite degraded oak forests, present in certain parts along the route of thetransmission line. Their composition is mostly of Quercus pubescens, rarely Quercus cerris,as well as ligneous and shrubby representatives, specific for thermophile forest vegetation,that develop in the lowest parts of the territory of Republic of Macedonia, like the followingspecies: Acer monspessulanus, Fraxinus ornus, Ulmus minor subsp . tortuosa, Crataegusmonogyna, Colutea arborescens, Coronilla emerus subsp. emeroides, Cornus sanguinea,Lonicera etrusca, Prunus spinosa, Cotinus coggygria, Rhus coriaria, Rubus canescens,Osyris alba, and others. Somewhat more preserved habitats are present in the area betweenRT9 and RT10 (Shipo-Kampur), and between RP10 and RP11 (Kampur-Pezovski Lozja).Degraded habitats of oak forests with Quercus pubescens are present between RP8 andRP9 (Cuculica-Shipo), and between RP12 and RP13 (Kosmatashki Rid-Golubica).(B)Flora – signifficant speciesMost important species found in this biome, is the local endemic species Verbascumlesnovoensis Micev. It is described in the previous chapters.(C)Fauna – signifficant speciesFrom the butterflies, one species has a specific meaning - Thymelicus sylvestris. This type isassociated with near woodland ecosystems.From the group of amphibians and reptiles, most of the species from this biome are withcertain European importance. Fortunately, most of them are still widespread and, widelyrepresented throughout the whole territory of Macedonia.Table - Valorization of herpetofauna in the biome of submediteranean-balkan forestsSpeciesHabitats IUCN Bern CITES CORINEDirectiveBufo viridis – green toad frog IV V II - CLacerta taurica –bull lizard IV E II - -Lacerta viridis – green lizard IV V II - CLacerta trilineata – big green lizard IV E II - -Ablepharus kitaibeli – snake eyed skink II/ IV NE II - CTestudo hermani –ordinary turtle II/ IV V II II (1C) CТestudo graeca – mediteranean turtle IV - - II (1C) CColuber caspius – large whipsnake IV LR III - -Coluber najadum – whip snake IV - - - -Telescopus falax – cat snake IV - - - -Natrix tesselatta- water snake IV DD II - CElaphe longissima - Aesculapian Snake IV V II - C87

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderNatrix natrix – grass snake - LR III - CElaphe situla – leopard snake IV - - - CEryx jaculus – sand boa IV - - - -Elaphe quatorlineata – four-lined snake IV V II - CFrom the analysis of the entire bird fauna found throughout this biome along the route, ofparticular importance are the types shown in the following table.Table - Valorization of fauna of birds in the biome of submediteranean-balkan forestsSpecies SPEC ETS WBD Bern Bonn CORINESylvia communis* 4 S - II II -Emberiza melanocephalа * 2 (V) I III - CScolopax rusticola 3w V I /1; III/2 III II -Lanius collurio* 3 D I II - CParus coeruleus* 4 S - II - -Parus lugubris 4 S - II - -Turdus merula* 4 S II/2 III II -Merops apiaster* 3 D - II II -Emberiza hortulana* 2 (V) I III - CEmberiza calandra* 4 (S) - III - -Anthus campestris 3 V - II - CLuscinia megarhynchos* 4 (S) - II II -Picus viridis* 2 D - II - -Emberiza cirlus* 4 (S) - II - -Coturnix coturnix 3 V II /2 III II -Falco tinmunculus 3 D - II II -Neophorn percnopterus 3 Е I II II CCalandrela cynerea 3 V I II CLanius senator 2 V IIPerdix perdix* 3 V II /1; III /1 III - -Erithacus rubecula 4 S II IICarduelis cannabina* 4 S - II - -Certhya brachidactilla 4 S - II - -Coracias garrulus 2 D I II II COtus scops 2 D) - II - -Dendrocopos medius 4 S I II - C* Registered species during field inventoryIn this biome, the same types of bats can be found as those recorded in the biome ofmediterranean semi-deserts. Additionally, the following types are present: (i) Nyctalus leisleriand (ii) Barbastella barbastellus.Terrestrial mammals that can be found in this biome, and which have significant protectionvalue, are given in the following table.Table - Valorization of terrestrial mammals in the biome of submediteranean-balkan forestsSpecies CD Bern IUCN CORINEDryomis nitedula –forest dormouse IV III - -Glis glis – fat dormouse - III - -Erinaceus concolor - hedgehog - III - -Meles meles - badger - III - -Martes foina – stone marten - III - -Canis lupus - wolf II,IV II V CVormela peregusna – marbeled polecat - III V CFelis sylvestris – wild cat IV II V C88

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.9 Population, Settlements, Economic and Social ParametersThe route of the transmission line extends along the corridor of five municipalities, including:Stip, Karbinci, Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo and Staro Nagorichane. The overview of the route inthe context of administrative units alongside, and the settlements that gravitate toward theroute is shown in the next picture.Picture - Route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> inter-connective transmission line and overview of settlementsRoute of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>OHL Stip – Mac-Ser borderMunicipality St.Nagoricane- settlements -Mlado NagoricaneNikuljaneCelopekMunicipality Kumanovo- settlements -KokoshinjeKshanjePezovoKutlibegKosmatecNovoselaneZubovceShupli KamenMunicipality Sv. Nikole- settlements -MustafinoStanulovciBurilovciArbasanciMeckuevciRancinciNemanjicaOrelDolno GjugjanceGorno GjugjanceMunicipality Stip- settlements -CardaklijaSarcievoVrsakovoSudicMunicipality Karbinci- settlements -Dolni Balavan89

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderAn overview of the number of population in the above settlements in relation to the overallpopulation in concerned municipalities is given in the following tablePopulation of the Population of % of the totalMunicipality Stipconcerned municipality of municipal- settlements -settlementsStippopulationCardaklija 730 1.53Sarcievo 11 0.0247,796Vrsakovo 14 0.03Sudic 80.02Sub-total 763 47,796 1.60Population ofMunicipality KarbinciPopulation municipality of- settlements -KarbinciDolni Balavan 275 4,012 6.85Sub-total 275 4,012 6.85Municipality Sv. Nikole- settlements -PopulationPopulation ofmunicipality ofSv.NikoleMustafino 517 2.80Stanulovci 2 0.01Burilovci 14 0.08Arbasanci 1 0.01Meckuevci 15 0.0818,497Rancinci 38 0.21Nemanjica 201 1.09Orel 45 0.24Dolno Gjugjance 174 0.94Gorno Gjugjance 30.02Sub-total 1,010 18,497 5.46Municipality Kumanovo- settlements -PopulationPopulation ofmunicipality ofKumanovoKokoshinje 41 0.04Kshanje 43 0.04Pezovo 51 0.05Kutlibeg 13 0.01105,484Kosmatec 3 0.00Novoselane 4 0.00Zubovce 1 0.00Shupli Kamen 810.08Sub-total 237 105,484 0.22Population ofMunicipality St. NagoricanePopulation municipality of- settlements -St.NagoricaneMlado Nagoricane 1292 26.69Nikuljane 210 4.344,840Celopek 283 5.85Algunja 2374.90Sub-total 2,022 4,840 41.78Grand-total 4,307 180,629 2.38Source: Source: Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 2002It can be concluded that the whole area along the 70 km long corridor of the planned <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line is low populated, with total population of 4,307 inhabitatnts or less than 2.5% of total population in the concerned municipalities.90

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderPopulation and economic-social parameters of municipalities which are part of thetransmission line routeTable - Population and households in the municipalitiesMunicipality Population Populationdensity[pe/km 2 ]Number ofsettlementsHouseholdsAveragenumber ofhouseholdmembersStip 47.796 86,9 44 15.065 3,17Karbinci 4.012 15,5 29 1.212 3,31Sveti Nikole 18.497 38,5 34 5.698 3,25Kumanovo 105.484 344,0 30 27.984 3,76Staro Nagoricane 4.840 11,8 32 1.697 2,85Total: 180.629 / 169 51.656 3,50Source: Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 2002Table – Economic – social parametersMunicipalityEmploymentrate(age 15 – 64years)Level ofactivity of thepopoulationLevel ofunemployment(total workcapablepopulation)GDI per capita(level ofstatisticalregion) [us$]Stip 40,2 % 58,4 % 31,9 % 5.104Karbinci 28,8 % 54,1 % 47,0 % 5.104Sveti Nikole 36,6 % 61,4 % 40,6 % 5.104Kumanovo 30,1 % 55,6 % 46,2 % 3.541Staro Nagoricane 35,9 % 55,4 % 35,5 % 3.541Source: Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 2002Table – Public servicesMunicipalityPercentage ofsettlements whichare conected to thepublic water supplysystemPercentage ofdwellings that areconnected to thedrainage system forwaste waterPercentage ofsettlementsconnected to thecentral heatingsystemStip 98,2 % 90,2 % 5,5 %Karbinci 82,1 % 3,5 % 0,7 %Sveti Nikole 88,4 % 69,2 % 3,1 %Kumanovo 84,9 % 67,9 % 4,8 %Staro Nagoricane 19,8 % 0,2 % 0,4 %Source: Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 2002Table – Health servicesMunicipalityNumber of primaryhealth care institutionsPublic expendeture onhealt per capitaStip 19 9.784 MKDKarbinci 6 /Sveti Nikole 20 4.184 MKDKumanovo 41 5.275 MKDStaro Nagoricane 4 /Source: Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 200291

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.10 Use and Categorization of Land around the Route of the Transmission LineThe route of the transmission line passes through an area that has different purpose andland use. All settlements in the immediate area along the corridor of the transmission line aretypically agricultural villages. There are no significant industrial facilities that may haveinteractive impact on the planned transmission line.Annex 5 shows a cartographical overview and description of the categorization of land alongthe route of the transmission line.92

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.11 Existing and Planned Infrastructure on the Route of the Transmission LineThe route of the transmission line passes through a terrain that has diverse infrastructure.At the request of MEPSO, during the initial planning of the project for the inter-connective<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, and according Macedonian legislation in the field of spatial andurban planning, the Agency for Spatial Planning (ASP) determined the conditions for spatialplanning for the project in question. These conditions are included in the document"Conditions for spatial planning for preparation of urban design for the construction of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnective transmission line SS Stip - Macedonian-Serbian border" [Ref.24], issued inDecember 2008.The conclusions included in this document, in the context of existing and plannedinfrastructure along the corridor of the inter-connecting transmission line, and the generallikely spatial conflicts, are given in continuation.Water Economy infrastructure• Currently, the hydro system-HS Zletovica is in construction phase, and this system willenable (i) water supply to more than 100,000 inhabitants in the municipalities of Stip,Sveti Nikole, Karbinci, Probistip, Kratovo and Lozovo, (ii) irrigation of 3,100 hectares ofagricultural area and (iii) production of electricity from 56.80x10 6 KWh. HS Zletovica willprovide the water from the reservoir Knezevo. The route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> inter-connectivetransmission line passes through the planned route of the pipeline that would distributewater to Sveti Nikole and Lozovo.• There are plans for construction of the reservoir Pcinja, which would help improve thehydrological characteristics, and fully use the potential of the river Pcinja. The corridorof the route of transmission line passes through the wider area of the future reservoir.Energy infrastructureThe route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> inter-connective transmission line to Serbia is intersected with the 110<strong>kV</strong> transmission line Kumanovo – Probistip, the main gas pipeline to Bulgaria and with theplanned route of the future oil-pipeline AMBO.Trafic and communicationsThe route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> inter-connective transmission line is intersected with:• Regional roads:ooroad 209 (Sekulovci-Tatomir-Pavleshenci), androad 210 (Sv.Nikole-Nemanjica-Mechkuevci-Puzderci).• Railway Kumanovo – Beljakovce, and• Optic telephone cables.93

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderMap - Overview of existing and planned water economy and energy infrastructure in the area of thecorridor on the route of the transmission lineSource: Conditions for spatial planning for preparation of urban design for the construction of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnective transmission line SS Stip - Macedonian-Serbian border, ASP, December 200894

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderMap - Overview of traffic infrastructure in the area of the corridor on the route of the transmission lineSource: Conditions for spatial planning for preparation of urban design for the construction of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnective transmission line SS Stip - Macedonian-Serbian border, ASP, December 200895

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.12 Natural HeritageAlong the corridor of the transmission line, there are two protected areas (PA). These are:• The site "Mlado Nagorichane” (Category: Proposed Monument of Nature - MN)The site is a proposed botanical-geological monument of nature. It is located in the area ofsection RP13 - RP 14.The site is located approximately 10 km north-east of Kumanovo, near the main road to KrivaPalanka, or the border crossing with Bulgaria, on an area of 175 hectares. The phenomenonis a characteristic line of 8 panels of massive basalt with layers of spongy lava, whichpreviously represented only a basalt panel, and through geological history was divided bytectonic-erosive destructive processes. The presence of the relict plant Celtis tournefortii isvery significant. The location of this plant is at a significant distance from the route of thetransmission line. The basalt panels are a rare and very attractive phenomenon in the world,which makes them very important for the scientific research activity, education, and a firstclass landscape composition.• The site "Nemanjici” (Category: Proposed Monument of Nature - MN)The site is proposed as geo-morphological monument of nature. It is located in the areaaround RP8.The site is located near the v. Nemanjinci, on an area of 2 hectares, where the geologicalprofile in the paleogene flysch series was detected, and the horizon of sandstone is rich withfossil flora and fauna. The fauna is marine, typical for upper eocene, while the flora suggeststhe existence of tropical climate conditions. The site has important scientific and educationalimportance, especially because it is comparative to other sites in Central Europe andDinarides.Picture - Natural Heritage (projection to 2020)Траса на <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong> далекуводSource: Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia 2002 - 2020 (adopted in 2004)96

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border3.13 Cultural HeritiageIn the wider area of the corridor on the route of the inter-connecting <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line,there are records of cultural goods (Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia from 2002 to2020, Expert study of cultural heritage):• Archaeological site "Kostoperska Karpa / Zhegligovski Kamen, Maldo Nagorichane,eneolith to late middle century• Church Sv.Gjorgji Pobedonosec, Maldo Nagorichane, 1406, and• Church of St. Petka, Mlado Nagorichane, XVII century.The archaeological map of Republic of Macedonia, which studies the prehistoric and historiclayers of human existence, from the earliest times to the late Middle Ages, has recordednumber of sites in the wider area. Their detailed examination is given in terms of spatialplanning, defined by the Agency for Spatial Planning [Ref.24].Picture - Cultural Heritage in Macedonia (projection to 2020)TransmissionLineSource: Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia 2002 - 2020 (adopted in 2004)97

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4 Environmental Impacts from Project Implementation98

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.1 Safety AspectsThe principle safety aspects, and potential impacts on human safety and security of theinfrastructure of the transmission line, refer to:• Safety from electrical hazard• Electric and magnetic fields (EMF)• Risk of fire• Vibrations of the transmission line• Geological hazard4.1.1 Safety from Electrical HazardsThe dangers of using electricity are well known and, therefore, this issue will be one of thekey aspects of the design of the transmission line. Compliance with the requirementsembedded in the legal and technical regulations relating to safety from electrical hazard,including the establishment of sanitary security zones, safe distances to transmission lineelements and limitations in terms of land use in these areas, will prevent the creation ofconflicting situations in terms of people and property.According to the requirements incorporated in the Rulebook for the technical norms forconstruction of overhead power lines, with nominal power from 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>, each towerwill have warning signs, warning of hazard from electric current.4.1.2 Electric and Magnetic FieldsIn the last sixty years, apart from the existing natural electric and magnetic fields, people areexposed to numerous low-frequency (50 to 60 Hz) electro-magnetic fields (EMF). Thesefields are result of the generation, transmission, distribution and use of electricity. EMF arepresent in the surroundings of the operating electrical equipment. The intensity of the electricfield is measured in "volt per meter" (V / m), and varies in function of the difference ofpotentials between the conductors, land and nearby objects. The magnetic fields aredescribed with the concept of density flux (magnetic induction). These fields are measured inunit "Tesla" (T).In the last period of about 25 years, intensive research has been carried out to determine theimpact and the harmfulness of these fields in terms of human health. However, no directadverse health effects have been proven so far.The intensity of the EMF from the transmission line installations depends on the voltage levelof the line, and progressively decreases with the increase of the distance from the conductor.Standards for limits values for exposureIn 1998, based on available information, the International Commission for non-ionizingradiation protection (ICNIRP) issued recommendations relating to the limitation of exposureto low frequent fields, published in “Guidelines for limiting the exposure to electric, magneticand electromagnetic fields with varying duration (up to 300 GHz)" 4) (Ref.6). ICNIRPrecommendations refer also to the long-term exposure of the population and the short-termexposure in industrial locations. The limits for exposure, established by the recommendationsare widely accepted worldwide. They are adopted in:4 The document is available on

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• The recommendations of the EU Council 1999/519/EU of July 12, 1999 which restrictthe exposure of population to electro-magnetic fields (0 Hz do 300 GHz), and• Directive 2004/40/EU of the European Parliament and EU Council of April 29, 2004 forminimum criteria for health and safety regarding exposure of workers to risks arisingfrom physical agents (electromagnetic fields).Table - Limit values for exposure to EMF (ICNPR / EU)Exposure of publicIndustrial exposureElectric field Magnetic field Electric field Magnetic field5 <strong>kV</strong>/m 100 µT 10 <strong>kV</strong>/m 500 µTTaking into account the rising concern of the public on issues related to health implicationsthat would have been the result of exposure to electromagnetic fields, many countries in theworld began the process of drafting national legislation for establishing the permissible limitvalues for EMF.However, this type of regulation refers to EMF from high frequency and radiofrequency sources.Most EU countries have simply adopted the recommendations for low frequency EMF givenby ICNIRP, and follow the directions of the above recommendations of the EuropeanCouncil.In Macedonia, there is no national regulation for EMF from low-frequency sources.Intensity of EMF near <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmissio linePrevious measurements of values of EMF by various institutions, for relatively low securityheight of phase conductor from 10 meters above the ground, determined an electric field of6.7 <strong>kV</strong> / m, and magnetic induction of 42.9 μT. Taking into account the above-defined limitsof exposure to EMF, it can be concluded that for this and higher altitudes of the phaseconductor, the temporary presence of people near <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, is not likely tohave harmful effect on their health.The electric field progressively decreases with the increase of the distance from thetransmission line, and that of 3 <strong>kV</strong> / m at 15 meters distance from the edge of transmissionline field, i.e., 1 <strong>kV</strong> / m at a distance of 25 meters. Thus, the intensity of the field outside thecorridor of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line is significantly lower in relation to the criteria fromICNPR / EU.Compared to the magnetic induction under <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, the criterion for limitvalue for exposure (100 μT) is satisfied, even in cases of permanent residence or nearbyresidence.Research on EMF from transmission lines in Republic of MacedoniaIn Macedonia, in 1999 the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje conducted tests forhuman exposure to electric and magnetic fields near a <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line.Research results can be summarized as follows:• The model for calculating the EMF near high-voltage transmission line is based onstandardized procedures, specified in the document "Electric and magnetic fieldsproduced by transmission systems. The description of the phenomenon - Practicalguide for calculating ", issued by the Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux100

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderElectriques (CIGRE) in 1980 in Paris. The results of the measurements were validatedby comparison with recognized published reference results.• The results of the calculation of the electric field with intensity of 5 <strong>kV</strong> / m and more(which is the proposed limit value for exposure - ICNIRP) is limited in an area of about9.5 m below the conductor lines, and about 7 meters left and right of the externalconductors of the transmission line.• The results of the calculation of the magnetic field show that, under symmetric regime,magnetic fields with an unacceptable intensity of 100 μT or more (which is theproposed limit value for exposure - ICNIRP) are limited in an area of about 4 m belowthe conductor line, and about 2 meters left and right of each conductor of thetransmission line.According to the above mentioned, and taking into account the fact that the route of the <strong>400</strong><strong>kV</strong> inter-connective transmission line does not pass near residential areas, towns andsettlements, its activity does not have a significant potential to cause adverse effects onhuman health of local populations. Also, bearing in mind that the presence of maintenancepersonnel will be in the form of short periodic intervals, negative effects are not expected.Based on this, it can be concluded that the probability of EMF impact on human health is nota major issue for the project.4.1.3 Risk of FireIssues related to risk from fires may include:• Potential of construction activities to cause a fire. To reduce the dangers of fire of thiskind, certain measures will be undertaken during the construction phase.• Potential of operational facilities to cause a fire. The potential risk of fires associatedwith electrical defects during the operational phase of the project, will be managed bysecurity measures and monitoring requirements incorporated in the regulationsregarding fire protection.• Influences on the transmission line from a possible fire, caused on the route itself orin the wider area. The risk of damage to the transmission line from fire is low whenthere is no forest cover, or high vegetation in the surrounding area. The route of thetransmission line is in an area with rare forest vegetation, and for those reasons, it willnot be exposed to significant risk of damage from fire.4.1.4 Vibrations of the Transmission LineThe appearance of mechanical oscillations - vibrations of cables (phase conductors andprotective ropes) of the transmission lines is caused by laminar circulation of air masses.This phenomenon is most intense when the direction of the air power is generally vertical onthe transmission line.Depending on the intensity of air current, amplitude and frequency, generally the vibrationscan be:• "Eol” vibrations - frequency: 5-10 Hz; amplitude 1-40 mm; wind speed: 0,5-5,5 m/sec.• “Galloping" oscillations - frequency 0,2-1 Hz, amplitude 1-10 mm; wind speed 5-15 m/sec.Despite the wind and freezing, the topography of the terrain and vegetation, construction ofcables and equipment for connection, the selected maximum allowable working tensions,temperature, etc. have influence on the occurrence of mechanical vibrations.101

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderIn the case of mechanical oscillations, the damage on the transmission lines can be dividedinto:• Damage to the wires (the wire break, etc.).• Damage to the equipment for connection• Damage to the tower structure (unscrewing of screws, even bending of theconstruction during "galloping" oscillations).The Macedonian network has no registered data on the occurrence of progressive"galloping" oscillations, because of the well-chosen basic concept of electrical transmissionlines. Regarding the “eol" vibrations, according to research by MEPSO (and in the previousperiod, research by ESM), as well as past experience with existing transmission lines, thereis no need for certain additional safeguard measures for the inter-connective <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line in question.4.1.5 Safety Aspects from Geological HazardsAlong the corridor of the route of the transmission line, number of engineering-geologicalappearances and processes of dredging and excavating have been registered:• Fossil excavation at about 200 meters south of RP8.• Intensive dredging and fossil excavating under RP9.• Increased dredging of the western slope of the "Crvena Suma" between RP 9 andRP10.• Excavation at about 300 meters southeast of the reference point RP12 or about 170-180 meters perpendicular to the span of the route.These appearances represent a geological hazard, and probably have the potential to causeadverse effects on the safety of the structures of the transmission line. Therefore, toeliminate risk, it is necessary to provide appropriate measures in the phase of detaileddesign of the route of the transmission line, especially in determining the individual locationsof towers in areas of the above mention localities. The proposed measures for elimination ofthe probability of occurrence of these hazards are given in chapter 5.3 of this study forenvironmental impact assessment.102

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.2 Impacts on Biological DiversityConstruction phaseIn this project phase of the transmission line, activities that would likely have a negativeeffect on vegetation, the autochthonous flora and plant communities and natural habitats are:• Removal of vegetation for construction activities (extension of the wires,assembly and installation of the towers) and safe operation of the transmissionline.Planned corridor of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line is routed mostly in anagricultural area. Due to the intensification of commercial activity, the main typeof vegetation and forests are preserved as small islands between agrophytocenosesand settlements, which is also typical for the whole plain part ofOvce Pole and Kumanovo valley. Scattered woodland areas exist in the mostnorthern section of the corridor toward border with Serbia. Thematic maps onland use in the Annex 5.1 show a cartographical overview and description of theland use along the route of the transmission line. Bearing in mind theseconditions, the removal of vegetation and trees is expected to be minimal andlimited, primarily towards meeting the requirements for safety distances andcreation of the protection zone, required in the legislation for transmission powerlines, i.e the Regulation on technical principles for construction of overheadpower lines with nominal voltage of 1 <strong>kV</strong> to <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>. Prescribed safety distance inthis regulation from the outermost conductors of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line tosurrounding trees is 5 metres. Beyond this distance it is not required to cut downthe trees.The process of further project planning and the detail design will include detaileddescription of areas where a need to prune vegetation will occur during theconstruction of transmission line for creation of the protection zone.• Improvement of existing access roads, and (possibly) construction of new accessroads to certain sites where the towers will be placed.• The area where construction materials will be stored.• Increased frequency of transport and construction machinery.• Increased frequency of people and construction workers, particularly in thecontext of the possibility for collecting medicinal plants.• Potential fires in the area of construction work, which could have irreversibleconsequences in terms of vegetation and biodiversity of flora.• Special potential negative effect could be expected if the access roads to thetowers pass through populations of significant habitat types from the HabitatDirective (recorded in chapter 3 of this study) and endemic species, wherefragmentation or complete degradation of their habitat could occur.In the construction phase, activities that would have a potential negative effect of theautochthonous fauna are:• Improvement of existing access roads, and (possibly) construction of new accessroads to individual sites where the towers will be placed.• Increased traffic frequency and vehicle movement will result in increased levels ofnoise, which can cause disturbance, especially of birds and mammals in theirusual activities for nourishment and rest. An additional effect would beobstruction of bird nesting and some mammals (foxes).103

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• Increased frequency of people and construction workers, particularly in thecontext of potential risk of disturbance to birds and other vertebrates, whichprevents nesting and usual nourishment and rest of the autochthonous fauna,especially birds and mammals.• Potential fires in the construction work area, which could have irreversibleconsequences on the biodiversity of fauna.All the previously mentioned activities potentially influence, mainly less, on the loss ofhunting grounds (among all animal groups), loss of summerresting areas, or have an impactduring the migration through the loss of places for nourishment and mating.However, it should be emphasized that the impacts on biodiversity in the construction phaseare of short-term nature, and that with the implementation of appropriate preventivemeasures and procedures, they can be reduced to insignificant levels.Operational phaseIn the operational phase, with the start of the operation of the transmission line, no significantadverse impacts on plant species, plant communities and habitats are expected.There are no plans to conduct interim control of the transmission line with helicopters and,therefore, creation of disturbing noise in terms of the sensitive species of fauna is notexpected.The possible impacts on land animals (amphibians and reptiles) and the majority of insects,which generally do not gravitate to the height of the transmission line infrastructure, areinsignificant.In this design phase, the likely impacts on birds would be:1) Collision with transmission line cables, especially the larger species of birds (geese,ducks, swans, and birds of prey), in terms of:- Spring or autumn migration of waterfowl at the intersection of the transmissionline with r.Pchinja (between village Zubovce and RP 13)- Spring and autumn migration of larger species of birds of prey alongside thewhole transmission line.- In conditions of rainy weather and fog.2) Collision of smaller birds with transmission line cables during wanderings in largerclusters and migration. This especially applies to starlings and great larks, and mostspecies of buntings who have a habit of moving into larger clusters.3) The possibility of electrocuting birds is the biggest threat to birds from transmissionline installations. This usually happens to the larger bird species, but may occur tosome small species (the size of sparrows and starlings).There are several reasons for electrocution, including:- Inappropriate locations of the transmission line conductors and isolators. It is strictlynecessary to comply with:i. Recommendation of the Bern Convention no.110/2004) - [Ref.1]ii. Resolution 7.4 of the Convention for the protection of migratory species [Ref.2]104

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderiii. Recommendations of the working group Birdlife International for birds andtransmission lines (2007).- Contact of the bird faeces in semi solid state with the phase conductor, which is thecause for electrocution and death of birds. These cases are typical for rainy days.- Contact of two phases or two conductors with different voltage, with larger birds.Beside the above mentioned accidents, there are series of cases when a transmission line isout of order because of:- short circuit caused by falling branches from the nest material, especially duringwet weather conditions, and- short circuit caused by contact of two conductors with larger raptors or waterfowl.Hence, most of the mentioned reasons that may lead to electrocution are low probable anddo not pose significant threat to the bird fauna.Having in mind that the horizontal distance of the phase condustors of the planned <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>transmission line is minimum 7.5 m it can be concluded that the risk of electrocution isinsignificant, even for the biggest known birds of prey in Macedonia.Potential danger in terms of bats is their clash with a transmission line conductor, usuallyduring hunting prey. This effect is probably where the transmission route passes close to thetypical habitats of bats, such as woodland or caves. This is not the case with the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnective transmission line Stip - Macedonian-Serbian border. For this reason, thetransmission line has no potential direct impact on bats.105

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.3 Impacts on Geology and SoilsConstruction phaseThe expected impacts of the transmission line on the geological structures and soil in thedesign phase, would be in the form of soil degradation and erosion, and violation of certaingeological formations because:• Construction of access roads and work plateaus to projected locations, forperforming investigative field work, construction and installation of towers• Excavation of foundations for towers• Eventual fuel leak and lubricants from construction machinery and vehicles fortransport of construction materials and equipment, and• Handling and manipulation of chemicals and oils for the transmission lineequipment.Considering that most of the route of the transmission line reaches across the land whereagricultural activities using heavy agricultural machinery take place, the risk of soilcompacting from construction work for the transmission line, is considered insignificant,because the construction vehicles and machinery will have a similar magnitude of impact asthe agriculture machinery.The risk of soil erosion is limited, mainly to localities where the preparation, assembly andinstallation of the towers will be done.It is necessary to eliminate or reduce to a minimum, the possible influences of several microlocations near the village Nemanjica, where within Eocene tile formations, there are relics ofancient flora and fauna. This is especially important because they are proposed for protectedarea - a monument of nature.There are no plans to open new installations for exploitation of mineral-geological materialsin the area of the corridor on the route of the transmission line. Therefore, no negative impacton mineral resources in the concerned area is expected.In terms of hydrogeological occurrences and objects, the expected impacts that needattention are:• Potential degradation and destruction of existing underground line facilities(pipelines and channels), on locations determined for towers, as well as theconstruction of access roads and• Potential direct and indirect pollution (through water and objects) of aquifer rockmasses (hydrogeological collectors), through vertical infiltration (leakage) of fuel,oil, or cement solution from vehicles and construction machinery.In terms of engineering-geological occurrences and processes, the potential impacts thatneed attention are:• Activation of existing and new excavations, during the construction of accessroads and• Erosion of excavated material, particularly during the construction of notches atthe access roads.106

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderOperational phaseRegarding the operational phase, impacts on the transmission line on the geologicalstructures and soil, hydrogeological and engineering appearances and geologicalphenomena, and processes are not expected, except in periods of maintenance andservicing of the transmission line, when the risks of disruption and erosion, as well as indirectand direct contamination of soils and rock masses, through vertical infiltration of fuel, oil orchemicals, again become current.107

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.4 Impacts on Air quality and ClimateDuring its operational phase, the transmission line will not produce emissions of harmfulpollutants in the air. The corona effect can result in a negligible production of ozone (O 3 )around the transmission line conductors.The transmission line has no potential to cause changes in climate parameters in the area ofthe corridor of the route.The impact on air quality will be during the construction phase of the transmission line.Construction phaseThe construction work on each of the locations of towers typically includes performance ofearth and concrete works for construction of concrete foundations, and installation of towerstructures. There will be movement of different type of vehicles, construction machinery, andlabor force across the access roads within the established construction zones.During the construction phase, the main sources of air-pollutants are the exhaust systems ofthe construction machinery and vehicles for transporting segments of tpwers, work force, andmaterials. The group pollutants of this type include NOx, SO 2 , CO, etc. The intensity of theseimpactsa is short term and limited to completion of the construction works, and is in relationto the level of standards for fuels that are used in Macedonia, i.e. limit value for the content ofsulfur, lead, benzene, etc. The level of emission depends also on the manner of maintenanceof the vehicles.Fugitive dust emissions can be expected because of the establishment of a constructionsite(s), expanding the existing and building new access roads, transport, and handling ofconstruction materials, earth works, construction of the concrete foundations for the towerconstruction and others.During the construction phase, there will be no odour emissions.The emissions of pollutants and dust in the air can affect the local population, depending onthe direction and speed of wind. It is expected that this impact is insignificant because of:• the fact that most of the micro locations of the towers will be of considerabledistance from settlements• the existing vegetation along the route of the transmission line is kind of a barrier forthe dispersion of emissions, and• environmental management and mitigation measures will be taken.108

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.5 Impact on Quality of Surface WatersConstruction phaseThe establishment of construction sites and the construction of the transmission line andaccess roads to individual locations of the towers, can affect the quality of surface water asfollows:• The disruption of the land surface and the removal of soil cover can cause erosionof the sediments, and potential contamination of the surrounding surface waters, byincreasing the level of solid particles suspended in them.• Leakage of polluted water from construction sites.• Fuel or oil leakage from vehicles.• Removal / disposal of waste into surface waters.• Heavy metals present in emissions from vehicles.Direct irreversible impacts on the regime and the quality of surface water from theimplementation of construction works are not expected.Potential risk site that should be taken into consideration is the intersection of the corridor ofthe route and Pcinja River, south of the reference point RP13. This is especially importantbecause of the fact that in the period of low water level, the locals with tractors use the firmrocky bottom of the river (marble) to pass from one side of river to the other. The constructionmachinery may use this point during construction, which opens the possibility for significantimpact on water quality. For this reason, the crossing of the river in this manner should beprohibited.During the construction of the transmission line, impact on groundwater is not expected,because the construction works will include shallow pits.Operational phaseDuring its operational phase, the transmission line will not discharge harmful pollutants in thewater.The operational transmission line could result in minor potential impacts on the water quality,especially with activities for maintenance and control of the infrastructure and equipment.Potential sources of contamination of water during this phase are:• Fuel or oil leakage from vehicles used for maintenance of the transmission line.• Removal / disposal of waste into surface waters.• Heavy metals present in emissions from vehicles.109

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.6 Impacts from NoiseConstruction phaseEmission of noise in this design phase is imminent. Construction work on each of thelocations of the towers will typically include execution of earth and concrete works forconstruction of concrete foundations, and installation of the tower structures. Theconstruction machinery and work force will move within the established construction zones.Major sources of harmful noise during the construction phase, including transportation andinstallation oftowers, are the construction machinery and equipment, and procedures ofhandling construction materials. The highest level of this type of noise is up to 80 to 90 dB(A).Having in mind the distance of most of the individual locations of the towers of thesettlements, and the fact that the operation of the above sources is not continuous, thegeneration of harmful noise will be occasional, and will not cause significant environmentalimpact and impact on the local population. This influence can be compared with the noisethat is generated from agricultural machinery. Taking the appropriate standardized measuresand operational activities during the construction works, will allow compliance of noise levelswith the emission limit values.The intensification of traffic on the main access roads due to construction activities wouldcause short-term increase in the level of noise in the settlements. However, because of theshort duration of these impacts, the emission limit values are not expected to be exceeded,and no irreversible damage on humans and the environment is expected.Operational phaseDuring its operational phase, the transmission line will not produce emissions of harmfulnoise in the immediate surroundings and the environment.There are no plans to implement interim control of the transmission line with helicopters and,therefore, disturbing noise is not expected.Emission of noise is expected only from the maintenance equipment (vehicles, cranes, etc.),during the maintenance of the transmission line. This noise has short-term effect, and nopotential to cause adverse impact on humans and the environment.Corona effectIn this phase, there is possible occurrence of disturbing noise due to corona effect, i.e.electrical discharges around the conductor wires. Corona effect is a normal phenomenonassociated with all energy transmission lines. Under certain conditions, a localized electricfield near the conductor of energy can be concentrated enough to create electrical discharge,which ionizes the surrounding air. The partial discharge of electricity is known as coronadischarge or corona effect. Several factors, including voltage, shape and diameter, andsurface irregularities of the conductor (scratches, dust or water droplets) can affect thesurface gradient of the conductor and its corona behavior. The corona is actually a physicalmanifestation of energy loss in the form of very small amounts of sound, radio noise, heatand chemical reaction with components of the surrounding air.110

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderThe noise from the corona effect is directly dependant on certain physical parameters of theenvironment, particularly the presence of forest belts, morphology of the terrain, etc.Because the energy losses are non-economic, and the noise is undesirable, the coronaeffect in the transmissions lines has been explored in detail in the recent decades.Consequently, the corona effect is entirely known, and when designing the transmissionlines, measures for its minimization are implemented, particularly for high-voltagetransmission lines with voltage levels above 300 <strong>kV</strong>.The proper choice of conductor sizes for the transmission line will reduce the localizedelectric blast on the air on the surface of the conductor, and will further reduce the surfacegradient on the same level that would cause very small and negligible corona activity.111

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.7 Solid Waste ManagementDuring its life cycle, the transmission line will create different types and fractions of waste,including municipal waste, packaging waste and waste from construction activities.Additionally, creation of minor quantities of certain fractions of hazardous waste (paints,varnishes, adhesives, anti-corrosive substances, etc.) is expected, as in the phase ofconstruction, and in the operational phase.Construction phaseAt this stage, the main source of waste will be the construction activities themselves, andwaste generated by the workforce.Taking into consideration the fact that most of the total volume of construction activities willbe of a prefabricated type, the amount of construction waste will be insignificant. Thefractions of waste that will be created as a result of construction activities are in relation tothe types of materials and equipment to be used during the performance of the variousconstruction stages (earthen and concrete works, electro-mechanical works, installationworks, final work, etc.).Technical maintenance of construction machinery and other vehicles will not be conductedwithin the location. For these reasons, creation of waste, characteristic for this type of activity(used tires, batteries and oils from vehicles and other) is not expected.Solid waste that will be produced by the workers during their stay at the site and theconstruction site is municipal waste, and according to its composition is similar to the wastefrom the households.The tables give an overview of the expected types of waste during the construction phase,systematized according to the classification in the List for types of 15 – Packaging waste15 01 Packaging waste, paper and cardboard, plastics, wood, metal, composite packaging,glass, 17 – Construction and demolition waste17 03 Waste bituminous mixtures, tar and products from tar * )17 04 Waste from metals17 05 04 Waste from land excavation17 06 04 Isolation materials (that don’t contain asbestos or dangerous substances)17 09 04 Other construction waste (mixed waste)* ) Categorised as hazardous wastegroup 20 – Municipal waste (+ simmilar waste from the industry), including fractions of selectedwaste20 01 Separatly collected fractions (solvents, paint, glues and others* )20 03 01 Mixed municipal waste20 03 07 Bulky waste* ) Depending on the content, they can be categorized as hazardous waste112

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderOperational phaseDuring its operation, the transmission line will create waste that will result from the activitiesof MEPSO regarding the maintenance and control of the installation.Common types of waste that will be created in the operational phase of the project includeconsumables, spare parts and equipment. The dynamics of the creation of these wastes is inrelation to the of maintenance regime and in accordance with the requirements of themanufacturer of the transmission line and accompanying technology.The waste management system shall be established during the operational stage. Thissystem will be in compliance with the legal waste requirements and in line with MEPSO’sinternal practices for maintenance of overhead transmission lines.113

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.8 Property Aspects and Impacts on IncomesConsidering:(i)that most of the route of the interconnective <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line passes alongthe existing boundaries of agricultural units,(ii) that the spans between two adjacent towers are relatively long (about <strong>400</strong> meters)(iii) that the area needed to locate the towers is insignificant compared to thesurrounding agricultural areas, and the fact(iv) that the transmission lines are facilities that are fully compatible with all forms ofagricultural activity, i.e. that they can continue in their operational phase,it is assumed that, the project would imply negligible impact on the processes of agriculturalproduction and economic revenue from it.Therefore, it will not create a noticeable measurable effect on generating income of affectedfarmers and agricultural companies.The permanent loss of land, forest and other property, and possible damage during theconstruction phase, or during maintenance of the transmission line, will be subject tocompensation under positive Macedonian regulations.MEPSO will conduct an appropriate process of land acquisition by any natural or legalperson owning the land that is necessary for the implementation of the project.114

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.9 Visual AspectsConstruction phaseThe area within the construction zones, established along the route of the transmission line,will be temporarily changed during the construction phase. The number of construction sites,their size and locations of these will be specified in the technical documentation forconstruction. These zones, together with the localities where the construction materials andprefabricated segments of the towersw will be stored, will be visually discernible, and willdraw changes in the aesthetics of the area. However, these changes will be of short-termnature, with duration equal to the time of construction. Therefore, and due to the fact thatmost of the route corridor has agricultural activities of different kind and scale, these changeswill have minor importance.After the completion of the construction activities, and according to the obligations underMacedonian legislation for construction, the micro – relief and vegetation in these areas willbe subject to restoration.Operational phaseAt certain sites, the new <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line will cause limited visualchanges to the existing landscape and scenery. Because of (i) the relatively thin design ofthe towers and (ii) the principle of selection of the route corridor, parallel with already existingstructures / transmission line, as well as (iii) significant distances from settlements, the visualeffect of transmission line is expected to be low.It is considered that the visual amenity of thestudy area in general would not deteriorate to a significant degree and the overall impactupon the population of the study area is therefore limited.Visible changes will occur only in places of intersection of the transmission line with roadsand places for bridging deep gullies and ravines.In the vicinity of the route, there are no specified regions with significant visual values, touristand recreational areas, historical and architectural monuments, whose aesthetic valueswould be in conflict with it. The Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia 2002 - 2020 has norecord of declared protected areas, or proposed landscape diversity areas in the nearbysurrounding of the transmission line.Due to careful planning of the route of the transmission line, the need for clearing vegetation,trees, and forest covers is reduced to a minimum. It contributes to a reduced impact on thevisual characteristics of the area along the corridor route.Noticeable visual change will occur only at points of crossing of the transmission line withroads, and places of bridging deep valleys and ravines.Based on the past experience it can be concluded that the visual aspects associated withOHL developments do not represent crucial aspect for their acceptance by the localpopulation and it is likely that the majority of the community will regard the visual impact asbeing acceptable. Consultation to date with residents in the vicinity of the OHL route hasbeen generally positive.115

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.10 Impacts on Natural HeritageThe planned route of the transmission line does not pass near registered protected naturalheritage.During the preparation of plan documentation, and during the detailed design of thetransmission line infrastructure, MEPSO will respect the requirements for protection of theregistered natural heritage, embedded in the Macedonian legislation and multilateralinternational agreements in the field of nature conservation.This approach implies the avoidance of any construction activities, penetration / usage ofaccess roads and installation of the towers in areas around the registered protected areas.That would allow the elimination of potential direct impacts on them.116

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.11 Impacts on Cultural HeritageDuring the preparation of the planning documentation, and during the detailed design oftransmission line infrastructure, MEPSO will respect the requirements for protection of thecultural heritage embedded in the Macedonian legislation and multilateral internationalagreements in the field of culture.In addition, during the construction works, the work contractor shall be obliged to comply withstipulations of the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage as described below.Macedonian legal requirements in a case of accidental archeological discoveryIf an archaeological site or items of archaeological significance are found during execution ofconstruction works, the work contractor / investor is obliged to:(i)inform immediately the competent public institution for protection of cultural heritageor the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the discovery(ii) cease the operations and to secure the site against eventual damaging or destroying,as well as against unauthorized access, and(iii) maintain the discovered items in the location and in condition they were found.If archeological items are excavated, i.e. taken out for the purpose of their better protection,the work contractor / investor is obliged:• To submit the discovered items to the competent authority during the time of providingthe above information or to do that during the process of identification of thediscoveries by the competent public institution for protection of cultural heritage.• To undertake necessary measures to protect the items against damage or sale untiltheir submission to the competent public institution for protection of cultural heritage.• To provide all necessary information regarding the location and position of the items inthe time of their discovery and regarding the circumstances under which it was carriedout.Depending on the nature and importance of the discovered site and archeological items andupon a decision by the Macedonian national Cultural Heritage Protection Office (CHPO), theconstruction works may:• Continue under archaeological supervision by competent public institution forprotection of cultural heritage.• Be temporary ceased. In such situation, CHPO proposes protective excavations andresearch, as well as other protective measures. The temporary cessation of worksmay proceed no longer than 30 days, in which period the CHPO shall enact adecision for temporary protection of the site / archeological items. If such decision isnot enacted, after the completion of the protective excavations and researches, thesite shall be considered as a free area.117

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.12 Cumulative ImpactsCumulative impacts are combined impacts of two or more projects that are close to the samelocation or area, and which types of impacts have similar nature and potential for interaction.Thus, in relation to the planned <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line, cumulative effectsmay occur as a result of other existing, or future projects of the same type along its corridor,especially other transmission lines.Taking into account the nature of the likely impacts of the planned transmission line, of somesignificance in the context of their integration with influences from other transmission linesare influences from EMF.Due to the fact that EMF have mainly localized character, and are actual in the immediatevicinity of the transmission line, the potential for interaction of EMF impacts from varioussources is negligible.118

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border4.13 Matrix of Environmental ImpactsDescription of the parameters of the effect according to their (i) scope, (ii) probability ofoccurrence, (iii) duration and (iv) significance, is given in the following table.ScopeProbabilityDurationSignificanceLimited(on location / route ofthe transmission line)LocalRegionalGlobalNo probabilityLow probabilityAverage probabilityHigh probabilityReliable probabilityVery shortShortAverage durationLongVery longАBCDArea on, and around the construction and operationallocation (route of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmissionline)In the range of municipality / neighboring municipalitiesR. Macedonia / neighbor countriesContinent and widerShould not occur during normal operation andconditionsPossible, but unlikelyMay happen sometimesLikely to occur during the life cycle of the projectWill certainly appearFew minutes to few hoursFew hours to few weeksFew weeks to few monthsFew months to few yearsDecades / centuriesNegligible (minor) weak impact without damaging theenvironmentMeasurable impact, but with proper planning does notcause damage to the environmentSignificant impact, but can be controlled byimplementing the appropriate measuresInfluence that would be harmful to the environment119

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderTable - Matrix of the main environmental impacts from the interconnective <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line / 1Parameter / indicator ofenvironmentDescription Scope Duration Probability SignificanceElectromagnetic fieldscontruction / / / / /operation creation of EMF Limited LongWill certainlyappearA / BBiological diversityHabitatsfragmentation of internationally importantWill certainlyAveragehabitats, plant communities, flora and faunaappearCAveragecontruction devastation of habitats from fireLongCprobabilityLimitedpartial devastation of the habitats throughWill certainlyShortBexcavation and embankmentsappearoperation fragmentation of the habitats of wild animalsLongWill certainlyappearBFloraconstructionfragmentation of habitats of endemic plantWill certainlyLimited AveragespeciesappearBoperation / / / / /Faunaconstructionoperationdisturbance of fauna (noise and people),especially of vertebrates (obstruction ofbreed)collection of snails and bird eggscollision of birds / bats with the conductors ofthe transmission linedeath of birds (electrocution)LimitedLimitedShortVery longWill certainlyappearAverageprobabilityHighprobabilityNo probabilityBB / CBC120

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderTable - Matrix of the main environmental impacts from the interconnective transmission line <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> / 2Parameter / indicator ofenvironmentDescription Scope Duration Probability SignificanceGeology and soilconstructiondegradation of soil / rock masses (towerLimited Long to very long Blocations and access roads)Averagefuel leaks, oil or concrete solvent leaks fromLocal Very short probability B / Cvehiclesoperation leak of fuel or oil from vehicles Local Very shortA / BAir qualityconstructionemission of dust andWill certainlyLimited Very shortemission of exhaust systems of vehiclesappearBoperation / / / / /Water qualityfuel leaks, oil or concrete solvent leaks fromconstructionLocal Very short Average B / Cvehiclesprobabilityoperation leak of fuel or oil from vehicles Local Long, discontinuedA / BNoiseconstructionconstruction machinery / equipmentWill certanlyLocalVery shortvehicles for transport of materialshappenАoperation corona effect Limited Long, discontinuedHighprobabilityАWaste managementconstruction different categories of waste Limited AverageWill certainlyappearBoperation different categories of waste Limited Incidental Low probability BVisual aspectsconstruction construction / access roads / building towers Limited Very shortWill certainlyappearАoperation visibility of transmission line infrastructure Local LongWill certainlyappearА121

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5 Mitigation Measures122

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.1 Mitigation Measures for Electro-magnetic FieldsThe likely impacts from electric and magnetic fields from the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnectivetransmission line will be present during its operational phase.Overall, the risk of harmful effects from electric and magnetic fields on humans can beminimized through appropriate design solutions.The main measure to eliminate the likely impact of EMF is an appropriate choice of thelocations of towers / spreading of the route in terms of the settlements. Most of theestablished route of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line doesn’t pass close toresidential areas, towns, and cities.During the process of design of the transmission line infrastructure and equipment, therequirements for minimum heights of the phase wires will be incorporated, allowing fulfillmentof the levels of exposure to EMF set by the ICNIRP.In addition, in the operation phase of the transmission line, MEPSO will conduct monitoringand measuring activities for the levels of EMF in certain potentially critical sites, and controlthe possible exceeding of the limit values of exposure.123

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.2 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the BiodiversityDesign phase and construction phase(A)General mesures for reducing the impactsGeneral measures to reduce impacts on plant communities, habitats, flora and fauna in thisphase include:• Use of existing access roads and minimizing the construction of new access roads.• Prohibition and prevention of any actions that impede the spontaneous developmentof the autochthonous flora and fauna, particularly (i) the collection of medicinal plants,mushrooms and fruits, (ii) collecting snails, (iii) disturbance and hunting of game,birds, etc., (iv) collection of eggs from birds and other.• Prohibition of fire ignition due to potential fires, and consequently, causing irreversibledamage to environmental resources and biodiversity features.• Limitation of construction areas with heavy construction machinery, to preventimpacts on wildlife.(B)Specific mesures for reducing the impactsPlant communities, habitats and floraThe specific measures for reduction of the impacts along sections of the route of thetransmission line, in the context of its reference points (RP) are given below.Section: RP 1 - RP 2(i) There are relatively small areas with halophytic vegetation, where dominant speciesis Camphorosma monspeliaca (41°47'01''N / 22°10'06''E / 313 m and 41°47'08’'N /22°10 '02 'E / 330 m).Measure: Towers will not be located at the above sites, nor there will be constructionof access roads.(ii)(iii)At the site with coordinates 41°47'12''N / 22°09'58''E / 337 m, there are relativelysmall areas with hilly pastures, where the community of Astragalo-MorinetumMicevski 1971 grows.Measure: Avoid placing towers and construction of access roads in this area. Ifnecessary for this purpose, surfaces with the community Chrysopogon gryllusshould be used. This community develops with contact with the previous communityin its immediate vicinity, and is not endangered, and that should be taken intoaccount when taking any kind of road activities. If, during the construction work it isimpossible to avoid areas with the community Astragalo-Morinetum, it should beconsidered, to reduce the degradation of the area to a minimum.Small populations of rare endemic species Salvia jurisicii Košanin develops at thesite Ezhovo Pole (41°47'12''N; 22°09'58''E; 337 m).Measure: In order to preserve this population with very low biological vitality, theconstruction of this part of the route will be done with high attention. It is124

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Borderrecommended to have compulsory presence of a botanist in the field of constructionactivities at this point.Section: RP 2 - RP 3(iv) Present in relatively small areas with hilly pastures that develop the communityAstragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 (41°47'20''N / 22°09'59''E / 373 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.Секција: RP 3 - RP 4(v) Present in relatively small areas with hilly pastures that develop the communityAstragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 (41°48'50''N / 22°08'53''E / 425 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.Section: RP 4 - RP 5(vi) Present in areas with hilly pastures that develop the community Astragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 (41°50'17''N / 22°08'17''E / 425 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.(vii) Between the villages Vrsakovo and Sudich, there is a beautiful population of theendemic species Salvia jurisicii Košanin (41°50'19''N / 22°08'17''E / 415 m).Measure: This point should be avoided in construction activities - for setting towers,construction of access roads, movement of machinery and workers, and for thepreservation of this population which is with low biological vitality. It is recommendedto have compulsory presence of a botanist in the field of construction activities inthis point. If construction activities must inevitably be conducted on this location,measures should be taken for dislocation of the population of Salvia jurisicii to aclose location with similar environmental conditions.Section: RP 5 - RP 6(viii) Present in areas with hilly pastures that develop the community Astragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 (41°51'35''N / 22°05'44''E / 440 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.(ix) In this section a small population of endemic species Onobrychis megalophyllaBoiss develops between the villages Mustafino and Stanulovci (41°51'39''N /22°05'38''E / 401 m).Measure: The population of this endemic species listed in the site is small andalmost insignificant in relation to the whole range of species in Macedonia. Theconstruction activities will be conducted carefully. Possible degradation of its habitatwill not significantly affect the overall situation of this kind.Section: RP 6 – RP 7(x) In this section, small areas of halophytic vegetation is present, and dominant isCamphorosma monspeliaca (41°54'01''N / 22°04'20''E / 472 m).125

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderMeasure: The towers will not be located at the above sites, nor will be theconstruction of access roads.Section: РТ 8 – РТ 9(xi) In this section, there are small areas with halophytic vegetation, where thedominated type is Camphorosma monspeliaca (41°55'31''N / 22°01'01''E / 566 m).Measure: The towers will not be located at the above sites, nor will be theconstruction of access roads.(xii)(xiii)There are areas with hilly pastures that develop the community Astragalo-MorinetumMicevski 1971 (41°55'31''N / 22°01'01''E / 566 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.The endemic plant species Verbascum lesnovoensis Micev. is present, and haslimited distribution in eastern and northeastern parts of Macedonia. It ischaracterized by very vital biological populations. Registered in the locality Cuculicaatheight of the v. Nemanjica (41°55'33''N / 22°00'57''E / 547 m).Measure: The population of this endemic species in the site is compact, and is partof the continuous range of species in Macedonia. Careful construction activities arerecommended, and measures for dislocation of endangered individuals in a closelocation with similar environmental conditions.Section: RP 9 – RP 10(xiv) This section has areas with hilly pastures that develop the community Astragalo-Morinetum Micevski 1971 (41°59'18''N / 21°56'50''E / 465 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (ii) applies.(xv) The endemic plant species Verbascum lesnovoensis Micev is present. It’scharacterized with very vital biological populations. (41°56'53''N / 21°59'00''E / 652m; 41°56'27''N / 21°59'20''E / 678 m; 41°58'07'' N / 21°58'17''E / 702 m).Measure: the same measure referred to in item (xiii) applies.Section: RP 13 – RP 14(xvi) This section has areas of carbonate based hilly pastures, along r. Pcinja, which hasthe community from the alliance Saturejo-Thymion Micevski 1971 (42°06'46''N /21°49'54''E / 279 m).(xvii) Measure: No need for concrete measures, because the construction activities at thesite would not reflect negatively on the survival of this community, because it iswidespread in the zone of hilly pastures on the territory of Macedonia.Fauna• Generally, the danger of collision of birds with the transmission cables and theirelectrocution can be reduced by design measures:- Design and installation of conductors and isolators under (i) the recommendationof the Bern Convention no.110/2004, (ii) Resolution of 7.4 (Bonn) Convention onthe protection of migratory species and (iii) recommendations of the workinggroup Birdlife International for birds and transmission lines (2007).126

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border- Designing and inserting diverters at the intersection of the transmission line and r.Pcinja (between the v. Zubovce and RP 13).- Concerning the nests of significant species, it is necessary to design andincorporate diverters and flashing buffers for birds near the v. Orel and the v.Dolno Gjugjance, at a distance that is part of the protection zone within a radiusof 2,5 km from the golden eagle’s nest with coordinates: N: 41-56-50 / E: 21-59-50, or the imperial eagle’s nest at the coordinates N :41-57-08 / E :21-57-39, fromRP9 to RP10.• The eventual penetration of new access roads should be carried out far fromwoodlands (minimum distance of 200 meters), because they are favorable place fornourishment of birds and bats. That way, it will eliminate the potential danger ofdirecting birds and bats to the towers, and the possibility of collision.• In this context, the possibility of installing towers directly in forests and woodlands isexcluded.• Avoiding to leave open pits for a longer period during the construction phase, due tothe possibility of immigration of reptiles, mammals or insects.Operational phasePlant communities, habitats and floraIn the operational phase, the transmission line is not expected to have significant adverseimpacts on plant species, plant communities and habitats, and therefore specific measuresand recommendations for eliminating the potential impacts are not necessary.FaunaThe transmission lines have the greatest potential adverse impact on bats and birds.The probable negative impacts on these species in the operational phase will be significantlyreduced through the implementation of the previously established design and constructionmeasures.The following recommendations are made in respect to these groups:• In the case of determining the real negative impacts on raptors (golden eagle andthe imperial eagle) during the monitoring activities, during the operational phase ofthe project, provided by this <strong>EIA</strong> study, the possible action would be to lay downthe aforementioned sections of the OHL underground.• Avoid lighting the transmission line (except what is required by legal and technicalregulations), because that way, their likely negative effect tends to increase,especially in terms of attracting migratory birds and bats.• During the operational phase of the transmission line, the most important measureto reduce the potential negative effect on the active groups of animals (birds andbats) would be the plan for monitoring the adverse impact. It is the basis formonitoring the current situation with the effects of transmission line on thementioned species, and allows identification of possible additional measures toreduce them, in the context of the particular case. The interconnectivetransmission line from Stip to the Macedonian-Serbian border is 70 km long and,therefore, it should be bared in mind that, in different areas along its route, thereare different environmental conditions or potentials for greater or lesser adverseimpact.127

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderCommissioning phaseConsidering that this project phase includes demolition / dismantling of various elements ofthe transmission line, and their removal out of the corridor route, it will set an identical regimeof measures as in the construction phase.Additionally, it will be necessary to eliminate the probable danger of destroying the nests ofbirdslocated on the towers.128

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.3 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Geology and SoilsDesign and construction phaseTo establish conditions for avoidance of potential impacts of the transmission line on thegeological structures and soil, hydrogeological facilities, and engineering-geologicalprocesses, in the stage of detailed planning and design, it is necessary to implement thefollowing measures:• Choosing the appropriate variant solution while dimensioning the route of thetransmission line, and the access roads on the sections where the underground linefacilities (pipe transmission line and canals) are. Those are the registered:‣ Underground channel (pipeline) for irrigation, between RP3 and RP4‣ Underground channel (pipeline), immediately after RP4‣ Discharge pipeline with a reservoir, from "Pavlev Dol" to the vineyards in the locality"Kampur" between RP10 and RP11‣ Underground gravitational pipeline for watersupply, from the v. Nikuljane to the v.Jarebichari, between RP 4 and RP15.• Choosing the appropriate variant solution, when dimensioning the route of thetransmission line and the access roads on the sections and sites, where there isregistered possibility for potential direct or indirect pollution (through waterappearances and objects) of aqueous rock masses (hydrogeological collectors). Thefollowing sites are registered:‣ Site "Pavlev Dol" (before RP11), where periodically, for irrigation purposes, ~ 10 l / sis exploited through an exploitation well from the karst-hole in the Upper Eoceneslaty limestone ( 3 E 3 ).‣ Site v. Nikuljane (between RP14 and RP15), where~ 10 l / s is exploited through anexploitation well from the karst-hole in the Paleozoic marble (M), for the watersupply of more villages (neighborhood) s in Staro Negorichane.• Geodetic recording and repairs of potentially sensitive engineering-geologicalappearances and processes and dredging. Those are the registered appearances andprocesses that have potential for causing geological hazards in terms of security andstability of transmission structures:‣ fossil excavation pit at about 200 meters south of RP8‣ Intensive dredging and fossil excavation pits under RP9‣ Intensive dredging of the western slope of the hill "Crvena Suma", between RP9 andRP10‣ Excavation pit at about 300 meters southeast of RP12 or about 170-180 metersperpendicular to the span of the route.To eliminate and reduce potential impacts of the transmission line on the geology and soils,hydrogeological and engineering facilities, and geological processes in the stage ofconstruction, it is necessary to implement management measures, including:• Adoption of good construction practices and management of construction sites.129

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border• If necessary, install and maintain control measures for erosion and sedimentation alongthe drainage lines, to prevent transport of sediment from construction sites, along thelength of transmission line route.• Restrict the removal of vegetation and its progressive elimination, according the degreeof progress of construction works, in order to reduce the surface area of exposed soiland duration of exposure.• Progressive rehabilitation and stabilization of disturbed earth surfaces, in order toreduce erosion.• Covering or planting of vegetation on graveled material, in case the material is neededfor a longer period.• Removal of trench rampart material, immediately when possible.• Provision of equipment / vessels for the evacuation of leakages.• Securing the equipment / vessels for leakage evacuations.After the completion of construction works and installation of towers, the fertile soils in theconstruction sites will be promptly removed and stored for re-vegetation and transplantation.Operational phaseBasic prerequisite for eliminating the potential impacts of this project phase is the selection ofappropriate and technically correct construction machinery and vehicles.During the maintenance and service activities, the staff will be responsible to comply with therequirements regarding the prevention of possible situations of fuel or oil leakage fromvehicles.130

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.4 Mitigation Mesures for Reducing the Impact on the Air QualityConstruction phaseThe measures for reduction of potential impacts of emissions of dust in the air, during theconstruction phase, include procedures for good construction practice:• Minimizing the open excavation areas• Minimizing the stockpiling by proper coordination of earth works and excavationactivities (excavation, extension, grading, compacting, etc.)• Reducing the fugitive dust emission by applying water sprinkling measures• Temporary termination / restriction of construction work if intensive fugitive dustemission occurs, while elimination measures are put in place• Reducing the traffic intensity on selected roads and introducing speed limitmeasures• As much as possible, remain existing vegetation around and on the construction site• Implementing phased measures for remediation of the construction site, in parallelwith progress of construction activitiesOperational phaseAt this stage of lifecycle of the project, emission of pollutants above the limit values is notexpected and, consequently, no protection measures are provided.131

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.5 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Quality of Surface WatersConstruction phaseEventual construction zones will be established at the appropriate distance from near surfacewaters.The general measures for reduction of the potential impacts of discharges in the surfacewaters, in the construction phase include procedures of good construction practice:• If necessary, implementation of control measures for erosion and sedimentationthrough the establishment of temporary drainage, for diverting of potentiallydangerous surface water, originating from construction sites.• Minimizing the stockpiling out of the construction site and avoiding areas close towatercourses• Locating stockpiles outside the drainage lines, surface water and road surfaces.• Removing the stockpiles asap• Provision of equipment for evacuation of leakages.• Setting up mobile toilets at a distance greater than 100 meters from the drainagelines.• Contracting authorized service company for management and disposal of wastewater from the mobile toilets.Operational phaseBearing in mind the sources of potential pollution, the measures for reduction of the potentialimpacts of emissions in surface waters in the operational phase include, above all, activitiesfor the maintenance of access roads.During the maintenance and control activities, the personnel will be responsible to complywith the requirements for municipal order, in respect of dumping of waste near surfacewaters, and in relation to situations of leakage of fuel or oil from vehicles.132

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.6 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact from NoiseConstruction phaseRelevant regulations concerning the management of construction activities will be fullyrespected. Construction, transport activities, including materials and equipment near thesettlement, which imply increased emission of harmful noise, will be conducted during theholidays, especially during the night and through the weekend.All construction procedures will be properly planned to reduce the time of utilization ofequipment that creates most intense harmful noise. Working hours and rules will beestablished based on the needs to reduce the noise causing nuisance and disturbance,especially by avoiding the cumulative effect of increased noise due to simultaneousoperation of different kinds of construction machinery and equipment.Operational phaseAt this stage of the lifecycle of the project, noise emissions above the noise limit values arenot expected.As a preventive measure for elimination of the potential impact of noise due to the coronaeffect, there will be regular controls of the transmission line conductors and vibration buffers.MEPSO will overtake activites for monitoring of noise if there is an evidence of noiseresulting from corona effect.133

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.7 Mitigation Measures for Sustainable Waste ManagementAlthough the quantity of waste is not consideredsignificant, it is necessary to implementspecific actions for sustainable treatment and waste management.During the life cycle of the <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line, an optimal approach towaste management will be established and implemented. This approach will have inconsideration the requirements and obligations set out in the Macedonian legislation in thefield of waste management.Depending on the actual possibilities and potentials of the current system of wastemanagement in the wider area of the site, an attempt will be made for implement thecontemporary hierarchy of EU waste management. Moreover, particular attention will begiven to the opportunity to utilize recyclable fractions.Construction phaseBased on identified expected types of waste, the management of different fractions of wasteat this stage is given in the following table.Type / wastefractionWaste frompackagingMunicipal wasteConstructionwaste /Other wastefromconstructionand relatedworksSelection /Recycling / re-useSelection of thosefractions which are ofmarket interestSelection of thosefractions which are ofmarket interestReuse for construction /Selection of thosefractions are of marketinterestTreatmentOtherfractionsMixedwasteMixedwasteMixedwasteTransport / processing/ removalLicensed serviceprovider(s)Licensed serviceprovider(s)Licensed serviceprovider(s) – landfillfor disposal ofconstruction waste(inert fraction)NoteFractions ofhazardouswaste will beseparatedManagement of hazardous fractions of wasteThe hazardous waste will be selected, in order to separate it from the non-hazardous andinert waste. It will be stored in special containers, and licensed service providers under theLaw on Waste Management and the relevant secondary legislation, will be engaged for itsremoval from the area of the site and construction area.Operational phaseWaste items and materials that will be created during the maintenance of the transmissionline, or replacement of spare parts or equipment, will be transported outside the corridor ofthe route of the transmission line. The recyclable fractions will be introduced in the chain ofrecycling, through sales to licensed recyclers.Management of hazardous fractions of wasteThe hazardous fractions of waste that will be created during the operational phase (electromaterials,oils, chemicals, etc.), will be transferred to interested licensed companies.134

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.8 Mitigation Measures for Reducing the Impact on the Cultural HeritageIf artifacts are found during excavations, or there are indications that on certain sites alongthe route of the transmission line there is an archaeological good, the construction work willbe terminated, and the competent public institution for protection of cultural heritage will bepromptly notified. The specific sites will be secured and temporarily protected to avoid anynegative implications for their security and status.The work contractor shall be obliged to comply with Macedonian legal requirements in a caseof accidental archeological discovery as described in the chapter 4.11 of this study.135

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border5.9 Overview of the Mitigation MeasuresTable - Compilation of mitigation measures at different stages of the life cycle of the projectEnvironmentalindicatorElectromagneticfieldsBiological diversityMitigation measure• Appropriate selection of the towers locations /spreading of the route in relation to settlements• Compliance with technical specifications for minimumheight of the conductorsMonitoring and measuring the levels of EMF - control ofeventual exceeding of the limit values of exposureAvoiding sites on which significant habitats and endemicspecies of flora have been registered.Design measures to reduce the danger of collision withbirds and electrocution, and performance of the same:• Conductors and insulators• Diverters and flashing diverters for birdsGood construction practice:• Use of existing access roads• Prohibition and prevention ofactivities that would annoythe autochthonous flora and fauna• Prohibition of starting a fire• Fencing construction zones• Avoid leaving open pits fo r a longer period, because ofthe possibility reptiles, mammals or insects immigrationCarefully conduct the construction work on sites wherethere is development of both communities - Astragalo-Morinetum and Chrysopogon gryllus comm. Compulsorypresence of the botanist in the field of the constructionactivities is recommended.• Control of the efficiency of measures / devices forreduction of the hazards to birds• Continuous monitoring (at least the first 3-5 years) ofthe impact on the fauna of√√Implementationconstructionsite preparationphase√ √√ √√ √operationalphase√√136

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderEnvironmentalindicatorGeology and soilNoiseMitigation measureSelection of an appropriate solution for the route of therequired transmission line and the required access roads,where there are underground line facilitiesSelection of an appropriate solution for the route of thetransmission line and the access roads in the sections oflocalities where there is a possibility of potential direct orindirect pollution of the watersuplly rock masses (hydrogeological collectors). Those are the following registeredsites:• site "Pavlev Dol” (before RP11)• site v. Nikuljane (between RP14 and RP15)Geodetic recording and remediation of potentiallysensitive engineering-geological appearances andprocesses of dredging and excavation of the registeredappearances and processes, that have potential forcausing geological hazards in terms of security andstability of the transmission structures:• fossil excavation pit approximately 200 m south of theRP8• Intensive dredging and fossil excavation pits (RP9)• Intensive dredging of the western slope of "CrvenaSuma" between RP9 and RP10• Excavation pit about 300 meters southeast of the RP12or about 170-180 meters perpendicular to the span ofthe route• Selection of proper machinery and vehicles• Adoption of good construction practices andmanagement of construction sites• Adoption of good construction practice.• Implement appropriate operational activities andmeasures for compliance of the noise levels with theemission limit values.Regular control of the transmission line conductors andvibration absorbers, to eliminate the potential impact ofnoise due to corona√√√Implementationconstructionsite preparationphase√ √√ √operationalphase√137

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderEnvironmentalindicatorAir qualityWaste managementMitigation measuredesignImplementationconstructionsite preparationphaseMinimizing the open excavation areas √ √Minimizing the stockpiling by proper coordination of earthworks and excavation activities (excavation, extension,√ √grading, compacting, etc.)Reducing the fugitive dust emission by applying watersprinkling measures√ √Temporary termination / restriction of construction work ifintensive fugitive dust emission occurs, while elimination√ √measures are put in placeReducing the traffic intensity on selected roads andintroducing speed limit measures√ √As much as possible, remain existing vegetation aroundand on the construction site√ √Implementing phased measures for remediation of theconstruction site, in parallel with progress of construction√ √activitiesPackaging waste, municipal waste and constructionwaste:• Selection of those factions which are of market interest /recycling√ √• Collection of mixed waste• Transportation, processing and disposal - licensedservice providersSelection / recycling of packaging waste, waste fromtransmission line elements and materialsSeparation of the hazardous fractions of waste anddisposal√operationalphase√√138

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderEnvironmentalindicatorWater qualityCultural heritigeMitigation measureIf necessary, implementation of control measures forerosion and sedimentation through the establishment oftemporary drainage, for diverting of potentially dangeroussurface water, originating from construction sites.Minimizing the stockpiling out of the construction site andavoiding areas close to watercoursesLocating stockpiles outside the drainage lines, surfacewater and road surfaces.designImplementationconstructionSite preparationphase√ √√ √√ √Removing the stockpiles asap √ √Provision of equipment for evacuation of leakages. √ √Setting up mobile toilets at a distance greater than 100meters from the drainage lines.√ √Contracting authorized service company for managementand disposal of waste water from the mobile toilets.√ √Adherence to the communal order in respect of thedumping of waste near surface waters, and in relation tosituations of leakage of fuel or oil from vehicles.If artifacts are found during excavations, or there areindications that on certain sites along the route of thetransmission line there is an archaeological good, theconstruction work will be terminated, and the competentpublic institution for protection of cultural heritage will bepromptly notified. The specific sites will be secured and√ √temporarily protected to avoid any negative implicationsfor their security and status.The work contractor shall be obliged to comply withMacedonian legal requirements in a case of accidentalarcheological discovery.operationalphase√139

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border6 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan140

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderA. Mitigation PlanProjectphaseDesignIssue Mitigation measure Cost ofMitigation(If Substantial)Human healthHuman health(electro - magnetic fields)Habitats with:• halophytic vegetation• hilly pastures onlimestone• Endemic species offlora• IUCN Species listGround fauna ofvertebrates andinvertebrates• Fauna of Birds• Birds of Prey:(i) Golden Eagle in thev. Orel(ii) Imperial eagle in thev. D. Gjugjance• Vicinity of wetlands(r.Pchinja)• Appropriate selection of the towerslocations / spreading of the route inrelation to settlements• Compliance with technicalspecifications for minimum height ofthe conductorsBiological diversityIn the process of planning / designing ofthe access roads and tower locations, toavoid sites on which significant habitatshave been registered.In the process of planning / designing ofthe access roads to avoid sites withdetermined coordinates on whichendemic species and globally importantspecies have been registered.Planning / designing of the accessroads through maximum use of existingroads.If this is impossible, then they can beplanned into habitats with poorvegetation.Design measures for reduction of thedanger of collision with birds, accordingthe recommendations of relevantinternational documents and guidelines.• Conductors and isolators• Diverters and flashing diverters forbirds.Responsibility Start date End dateDesigner /InvestorDesigner /InvestorDesigner /InvestorDesigner /InvestorDesigner /Investor throughan expertorganization141

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProjectphaseConstruction / 1Issue Mitigation measure Cost ofMitigation(If Substantial)• Geology, soils• Quality of surfacewaters• Erosion• Air quality• Dust emissionsWaste managementNoiseCultural andarcheological heritageAdoption of good constructionpractice and construction zonesmanagement• Adoption of good constructionpractice and construction zonesmanagement• Dispersion of water atconstruction areas, for reductionof emissions of dust.• Selection / reuse, recycling targetwaste fractions• Removal of other factions by alicensed service provider• Adoption of good constructionpractice.• Taking additional operationalactivities and measures forcompliance of the noise levelswith the emission limit values.If artifacts are found duringexcavations, or there are indicationsthat on certain sites along the routeof the transmission line there is anarchaeological good, theconstruction work will be terminated,and the competent public institutionfor protection of cultural heritage willbe promptly notified.The work contractor shall be obligedto comply with Macedonian legalrequirements in a case of accidentalarcheological discovery.∗)Responsibilities of the contractor will be specified in the tender documentationfor construction worksResponsibility ∗) Start date End datecontractor /investorcontractor /investorcontractor /investorcontractor /investorcontractor /investoraccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan /constructiondinamics142

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProjectphaseConstruction / 2Issue Mitigation measure Cost ofMitigation(If Substantial)Biological diversity• Use of existing access roads.• Prohibition and prevention of activitiesthat would annoy the autochthonousflora and fauna, particulary (i) thecollection of medicinal plants,General measuresmushrooms and fruits, (ii) collectingsnails, (iii) disturbance and hunting ofgame, birds, etc., (iv) collection of eggsfrom birds and other.• Prohibition of starting a fire.• Fencing construction zones with heavymachinery.Careful execution of the construction workat localities where on contact, the twocommunities - Astragalo-Morinetum andChrysopogon gryllus comm. mosaicly• Habitats withdevelop. For construction purpose, thehalophytic vegetation surfaces on which community• Habitats with hilly Chrysopogon gryllus has been developedpastures on limestone can be used. This habitat is notendangered and is widely spread inMacedonia. Compulsory presence of abotanist in the field of constructionactivities is recommended.Endemic species:• Salvia jurisicii, (IUCN)• Onobrychismegalophylla• VerbascumlesnovoensisAvoidance of construction works, for thepreservation of populations of theseendemic species. If construction work isinevitable, measures for dislocation ofpopulations of similar items with similar,ecological conditions have to be taken.Compulsory presence of a botanist in thefield of construction activities isrecommended.specified in∗)Responsibilities of the contractor will be the tender documentation for construction worksResponsibility ∗) Start date End datecontractor /investorcontractor /investorcontractor /investoraccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurement plan/ constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurementplan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurementplan /constructiondinamicsaccording to theprocurementplan /constructiondinamics143

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProjectphaseConstruction / 3OperationIssue Mitigation measure Cost ofMitigation(If Substantial)Fauna of vertebrates andinvertebrates, withemphasis on species ofnational and Europeanimportance• Quality of surfacewaters and soil• ErosionNoiseElectro-magnetic fileds• Fauna of Birds• Birds of Prey:(iii) Golden Eagle in thev. Orel(iv) Imperial eagle in thev. D. Gjugjance• Vicinity of wetlands(r.Pchinja)ties of the co• Execution of measures designed toreduce hazards to birds• Construction of pits forfoundaments according precisedynamics.• To avoid leaving open pits for alonger period, because of thepossibility for immigration ofreptiles, mammals or insects.• Maintenance of access roads• Prevention of leakage of fuels, oils,chemicals.Regular control of transmission lineconductors and vibration absorbers, toeliminate the potential impact of noisedue to corona effect.Monitoring and measuring the levelsof EMF - control the eventualexceeding of the limit values forexposure.Macedonia has no regulationregarding EMF. The recommendationsof ICNPR and EU will be followed.• Control of the efficiency of themeasures / devices for reduction ofthe hazards to birds• Continuous monitoring (at least thefirst 3-5 years) of the impact on thefauna of birds.∗)Responsibili ntractor will be specified in the tender documentation for construction worksResponsibility ∗) Start date End datecontractor /investorinvestorinvestorinvestor /licenced companyfor EMFmeasurementinvestorinvestor from anexpertorganizationaccording to theprocurementplan /constructiondinamicscontinuouslycontinuouslycontinuouslycontinuouslyaccording to theprocurementplan /constructiondinamics144

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderB. Monitoring PlanProjectphaseDesignWhat parameter is to bemonitored?Whereis the parameterto be monitored?Human health:• Design measures to along the routereduce the risk of (near theelectro-magnetic fields settlements)(EMF)Biodiversity:• Utilization of existingaccess roads /planning of new roads• Micro locating of thetowers• Design measures toreduce the danger ofcollision with birdsalong the route(determinedsites)Howis theparameter to bemonitored/ typeof monitoringequipment?Control of theprojectdocumentationControl of theprojectdocumentationWhenis the parameterto be monitoredfrequencyofmeasurement orcontinuous?stage of detaileddesignstage of detaileddesignMonitoringCostWhat is the costof equipment orcontractorcharges toperformmonitoring?Responsibility Start date End dateDesigner /InvestorDesigner /Investorcontinuously in the phase ofdetailed designcontinuously in the phase ofdetailed design145

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProjectphaseonstructionCWhat parameter is to bemonitored?• Geology, soils• Quality of surfacewaters• Erosion• Air quality• Dust emissionsWhereis the parameterto be monitored?along the routealong the routeHowis theparameter to bemonitored/ typeof monitoringequipment?VisualVisualWaste management along the route VisualNoiseCultural andarcheological heritageBiodiversity:• fragmentation ofhabitats• construction of accessroads / tower in thearea of vulnerablehabitats• conservation ofpopulations ofendemic species• installation ofmeasures (equipment)for reduction of theimpacts on birdsalong the routealong the routealong the route(at certain criticallocalities)Instrument formeasuringnoiseVisualVisual /Expert advicesWhenis the parameterto be monitoredfrequencyofmeasurement orcontinuous?constructionphaseconstructionphase (dry andwindy periods)constructionphaseduring intensiveconstructionactivitiesconstructionphaseseasonal(vegetationperiods of plants,etc.) /in relevantconstructionstagesMonitoringCostWhat is the costof equipment orcontractorcharges toperformmonitoring?Responsibility Start date End dateInvestor(technicalsupervision)Investor /(Administration forcultural heritage)Investor /(Administration forEnvironment –MEPP)cording plan/ construction dynamicsAcrding plan / construction dynamicsAcco146

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderProjectphaseOperationWhat parameter is to bemonitored?• Surface water qualityand soils• ErosionNoiseElectro-magnetic fields(EMF)Whereis the parameterto be monitored?along the routeBiodiversity:• Monitoring the effectof measures(equipment) for along the routereduction of the (determinedimpacts on birds critical localities)(number of collisions /electrocution with fataloutcome for birds)Howis theparameter to bemonitored/ typeof monitoringequipment?VisualWhenis the parameterto be monitoredfrequencyofmeasurement orcontinuous?periodicly(once a year)along the route atlocations where Instrument for upon compliantaudio-noise from measuring by concernedcorona effect has noisepartybeen reportedafter putting it intoalong the routefunction /Equipment forif necessary, ifmeasuring EMFthe standards forEMF are not metVisual seasonalMonitoringCostWhat is the costof equipment orcontractorcharges toperformmonitoring?Responsibility Start date End dateInvestor(MaintainanceUnit)Investor(companylicenced for EMFmeasurement)continuoslyInvestor(Administration for continuoslyEnvironment –MEPP)continuoslycontinuosly147

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border7 Project Justification and Conlcusion7.1 IntroductionThis chapter includes an assessment of how the project for establishment of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>interconnective transmission line between Macedonia and Serbia, contributes to the efforts ofRepublic of Macedonia to achieve the objectives of sustainable development. It also includesa review of the project data and information that support and justify the projectimplementation.Primary benefits of the project can be summarized as follows:• Improvement of the conditions for transfer of eletricity between Macedonia and Serbia.• Improvement of the quality, reliability and flexibility of the power supply systems in theregion.• Increasing the overall capacity of electric energy corridor north - south.• Improving power line voltage profiles of electrical systems.• Reduction of the energy overloads of the existing power supply grid.7.2 Sustainable DevelopmentThe basic principles of the sustainable development concept include:• "Precautionary Principle" according to which, if there is reasonable suspicion that aparticular activity may cause harmful effects on the environment, necessary measuresfor protection are taken, before scientific evidence shows that such adverseconsequences could occur.• Inter-generational equity, whereby the present generation should ensure themaintenance and promotion of healthy, diverse, and productive environment for futuregenerations.• Conservation of biodiversity and ecological integrity.The reasons that juastify the project regarding the principles of sustainable development aredescribed below.Precautionary PrincipleMEPSO adopted the precautionary principle, through the process of designing thetransmission line and proposed measures for mitigation of potential environmental impacts.MEPSO will conduct monitoring of environmental impacts. In the event of an outbreak andrecording deviations in terms of expected conditions they will investigate them, andimplement appropriate measures for prevention of adverse effects on the environment.The proposed transmission line will use proven modern technology, with known impacts andeffects on the environment, which in turn, allow known and effective measures andprocedures for management and control.Inter-generation equityThe proposed transmission line will contribute to meeting the current and future demand forenergy in the region.The successful implementation of the project for establishment of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective148

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Bordertransmission line, according to the guidelines given in this study, will provide safer and morestable electricity supply for future generations, without environmental degradation. It willcontribute to improving the situation and conditions for further economic development andincreased social benefits.Conservation of biodiversity and ecological integrityDuring the implementation of various project phases, certain measures for reduction ofimpacts on biodiversity will be implemented.Accordingly, the proposed project will not cause significant impacts on biodiversity andecological integrity of the area along the route of the transmission line.7.3 Environmental Impact AssessmentAccording to the requirements stipulated in the Law on Environment and the relevantsecondary legislation, the planning process of the project for construction of interconnectivetransmission line includes analysis environmental protection aspects. The main results of theevaluation of environmental impacts are provided in continuation.According to the results of the analysis, where necessary, measures will be taken to reduceimpacts and to contribute toward sustainable environmental management.Electro - magnetic fieldsEMF are result of the generation, transmission, distribution, and use of electricity. They arepresent in the vicinity of the operating electrical equipment. The intensity of the electric fieldis measured in the unit "volt per meter" (V / m), and varies in function of the differences of thepotentials between the conductors, land and nearby objects. The magnetic fields aredescribed using the concept of density flux (magnetic induction). These fields are measuredin unit "Tesla" (T). The intensity of the EMF from transmission installations depends on thevoltage level of the line, and progressively decreases with the increase of the distance fromthe conductor.Previous measurements of the values of EMF by various institutions, for relatively lowsecurity level of phase conductor, from 10 meters above the ground, determined an electricfield of 6.7 <strong>kV</strong> / m, and magnetic induction of 42.9 μT. Taking into account the defined limitvalues for exposure to EMF, it can be concluded that this, and higher altitudes of the phaseconductor, the temporary presence of people in the vicinity of <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line, is notlikely to have a harmful effect on their health.Through implementation of appropriate design and operational measures, MEPSO willprovide conditions for elimination of the effects of EMF on human health. These measuresinclude: (i) proper selection of locations for towers / spreading of the route in terms ofsettlements, (ii) respecting the technical specifications for minimum height of conductors, and(iii) monitoring and measuring the levels of EMF - control the eventual exceeding of the limitvalues of exposure, during the operational phase of the transmission line.Flora and faunaWith the implementation of appropriate measures and activities in the phases of design,construction, and operation, the transmission line will not cause serious negative effect onbiotope composition of the area, natural habitats, flora and fauna.149

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderDue to careful planning of the route of the transmission line, the need for clearing vegetation,trees and forest covers is was reduced to a minimum.Geology and soilExpected impacts of the transmission line on the geological structures and soil in the phaseof construction would be in the form of degradation and soil erosion, and violation of certaingeological formations. The risk of erosion of soil is limited, mainly to localities where thetowers will be prepared, assembled, and installed. With the implementation of goodconstruction practice, the likely impacts will be controlled, and are not expected to causeserious adverse effects.Air qualityThe potential impacts from dust emissions on local air quality during the construction phasewill be reduced through the proposed measures.During its operation, the transmission line will have no harmful gas emissions into theambient air.Hydrology and water qualityThe potential impacts on the quality of surface water may occur as a result of erosion andsedimentation, and inadequate waste management. Measures have been proposed, toreduce potential impacts, and their implementation will allow a negligible impact effect onwater quality.During the construction of the transmission line, no impact on groundwater is expected,because the construction works include shallow pits.NoiseEmission of noise during the construction phase is imminent. Having in mind the distance ofmost of the individual locations of the towers from the settlements, and the fact that the issueof construction noise is short term and of discontinued nature, significant and irreversibleimpact on the environment and local population is not expected. Through adoption of goodconstruction practice, the noise levels will be within the emission limit values.During its operational phase, the transmission line will generate harmful noise emmisions inthe immediate surroundings and environment. In this phase, there is possible occurrence ofdisturbing noise due to the corona effect, i.e. electrical discharges around the conductorcables. The corona effect is a common phenomenon associated with all energy transmissionlines. The noise from the corona effect is directly depending on certain physical parametersof the environment, particularly the presence of forest belts, morphology of the terrain, etc.The corona effect in the transmissions lines has been explored in detail in the recentdecades. Consequently, the corona effect is known, and when designing the transmissionlines, measures for its minimization are implemented, particularly for high-voltagetransmission lines with voltage levels above 300 <strong>kV</strong>. Proper choice of conductor dimensionsfor the transmission line will reduce the localized electric blast on the air on the surface of theconductor, and will further reduce the surface gradient on the same level that would causevery small and negligible corona activity.150

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderVisual aspectsAt certain sites, the new <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line causes limited visualchanges to the existing landscape and scenery. Because of (i) the relatively thin design ofthe towers and (ii) the principle of selection of the route corridor, which is parallel with alreadyexisting structures / transmission line, as well as (iii) significant distances from settlements,the visual effect of the transmission line will be insignificant.Noticeable visual change will occur only at points where the transmission line crosses withroads and places of bridging deep valleys and ravines.Cultural heritageIf artifacts are found during excavations, or there are indications that on certain sites alongthe route of the transmission line there is an archaeological good, the construction work willbe terminated. The specific sites will be secured and temporarily protected to avoid anynegative implications for their security and status.Waste managementDuring its life cycle, the transmission line will create different types and fractions of waste,including municipal waste, packaging waste and waste from construction activities.Additionally, creation of minor quantities of certain fractions of hazardous waste is expected.During its life cycle, the transmission line will have an established and implemented optimalapproach for waste management. This approach will be in compliance with the requirementsand obligations set out in the Macedonian legislation in the field of waste management.151

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border7.4 ConclusionThe interconnective <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line between Macedonia and Serbia represents animportant energy initiative and effort to improving the quality, reliability and flexibility ofelectricity supply in the region.Bearing in mind the results of the study for environmental impact assessment, and theprinciples of sustainable development, the construction and operation of the interconnective<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> transmission line is justified because:Environmental issues related to all stages of the life cycle of the transmissionline are fully identified and taken into account.The assessment of the environmental impacts is based on best availableinformation and consideration of cumulative impacts.The identified likely impacts can be eliminated or reduced and, therefore, theproposed transmission line is not a threat for serious or irreversible damage tothe environment.The proposed transmission line will not cause impacts on biodiversity andecological integrity of the area.The environmental impacts associated with the proposed project are identified, andaddressed in this study according to the requirements of the Macedonian regulation for <strong>EIA</strong>,best international practices and guidelines in the <strong>EIA</strong> scoping report, submitted by theMinistry of Environment and Physical Planning.MEPSO will implement the proposed measures for reduction of the environmental impacts,to ensure that the effects are maintained at acceptable levels throughout the life cycle of theinterconnective transmission line.During the preparation of this study, no significant negative impacts on environment andhuman health were determined. The identified impacts are standard, and can be avoided orreduced through the implementation of appropriate measures and controls.152

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian BorderReferences and Used Literature1. (Bern) Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats;Recommendation No. 110 (2004) of the Standing Committee on minimizing adverseeffects of above-ground electricity transmission facilities (power transmission line) onbirds, adopted by the Standing Committee on 3 December 2004; (Bonn) Convention on Migratory Species; Resolution 7.4: Electrocution of MigratoryBirds, adopted by the Conference of the <strong>Part</strong>ies at its Seventh Meeting(Bonn, 18-24 September 2002);http://www.cms.int3. Annual Report from processed data on environmental quality - 2007, the Ministry ofEnvironment and Physical Planning4. Annual Report from processed data on environmental quality - 2008, the Ministry ofEnvironment and Physical Planning5. Guide transmission line for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic, andElectromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz); International Commission on Non-IonizingRadiation Protection, 19986. Extremely Low Frequency Fields; World Health Organization (WHO), 20077. Selection of optimum route for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line SS Stip –Macedonian-Serbian border; MEPSO, October 20088. Indicative map of the Pan-European Ecological Network for Southeastern Europe;European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC), 20069. The climate in Macedonia; Angel Lazarevski, 199310. Land Acquisition / Expropriation Policy Framework for Construction of ElectricalTransmission Facilities (Transmission line and Substations), MEPSO11. Meteorology and climatology; Dr. Mihajlo Zikov, 200012. Census of Agriculture, 2007, State Statistical Office13. Census of population, households and dwellings in Macedonia, 2002; State StatisticalOffice, 200514. Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia 2002 – 202015. Possible effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Human Health; ScientificCommittee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks - SCENIHR, EUCommission, 200716. Preliminary Environment Impact Assessment; Project: <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> <strong>OHTL</strong> SS Skopje 5 –Border – SS Nis 2, Section: SS Skopje 5 – Macedonian Serbian border; ESM, 200417. Spatial Plan of Republic of Macedonia (adopted in 2004)18. Regulating Power Line EMF Exposure: International Precedents; Environmental LawCentre, Canada, 200519. Sectoral Guide for <strong>EIA</strong> – Transmission lines; MEPP, 200620. Strategy and action plan for protection of the biodiversity in Republic of Macedonia;MEPP, 200321. Study on the state of biodiversity in Macedonia; MEPP, 2004153

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> OHL SS Stip – Macedonian-Serbian Border22. Study for selection of an optimized alternative for connection points of the new <strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong>connection to Serbia; MEPSO, November 200723. Tectonics of Macedonia; Dr. Milan Arsovski, 199724. Conditions for spatial planning for preparation of urban design for the construction of<strong>400</strong> <strong>kV</strong> interconnective transmission line SS Stip - Macedonian-Serbian border,Agency for Spatial Planning, December 200825. World Bank Operational Policy 4.01 – Environmental Assessment26. www.worldbank.org154

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