Black Sigatoka threat : 2010 major concern - CEDAF

Black Sigatoka threat : 2010 major concern - CEDAF

Black Sigatoka threat : 2010 major concern - CEDAF


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<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Sigatoka</strong> risk in MartiniqueStatus of Mycosphaerella fijiensis Moreletaccording to the European regulations- Quarantine pest (arrêt(arrêté du 24 mai 2006)- Mandatory control pest (arrêt(arrêté du 31 juillet 2000)=> No national specific regulation <strong>concern</strong>ingBS control / eradication=> Necessity: to propose a local regulation for BS eradicationCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

Trade control at boundaries :2 European entry points (PEC)MartiniqueSPV HeadquartersPort PECAirport PECPEC: European Entry PointCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

CommunicationPublic , travellers, fishers awareness• Communication :– pathways• Posters: harbors, airport, marinas• Flyers for passengersCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

CommunicationPublic,travelers, yachtsmen awareness• Screen messages, banners in harbors, airports• Oral messages in planes and boatsCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

PANDOERPAthologies Nouvelles : Détection, Observations, éRadicationINVASIVE SPECIES DETECTION AND CONTROL<strong>2010</strong> Monitoring : five invasive species<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Sigatoka</strong> deseaseCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>Moko deseaseFruit fliesPalms Lethal yellowingDAF-SPVPANDOeRMartiniqueRed Palm mitePhotos: C. ABADIE - Cirad – SPV Martinqiue - University of Florida

PANDOER<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Sigatoka</strong> monitoringA surveillance network has been established since 2007 in Martinique, for monitoringpossible introductions of the fungus Samples of plantain and cavendish are randomly collected on a regular basis incommercial plantations and private orchards, and indexed by PCR for the presence of M.fijiensis This collaborative network involves the French Plant Protection Services, CIRAD,FREDON, the Plant health Laboratory of the Local Council, and banana growers.Strong cooperation with the MA and growers organizations of St Lucia, St Vincent,Dominica: field visits, meetings, official analysis (French national lab, diagnosis training ,DNA extraction for PCR analysisCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

‣Plant Plant protection network FREDONPANDOERPAthologies Nouvelles : Détection, Observations, eRadicationDetection networks: <strong>2010</strong> improvements‣ survey on 20 plantain plots, visited each two weekssampling of leaves with BS symptoms and PCR analysis‣Growers Growers association network (BANAMART(BANAMART-SICATG)‣ In the framework of yellow sigatoka monitoring, sampling of leaves with BSsymptoms and PCR analysis, 8 plots/week‣Plant Plant Health Service exploration on gardens and spontaneous banana trees‣Road/houses transects: counting sampling of doubtful leaves, analysis,alysis,CFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

FREDON20 plantainpermanent plots,twice a monthCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

SICA TG 2009<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Sigatoka</strong>sampling8 plots/weekCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

TRANSECT EXPLORATION:Banana trees / Backyards counting300 000 to 500 000 banana treesout of plantations12 each kilometerCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique15

Isolated / groups of trees, creole gardens,spontaneous trees: bananas everywhereSpontaneous treeCreole GardenIsolated Group ofbanana treesCFCS 46 th meeting Republica Dominicana July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVAgricultural plot(other than banana plantationPANDOeRMartinique

<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Sigatoka</strong> monitoring- Site observation and- sampling for PCRdiagnosisCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

CommunicationBanana planters awarenessCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

<strong>Black</strong> sigatoka eradication planCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>First detection management1- Official laboratory confirmationNeed for a local regulation‣ Local lab: LDA 972 => National plant health laboratory2- Surveillance and eradication strategy‣ Zoning with GIS‣ Plough-out on focus plots‣ Deleafing - Plant transport limitation-‣ Surveys, sampling, analysis (PCR)‣ Chemical protection‣ Farmers and public awarenessDAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

Eradication planZONINGZoning (GIS) : based on the annual agricultural plots mappingFocus ZoneInfected plotsSecurity Zone1 to 3 km around thefocus zoneBuffer Zone20 km around thesecurity zoneExample: focus in DUCOS, centre of MartiniqueCarte 1 : focus & security zonesCarte 2 : Buffer zone (20 km)CFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

PANDOERFocus& securityzones(38 ha)CFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

PANDOERBuffer zone3300 haCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

Eradication planStrategyControl measures in focus zone Destruction of the stored crop; harvesting stopping Destruction of the infected plot (plough-out),out), For isolated banana trees/private gardens, removal of the plantstoward a destruction centre. Mandatory destruction of banana suckers for a 6 months minimum period Ban on replanting of bananas on a 6 month period on the infested plot Ban on plant material movement Disinfection of farm equipment involved in plot management (?) Demarcation of a Quarantine areaCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

Eradication planStrategyControl measures in the security zoneSymptomatic survey of all plots and all isolated trees (all types s ofbananas)Sampling for PCR analysis of doubtful leavesWeekly deleafing (farmers)Chemical protection (farmers)Ban on plant material movementDestruction (plough-out?) out?) of all abandoned banana fields & gardensAccording to the expert committee advice, destruction of the storedcrop; harvesting stoppingCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

Eradication planStrategyControl measures in the buffer zone Weekly deleafing (farmers) Chemical protection (farmers) Destruction (plough-out?) out?) of all abandoned banana fields Monitoring on PANDOER networks + extra plotsCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

PANDOERPAthologies Nouvelles : Détection, Observations, eRadicationThanks for attentionCFCS 46 th meeting July 13 th <strong>2010</strong>DAF-SPVPANDOeRMartinique

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